A good point of view that was exactly the point that lead me to start asking how schooling started and then globalized all around the world.so strange you can learn evry thing except how you can make a business and make your own money
Or taxes, or financing your money. Or law! At least the last within your state 🤦♂️ Instead we’re out here learning art or literature 🙃 We take years teaching ourselves all of this, when they could’ve taught us.
@@gypsyaspen1297 im not sure I understand. You rather have a trade school pay you a loan for attending their school, rather than open a business doing something you like?
@@nartech_la5125 High School teaches you to do that sort of research for yourself, or at least who to ask! You can go to your public library; the librarians can help you find the information, all for free. (maybe have to pay for using the copier) You can take business classes at a community college. National, State, and Local governments have lots of information about starting (and getting funding for) new businesses. Take a look at your local Chamber of Commerce and at area Business Associations. They all know the community prospers by job creators, and they're ready to help!
The American school system originated in Prussia (modern day Germany), and was brought to America by Horace Mann, the Father of American Education in 1852. But, you can thank the land grant schools for transforming the modern school system, and the people behind those can be found on the General Education Board, founded by John D. Rockefeller in 1902
You might be able to spit on his grave: www.findagrave.com/memorial/664/horace-mann Not saying do it but in theory you could and I most certainly would like to.
WORSE, they are GULAGS to subjugate and torture children in prison-like environments without any rights, except for bullies and other criminals while the school gets governmental immunity in court.
After studying the history of schooling in the United States, Germany, and England over the time covering the past 240-400 years, it's clear to me that we have an unintended hybrid model of schooling in the US. For those that go exclusively to public school, starting with preschool or Kindergarten, that's a daycare/Prussian reform/Dewinian/Darwinian/Marxist/Kleptocrat/Atheist religion/Consumerist model, supported by Federalism and pop culture. The repetitive physical conditioning of submitting to the State by going into the tightly-checkpointed brick structure, then obediently confining yourself to enclosed spaces, is a template for your mind. The coercive force requiring parents to begin abandonment of their children as early as possible, reinforces the inevitable condemnation of your life to the state, with no legal recourse or redress on the part of children who wonder "why?". 12-13 years of this training creates a subservient, yet agitated society who are trained to tell on and bully each other if one steps out of line. It's the antithesis of The Enlightenment and foundational American values at every point, especially once public libraries became widespread.
@@LRRPFco52 Study again. Public schools came into vogue during Reconstruction, when the now all-powerful federal government seized final authority over all the states, and so it ruled with an iron fist, with floodwaters rising in every state once the dams of state sovereignty were destroyed from holding back tyranny of all-powerful government. Compulsory public school-laws first arose immediately after the Civil war, with "Minority Report" claims by Education director B.G. Northrop that failure to drag children to public schools was a "future crime" against the state; rather than simply requiring PARENTS to provide education for their children. And from there they continued until 1920, largely by workers' unions to imprison children in schools against competition by child-workers. So as you can see, that's some very sick fascism, as the era of Big Government rose; i.e. first the Pied Piper of Big Government drove out the "rats" of the Confederacy, and then came for the children in the North as well.
@@kenburns4547 It started in Massachusetts well before the Civil War with MA Board of Education in 1837. I appreciate the Southern viewpoint, especially since one of the main angles used to spread compulsory schooling to the States was the premise that government had to step in "to educate those poor Southern children".
I with ken on this Schools are a form of conditioning every generation's conditions slightly different to mass population.. Schools were created for social stability when population started increasing beyond the government's control they started reaching outwards with other programs such as children services under the false pretence is that they are more protected in the company Of the government than they are in the protection of their own parents (false) More rapes and death of minors occur inside the system Then in the custody of their own parents More rapes in molestations occur inside the schools than in a church And yet those problems have never been intended to be fixed Because they only care about conformity who is blamed for wet and whose job it is to fix it ( I say if it is not their job to fix it than it is not their job to dictate or Demand)
In essence, the purpose of school is not to enlighten your mind and teach you profitable things you don’t yet know, rather school is designed to teach people how to behave
2:24 - That has to be one of the most vile, disgusting quotes I've ever seen. To claim that people are public property makes them a slave to the government. No one is public property and the government is there to serve and not to be served. When the people are made to be public property, they can be enslaved, mistreated, their rights reduced to privileges granted and taken at a whim by the government, and they can be disposed of when the government decides they are more trouble than they are worth. We know this because of how totalitarian regimes treat their people who are public property. We seen this in the former Soviet Union, Cambodia under Pol Pot, China under Chairman Mao, Cuba under Castro, and we see this now in North Korea and Venezuela. Their people are public property and their governments uses and abuses them. But if you want pithy quotes from Founding Fathers, I got those too. "Government is not reason, it is not eloquence, it is force; like fire, a troublesome servant and a fearful master. Never for a moment should it be left to irresponsible action." -- George Washington, in a speech of January 7, 1790 A wise and frugal government, which shall restrain men from injuring one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government, and all that is necessary to close the circle of our felicities. -- Thomas Jefferson, in his 1801 inaugural address "A fondness for power is implanted, in most men, and it is natural to abuse it, when acquired." -- Thomas Jefferson, "That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --*That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it,* (emphasis mine) and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed." -- Declaration of Independence I emphasize those points because property can not abolish and replace its owner so then what relationship would the government have with the people, at least as far as Thomas Jefferson is concern? They are not property. The government exist for people. People do not exist for the government. As Founding Fathers go, Benjamin Rush is a rabid statist on the political fridge in regards to the other Founding Fathers.
CrossoverManiac: actually that IS the precept of statism; i.e. the individual is disposable to the collective abstract known as the state, which has the full power to destroy, torture, imprison, enslave or otherwise use the individual as it sees fit; and courts will interpret the law as necessary for this purpose and deny any and all rights against it. Meanwhile the individual, particularly a child, has zero recourse against it, short of suicide.
Now that you have said and brought to us this fancy and factful line of words , what have you done to implement your own ideas and lines of thought? Dont tell me, that you are just a little talker. Let us all know your accomplishments in regards to your beliefs.
Meritocracy? I was 18 years in the public school system in the USA. People even mark the time in life of their youth by what grade they were in. They gave major merit to sports athletes, "pep fests" where the whole student body marched to the gymnasium to cheer on various team members, trophies awarded, special "letter" jackets, medals, big "letter-man" honorary dinner in our town's best restaurant, legions of cheerleaders and pom-pom girls... "merits" more than any academic achievement. Robotic burned out over-worked Baby-Boom "role model", "have a nice weekend", working various summer jobs to make it financially... teachers hating their jobs, and some of them bullies too. Negative reinforcement if you didn't learn it "right". Students arriving at school in the morning silent and solemn, then at the end of the day bursting with joy to get out, or listening to the radio on bad weather days hoping there'll be a cancellation... Bullies abounded. Lies about American History, and more. If anyone happened to even see it... there was taped to the wall in the hallway, in high school, a tiny, magnifying glass nearly needed... type-written "honor roll" for the quarter. Those who graduated with honors on the day of graduation wore a golden sash and tassel, but that was about it. Maybe it's all different now and there is merit as he describes it, but I doubt it. Yes it is important to learn as I am writing this... but it doesn't mean we don't need a major paradigm shift.
Spot-on. The behavioral conditioning and modifying techniques used in school are fascinating to study. I've come to the conclusion that public schooling has been the most detrimental program in the history of the United States, creating generations of Americsns who ignorantly and voluntarily surrender away their rights, and the rights of their children without much thought.
@RL N Hi RL N! Thank you! I just feel it should be a system where education is the most important, not pitting one against the other or the negativity of a grading system. They need to create a system the students are excited about.
@@LRRPFco52 Hi! I never knew of your right on conclusion until a notice came of another I appreciate so much now 2 years later. No notice is not so uncommon for unknown reasons. It's so sad not to see a paradigm shift as we keep repeating the same errors, proxy wars included.
A very simple and humble ancient question to answer in a simple, humble way. "If everything has been created Good, Perfect, Ordered, Beautiful, what is left for the human being to do"?
I found this video because I'm homeschooling my sons since the pandemic and I'm hoping I'm making the right decision, hoping they're getting a good education. I researched ancient schools and apparently they existed since writing existed which is pretty interesting. I assumed it was only certain civilizations, but schools existed in every nation across time. I'm fascinated by this. I went to public school and didn't mind it, but now that I'm homeschooling, I'm learning so much that I never imagined and I'm thinking differently than I ever had!
Learning alongside your child while homeschooling is one of the least mentioned benefits. We started HSing when virtual learning took over during C19 & have not looked back!
I hope you teach them that we didn't magically evolve from a magical exploding dot. The problem with homeschooling is that it still follows the same controlled cirriculum.
SCHOOL: HELL The public schools are a jobs programs. For adults The public schools are a jobs programs. For adults The public schools are a jobs programs. For adults
The original intention of the "school" or "educational system" was to satisfy the "plebs" with things that only monarchs knew. Catherine the Great started this strategy so that her people would protect her from the attacks of Napoleon Bonaparte, but as long as she obeyed her in everything. Napoleon himself realized the true intention of Catherine so she decided to also form a teaching body to control the minds of his people. The industrialists of that time copied Catalina's strategy to train workers for their factories and businesses, therefore, they sponsored it and implemented it in a public manner (for all) free and OBLIGATORY (nobody could say NO or they would be punished), something that spread throughout the whole globe where people lived as "civilized moral society, which has nothing moral but lot of injustices. And until now, this is practiced.
Oligarchy is oligarchy; i.e. an elite minority ruling over everyone else, as they saw fit; that's why they dictate this crap about "civic virtue" and "social stability" which are just buzzwords for tyranny vs. privacy. Meanwhile all parents are perfectly capable of providing education for their kids in private schools, as long as the poorest get public assistance. It can even be financed long-term just like a tax-based system, since a lifelong finance plan would easily cost less per month than the equivalent tax-expense. There is NO proven tangible benefit from public vs. private education. The current Average Cost of a public education: $12,500/year, while the cost of an equal private education in a 100% private model is less than $7,000/year, which can simply be grouped with parental obligations, and financed long-term vs. lifelong taxation. Finally, the number of parents who think government can pick their child's school better than they can, is ZERO Other benefits are 100% school choice, zero governmental immunity against school bullying, zero incentive to retain criminal students, zero tolerance of bad teachers, and every other benefit that accrues to private-sector industries in providing effective service and customer satisfaction. This is pure Marxist propaganda to destroy freedom with communist bullcrap.
May I ask, if anyone knows the real purpose of the invention of the so call "education"? What is the reason for making it public, free, which is no longer and mainly OBLIGATORY?
@@tremaineification Don’t try to be smarty pants! You did not answer any of my questions! And you just read to read without understanding anything at all. And now you want me to answer your silly question! Alright, this is my answer. I learned to read and write because I was forced! I didn't want to go to "school" but my parents forced me because a minority of people with the title of "authority" forced them to do so! Now I ask you, and do not evade the question as you have done with all the others, what good is there in learning to read and write if there is not comprehension of what Peace really is, no what peace should be according to someone think or believe it should be? I am presenting you an indisputable fact of the disordered, aggressive, destructive, restless way of living and everything else that is the characteristic of the way of living of the human being. And you, do not know how to answer me because you have being filled up with bunch of words like a bag of potatoes with all that of "education", and all the rest of it like "money", "economy," "work", "income", taxes and so on, and so on. Look child, to understand what I am communicating to any one reading what I'm writing, you need to have a clear perception, a very sharp mind outside the cage of limitations, of focusing to be able to perceive beyond limitation to realize the core of what I am referring to. But you like many others are clinging and circling like a fly around your concepts, your ideas of "school" and defending tooth and nail what you have been taught as if it were something true, vital in life. Therefore you cannot perceive what is actually essential for an existence in Peace, an existence in Natural Order, Healthy psychologically and physically. You just want to be caught in what eight billion people are caught in order to continue the miserable way of life of "society". Don't be lazy and read everything I have written! Review what I have written previously the answer is hidden in everything I have written. And also, when your write, writes with sense even if it is in very few words! If you don't want to read anything I've written, I don't really care! It is up to you. It is your life!
@@tremaineification By observing my surroundings as a kid, before I started in government brainwashing camps. Schooling is really the opposite of education.
"education" and "school" have the same goal, which is to condition human consciousness to a certain way of thinking for a certain way of behaving. The school was invented by Catherine the Great of Prussia to win the will of her people with the intention that they defend her against Napoleon Bonaparte in case he decided to attack her as he was doing with all the rest of the labeled “kings”, and “monarchs” from “Europe”. And for this she decided to hire the encyclopedist Denis Diderot to prepare a teaching system for this purpose. Although such an educational system was given to the people without her "authority" as "monarch" being questioned and disobeyed. Such a strategy of Catherine happened to the knowledge of Napoleon which caught his attention very clearly realizing the true intention of it, for which in his own words he said, "I want to form a teaching body to direct the thinking of the French people." And just like him, many other shady and petty minds decided to copy and carry out such a strategy to train workers for what they called "industrial revolution" that was commencing at that time. And later on in addition to this, another strategy was created by and individual called Edward Bernays with a propagandist sense based on the invention or theories of his uncle Sigmund Freud, who was labeled as a "psychoanalyst" since he analyzed the behavior of the human as masse, and to which Edward Bernays called it "public relations" since the word "propaganda" was widely used by the "Nazi" group during the Second World War for the manipulation of the thinking of human beings as a mass. This action was later called, and it is still called, "advertising" whose objective is to create a psychological habit of attraction or urgent need for any product from "industrial activity". The human being has changed his natural way of existing for a distorted way of existence full of restlessness and uncertainty. The question is what is the right, natural, healthy action to take in order to stop the madness once and for all in this planet?
Although it can be perceived as such, I think school is way to expose students with the fundamentals but not to think at all. I think teachers kinda gave up a little bit with implementing conditioning measures because a lot of students aren’t motivated. I believe that motivation starts at home and classrooms.
@@tremaineification It is that the issue is not how a person can perceive an event according to his/her personal mental condition, but rather to how it is really happening. And can write the following, in the moment an individual is based on "believes," that individual does not have the acute attention to perceive the true heart of the matter human life, but rather based on patterns of ideas implanted as true. Now, with the matter of "the fundamentals" May I ask what are those "fundamentals" for the so-called "students"? Is it not being competitive, "productive", "worker of time", full", "overtime", "all the time", "possessive", "acquisitive", "docile", "obedient", "aggressive", "destructive"... please just look at the human being's way of existing divided into "countries", "patriotism", "political parties", "religion", the "upper class", the "middle class", and the "poor class that does not fit in the system, invented for the sole benefit of those who impose it, and they have to take actions considered "criminality" in order to be able to have what others have, mechanical, artificial comfort, good food, a good house, good dress... and all that stuffs, which they call living comfortable, securely the "social moral civilized" that has nothing moral, but a lot of injustice. Doesn't that sound like enough conditioning motivation to you? Yes, it is true that the conditioning begins at home with "beliefs", "customs", "traditions", "culture", "desires" and so on. The individual that quits this fake way of living, of existence, this antinatural, insane way of life in which he lives, has consciously realized the actual core of the human problem in which humanity has been caught up for centuries and forever rejects it. And at that very moment of realization of this unnecessary way of life for then exist within a TRUE ORDER that is beyond human's understanding and manipulation. Actual EDUCATION is to question all that is proclame fall in falsehood True education is to question everything that is proclaimed as truth to separate the true from falsehood. And in that matter, reveal the dire consequences of accepting lies as truth. That is the STATE of a HEALTHY, NATURAL, NOT CORRUPT mind. Do you understand what is written? "English" is not my native language, but I am trying to do my best to bring humans the UNDERSTANDING of what is not present in their brains so that they themselves will bring THAT ORDER in themselves and not to wait for someone else to do it for them.
@@jmm8193 fundamentals can constitute for things like reading, Arithmetic, problem solving, and critical thinking. Things like implanted truths or what not doesn’t constitute for fundamentals. Education itself should be used as a way to exercise your mind to think on a higher level.
@@tremaineification I see you haven't been able to get to the heart of what I've written above, which I already expected. There are things that are taught in "schools" or conditioning centers that are not totally necessary for daily living! There we have the "fundamentals" who have absorbed what you call "fundamentals" and which are identified with "titles" or "professions" to highlight the "fundamentals" that they have absorbed and which they are applying in the daily life of being human as "intelligent" actions, which have nothing intelligent, the "scientists", the "astrologers", the "cosmologists", the "nuclear physicists" who have invented the atomic bomb which they have detonated all over the world deteriorating and affecting in a way not convenient everything that they have not created, the "industrialists", the "psychologists", the "experts", the "specialists" the so-called connoisseurs of "laws", "lawyers", "politicians", “spiritual leaders” also called "authorities" who they believe they have the “authority” a leadership to direct the mentality of the people. And all of them together are making this Perfect Planet a complete dump, a battlefield, a madhouse, a circus. And what have been and continue to be the results of these individuals full of "fundamentals"? The rivers, if they are not dry, are polluted, the air that is breathed is being filled with all kinds of chemicals and harmful particles, the fauna and vegetation are disappearing due to the burning and replacement of trees by buildings, shopping malls, solar panels, wind turbines, grass and earth for concrete and asphalt, and humanity is increasingly overwhelmed by the action of these individuals who claim to be solving problems. You just have to see and hear the news that always announces the same thing, the Human Insanity. And they also contribute to this inanity along with propagandas o advertisements they show! In short, the problem is the human being itself; it is present in the same human being and manifested in words and actions of the same human being. So, it can be said that in a world of crazy people, madness is seen and accepted as something healthy, normal, and natural! And psychopaths react hysterically when someone arrives and proclaims this FACT to the point of injuring or annihilating the person who proclaims it. It is recorded in human history! I" m just making a healthy pressure for a healthy answer
@@jmm8193 I totally get what you’re saying but without the skill of reading, writing, or arithmetic with a splash of science, you’re not going to be able to understand the around around you.
''Of the 117 men who signed the Declaration of Independence, the Articles of Confederation, and the Constitution, one-third of them had no more than a few months of schooling, and only one-fourth had ever been to college.'' - Samuel Blumenfeld in Is Public Education Necessary
A smooth way to reinforce the Prussian model. Efficient systems teach acclimation toward ideals. To teach such ideals, students will never reach them. Like actual clockwork, ruby tongs and gears never finding solution. FYI our family fled Prussia, France, and Germany, and 60 years later saw the same system of control dominate the US government. Mostly from Horace Mann, Dale Carnegie, Vanderbilts, and the like. Public funding of education is not a moral duty, but a precipice of subjugation.
As I oppose a society of coercion and favor a society of voluntarism; I do think it in societal interest that inhabitants know how to read write, and work math, and understand their rights and structure of their State Constitutions at an earliest age possible. Yet this is only a societal interest and ought not to be forced upon Individual folk in a free society. Continued education of youth is the Parent prerogative and the Child's. The individual ought seek further study independently through reading and through apprenticeship by doing.
@@LRRPFco52 Even more interesting how the parents got a glimpse of what teachers were doing and teaching, and absolutely revolted against it. Schooling is just a euphemism for brainwashing.
@@christopherscallio2539 Fellow Voluntaryists here, good ideas don't require force, as we say. 😉 Yeah, Stormclouds Gathering has a great short video on this; "The Truth About Schooling".
I do believe the structure of scools was meant to prepare students for the work day, but I no longer believe it's a bad thing. A lot of schooling was bs and non beneficial, but I've come to realize the actual value of education and agree that it's necessary to have standards and continuity of what's taught across the nation. We must learn to read proficiently, which we're grossly failing at, and everyone needs to be able to write effectively. The most important subject is history so we dont fall for utopian promises that have categorically been proven to be flawed and fail. Everyone needs to understand the general structure and operation of the government in order to understand and be an educated voter. Then the kicker, math is absolutely essential! It's not about memorizing equations and solving problems you'll likely never encounter or need to remember, math teaches your brain new ways of thinking that you use every single day. No other subject trains you to approach a task objectively, usually subconsciously make a plan and see it through. At it's core, public schools are set up pretty well, it's using standardized testing to determine how much money each school gets that fucked it up. That's why poor areas have shitty schools, but more importantly, it caused every district to strictly teach whats going to be tested instead of actually educating students. If they don't do this they lose funding, so it's not a choice. Being educated and gaining knowledge is far more important than aggressively learning how to take a test. "Knowledge is whats left after you've forgotten everything you learned in school" - Einstein
Let’s understand the coded system and what is really being said: 1:30, getting rid of superstition is the act of getting rid of the belief in one God who died for us. Even today, the idea that there is a God creator, who died for us and offers us everlasting life is thought to be a bunch of mumbo jumbo superstitions of the past. LIBERTY&FREEDOM are coded words to mean the idea of a person using their intellect , reasoning, common sense and working with their own strength and will to achieve everything desired, including achieving godhood, no need for a Savior. The two subjects that were stressed for all students were the sciences: Social sciences Pure science These were the building blocks by which the educational Carnegie Foundations and the Rockefeller Foundations controlled the Universities and the public schools in order to change the minds of young people from the Godly Bible based concepts to the idea that man does not need God, “the power lies within”! Ooof!
Rich people want their kids to go to the best schools while they complain about paying taxes to support public schools. The problem now is that technology is advancing so rapidly that most feel left behind.
How about schools were created so all the corporation debt slave (citizens) had a place for their little debt slaves (children) to go while working the plantations?
John Taylor Gatto, for more substance and depth of subject matter. SCHOOL: HELL SCHOOL: HELL This video is dated about 120 years since the prussian model was introduced.
I think you are miss reading the snarkiness of that last quote. People still talk like this and mean it in a, to the contrary ways, where they mean the opposite
Here’s what I think of public education. 1. Big kid day care. Modern parents don’t really have the time to watch their kids and work. trouble 2. Training. Kids learn to read, write, do math. They are also introduced into all kinds of subjects that might help them decide what they’d like to do. 3. Socialization. Kids learn to make friends, work and play with others. 4. Discipline. Getting up everyday and going to school enforces an ethic of being ready to do something rather than just be lazy all day. 5. Democratizing opportunity and social mobility. Regardless of family income, one can leverage the education system to attain opportunities for better life. 6. Societal advancement. These kids will make the future a better place because they’ll be starting out more educated than their parents. 7. Cultural assimilation. Kids that go to a standardized school will experience a similar culture. The society can then decide what values to instill in students like language or patriotism. Especially useful for immigrant or minority kids. Not saying all schools do all this nor that they do so well. Not saying schooling is the only way to achieve these objectives.
The USA has the H1-B Visa to brain drain the rest of the world of the best and brightest to work in the USA as opposed to properly investing in its own citizenry from the inception of said visa to present day. Furthermore, since production of goods for blue collar workers has been outsourced over the decades to cheaper areas of the world through free trade agreements not only has the intellectual capacity of "Schooling" been attacked, but also the repetitive boring labor of factory work thereby knocking out "Social Stability", and "Social Mobility" in one fell swoop. Both of these coupled together erode the core embodiment of capable citizens to manifest the state's desire of the "Meritocracy" and "Civic Virtue" qualities so desired. Nice try, but I don't buy it. The following is a much more accurate depiction of the indoctrination camps you are espousing: th-cam.com/video/OUkeXs2cSJI/w-d-xo.html
DIO MEL But how many of those H1-B visa-recipients REMAIN in the USA for life, once they drain OUR brains of education, shutting out AMERICAN students who didn't have the benefit of a caste-system? We hear about how the USA supposedly benefits from other countries best and brightest, but there's no evidence they come here to STAY, rather than take what what they can, and leave us in the lurch. Just like "rich school districts" only attract freeloaders into the district to vomit all over the local residents for a high-cost education at their expense, and then they move out to some cheap district once Junior graduates, leaving the long-term local residents to pay for their education as thanks for using them as a stepping-stone in life.
@@kenburns4547 my point is to further education for American citizens first over foreign prospects, but with the turmoil currently progressing in the world it is looking like universities will be crumbling soon. Low turnouts in higher education due to the multiple calamities of potentially catching COVID on campus, increased prices due to inflated worthless dollars from money printing go BBRRRRR machines, and communist infiltrated censorship within Big Tech FANG companies are stifling innovative scientific debate within and out of academia (namely HCQ's use for the current pandemic as just one example) will all contribute to the fall and dismantling of the current higher educational system. The close of this school year next May will reveal the first crumbling. The issue of H1-B Visas will no longer exist when universities transform or disintegrate. Knowledge will be sought elsewhere.
SCHOOL: HELL The public schools are a jobs programs. For adults John Taylor Gatto, for more substance and depth of subject matter. SCHOOL: HELL SCHOOL: HELL
Schooling and education are 2 different things, or should we say processes. Schooling exist to keep working class children off the streets during working hours. Education is for children of people who are going to use it. All the rich owners have said it. " We need a nation of workers not thinkers!". Of course the owners son needs an education. That is where the small private school come in. They need a family of thinkers not workers.
Also "education" doesn't necessarily mean you're properly learning what's true. Often times the truth is plain and simple, yet the highly "educated" man would rather believe a lie because it is more complicated, fancy and difficult to grasp.
If you truly want to know why does the United States have public schools just go back in time in ancient greece in the city of Athens. Thanks to Socrates.
ENOUGHS ENOUGH! I HAVE HAD IT WITH THINGS LIKE THIS! There are so many peopole whp say what kids do, how kids behave, and what we feel is best for us. But those studies are honestly based on things that peopole see a bit of ans base it on that. I am a kid and I highly dissagree with many of the things peopole say about us. Its really insensitive and they dont even ask us! They think they know everything but they really dont. And dont just think that im just saying that "because im a kid". Im saying it because im living it, because its happening to me and many others that we dont have a choice in how we represent ourselves. There is NOTHING anyone can say to deny this. There is NOTHING anyone can say to confirm the latter. We are not given a true voice and it is insensitive in every way. WE WANT TO GO TO SCHOOL. WE DO BETTER IN SCHOOL. SCHOOL. HELPS US. LISTEN TO US AND YOU WILL SEE. THE UNSENSITIVITY HAS TO STOP AND IT HAS TO STOP NOW!!!
As a brand new adult (aka 18), I can concur that most adults do not know what is best for children. Especially in today's world, everyone thinks school is what is best, but...if that were true for every child, depression, anxiety, and suicide wouldn't be skyrocketing at such alarming rates. If you want to go to school and it works for you, fine. But, children do not get a voice on what happens in their day to day lives, and that lack of control in and of itself is enough to drive many of them to the edge. Nobody knows what is best for kids, let alone a 100+-year-old system that has not changed all that much in a world that is constantly changing. We need people who can adapt, not fill in bubbles of preselected answers that are deemed correct. The true mark of education and intelligence is being able to handle mistakes and problems that come your way and make the best out of them with the tools you have. To learn from mistakes, not fear them. That can look different for everyone, and most paths are valid, not just STEM fields. Society needs everyone, not just the doctors and scientists.
Splitting hairs where it wasn't needed... You want to split hairs about public schools. Explain to me why in the historic documents, pertaining to INDIAN APPROPRIATIONS, DID RESPECTIVE TRIBES GET TO USE THEIR MONEY TO FUND PUBLIC SCHOOLS ON THE RESERVATION. WHEN BOARDING SCHOOLS WERE MANDATORY UP UNTIL AS LATE AS THE 70's
John Taylor Gatto, for more substance and depth of subject matter. SCHOOL: HELL This video is dated about 120 years since the prussian model was introduced. SCHOOL: HELL This video is dated about 120 years since the prussian model was introduced.
Hate the term founding father since paternity is a prototype and passing relative. Mother is the cause To Be An Origin she's both the seed and the agent a cultivator you don't have to use biological or social metaphors for people who established and Nation. A nation made for and by boys well goodbye😴
One thing that hit me was how schools will teach you everything except, how to go and acquire a business license and open your own business.
A good point of view that was exactly the point that lead me to start asking how schooling started and then globalized all around the world.so strange you can learn evry thing except how you can make a business and make your own money
Or taxes, or financing your money. Or law! At least the last within your state 🤦♂️
Instead we’re out here learning art or literature 🙃
We take years teaching ourselves all of this, when they could’ve taught us.
You can pay a trade school Mana to you as you go through the motions in a project
@@gypsyaspen1297 im not sure I understand. You rather have a trade school pay you a loan for attending their school, rather than open a business doing something you like?
@@nartech_la5125 High School teaches you to do that sort of research for yourself, or at least who to ask! You can go to your public library; the librarians can help you find the information, all for free. (maybe have to pay for using the copier) You can take business classes at a community college. National, State, and Local governments have lots of information about starting (and getting funding for) new businesses. Take a look at your local Chamber of Commerce and at area Business Associations. They all know the community prospers by job creators, and they're ready to help!
I'd like to pick a fight with the inventor of school because school
has given me 7 years of unhappiness
On God
Well he’s already dead so you can’t
The American school system originated in Prussia (modern day Germany), and was brought to America by Horace Mann, the Father of American Education in 1852. But, you can thank the land grant schools for transforming the modern school system, and the people behind those can be found on the General Education Board, founded by John D. Rockefeller in 1902
You might be able to spit on his grave: www.findagrave.com/memorial/664/horace-mann
Not saying do it but in theory you could and I most certainly would like to.
Public Schools are nothing but corporate training outsourced
WORSE, they are GULAGS to subjugate and torture children in prison-like environments without any rights, except for bullies and other criminals while the school gets governmental immunity in court.
After studying the history of schooling in the United States, Germany, and England over the time covering the past 240-400 years, it's clear to me that we have an unintended hybrid model of schooling in the US.
For those that go exclusively to public school, starting with preschool or Kindergarten, that's a daycare/Prussian reform/Dewinian/Darwinian/Marxist/Kleptocrat/Atheist religion/Consumerist model, supported by Federalism and pop culture.
The repetitive physical conditioning of submitting to the State by going into the tightly-checkpointed brick structure, then obediently confining yourself to enclosed spaces, is a template for your mind.
The coercive force requiring parents to begin abandonment of their children as early as possible, reinforces the inevitable condemnation of your life to the state, with no legal recourse or redress on the part of children who wonder "why?".
12-13 years of this training creates a subservient, yet agitated society who are trained to tell on and bully each other if one steps out of line.
It's the antithesis of The Enlightenment and foundational American values at every point, especially once public libraries became widespread.
@@LRRPFco52 Study again. Public schools came into vogue during Reconstruction, when the now all-powerful federal government seized final authority over all the states, and so it ruled with an iron fist, with floodwaters rising in every state once the dams of state sovereignty were destroyed from holding back tyranny of all-powerful government.
Compulsory public school-laws first arose immediately after the Civil war, with "Minority Report" claims by Education director B.G. Northrop that failure to drag children to public schools was a "future crime" against the state; rather than simply requiring PARENTS to provide education for their children. And from there they continued until 1920, largely by workers' unions to imprison children in schools against competition by child-workers.
So as you can see, that's some very sick fascism, as the era of Big Government rose; i.e. first the Pied Piper of Big Government drove out the "rats" of the Confederacy, and then came for the children in the North as well.
@@kenburns4547 It started in Massachusetts well before the Civil War with MA Board of Education in 1837.
I appreciate the Southern viewpoint, especially since one of the main angles used to spread compulsory schooling to the States was the premise that government had to step in "to educate those poor Southern children".
I with ken on this Schools are a form of conditioning every generation's conditions slightly different to mass population.. Schools were created for social stability when population started increasing beyond the government's control they started reaching outwards with other programs such as children services under the false pretence is that they are more protected in the company Of the government than they are in the protection of their own parents (false) More rapes and death of minors occur inside the system Then in the custody of their own parents More rapes in molestations occur inside the schools than in a church And yet those problems have never been intended to be fixed Because they only care about conformity who is blamed for wet and whose job it is to fix it ( I say if it is not their job to fix it than it is not their job to dictate or Demand)
In essence, the purpose of school is not to enlighten your mind and teach you profitable things you don’t yet know, rather school is designed to teach people how to behave
2:24 - That has to be one of the most vile, disgusting quotes I've ever seen. To claim that people are public property makes them a slave to the government. No one is public property and the government is there to serve and not to be served. When the people are made to be public property, they can be enslaved, mistreated, their rights reduced to privileges granted and taken at a whim by the government, and they can be disposed of when the government decides they are more trouble than they are worth. We know this because of how totalitarian regimes treat their people who are public property. We seen this in the former Soviet Union, Cambodia under Pol Pot, China under Chairman Mao, Cuba under Castro, and we see this now in North Korea and Venezuela. Their people are public property and their governments uses and abuses them.
But if you want pithy quotes from Founding Fathers, I got those too.
"Government is not reason, it is not eloquence, it is force; like fire, a troublesome servant and a fearful master. Never for a moment should it be left to irresponsible action."
-- George Washington, in a speech of January 7, 1790
A wise and frugal government, which shall restrain men from injuring one another, which shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government, and all that is necessary to close the circle of our felicities.
-- Thomas Jefferson, in his 1801 inaugural address
"A fondness for power is implanted, in most men, and it is natural to abuse it, when acquired."
-- Thomas Jefferson,
"That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --*That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it,* (emphasis mine) and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed."
-- Declaration of Independence
I emphasize those points because property can not abolish and replace its owner so then what relationship would the government have with the people, at least as far as Thomas Jefferson is concern? They are not property. The government exist for people. People do not exist for the government. As Founding Fathers go, Benjamin Rush is a rabid statist on the political fridge in regards to the other Founding Fathers.
Add too that meanwhile Jefferson was a slave owner.
CrossoverManiac: actually that IS the precept of statism; i.e. the individual is disposable to the collective abstract known as the state, which has the full power to destroy, torture, imprison, enslave or otherwise use the individual as it sees fit; and courts will interpret the law as necessary for this purpose and deny any and all rights against it. Meanwhile the individual, particularly a child, has zero recourse against it, short of suicide.
Thanks for those wonderful quotes @ CrossoverManiac... We learn something new everyday
Now that you have said and brought to us this fancy and factful line of words , what have you done to implement your own ideas and lines of thought? Dont tell me, that you are just a little talker. Let us all know your accomplishments in regards to your beliefs.
Crossover, are you a big talker with no action? I'm not seeing any response to the replies that have been given to you. What a loser in life.
I wanted to be free. 20 years wasted and I’m gonna catch up for everything else.
Meritocracy? I was 18 years in the public school system in the USA. People even mark the time in life of their youth by what grade they were in. They gave major merit to sports athletes, "pep fests" where the whole student body marched to the gymnasium to cheer on various team members, trophies awarded, special "letter" jackets, medals, big "letter-man" honorary dinner in our town's best restaurant, legions of cheerleaders and pom-pom girls... "merits" more than any academic achievement. Robotic burned out over-worked Baby-Boom "role model", "have a nice weekend", working various summer jobs to make it financially... teachers hating their jobs, and some of them bullies too. Negative reinforcement if you didn't learn it "right". Students arriving at school in the morning silent and solemn, then at the end of the day bursting with joy to get out, or listening to the radio on bad weather days hoping there'll be a cancellation... Bullies abounded. Lies about American History, and more. If anyone happened to even see it... there was taped to the wall in the hallway, in high school, a tiny, magnifying glass nearly needed... type-written "honor roll" for the quarter. Those who graduated with honors on the day of graduation wore a golden sash and tassel, but that was about it. Maybe it's all different now and there is merit as he describes it, but I doubt it. Yes it is important to learn as I am writing this... but it doesn't mean we don't need a major paradigm shift.
Spot-on. The behavioral conditioning and modifying techniques used in school are fascinating to study.
I've come to the conclusion that public schooling has been the most detrimental program in the history of the United States, creating generations of Americsns who ignorantly and voluntarily surrender away their rights, and the rights of their children without much thought.
@RL N Hi RL N! Thank you! I just feel it should be a system where education is the most important, not pitting one against the other or the negativity of a grading system. They need to create a system the students are excited about.
@@mwj5368 yes, you got it hun.
@@LRRPFco52 Hi! I never knew of your right on conclusion until a notice came of another I appreciate so much now 2 years later. No notice is not so uncommon for unknown reasons. It's so sad not to see a paradigm shift as we keep repeating the same errors, proxy wars included.
@@truthbtoldwright6411 Hi! Thanks for your support and appreciate free thinkers such as you very much.
A very simple and humble ancient question to answer in a simple, humble way.
"If everything has been created Good, Perfect, Ordered, Beautiful, what is left for the human being to do"?
Truue like the comment
100% agreed
Imagine hating a place that helped thousands of generations just because they dont have a lot of activites
@@nowifigaming826 tell me what school has done to help SHIT
@@pumpkineer_3047 looks at page
*its blank*
I found this video because I'm homeschooling my sons since the pandemic and I'm hoping I'm making the right decision, hoping they're getting a good education. I researched ancient schools and apparently they existed since writing existed which is pretty interesting. I assumed it was only certain civilizations, but schools existed in every nation across time. I'm fascinated by this. I went to public school and didn't mind it, but now that I'm homeschooling, I'm learning so much that I never imagined and I'm thinking differently than I ever had!
Learning alongside your child while homeschooling is one of the least mentioned benefits.
We started HSing when virtual learning took over during C19 & have not looked back!
I hope you teach them that we didn't magically evolve from a magical exploding dot. The problem with homeschooling is that it still follows the same controlled cirriculum.
"Pandemic" wink wink
John Taylor Gatto, for more substance and depth of subject matter.
John Taylor Gatto's "The Six Lesson Schoolteacher" punched me in the gut and pierced me in my mind profoundly when I read it back in 1995.
The public schools are a jobs programs. For adults
The public schools are a jobs programs. For adults
The public schools are a jobs programs. For adults
The original intention of the "school" or "educational system" was to satisfy the "plebs" with things that only monarchs knew. Catherine the Great started this strategy so that her people would protect her from the attacks of Napoleon Bonaparte, but as long as she obeyed her in everything. Napoleon himself realized the true intention of Catherine so she decided to also form a teaching body to control the minds of his people. The industrialists of that time copied Catalina's strategy to train workers for their factories and businesses, therefore, they sponsored it and implemented it in a public manner (for all) free and OBLIGATORY (nobody could say NO or they would be punished), something that spread throughout the whole globe where people lived as "civilized moral society, which has nothing moral but lot of injustices. And until now, this is practiced.
I refer you to JOHN TAYLOR GATTO. may Allah rest his soul in heavens. School is a weapon just like Tel-lie-vision Hollyweird movies.
Damn I didn't know he died 2 years ago until I saw your comment.
He is not a muslim so dont say this
This video is dated about 120 years since the prussian model was introduced.
Oligarchy is oligarchy; i.e. an elite minority ruling over everyone else, as they saw fit; that's why they dictate this crap about "civic virtue" and "social stability" which are just buzzwords for tyranny vs. privacy.
Meanwhile all parents are perfectly capable of providing education for their kids in private schools, as long as the poorest get public assistance. It can even be financed long-term just like a tax-based system, since a lifelong finance plan would easily cost less per month than the equivalent tax-expense.
There is NO proven tangible benefit from public vs. private education.
The current Average Cost of a public education: $12,500/year, while
the cost of an equal private education in a 100% private model is less than $7,000/year,
which can simply be grouped with parental obligations, and financed long-term vs. lifelong taxation. Finally, the number of parents who think government can pick their child's school better than they can, is ZERO
Other benefits are 100% school choice, zero governmental immunity against school bullying, zero incentive to retain criminal students, zero tolerance of bad teachers, and every other benefit that accrues to private-sector industries in providing effective service and customer satisfaction.
This is pure Marxist propaganda to destroy freedom with communist bullcrap.
I think one reason we can't all seem to agree on public schooling is because of what passes as "education".
May I ask, if anyone knows the real purpose of the invention of the so call "education"? What is the reason for making it public, free, which is no longer and mainly OBLIGATORY?
@@jmm8193 I literally answered this question.
How did you acquire the skills to read and write?
Don’t try to be smarty pants! You did not answer any of my questions! And you just read to read without understanding anything at all. And now you want me to answer your silly question! Alright, this is my answer. I learned to read and write because I was forced! I didn't want to go to "school" but my parents forced me because a minority of people with the title of "authority" forced them to do so! Now I ask you, and do not evade the question as you have done with all the others, what good is there in learning to read and write if there is not comprehension of what Peace really is, no what peace should be according to someone think or believe it should be? I am presenting you an indisputable fact of the disordered, aggressive, destructive, restless way of living and everything else that is the characteristic of the way of living of the human being. And you, do not know how to answer me because you have being filled up with bunch of words like a bag of potatoes with all that of "education", and all the rest of it like "money", "economy," "work", "income", taxes and so on, and so on.
Look child, to understand what I am communicating to any one reading what I'm writing, you need to have a clear perception, a very sharp mind outside the cage of limitations, of focusing to be able to perceive beyond limitation to realize the core of what I am referring to. But you like many others are clinging and circling like a fly around your concepts, your ideas of "school" and defending tooth and nail what you have been taught as if it were something true, vital in life. Therefore you cannot perceive what is actually essential for an existence in Peace, an existence in Natural Order, Healthy psychologically and physically.
You just want to be caught in what eight billion people are caught in order to continue the miserable way of life of "society".
Don't be lazy and read everything I have written!
Review what I have written previously the answer is hidden in everything I have written. And also, when your write, writes with sense even if it is in very few words! If you don't want to read anything I've written, I don't really care! It is up to you. It is your life!
@@tremaineification By observing my surroundings as a kid, before I started in government brainwashing camps. Schooling is really the opposite of education.
"education" and "school" have the same goal, which is to condition human consciousness to a certain way of thinking for a certain way of behaving.
The school was invented by Catherine the Great of Prussia to win the will of her people with the intention that they defend her against Napoleon Bonaparte in case he decided to attack her as he was doing with all the rest of the labeled “kings”, and “monarchs” from “Europe”. And for this she decided to hire the encyclopedist Denis Diderot to prepare a teaching system for this purpose. Although such an educational system was given to the people without her "authority" as "monarch" being questioned and disobeyed. Such a strategy of Catherine happened to the knowledge of Napoleon which caught his attention very clearly realizing the true intention of it, for which in his own words he said, "I want to form a teaching body to direct the thinking of the French people." And just like him, many other shady and petty minds decided to copy and carry out such a strategy to train workers for what they called "industrial revolution" that was commencing at that time. And later on in addition to this, another strategy was created by and individual called Edward Bernays with a propagandist sense based on the invention or theories of his uncle Sigmund Freud, who was labeled as a "psychoanalyst" since he analyzed the behavior of the human as masse, and to which Edward Bernays called it "public relations" since the word "propaganda" was widely used by the "Nazi" group during the Second World War for the manipulation of the thinking of human beings as a mass. This action was later called, and it is still called, "advertising" whose objective is to create a psychological habit of attraction or urgent need for any product from "industrial activity".
The human being has changed his natural way of existing for a distorted way of existence full of restlessness and uncertainty.
The question is what is the right, natural, healthy action to take in order to stop the madness once and for all in this planet?
Although it can be perceived as such, I think school is way to expose students with the fundamentals but not to think at all. I think teachers kinda gave up a little bit with implementing conditioning measures because a lot of students aren’t motivated. I believe that motivation starts at home and classrooms.
It is that the issue is not how a person can perceive an event according to his/her personal mental condition, but rather to how it is really happening. And can write the following, in the moment an individual is based on "believes," that individual does not have the acute attention to perceive the true heart of the matter human life, but rather based on patterns of ideas implanted as true.
Now, with the matter of "the fundamentals" May I ask what are those "fundamentals" for the so-called
"students"? Is it not being competitive, "productive", "worker of time", full", "overtime", "all the time", "possessive", "acquisitive", "docile", "obedient",
"aggressive", "destructive"... please just look at the human being's way of existing divided into "countries", "patriotism", "political parties", "religion", the "upper class", the "middle class", and the "poor class that does not fit in the system, invented for the sole benefit of
those who impose it, and they have to take actions considered "criminality" in order to be able to have what others have, mechanical, artificial comfort, good food, a good house, good dress... and all that stuffs, which they call living comfortable, securely the "social moral civilized" that has nothing moral, but a lot of injustice.
Doesn't that sound like enough conditioning motivation to you? Yes, it is true that the conditioning begins at home with "beliefs", "customs", "traditions", "culture", "desires" and so on.
The individual that quits this fake way of living, of existence, this antinatural, insane way of life in which he lives, has consciously realized the actual core of the human problem in which humanity has been caught up for centuries and forever rejects it. And at that very moment of realization of this unnecessary way of life for then exist within a TRUE ORDER that is beyond human's understanding and manipulation.
Actual EDUCATION is to question all that is proclame fall in falsehood
True education is to question everything that is proclaimed as truth to separate the true from falsehood. And in that matter, reveal the dire consequences of accepting lies as truth. That is the STATE of a HEALTHY, NATURAL, NOT CORRUPT mind.
Do you understand what is written?
"English" is not my native language, but I am trying to do my best to bring humans the UNDERSTANDING of what is not present in their brains so that they themselves will bring THAT ORDER in themselves and not to wait for someone else to do it for them.
@@jmm8193 fundamentals can constitute for things like reading, Arithmetic, problem solving, and critical thinking. Things like implanted truths or what not doesn’t constitute for fundamentals. Education itself should be used as a way to exercise your mind to think on a higher level.
I see you haven't been able to get to the heart of what I've written above, which I already expected.
There are things that are taught in "schools" or conditioning centers that are not totally necessary for daily living!
There we have the "fundamentals" who have absorbed what you call "fundamentals" and which are identified with "titles" or "professions" to highlight the "fundamentals" that they have absorbed and which they are applying in the daily life of being human as "intelligent" actions, which have nothing intelligent, the "scientists", the "astrologers", the "cosmologists", the "nuclear physicists" who have invented the atomic bomb which they have detonated all over the world deteriorating and affecting in a way not convenient everything that they have not created, the "industrialists", the "psychologists", the "experts", the "specialists" the so-called connoisseurs of "laws", "lawyers", "politicians", “spiritual leaders” also called "authorities" who they believe they have the “authority” a leadership to direct the mentality of the people. And all of them together are making this Perfect Planet a complete dump, a battlefield, a madhouse, a circus. And what have been and continue to be the results of these individuals full of "fundamentals"? The rivers, if they are not dry, are polluted, the air that is breathed is being filled with all kinds of chemicals and harmful particles, the fauna and vegetation are disappearing due to the burning and replacement of trees by buildings, shopping malls, solar panels, wind turbines, grass and earth for concrete and asphalt, and humanity is increasingly overwhelmed by the action of these individuals who claim to be solving problems. You just have to see and hear the news that always announces the same thing, the Human Insanity. And they also contribute to this inanity along with propagandas o advertisements they show!
In short, the problem is the human being itself; it is present in the same human being and manifested in words and actions of the same human being. So, it can be said that in a world of crazy people, madness is seen and accepted as something healthy, normal, and natural! And psychopaths react hysterically when someone arrives and proclaims this FACT to the point of injuring or annihilating the person who proclaims it. It is recorded in human history!
I" m just making a healthy pressure for a healthy answer
@@jmm8193 I totally get what you’re saying but without the skill of reading, writing, or arithmetic with a splash of science, you’re not going to be able to understand the around around you.
''Of the 117 men who signed the Declaration of Independence, the Articles of Confederation, and the Constitution, one-third of them had no more than a few months of schooling, and only one-fourth had ever been to college.'' - Samuel Blumenfeld in Is Public Education Necessary
The Articles of Confederation were great. Those other 2 documents are terrible. Freemasonic enlightenment nonsense.
A smooth way to reinforce the Prussian model. Efficient systems teach acclimation toward ideals. To teach such ideals, students will never reach them. Like actual clockwork, ruby tongs and gears never finding solution. FYI our family fled Prussia, France, and Germany, and 60 years later saw the same system of control dominate the US government. Mostly from Horace Mann, Dale Carnegie, Vanderbilts, and the like. Public funding of education is not a moral duty, but a precipice of subjugation.
John Taylor Gatto, for more substance and depth of subject matter.
I don't know most of your content but I appreciate your attitude and concern about information and misinformation.
They straight up tell us to our face and we give them our children 😢
We have been, and are continuing to, move away from an education system that concerns itself with individual virtue.
As more and more thinking parents reject forced public schooling, how do you see education evolving in the 21st Century?
As I oppose a society of coercion and favor a society of voluntarism; I do think it in societal interest that inhabitants know how to read write, and work math, and understand their rights and structure of their State Constitutions at an earliest age possible. Yet this is only a societal interest and ought not to be forced upon Individual folk in a free society. Continued education of youth is the Parent prerogative and the Child's. The individual ought seek further study independently through reading and through apprenticeship by doing.
@@christopherscallio2539 Interesting how COVID-19 has forced everyone into home-based solutions now.
@@LRRPFco52 Even more interesting how the parents got a glimpse of what teachers were doing and teaching, and absolutely revolted against it.
Schooling is just a euphemism for brainwashing.
@@christopherscallio2539 Fellow Voluntaryists here, good ideas don't require force, as we say. 😉
Yeah, Stormclouds Gathering has a great short video on this; "The Truth About Schooling".
Great video. Maybe portray your antagonist on an equal intellectual, attire, and mannerisms presentation as to not create bias, but I get it.
Can't have a strawman with a brain.
I do believe the structure of scools was meant to prepare students for the work day, but I no longer believe it's a bad thing. A lot of schooling was bs and non beneficial, but I've come to realize the actual value of education and agree that it's necessary to have standards and continuity of what's taught across the nation. We must learn to read proficiently, which we're grossly failing at, and everyone needs to be able to write effectively. The most important subject is history so we dont fall for utopian promises that have categorically been proven to be flawed and fail. Everyone needs to understand the general structure and operation of the government in order to understand and be an educated voter. Then the kicker, math is absolutely essential! It's not about memorizing equations and solving problems you'll likely never encounter or need to remember, math teaches your brain new ways of thinking that you use every single day. No other subject trains you to approach a task objectively, usually subconsciously make a plan and see it through. At it's core, public schools are set up pretty well, it's using standardized testing to determine how much money each school gets that fucked it up. That's why poor areas have shitty schools, but more importantly, it caused every district to strictly teach whats going to be tested instead of actually educating students. If they don't do this they lose funding, so it's not a choice. Being educated and gaining knowledge is far more important than aggressively learning how to take a test. "Knowledge is whats left after you've forgotten everything you learned in school" - Einstein
Read SUMMERHILL by A.S. Neil
this is higher indoctrination at it’s finest
I love this man, so clever.
U are freemason
This video is dated about 120 years since the prussian model was introduced.
''us help us all always and expose evil always ''
GREAT JOB ALL...THANX 4 MAKING Tee with LIONS NAMED LEO the music worldwide.
Let’s understand the coded system and what is really being said:
1:30, getting rid of superstition is the act of getting rid of the belief in one God who died for us. Even today, the idea that there is a God creator, who died for us and offers us everlasting life is thought to be a bunch of mumbo jumbo superstitions of the past.
LIBERTY&FREEDOM are coded words to mean the idea of a person using their intellect , reasoning, common sense and working with their own strength and will to achieve everything desired, including achieving godhood, no need for a Savior.
The two subjects that were stressed for all students were the sciences:
Social sciences
Pure science
These were the building blocks by which the educational Carnegie Foundations and the Rockefeller Foundations controlled the Universities and the public schools in order to change the minds of young people from the Godly Bible based concepts to the idea that man does not need God, “the power lies within”! Ooof!
90% comments school hell 🤣🤣
Lol is true for me too but is good to Make friends only
Very useful online session, sharing it now.
Holy crap, what's with all the bots in the comments?
Rich people want their kids to go to the best schools while they complain about paying taxes to support public schools. The problem now is that technology is advancing so rapidly that most feel left behind.
Thank you very much . I really appreciate your work.
Education is the best cursed word in the English lexicon of spells
How about schools were created so all the corporation debt slave (citizens) had a place for their little debt slaves (children) to go while working the plantations?
What happens when a country's people become socially stable but the government cause division
During Revolution, 85% male literacy in New England to 60% in old England.
John Taylor Gatto, for more substance and depth of subject matter.
This video is dated about 120 years since the prussian model was introduced.
Our founding fathers believed parents were the primary educators of their children.
They did not believe in k-12
I think you are miss reading the snarkiness of that last quote. People still talk like this and mean it in a, to the contrary ways, where they mean the opposite
Here’s what I think of public education.
1. Big kid day care. Modern parents don’t really have the time to watch their kids and work. trouble
2. Training. Kids learn to read, write, do math. They are also introduced into all kinds of subjects that might help them decide what they’d like to do.
3. Socialization. Kids learn to make friends, work and play with others.
4. Discipline. Getting up everyday and going to school enforces an ethic of being ready to do something rather than just be lazy all day.
5. Democratizing opportunity and social mobility. Regardless of family income, one can leverage the education system to attain opportunities for better life.
6. Societal advancement. These kids will make the future a better place because they’ll be starting out more educated than their parents.
7. Cultural assimilation. Kids that go to a standardized school will experience a similar culture. The society can then decide what values to instill in students like language or patriotism.
Especially useful for immigrant or minority kids.
Not saying all schools do all this nor that they do so well. Not saying schooling is the only way to achieve these objectives.
The USA has the H1-B Visa to brain drain the rest of the world of the best and brightest to work in the USA as opposed to properly investing in its own citizenry from the inception of said visa to present day. Furthermore, since production of goods for blue collar workers has been outsourced over the decades to cheaper areas of the world through free trade agreements not only has the intellectual capacity of "Schooling" been attacked, but also the repetitive boring labor of factory work thereby knocking out "Social Stability", and "Social Mobility" in one fell swoop. Both of these coupled together erode the core embodiment of capable citizens to manifest the state's desire of the "Meritocracy" and "Civic Virtue" qualities so desired. Nice try, but I don't buy it. The following is a much more accurate depiction of the indoctrination camps you are espousing:
DIO MEL But how many of those H1-B visa-recipients REMAIN in the USA for life, once they drain OUR brains of education, shutting out AMERICAN students who didn't have the benefit of a caste-system?
We hear about how the USA supposedly benefits from other countries best and brightest, but there's no evidence they come here to STAY, rather than take what what they can, and leave us in the lurch.
Just like "rich school districts" only attract freeloaders into the district to vomit all over the local residents for a high-cost education at their expense, and then they move out to some cheap district once Junior graduates, leaving the long-term local residents to pay for their education as thanks for using them as a stepping-stone in life.
@@kenburns4547 my point is to further education for American citizens first over foreign prospects, but with the turmoil currently progressing in the world it is looking like universities will be crumbling soon. Low turnouts in higher education due to the multiple calamities of potentially catching COVID on campus, increased prices due to inflated worthless dollars from money printing go BBRRRRR machines, and communist infiltrated censorship within Big Tech FANG companies are stifling innovative scientific debate within and out of academia (namely HCQ's use for the current pandemic as just one example) will all contribute to the fall and dismantling of the current higher educational system. The close of this school year next May will reveal the first crumbling. The issue of H1-B Visas will no longer exist when universities transform or disintegrate. Knowledge will be sought elsewhere.
The public schools are a jobs programs. For adults
John Taylor Gatto, for more substance and depth of subject matter.
civic virtue and freedom do not go together
So without upward social mobility, there is no point in public education bar government indoctrination?
John Taylor Gatto, for more substance and depth of subject matter.
The public schools are a jobs programs. For adults
Schooling and education are 2 different things, or should we say processes. Schooling exist to keep working class children off the streets during working hours. Education is for children of people who are going to use it. All the rich owners have said it. " We need a nation of workers not thinkers!". Of course the owners son needs an education. That is where the small private school come in. They need a family of thinkers not workers.
Also "education" doesn't necessarily mean you're properly learning what's true. Often times the truth is plain and simple, yet the highly "educated" man would rather believe a lie because it is more complicated, fancy and difficult to grasp.
Veery informative!
compulsory education didnt start until the 1800’s. why are you lying???
So wounderful speach and motivation of life 🌏 and me i am east Timor people but i would like to join of this group 🌏
Teaching virtue in schools? When and where did this ever happen? We are losing this fight in the U.S. right now.
The public schools are a jobs programs. For adults
wonderful video
If you truly want to know why does the United States have public schools just go back in time in ancient greece in the city of Athens. Thanks to Socrates.
ENOUGHS ENOUGH! I HAVE HAD IT WITH THINGS LIKE THIS! There are so many peopole whp say what kids do, how kids behave, and what we feel is best for us. But those studies are honestly based on things that peopole see a bit of ans base it on that. I am a kid and I highly dissagree with many of the things peopole say about us. Its really insensitive and they dont even ask us! They think they know everything but they really dont. And dont just think that im just saying that "because im a kid". Im saying it because im living it, because its happening to me and many others that we dont have a choice in how we represent ourselves. There is NOTHING anyone can say to deny this. There is NOTHING anyone can say to confirm the latter. We are not given a true voice and it is insensitive in every way. WE WANT TO GO TO SCHOOL. WE DO BETTER IN SCHOOL. SCHOOL. HELPS US. LISTEN TO US AND YOU WILL SEE. THE UNSENSITIVITY HAS TO STOP AND IT HAS TO STOP NOW!!!
As a brand new adult (aka 18), I can concur that most adults do not know what is best for children. Especially in today's world, everyone thinks school is what is best, but...if that were true for every child, depression, anxiety, and suicide wouldn't be skyrocketing at such alarming rates. If you want to go to school and it works for you, fine. But, children do not get a voice on what happens in their day to day lives, and that lack of control in and of itself is enough to drive many of them to the edge.
Nobody knows what is best for kids, let alone a 100+-year-old system that has not changed all that much in a world that is constantly changing. We need people who can adapt, not fill in bubbles of preselected answers that are deemed correct. The true mark of education and intelligence is being able to handle mistakes and problems that come your way and make the best out of them with the tools you have. To learn from mistakes, not fear them. That can look different for everyone, and most paths are valid, not just STEM fields. Society needs everyone, not just the doctors and scientists.
@@ErutaniaRose I am speechless, and for a good reason! I could never find a way to say that, but you just said it! Thank you! Thank you very much!
What the fuck is wrong with these comments?
Anyone here a student of John Payne?
History is bunck. especially this discussion.
The founding fathers believed in a literate and moral populace
It's all Horace Mann's fault
Splitting hairs where it wasn't needed... You want to split hairs about public schools. Explain to me why in the historic documents, pertaining to INDIAN APPROPRIATIONS, DID RESPECTIVE TRIBES GET TO USE THEIR MONEY TO FUND PUBLIC SCHOOLS ON THE RESERVATION. WHEN BOARDING SCHOOLS WERE MANDATORY UP UNTIL AS LATE AS THE 70's
rich people wanted to mold the people to their will
I'm gonna fight Horace Mann for inventing school
John Taylor Gatto, for more substance and depth of subject matter.
This video is dated about 120 years since the prussian model was introduced.
This video is dated about 120 years since the prussian model was introduced.
Federal compliance equals federal funding point blank period
You didn't made school, you made hell.....
Horace Mann is an A$$whole
LikecHorrace Mann, Today's circulars exclude him
Like spending eternity in FUCKING hell
public property eh?
Hate the term founding father since paternity is a prototype and passing relative. Mother is the cause To Be An Origin she's both the seed and the agent a cultivator you don't have to use biological or social metaphors for people who established and Nation. A nation made for and by boys well goodbye😴
So why in supposed 3rd world country's kids learn a second language in early grades,and we can't!
Sponsored by the NEA.
The worst phenomenon of human race
This guy is making up story of the purpose of public school education
homework backwards is krowemoh and that means child abuse
hi my name is lamin
Iraq invented school
U are freemason
The founding fathers had the idea of education? LOL