@@ShannonsBibleStudystudents need to be able to compete in a world market when grown. What curriculum would parents teach if there are no regulations, or Strict regulations on curriculum? How is a parent/family Affording the educational materials, field trips, school fees, & whatever else? The GW Bush era 'no child left behind' act Already put schools in a precarious position. Which is clear, seeing how so many ppl are totally void of knowledge on how the DoE, or any Govmnt' institutions work
@@tjnguyen8546 I'm an attorney and can bet I'm better educated than you are. The Department of Education is a bloated, administrative agency that does not provide boots-on-ground support for local schools. They are the mechanism in which federal money is delivered (paid by our taxes) that includes conditions and strings attached. It's ironic you say predominantly the uneducated support this when the evidence is clear that the Department of Education hasn't made education better. Quite the contrary, it's significantly worse.
This will put the DECISIONS On The STATES DESK. Which Is Closer To Your Dinner Table, Giving You And Everyone More Chances To Get YOUR/THEIR VOICE/S Heard. Even Better Would Be If Parents Take Over In Their/Your Local School Districts OR The BEST Scenario Would Be Home Schooling With SCHEDULED GROUP OTHERS With Other HOME PARENT TEACHERS. Or One More Idea A Neighborhood Parent Teacher Run Schoolhouse. The Closer To Home The More Control Individual Parents and Families WILL Have MORE SAY. JUST Some Ideas 💡💐 🙏🏼🙌🏼👣 💪🏼💞🕊️
@@ShannonsBibleStudy That is what we have now. No one is held to account at a gigantic Department of Education. At a state level, people can hold them accountable through the state legislatures. Less steps to remove a bad administrator at the state level. At the federal level, we need a majority of the house, a 60 vote senate, and then a president to do something. At the state level, just need a majority of the state legislators, or the governor to control bad apples.
THat last part is NOT what Republicans have been telling their voters... Why would we expect the "Do your own research" crowd to actually DO RESEARCH, though?? They didn't figure out what a tariff was until the day after the election.... lol
@@Theechad21 did you even watch the ending? The federal government of the DOE doesn't mandate curriculum in schools. That's up to the states. Meaning if schools are failing it's the states fault. The DOE provides funding for federal programs like special education and needs. In order for states to receive that funding they have to follow the federal policy. But if states don't follow them or want the funding they can still function with out the DoE. States have their own DOE to oversee their own schools. In other words the Republicans have convinced their sheep that everything wrong with the federal DOE is the reason schools are in the dumps... When it's false .. the DOE cannot mandate curriculum. It's just a funding agency and when it's gone so does that money being funneled to private pockets. Your taxes will still be the same.
@Theechad21 You just proved by what you said that. You do not do research. Otherwise. You proved that you are not very well-educated and not very smart yo. Voted for a lifelong con man with a historia. Ripping people off not paying his bills. Having an affair on every single wife cheating people left and right right But I know you'd like President who go on Howard Stern and brag about walking in on naked 15 year old girls. Because that's what you would do You like President who are 70 years old and tell 10 year old girls. They will be dating them in ten years because that's what you do He went on open microphone and bragged about grabbing women by their private parts of forcing himself upon them. And then when two dozen women accused him of the same exact thing you guys want to call it fake news. So obviously you have not done your research. And you think you can come on here and lie to us like your leader lies to you. Every time he opens his mouth. Well we are not stupid enough to believe it we are not you
Don't let schooling interfere with your education. -Mark Twain. He believed that schooling and education were different, and that people should not blindly follow the education system.
You are taking away resources fir the people to even question though. In the context he was talking, he was referring to the bureaucracy along with copy and repeat done that don’t actually educate people. Education is an interactional process.
As a public school teacher I have been forced to call students by their Pronouns. My religious liberties and freedom of speech dont count if i work for public schools especially in California. Also, Get Rid of the Dept of Education and extra funding for schools. Administrator like principals, vice principals, superintendents give themselves 5% raise every year. WE teachers need to fight for it every year. I have worked in over 200 schools as a substitute teacher and I have heard and have seen myself as a fulltime teacher that school districts have surplus of money hoarded up: Not hiring more teachers, more kids per teachers in class up to 40-50 students. no aides or paras to help!
It looks like most people don't understand what the us department of education job really is, most everything that these folks are talking about can be handled by the state and not so much by the federal government..
The Department of Education gave us No Child Left Behind and Common Core. I’m glad I was done with school when that came about. This new generation has a tough battle. They’ll have to reeducate themselves after graduating from high school.
@@christyann1201 There are already state level Departments of Education. They have been running the schools for decades. The problem is the Federal DOE mandates, most of which have nothing to do with "protections" they said in this news broadcast. My mom started teaching in the 1960s, and has always said that the DOE was the dumbest thing she ever saw in her 50 years of teaching.
@@jacobew2000 Your mom is very insightful. Since it's inception our children's level of practical education has steadily decreased, and the money spent attaining those dismal results has somehow skyrocketed... while actual educators remain underpaid. SOMEONE is profiting, and it's not our children.
@@christyann1201 this is mind boggling. There has to be a plan for another department of education if this one is removed. There cannot just be none! Otherwise all the schools will charge fees, or rely entirely on state taxes.
Teachers could teach and be judged by their ability, not by following government nonsense and filling out endless paperwork, instead of really helping students.
The problem with your theory is that a teacher could be the best in the world and if their students have learning disabilities or borderline or low iq’s then the teacher would look like a terrible teacher and not make any gains. At the same time a terrible lazy teacher could have gifted and way above average students and they would look like an excellent teacher based on their test scores. You can’t necessarily judge a teachers performance on how well their students score on test.
@@islandprincess9666if a teacher can't figure out that a student needs special help if they have problems learning they shouldn't be a teacher at all.
@@islandprincess9666that’s a terrible take. If that happens those classrooms will be outliers, which will happen in every system but they are a very small % of the sample. Not to mention teachers teach different classrooms within the same curriculum and get a different set of students every year. Test scores and classroom performance are a great indicator of a teachers ability to lead a class, it’s that’s simple
@@islandprincess9666 The many teachers I know say they are so overburdened by paperwork there is little time to teach well. They spend their day filling out core standards criteria.
@@Luneytoonunfortunately, it should be pointed out that they mix 'challenged' students with disabilities with average and gifted students in the same classrooms. My wife, who is a teacher, tells me that it's a problem.
my transportation business for disabled children to get to school is funded by the department of education so now people about to lose their jobs and their businesses
@@davidwestwater2219 Trump can literally fire everyone inside the Department of Education with a stroke of a pen. He's the President and the DOE is a department under the control of the Executive Branch. Trump is their boss and he can fire everyone if he wants to.
I grew up going to public school through high school and graduated in 1974. My education was far superior to what the kids are taught (or not taught) today. The DoE has been a disaster.
You grew up in a time of not teaching minority history, promoting the Confederacy, promoting white supremacy, vilifying anyone not white, women couldn’t have bank accounts, women steered to “female” jobs, disability students had no rights to education and the list goes on.
Thank you for letting everyone know that you do not know the purpose of the DoE. The DoE DOES NOT set the curriculum, choose which teachers to hire, or choose the books that must be used to teach in schools. That is done by State and local governments and parents. You're relying on propaganda and campaign rhetoric instead of facts. What it actually does is provide funding for low income school systems, many of which are in rural areas (Title 1). Provide funding for Special Education programs. Provide grants for college students. If you don't think the schools are doing a good job, then take that up with your local school board.
@@miller5170 Mass Deportation tactics don't care about legality... They can and will process people in mass trials and then send them across the border. If you think it won't happen cause 'MURICA... Then I am afraid you are either too optimistic or deluded.
Let’s all be honest. The US education or lack thereof is the result of our current outcome. Apparently they forgot to teach the future leaders of tomorrow about tariffs.
So it sounds like you're saying the department of education doesn't really do anything since the states are the ones picking the curriculum. Why is the department of education needed again?
It’s a bad thing because how will college students pay for their education. States alone can’t fund schools or colleges. If he closes the department of education their would be no funding!!!
@@English_Learninuniversity's have drastically increased their tuition ever since unlimited unsecured student loans came into existence. Now university's build luxury college buildings and non education related services to compete for students. Go back to boring academic university's and dump sports, the cost will plummet
Ah yes, a 10% reduction in tax money definitely won't negatively affect the already underfunded public education system. Nothing bad to come by taking away 1 out of every 10 dollars, certainly. I just hope the idiots in this comment section are ready to either have their local taxes go up or their school's quality go down even further.
The extra money isn't making any difference in children's education though. That's the problem. There have been studies done where schools that are in predominately low income cities have received more funding to help the students. After several years of funding, the students have actually done worse academically than before. It's proven that more funding is not the answer. Often the problem stems from poor parenting. If the kids don't have a good support system at home, a teacher can only do so much to help.
How many people does the Department of Education actually "educate?" That would be zero point zero. They are nothing more than a slush fund for the Democratic party. Have you ever seen the DOE's budget? I have. About 95% of the funds are transfer payments to states, universities, cities, etc. In other words, it is money being taken from the taxpayer to go back to them anyway -- after financing a bunch of useless bureaucrats.
@@gman3451 the right wing did that by installing bigots and racist on school boards across the nation!!!! And dumps pick of Betsy DeVos as head of DOE just about did it in!!!! 🙄🤷♂️
@@gman3451 It's just a scam...everything Trump does is a scam that somehow puts extra money in his pockets...his Trump University was a scam , now maybe when the dept of Ed is gone, he can open it back up
As a teacher I am dismayed and saddened by the vitriol toward the Department of Education and teachers. Also some of y’all Gonna find out the hard way that dismantling the Department of Education will mean the loss of supports for poor and working-class college students, such as federal financial aid, pell grants, work study programs, etc.
Get rid of it! Our kids can not read fluently, write legibly, or solve mathematical equations simply! The CORE method has made our children struggle and fail
Thank you for letting everyone know that you do not know what the DoE does. The DoE DOES NOT set the curriculum, choose which teachers to hire, or choose the books that must be used to teach in schools. That is done by State and local governments and parents. What it actually does is provide funding for low income school systems, many of which are in rural areas. Provide funding for Special Education programs. Provide grants for college students. Exactly how good do you think education will be when States with limited budgets, like MS, KY, AK, etc. no longer get help funding their public schools??
Omg! Florida has a horrid public education system…..if you don’t have your kid in a private school in Florida then you can kiss their education goodbye!
I’m a retired teacher and agree that the Department of Education does way more harm than good. It is a big waste of money and time. I sincerely believe that the Washington bureaucracy spends most of its time coming up with forms and reports to justify their jobs that require teachers to waste time completing that could be better spent actually developing good lessons. It also stifles innovation and doesn’t recognize different states have different needs.
@@Alienwatcher I was an excellent teacher and highly praised by students, parents, and staff. I’m 72 years old so I remember education before and after the D.O.E. LOOK AT THE STATISTICS! Our schools have been on a steadily declining curve since the department was founded. States were doing a better job.
@ Gee, I graduated Magna cum lade and have a masters plus 30 graduate credits. How about you? By the way, when I graduated they didn’t provide tutoring and considered if you were in college you should have the academic skills or flunk out-which is not the case today.
Probably similar to how things looked before the dept. of education was created? States, local school boards and parents did a decent job before DC got involved; I believe many education metrics have actually declined since the introduction of the federal dept. of education.
More teachers? Of the same quality and source as Trump's cabinet heads? As to smaller class sizes, with child labor laws ended, and 4 incomes needed to keep one quiverful family size afloat, there will certainly be fewer children in school.
By losing over 15% on average? Do you SERIOUSLY think that current educational LOSER states like Alabama, Mississippi, West Virginia, Tenn, Arkansas and Kentucky will suddenly invent MORE money for education?
To hire more teachers, they would have to thin out the administrative staff. The highest paid people in education and the fastest growing segment of education. Research it!
Just because the education department would be closed doesn't mean that students with learning disabilities wouldn't get help. It would mean that states would actually have to be responsible and producing good results.
You mean the states run by Republicans who don't believe in "handouts"? Those states? You think they're going out of their way to do anything for disabled kids who they tend to view as being drains on the system?
Do you really want the oversight of the federal government? Isn't it better for states to do that? If that taxpayer money can do more good somewhere else, get rid of it.
It should be left to the states and the local communities. The Fed has no need to be involved in any form or fashion. All education policies at the end of the day is up to the parents of the children.
In 1979 U.S. was number one in public education. Now we are 24th. The department has 4400 employees to give about 2400 per student per year. We could fire those employees and have a small group of people just give 3k a year to schools per child.
I live in and teach in Arkansas , our state has a voucher program now and it’s hurting our schools , they have had to cut many positions and are getting waivers to increase class sizes . This does not help teachers and especially students . I also teach at a school with above average poverty with many special services for sped students and English language learners . I’m so worried about all this :(
this was implemented in 1979. I was 12. All it means is everything they are worried about is turned over to the state. Not the federal government. To get or keep any federal monies the school and/or the state would have to show that students meet requirements or education levels. Parents will be more involved. If you don't like something going on in your kids' school, you can report it to your county and your state.
@@ShannonsBibleStudy Because those kids turn into doctors, lawyers, paramedics, firefighters, basically everyone that you can think of that offers a service you use. Without education those people don't exist, poor parents having to pay all of education will mean less kids in school, which means less kids doing important jobs. Stop being short sighted and stop asking questions you know the answer to.
Since the creation of the dept of education, eduction metrics across the board have fallen. The states taking over education just means you have more local control over the future of students near you.
@@notalizardperson4899 there are yes, the king of them will be president come January and the house speaker thinks he's Moses. I'm well aware there are idiots in Congress currently because we had to demand that marijuana be legal and to have the right to an abortion. But do you honestly think my governor will keep his sticky fingers out? My state will teach that actually slavery is a good thing, look to Florida for what happens when a state controls their schools, you get Prague U taught to your kids. In school I had to waste time learning how to fold the flag for a grade and it wasn't until college that I learned just how awful the slave states were to slaves. The department of education doesn't do all that you think it does, if it did I would have learned about evolution instead that Flintstones is a documentary. I would have been able to sit down during the pledge of allegiance because I didn't believe in God without being threatened with suspension. It was the department of education and the constitution that allowed me to threaten to sue them for forcing their religion on to me. The way I see it, the only thing stopping children from being taught Prague U curriculum is the government and I would rather "morons" be in charge that at least make sure I'm prepared for college, then morons who will make me and my fellow students a laughing stock at any college we manage to get to. If we can even manage to get to college because without accreditation things like Trump University can take our money and not offer a degree. Also people are shortsighted because our taxes would still be sky high because the money for education has to come from somewhere and we already don't pay enough in taxes for schools so where is that going to come from? You think Pence is going to open his wallet? No it'll be me and the average person
The Department of Education as it is currently didn't even come until 1979. So we were fine before that and would be fine without it. The Federal Government has other things to focus on. The States are already more involved in Education than the Feds. This would actually be one of the least noticeable/felt to the citizens if this Department was disbanded
@mecca6941 department of education doesn't handle funding that's the senate and congress that approve proposed budgets. Majority of school funding comes from property tax and the community support. Federal government mainly give tax breaks and cover the states education budget when they fall short.
Also would not have most public school graduates not being able to read and write at a 9th grade level. Ironically, the politicians want ignorant people who do not know things like History of our country, how to read, how to write, or even do basic mathematics. Otherwise, they could not get all these spending bills through congress as the population would know that it is not only unconstitutional, but also bankrupting the American treasury.
you say the department of "indoctrination" but by making education a state issue the poorer, christian states are GOING to teach the bible and creationism
@@worm8294 Oh no, the mean ol' christians are going to teach kids to be *GASP* good people instead of selfish narcissists. Oh no, the horror! Those areas MIGHT return to a point in time where you could leave your door unlocked without fear of someone coming in and game overing your family or robbing you. Such a travesty! Those dirty ol' christians are going to ruin the US!
The Department of Ed was created in 1979 under Jimmy Carter. The purpose was to ensure and enforce education funding for special needs, civil rights and low income school (Title 1). If they eliminate the Department of Ed truly nothing happens because schools are already controlled by the states as far as curriculum. The only question I have is since the Dept of education is closing and they are also in charge of student loans, would they still owe. I am saying the department wouldn't exist anymore. 😅
@@lennychorn147 What is sad about this is that the general welfare clause never meant "giving from the Treasury". It meant CREATING THE CONDITIONS FOR FREE TRADE AND LIBERTY. James Madison warned against what we have today, in his 1792 Cod Fishery bill, where he said that it was not right to give money to some Haitian Immigrants "to help them". That that would violate the very premise of small government that they had created.
The way that the Maryland schools are now they can’t get much worse. You have kids who are graduating high school who don’t know how to read or do basic math. And special Ed Gould even worse. I should know I was visually impaired students in Maryland public school. The teachers ignored me. You didn’t want to teach me and I was bullied in school also. If my parents hadn’t taken me public school and taught me themselves I never would have learned to read. You also have teachers who are changing grades scared they won’t get funding if they don’t. Let Trump try his way. It’s not like you can’t change it later if it doesn’t work. It’s not working the way. It is now.
What does that even mean? State's already set the guidelines. That's how you can have states dictate what books by women and minorities they wish to ban.
@@nursynikki Then people will watch California test scores be the worst in the nation and nobody will ever hire the morons that state pumps out because they'd rather talk about gender and "white privilege" than discuss math, science, and history. This is a great way to see which states will produce the smartest kids and which ones will produce the...well...idiots.
Alot of Americas attended schools and graduated before there ever was a department of education. In 1979 United States was number one in math & science in the world! How do we rate now?
I don’t know about the state cause I live in a blue state and they have this lgbt nonsense in the curriculum and I have to opt my son out. However, I agree with school choice.
And what do you think the federal dept of education’s views are on that subject? At least with state control you stand a chance of changing your representatives to someone more aligned with you own personal views on educational priorities. End federal monopoly on YOUR child’s education
lgbt nonsense? Look, there have gay people since at least 2400 bce. They aren't going away just because you don't like them. There is nothing wrong with a school acknowledging that LGBTQ people do exist and letting your kid know that they can like who they want.
Here's my question. Who is letting children go to school in flip flops and pajamas? These kids don't look prepared to be leaders of anything. Let's start there.
Here we go. DEI again. That includes white women and any person with color on their skin with the same qualifications as a white man. Stand up and speak out against the majority of this country. Don’t be shy. We want your names!!
You’ll have no standard of education. Meaning a generation of children will grow up lacking sufficient knowledge. Some of them will probably be illiterate.
wanna bet? you think schools are underfunded now? just wait, soon the only schools that will exist will be the ones rich people send their kids to and the rest of us poor people will be stuck with the only option of children working their little fingers off in the factories again
It goes away. You'll need a credit score (which teens don't have) or your parents will have to put you through college. It will be old school where only the rich can get an education.
@@FreeofChaos Old school? Since when is only the rich having access to [good] education ("good" qualifier being optional, depending on how you look at it) merely confined to being "old school?"
Unless a plan is fully outlined for each state and all students, staff, and teachers are protected. Public education must be accessible and equitable for all.
Before the DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION OUR EDUCATION WAS GOOD. Since the Department of Education came into school our education thru the year been getting worse.
Really! Well then why did some little snot nose brat burn down the library of the grade school I went to in the 1960s…….what class did they teach him to do that in?
@@donnavonaYou know they just make things up 🙄 Next they'll be saying that science teachers control the weather and students in California all have to burn Bibles to graduate.
Sack the President of Teachers Union , disband the Union , get rid of the Dept of Education and you will find the Education standards will improve drastically
I was born before the Department of Education and was in junior high school (now middle school) when the Department was founded. One thing I learned early in my life was the value of learning. I have read so many negative comments about the DOE, but I have yet to read of the value, responsibility, or the village involved in education which includes not only school personnel, but also parents and students. If I were to tell you to come to a specific address to pickup your check for a million dollars and you do not show, I would not be the one to blame for you not receiving your money. And yet, 100% of a child’s education is placed on the system with little to no responsibility being attributed to the students or their parents. It takes a teacher to give, a student to receive, and parents to support in order for an education to truly work. How do I know this, because this is how I succeeded as a student and as a teacher, what I taught my charges, and how I earned four degrees just as my father did.
From my understanding the DOE has failed terribly, to much politics and not enough education. Prior to the DOE students thrived and excelled in their studies. Maybe it’s time to let the states handle education.
All federal protections would evaporate. That means students with disabilities, also gender equity rules and civil protections for minorities and English Language Learners.
Do you think that those rules are DoE rules only? That the DoE investigates and adjudicates complaints? You really need to get informed about these things. Here you are, proving that the DoE has been a ginormous failure in directing the education of the American people.
We didn't have a Dept. of Education before 1979 and our graduating students were among the top in the world. What has been happening to our overall education outcomes since then? Why are people choosing to homeschool in droves? Get education back to the states and local municipalities! If nothing else good happens in the next four years, abolishing DoE would be worth it to me. My son is special needs. We pulled him out last year and started home schooling.
What you call 'woke' is actually the history of another group. Be respectful. We can disagree without being disagreeable. Newsflash: I do not want my kids exposed to European history alon. I want them to know Asian, African and Native American historical figures too.
@@Kburloco it is implemented in schools by teachers basically rewriting history to teach what they now believe is the “true” history…and it isn’t. Also, students of color are actual taught they are victims, and that the bad white people are the ones perpetuating their victimhood. It’s a load of crap.
All states get Federal funding for their education. All states have a department of education. All states are capable of running their own department of education. You don't need a federal government education department. It's all about the money, money, money, money. Education should be the basics, math, English science history, and a foreign language and full-time kindergarten for all
@@ajbunches825 Stop with the all day indoctrinating BS. As a teacher I am telling you we are NOT indoctrinating anyone we are teaching the basics & struggling with being able to even doing that with all the increased behavior and understaffing issues.
@@ShannonsBibleStudyyou can still receive federal funding without the department of education through block grants - and allowing the specific education programs to be managed by already established agencies limiting the need for corrupted interest groups from having influences and no oversight
I'm a SpEd Teacher and School Social Worker. The problem many teachers who have left public education see is the that the DOE dictates many things to be taught in the schools that most families do not support and agree to. Families and children have rights too. If you have a school system pushing ideologies that don't align with family and parental values and beliefs, then it has to have significant overhaul - or it has to go away. The DOE has become oppressive and corrupt. Many SpEd teachers have left. We may receive different funding but we work in the same buildings. And, it is also the national teachers unions which dictate to the states how they are to teach. The issue is extensive and infiltrates down to individual teachers who are expected to tolerate, shut up, and go along even when they see that the dictates are affecting family and children's rights. Children should go to school to learn not to be indoctrinated with fly-by-night ideologies.
My kids won’t be crammed into shitty schools with students who can’t learn and hold the class back while also being extremely violent and never held accountable
How would getting rid of the small portion of federal funding change classroom size, or eliminate learning disability children. What will happen to those students?? Right now the worst get a teacher's aid to work with them.
It would be one of the best decisions for this country! What happens is that Each State will decide for there students , our education and infrastructure is as bad as it gets
Lol good luck not getting that federal money in states that don't make money. There's going to be a huge divide when blue states have the best education compared to red states. It's already there and it's because they only use federal money, once that dries up they'll have nothing.
I see a lack understanding of how the American system of education actually operates. In the US, each STATE is in control of their education systems. Each STATE gets to decide on what curriculum will be taught. Each STATE gets to decide on the "infrastructure", as you put it, of their educational system. The DoE does not control education in America - that's all done through local decisions by local governments.
I'm 68 yrs old raising my 8 yr old granddaughter. I removed her from public school this year. I will Not except the transgender BS being Forced on Innocent Children!!!
You are doing a wonderful thing for her. I know how difficult it is to be in charge of education full time, but you are doing your granddaughter a wonderful service. May God bless you.
@@deborahkish5411 Transphobic much?! FYI...being around a transgender person will NOT make your grandchildren transgender just like being around someone who has cancer will NOT give them cancer!!!
That's simply false: When you ask people about schools in general, because the media and GOP has bashed them for decades, people give low ratings. However, when you ask people about their local schools--the ones they really know about, they give them quite solid ratings.
@@HealingLifeKwikly What your saying is: If you go to a good school you won't complain. If you go to a bad school you will complain. Go talk to inner city parents and children who fear going to school, where there are fight everyday and grown men in the girls bathroom.
@@guy-tn2ud Thanks for your reply. Uhh, I've taught teachers in a major city with high poverty rates for the last 30 years, and the reason school quality and safety is uneven in America is the same thing everything is uneven--vast inequality and the poverty and social dysfunction it creates. Fix the vast inequality in the economy, and the vast inequality in education and health outcomes will steadily disappear. Until you fix vast inequality--and the racism that still plagues our society (witness the gross GOP presidential campaign we just had to endure). And NO, there are not grown men in the girls bathrooms--that's yet another misleading right-wing talking point. Be well.
@@HealingLifeKwikly OMG, you wrote an essay and gave yourself a thumbs up. LOL. The left is responsible for every problem in education. That is all. You said: "And NO, there are not grown men in the girls bathrooms--that's yet another misleading right-wing talking point." LOUDEN COUNTY VIRGIIA YOU FOOL. edit: I gave myself a thumbs up to remain consistent.
Actually, no, they weren’t. The 70s had crippling levels of adult illiterates. People like my father who made it through all years of high school and yet still could not read due to functional illiteracy. This is why Mcdonald moved to pictographic menus so that a person could just point to the picture that they wanted or order by number illiteracy has plummeted since the department of education was established.
In the 1970's before there was a Department of Education, the schools had wonderful teachers who loved to teach. Since they established the DOE we went from #1 to #24 in the world. We need to Defund the DOE!
The Federal department of education does not control curriculum. It's not their fault, it's your local government and state government education department who determines all of those things they control the schools.
I don’t know if I’d blame that on the DOE….i started college training to be a grade school teacher…we had to lead sample classes as part of out training…the teacher told me..” I wouldn’t be a good teacher because I actually expected the kids to learn something”….i was stunned…isn’t that the point…to engage them and get them to learn? …I did drop out of teaching and went into something else that paid better!
@@LoveyK Because reforming is met with paperwork and pushback from the people at the Department who say that they don't need to be reformed and everything is perfectly fine in the Department. Clearly, it isn't fine. Get rid of a massive government and force the states to actually do their jobs.
@@ShannonsBibleStudy You might want to take a Constitution class and learn how our government was set up to work before it was corrupted by greedy politicians.
If you lose the FEDERAL department of education it becomes easier to for states to control their education needs with citizens able to control how their children are educated thru direct interaction with STATE education boards. If you think Christian values are so bad, why don’t you go live in a Muslim country for a while?
"Assuming they will honor the law", there lies the problem!
Like the Biden Admin "honored the law"? LOL
@@outdoorgal9602- Exactly.😂😂😂
@@nadogrlA criminal will obviously not obey the law.
@@outdoorgal9602 What law(s) are you referring to?
@@ellimistiquekrystal Immigration laws
Presently, we have the most expensive least effective public education system in the world.
And it’ll become even worse…
we have the highest performing advanced students in the entire Western World according to the 2022 PISA exam
@@xforce3648 glib
@@RobertMJohnson The majority of the west is also poor. Look at the east instead for comparison.
He wants to keep Americans dumb and under control.
According to the comments below, a lot of people are itching to have the Dept. of Ed. be gone.
Who cares. Do away with it and the funding. Let parents deal with education themselves and leave everyone else out if it.
Predominantly the uneducated
@@ShannonsBibleStudystudents need to be able to compete in a world market when grown. What curriculum would parents teach if there are no regulations, or Strict regulations on curriculum? How is a parent/family Affording the educational materials, field trips, school fees, & whatever else? The GW Bush era 'no child left behind' act Already put schools in a precarious position. Which is clear, seeing how so many ppl are totally void of knowledge on how the DoE, or any Govmnt' institutions work
@@ShannonsBibleStudy Why can't those parents take their kids out of school then? Why do they get to dictate what other kids get to learn?
@@tjnguyen8546 I'm an attorney and can bet I'm better educated than you are. The Department of Education is a bloated, administrative agency that does not provide boots-on-ground support for local schools. They are the mechanism in which federal money is delivered (paid by our taxes) that includes conditions and strings attached.
It's ironic you say predominantly the uneducated support this when the evidence is clear that the Department of Education hasn't made education better. Quite the contrary, it's significantly worse.
Who is going to fund the food in the school’s cafeteria, the feds fund 80% of the food in the school’s cafeteria
My mother works with special needs and she does a great job with these kids .
I'm terrified for my Autistic son.
This will put the DECISIONS On The STATES DESK. Which Is Closer To Your Dinner Table, Giving You And Everyone More Chances To Get YOUR/THEIR VOICE/S Heard. Even Better Would Be If Parents Take Over In Their/Your Local School Districts OR The BEST Scenario Would Be Home Schooling With SCHEDULED GROUP OTHERS With Other HOME PARENT TEACHERS. Or One More Idea A Neighborhood Parent Teacher Run Schoolhouse. The Closer To Home The More Control Individual Parents and Families WILL Have MORE SAY. JUST Some Ideas 💡💐
🙏🏼🙌🏼👣 💪🏼💞🕊️
@@annjepsen1621me too. But this report gives me some, small measure of relief. We’ll get through this for them, we have to. ::Hugs::
@Mrgs3rd thank you for what you do, we are so grateful for teachers like yourself.
Thanks to your mother. ❤
Sounds to me like the state legislators will have more work to do and be accountable for!
They won't be accountable for anything because there will be no accountability.
@@ShannonsBibleStudy There are already state agencies. We don't need the DOE Do some actual research.
@@ShannonsBibleStudy That is what we have now. No one is held to account at a gigantic Department of Education. At a state level, people can hold them accountable through the state legislatures. Less steps to remove a bad administrator at the state level. At the federal level, we need a majority of the house, a 60 vote senate, and then a president to do something. At the state level, just need a majority of the state legislators, or the governor to control bad apples.
States, especially red states, has cut support for public education. In many places they are sneakily trying to destroy it.
THat last part is NOT what Republicans have been telling their voters...
Why would we expect the "Do your own research" crowd to actually DO RESEARCH, though?? They didn't figure out what a tariff was until the day after the election.... lol
@@jamesbell739 thats the problem with democrats. Its not that they dont know anything. Its just that they know so much that isnt so
@@Theechad21 did you even watch the ending? The federal government of the DOE doesn't mandate curriculum in schools. That's up to the states. Meaning if schools are failing it's the states fault. The DOE provides funding for federal programs like special education and needs. In order for states to receive that funding they have to follow the federal policy. But if states don't follow them or want the funding they can still function with out the DoE. States have their own DOE to oversee their own schools. In other words the Republicans have convinced their sheep that everything wrong with the federal DOE is the reason schools are in the dumps... When it's false .. the DOE cannot mandate curriculum. It's just a funding agency and when it's gone so does that money being funneled to private pockets. Your taxes will still be the same.
@Theechad21 You just proved by what you said that. You do not do research. Otherwise. You proved that you are not very well-educated and not very smart yo. Voted for a lifelong con man with a historia. Ripping people off not paying his bills. Having an affair on every single wife cheating people left and right right
But I know you'd like President who go on Howard Stern and brag about walking in on naked 15 year old girls. Because that's what you would do
You like President who are 70 years old and tell 10 year old girls. They will be dating them in ten years because that's what you do
He went on open microphone and bragged about grabbing women by their private parts of forcing himself upon them. And then when two dozen women accused him of the same exact thing you guys want to call it fake news.
So obviously you have not done your research. And you think you can come on here and lie to us like your leader lies to you. Every time he opens his mouth. Well we are not stupid enough to believe it we are not you
Most of MAGA still hasnt figured out that tariffs will increase prices 🤦🏻♀️.
Don't let schooling interfere with your education.
-Mark Twain.
He believed that schooling and education were different, and that people should not blindly follow the education system.
He was right and is right.
@@Altered4n892t So were Richard Fenyman and Frank Zappa, two individuals who were bright enough never to confuse "school" with "education".
...and what percentage of adults were functionally illiterate in his time ?
You are taking away resources fir the people to even question though. In the context he was talking, he was referring to the bureaucracy along with copy and repeat done that don’t actually educate people. Education is an interactional process.
As a public school teacher I have been forced to call students by their Pronouns. My religious liberties and freedom of speech dont count if i work for public schools especially in California. Also, Get Rid of the Dept of Education and extra funding for schools. Administrator like principals, vice principals, superintendents give themselves 5% raise every year. WE teachers need to fight for it every year. I have worked in over 200 schools as a substitute teacher and I have heard and have seen myself as a fulltime teacher that school districts have surplus of money hoarded up: Not hiring more teachers, more kids per teachers in class up to 40-50 students. no aides or paras to help!
It looks like most people don't understand what the us department of education job really is, most everything that these folks are talking about can be handled by the state and not so much by the federal government..
The Department of Education gave us No Child Left Behind and Common Core. I’m glad I was done with school when that came about. This new generation has a tough battle. They’ll have to reeducate themselves after graduating from high school.
Common Core came from the states.
@@sallyjrwjrw6766 common core came directly from the Obama administration you uninformed Harris voter
@@sallyjrwjrw6766Forced on the states with "incentives
@@victoriam-sky9033 incentives are by definition not by force. Nevertheless, I believe in homeschooling so I could care less.
No Child Left Behind was brought to you by George W. Bush, a Republican president.
Education has gotten worse since the dep of Ed so dump it.
Choosing to home school your non existent kids?
Just have a dam plan first. Jees
@@christyann1201 There are already state level Departments of Education. They have been running the schools for decades. The problem is the Federal DOE mandates, most of which have nothing to do with "protections" they said in this news broadcast. My mom started teaching in the 1960s, and has always said that the DOE was the dumbest thing she ever saw in her 50 years of teaching.
@@jacobew2000 Your mom is very insightful. Since it's inception our children's level of practical education has steadily decreased, and the money spent attaining those dismal results has somehow skyrocketed... while actual educators remain underpaid. SOMEONE is profiting, and it's not our children.
@@christyann1201 this is mind boggling. There has to be a plan for another department of education if this one is removed. There cannot just be none!
Otherwise all the schools will charge fees, or rely entirely on state taxes.
Teachers could teach and be judged by their ability, not by following government nonsense and filling out endless paperwork, instead of really helping students.
The problem with your theory is that a teacher could be the best in the world and if their students have learning disabilities or borderline or low iq’s then the teacher would look like a terrible teacher and not make any gains. At the same time a terrible lazy teacher could have gifted and way above average students and they would look like an excellent teacher based on their test scores. You can’t necessarily judge a teachers performance on how well their students score on test.
@@islandprincess9666if a teacher can't figure out that a student needs special help if they have problems learning they shouldn't be a teacher at all.
@@islandprincess9666that’s a terrible take. If that happens those classrooms will be outliers, which will happen in every system but they are a very small % of the sample. Not to mention teachers teach different classrooms within the same curriculum and get a different set of students every year. Test scores and classroom performance are a great indicator of a teachers ability to lead a class, it’s that’s simple
@@islandprincess9666 The many teachers I know say they are so overburdened by paperwork there is little time to teach well. They spend their day filling out core standards criteria.
@@Luneytoonunfortunately, it should be pointed out that they mix 'challenged' students with disabilities with average and gifted students in the same classrooms. My wife, who is a teacher, tells me that it's a problem.
Just the fact that a schoolteacher would use the word ya’ll says it all. I’m from Georgia and we were never allowed to use slang by our teachers.
my transportation business for disabled children to get to school is funded by the department of education so now people about to lose their jobs and their businesses
It was before my time, but wasn't Ronald Regan trying to shut down the Department Of Education?
Yes but he gave up and trump will give up to
@@davidwestwater2219 Trump can literally fire everyone inside the Department of Education with a stroke of a pen. He's the President and the DOE is a department under the control of the Executive Branch. Trump is their boss and he can fire everyone if he wants to.
You don't know that
As a retired schoolteacher, it will be glorious!
I'm guessing you were teaching before the department existed. 😊
@@anthonyb27 I'm not guessing that you're r/tarded
HA! Ridiculous.
Best thing ever!
I grew up going to public school through high school and graduated in 1974. My education was far superior to what the kids are taught (or not taught) today. The DoE has been a disaster.
You grew up in a time of not teaching minority history, promoting the Confederacy, promoting white supremacy, vilifying anyone not white, women couldn’t have bank accounts, women steered to “female” jobs, disability students had no rights to education and the list goes on.
so you are pro segregation
I am a teacher get washinton out of state education they are the problem
@ hmmm. Questionable.
Thank you for letting everyone know that you do not know the purpose of the DoE.
The DoE DOES NOT set the curriculum, choose which teachers to hire, or choose the books that must be used to teach in schools. That is done by State and local governments and parents.
You're relying on propaganda and campaign rhetoric instead of facts.
What it actually does is provide funding for low income school systems, many of which are in rural areas (Title 1). Provide funding for Special Education programs. Provide grants for college students.
If you don't think the schools are doing a good job, then take that up with your local school board.
I work at a title I school where many of the students are immigrants or have parents who are immigrants. We're all so scared and uncertain. 😢
This makes me happy
Deport them and you can find a different job.
Immigrants does NOT equal 🟰 illegal immigrants.
@@miller5170 Mass Deportation tactics don't care about legality... They can and will process people in mass trials and then send them across the border. If you think it won't happen cause 'MURICA... Then I am afraid you are either too optimistic or deluded.
Geeze, look at all these wonderful comments. What happened to 'think of the children'? This is disgraceful.
Let’s all be honest. The US education or lack thereof is the result of our current outcome. Apparently they forgot to teach the future leaders of tomorrow about tariffs.
And that it's not okay for you to use the ladies locker room
@@jgi-o6w That should be the least of their concern because I’m actually a woman.
So it sounds like you're saying the department of education doesn't really do anything since the states are the ones picking the curriculum. Why is the department of education needed again?
money, honey
Yup, money. Everything is a grift when it comes to the federal government.
they oversee civil rights probably not a big deal to some people
It is not! It is just a big, overbloated union for the teachers.
It would be the best possible thing for education in America.
While we're at it, how about doing away with the NEA, and enacting a national program of school vouchers?
@@danrhinehart1134 Well, someone's thinking.
@@danrhinehart1134 I hope they do. A *lot* will change pretty quickly.
It’s a bad thing because how will college students pay for their education. States alone can’t fund schools or colleges. If he closes the department of education their would be no funding!!!
@@English_Learninuniversity's have drastically increased their tuition ever since unlimited unsecured student loans came into existence. Now university's build luxury college buildings and non education related services to compete for students.
Go back to boring academic university's and dump sports, the cost will plummet
Ah yes, a 10% reduction in tax money definitely won't negatively affect the already underfunded public education system. Nothing bad to come by taking away 1 out of every 10 dollars, certainly.
I just hope the idiots in this comment section are ready to either have their local taxes go up or their school's quality go down even further.
That’s what i figured. Public school is super underfunded already. It’s sad that people will fall for this.
The extra money isn't making any difference in children's education though. That's the problem. There have been studies done where schools that are in predominately low income cities have received more funding to help the students. After several years of funding, the students have actually done worse academically than before. It's proven that more funding is not the answer. Often the problem stems from poor parenting. If the kids don't have a good support system at home, a teacher can only do so much to help.
Which one?
There are 51 now
Giving DC bureaucrats money is the problem
How many people does the Department of Education actually "educate?" That would be zero point zero. They are nothing more than a slush fund for the Democratic party.
Have you ever seen the DOE's budget? I have. About 95% of the funds are transfer payments to states, universities, cities, etc. In other words, it is money being taken from the taxpayer to go back to them anyway -- after financing a bunch of useless bureaucrats.
10 is rookie numbers. You can do 100!
Dumbing down usa
The DoE dumbed down our schools. We went from #1 to #24 in the world 🙄
@@gman3451 the right wing did that by installing bigots and racist on school boards across the nation!!!!
And dumps pick of Betsy DeVos as head of DOE just about did it in!!!! 🙄🤷♂️
@@gman3451 It's just a scam...everything Trump does is a scam that somehow puts extra money in his pockets...his Trump University was a scam , now maybe when the dept of Ed is gone, he can open it back up
@@gman3451 That doesn't mean that you throw the baby out with the bathwater.
@@gman3451 U.S. Department of Education does not choose the curriculum
Every system we have has been corrupted and needed overhauled for a very long time!!
Yes, let's overhaul the political party system
Away with red and blue
Especially social security. We can't afford it and it's gotta go. Medicare too.
As a teacher I am dismayed and saddened by the vitriol toward the Department of Education and teachers. Also some of y’all Gonna find out the hard way that dismantling the Department of Education will mean the loss of supports for poor and working-class college students, such as federal financial aid, pell grants, work study programs, etc.
which then has to go to the states
Trump loves teachers. Trump hates what is being taught in schools. CRT and woke ideology needs to go away.
@@DecolonialRhetoric Giving the States the power over their own schools is a good thing.
Y’all need to learn the difference between the Department of Education and state boards of education. 🤦🏻♀️
@ So why can’t the States run their own schools. Why does the Federal government have to be involved?
Get rid of it! Our kids can not read fluently, write legibly, or solve mathematical equations simply! The CORE method has made our children struggle and fail
Thank you for letting everyone know that you do not know what the DoE does.
The DoE DOES NOT set the curriculum, choose which teachers to hire, or choose the books that must be used to teach in schools. That is done by State and local governments and parents.
What it actually does is provide funding for low income school systems, many of which are in rural areas. Provide funding for Special Education programs. Provide grants for college students.
Exactly how good do you think education will be when States with limited budgets, like MS, KY, AK, etc. no longer get help funding their public schools??
@@BeakyFloof Exactly.
Florida has been leading the way on this!
Omg! Florida has a horrid public education system…..if you don’t have your kid in a private school in Florida then you can kiss their education goodbye!
How is that working out? Oh yeah, "slaves were taught useful trade" get serious.
The Dept of Education is worthless
Almost as worthless as the ATF.
I’m a retired teacher and agree that the Department of Education does way more harm than good. It is a big waste of money and time. I sincerely believe that the Washington bureaucracy spends most of its time coming up with forms and reports to justify their jobs that require teachers to waste time completing that could be better spent actually developing good lessons. It also stifles innovation and doesn’t recognize different states have different needs.
@@Alienwatcher I was an excellent teacher and highly praised by students, parents, and staff. I’m 72 years old so I remember education before and after the D.O.E. LOOK AT THE STATISTICS! Our schools have been on a steadily declining curve since the department was founded. States were doing a better job.
@ Gee, I graduated Magna cum lade and have a masters plus 30 graduate credits. How about you? By the way, when I graduated they didn’t provide tutoring and considered if you were in college you should have the academic skills or flunk out-which is not the case today.
@@kelaidoscopekaleidoscope9871 You are a parochial stink in the nose of proper people why have you filed to quote the entire Nevada speech correctly?
You sound like a moron haha. Maybe your teaching license should be removed?
You sound like a repub on their burner account
Probably similar to how things looked before the dept. of education was created?
States, local school boards and parents did a decent job before DC got involved; I believe many education metrics have actually declined since the introduction of the federal dept. of education.
Schools could immediately hire more teachers & lead to smaller class sizes.
Schools in red states will have less money & their education will suffer more . LOL
More teachers? Of the same quality and source as Trump's cabinet heads? As to smaller class sizes, with child labor laws ended, and 4 incomes needed to keep one quiverful family size afloat, there will certainly be fewer children in school.
With what $?
By losing over 15% on average?
Do you SERIOUSLY think that current educational LOSER states like Alabama, Mississippi, West Virginia, Tenn, Arkansas and Kentucky will suddenly invent MORE money for education?
To hire more teachers, they would have to thin out the administrative staff. The highest paid people in education and the fastest growing segment of education. Research it!
Just Google the Proficiency Rate. For Reading, and Math in your Local School System. I Guarantee that you Will be Shocked.
Just because the education department would be closed doesn't mean that students with learning disabilities wouldn't get help.
It would mean that states would actually have to be responsible and producing good results.
You mean the states run by Republicans who don't believe in "handouts"? Those states? You think they're going out of their way to do anything for disabled kids who they tend to view as being drains on the system?
Do you really want the oversight of the federal government? Isn't it better for states to do that? If that taxpayer money can do more good somewhere else, get rid of it.
It should be left to the states and the local communities. The Fed has no need to be involved in any form or fashion. All education policies at the end of the day is up to the parents of the children.
the curriculum is already decided by local school boards... girl...
Jimmy Carter signed off on the Dept of Education. Nuf said.
States would take their schools back and education would improve
No federal funding. People without school aged children shouldn't have to contribute.
@ShannonsBibleStudy educated citizens benefits us all
@@SkaryGrrl They would if we had any.
Department of Education does not choose the curriculum
'I Love the Poorly Educated,' Donald Trump".
In 1979 U.S. was number one in public education. Now we are 24th. The department has 4400 employees to give about 2400 per student per year. We could fire those employees and have a small group of people just give 3k a year to schools per child.
And save money
And rent out all the prime real-estate in the blocks the department occupies in down town DC.
If the department is done away with the funding should be taken off the books instead of shuffling money around.
24th? Thats awfully generous. Pretty sure were closer to like 40th or 50th
@@resistorstudios it depends who makes up the survey. Others have it worse.
I live in and teach in Arkansas , our state has a voucher program now and it’s hurting our schools , they have had to cut many positions and are getting waivers to increase class sizes . This does not help teachers and especially students . I also teach at a school with above average poverty with many special services for sped students and English language learners . I’m so worried about all this :(
And your state is at the bottom of the schools list, and you're led by the most disgusting governor ever, aka Sarah Huckabuck Sanders.
You are part of the problem.
You're a teacher, yet don't realize how manipulated the schools are by the government? Are you even smart enough to be a teacher?
We students don't want your propaganda bs anymore. Deal with it.
@@rmalus10297I think we should bring back segregation. It was better back then b
this was implemented in 1979. I was 12. All it means is everything they are worried about is turned over to the state. Not the federal government. To get or keep any federal monies the school and/or the state would have to show that students meet requirements or education levels. Parents will be more involved. If you don't like something going on in your kids' school, you can report it to your county and your state.
Take federal money off the books completely. Let parents pay for education themselves. Why should people without school aged children be concerned?
@@ShannonsBibleStudy Because those kids turn into doctors, lawyers, paramedics, firefighters, basically everyone that you can think of that offers a service you use. Without education those people don't exist, poor parents having to pay all of education will mean less kids in school, which means less kids doing important jobs. Stop being short sighted and stop asking questions you know the answer to.
The idea that parents are going to magically be more involved - in what?? Teaching their child???
Since the creation of the dept of education, eduction metrics across the board have fallen. The states taking over education just means you have more local control over the future of students near you.
That would be great since that's where my tax money goes.
My state elected a guy who thinks ectopic pregnancies can be reimplanted. You really think my state should have any authority over what is taught? K
@lynnbreeher9318 yes because your states curriculum will not be made by this individual. Do you think there aren't morons in Federal Goverment?
@@notalizardperson4899 there are yes, the king of them will be president come January and the house speaker thinks he's Moses. I'm well aware there are idiots in Congress currently because we had to demand that marijuana be legal and to have the right to an abortion. But do you honestly think my governor will keep his sticky fingers out? My state will teach that actually slavery is a good thing, look to Florida for what happens when a state controls their schools, you get Prague U taught to your kids. In school I had to waste time learning how to fold the flag for a grade and it wasn't until college that I learned just how awful the slave states were to slaves. The department of education doesn't do all that you think it does, if it did I would have learned about evolution instead that Flintstones is a documentary. I would have been able to sit down during the pledge of allegiance because I didn't believe in God without being threatened with suspension. It was the department of education and the constitution that allowed me to threaten to sue them for forcing their religion on to me. The way I see it, the only thing stopping children from being taught Prague U curriculum is the government and I would rather "morons" be in charge that at least make sure I'm prepared for college, then morons who will make me and my fellow students a laughing stock at any college we manage to get to. If we can even manage to get to college because without accreditation things like Trump University can take our money and not offer a degree. Also people are shortsighted because our taxes would still be sky high because the money for education has to come from somewhere and we already don't pay enough in taxes for schools so where is that going to come from? You think Pence is going to open his wallet? No it'll be me and the average person
The Department of Education as it is currently didn't even come until 1979. So we were fine before that and would be fine without it. The Federal Government has other things to focus on. The States are already more involved in Education than the Feds. This would actually be one of the least noticeable/felt to the citizens if this Department was disbanded
We were way better off and much more highly educated before it.
But what about those thousands of worthless jobs that will be lost 😂😂😂😂
So what about the funding?...There are many States that are very poor so how would they be able to continue to fund their schools and programs?
@mecca6941 department of education doesn't handle funding that's the senate and congress that approve proposed budgets. Majority of school funding comes from property tax and the community support. Federal government mainly give tax breaks and cover the states education budget when they fall short.
Getting rid of the education department would be great. Generations have suffered because they haven't had a decent education.
If the Department of Education was good, we would not have so many thousands of homeschooling families.
Also would not have most public school graduates not being able to read and write at a 9th grade level. Ironically, the politicians want ignorant people who do not know things like History of our country, how to read, how to write, or even do basic mathematics. Otherwise, they could not get all these spending bills through congress as the population would know that it is not only unconstitutional, but also bankrupting the American treasury.
A lot of reason for that is school shootings. That POS trump didn't stop them or help homeless veterans before. Idiots seem to believe he will now
Or magas
or Madrasa Chap
Get rid of the department of indoctrination.
DoE has nothing to do with curriculum so you are getting your indoctrination elsewhere.
Right? That's what church is for!
you say the department of "indoctrination" but by making education a state issue the poorer, christian states are GOING to teach the bible and creationism
@@worm8294 Oh no, the mean ol' christians are going to teach kids to be *GASP* good people instead of selfish narcissists. Oh no, the horror! Those areas MIGHT return to a point in time where you could leave your door unlocked without fear of someone coming in and game overing your family or robbing you. Such a travesty! Those dirty ol' christians are going to ruin the US!
@worm8294 not according to the establishment clause of the 1st amendment of the constitution.
Get rid of it.
How has our educational ranking changed since 1979?
Reading literacy has dropped!
We went from #1 to #24.
@ bingo
"What would happen if the Department of Education was eliminated?"
Oh, great question, let's find out!
Time for a work-study experiment in real life!
Where in the US Constitution is the federal government given any role in education? The Department of Education is illegitimate.
They justified it under the general welfare clause.
Which is misused almost as much as the commerce clause.
The Department of Ed was created in 1979 under Jimmy Carter. The purpose was to ensure and enforce education funding for special needs, civil rights and low income school (Title 1). If they eliminate the Department of Ed truly nothing happens because schools are already controlled by the states as far as curriculum. The only question I have is since the Dept of education is closing and they are also in charge of student loans, would they still owe. I am saying the department wouldn't exist anymore. 😅
@@lennychorn147 What is sad about this is that the general welfare clause never meant "giving from the Treasury". It meant CREATING THE CONDITIONS FOR FREE TRADE AND LIBERTY. James Madison warned against what we have today, in his 1792 Cod Fishery bill, where he said that it was not right to give money to some Haitian Immigrants "to help them". That that would violate the very premise of small government that they had created.
@jacobew2000 All true.
Unions will have the biggest cry babies.
Oh look, an uneducated sheep. Bah away Barbara! It's funny
The way that the Maryland schools are now they can’t get much worse. You have kids who are graduating high school who don’t know how to read or do basic math. And special Ed Gould even worse. I should know I was visually impaired students in Maryland public school. The teachers ignored me. You didn’t want to teach me and I was bullied in school also. If my parents hadn’t taken me public school and taught me themselves I never would have learned to read. You also have teachers who are changing grades scared they won’t get funding if they don’t. Let Trump try his way. It’s not like you can’t change it later if it doesn’t work. It’s not working the way. It is now.
I went to school in Maryland and barely graduated. The staff never helped me with my learning disabilities. public schools suck
Each state would be monitoring their State Board of Education to maintain the type of education that each state wants.
What does that even mean? State's already set the guidelines. That's how you can have states dictate what books by women and minorities they wish to ban.
@@NuncNuncNuncNunc They can also decide to buy $60 Trump bibles that cost $3 to print in China.
Which is not a smart idea, as things are today: the red states will have proper ed. and blue states will have the woke agenda.
So you want the state to decide? California decides what EVERY child should learn....cool
@@nursynikki Then people will watch California test scores be the worst in the nation and nobody will ever hire the morons that state pumps out because they'd rather talk about gender and "white privilege" than discuss math, science, and history.
This is a great way to see which states will produce the smartest kids and which ones will produce the...well...idiots.
Yes! Would save us so much money and they have proven they waste money with bad results
Alot of Americas attended schools and graduated before there ever was a department of education. In 1979 United States was number one in math & science in the world! How do we rate now?
It will look exactly the same. They do nothing.
Are you sure?
I don’t know about the state cause I live in a blue state and they have this lgbt nonsense in the curriculum and I have to opt my son out. However, I agree with school choice.
And what do you think the federal dept of education’s views are on that subject? At least with state control you stand a chance of changing your representatives to someone more aligned with you own personal views on educational priorities. End federal monopoly on YOUR child’s education
lgbt nonsense? Look, there have gay people since at least 2400 bce. They aren't going away just because you don't like them. There is nothing wrong with a school acknowledging that LGBTQ people do exist and letting your kid know that they can like who they want.
Was just fine, our level was 1, first in the world, than 1979 education department and went to rank 24. Yea, we will be fine.
We were literally never ranked first. This is so easily verifiable
Here's my question. Who is letting children go to school in flip flops and pajamas? These kids don't look prepared to be leaders of anything. Let's start there.
lol kids are going to dress however regardless of how you feel
I'm sorry that we had a better childhood then you. Cry about it. You must be forgetting the professional dress days that schools have also.
@ I had a great childhood teachers dress professionally but also have dress down days too 🩷
Here we go. DEI again. That includes white women and any person with color on their skin with the same qualifications as a white man. Stand up and speak out against the majority of this country. Don’t be shy. We want your names!!
Well it can't be any worse than what the education system is now!!!!!
You’ll have no standard of education. Meaning a generation of children will grow up lacking sufficient knowledge. Some of them will probably be illiterate.
It would just like the economy will be worse without the immigrants working in the food industry.
wanna bet? you think schools are underfunded now? just wait, soon the only schools that will exist will be the ones rich people send their kids to and the rest of us poor people will be stuck with the only option of children working their little fingers off in the factories again
oh honey, it can always be worse, the grass is not always greener baby
@BattleCorgiVII-up3wv😂 you beat me to it though he wasn't wrong.
@BattleCorgiVII-up3wv a liberal karen - who would have thought? STFU
Learn to write dumbass! You can't criticize the department of education while also having the vocabulary and writing skills of a 6 year old.
As a college grad student, what would happen to Federal Student Aid if the department of Education Were to be eliminated?
It goes away. You'll need a credit score (which teens don't have) or your parents will have to put you through college. It will be old school where only the rich can get an education.
@@FreeofChaos Old school? Since when is only the rich having access to [good] education ("good" qualifier being optional, depending on how you look at it) merely confined to being "old school?"
@@nathanhol42001 😅Fair point...I meant the way things have always been done, but hopefully you got that.
@@FreeofChaos no, the cost of college will drop drastically once the government is no longer handing out loans.
Unless a plan is fully outlined for each state and all students, staff, and teachers are protected. Public education must be accessible and equitable for all.
I say let parents deal with it themselves and they can fund it themselves.
The Dept of education only existed since the 70s.. We did just fine before then.
Send education back to the States.
I’m in Oklahoma, so for the love of God, PLEASE don’t turn it over to the states, it’s bad enough here😂
Justice for Nex
Yes! Do away with the Department of Education!! Leave education to the states.
Before the DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION OUR EDUCATION WAS GOOD. Since the Department of Education came into school our education thru the year been getting worse.
Everyone couldn't participate.
Really! Well then why did some little snot nose brat burn down the library of the grade school I went to in the 1960s…….what class did they teach him to do that in?
Before the DoE: US #1 in Education
After the DoE: US #24
There you go
Was this a talking point on Fox? I see many comments repeating the same thing. Just curious.
@@donnavonaYou know they just make things up 🙄 Next they'll be saying that science teachers control the weather and students in California all have to burn Bibles to graduate.
Why keep funding something that’s miserably failed? .
@@donnavona No, google it.
Sack the President of Teachers Union , disband the Union , get rid of the Dept of Education and you will find the Education standards will improve drastically
If federal departments are done away with the funding should be taken off the books. It shouldn't go elsewhere.
I was born before the Department of Education and was in junior high school (now middle school) when the Department was founded. One thing I learned early in my life was the value of learning. I have read so many negative comments about the DOE, but I have yet to read of the value, responsibility, or the village involved in education which includes not only school personnel, but also parents and students. If I were to tell you to come to a specific address to pickup your check for a million dollars and you do not show, I would not be the one to blame for you not receiving your money. And yet, 100% of a child’s education is placed on the system with little to no responsibility being attributed to the students or their parents. It takes a teacher to give, a student to receive, and parents to support in order for an education to truly work. How do I know this, because this is how I succeeded as a student and as a teacher, what I taught my charges, and how I earned four degrees just as my father did.
Do it!!!!
From my understanding the DOE has failed terribly, to much politics and not enough education. Prior to the DOE students thrived and excelled in their studies. Maybe it’s time to let the states handle education.
No federal funding.
You understand nothing 😂
@@artic_dh I understand your probably shaving your head to cope
@@gregorychiasson7739No, that would be skinheads like you 😊
@@gregorychiasson7739 so a cancer patient?
All federal protections would evaporate. That means students with disabilities, also gender equity rules and civil protections for minorities and English Language Learners.
Do you think that those rules are DoE rules only? That the DoE investigates and adjudicates complaints? You really need to get informed about these things. Here you are, proving that the DoE has been a ginormous failure in directing the education of the American people.
Bull hockey. Fear mongering is for the uneducated.
Unless all that legislation is repealed, those protections stand, but don't expect solid enforcement of them.
Speaking of common core....we need to get rid of that garbage! Our entire school district is failing terribly, especially in math and writing.
We didn't have a Dept. of Education before 1979 and our graduating students were among the top in the world. What has been happening to our overall education outcomes since then? Why are people choosing to homeschool in droves? Get education back to the states and local municipalities! If nothing else good happens in the next four years, abolishing DoE would be worth it to me. My son is special needs. We pulled him out last year and started home schooling.
Our kids will be smarter, teachers would be better and no woke ideology being pushed.
There is nothing “woke” being taught in school this is a lie that is told by the right wing media.
That's the o ly reason they are having problems with eliminating
We don't want woke
What is woke ideology?
What you call 'woke' is actually the history of another group. Be respectful. We can disagree without being disagreeable. Newsflash: I do not want my kids exposed to European history alon. I want them to know Asian, African and Native American historical figures too.
No more DEI !!!!!!!
How do you think DEI is implemented in schools?
@@Kburloco it is implemented in schools by teachers basically rewriting history to teach what they now believe is the “true” history…and it isn’t. Also, students of color are actual taught they are victims, and that the bad white people are the ones perpetuating their victimhood. It’s a load of crap.
@@QianaAnderson really?? If someone is asking a question that makes them a bot? My question was legitimate and if you don’t like don’t read it 🐑
@@KburlocoYeah, they aren’t too bright. Probably thought everybody on the internet that disagreed with them was a bot until Trump won the election.
All states get Federal funding for their education. All states have a department of education. All states are capable of running their own department of education. You don't need a federal government education department. It's all about the money, money, money, money. Education should be the basics, math, English science history, and a foreign language and full-time kindergarten for all
No federal funding then.
Many 5 yr old beloved kids are not able to tolerate all-day indoctrination & should not have to just to placate their abandoning Mama
@@ajbunches825 Stop with the all day indoctrinating BS. As a teacher I am telling you we are NOT indoctrinating anyone we are teaching the basics & struggling with being able to even doing that with all the increased behavior and understaffing issues.
@@ajbunches825 The dad can look after them then.
@@ShannonsBibleStudyyou can still receive federal funding without the department of education through block grants - and allowing the specific education programs to be managed by already established agencies limiting the need for corrupted interest groups from having influences and no oversight
Dissolve this buracracy and useless department
I'm a SpEd Teacher and School Social Worker. The problem many teachers who have left public education see is the that the DOE dictates many things to be taught in the schools that most families do not support and agree to. Families and children have rights too. If you have a school system pushing ideologies that don't align with family and parental values and beliefs, then it has to have significant overhaul - or it has to go away. The DOE has become oppressive and corrupt. Many SpEd teachers have left. We may receive different funding but we work in the same buildings. And, it is also the national teachers unions which dictate to the states how they are to teach. The issue is extensive and infiltrates down to individual teachers who are expected to tolerate, shut up, and go along even when they see that the dictates are affecting family and children's rights. Children should go to school to learn not to be indoctrinated with fly-by-night ideologies.
My kids won’t be crammed into shitty schools with students who can’t learn and hold the class back while also being extremely violent and never held accountable
As an educator you're spot on!!! That's exactly what's going on in the classroom.
How would getting rid of the small portion of federal funding change classroom size,
or eliminate learning disability children. What will happen to those students?? Right now
the worst get a teacher's aid to work with them.
It would be one of the best decisions for this country!
What happens is that Each State will decide for there students , our education and infrastructure is as bad as it gets
Lol good luck not getting that federal money in states that don't make money. There's going to be a huge divide when blue states have the best education compared to red states. It's already there and it's because they only use federal money, once that dries up they'll have nothing.
I see a lack understanding of how the American system of education actually operates. In the US, each STATE is in control of their education systems. Each STATE gets to decide on what curriculum will be taught. Each STATE gets to decide on the "infrastructure", as you put it, of their educational system.
The DoE does not control education in America - that's all done through local decisions by local governments.
@ then why are you bothered so?
@@omi_god Then why have the DoE routinely enacted across the board mandates and expectations, hmmm?
Maybe spell check before posting about how educated you are?
I'm 68 yrs old raising my 8 yr old granddaughter. I removed her from public school this year. I will Not except the transgender BS being Forced on Innocent Children!!!
i feel pity for your granddaughter
How sad that your granddaughter will be raised with transphobic values!
You are doing a wonderful thing for her. I know how difficult it is to be in charge of education full time, but you are doing your granddaughter a wonderful service. May God bless you.
@@deborahkish5411 Transphobic much?! FYI...being around a transgender person will NOT make your grandchildren transgender just like being around someone who has cancer will NOT give them cancer!!!
you're a dolt.
Please keep department of education
"What it would look like if the Department of Education was eliminated?"
Less power for the government over us.
FYI there IS NO confidence in schools right now. Zero.
Or elections. I don't care if we won, our elections are not secure.
That's simply false: When you ask people about schools in general, because the media and GOP has bashed them for decades, people give low ratings. However, when you ask people about their local schools--the ones they really know about, they give them quite solid ratings.
What your saying is: If you go to a good school you won't complain. If you go to a bad school you will complain.
Go talk to inner city parents and children who fear going to school, where there are fight everyday and grown men in the girls bathroom.
@@guy-tn2ud Thanks for your reply. Uhh, I've taught teachers in a major city with high poverty rates for the last 30 years, and the reason school quality and safety is uneven in America is the same thing everything is uneven--vast inequality and the poverty and social dysfunction it creates. Fix the vast inequality in the economy, and the vast inequality in education and health outcomes will steadily disappear. Until you fix vast inequality--and the racism that still plagues our society (witness the gross GOP presidential campaign we just had to endure).
And NO, there are not grown men in the girls bathrooms--that's yet another misleading right-wing talking point.
Be well.
@@HealingLifeKwikly OMG, you wrote an essay and gave yourself a thumbs up. LOL.
The left is responsible for every problem in education. That is all.
You said: "And NO, there are not grown men in the girls bathrooms--that's yet another misleading right-wing talking point."
edit: I gave myself a thumbs up to remain consistent.
Better schools is what it would look like.
There was no Department of Education before 1979 and kids were better off.
Actually, no, they weren’t. The 70s had crippling levels of adult illiterates. People like my father who made it through all years of high school and yet still could not read due to functional illiteracy. This is why Mcdonald moved to pictographic menus so that a person could just point to the picture that they wanted or order by number illiteracy has plummeted since the department of education was established.
Bye Randy Winegardern
Those who CAN do
Those who CAN’T teach
& those who can’t teach become DOE
Any RULE made by the doe is unconstitutional. Laws made by the state or congress will stand.
In the 1970's before there was a Department of Education, the schools had wonderful teachers who loved to teach. Since they established the DOE we went from #1 to #24 in the world. We need to Defund the DOE!
Why not _reform_ the DOE?
The Federal department of education does not control curriculum. It's not their fault, it's your local government and state government education department who determines all of those things they control the schools.
I don’t know if I’d blame that on the DOE….i started college training to be a grade school teacher…we had to lead sample classes as part of out training…the teacher told me..” I wouldn’t be a good teacher because I actually expected the kids to learn something”….i was stunned…isn’t that the point…to engage them and get them to learn? …I did drop out of teaching and went into something else that paid better!
@ I guess she was right.
@@LoveyK Because reforming is met with paperwork and pushback from the people at the Department who say that they don't need to be reformed and everything is perfectly fine in the Department. Clearly, it isn't fine. Get rid of a massive government and force the states to actually do their jobs.
If we lose the Department of Education, states will find it easier to underfund, neglect, and "Christianize" education.
Well I guess you are a Satanic Globalist. Do your rape and sacrifice children too?
Don't give the states any money.
@@ShannonsBibleStudy You might want to take a Constitution class and learn how our government was set up to work before it was corrupted by greedy politicians.
@@ShannonsBibleStudy That would bankrupt most red states, which consume more in Federal aid than they supply in revenue. Good idea.
If you lose the FEDERAL department of education it becomes easier to for states to control their education needs with citizens able to control how their children are educated thru direct interaction with STATE education boards. If you think Christian values are so bad, why don’t you go live in a Muslim country for a while?
The department of education didn’t exist until 79, and ever since then, American schools have plummeted.