Very few videos about using analogue consoles with digital recording on YT. This is a reasonably good one. One thing I was hoping to see in the video was possible issues with AD/DA latency.
This is weird for me. I've never worked in a studio that had panels directly connected to a console. Everything is going to the patchbays. AS well, many things were outboard mic pres routing back to the console for monitoring from the machine. In most cases, there really wasn't enough channels on the console to power the recording chain and monitoring chain at the same time. A 72 channel SSL would return about 28 tracks of tracking monitor, as well as 8-12 effects returns, some scratch tracks for vox, guitar. etc. The video is a basic signal flow but seems to miss the art of working out the larger setup of more than one mic. I think the basic 101 concept is here, but there isn't much of a 101 when it comes to recording. It becomes far more complex and can get confusing. I think the signal chain should have included the patchbay so a new person understands that it isn't from the wall to the console.
This is an excellent video. Thank you for the clear, concise, logical conveyance of information. : )
Wow liberating :)
Very few videos about using analogue consoles with digital recording on YT. This is a reasonably good one. One thing I was hoping to see in the video was possible issues with AD/DA latency.
Love the radio! 🤣
the song at the end is amazing at 1.5 speed
So informative and well explained. Thanks
This is awesome. I just got this console !!!
Beautiful video, thank you.
Great video, thank you for this!
I love it when a nice Irish lass knows a thing or two about audio
That's a Scottish accent :-)
Haha so youtube recommended me your video for some reason! I miss the UHI facilities!
Very very good
perfect, thank you
This is weird for me. I've never worked in a studio that had panels directly connected to a console. Everything is going to the patchbays. AS well, many things were outboard mic pres routing back to the console for monitoring from the machine.
In most cases, there really wasn't enough channels on the console to power the recording chain and monitoring chain at the same time.
A 72 channel SSL would return about 28 tracks of tracking monitor, as well as 8-12 effects returns, some scratch tracks for vox, guitar. etc.
The video is a basic signal flow but seems to miss the art of working out the larger setup of more than one mic. I think the basic 101 concept is here, but there isn't much of a 101 when it comes to recording.
It becomes far more complex and can get confusing. I think the signal chain should have included the patchbay so a new person understands that it isn't from the wall to the console.
thank you!
Very h
Can you speak like American people. Your pronunciation is such. I don’t know what the hell are you talking about
Shit so dumb she probably held her head with both her hands after reading this