I am a teacher of EE Evangelism. We ask the following questions. 1. If something were to happen to you today, do you know for certain that you would be going to heaven, or is that something that you say that you’re still working on? 2. Say that you were to stand before God today and He asked you “why should I let you into my heaven?”, what would you say?
I heard about a guy that said he would always ask someone. If you die today do you know where you are going? And he said it always went pretty good until one day. He was sharpening his knife on a job site when he asked someone that and they took off running because they thought he was going to kill them. 😂😂😂
@@soilderofgod5749I normally just ask if you were to die where would you go and that opens it up a bit more, then IF you were to stand before God… the if takes away the assumptions
I think EE has dropped the phrase “or is that something you’re still working on” because it adds another “rabbit trail” dimension to the question. I haven’t heard anyone saying they are still working on it, the vast majority of people usually have a “works” answer, meaning, they are trusting in their own good works to get them into heaven instead of putting their trust in Jesus’ finished work on the cross and resurrection. Love the EE outline and scriptures! It has been one of the best evangelistic tools out there and still one I use today after learning it in 1993!
My approach.. I randomly ask strangers "going to heaven??" Catches them off guard but they always answer.. and it's shocking how many say "well I hope so" or yes, I'm a good person. I tell them, if you and I were good we wouldn't need Jesus in the first place.. now we're having a conversation😅
That's great! Thanks for sharing. I just got done praying for you that God would use you today to start those conversations that lead to sharing Christ!
I simply ask people right off the bat, "what's your final destination?" Most people's favorite topic is themself and the conversation is off and running. I have found this to be the easiest way to get into it, never know what their response will be but the door is open, I have most people are willing to talk for a while though.
Many people actually start the conversation by taking God's name in vain, now you can simply respond, what about Jesus Christ?? Do you know him?? And there you go❤
I wanted this channel to equip people to start gospel conversations and share the gospel in real life situations. I'm glad you found it helpful and hope you can start many gospel conversations!
This is completely apocryphal. Assisi was a preaching friar, a Franciscan. His vocation was to preach, thus to use words. Not to mention the fact that this apocryphal statement completely contradicts Scripture and the ultimate models of Jesus and the apostles, who, if they were anything, were preachers.
This is gold! Thank you brother for your ministry and your heart for the lost. Starting Gospel conversations can be the hardest part but your instruction breaks it down so well! God bless
First of all good afternoon everyone and secondly this is an interesting message especially for a person like me who's never been a people person meaning I've never liked crowds or one on ones even in school when I was younger I'm in my 50 s now and always have been a loner my name is Sam thanks and I'll keep praying for you all god bless
Hi Sam, If you are praying for us, then we are not alone! Prayer unifies our connection in Christ to each other. Thank you for your service with us in prayer 😅. "So pray to the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into His harvest." Matthew 9:38 (Amplified version) Keep praying brother!
This is fantastic. It really gives you the servants mindset. We are here to serve and love others. You can walk up more confidently, knowing you're not trying to sell them anything. You are giving as God gave. Sowing seeds is all the part you may be afforded, but I was saved by 3 or so people working on me. We sow, another waters, but God gives the increase.
Brother this is the freshest set of questions I’ve heard. I’ve heard Gospel presentations before like the usual: If you were to die…. Do you go to church….. But like you say they’re inquisitive But this is so kind and gentle. I feel ready to preach the Gospel brother God bless you
Thanks for the feedback! You're exactly right about the lack of good, practical training., of really equipping the saints to do the work of the ministry. That's why I started this page!
I want 2 know every tip n trick to win soyls . Paul said he reached the corinthians thru subtilty . If paul can do it we better do it 2. Jesus isnt going to say u brought to many people to Heaven . Think about it . 😊
Hmm, sometimes Our Father GOD has different plans than what we believe is the best for the person in question, that being said, i personally would ask them about what happend. Then your already having a deep conversation. Also i believe it's important to be compassionate and listing so that the person can experience the Holy Spirit moving through us From there depending on the situation of the person you could talk about how we people are evil by nature and that through this besire to do bad things naturally, but how that nature can be overcome through Jesus his sacrifice! Or if it's something not caused by people like sickness, you could talk about how sickness and death is in the world because of our mistakes, starting with Adam and Eve eating the forbidden fruit, but how GOD wants to save us from our own demise by giving his son Jesus to die on the cross for our sins, and that we might be saved by believing in him! I hope this helped a bit!❤️✝️
Should you share the gospel while someone’s working??? Or later on another time? But my parents don’t want me to really share the gospel here in Chicago because many people have different religions and might get offended but should I just share anyway or should I listen to them? Because your supposed to obey your parents but also tell everyone the good news about God.
1) Working?: I share with people who own small shops frequently. You can share between customers when they have nothing to do. This works well in places like gas stations at slow times. Many jobs though are not conducive. You just need to gauge it and use good judgment. 2) I don't know if your parents are believers, but respectfully take them to the Bible. Show them Matt 4:19 or 2 For 5:17,20: our IDENTITY as followers of Christ and new creations is as fishers of men and ambassadors for Christ. You can't be a follower of Jesus without being a fisher of men. I applaud you for your obedience to the Great Commission and I would hope your parents would too. 3) In a place like Chicago, you can share with many unreached people groups and you have tools on this channel for engaging them. Honestly, most Muslims, Hindus, etc. are more than happy to talk about spiritual things, especially after you've shown yourself to be a spiritual person interested in them, their culture, and their faith. There's many people jaded at the church or religion. Just ask them, "why?" Listen to their story. Usually it involves some sort of disappointment or trauma. Empathize. Pray with them. Look for opportunities to share the good news.
Who are you going to obey? Man or God? Spreading the good news of Jesus Christ is good and it is a mandate. We must tell the lost souls about Jesus. All other religions are not going to heaven because they worship their own gods. There is only one GOD and there is only ONE way to heaven. Go into your neighbourhood and spread the gospel of Jesus Christ. Get offended? It is lost souls out there. Wake up and do what Jesus wants you to do not what your parents do not want you to do. Do the right thing, spread the gospel.
Pray and ask God to speak to you what the right thing to do is since you don't want to disobey your parents nor do you want to disobey sharing the gospel... Submit this prayer into His hands and wait for the answer...
The Lord will defend your soul, so fear the one who take both soul and body, but honor your parents by listening to them and loving them. God's greatest commandment is love. People will get offended or not show interest but don't let that stop you.
I've asked this question hundreds of times, and never had that happen. If someone says, "I want to win the lottery," pray that God would provide their "daily bread," and that He'd do it in such a way they knew it was from him.
"Hey have you ever heard the Gospel?" if yes "Do you mind if I share anyway, since there are a lot of false gospels that exist." If no "God is love. We all fall short and sin. Love is just and merciful. Because God is loving He must judge sin, we all stand judged and are due to face His wrath as slaves of sin. Because God is merciful He provided a way out from under the weight of the law and His wrath, and a way for us to be regenerated. If we trust Jesus shed His sinless blood, died and rose from the grave He forgives us of our sins and gives us a new heart that wants to look God as our Father genuinely and delight in Him, freeing us from being slaves to sin. The rest is our mind catching up with that reality and taking hold of His teaching and truth until He returns, or we die. We aren't saved or kept saved by obedience or intentions. We can only be lost through unbelief (trusting in our own righteousness, to be or remain saved) or blasphemy of the Holy Spirit (attributing clear works of God, healing/deliverance, to demons and Satan)."
Great tips (by the way you sound like Eric Stacklebeck) I have thought about praying for people but what if they say nothing changed when you next see them ? Sometimes God doesn't answer straight away. I told someone I would pray for her cat to come home. It didn't. Hadn't this the potential to lessen their faith?
I have a dear friend who's had a very rough time recently and she's not budging at all. The first one i couldn't even get to about prayer, she went "I appreciate that even if i believe it doesn't do much." what do i say to someone who doesn't believe in God at all because of the likes of Jehovah's witness for example? she doesn't like how "judgemental" others can be yet she denies God entirely based off what flawed humans do. That's not really fair. She says she does agknowlege that Jesus existed BUT since she denies God's existence, that diminishes it. She believes others must be good and respect and be kind to others, but thats as far as she goes in terms of that.
Always so strange how people will denigrate religions or beliefs or Christianity off of the behavior of their converts… You have to separate the idea from those proclaiming the idea or who say they believe in the idea, if there was a humanist who claimed to despise humanity, that wouldn’t be a real humanist, but a false claimant of humanism, same as when someone professes to be Christian and yet doesn’t do as God clearly instructs. 1 Peter 2:12 NIV Live such good lives among the pagans that, though they accuse you of doing wrong, they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day he visits us.
This tool is designed to find open people, people in whom God is already working. It's a filter to help discern who may be ready for the gospel. So, don't be dismayed! You used the tool, initiated a conversation, and found out more about your friend. Check out David Wood's channel Acts 17 Apologetics. He's a former atheist and has some excellent videos. My initial thought is: how can you be so angry with Someone if he doesn't exist? (because obviously He does!)
God has taught me don't throw your pearls to swine. Our jobs is to tell them the gospel if they don't want to hear it shake the dust off your feet and move on.
Now here is a good question if the person speaks a different language and says don’t know Your language but takes the track how do you know what to pray for then?
Pray for their understanding of the gospel, for their salvation, and even that the Lord Jesus will encounter them in dreams or visions 🩷🩷 google translate may be helpful as well, but the translations aren’t always the most accurate so be mindful of that. Pray for Gods guidance by the Holy Spirit and stay in Gods word 😊 God bless you friend
I’ve know God has been telling me to share the gospel for 2 years now and I haven’t because I don’t know where to start and tbh I’m just scared… I don’t know why and I want to do it because I want to be obedient to God but I feel like I can’t. Please pray for me.
First pray about it ❤ pray for the Holy Spirit to embolden you and guide you. Stay in Gods word daily, I recommend starting in the book of John. It’s scary friend, I understand. But we have to remember what Jesus did for us. He died on the cross for our sins, if we are laughed at or the world judges us for sharing the good news that can save souls, why should we care? It’s the best news in the world. Jesus is worth us being humiliated, it’s actually an honor 🙏 but I understand it can be hard, that’s why we need the Lord to help us 💕💕I struggle with the fear just like you do. God bless you friend, I pray for us both. Let’s seek Jesus and His kingdom and go share the good news 🫶
I love to give those out in times where I can't have a full conversation!! Just make sure they proclaim the true gospel in an understandable way, of course, preferably with Scripture.
Hello, thank you for your video. I need help. I had a dream I was going to hell, and the Lord has put it on my spirit to evangelize, ans i started a ministry but its not the same as evangelisim and i just reached the part where you began to explain that people base their salvation on their work performance, which is me now. It felt easier when i first started my walk, and somehow i feel like i did something wrong and need help and guidance...i need spiritual milk and am scared.
I would implore you to search "Ray Comfort witnessing" and you will get a straightforward, clear presentation of the Gospel as well as how to do it. This video is not terribly bad, but the method presented definitely soft peddles the gospel and beats around the brush.
Roman’s 10:9 in the Bible says “If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.” Ephesians 2:8-9 “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith-and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God- not by works, so that no one can boast.” Romans 6:23 “For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” Stay in Gods word daily and pray ❤ the Holy Spirit is the one who emboldens us to share Gods word, we can do nothing alone
How David, I was planning on doing this on my father in law whos an Athiest, basically the non believer is going to hit you back with a wide range of 1 or a combination of reasons, some had bad church experiences others have concerns about human suffering and it really comes down to knowing who you're dealing with and becoming educated on apologetics there is many ways you could follow up but the best way is to tell your person your testimony and tell them how Jesus changed YOUR life. God tells us to love him with all our heart and all our mind. Personally I like to add archeological finds that corroborate the Bible aswell. You need to remember that at the end of the day the Athiest person doesn't wanna be told they're wrong, so it's your job to also be loving and respectful. Hope I helped!
The ultimate goal of the Gospel was, and is, not harmony on earth, but PEACE WITH GOD (Rom. 5:1). Jesus said the gospel that you preach will not bring peace, but it will stir the multitudes to wrath. And I agree. Jesus also said "Do not think that I came to bring peace ON THE EARTH", but He did come to make peace between God and humanity (Rom. 5:1). If you are truly preaching the gospel of truth Jesus taught you know it makes people angry no matter how you present it. Don't be a fake gospel spreader. And don't praise yourself for the things you think you've done good. Only God does that. The kingdom is at hand.
I wont to any used seconds bus for preaching of the gospel of Christ and financial support construction of new church for my congregation, i have small place ,anyone idia
In my time being born again King James Bible believer. Speaking to another of the word of God (the King James Bible, and the truths found therein), it is as a fruit. If one take a fruit off by force in an untimely season, it is hard, and no sweet nor yet juicy and therefore not satisfying. But wait till the time of ripening and the taste shall be goodly, the juices will flow much from each bite, and when it is finished, it will have been throughly enjoyed and satisfying . Many are false brethren, even hating the Lord for they cast doubt upon his word, the King James Bible if not cast it to the ground altogether with their words.if they have not a more sure word of prophecy as we who read and believe the King James Bible, how can they be sure of anything that they preach which cometh from any of their bibles? Is there no perfection on earth still as there was when the Lord walked the earth? or yet when he commanded his prophets to speak and to prophecy? Is the world destitute of perfection? Is their no sure word of prophecy? If no, what is the gospel? What is the ministry of reconciliation? It is as nothing. As the alter that sanctified the gift, and the temple that sanctified the gold, even so doth the word (being perfect) sanctify all that is written therein.
Mark 1:3 -4 The only tool you need is God's word your testimony and prayer. Cut out the gimmicks. Avoid hustling the Glourious Gospel of Jesus. PREACH THE WORD. ENDURE HARDNESS LIKE A GOOD SOILDER OF JESUS CHRIST. MAKE DISCIPLES..NOT FRIENDS...WHICH IS A BUY PRODUCT OF GRACE OF GOD.
God called Abraham His friend. These disciples of Jesus were His best friends. He didn’t make them and leave them He cleaved to them and they cleaved to Him.
Thanks for your reply, Yes I agree with you. Obedience is key to friendship with God. Psalms 25:14, Exodus 17:5, John 14:15. I love my best friends, my best friends love me
This tool has helped many people to start a gospel conversation. There's no "hustle" involved. I encourage you to read the Book of Acts for a month and note how Paul adapts his message for the audience. There was some skill involved in how he communicated the gospel, whether he was with sophisticated academics in Athens, the Jews in Pisidian Antiock, or uneducated country folk in Lystra.
I AGREE!!! No hustle . Remember , people don't care how much u know until they know how much u care . Listening n prayer is a great way to reach souls to Christ . Almost everyone can care less what u have to share but when u r their friend they want to know the Christ u worship . It's all about work . Plain n simple .
Jesus is Lord God Almighty clothed in unsinful humanity and He is the author of *eternal life* to all who trust Him *alone* for salvation 💞. Jesus paid for all the sins of all the world at the cross (past, present, and future). 💓 That payment is put to your account when you have believed on Christ alone for salvation ❤️. *This means that saving repentance is realizing that you are a sinner deserving of God's just punishment in Hell and turn (repent) from whatever you trusted in before, if indeed you trusted in anything; to trusting in the person and finished work of Christ alone for salvation.*
I am a agnostic because I know the god of Abraham is a fictional character from mythology. However, I also know it is impossible to disprove god using language. If I were to play the "ask for a miracle" game about the god of Abraham, I would asked that he would announce to the world that the Moshiach/Messiah/Mahdi would not be returning. It's not as difficult or stupid as "creating a rock so big" but it is checkmate.
Ask God to have Him reveal Himself to You. He is always listening and wants to bring more lost sheep to his flock. I will pray you find salvation :). I'd love to have you join our amazing family.
I pray you will seek the Lord Jesus Christ whilst He can still be found because soon, in the twinkling of an eye, it will e too late why don't you repent of your sins and come to Jesus befoenits too late.
Offer a prayer. That way, you can prove 2 things. Who you offer the prayer for, needs one. You can prove you defy the instructions of your own savior, by not going to your closet, if you pray in public. Mt. 6:5-7. This person mentioned the gospel without detailing it. The simplicity of it, the simplicity of just quoting Jesus on the gospel. Something impossible by Sunday Christianity, who insist on their own Lord's day, and obviously, own gospel. Why can't you just READ, what the gospel is, then repeat it? Mk. 1:14-15. NO, YOU GOTTA complicate it, with lengthy, complicated, confusing need for a savior gospel, completely different from Christ himself. Why can't you just repeat the gospel FROM Christ, and call it the gospel, because HE DID? Sunday Christianity. Doing it's part to prevent the return of Christ, with another gospel. Then evangelizing it.
The promises from God are only for his children . The Holy Spirit is sufficient to convict them .God doesn’t have to give us goodies for us to believe in Him
“1 Who has believed our message and to whom has the arm of the Lord been revealed? 2 He grew up before him like a tender shoot, and like a root out of dry ground. He had no beauty or majesty to attract us to him, nothing in his appearance that we should desire him. 3 He was despised and rejected by mankind, a man of suffering, and familiar with pain. Like one from whom people hide their faces he was despised, and we held him in low esteem. 4 Surely he took up our pain and bore our suffering, yet we considered him punished by God, stricken by him, and afflicted. 5 But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed. 6 We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to our own way; and the Lord has laid on him the iniquity of us all. 7 He was oppressed and afflicted, yet he did not open his mouth; he was led like a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before its shearers is silent, so he did not open his mouth. 8 By oppression and judgment he was taken away. Yet who of his generation protested? For he was cut off from the land of the living; for the transgression of my people he was punished. 9 He was assigned a grave with the wicked, and with the rich in his death, though he had done no violence, nor was any deceit in his mouth. 10 Yet it was the Lord’s will to crush him and cause him to suffer, and though the Lord makes his life an offering for sin, he will see his offspring and prolong his days, and the will of the Lord will prosper in his hand. 11 After he has suffered, he will see the light of life and be satisfied; by his knowledge my righteous servant will justify many, and he will bear their iniquities. 12 Therefore I will give him a portion among the great, and he will divide the spoils with the strong, because he poured out his life unto death, and was numbered with the transgressors. For he bore the sin of many, and made intercession for the transgressors.” Isaiah 53:1-12 NIV ~739 BC “The truth is like a lion; you don’t have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself.” ~Augustine of Hippo
Terrible first question. Makes God some sort of Cosmic genie ready to grant one of your sinful wishes. Second question much better. Alternative idea: "If Jesus were to appear to you right here, right now, what would you say to him?" If they push back saying that's not going to happen, remind them that Jesus said, "Wherever two or more are gathered in my name, I am there." (Matt 18:20). That's not a bad way to start a conversation about God.
I am also skeptical of the first question. If God doesn't answer by the next time, you have placed yourself in a bad light and probably have lost them. But I also disagree with your statement from Matthew because that is referring to Biblical correction among believers. So your question would have problems as well. Although I don't agree with everything Ray Comfort shares, he uses a good segue into spiritual conversation by asking, "Would you consider yourself a good person?" This has been very effective overall for me.
I know this is a good way to reach out to people . Jesus never seems like a genie . I've done it many times . The LORD has answered many prayers . Jesus longs to reach lost souls. We just met a druggie n he asked for his family . He was touched b the prayer . It's up 2 Jesus to answer . I always add the disclaimer that it's up 2 His will .
@@isaiaslopez8473 Maybe the better way to ask: If Jesus were here right now, what would you ask him to pray to the Father for you? That would weed out frivolous answers, right?
Sad part is that there are a huge number of believers who do think God and or Jesus to be like a genie. At such encounter be patient with them and share God's word. Remind them of the basic of faith.
I’d say, don’t be fearful of offending people. The Bible says that the Gospel will offend people. But I do pray first and ask the Holy Spirit to help me know what to say and how to say it. I don’t have a set question any more because each person is different and each situation I meet people in is different. I am blown away by how God gives me just the right thing to say and the conversation flows smoothly and easily most of the time. I do have scriptures that I use like Romans 3:23, Romans 6:23, Ephesians 2:8-9, 1John 5:13, John 5:24 and others because His word does not return to Him void (and I can’t save anyone, only He does that.) His word is powerful not mine, so I just rely on Him and trust that He is working in that person’s heart and mind. But I don’t speak with a fear that I’ll offend. He did not give us a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind. 2 Timothy 1:7. I hope that encourages someone today.
I used to distribute drugs on the street and now I distribute gospels on the street thanks to people like you
This was encouraging. Thanks for sharing!
@@easyevangelism7581 Thanks let me know if you'd like to collaborate.
Dope dealer to hope dealer 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙏🙏
@@Rampaigee Praise God!
Thank God
I am a teacher of EE Evangelism.
We ask the following questions.
1. If something were to happen to you today, do you know for certain that you would be going to heaven, or is that something that you say that you’re still working on?
2. Say that you were to stand before God today and He asked you “why should I let you into my heaven?”, what would you say?
How would you speak to someone who doesn't believe there's a heaven?
I heard about a guy that said he would always ask someone. If you die today do you know where you are going? And he said it always went pretty good until one day. He was sharpening his knife on a job site when he asked someone that and they took off running because they thought he was going to kill them. 😂😂😂
I've asked your first question quite abit and it's not very effective they just seem to say I don't believe
@@soilderofgod5749I normally just ask if you were to die where would you go and that opens it up a bit more, then IF you were to stand before God… the if takes away the assumptions
I think EE has dropped the phrase “or is that something you’re still working on” because it adds another “rabbit trail” dimension to the question. I haven’t heard anyone saying they are still working on it, the vast majority of people usually have a “works” answer, meaning, they are trusting in their own good works to get them into heaven instead of putting their trust in Jesus’ finished work on the cross and resurrection. Love the EE outline and scriptures! It has been one of the best evangelistic tools out there and still one I use today after learning it in 1993!
Please pray for my husband and I to get pregnant with a full term healthy baby! I have my pregnancy test on Saturday.
How’d it go??
how did it go
Have prayers been answered?
@@T-Rando no unfortunately
praying for you right now !
My approach.. I randomly ask strangers "going to heaven??" Catches them off guard but they always answer.. and it's shocking how many say "well I hope so" or yes, I'm a good person. I tell them, if you and I were good we wouldn't need Jesus in the first place.. now we're having a conversation😅
90% of times i spread the gospel It was This way hahaha😅😂
That's a really, really good approach. Mind if I borrow that?
I’m trying that !! God Bless you and let’s be fishers of men!!
Jesus Christ is our savior and king. Amen.
Had somebody once ask me that same thing.
Told them to f**k off and walked on past.
Just leave people alone as they go about their lives.
I believe I prayed for God to help me have the words to share the gospel to someone. I think he just delivered. :)
Remember a person's greatest emotional need is to feel appreciated!
Idk how this got into my suggestions, but PRAISE GOD I can't complain.
Got a family gathering tomorrow, hopefully I can use some of this tomorrow.
That's great! Thanks for sharing. I just got done praying for you that God would use you today to start those conversations that lead to sharing Christ!
This is the best advice on evangelism I heard so far! God Bless this instruction.
Thanks, Stacy! I hope you can go and use it!
Thanks for sharing! I'm leading some evangelism training myself and appreciate the tips!
I simply ask people right off the bat, "what's your final destination?"
Most people's favorite topic is themself and the conversation is off and running.
I have found this to be the easiest way to get into it, never know what their response will be but the door is open, I have most people are willing to talk for a while though.
Many people actually start the conversation by taking God's name in vain, now you can simply respond, what about Jesus Christ?? Do you know him?? And there you go❤
Thank you so much, for these simple tools to preach the Gospel.
I'm from Benin Republic. Stay blessed
That's great! Thanks for watching! I've been to Benin. Wonderful people!
Thank you for starting this page man and creating this resource! Truly a blessing!
Glad you enjoy it!
So very well broken down. I love how you gave the example of how to do this as if you were in the situation in the moment. Greatly appreciate this
I wanted this channel to equip people to start gospel conversations and share the gospel in real life situations. I'm glad you found it helpful and hope you can start many gospel conversations!
This is actually a prayer answer.
I thank you Holy Spirit for this content for evangelism..
“Preach the Gospel at all costs
If necessary use words.”
St Francis of Assisi
This is completely apocryphal. Assisi was a preaching friar, a Franciscan. His vocation was to preach, thus to use words. Not to mention the fact that this apocryphal statement completely contradicts Scripture and the ultimate models of Jesus and the apostles, who, if they were anything, were preachers.
It’s a figure of speech
It’s not a dogma
That's a terrible saying, but at least I guess he never really said that.
“Return to your vomit brother fly”
St Francis to a rich guy
“Poverty is the Royal Virtue”
St Francis
Simple and clear teaching!! Thanks much!!!
You're very welcome!
This is gold! Thank you brother for your ministry and your heart for the lost. Starting Gospel conversations can be the hardest part but your instruction breaks it down so well! God bless
Very simple, very short, and the truth of salvation by faith not works. Well well said my brother in Christ
thank you. this will be a big help for me to not be shy about talking about God
Thanks. As I was wondering of sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ, this came up right on time.
I love that message, Jose! Thanks for sharing it! Glad the video could help!
This is great, thanks for sharing
Thank you for these tips! Keep up the great work. God bless you all, remember your Bible (even if it is a free Bible app/video) and keep praying!
First of all good afternoon everyone and secondly this is an interesting message especially for a person like me who's never been a people person meaning I've never liked crowds or one on ones even in school when I was younger I'm in my 50 s now and always have been a loner my name is Sam thanks and I'll keep praying for you all god bless
Hi Sam,
If you are praying for us, then we are not alone!
Prayer unifies our connection in Christ to each other.
Thank you for your service with us in prayer
"So pray to the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into His harvest." Matthew 9:38 (Amplified version)
Keep praying brother!
Gospel: whatever you HAVE & whatever you USE with a PURPOSE. So, what is the PURPOSE of yourself(human).
This is the best and easiest way to share the Gospel
Great video! Thank for equipping us with how to share the gospel!
This is fantastic. It really gives you the servants mindset. We are here to serve and love others. You can walk up more confidently, knowing you're not trying to sell them anything. You are giving as God gave. Sowing seeds is all the part you may be afforded, but I was saved by 3 or so people working on me. We sow, another waters, but God gives the increase.
So good! Thanks!
Brother this is the freshest set of questions I’ve heard. I’ve heard Gospel presentations before like the usual:
If you were to die….
Do you go to church…..
But like you say they’re inquisitive
But this is so kind and gentle.
I feel ready to preach the Gospel brother God bless you
Simple & practical
Thank you so much for this.
Great tips, thanks for sharing!
Hello sir
I know this approach works. Meantime you only ending planting seeds.
Thank you for teaching and discipling good practical useful knowledge. This is so far gone from your average christian or congregation these days.
Thanks for the feedback! You're exactly right about the lack of good, practical training., of really equipping the saints to do the work of the ministry. That's why I started this page!
Thank you that is just what I need to know 😇😇😇
Glad you enjoyed it! I hope you have put it to use!
Amen thank you!
You are so welcome
Simple and practical. Thank you!
Glad it was helpful!
Exactly! I'm definitely gonna give this a try
Hello, thank you for this resource. Found out about it from our local home church in Westland, MI.
That's great that your church is recommending it! May God bless you and use you to open blind eyes!
Hello Kim
Jesus loves you all
Thanks man!
You're welcome!
Love this method❤
Great! Thanks for watching!
Love that first question!
God bless you, praise God! Great video!
Thank you! You too!
I want 2 know every tip n trick to win soyls . Paul said he reached the corinthians thru subtilty . If paul can do it we better do it 2. Jesus isnt going to say u brought to many people to Heaven . Think about it . 😊
Helpful and simple. Thanks.
What if they say “my situation has only got worse?”
Hmm, sometimes Our Father GOD has different plans than what we believe is the best for the person in question, that being said, i personally would ask them about what happend. Then your already having a deep conversation. Also i believe it's important to be compassionate and listing so that the person can experience the Holy Spirit moving through us
From there depending on the situation of the person you could talk about how we people are evil by nature and that through this besire to do bad things naturally, but how that nature can be overcome through Jesus his sacrifice!
Or if it's something not caused by people like sickness, you could talk about how sickness and death is in the world because of our mistakes, starting with Adam and Eve eating the forbidden fruit, but how GOD wants to save us from our own demise by giving his son Jesus to die on the cross for our sins, and that we might be saved by believing in him!
I hope this helped a bit!❤️✝️
So good. Thank you
Thank you!
You're welcome!
Thanks man👍
Just what I needed
You're welcome! Glad you can use it!
Amazing video brother
Thank you for the video!! Very helpful!!
Thanks for the feedback! I pray that you can and will use it!
Should you share the gospel while someone’s working??? Or later on another time? But my parents don’t want me to really share the gospel here in Chicago because many people have different religions and might get offended but should I just share anyway or should I listen to them? Because your supposed to obey your parents but also tell everyone the good news about God.
1) Working?: I share with people who own small shops frequently. You can share between customers when they have nothing to do. This works well in places like gas stations at slow times. Many jobs though are not conducive. You just need to gauge it and use good judgment. 2) I don't know if your parents are believers, but respectfully take them to the Bible. Show them Matt 4:19 or 2 For 5:17,20: our IDENTITY as followers of Christ and new creations is as fishers of men and ambassadors for Christ. You can't be a follower of Jesus without being a fisher of men. I applaud you for your obedience to the Great Commission and I would hope your parents would too. 3) In a place like Chicago, you can share with many unreached people groups and you have tools on this channel for engaging them. Honestly, most Muslims, Hindus, etc. are more than happy to talk about spiritual things, especially after you've shown yourself to be a spiritual person interested in them, their culture, and their faith. There's many people jaded at the church or religion. Just ask them, "why?" Listen to their story. Usually it involves some sort of disappointment or trauma. Empathize. Pray with them. Look for opportunities to share the good news.
Who are you going to obey? Man or God? Spreading the good news of Jesus Christ is good and it is a mandate. We must tell the lost souls about Jesus. All other religions are not going to heaven because they worship their own gods. There is only one GOD and there is only ONE way to heaven. Go into your neighbourhood and spread the gospel of Jesus Christ. Get offended? It is lost souls out there. Wake up and do what Jesus wants you to do not what your parents do not want you to do. Do the right thing, spread the gospel.
Pray and ask God to speak to you what the right thing to do is since you don't want to disobey your parents nor do you want to disobey sharing the gospel... Submit this prayer into His hands and wait for the answer...
The Lord will defend your soul, so fear the one who take both soul and body, but honor your parents by listening to them and loving them. God's greatest commandment is love. People will get offended or not show interest but don't let that stop you.
I'm not too sure about the miracle line. Asking if there is something you can pray for them about, yes.
Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and FOREVER! 🎉
Have you tried that? How has it gone?
Thank you, very helpful!
Thanks for the feedback! I hope you can put it to use!
Can you please help me brother to spread the gospel in india
What if the person I asked for a miracle from God wishes something sinful?
I've asked this question hundreds of times, and never had that happen. If someone says, "I want to win the lottery," pray that God would provide their "daily bread," and that He'd do it in such a way they knew it was from him.
U da Man!, thanks
"Hey have you ever heard the Gospel?" if yes "Do you mind if I share anyway, since there are a lot of false gospels that exist." If no "God is love.
We all fall short and sin.
Love is just and merciful.
Because God is loving He must judge sin, we all stand judged and are due to face His wrath as slaves of sin.
Because God is merciful He provided a way out from under the weight of the law and His wrath, and a way for us to be regenerated.
If we trust Jesus shed His sinless blood, died and rose from the grave He forgives us of our sins and gives us a new heart that wants to look God as our Father genuinely and delight in Him, freeing us from being slaves to sin.
The rest is our mind catching up with that reality and taking hold of His teaching and truth until He returns, or we die.
We aren't saved or kept saved by obedience or intentions. We can only be lost through unbelief (trusting in our own righteousness, to be or remain saved) or blasphemy of the Holy Spirit (attributing clear works of God, healing/deliverance, to demons and Satan)."
Faith and repentance?
I love to do it when ONLY the Holy Spirit leads me ❤ that will be effective 💯
Thank you
Thank you for watching! I hope you will put the training to use!
Thanks Brother, great work!
Hello dan
@@adajesus758 Hi Ada
@@adajesus758 Hello, do we know each other ?
Great video!
Great tips (by the way you sound like Eric Stacklebeck) I have thought about praying for people but what if they say nothing changed when you next see them ? Sometimes God doesn't answer straight away. I told someone I would pray for her cat to come home. It didn't. Hadn't this the potential to lessen their faith?
My friend is not believing I need help I love god❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ and I really need his help
I love that your heart breaks for the heart. Keep crying out to God and keep sharing and showing Christ!
je souhaite que le tout soit traduit en francais ou du moins en sous titrage ???
I have a dear friend who's had a very rough time recently and she's not budging at all. The first one i couldn't even get to about prayer, she went "I appreciate that even if i believe it doesn't do much." what do i say to someone who doesn't believe in God at all because of the likes of Jehovah's witness for example? she doesn't like how "judgemental" others can be yet she denies God entirely based off what flawed humans do. That's not really fair. She says she does agknowlege that Jesus existed BUT since she denies God's existence, that diminishes it. She believes others must be good and respect and be kind to others, but thats as far as she goes in terms of that.
Always so strange how people will denigrate religions or beliefs or Christianity off of the behavior of their converts…
You have to separate the idea from those proclaiming the idea or who say they believe in the idea, if there was a humanist who claimed to despise humanity, that wouldn’t be a real humanist, but a false claimant of humanism, same as when someone professes to be Christian and yet doesn’t do as God clearly instructs.
1 Peter 2:12 NIV
Live such good lives among the pagans that, though they accuse you of doing wrong, they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day he visits us.
This tool is designed to find open people, people in whom God is already working. It's a filter to help discern who may be ready for the gospel. So, don't be dismayed! You used the tool, initiated a conversation, and found out more about your friend. Check out David Wood's channel Acts 17 Apologetics. He's a former atheist and has some excellent videos. My initial thought is: how can you be so angry with Someone if he doesn't exist? (because obviously He does!)
God has taught me don't throw your pearls to swine. Our jobs is to tell them the gospel if they don't want to hear it shake the dust off your feet and move on.
Now here is a good question if the person speaks a different language and says don’t know Your language but takes the track how do you know what to pray for then?
Pray for their understanding of the gospel, for their salvation, and even that the Lord Jesus will encounter them in dreams or visions 🩷🩷 google translate may be helpful as well, but the translations aren’t always the most accurate so be mindful of that. Pray for Gods guidance by the Holy Spirit and stay in Gods word 😊 God bless you friend
If you die, where do you go ?
I’ve know God has been telling me to share the gospel for 2 years now and I haven’t because I don’t know where to start and tbh I’m just scared… I don’t know why and I want to do it because I want to be obedient to God but I feel like I can’t. Please pray for me.
Study a bit more, as you study more you'll have Boldness and utterance. Pray also. God bless you
First pray about it ❤ pray for the Holy Spirit to embolden you and guide you. Stay in Gods word daily, I recommend starting in the book of John. It’s scary friend, I understand. But we have to remember what Jesus did for us. He died on the cross for our sins, if we are laughed at or the world judges us for sharing the good news that can save souls, why should we care? It’s the best news in the world. Jesus is worth us being humiliated, it’s actually an honor 🙏 but I understand it can be hard, that’s why we need the Lord to help us 💕💕I struggle with the fear just like you do. God bless you friend, I pray for us both. Let’s seek Jesus and His kingdom and go share the good news 🫶
Can i evangelize if dont get a peace about it ?
Thank you so much sir, i pray God gives me a child of God as a husband together we will win many souls for God
Glad you like it! Hope you can use it!
Anyone in NJ want to go out evangelizing ?
I hope you found some takers. NJ needs Jesus.
I'm interested but I'm not in NJ
I’m interested.
Is it ok to give out tracts
I love to give those out in times where I can't have a full conversation!! Just make sure they proclaim the true gospel in an understandable way, of course, preferably with Scripture.
Thank u 4 ur work . If someone can do better , they should make their own video . Thx again .
Hello, thank you for your video. I need help. I had a dream I was going to hell, and the Lord has put it on my spirit to evangelize, ans i started a ministry but its not the same as evangelisim and i just reached the part where you began to explain that people base their salvation on their work performance, which is me now. It felt easier when i first started my walk, and somehow i feel like i did something wrong and need help and guidance...i need spiritual milk and am scared.
I would implore you to search "Ray Comfort witnessing" and you will get a straightforward, clear presentation of the Gospel as well as how to do it. This video is not terribly bad, but the method presented definitely soft peddles the gospel and beats around the brush.
God is with you. He has equipped you.
Roman’s 10:9 in the Bible says “If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.”
Ephesians 2:8-9 “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith-and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God- not by works, so that no one can boast.”
Romans 6:23 “For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.”
Stay in Gods word daily and pray ❤ the Holy Spirit is the one who emboldens us to share Gods word, we can do nothing alone
What if they don't believe in God?
You might respond with something like, “I didn’t believe either until…” and share your story of how God changed your life.
What is the gospel? 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 KJV.
I don't think i can do number 2. My friend is an athiest, the only thing i could say is "why do you believe in atheism?", please pray and help me.
How David, I was planning on doing this on my father in law whos an Athiest, basically the non believer is going to hit you back with a wide range of 1 or a combination of reasons, some had bad church experiences others have concerns about human suffering and it really comes down to knowing who you're dealing with and becoming educated on apologetics there is many ways you could follow up but the best way is to tell your person your testimony and tell them how Jesus changed YOUR life. God tells us to love him with all our heart and all our mind. Personally I like to add archeological finds that corroborate the Bible aswell. You need to remember that at the end of the day the Athiest person doesn't wanna be told they're wrong, so it's your job to also be loving and respectful. Hope I helped!
The ultimate goal of the Gospel was, and is, not harmony on earth, but PEACE WITH GOD (Rom. 5:1). Jesus said the gospel that you preach will not bring peace, but it will stir the multitudes to wrath. And I agree. Jesus also said "Do not think that I came to bring peace ON THE EARTH", but He did come to make peace between God and humanity (Rom. 5:1). If you are truly preaching the gospel of truth Jesus taught you know it makes people angry no matter how you present it. Don't be a fake gospel spreader. And don't praise yourself for the things you think you've done good. Only God does that. The kingdom is at hand.
I wont to any used seconds bus for preaching of the gospel of Christ and financial support construction of new church for my congregation, i have small place ,anyone idia
I will pray for you, brother!
In my time being born again King James Bible believer. Speaking to another of the word of God (the King James Bible, and the truths found therein), it is as a fruit.
If one take a fruit off by force in an untimely season, it is hard, and no sweet nor yet juicy and therefore not satisfying.
But wait till the time of ripening and the taste shall be goodly, the juices will flow much from each bite, and when it is finished, it will have been throughly enjoyed and satisfying .
Many are false brethren, even hating the Lord for they cast doubt upon his word, the King James Bible if not cast it to the ground altogether with their words.if they have not a more sure word of prophecy as we who read and believe the King James Bible, how can they be sure of anything that they preach which cometh from any of their bibles?
Is there no perfection on earth still as there was when the Lord walked the earth? or yet when he commanded his prophets to speak and to prophecy?
Is the world destitute of perfection? Is their no sure word of prophecy?
If no, what is the gospel? What is the ministry of reconciliation? It is as nothing.
As the alter that sanctified the gift, and the temple that sanctified the gold, even so doth the word (being perfect) sanctify all that is written therein.
if i ask my homies this, we gon talk bout more rubbish they cant take nun serious😭😭 3:33
Mark 1:3 -4
The only tool you need is God's word your testimony and prayer. Cut out the gimmicks. Avoid hustling the Glourious Gospel of Jesus. PREACH THE WORD. ENDURE HARDNESS LIKE A GOOD SOILDER OF JESUS CHRIST. MAKE DISCIPLES..NOT FRIENDS...WHICH IS A BUY PRODUCT OF GRACE OF GOD.
God called Abraham His friend. These disciples of Jesus were His best friends. He didn’t make them and leave them He cleaved to them and they cleaved to Him.
Thanks for your reply, Yes I agree with you. Obedience is key to friendship with God. Psalms 25:14, Exodus 17:5, John 14:15. I love my best friends, my best friends love me
This tool has helped many people to start a gospel conversation. There's no "hustle" involved. I encourage you to read the Book of Acts for a month and note how Paul adapts his message for the audience. There was some skill involved in how he communicated the gospel, whether he was with sophisticated academics in Athens, the Jews in Pisidian Antiock, or uneducated country folk in Lystra.
I AGREE!!! No hustle . Remember , people don't care how much u know until they know how much u care . Listening n prayer is a great way to reach souls to Christ . Almost everyone can care less what u have to share but when u r their friend they want to know the Christ u worship . It's all about work . Plain n simple .
Jesus is Lord God Almighty clothed in unsinful humanity and He is the author of *eternal life* to all who trust Him *alone* for salvation 💞.
Jesus paid for all the sins of all the world at the cross (past, present, and future). 💓
That payment is put to your account when you have believed on Christ alone for salvation ❤️.
*This means that saving repentance is realizing that you are a sinner deserving of God's just punishment in Hell and turn (repent) from whatever you trusted in before, if indeed you trusted in anything; to trusting in the person and finished work of Christ alone for salvation.*
I am a agnostic because I know the god of Abraham is a fictional character from mythology. However, I also know it is impossible to disprove god using language. If I were to play the "ask for a miracle" game about the god of Abraham, I would asked that he would announce to the world that the Moshiach/Messiah/Mahdi would not be returning. It's not as difficult or stupid as "creating a rock so big" but it is checkmate.
That is your choice by rejecting Jesus Christ God Almighty. At the second coming you will be in for a shock. GOD IS REAL.
Ask God to have Him reveal Himself to You. He is always listening and wants to bring more lost sheep to his flock. I will pray you find salvation :). I'd love to have you join our amazing family.
What if you’re wrong? You’re going to gamble your soul on what you think?
@@Dana.777 I'm not intimidated by threats.
@@kathyhubel6794 The god of Abraham is a character from the mythology of the ancient Hebrews.
I pray you will seek the Lord Jesus Christ whilst He can still be found because soon, in the twinkling of an eye, it will e too late why don't you repent of your sins and come to Jesus befoenits too late.
Offer a prayer. That way, you can prove 2 things. Who you offer the prayer for, needs one. You can prove you defy the instructions of your own savior, by not going to your closet, if you pray in public.
Mt. 6:5-7.
This person mentioned the gospel without detailing it.
The simplicity of it, the simplicity of just quoting Jesus on the gospel.
Something impossible by Sunday Christianity, who insist on their own Lord's day, and obviously, own gospel. Why can't you just READ, what the gospel is, then repeat it?
Mk. 1:14-15.
NO, YOU GOTTA complicate it, with lengthy, complicated, confusing need for a savior gospel, completely different from Christ himself.
Why can't you just repeat the gospel FROM Christ, and call it the gospel, because HE DID?
Sunday Christianity.
Doing it's part to prevent the return of Christ, with another gospel. Then evangelizing it.
The name of the video is "how to start a gospel conversation."
The promises from God are only for his children . The Holy Spirit is sufficient to convict them .God doesn’t have to give us goodies for us to believe in Him
In Luke 10:9, why does Jesus send out the 70 to proclaim AND to heal?
Please stop all this, live and let live others. Good bless you.
“1 Who has believed our message and to whom has the arm of the Lord been revealed?
2 He grew up before him like a tender shoot, and like a root out of dry ground. He had no beauty or majesty to attract us to him, nothing in his appearance that we should desire him.
3 He was despised and rejected by mankind, a man of suffering, and familiar with pain. Like one from whom people hide their faces he was despised, and we held him in low esteem.
4 Surely he took up our pain and bore our suffering, yet we considered him punished by God, stricken by him, and afflicted.
5 But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed.
6 We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to our own way; and the Lord has laid on him the iniquity of us all.
7 He was oppressed and afflicted, yet he did not open his mouth; he was led like a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before its shearers is silent, so he did not open his mouth.
8 By oppression and judgment he was taken away. Yet who of his generation protested? For he was cut off from the land of the living; for the transgression of my people he was punished.
9 He was assigned a grave with the wicked, and with the rich in his death, though he had done no violence, nor was any deceit in his mouth.
10 Yet it was the Lord’s will to crush him and cause him to suffer, and though the Lord makes his life an offering for sin, he will see his offspring and prolong his days, and the will of the Lord will prosper in his hand.
11 After he has suffered, he will see the light of life and be satisfied; by his knowledge my righteous servant will justify many, and he will bear their iniquities.
12 Therefore I will give him a portion among the great, and he will divide the spoils with the strong, because he poured out his life unto death, and was numbered with the transgressors. For he bore the sin of many, and made intercession for the transgressors.”
Isaiah 53:1-12 NIV
~739 BC
“The truth is like a lion; you don’t have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself.”
~Augustine of Hippo
May I ask, do you believe in God? If not, why?
I agree with the words of Sadhguru. About existence of God.
Which are?
A '' gospel conversation '' ? Really ? How ridiculous ? The '' gospel '' is nothing but hearsay, not from jesus who left not one written word.
Terrible first question. Makes God some sort of Cosmic genie ready to grant one of your sinful wishes.
Second question much better.
Alternative idea: "If Jesus were to appear to you right here, right now, what would you say to him?"
If they push back saying that's not going to happen, remind them that Jesus said, "Wherever two or more are gathered in my name, I am there." (Matt 18:20).
That's not a bad way to start a conversation about God.
I am also skeptical of the first question. If God doesn't answer by the next time, you have placed yourself in a bad light and probably have lost them.
But I also disagree with your statement from Matthew because that is referring to Biblical correction among believers. So your question would have problems as well.
Although I don't agree with everything Ray Comfort shares, he uses a good segue into spiritual conversation by asking, "Would you consider yourself a good person?" This has been very effective overall for me.
I know this is a good way to reach out to people . Jesus never seems like a genie . I've done it many times . The LORD has answered many prayers . Jesus longs to reach lost souls. We just met a druggie n he asked for his family . He was touched b the prayer . It's up 2 Jesus to answer . I always add the disclaimer that it's up 2 His will .
@@isaiaslopez8473 Maybe the better way to ask: If Jesus were here right now, what would you ask him to pray to the Father for you? That would weed out frivolous answers, right?
Sad part is that there are a huge number of believers who do think God and or Jesus to be like a genie. At such encounter be patient with them and share God's word. Remind them of the basic of faith.
You're right. Never considered that question could prompt silly responses.
Christians are never told to "start a conversation about Christ" but to PREACH Christ. Be BOLD and man up. Are you afraid? Get over it.
So as you "preach Christ," how do you begin? What's your intro? How do you start? Please enlighten us.
God told me to do it afraid. But then focus on Him and you won't be afraid...
Yes, tell us what you do.
I’d say, don’t be fearful of offending people. The Bible says that the Gospel will offend people. But I do pray first and ask the Holy Spirit to help me know what to say and how to say it. I don’t have a set question any more because each person is different and each situation I meet people in is different. I am blown away by how God gives me just the right thing to say and the conversation flows smoothly and easily most of the time. I do have scriptures that I use like Romans 3:23, Romans 6:23, Ephesians 2:8-9, 1John 5:13, John 5:24 and others because His word does not return to Him void (and I can’t save anyone, only He does that.) His word is powerful not mine, so I just rely on Him and trust that He is working in that person’s heart and mind. But I don’t speak with a fear that I’ll offend. He did not give us a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind. 2 Timothy 1:7. I hope that encourages someone today.
Thank you
You're welcome!
Thank you!!!
You're welcome!