A certain Albert once said that the best/only way to teach is by example... I firmly believe that having someone that actually knows how to do the thing and also explain how it works is a priceless asset in anyone's learning path. Thanks for practicing being that example If you're planning more of this kind of videos, showing the internal organs of your devices and how/why they work the way they do, I would humbly request more about modulation, maybe Correlation Modulation?
Yes! Thank you Gabriel. Making devices and doing these videos is one way of living my best life. I love the idea of doing one of the modulators as the next video. I'll either do Correlation Modulation or maybe a new modulator in the form of a "let's build a ____ modulator" video? Thank you!
A certain Albert once said that the best/only way to teach is by example...
I firmly believe that having someone that actually knows how to do the thing and also explain how it works is a priceless asset in anyone's learning path.
Thanks for practicing being that example
If you're planning more of this kind of videos, showing the internal organs of your devices and how/why they work the way they do, I would humbly request more about modulation, maybe Correlation Modulation?
Yes! Thank you Gabriel. Making devices and doing these videos is one way of living my best life.
I love the idea of doing one of the modulators as the next video. I'll either do Correlation Modulation or maybe a new modulator in the form of a "let's build a ____ modulator" video?
Thank you!