Trusting your Intuition

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 5 ต.ค. 2024
  • Trusting your Intuition
    #trustingyourintuition #intuition #angels #spiritguides #guides
    Where to get Angel Aura Quartz -
    @mysticalbazaar in Sedona
    Connie @jewelryofthelight (Connie vends at my events and is where I got my big stage piece from!)
    Follow me on Social Media for more interviews and other fun posts!
    FB: @anitamoorjani
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    Tiktok: @officialanitamoorjani

ความคิดเห็น • 116

  • @lovefaith6285
    @lovefaith6285 ปีที่แล้ว +57

    I had to go out of town to pick up a tablet for work and was just a few minutes away from Dallas and wanted to go visit friends and various places I loved when I lived there. A little voice kept telling me to just go home, and I "argued" with myself about it before deciding to listen to the little voice and just go home. I hadn't been home an hour when my mother, who lives next door, came over saying she thinks my dad was having a stroke and he didn't want to go to the hospital. I went over to check and one of his eyes had fallen to the side and had double vision. My dad kept trying to get me to let him go in the house and lay down, he's stubborn and doesn't like going to the doctor. I made him get into the car and calmly drove him to the hospital while my mom was "losing it" in the back seat. In the ER they were able to give him a crucial blood thinner to prevent my dad from having a massive stroke. His eye is back to normal now and I think about what would have happened if I hadn't listened to that little voice. ✌❤🍫🌈🍊🐘🦋

    • @lexqbeanable
      @lexqbeanable ปีที่แล้ว +4

      I'm so glad your dad is still here❤️❤️❤️

    • @lovefaith6285
      @lovefaith6285 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@lexqbeanable yes me too! Although I didn't want to move back to my hometown and kept wanting to move back to Dallas, that experience plus others I've had that seems "coincidence" has shown me that I am meant to be where I'm at. It's been humbling. ✌💜

  • @andreaq7892
    @andreaq7892 ปีที่แล้ว +33

    Hey Anita, fab video as always! So I had an Intuitive hit. My dad passed away 3 years ago and when I was younger about 15yrs old (I am now 47) he bought me a black Swiss Army penknife from Switzerland when we were on a family holiday. After he passed on, I had been looking for this penknife, just couldn't find it. I was searching everywhere. And I was annoyed with myself because I am usually very good at knowing where I put things. Anyway I had a dream, it was very vivid and very clear. The penknife was inside the first aid kit. I woke up with a feeling of excitement and thought to myself I will laugh out loud if it really is there. I went to the wardrobe and found my green first aid kit, opened it up, and there it was, my black Swiss army penknife. I was super happy to find it!

    • @colleenwynia
      @colleenwynia ปีที่แล้ว

      I love these experiences of moving objects. thanks for sharing your story Andrea - love it! My dad, cousin and sister (& many others) who transitioned love to show their presence through moving objects, disappearing and reappearing objects, electricity happenings, dreams and move. My mom had a missing watch for 2 months and it reappeared in the kitchen sink! I love guiding my clients in connecting to them.

  • @mariarossi6719
    @mariarossi6719 ปีที่แล้ว +50

    This isn’t a big major story or anything but it’s certainly significant to me. As someone who hates being on camera, I once had this intuitive hit to buy a video camera on sale. I was kind of confused by why I bought this to be honest. I didn’t do anything with the camera and it sat there gathering dust for ages. Then, about three months later, an email landed in my inbox from a woman whose mailing list I’d signed up to some years ago appeared with a course offering how to make videos and it was at a very affordable price. That wonderful woman turned out to be a true soul sister to me and she helped me learn how to make videos and free my voice and get more visible (both things I’d struggled massively with up until then). She helped me learn how to value myself and what I had to say which was very healing for me. Looking back, when did I get that hit? Whilst I was out just walking and probably daydreaming. I’d love to read your stories like Anita suggested. And Anita - I’m so with you. People poo pooing this as something hippy dippy I don’t have a lot of time for. Our intuition is far more reliable than ‘logic’ and when I’ve ignored it in the past when I was more in the dark about this, I’ve always paid a price for that. Wonderful video and wonderful you ❤

    • @with_compassion
      @with_compassion ปีที่แล้ว +1

      yes!!! good on you :) thanks for sharing!

    • @LizBramsen
      @LizBramsen ปีที่แล้ว +1

      That's a lovely story!

    • @elainec5333
      @elainec5333 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Thank you for sharing 🙏♥️

    • @theoldaccountthatiusedtous6767
      @theoldaccountthatiusedtous6767 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      "people poo pooing this as something hippy dippy is something that I don't have a lot of time for" that is a great way to put it! All that time that I (and probably you too) used to spend on that, can now be put towards nurturing the good connections in my (and your) life.
      It's great to read all these!

  • @ginadavis7024
    @ginadavis7024 ปีที่แล้ว +14

    Anita, Thank you! I remember when I was 12, I was sleeping on the roof of an apartment building. I had told my parents I was spending the night with a friend. I fell asleep with my little blue handbag next to me. I woke up and it was gone, and I had a memory of recent voices and whispers. I was SO sad that someone came and took my purse! I lied back down, and asked God WHY? As I was falling back asleep I got a vivid image of my purse floating in a pool. I went down the stairwell to the ground floor to check out the pool. That's where I found it.

  • @sanguinesoulful
    @sanguinesoulful ปีที่แล้ว +40

    Ok, so my intuitive hit story. This has been nearly 30 years ago now (so that tells you how impactful it was on me!). My husband and I had stopped at the post office to check our mail. This post office was just off of a main highway with the front doors facing the highway and a side door facing, well, to one side. Our post office box was located at the front of the post office (highway facing). I parked the car in the first available space at the front corner of the building, right near the front doors. We went into the post office, checked our mail as usual and then turned to go. Somewhere in myself I heard or felt or sensed (not sure which) "you need to go out the back door". So, I took hold of my husband's elbow and said, "why don't we go out the back". Keep in mind it was MUCH closer for us to get to our car using the FRONT door. But neither he nor I questioned this spur of the moment decision to exit through the back/side door.
    Before we could even reach the back/side door (it was probably 25 or so steps away?), "CRASH!! BROKEN GLASS!!" - a truck had run right through where we would have been if we had gone out the front. O_O
    I have never forgotten that and now always listen to that little voice inside, even if it defies logic.

  • @joanneburelle3749
    @joanneburelle3749 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Thank you Anita! When I was a teenager, I had a dream. The message was “something is going to happen but you are going to be okay”. My grandmother passed away soon thereafter. I had never experienced anyone close passing away before then.

  • @susiesaalwaechter3947
    @susiesaalwaechter3947 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    I love the part where she says intuition is most clear when you're doing mindless things! Ha! I need to do more mindless things.

  • @susanpettit8751
    @susanpettit8751 ปีที่แล้ว +14

    My favourite intuitive hit : I was walking by a door at work and saw one of my co-workers talking to a student. This particular co-worker had just returned from a maternity leave with her second child. As I walked by the door and glanced at them talking it hit me - SHE IS PREGNANT. Didn’t make sense she just had returned from a leave - but I KNEW it was true with every fibre of my being. The next morning I took her aside and let her know what happened. I assured her that I wasn’t digging for information but I wanted her to know what happened. She looked at me like I was crazy and walked away without saying anything. She came back 15 minutes later and said she was sorry - she was just a bit shocked. She didn’t know if she was pregnant but had just suspected she might be. I assured her she was! Lol. It was confirmed and about 8 months later she had her unplanned 3rd child!!! Lol

  • @virginiahoover8129
    @virginiahoover8129 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    I was on my ride to altitude for the third jump of the day when I felt that I should not jump this time. I voiced this to the person on the bench next to me who said “oh you’ll be fine” and I bypassed my own intuition. Needless to say, it did not go well, but I did not freak out as I was rapidly traveling the distance between 12,000 feet to the ground. It seemed I was being guided in what to do to try and fix the situation, but at that speed, you only have seconds. It took me a year to recover, a year physical therapy and several surgeries. It is a miracle that I survived without any severe lasting damage. It was an important lesson in trusting my own intuition over another person’s opinion.

    • @queen_minnieme8321
      @queen_minnieme8321 ปีที่แล้ว

      I hope you are doing well now. I didn’t trust my intuition in the past and paid extremely heavy price as well. But I am in the healing process and I’m glad you are in good condition

  • @barba7741
    @barba7741 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Something that happens to me sometimes, is that, when I am looking for something, maybe have been looking for it for a while, if I stop, and ask out loud, 'where is that ...(thing).?" All of sudden, I will know where it is. It just comes, like a knowing. Sometimes. asking out loud brings the answer. A small thing, but it has happened to me quite a few times.

  • @christinelynn98
    @christinelynn98 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    Hi Anita, thank you for sharing, my most memorable intuitive hit was knowing my son had injured himself after talking with him over the phone. He had fallen off his bicycle and went over the handlebars. He was short on breath and said there was just a scrape on his belly, yet I had a sense there was more. I insisted that he be examined despite others feeling he was fine and sure enough he had cracked his spleen. He spent the next week in the ICU. I currently receive other hits but that one was the best! ❤️

  • @Peace.Beyond.All.Understanding
    @Peace.Beyond.All.Understanding ปีที่แล้ว +11

    I was kicked out of my last flat, because my roommates felt I was too depressed, spending days in my room without wanting to come out. When they told me I had 2 weeks to find a new house, a felt calm and just knew something better was coming. Sure enough now I live with 2 friends, and can feel how ever I like, and stay in my room without fear

  • @kariarvisais8588
    @kariarvisais8588 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Intuitive hit, was being nudged to this video and nudged again to "WATCH IT NOW"
    I believe we (and animals) are born with intuition/gut instinct.
    Unfortunately, we often learn not to trust our own gut instinct/intuition.

  • @marisaortizavila
    @marisaortizavila ปีที่แล้ว +5

    I had an intuitive moment right before watching this video! My 6 year-old son, whose name is Rumi, is so sweet and loving, always laughing and having fun. Yet he is also always in a rush, which prevents him from writing neatly, or being careful with his personal hygiene. It had been weighing down on me, yet as I was sharing with a close friend about his lack of legible writing, she mentions 'he is always in a rush' and that reminded me of my sister's son, my nephew, who is now a teenager, but when he was 6 he was diagnosed with ADHD and my sister opted for medicating him per doctor's recommendation. I remember back then telling my sister how I disagreed with her medicating my nephew so young and my sister responded 'even his handwriting improves'... and ah ha! I had that awareness with my friend that so many boys may have delays early in life yet for me it is not a reason to medicate a child... neat handwriting is not a reason to medicate a child, even though my sister agrees it was a mistake to do so... I felt huge relief with my friend, I even thanked her for helping me 'thing it through' hehe, my son Rumi is fine. I can work on slowing down at home, no rush in slowing down, no need to make this a medical issue (which our medical establishment is ready to) Rumi is just a boy, being a boy, ready to play and have fun...My intuition is right, it's ok if he's handwriting is imperfect, he can still grow up to be a marvelous gentleman, I won't worry about it anymore. Then I saw your video ha! and now I am searching for Angel Aura in Etsy :) Love you Anita-Ji! You are the BEST!!! So glad you found the scarf!

  • @TianaParker
    @TianaParker ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Thank you Anita for the great video!
    My story: months ago a friend invited me to a Ren fair. I wanted to go because we just reconnected after many years and I wanted to have some fun with her at the event. HOWEVER, I had a nagging feeling that I shouldn’t go. I ignored it because I would’ve felt guilty for cancelling on her. Well as months passed, I bought a plane ticket and several other things in preparation for this trip. A week before the trip, I just didn’t want to go, but had no concrete reason not to. I tried to be optimistic. Then I told my spirit guides, “if I’m not meant to go, then you will intervene and I’ll stay behind.” Lo and Behold! My “friend” picked a fight with me just days before. She unloaded and said some pretty awful things that were just kinda crazy. She probably felt comfortable being mean to me because she thought I would not back out of the trip last minute. But I cancelled it anyway. I realized that my guides were trying to guide me away from a potentially unhealthy relationship. If I had listened to my gut sooner, I would’ve saved lots of money. But the most important thing is peace of mind.

  • @Onecent703
    @Onecent703 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Thank you so much for your great guidance 🙏 I was living in the Phoenix area working in sales and making great money. I was getting nudges that I needed to move but ignored those until one day my co-worker who I worked with for 2 years asked me if I wanted to go to the store room for supplies. As I went to the back room to get the hand cart to go to the store room in another part of the mall, I heard a voice tell me to take my wallet with me. But my brain kicked in and said, no, she will think I don’t trust her. Later when I left work to head for home and stopped for gas my wallet was missing and since I knew I had it at the start of my job, I knew my co-worker had stolen it. I immediately called my credit card companies and recovered all funds that were stolen. I learned to trust that first intuitive thought! It was the catalyst that prompted me to move to beautiful Sedona🙏❤️

  • @Peace.Beyond.All.Understanding
    @Peace.Beyond.All.Understanding ปีที่แล้ว +6

    After a really bad break up, I was in a deep depression, and an image of me driving a campervan came to me, and it lifted me up for a whole day. Summer is coming and I’m saving up for the van 🚐

  • @mariarossi6719
    @mariarossi6719 ปีที่แล้ว +11

    Wow! Remarkable that lady dodged death like that. She was certainly dialled in strongly to her intuition. Thank goodness she’s ok.

  • @greatmindsthinkalike1378
    @greatmindsthinkalike1378 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    Sometimes we try to ignore the intuition, which is saving our lives!
    Thank you Anita! 👍

  • @sallyrucker8990
    @sallyrucker8990 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I had an experience that perfectly describes your message to us. I had gone to bed. I don’t know why, but for some reason I got back up and went to the living room/kitchen area and started talking to my husband. He was standing over the sink. After a moment I noticed there was something wrong. I asked him if he was alright and he shook his head no. I then asked him if he was choking and he motioned to his throat. I managed to dislodge a long piece of steak from his throat. If I hadn’t gotten back up, he would have died, right there, in the kitchen and I wouldn’t have even known it until the next morning.

  • @JodiGirl2269
    @JodiGirl2269 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I have another life saving intuition experience.
    I grew up on a lake and when I was 15 two cute boys were taking me and my girlfriend skiiing.
    Trying to impress them, I said I could ski without a life jacket. I was a good skiier so I stupidly thought it was okay.
    I was holding the rope and ready to go when one of the boys threw me a life jacket and said “just wear this just in case”.
    Turns out, I hit a hard turn, fell and got the wind knocked out big time. I would have drown. Thank god that boy got that intuition and followed it.

  • @melissadsings
    @melissadsings ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Scarves, jewelry, crystals and intuition! All of my favorite things ;-) thank you Anita for sharing this compelling story and your wisdom. 🌌

  • @leebeaven9382
    @leebeaven9382 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    It's so much fun to be in the receiving mode for impulses/intuition. It's like following a thread or a maze to the center where the gift is. My share is a little long so I will condense it a lot and simply say: I was inspired to ask a stranger where she got her hair cut. I ended up going to the salon she goes to. Once at the salon, again, I was inspired (and totally surprised) to ask the person cutting my hair if she knew anyone in the area who teaches acting. That's when the owner of the salon came over and told me he just cut the hair of a long time client who is an excellent acting teacher. He gave me her name and number...and I went on to take classes and enjoy acting on stage for over 10 years. It all started with a haircut I admired.
    Thanks for the stories (and everything) you share Anita.

  • @Bamboos2011
    @Bamboos2011 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I find these stories so fascinating. I made a mental note to write down every time it works out for me when I listen to my intuition.

  • @reshandayates9009
    @reshandayates9009 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    When I was very young, less than 5, my family (mom, dad, and my 2 little brothers) lived in a tiny townhome in a shady neighborhood. My mom was up after everyone else had gone to bed cleaning the house. My dad usually was up too but had already gone to bed early which was unusual. Also, my mom was going to vacuum and a voice told her to go to bed and vacuuming could wait. That night in the very room where my mom would have been vacuuming, a bullet came through the house. It came through exactly where my dad would have been sitting watching t.v.

  • @jenniferevans1154
    @jenniferevans1154 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    You are a GEM Anita. So authentic. Love hearing from you on these videos. Jx

  • @rashaturki2726
    @rashaturki2726 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    I asked few sec. How do i make my intuition stronger and follow it ? Oh my god 🤣😇🙏🥰🥰🥰thank you so much

  • @JodiGirl2269
    @JodiGirl2269 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    When I was 19, I went to Acapulco with three girlfriends.
    We lived in Michigan but flew to Chicago and got picked up by my friends uncle. It was a 4.5 hour drive home from Chicago.
    On our drive, while we were on the expressway all of my friends were asleep, but I wasn’t.
    I specifically remember thinking how weird that was because I was always the sleeper type and not super responsible or much of worrier like they were.
    I can’t remember the details about how quickly that thought came before I decided to look at the driver - AND HE WAS ASLEEP!
    I touched his arm and he woke up. I couldn’t believe I stayed awake, and I couldn’t believe I looked over at him while he was asleep. I wasn’t worried he would fall asleep, I wasn’t worried about the drive.

  • @kathyandollieify
    @kathyandollieify ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I always get my intuitive tips and visions when I am nodding off at night or just waking up. Thanks❤

  • @theoldaccountthatiusedtous6767
    @theoldaccountthatiusedtous6767 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I like the picture above you!
    My example is from maybe an hour ago: I was watching your "intuition or wishful thinking video" and found myself experiencing that uplifting even tingly feeling that you were describing. This is the third time I've encountered your work, and every time it felt uplifting, but this is the first time I've watched and said "This is it." It's like the universe kept putting me in contact with this information until I was in a position to take it in. It's reassuring that in most cases even if I miss something, if I need to hear it it will come back again.

  • @KellieHaseneder-ph6un
    @KellieHaseneder-ph6un 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Intuition moment for me.....I was at my worst mentally and I wanted to end things or at least stop thinking of ending things, I was standing on a bridge and I cried and said I need a sign one way or another, I was okay I thought I'd rather breathe than not breathe at all I went to sleep that night actually content that there was nothing, I can't remember if it was the day after or a couple of days, I was out walking and I saw this leaf and it was bright in the shape of a heart 💚 and it seemed brighter than normal, and I thought love, love is the way, love is the answer, and I felt a uplifting feeling......every now and then I see heart shapes in things, even in my friends wavy hair, and it makes me smile. I wanted to share this. ❤❤

  • @henkverhaeren3759
    @henkverhaeren3759 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    My intuition brought me here. So I guess I can trust it very well.

  • @gracesanity6314
    @gracesanity6314 ปีที่แล้ว +1 our inner God whispering. It's our protection re people, situations to avoid etc. I have ignored it at my pearl. Gut feeling

  • @gailbuggy6648
    @gailbuggy6648 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    You described EXACTLY how my intuitive hits come to me. I feel as if you illuminate knowings that were on the periphery or just below the surface of conscious knowing for me. By making my intuition and knowings more concrete you increase and expedite my spiritual journey. Many thanks. ❤

  • @jennyteuten8548
    @jennyteuten8548 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Grateful for your clear explanations (currently enjoying your book 'Sensitive is the New Strong'). One occasion jumps out when my intuition saved my mother's life. She was in hospital, I'd visited her twice that day as I planned to relax in the evening. At about 6.30pm I got a very strong message to return to the hospital. So back I went. Found her struggling to breathe as for some inexplicable reason her oxygen mask had been removed by a nurse. Incredibly I was told that the decision had been made so she could adjust to no oxygen. From my perspective this was a quick way to kill her. Oxygen was eventually returned. I was so grateful that I'd heard and acted upon my intuition.

  • @bonnieclark8069
    @bonnieclark8069 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    So very grateful you are here to help during such hard times.

  • @agnetastrindinger
    @agnetastrindinger ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Thank you dear Soul for all that you Are and Do. 🙏 Sending you love and light. ❤☀

  • @frenciroovers
    @frenciroovers ปีที่แล้ว +1

    While I was working I had this feeling that I had to go home (40 minutes drive), a very strong feeling force told me to go home over and over. I told my boss; ‘I am so sorry, it does not make any sense, but I have to go home’ I will laugh at myself once I will be home…. Long story short; I took my car, drove home, I just arrived my house, and at that moment criminals were busy stealing my complete household…..

  • @lintb6030
    @lintb6030 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Anita, I'm always very happy when you share a new video. I love your work and I love you. I think (and hope) you can feel how much you mean to me ( and I'm sure al of your followers).❤️🙏

  • @Terry-lh8cn
    @Terry-lh8cn ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I was driving from GA to NC years ago, early in the morning. Somewhere in SC, I "heard" the phrase "slow down!" I did, and just then, a huge buck sprinted across the freeway. I could have easily hit him, had that not happened.

  • @sylvialenz84
    @sylvialenz84 ปีที่แล้ว

    I call my spirit helpers "upstairs". And I always ask for hunches, and I get them. I often hear a voice in my head telling me things. ❤❤

  • @jenniferaustin3198
    @jenniferaustin3198 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    You are such a blessing of Love ❤️

  • @NeurotherapyPune
    @NeurotherapyPune ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Love you anita

  • @helenvlamis9840
    @helenvlamis9840 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Thank you Anita for your easy to understand nuggets. I just came across your channel and shuffled through your videos and listened to all of them. Thank you for all you do 🙏

  • @DianeNivens
    @DianeNivens ปีที่แล้ว +1

    My story's have some negative endings, I'm learning to Listen to that voice. I did not listen & was robbed a couple different times. Once in my car & once in my home. If I had put that ring on, I wouldn't have cared about everything else they got.... Just listen!!! Tough lesson to learn. Thanks for the clue of that uplifting feeling. It helps!

  • @Gixx2000
    @Gixx2000 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    OK, I have a cool one for you - just happened to me yesterday. It's a bit long, but stay with me - it's worth it! 💫 Yesterday, I went to visit my sister for the day. My Mom happened to be there, which was nice, because she lives about 6 hrs away. Dinner was served, buffet style and as I walked into the kitchen, my sister was standing there with my Mom and she had an, I'll say, "perplexed" look on her face. She almost looked confused about something. When I walked over, my Mom grabbed me and pressed her face into my head/hair and made a joke about how I smelled like a hot dog (bonfire). We all laughed, but my sister looked at me like, "who is this?!" . The way my Mom was acting was not in her character. Then my Mom grabbed us both firmly and pulled us into a long, tight hug and said "I love you....I LOVE you" - she still had that goofy grin on her face when she let go and my sister looked at me like, WTF? 🤷🏻‍♀️😅 continued ⬇️

    • @Gixx2000
      @Gixx2000 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      .. Part 3 ....what happened next, floored I was processing the intuitive hit I had just received, a song came BLASTING into my head - "Love me like you used to" by Tanya of my Dad's favourite artists...... 😯 I said ok, Dad, I hear you loud and clear...🙏😇...and bawled my eyes out..... it was one of the most powerful messages I've received...and I get them often. 💫continued ⬇️

    • @Gixx2000
      @Gixx2000 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      ..Part 4.... so, @anitamoorjani, when you mentioned about getting your hits in the shower, I was like, YES!! 🥳 On top of all of that, you went on to mention the angel aura crystal. I have probably a hundred crystals, but the only crystal jewellery that has spoken to me (enough to buy it) is the angel aura necklace I have - I wear it almost every day! (And definitely had it on yesterday). It's a small pillar, about 1.5 inches long with the setting on the tip, so it is mostly exposed. Maybe that necklace is really helping me connect? 💫💞⚡

    • @Gixx2000
      @Gixx2000 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Huh....🤔 my second reply to tell the story is missing..... so, here's Part 2 - so, as I was in the shower that night, after the visit - I was thinking about how Mom was so out of character for those couple of minutes... then it dawned on me.... it's because it wasn't Mom, but somehow my late Dad found a way to connect with us through her! (Passed on 12 years ago) 💫 .... the goofy smile, the silliness, the rough but tender hug, my sister's confusion.... It was everything my Dad was....💞⚡💞

  • @parism5212
    @parism5212 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Thank you Anita ❤ 🙏 Intutions are so real.... By the way, you look great 🌹

  • @sanzaiane
    @sanzaiane ปีที่แล้ว

    Wow, so good energy! Thank you a lot for all, so good to see you!

  • @SI-fb3yr
    @SI-fb3yr ปีที่แล้ว

    Hi Anita , so thoughtful of you to encourage us to write !
    Am writing about my experience of your intuition and then I'll write of mine.
    Several years back I was attending a talk by you at Arundel Castle(West Sussex) in England. I had a specific question in my mind but when I asked you it was worded in a generalized way . The question was ''how do people spend their time on the other side''? In my heart and mind I was focussed on finding out about my brother's wife who had passed away following a terminal illness, she had 2 teenaged children. Your instant reply was that ''young mothers'' on the other side guide their children and lovingly watch over them. I was surprised to hear that you replied directly to what I had in my mind and heart, not just to my question. Prior to the starting of the class you had greeted my ex husband , calling out his name, we were stunned as to how you were aware of his name when he had never been connected with you in the past. These incidents of intuitiveness are very vivid in my mind.
    My intuition is bright in mundane issues !! .A few days back I was driving towards home and heard a voice gently suggesting me to visit a supermarket. I fought a war in my mind about always looking for a reason to do shopping, finally something seized me and I took the turn towards supermarket. After I reached there I asked myself, what do you want now? Again it was suggested that I go the section with vessels. Interestingly there was an expensive pot over the shelf which was now being sold at half the price because it did not have a lid on it !
    I had totally forgotten that I had been searching since many months for this pot and here it was ! These simple incidents build trust in our intuition ,the inner voice and behind them we become aware of the eternal life that pervades the universe. Anita thankyou for coming back 🌏 to be with so many of us ......

  • @turquoisewitch.wild-owl
    @turquoisewitch.wild-owl ปีที่แล้ว +2

    It looks like there are many for sale of the angel aura quartz necklaces available on Etsy. Some have the pedestal you mention, and some don't.

  • @katalinpuscas9722
    @katalinpuscas9722 ปีที่แล้ว

    ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ I love this amazing lady 💕

  • @blakescrossing
    @blakescrossing ปีที่แล้ว

    When I can't find something, I clear my head and say to myself 'show me'. And I follow where I am being directed. Many times, the location I take myself to, is where the item is.

  • @12farouche
    @12farouche ปีที่แล้ว

    I heard somewhere, that when you pray, you are speaking to God, the intuition is God speaking to you.

  • @sonyaparkin7841
    @sonyaparkin7841 ปีที่แล้ว

    Thank you for giving the lady in the truck a hug!! 💛

  • @sadaafatima
    @sadaafatima ปีที่แล้ว

    I failed my first attempt of the civil service exam. I was disappointed but slept through it and when I woke up in the morning, I had this intuitive hit that I have failed just one paper out of 12 and that too with a small margin, I must try again. Only 3 months were left to re-appear and I attempted again. I landed in the top group and everything happened so smoothly as if it was meant to be.

  • @andrewmorgan5092
    @andrewmorgan5092 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Thank you Anita
    I so appreciate your messages 😘🤗❤️

  • @beth9034
    @beth9034 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I feel I can often sense when something isn't going to happen. Like I'll make plans to do something in my life or plans with friends or someone will tell me about their plans and I'll get a sense of "no, that's not what's going to happen" and especially when it's my plans I try to fight it back and create extra reassurance and planning but it usually still doesn't work out, typically something unexpected happens which changes the course. Even during the lockdowns and new policies my husband and I personally didn't want to get vaccinated and it was becoming increasingly a threat of not being able to live if not, he lost his job over it and we couldn't go to many places and I was waiting to hear if I would be loosing my job as well and then it was a worry about finding another job. But I had the sense that things won't progress and will start to ease in the next couple of months and they did and I could even keep my job even though it was unexpected to be the decision and then jobs opened up again and everything else in the country opened up again.

    @TREVAN ปีที่แล้ว

    Not a super major one (though I’m sure I could find one if I think on it) is the other day after being at the dentist and finding out I need to have a root canal… I was a bit bummed and when I left, I had a performance later but some time inbetween and I thought “I wanna get some food…” I ended up thinking of Cheesecake Factory which is one of my favorite places.
    I was a bit bummed but it totally felt like “oh, that sounds really nice!”
    I got there and instantly felt lighter and turned out my waitress remembered me from a previous time I went in and that I did music and was so sweet!
    And then another sweet gentleman I’ve met before saw me and got so excited and asked how my music is doing; saying “I can’t wait to see you on top with your music!”
    It meant so much…. So many amazing sweet unexpected gifts just from following that slight bit of lightness you describe!
    Love you Anita! 💖💖💖

  • @mariasaucedo4890
    @mariasaucedo4890 ปีที่แล้ว

    Very close to my brother's death, I dreamed several family members who had already died. The first night was my grandmother, standing on a bridge, the second night a cousin, who was smiling and very elegant saying that she was going to a party, the following night, my sister-in-law at her home. Then my brother was diagnosed with terminal cancer and he passed away few months later.

  • @t.h.nguyen5193
    @t.h.nguyen5193 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Right on, how do we discern the difference between our intuition and thoughts? I normally show up to my work on Friday. Last week, I usually would have gotten ready to leave the house at that time but I had an urge to take a short walk before getting into a car and driving to work. Well, ten minutes from my home, a freeway was congested due to an accident with a flipped over car that blocked three lanes. I sensed I might have guided to delay my commute so I would have avoided getting into this accident. Here is my question for you, Anita. Is your intuition considered clair voyance or clair cognizant or both?

  • @shubhangipadhye3524
    @shubhangipadhye3524 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Thank you for sharing your knowledge & experience 💐💐💐
    💞💞from India...

  • @k.silberberg5137
    @k.silberberg5137 ปีที่แล้ว

    When I was 12 (back in 1987). I was in a bookstore. I saw a magic book saying:"Leben nach dem Tod" by Dr. Raymond A. Moody... I loved it before even knowing what it was talking about. Ever since then I have been fascinated by NDEs. My intuition already knew way faster.

  • @kariarvisais8588
    @kariarvisais8588 ปีที่แล้ว

    Once, while looking for an apartment-which I really wanted was a house to rent, but believed a house would be too expensive.
    Out I f frustration. I just let go of "trying to find an apartment". I went for a walk to grocery store. I felt an urge to walk down a side street-which wasn't the usually way I would walk to the store, but I knew just follow the urge.
    There was a FOR RENT sign in this cute little cottage house. I just smiled and laughed at the synchronicity.
    What is even more surprising, is that I am in a similar situation today. So, I will be seeing for those nudges again. 😃

  • @leonaheraty3760
    @leonaheraty3760 ปีที่แล้ว

    Thank you such for sharing Anita. 😊

  • @francescodalessandro7853
    @francescodalessandro7853 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    what an interesting topic , I often happen wauuu thanks Anita

  • @mh_bg6869
    @mh_bg6869 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    🌹🌹🌹 Golden Like - Thanks For Sharing 💖💖💖

  • @tukesiabanks8175
    @tukesiabanks8175 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Thank you soooooo much for sharing this 💡

  • @elleh3495
    @elleh3495 ปีที่แล้ว

    many years ago I was mindless eating potato chips from a bag, and i was quickly "told" to look at the chip in my hand before putting it in my mouth. When I looked down, I saw that there was a long piece of metal that had been fried into the chip. I called the company and had to package and send it to them and I received gift coupons for about 20 bags of free chips. I didnt receive an explanation but they were really glad I had taken the time to send it to them.

  • @eva-nr2bs
    @eva-nr2bs ปีที่แล้ว +2

    You look good Anita!

  • @natalieland9755
    @natalieland9755 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I am not sure if it is intuition or something else but so often I will tune into what my husband is thinking. Even the other day I had this weird compulsion to make a certain hang 10 type sign with my fingers and I said to him, why do I feel like I want to make this sign? He said because 5 minutes ago I was just thinking about that signal and if I was doing it correctly. He was totally surprised by my question.

  • @gillianbeale6976
    @gillianbeale6976 ปีที่แล้ว

    Just reading your book and love that I’ve found you ❤

  • @SainteMichele
    @SainteMichele ปีที่แล้ว +1

    that’s called remote viewing. it happens to me too!

  • @sushantdas785
    @sushantdas785 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Great 👍

  • @Petra.L
    @Petra.L ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I love crystals. I myself sometimes use them. Just intuitively buy the ones what attracts me the most. But my question is - do we really need it? My understanding is that we have all inside that nothing outside of us is needed. Thank you so much. ❤

    • @love-light369
      @love-light369 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      You are correct, Petra. We don't really need anything outside of us, but we can enjoy what brings us joy & play the human game. Many humans need "permission slips" & that's okay. 💛💫😘

    • @Petra.L
      @Petra.L ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@love-light369 absolutely ❤️

  • @LindaCasey
    @LindaCasey ปีที่แล้ว +3


  • @sidharthchand8072
    @sidharthchand8072 ปีที่แล้ว

    You never need to know the outcome and let go for the need to control and ignore fear voice

  • @peace-a
    @peace-a ปีที่แล้ว

    I had misplaced my mom's handicap decal. Couldn't find it anywhere. I asked my angels to please help me find it. Instantly, I received a thought that said go open your laptop storage case. There it was in between some papers. 🙏

  • @jayminjhala3141
    @jayminjhala3141 ปีที่แล้ว +1


  • @adriasorensen2249
    @adriasorensen2249 ปีที่แล้ว

    This is so true. How to know or be able to identify your intuition, because it will happen unintentionally all the time without me realizing it until after the fact. Yes, thank you

  • @daybreak219
    @daybreak219 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I have a lot of intuitive experiences....and I used to follow them a lot. But in 2018, I felt like following my intuitions led me to a full term stillborn .......and ever since, I've been terrified to follow intuition and I dont trust myself anymore.
    Any thoughts or advice? I guess I thought that intuition would only lead me to joyful experiences.....but life is life....that can't be accurate?Thank you 💙💙

    • @love-light369
      @love-light369 ปีที่แล้ว

      Following intuition always brings us to our highest good which, at times, leads us to lessons. It's not always "positive" but it is always growth. (((hugs))) 🥰❤️💛💫🌟

  • @EnDoF85
    @EnDoF85 ปีที่แล้ว

    Hello Aneta, im starting to think it's not important obtaining stuffs in a short time(so this is why you talk about intuitions). It's more important being happy and reach things by having fun being happy. Time does not exist so it's not important the time you take to obtain but if you are trying to reach it being happy.

  • @hikermom01
    @hikermom01 ปีที่แล้ว

    two times in a one week span, I was driving and pulled off the road to eat and got back on the road and found that a tornado had gone across the road.

  • @susanobrien8500
    @susanobrien8500 ปีที่แล้ว

    I was making my bed and a picture came to me, it looked like a billboard and it was in black and white and it read CANCER, ... hmmm scary but let it go. Then weeks later my brother in-law was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer and 2 yrs later I was diagnosed with advanced cancer. I'll never forget that sign . It was trying to tell me what was ahead

  • @luxinfinity73
    @luxinfinity73 ปีที่แล้ว

    I am so confused...
    To me intuition is when I feel good about something. For example, if I feel like eating something and it makes me feel good, like an ice cream, I just enjoy it. Truth to be told, I had been vegan for many years before ending up in hospital due to a prolonged water fast. I live in Cambodia, so I was taken to a hospital in Siem Reap City. If life is a dream, I managed to turn it into a nightmare. My water fast lasted 2 months so I was literally starving. In the hospital, I realised that I could no longer move my body properly but somehow I managed to reach the bathroom. They took an ex Ray of my spine and ran a blood test. I was placed in a military style room with other people but the distance between beds was huge and the room pretty dark. I was incredibly hungry but we were never served any food! After a day or two, I received a call from the Italian embassy telling me that the hospital was requesting to pay USD 600 per day. I wasn't receiving any treatment and the hospital didn't seem to have any equipment whatsoever despite its unbelievably expensive fee. It reminded me of a horror game I played on my computer a few months before hospitalization. Eventually, my embassy convinced me to move to the public hospital though every movement caused me nausea. I was transferred to Siem Reap provincial hospital where I was assigned to a bed in a huge space with about 20 other patients. Here the atmosphere was very lively, there were families around each patient bringing them food. I had no money and no family. Some people occasionally brought me food which was never vegan and I ate it voraciously. I was given IV at the hospital and water to avoid dehydration. A doctor wheelchaired me to a lab room for another blood test, just the two of us in the room. I was too weak to hold my head straight so it was hanging on one side, I struggled to understand what he was talking about. He was very angry with me and scolded me like a father would with his daughter though I was 50 and he looked younger than me. When he was done scolding me, he took money out of his wallet and put it in my left hand then call a nurse to take me back to my bed. The money was for buying food which was bought by friends and relatives of other patients who kindly helped me. In the morning, a nurse came to give pills to everyone. Every morning, I was given a huge blue pill and a huge red one. Not only I used to be vegan but I also stopped taking drugs many years ago, my intuition told me to hide them. No doctor or nurse ever told me what was wrong with me nor what the drugs were for. After a few days, one doctor came to me and told me to go home because I was discharged. I could not walk properly, nor lay down flat without getting vertigo and nausea, I was not self sufficient. Coincidentally, a week prior to my discharge I met a kind Khmer couple who brought me lunch every day and spoon fed me. They often invited me to stay at their house but I didn't want to burden them, they already had two kids. Once discharged my intuition told me to phone them and they came to pick me up almost immediately. Their home was a charity organisation who takes care of poor people in the provincial hospital by providing food and housing until they heal. It is been 3 years since my hospitalization, I now live with a Khmer family who is taking care of me. My condition got worse first and now it is starting to get better. I have my own room with bathroom surrounded by plants and animals. I manage to drag myself to the bathroom with the help of a walker. I cannot relate to people anymore, everything makes me tired. I made friends at the charity and one in particular used to visit me every day until I was just too exhausted to handle it. I told her not to come anymore, I love her but I just don't have the energy to relate to anyone at the moment. Alone and with hysterical crisis, I finally understood that nothing is in my control that I had been living in fear and anger though I always acted friendly. I understood that my thought pattern has been very negative and that I traded my feelings for a life trapped in my brain, constantly thinking. I am now starting to reprogram myself by becoming aware of the negative voice in my head always criticising everything and everyone thus blocking me from feeling their energy. Thank you, Anita, May you be forever blessed!

  • @ruzabeztrna5883
    @ruzabeztrna5883 ปีที่แล้ว

    I had a clear feeling that I was seeing my dad for the last time, even though he was not bad then. I felt the same when saying goodbye to my best friend. Unfortunately, that's how it was 😥

  • @arobersonable
    @arobersonable ปีที่แล้ว

    Etsy! I just ordered a pendant!

  • @eglej6343
    @eglej6343 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I knew I had to quit my job but I kept refusing because I kept telling myself it's not that bad and blah blah
    Few months later the place was bankrupt.
    My job had to quit me😂

  • @anetteasbjrnbahnsen.2726
    @anetteasbjrnbahnsen.2726 ปีที่แล้ว +2


  • @angelmuscledoc
    @angelmuscledoc ปีที่แล้ว +1


  • @crusinangel
    @crusinangel ปีที่แล้ว

    I found a Angel aura pendant that come to me in a meditation class. But I can't wear it. I react to it as in I get extreme anxiety to the point I have to take it off. 😕 it isn't claw setting but solid top only. It's a point crystal. Could use as a penjalim

  • @harrygoldberg3900
    @harrygoldberg3900 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Did you let go of the scarf itself? Or did you let go of your resistance of losing the scarf?

    • @michfromteamanita5495
      @michfromteamanita5495 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Hi Harry, Anita decided that the scarf, while loved, was not immediately important, so she let it go. When she let go of the need to find the scarf, she opened the possibility for it to reveal its location. So letting go of the scarf to be in her life that day, she lost the clouds of anxiety burst, so that opportunity for seeing it opened. Best wishes, Mich from Team Anita

  • @timothydickerson8383
    @timothydickerson8383 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @adriasorensen2249
    @adriasorensen2249 ปีที่แล้ว

    I hate to be a downer but what if some of your intuitions are about bad things that will happen, like that don't make you feel happy.
    Like one time, my parents wanted me to visit south carolina to play in a band concert in September one year and I didn't because that is when it's hurricane season.. sure enough, had I gone, I would have been in a hurricane there. Luckily my parents are ok. There are other intuitionsthat are more cheerful like maybe I will think about a person or neighborhood puppy and run into them that day or something.
    Intuition is cool when it happens but many times I probably don't realize it and it would be cool to learn or know for learning when my intuition has been on or when it's been off and I was mistaken about something. I try to assume but yes, there are times where my intuition thought something else would happen and be pleasantly surprised by something else happening that differs from what my intuition was telling me.

  • @lindajones9604
    @lindajones9604 ปีที่แล้ว

    So I got the number 47. I am not finding that episode.

  • @cestlavie1324
    @cestlavie1324 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Amazing message!! Thank you it’s so very helpful and true!!

  • @joanneburelle3749
    @joanneburelle3749 ปีที่แล้ว

    Thank you Anita! When I was a teenager, I had a dream. The message was “something is going to happen but you are going to be okay”. My grandmother passed away soon thereafter. I had never experienced anyone close passing away before then.