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Wow! What an amazing & encouraging story in the midst of our troubled country. Wishing her daughter all the best. Derek is smiling and giving a proud 👍🏼 from heaven 🙏🏽
Amazing. Growing up and being told that SA is a rainbow nation, this is EXACTLY what my young imagination imagined, a nation united across all races and that WE would work together to achieve any and everything. Stories like this restore faith in humanity. Dankie tannie.
I cried my way through this. What a mom. South Africans rock. Best country in the world. Guess we do it ourselves, then. Why does RSA have a sports minister again?
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Racist and/or homophobic comments will not be tolerated and users will be banned immediately.
1. Hate speech, defamation & hostility inciting comments.
2. Harassing (incl. sexual), threatening, embarrassing, swearing at, or abusing of another participant.
3. Acting as employees of Carte Blanche.4. Spam links or comments.
5. Crude or offensive language.
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This has me swallowing back the tears. What a beautiful inspiration. Thank you
Wow! What an amazing & encouraging story in the midst of our troubled country.
Wishing her daughter all the best.
Derek is smiling and giving a proud 👍🏼 from heaven 🙏🏽
Tears in my eyes. Pls South Africa. Do the same
Thank you for sharing this story! All the best to the young lady!
Best story yet from Carte Blanche
Gives one a sense a of hope for South Africa. Well done.
Must be the most beautiful story I ever heard
I hear you..
But trust me ..Aroumd😢 Every corner is a story 🙂 Corner story if you like...😅cornerstone(s). Nie sout pillare nie😂😅🎉❤
Hello my friend🌞
Yes. Beautiful story. So glad they shared 😁🙏
Such a beautiful story😢😢😢tears of joy❤❤
Same here😢😊
Amazing story. What some parent’s go through to give their kid’s everything 🫶🏼. Bless all parent’s out there doing what it takes to raise a kid. ❤
Wow!! It warms your heart to see how a nation comes together, Amazing story ❤
This is hands down the best story to come out of South Africa. Well done CB.
Amazing story
Ai dis tog mooi. Dit roer die hart.
Just wonderful!!!❤
Wow ❤This just brought tears to my eyes such inspirational lady.Believe & you can achieve.🇿🇦
Guys this is very special, well done
In a world of doom and gloom, this is just amazing ✨
What a beautiful Story. Thank you Carte Blanche for such a Heart Warming Story. A Story that is so desperately needed in times of Darkness.
This is a beautiful and inspiring story. Thank you
Ahh man, so beautiful and inspiring. 🥲
Amazing. Growing up and being told that SA is a rainbow nation, this is EXACTLY what my young imagination imagined, a nation united across all races and that WE would work together to achieve any and everything. Stories like this restore faith in humanity. Dankie tannie.
Heart warming...
This country has a limitless potential, both in its people and resources. If only we could rid it of it's toxic politics!
'n Ma met 'n plan. Wow ek haal my hoed af vir daai tannie. 🎉
The Power of Faith.
What an ace story
Fantastic story! Pity the whole of SA does not do the same.
I love this ❤❤
Tough inspirational lady!!!!!
Thank you.
A! This is the best!
This is really a super story🫡👊🏽
I cried my way through this. What a mom. South Africans rock. Best country in the world. Guess we do it ourselves, then. Why does RSA have a sports minister again?
Wragtig pragtig 😊
I'm motivated ❤❤❤❤
Superman approves this. 😊
Man! 😂 Where do we donate???
Did they raise sufficient?
Any way to donate for the overseas trip???
Did the tannie raise the money they needed for her daughter?
1st one!!
You must mean Boer, but you mistyped 👍
Touching story and very powerful.
Just wonderful!! ❤❤❤