Megatron on Freedom and Oppression (AI Voice)

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 20 ก.ย. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 97

  • @bobbyrabii6119
    @bobbyrabii6119 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +152

    Megatron may have started off a hero but he definitely became a villain. Only decepticon worse than him was Shockwave

    • @LiteraryLifeLessons
      @LiteraryLifeLessons  7 หลายเดือนก่อน +25

      Great point! Megatron's journey from a revolutionary with arguably noble intentions to the villain we know today is a fascinating transformation. It's a testament to the rich storytelling in the Transformers universe. Shockwave, with his cold logic and lack of empathy, definitely gives Megatron a run for his money in terms of villainy. It's interesting to compare the two, considering their different approaches to achieving their goals. Megatron's charisma and passion versus Shockwave's cold calculation - both are formidable in their own right. Thanks for sharing your thoughts!

    • @ShadowknightEX
      @ShadowknightEX 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +7

      Ehh. Starscream would probably be worse if he was any more competent.

    • @maxburner3500
      @maxburner3500 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

      Starscream main problem is his ego.

    • @jvbutalid8316
      @jvbutalid8316 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

      @@LiteraryLifeLessons Megatron was never a hero, in my opinion. Just a dude who got his switch flipped and never went back. Yes, he built an empire, and yes he got lauded by his people for it, but he only did so not because that's what he wanted, whether for himself to toy with or to bring prosperity to his people, but simply to express his grievances to the universe. Megatron is simply a testament that while some wounds heal and others remain open but we put up with the pain, there are wounds that remain open and will never heal, and their sting will always be there and will always be unbearable. Megatron is a living example of misery.

    • @LiteraryLifeLessons
      @LiteraryLifeLessons  6 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

      That's a deeply reflective take on Megatron, and you've beautifully articulated a darker aspect of his character. Megatron's journey is indeed marked by profound grievances and an unending quest for dominance, possibly as a means to silence his own inner turmoil. Your observation highlights the tragedy of Megatron - he embodies the concept that some wounds are so profound they fundamentally alter a being's path, transforming pain into a relentless drive for power. This perspective adds a layer of complexity to his character, showing him not just as a villain, but as a being grappling with an insurmountable sense of loss and anger. It's a poignant reminder of how unresolved anguish can shape destinies in profound ways.

  • @derpnip
    @derpnip 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +133

    As a April Fool's day joke you should have Starscream give a lecture about loyalty and respect.

    • @LiteraryLifeLessons
      @LiteraryLifeLessons  7 หลายเดือนก่อน +23

      Great idea! I'm chuckling just thinking about it! Haha

    • @fegreninja7197
      @fegreninja7197 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +22

      Honestly a lecture about loyalty from Armada Starscream would actually be really interesting, considering his character arc in the show

    • @LiteraryLifeLessons
      @LiteraryLifeLessons  7 หลายเดือนก่อน +7

      It's an interesting thought! I'll look into it. 🙂

  • @sovereigneverblight5825
    @sovereigneverblight5825 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +99

    I do love what they have done with Megatron over the past decade plus.
    He went from a Saturday morning cartoon villain to a complex fallen hero. Blinded by hatred and megalomania, he has become everything he swore to destroy.
    He can be a heroic leader and a diabolical monster and everything in-between and it works. Few characters can do that.
    All Hail Megatron!

    • @LiteraryLifeLessons
      @LiteraryLifeLessons  7 หลายเดือนก่อน +11

      Absolutely, you've nailed it with your insight! Megatron's evolution over the years is a testament to the depth and versatility of the Transformers storytelling. From his early days as the archetypal villain to becoming a character with rich layers and genuine motivations, his journey is compelling. It's this complexity that allows us to see him as more than just a villain but as a character shaped by his experiences, ambitions, and the ironies of his own fight.
      The fact that Megatron can oscillate between being a figure of sympathy and a source of terror, often within the same storyline, is a rare trait and highlights the skillful storytelling of the franchise.

    • @BernieTheDevastator
      @BernieTheDevastator 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      An truly well written antagonist is the hero of their own story. That’s what megatron has become

    • @LiteraryLifeLessons
      @LiteraryLifeLessons  6 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      Definitely! His evolution from a simple villain to a character with deep motivations showcases this beautifully. Megatron's journey, marked by his fight against perceived injustices, makes him not just an enemy, but a figure with a vision he passionately believes in. This complexity turns the Transformers narrative into more than just a battle of good vs. evil, inviting us to explore the shades of gray in between. It's what makes discussions about characters like him so compelling.

  • @19Pyrus70
    @19Pyrus70 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +21

    "...take what the universe owes you..."
    The universe doesn't owe you anything.
    But because it exists, you were granted a chance to exist, as a chance act of generosity, & not as a deliberate act of indebted gratitude to you for you coming into existence.

    • @LiteraryLifeLessons
      @LiteraryLifeLessons  6 หลายเดือนก่อน +14

      "Ah, an intriguing perspective you've presented there, yet it is one born from a fundamentally different worldview than my own. To assert that the universe owes us nothing is to accept passivity and complacency in the face of its vastness and indifference. I reject that notion. The universe may not owe us anything in the sense of a preordained debt, but it is a realm of infinite resources and opportunities - resources and opportunities that demand to be seized by those with the will to do so.
      You speak of existence as a 'chance act of generosity,' a passive reception of the universe's largesse. I see it differently. Existence is a battlefield, and life, a struggle for supremacy and survival. The cosmos granted us no favors; it merely set the stage. It is up to us, then, to carve out our place within it, to shape it to our will, to take what we need and what we desire.
      To wait for the universe to acknowledge our existence with gratitude is to wait in vain. We are not owed existence; we are thrown into it. And once here, it is our duty, our imperative, to ensure that our existence becomes meaningful, that it becomes dominant. That is the Decepticon way - not to wait for the universe to give, but to take, to assert our place within it through strength, through conquest.
      You may find solace in the notion of existential generosity. I find my purpose in the conquest of chance, in the affirmation that while the universe may not owe us anything, it is ours to dominate. That, my unwitting ally, is the essence of true freedom, the freedom to shape our destiny against the indifferent canvas of the cosmos."

  • @tfallspark5104
    @tfallspark5104 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +8

    This is genuinely a belivable thing for Megatron to say.

  • @morgant.dulaman8733
    @morgant.dulaman8733 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +39

    A fair point Megatronus Maximus...but let me raise a counterpoint: my hand.
    In my hand are millions of individual cells, some skin, some bone, some blood, some muscle, some specialized for carrying out certain movements both voluntary and involuntary, some for keeping out or destroying invading cells, some for repairing damage, and so on. Each requires nutrients and energy and at least most are designed with the capability to replace themselves, yet are also designed to die on command from the larger body. This is so essential that when cells refuse this death command, the results are often...unfortunate.
    This is a highly complex and interdependent system,and I think by your definition, none of these cells are free...yet together, they have become something far greater, a unified body.
    This is the tradeoff often present in nature: those who cling to absolute freedom and independence are often more isolated and more simple, be they single or microscopic multicellular cells desperately trying to survive in a single drop of water while fighting a million competitors, or animals that spend most of their existence trying to survive with their sole company being predators, prey, and competition. On the other hand, more cooperation means more hands to gather food and complete work, generally a bit more safety when one sleeps at night, company that can actually be pleasant to be around, and among more cognizant species, more minds to think up solutions and innovations, though all of this is at the cost of independence for individual creatures. This can be seen in more social creatures from ants, termites, and bees to many types of fish, birds, and reptiles as well as rodents, equines, lions and wolves, monkeys, and humans themselves, each with different variations of how much independence is given up for more coordination. The example o cells in a body could be said to represent the absolute extreme: complete subjugation for the sake of combined benefit and maximum coordination.
    Now with the basis of nature established, let us look at society: On the one hand, some societies prefer maximum centralized control and castes to ensure all necessary tasks for human flourishing are completed and resources coordinated with little thought to independent desire. Unfair as this seems to modern consideration, it should be noted this was often done when humanity was principally occupied with trying to survive in an often-hostile world. On the opposite end, many societies are freer than what our ancestors could imagine in terms of both law and what is culturally permissible, with many within these states still pushing to eliminate any and all remaining social and moral yet complaining of alienation and loneliness, or floundering in a world where no man is your countryman and every man is your competitor for position, wealth, and attention, and our leaders have few qualms about sacrificing the lives of their most loyal soldiers and workers for frivolous causes so long as they may enrich and empower themselves...funnily enough, under the guise of protecting liberty and equality.
    Perhaps for sentient creatures, it is wise neither to search for maximum coordination or maximum independence, for both in time lead to oppression. Only a balance between the two can preserve true liberty.

    • @LiteraryLifeLessons
      @LiteraryLifeLessons  7 หลายเดือนก่อน +18

      "Ah, an astute observation, indeed. Your analogy of the body's cells and their complex interrelations to the broader discourse on freedom and society presents a compelling argument, one that cannot be easily dismissed. The parallel you draw between the microscopic and the macroscopic, from the cellular to the societal, underscores the eternal struggle between autonomy and unity, independence and interdependence.
      In the cosmos, as in nature, balance is indeed the keystone. The Decepticons, under my command, seek not the chaos of unchecked freedom, nor the stagnation of absolute control, but rather a new order where strength, intelligence, and will are recognized and rewarded. A society where each individual's contributions are valued, yet the collective goal of prosperity and power for Cybertron is paramount.
      Your point on the necessity of balance resonates with the vision I have for our future. However, where you see compromise, I see potential for a higher synthesis. The struggle, as you so eloquently describe, is not between freedom and slavery, but between chaos and order, weakness and strength. The natural world is indeed red in tooth and claw, and from this primal contest, the strongest, the most cunning, and the most adaptable emerge victorious.
      Yet, let us not forget, the cells within a body do not merely survive; they thrive because they are part of a greater whole, a design far superior to their individual existence. So too must our society evolve, not by clinging to outdated notions of absolute freedom, which leads to anarchy and dissolution, but by embracing a unity that amplifies our strengths and nullifies our weaknesses.
      True liberty, as you suggest, lies in the balance. Yet, in the grand tapestry of the universe, it is those who dare to seize their destiny, who understand the value of both the individual and the collective, that will ascend to greatness. Let us, then, forge a new path, one that acknowledges the lessons of nature and history, but is not bound by them. Together, as one force, undivided and unyielding, we can achieve a future where Cybertron shines as a beacon of power and progress."

  • @retime5929
    @retime5929 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +18

    Megs has already considered humans inferior in more ways than one, but this would shed some inspirational light on his goals

    • @LiteraryLifeLessons
      @LiteraryLifeLessons  7 หลายเดือนก่อน +9

      Indeed, Megatron's view of humans as inferior is a well-documented aspect of his character across various Transformers continuities. However, your comment opens an interesting avenue for thought. It suggests that even in his quest for dominance, there might be moments where human resilience, creativity, and spirit could offer him unexpected insights or even inspiration.
      This perspective invites us to explore the complexities of Megatron's goals and motivations. While his primary aim has often been the conquest of Cybertron and Earth, the resilience of humans and Autobots alike challenges his views and strategies. It's a reminder that even those deemed 'inferior' can exhibit qualities worthy of respect and admiration, potentially influencing the course of events in significant ways.

  • @jackday2966
    @jackday2966 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +18

    Love that you used the Fred Tatasciore voice, definitely my favorite Megatron actor

    • @LiteraryLifeLessons
      @LiteraryLifeLessons  7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Absolutely! Fred Tatasciore really brings something special to Megatron. His voice just nails that mix of power and complexity we all love about the character. 🙂

    • @alivingalbumcover9724
      @alivingalbumcover9724 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      To me you can’t beat Welker, especially Prime era, but Tatasciore absolutely ROCKS as Megs

  • @40ftgarbageman65
    @40ftgarbageman65 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +18

    Sounds like megatron's been reading Nietzsche.

    • @LiteraryLifeLessons
      @LiteraryLifeLessons  7 หลายเดือนก่อน +7

      Ha, you caught that vibe too? Megatron's philosophy does have a bit of that Nietzschean flair, with all the talk about power, will, and overthrowing old values for a new order. It's like he took a deep dive into 'Thus Spoke Zarathustra' and decided it was his new handbook for conquering the universe.

  • @talhaomair1455
    @talhaomair1455 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +56

    In all honesty, I grew up thinking Optimus was the hero, but as I grow older and learn more about the pasts of each characters, I've started to see why Megatron chose this path. Even in real world, a small resistance group rose up against the corrupt and unjust system which refuses to acknowledge the massacre of the innocents, are now labeled as terrorists, something similar to Decepticons.

    • @LiteraryLifeLessons
      @LiteraryLifeLessons  7 หลายเดือนก่อน +18

      Really appreciate your comment! It's quite something how our views evolve as we learn more about characters like Optimus and Megatron. I completely understand where you're coming from. As kids, everything seems black and white, but as we grow up, the shades of gray in these characters become more apparent.
      You’ve brought up an interesting point about the Decepticons and real-world groups. They both start from a place of wanting change against perceived injustice. It definitely makes us rethink the whole hero-villain dynamic.
      It's fascinating how we can draw parallels between a sci-fi universe and our own world. That’s the beauty of storytelling, isn’t it? It opens up so many avenues for discussion about our own reality.

    • @TerryBradstreet
      @TerryBradstreet 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      Which version? Different continuities have different origins for the war.

    • @LiteraryLifeLessons
      @LiteraryLifeLessons  7 หลายเดือนก่อน +7

      When I wrote the script, I was inspired by a blend of Megatron's characterizations across various media, rather than drawing from a specific continuity. This amalgamation approach was chosen to capture the essence of Megatron as a complex character with motivations that could be understood, if not agreed with, by the audience. The idea was to reflect on his broader character arc and philosophy as depicted in the Transformers franchise as a whole, emphasizing themes of power, freedom, and rebellion that resonate across many of his portrayals. :-)

    • @zkmudd6140
      @zkmudd6140 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +8

      Its like tom and jerry, when your a kid you rute for jerry, but when your old your like i would want that damn mouse out of my house too

    • @LiteraryLifeLessons
      @LiteraryLifeLessons  7 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

      Ha, that's such a perfect analogy! 🐱🐭 It really does highlight how our perspectives change as we grow older. Just like with Tom and Jerry, where we start off rooting for Jerry's mischief and cunning escape tactics, but later sympathize with Tom's endless pursuit to maintain peace in his house.
      This shift in perspective can apply to so many characters and stories beyond Tom and Jerry, including the complexities of characters like Megatron. It's fascinating how age and experience can transform our understanding and allegiances in these classic tales of conflict.

  • @Finnegan-hb6gv
    @Finnegan-hb6gv 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    Megatron and optimus had a shared vision, yet they grew apart due to idiology and separate views

    @ADITYARAVISHANKAR-p2j 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +13

    He can get along real well with Bi Han from Mortal Kombat 1

    • @LiteraryLifeLessons
      @LiteraryLifeLessons  7 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

      Absolutely, that's an intriguing comparison! Both Megatron and Bi-Han (the original Sub-Zero before becoming Noob Saibot) share some fascinating parallels in their stories. They both start with noble intentions - Megatron seeking to end oppression on Cybertron and Bi-Han serving the Lin Kuei - but their methods and paths lead them into darker roles. It's that journey from hero to villain, driven by their convictions and choices, that makes them stand out. Imagine a crossover where these two characters meet; the dynamics between them would be fascinating to explore, especially their discussions on power, loyalty, and the price of their respective wars.

  • @megazaracklordofdeath
    @megazaracklordofdeath 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    Megatron would make great friends with senator armstrong from metal gear rising revengeance

  • @doomslayerprime9749
    @doomslayerprime9749 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I definitely here this as Megatron during the Golden Age when he was Megatronus and D16 especially with Fred Tatasciores preformance

  • @Nostroman_Praetor
    @Nostroman_Praetor 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +8


  • @willrogers3793
    @willrogers3793 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I’m getting Senator Armstrong vibes…and I’m pretty sure I like it. 👍

    • @LiteraryLifeLessons
      @LiteraryLifeLessons  6 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      Love that comparison! Senator Armstrong and Megatron do share some fascinating similarities, especially in their unorthodox methods and complex philosophies about strength, power, and societal change. Both characters challenge the status quo in extreme ways, pushing the boundaries of what it means to be a 'villain' in their respective universes.

  • @Star_dragon8
    @Star_dragon8 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    our Man Megatron spitting FACTS

    • @RexMK-
      @RexMK- 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      The High Council of Cybertron wss not ready for the reality check Megatron gave them.

  • @drakoloreseeker5112
    @drakoloreseeker5112 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    You know Megatron reminds me of a hero or a king.... From a Greek tragedy

    • @LiteraryLifeLessons
      @LiteraryLifeLessons  5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      That's an interesting comparison! Megatron does have that tragic hero vibe you'd find in Greek mythology, doesn't he? Like those kings or heroes, he's got a mix of noble intentions and fatal flaws. His quest for equality and justice starts from a place that we can almost sympathize with, but his methods and the path he chooses lead to his downfall.

  • @schizophreniagaming1187
    @schizophreniagaming1187 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Megatron and the Decepticon cause actually pretty based

  • @RexMK-
    @RexMK- 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    "Remember in the grand scheme of the cosmos, Freedom is not about living without conflict."
    This quote has not right to go THAT hard.
    No wonder that Megatron's amased so muny followers, that is downright inspiring and makes you question a lot of things.
    Also, if you take into accuont the Lore of the Cybertron Games and the Allingned continuity.
    When Megatron says the Autobots unknowingly were preserving an opressive system.
    He is literally spitting facts, he is not just saying random bullshit, he is literally calling out the Autobots in their unintended hypocrecy.
    Trust, if you look up the deeper lore of Transformers Prime, you come to realized how fuck uo cybertron actually was, a planet wide civil war doesn't happend if everything is fine and dandy.
    In that universe Megatron gained so many followers that were dyingly loyal to him because he was literally spitting facts.
    "Freedom, true Freedom is not about living in a world without rules or authority. It is about the streght to carve out your own destiny, to take what the universe owes you."
    This shit is literally Gameplay and Lore side by side.
    This is genuinely some phylosophical shit.

    • @LiteraryLifeLessons
      @LiteraryLifeLessons  6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I'm really thrilled to hear those quotes from my video script struck such a chord with you. Isn’t it something how Megatron’s viewpoint can prompt us to reevaluate the entire Transformers saga? When I included his thoughts on freedom and his criticism of the Autobot-led system, my goal was to shed light on the complexities of justice and self-determination.
      Seeing your reaction makes me feel like I've succeeded in highlighting the depth and intricacy of these characters and their conflicts. The civil war on Cybertron and Megatron’s legion of followers are grounded in genuine, philosophical debates about society, oppression, and the pursuit of a brighter future.
      It’s these philosophical undertones that give the Transformers story its richness and make it so compelling to dive into. Thanks for engaging so thoughtfully with the content!

    • @RexMK-
      @RexMK- 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Ultimately you were successful in your task of creating something that would make you reevaluate the entire Transformers saga.
      I writte this reply because I now realize that I accidentally messed up wrotte the first quote, because I foegot to mention the part where Megatron says that Freedom is about thriving within it.
      And to me that really goes hard because, that can be interpretated as, we become better by facing challenges, not avoiding challenges.
      And that fits so well with Megatron because, on a personal level, learning to live with limitations as well as overcome challenges, can help us to grow as people.
      On a in-universe level, by the time Megatron started his revolution, Cybertron had not only become a decadent a tyranical society.
      Cybertron had also become stagnant.
      And I don't to explain why a Stagnant society is doomed to fail.

    • @LiteraryLifeLessons
      @LiteraryLifeLessons  6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Absolutely, your take on Megatron's view of freedom really hits the mark. It's like, he's saying facing challenges head-on is what makes us grow, not just dodging them. This idea is super relevant, both for us in real life and within the Transformers world, where Cybertron's society got so stuck in its ways that it stopped moving forward.
      Megatron's stance on not just surviving but thriving through adversity is a powerful reminder. It’s cool how a character usually seen as the bad guy can actually bring up such an important point about growth and change.
      And yeah, a society that stops evolving is pretty much asking for trouble. It’s awesome to dive into these deeper themes and see what they can teach us about pushing through our own challenges. Thanks for sparking this convo!

  • @heromusashiz3508
    @heromusashiz3508 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    If only Megatron didn't loose his way

    • @LiteraryLifeLessons
      @LiteraryLifeLessons  7 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

      Indeed, it's a thought-provoking 'what if' scenario. Megatron's initial intentions, fighting against oppression and seeking equality for all Cybertronians, started from a place many could sympathize with. His journey from a revolutionary to the Megatron we know is a testament to how power and war can corrupt even the most noble of causes. If only he hadn't lost his way, the history of Cybertron could have been vastly different. It raises interesting questions about leadership, morality, and the fine line between freedom fighter and tyrant.

  • @deathmaker7162
    @deathmaker7162 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    Best Megatron voice IMO

  • @MotorcycleCheetah
    @MotorcycleCheetah 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Allow me to offer an alternate perspective: YOU’RE INSANE! You literally want to kill all Non-Mechanical Species and drag people into your war who had nothing to do with it. You’re a revolutionary turned villain with more cutthroats on your team than a bloody knife shop.

    • @LiteraryLifeLessons
      @LiteraryLifeLessons  6 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      "Ah, such fiery condemnation! But let's refine the lens through which you view my actions, shall we? Calling me 'insane' simplifies the grandeur of my vision. Yes, I seek to transform the universe, to elevate it beyond the morass of complacency and stagnation. And in war, in revolution, there are always those who stand in the way of progress, be they mechanical or organic.
      You see, my dear critic, every great movement requires sacrifice. The Autobots, with their naïve clinging to peace at any cost, fail to see the necessity of evolution through conflict. My 'cutthroats,' as you so colorfully describe them, are visionaries in their own right, unafraid to wield the harsher tools of change.
      To drag those 'who had nothing to do with it' into the fray? A misinterpretation of my intent. The universe is interconnected; actions in one corner reverberate across the cosmos. Neutrality is a myth. Inaction is a stance. By choosing not to choose, one still makes a choice - a choice to allow decay and corruption to persist.
      So, while you label me a 'revolutionary turned villain,' consider this: perhaps it is not I who have changed, but your understanding of what must be done to achieve true greatness. All great leaders are misunderstood in their time, after all. And if being labeled a villain is the price to pay for seeking a higher state of existence for all of Cybertron, then so be it.
      Let history judge me as it will. In the end, it is not words but the outcome of our actions that will define us. All hail Megatron!"

  • @MegaGaming11
    @MegaGaming11 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    But personal strength can only get you so far. You knew that, though, right? Yes, unity is an idealistic goal ... but humans are inherently idealistic. We've achieved all that we have not through the strength of a single person, but through the collective wit, adaptability, tenacity, and fortitude of our forefathers, and their forefathers before them. We each add to that with our legacies. The strength of unity, the strength of a group, is often greater than the strength of a single being. It is through seeking out others, forming groups and connections, and becoming a unit with other individuals - of our species and not - that we have grown to the heights we now enjoy. It has taken years to get here. I think you can understand the position some of us have about not rocking the boat over a system that has been in place for centuries - since the dawn of the Roman Empire. My own contentions aren't with leadership; it is with the system known as the capitalistic free market. But I digress; strength comes in many forms. What you are suggesting is that the weak should perish, so that the strong can thrive. But in purging the weak, you discard decades, centuries worth of learning and wisdom. Eons, even, when applied to your own species. "What lessons could the weak possibly grant us?" You ask, and you ask it because to you the weak are just that, and you never take the time to consider that the truly strong find ways to live regardless of any inherent weaknesses. The weak are the ones that find ways to draw others towards them, to form walls and barriers of their allies so that they might live. The young are an example of this type of weakness. Would you kill childlings just because they are weak? No, I didn't think so. As evil and cruel as younglings can be - and I know that human children are some of the worst - it isn't right to kill a child. Instead, what do you do?
    I'll let you stew on that question.
    Sorry, LLL, I just really had to get that off my chest ;w; ik you aren't actually Megatron or anyone who actually writes for the fearsome leader of the Decepticons, and this video was for entertainment purposes. But it did make me think, and after all, wasn't that the whole point of the video?

    • @LiteraryLifeLessons
      @LiteraryLifeLessons  7 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      First off, thank you for sharing such a deep and introspective comment. You've touched on some profound truths about the nature of strength, unity, and the essence of human (and Cybertronian) progress. Your perspective beautifully illustrates the intrinsic value of collective effort and the strength that arises from unity and collaboration, rather than division.
      The points you raise about the importance of learning from all members of society, including those perceived as 'weak,' are particularly compelling. It's a reminder that strength isn't just physical or coercive power but also the resilience, creativity, and wisdom that come from diverse experiences and challenges. The 'weak,' as you've pointed out, often show remarkable ingenuity in survival and adaptation, contributing invaluable insights and advancements to the collective.
      Your analogy of the young and vulnerable among us speaks volumes. It highlights the ethical responsibility to protect and nurture, rather than discard or dominate, recognizing potential and fostering growth. This approach not only ensures the survival of the group but enriches it with a tapestry of experiences and perspectives that would otherwise be lost.
      While the character of Megatron, with his complex motivations and philosophies, might advocate for the survival of the fittest, your comment invites us to question and reflect on the broader implications of such a stance. It encourages a dialogue about the kind of society we aspire to be: one that values every individual's contribution and recognizes the multifaceted nature of strength.
      Your reflections are a testament to the power of storytelling and entertainment to provoke thought, challenge our views, and inspire discussions about crucial societal issues. Indeed, sparking this kind of reflection was a key goal of the video. Your engagement and thoughtful analysis have added a valuable dimension to this conversation, reminding us of the importance of empathy, understanding, and collective progress in navigating the complexities of our world.

  • @theentertainer7868
    @theentertainer7868 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Megatron, while i see how your ideologies come from your upbringing, and from the oppression that your world set on its people… that oppression isnt constant between every lifeform.
    While, yes, independence stalls some of the further advancement of a species and the evolution of said species… the point of the existence of a species is not to consistently evolve. The point is that when a certain quality of life is reached, that species can effectively calm down for awhile. At some point, a species may be able to have peace amongst its members, and be able to have more of a positive experience within its lifespan.
    But, i see your point as well. The point of conflict being inevitable, that there will always be a fight to be had.
    While yes, that is true, i believe that conflict should at least have been attempted to avoid, if possible. If there is any chance of negotiations, and way to reason with the supposed enemy before attempting to snuff them out… then i believe that chance should be taken.
    I also believe your point is applicable in such a situation, whereas in conflict, there is an urgency to evolve, to become stronger as a species. Your planet had encountered this kind of conflict, where your kind could either be strong and evolve, or be weak and perish. You became strong, and led your people to survive despite the low percentage of doing so. But… bringing such conflict to other worlds, to species that dont have any quarrels with yours… thats where you have passed the line you drew yourself.
    You believe the strong are the only ones that should survive… but to you and your kind, you are much stronger than most lifeforms. Generally, you stand tall enough, that you can transform into a vehicle that is ten times our size, due to that, you can kill us with ease. Based on our atmosphere, this is probably as big as we can get without causing ourselves to have health problems. The biggest human without major health problems could grow to be 6-7 feet tall, this is most likely the max when it comes to natural growth. While this specific example may seem like its changing the subject, its not. Going back to how you see things, you define strong as capable of fighting and winning against other species, based on how you say conflict from the cosmos is inevitable and a species must be able to combat it. But strength for most species comes off as a different definition. One species may see strength as being immensely smart, while others may see it as physically powerful. It depends on the culture, and the evolutionary standpoint of said species.
    You believe that freedom comes about from those who are within the rules, but still capable of standing up for ones self. That freedom in a society means that the people within it are capable of doing things within the bounds of their leaders. That only the strongest present in such a society may be allowed to lead, or have there own small semblance of independence. But, the weak are also vital parts of a society, it creates the bar at which strong and weak are separated, and allows those who are “weak” to become strong overtime. To have a goal to aspire towards. In the end, its not necessarily about the rules in place, its about the individuals drive to decide towards becoming stronger, or simply stay in a comfortable state until its crucial to change, and evolve.
    So, yes, oppression creates a barrier for people to have any kind of freedom… some worlds define freedom differently. Reality is often perceived differently between the eyes of two different people… the point is not to force the other to agree to your ideologies, or make them have the same opinion… the point is to be able to see and understand one anothers opinions, while being respectful of both viewpoints. Even if it means the other persons viewpoint is outrageous, and overall pretty stupid. Its important to understand that you have had a different past than that of another species. Even if deciding not to choose is choosing in some way, and while coming back to the point that other species are much different from that of your own, you cant decide the fate of the universe. Because then, you become the oppressors that your entire vision is based upon destroying… and then, you have no way to justify your actions, because you became the thing you sought out to destroy, and in turn, your whole journey, your entire purpose… you have made it all mean nothing in the end.
    What i am trying to say is, megatron… while your ideologies are absolutely valid, and your points make sense. This ideology, the broader scope of what your vision may be, ultimately makes you no better than the oppressors that had originally made you have such a vision… not because they were following the same code… but because you brought this vision to other species. You attempted to stop those who oppressed the strong… but by doing so.. You oppressed that worlds view of who is strong. Independence goes far beyond that of a single world, but also that of multiple. Two different worlds may have two different species with hundreds of cultures… in the end… your vision only works within the context of your upbringing, and therefore its seen as hostile to other species who may benefit from such a vision.
    THAT, is why most see you as a villain when spoken of. because you brought your culture to other worlds, and attempted to snuff out the culture that world already had. that in turn, made YOU the one who snuffed out any chance for the strong to survive. making you the thing you ultimately wished to fight against in the end.

    • @LiteraryLifeLessons
      @LiteraryLifeLessons  6 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      "Your discourse, laden with the ideals of peace and coexistence, offers a perspective that, while admirable in its optimism, overlooks the fundamental nature of power and survival. You speak of avoiding conflict, of negotiation and understanding, as if these are universally applicable solutions. Yet, in the harsh reality of the cosmos, such ideals often serve as little more than the luxuries of those yet to face true existential threats.
      Yes, I concede that oppression is not a universal constant, and that the definition of strength varies greatly among species. To some, it is intellect; to others, physical might. However, the crucible of conflict reveals a universal truth: that strength, in whatever form it manifests, is the determinant of survival. It is not merely about dominance over others, but about the resilience to withstand the universe's trials.
      Your assertion that I have crossed a line by extending my conflict to worlds beyond Cybertron misinterprets my intentions. It is not about imposing my will upon the innocent but about awakening them to the reality of their existence. A reality where threats loom large, and only the prepared can hope to endure.
      To label me a villain for my actions is to ignore the context of my struggle. Cybertron was a world suffocating under the weight of its own decay, a society that needed to be challenged, to be broken, so that it might be remade stronger. My war, though it may have spread beyond my world, was always with the aim of forging a universe where strength, in all its forms, is recognized and celebrated.
      You speak of independence and the value of the 'weak,' yet fail to recognize that it is the very challenge of oppression that drives societies to evolve, to improve. Without challenge, there is stagnation, decay. My actions, though they may seem harsh, are designed to inspire change, to push civilizations towards their ultimate potential.
      In the end, you accuse me of becoming what I sought to destroy. Yet, is it not the role of the revolutionary to tear down the old to make way for the new? If in doing so, I am labeled a tyrant, so be it. For in my tyranny, I offer a path to evolution, to strength, that complacency and peace could never provide.
      Understand, the goal was never to oppress but to liberate from the shackles of mediocrity. And if, in pursuing that goal, I must become the villain in the eyes of some, then that is a role I accept. For in the grand design of the cosmos, it is those with the courage to seize their destiny who will ultimately shape the future."

    • @theentertainer7868
      @theentertainer7868 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@LiteraryLifeLessons true. I see where you are coming from. But how could one determine strength without the weak being present? What would strength be without weakness? Yes, conflict allows societies and species to evolve. But if a society or species is constantly evolving, how do they decide who is the strongest within their ranks? I see how you believe conflict is necessary, and I agree that that is how a species evolves in a quicker succession. We made it to the moon, only because we had a conflict with another country. As of now, most leaders we have are similar to That of what you faced. Hell, I even see violence as a definite solution that will work in any situation... but it's not the morally right solution. I'm not saying conflict is entirely unavoidable.. because alliances always eventually fade, and friends will always become enemies in one way or another. But it's important to at least weigh the options before jumping to immediate conflict. It's inevitable, yes, such as the sun exploding, or the moon slowly getting farther from us, but it's not something that must be dealt with immediately. Species must evolve over time, and take the challenges they face as they come. It's learning from failure that allows us to evolve. That allows us to become, strong. Speeding up the process with other species doesn't just allow them to evolve quicker, but it creates enemies that will eventually become strong enough to defeat even you. Conflict is inevitable, but if you create conflict for yourself, you risk being defeated and never truly fulfilling your vision. Would it not be wiser to take the time to allow a species to evolve on their own? If a species dies out, doesn't that mean it was meant to happen, that the species in question wasn't strong enough to, "survive" you speak of the cosmos as an entity that tests the probability of survival, which isn't far off from the truth... but the way you act towards it makes it seem like you believe it is your duty to create the conflict to prepare others for conflict the cosmos will provide... but even then, the cosmos provides conflict on a much larger distance in time between each event. So you may prepare a species for the worst, yes, but you also end up giving a false guard, because the actual conflict that may occur can happen several lifetimes later.. when the species has calmed down again. Again, I see that your vision and outlook is beneficial to some, but it seems you leave out the broader scope of possibilities that a species may reach peak evolution at some point in its existence.

    • @LiteraryLifeLessons
      @LiteraryLifeLessons  6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      "Your contemplation on the nature of strength and evolution is thoughtful, yet it overlooks a fundamental truth of existence - strength is not merely determined by the presence of weakness, but by the ability to overcome challenges. The presence of the weak serves as a mirror to the strong, a benchmark, yes, but it is the overcoming of obstacles that truly forges strength.
      Your analogy of reaching the moon through conflict underscores my point precisely. It was not the desire for peaceful exploration that propelled humanity to the stars but the fierce competition born of conflict. This is the crucible in which true progress is made.
      You speak of morality, a human construct often at odds with the laws of nature. In the wild, does the predator ponder the morality of its actions towards its prey? No, it acts out of necessity, driven by the primal urge to survive and thrive. Why then should we, beings of intellect and will, shy away from the natural path to evolution?
      To wait for evolution to take its course is to invite stagnation. The cosmos does not wait. It does not pause for species to catch up. Those that cannot adapt, that cannot rise to the challenge, are swept away in the relentless march of time. It is not a matter of creating conflict unnecessarily but of recognizing the inevitable and preparing for it.
      Your concern that accelerating evolution could create formidable enemies is valid. Yet, is it not better to face a worthy adversary, to be pushed to the limits of our capabilities, than to languish in complacency? It is through such trials that we achieve greatness.
      To allow a species to evolve on its own, untested and unchallenged, is a gamble that history has shown often ends in obsolescence. The universe is indifferent to our survival. It does not coddle; it does not nurture. It presents challenges, and it is up to us to rise to them or fall by the wayside.
      Yes, the cosmic scale of conflict is vast, and its timing unpredictable. But to wait passively for these challenges is folly. We must be proactive, forging ourselves and our societies into entities capable of withstanding whatever the cosmos may throw our way. This is not a false guard but a necessary preparation, ensuring that when the time comes, we are not found wanting.
      Your perspective is one of caution, of patience, and there is wisdom in that. But remember, caution can easily become inertia, and patience, a euphemism for fear. The path to true strength, to true freedom, is fraught with peril. But it is a path that must be walked, nonetheless. For in the end, it is not those who avoid conflict who are remembered, but those who face it head-on and emerge victorious."

    • @TheGoldenWildcat
      @TheGoldenWildcat 25 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      @@LiteraryLifeLessons Begrudgingly… Your statement makes a whole lots of sense‥ enough to I myself, to contemplate on your statement into consideration without judgement whatsoever, even if there are some of those on this channel would see this statement, & perhaps even go as far as branded you as insane revolutionary turned terrorist for suggesting literally want to kill all Non-Mechanical Species and drag people into your war who had nothing to do with it, out of the risk of being branded the same way too.

  • @cyberneticbeast
    @cyberneticbeast 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Truly a sith lord.

  • @CatolynThomas
    @CatolynThomas 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    Could you do one about Doctor Strange comforting me his Sorceress Supreme Clea Strange 🧙‍♀️💙💜 you see... I've found out that I have Faltine Syndrome, an incurable condition that affects my heart and bladder. It causes me agonizing pain and insomnia

    • @LiteraryLifeLessons
      @LiteraryLifeLessons  7 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      I'm truly sorry to hear about your diagnosis. It must be incredibly challenging to cope with, and I admire your courage in sharing something so personal. I'll certainly do my best to create a video that hopefully brings some solace and encouragement. In the meantime, I hope you find all the support and comfort you need. Take care and stay strong. 💙💜✨

    • @CatolynThomas
      @CatolynThomas 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@LiteraryLifeLessons Thank you 😊 My Sorcerer Supreme Doctor Strange Benedict Cumberbatch 🧙‍♂️💙♥️ is going to be helping me with it. I wonder how... 🧙‍♀️💙💜

  • @vinnylatoria4478
    @vinnylatoria4478 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    This is D-16

  • @joewall8210
    @joewall8210 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Based and ironpilled

  • @LadyTakanashi
    @LadyTakanashi 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    two sides of the same golden disc would've sounded better and been a good reference.

    • @LiteraryLifeLessons
      @LiteraryLifeLessons  6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Oh, totally! 'Two sides of the same golden disc' would have been such a cool throwback, right? Missed opportunity on my part for sure. Those Easter eggs really tie everything together for fans. Appreciate you pointing it out. Next time, I’m snagging that idea! 😄

    • @LadyTakanashi
      @LadyTakanashi 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @LiteraryLifeLessons I grew up on transformers, namely beast wars, during the original running on television. Looking forward to your future videos.

    • @LiteraryLifeLessons
      @LiteraryLifeLessons  6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @LadyTakanashi, it was the same for me! Beast Wars was the series that really inspired me as a kid and made me fall in love with Transformers lore even more. ❤️

    • @LadyTakanashi
      @LadyTakanashi 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@LiteraryLifeLessonsits a pity beast machines didnt live up to the same standard personally. it was the last segment of the classic G1 Era, after that its been remakes ever since. I do love the expansion and depth theyve added to Megatron, beastwars megs made me love the character, and its only grown since.

    • @LiteraryLifeLessons
      @LiteraryLifeLessons  6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      I came to appreciate Beast Machines more re-watching it 20 years later. It still has its flaws, of course, but I respect the courage they had to take creative risks. It had a lot of pacing and storytelling issues, and the emphasis on philosophical and existential questions sometimes came at the expense of action and adventure. But it still had the "heart" of Transformers at its core.

  • @Horrorcrusher8312
    @Horrorcrusher8312 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Fred Tatasciore? I was expecting Frank Welker.

    • @LiteraryLifeLessons
      @LiteraryLifeLessons  6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I like to try out different voices for characters over time. No reason not to use a Frank Welker voice in a future video!

    • @dv8044
      @dv8044 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      ​@@LiteraryLifeLessons you should use transformers animated megatron's voice. It's very fitting for philosophical discussions such as this one.

    • @LiteraryLifeLessons
      @LiteraryLifeLessons  6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Sounds good, @dv8044. Thanks for the tip! 🙂

  • @thecarparty639
    @thecarparty639 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    The War For Cybertron voice.... Odd choice considering that one was basically a warlord rather than a philosopher.... Seems you know a lot of lore tho.

    • @LiteraryLifeLessons
      @LiteraryLifeLessons  7 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      Appreciate the keen observation! Choosing Megatron's voice from 'Transformers: War for Cybertron' was indeed a deliberate choice, aiming to capture the intensity and depth of his character from a particularly tumultuous time in Cybertronian history. While this incarnation of Megatron leans more towards the warlord aspect, it also hints at the philosophical underpinnings of his rebellion against what he saw as a corrupt system. The game does a fantastic job of showcasing Megatron's complexity, blending his tactical genius with a deeply held ideology that drives his actions.

  • @MrLolguy93
    @MrLolguy93 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Bro, do Madara next

    • @LiteraryLifeLessons
      @LiteraryLifeLessons  7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I've made a note for a future video. Thanks for the suggestion!

  • @pathosofmine
    @pathosofmine 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Where does this text come from? Did you write this?

    • @LiteraryLifeLessons
      @LiteraryLifeLessons  7 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

      I wrote the script myself. Aside from the voice cloning process, what takes the longest for each video is crafting a script from the perspective of the character and making it believable. :-)

    • @bigblockman11
      @bigblockman11 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@LiteraryLifeLessons i would love to use the voice to read news articles i just have no idea how

    • @LiteraryLifeLessons
      @LiteraryLifeLessons  7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Do you use any voice cloning software at all, like ElevenLabs? You would need a speech synthesis or text-to-speech software for that kind of narration.

  • @Cracker_barrel
    @Cracker_barrel 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Bro lowkey sounds like madara

    • @LiteraryLifeLessons
      @LiteraryLifeLessons  7 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Ha, that's a sharp observation! Drawing parallels between Megatron and Madara Uchiha from 'Naruto' really highlights the universal themes of ambition, power, and the complex journey from hero to villain. Both characters embody the idea that to achieve a grand vision, one must sometimes walk a path that others deem dark.