Don’t forget to go through all the cards, look on the back at the bottom the short print will have a different number than the base. I missed some and went back and found a few as they are hard to see. I like that the set has only 200 base cards. Good luck .
Don’t forget to go through all the cards, look on the back at the bottom the short print will have a different number than the base. I missed some and went back and found a few as they are hard to see. I like that the set has only 200 base cards. Good luck .
Thanks for the info!! Super helpful!
Merry RIPmas! Awesome video! Thanks for sharing! Love to get some cards!!!!
Merry RIPmas to you too! Have you gotten any good pulls lately?
@@B_and_B_Rips Not anything crazy! Love this time of year!
I pulled a Jackson Holiday hidden elf card today in my first box.
No way. That’s sick. Funny enough, Bo and I pulled one of those off camera this week and had to do some research to figure out what it was!!