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This is incredible.. I've experienced "enlightenment" and all i can say is it's not a means to an end, or a diploma. You can have it in a moment and never have it again. Mastery is the key. Here's a great concept that's helped me experience an enlightened state more frequently.. Surrender the surrender-er and you will understand truth.
I tried quitting "seeking enlightenment" as many times as I tried quitting smoking cigarettes. Trying to quit will happen as many times as is necessary until QUITTING ACTUALLY HAPPENS. In the meantime, don't judge yourself if you find yourself seeking, tomorrow or next week. Accept and trust. Quitting won't happen until it happens. Infinite patience produces immediate results. Great love. (Smoke free for 15 years now.)
It is fun seeking enlightenment. That is, there are two =kinds of people: those who only want the destination, and those who enjoy the journey. I am the type that enjoys the journey. I love the things I do to seek enlightenment. Also, I am learning guitar/singing/music, but I actually enjoy he process of this learning, and I dont care if I ever become a good musician.
Warren Van Niekerk So True, brother man. It is the ego that seeks, and never finds. And the concept of an ego/separate entity is just another belief that ....(fill in the blank, based on your own desire for Truth).
I think to get to enlightenment, is to first love yourself unconditionally as you are right now, being patient with yourself, and guide yourself as all the pieces of you fall into place to reach the whole self within this being... Only then it is even possible to feel the oneness with the greater self. Feeling the oneness of the smaller self, if even for a fraction of a time feels like the missing piece that we overindulge with material things in life hoping to fill up the hole with... A brief moment of oneness.... All of us are at a different stage of our journey and that is seek it because you ache to return feel one....if you do it for another purpose then your not seeking enlightenment but a conditional love of self which by definition prevents you from loving yourself unconditionally.
Soundly spoken from you all here, indeed the great world deceptions deepest kind of works is the conditioning of the child from their beginning years. Then they grow up with this illusion stuck in them by trained habit of it. So they then go to teach their kids this illusion also, almost every one of them dies trying to undo that illusion their entire life., not realizing the truth yet. The child is fresh like wet clay, easy to mold into a certain way, if they got you young, they got you good, but not completely. Now Seeing that we never lost anything at all, nor did we need to go somewhere, or travel a distance, or take time doing spiritual works physically.(enlightenment has enli in its name, the name of the leader of all deceptions in sumerian) Practicing the belief of illusions(based off of negative fears weakening the heart) for a long time, or from a young age, Certainly becomes woven into us very strongly, thus our consciousnesses are divided from each other, distracting our connection to God/Dia (the truth, the way, the life)
G’day Emerald, I like your videos. It’s nice to listen to another inquiring mind. I have to chuckle, it’s beyond me how the majority of people show more interest in watching dancing with the stars, over exploring the wonder of existence! Here’s my view, if you dont mind me sharing... I agree, that seeking truth is a better steatement that seeking enlightenment. Trouble is, seeking Truth is still seeking - a distraction from what’s happening here and now, into thought and imagination. The drunk seeks in drink; the monk seeks in prayer. Seeking’s seeking. Seeking everything but what is. I can't say I've ever found truth, because I don't think truth can be sought, like you seek for the light switch in the dark. but perhaps Truth is what's left after the negation of the false. Am I enlightened? Is Adyashanti enlightened? I have no idea because I have no idea what enlightenment is! It has no definitive criteria - it’s all a bit vague and ambiguous. For instance, if I wanted to achieve an IQ score of 140, I know that I would have to study a lot of books and take an exam. If I wanted to achieve enlightenment, I know that I would have to…….??? Go on somebody else's word? Maybe meditate for 20 years at the base of Mt Fuji, or sit in a cave reciting a mantra? Meh. The whole things entirely subjective. How do I know that my itchy scalp isn’t another’s kundalini awakening?! I cannot compare my experience to an ‘enlightened’ person’s experience to verify whether I am enlightenment! Chasing enlightenment or truth can send us (our minds) off chasing our own tails. Here’s how I see it: My ‘enlightenment’ is the freedom from the need to be enlightened. I chased enlightenment for so long, that when I stopped investing in my thoughts, I (re)discovered what was buried under all the falseness, and stories that thought had spun. That I was already enlightened and I had never not been enlightened. Moreover, enlightenment is not a static way marker event in one’s life. Enlightenment is our being, and it’s overlooked in favour of seeking something ‘out there’ that will happen someday. What a relief! The freedom from enlightenment. No more seeking, phew, what was I getting all worked up over?! Don't they call it a cosmic joke, or the gateless gate, or the open secret, or whatever. The exotic enlightenment experience (that probably happens to very few) makes people chase an identical experience - and it sells books of course ;) why not cash in on it? Sailor Bob said “what’s wrong with right now? Unless you think about it.” Plain old basic, every day, ordinary awareness. That’s the beauty of it! Cheers :)
+TRUTH is VEGAN For a Vegan, you sure do like SPAM. Posting the same message 32 times on various comments is unnacceptable, and does nothing to hearten people to the cause of Veganism. I think it's a great cause and I recently switched to a plant-based diet myself. But this is such a turn-off to most people. I suggest reconsidering the way you promote your message. You kill more flies with honey than vinegar.
I accept, therefore I seek truth in being real, rather than a self constructive purpose of my wants. The four absolutes : Honesty, Purity, Unselfishness, and Love are goals of objectivity, achieved by subjectively surrendering my innate emotional motives to the community of presence outside of perceptive comforts. 🙏 Emerald
We are all one. When you achieve enlightenment you will not feel superior because you will truly believe we are all one. Everyone else will gain enlightenment through you too.
I sometimes get in a meditative state (very rarely) where I can't tell in wich position my body is, because you stop interpretating the senses, the touch and everything, it is all so intense and clear it can't be processed in the usual way, it has no interpretation, and it feels like being in a infinite void, totally free and with no fisical body (wich is the true state of us). I recently became enlighted (just realized and understood I'm already enlighted), and it is very strange, you continue to persue things, to have opinions, thoughts, ego, but you just know they are all illusions and just live with them, seeing through them all the time and not giving them much attention, not worrying about anything and seeing everything as it is. And it is bliss and beautiful. That's why it does not feel different when you become enlighted, nothing changes, only your awareness of things. I saw the video where you interview Rali, and you talked about the infinite flow of wisdom that seems to come when you are in a awaken state. This flow of infinite wisdom happens because you stop filtering reallity and truly sees it, is the realization that all the information you want is right in front of your face, behind your ideas. I used some psichedelics in my spiritual jorney, and I know how shocking and surreal it feels to just suddenly have this totally different view of reallity out of nowhere, it really feels like something you have to achieve, but this state is there all the time, behind your attachment to ideas. The more and more I had awakenings, with or without psichedelics, I understood more and more that it is all there all the time. It comes a time where you stop seeking enlightment, stop seeking anything, drop all ideas, and realize there is nothing to seek, so you find it. Sorry for any bad english, I'm brazilian! You are on the right path! (altough there is nowhere to go LOL) There is only one more step, realizing you are already there! hahahaha :)
The present part is important. I've witnessed many of those who have "achieved" enlightenment by being outside and present to their physical awareness--not meditating, but having being aware of all their senses and sense of space while outside, which cuts off the mind from thinking anyway without shutting you off (which is why going for a "presence walk" will beat meditation always. one does not need to meditate. but anyway) from your environment. Lots of ppl who meditate become kind of low energy and lazy, ntm eventually becoming ungrounded. Think it's called "self-power walking". This is not an exercise, so you don't try to aim for a sweat. You don't bring your dog, or your friend.
I had to pause the video and comment .. Hi Emerald, I thought I was truly insane to be seeking enlightenment.. I had one awakening experience 10 years ago.. the time I was my most idealistic self and highly functional ... I conquered my ego at the time and I was perpetually in a blissful state for 2 good years....I was kind to everythign and everyone around me.... I went through the period with no guidance... obviously you don't feel the need or, the idea doesnt occur because you feel you "know".. and your heart is making the decisions .... until, it trusts something blindly, and life starts taking over ... until everything looks skewed.... and boredom takes over. And then I started lying to myself.. because I couldn't handle the fact that I have become this person who is completely different from the person who had the awakening... My ego was at its peak and it was hurt at every which thing for 8 years... It still is, but, I have got my bearings and I started seeking truth.. It is still difficult, and I have made my mind my friend and have a defense mechanism for everything that I think could hurt me... But, your videos are helping me great deal... they are helping me decode few things that I couldn't... and the fact that our experiences are largely similar to mine (I can actually go so far as to say that they are the same, spiritually. after watching couple of your videos) helps a great deal... Thank you ....
But I already think that you are special, listening to you, although I listened tones, tones of videos and red many many books on this subject, seeking enlightnement, BUT STILL, I find the way you speak very fresh, clear and down to earth, and the fact that you are speaking from this position of a sincere seeker, and not from that of a realised master, that I find very unique and I can relate more to your videos than to a video of Adyashani, although I like him very much too. In a way, you are already superior in my eyes, cause you manage to speak so clear about this, from the position of a seeker. You are taking care of the poor seeker who is tired and frustrated and lost in this... and that I call real help. ❤️
Very Enlightening... and you have hit the nail on the head. You can get a good jump on this path of awakening if you can crack and break down your ego... I found the "Power of Now's" outlined exercises very helpful. The true goal of life is rediscovering who you actually are. Divinity having an experience we some times call life.
We already are that which we seek. The truth is already within us whole and intact. We have untruths overlaid on top of it and all we have to do is to remove that which is not true to expose that which is. If we are completely honest with ourselves and develop an inner vision we can look deep within our heart and see the truth that is there. Then we must live from that space within the heart. When we do that the eyes of our understanding will open and we will percieve our absolute nature within our temporal/relative individuality.
If there ever was a such thing as smart and stupid, strong or weak, being contradictory, from the measurement of us expressing our Godself, that is always there, that also Sets the Value of everyone to the same level, because of God being everything on all levels, but the equality of everything, is set to an infinite level of diversity, by their diversity in sight concerning God. The 3 of us would be called world class fame for the greatest intellectuals of all by the world, if we took an IQ test, because the world is blinded from the truth just yet, thinking that we are born with it alone etc. Not seeing that Everyone is ultimately infinite, That no one is smarter than the other person, everyone from the least to the greatest of all, only bore witness to what everyone can do. With God/dia nothing is impossible, now i know what we can do, there is no such thing as realistic or unrealistic, to what we all can achieve, God said, make my paradise, that i desire for you to live in, with everyone else included, for i am always with you, even when you do not see me.
Ludwig Wittgenstein defined philosophy as "the battle against the bewitchment of our intelligence by means of language". Someone who is, as you say, "seeking enlightenment", can't find it because they are seeking something which is not clearly defined.
Interesting video, thanks for posting this. I was just talking with someone the other day about this, and here I thought I was coming up with some new and exciting theory, guess not, but it made me feel like I was on the right path with my understanding of reality seeing someone else mention this. I speak with people a lot that use psychedelics for spiritual growth, and it seems like many of them seek enlightenment so hard, that it then becomes something which taints their being, because they have attached so much ego to obtaining such a state, it pollutes it. It seems like many people seek enlightenment through simple means, and they think that achieving such a state, will make them some all powerful sage and mystic. Also, I would be leery of anyone that says they're enlightened, from my understanding people that claim they're enlightened, often are not, they're just seeking attention/power from saying they have achieved such a state, often for material gain. I think if someone achieve enlightenment they wont speak about it, but their actions will show it.
I like to say "Same path.... Same trees." I find that, since the path toward enlightenment is already very well trodden, that people on this path tend to experience the same insights and fall into the same traps. It's why I find it very helpful to have this channel, because you can see a bit more clearly when you look at others on the same path as to what's a cul de sac and what's a helpful mindset to hold. On a path with few roadsigns, the experiences of others can be very helpful. But the "wanting to be a special mystic" is definitely a trap that's easy to fall into, and I catch myself in these mindsets often. Like somehow I would prove my worth or redeem myself by becoming this mystic. Using enlightenment for self-improvement can be an enticing boon. But it's a trap. So, what I do, is I let the thoughts and desires come up without judgment as it's just a human mindset, and I just observe them and their similarity to seemingly more banal desire of life like cars, money, a big house, lifestyle improvement, and the like. Wanting enlightenment is just another desire of ego. But I agree to be leery of others claiming enlightenment when it comes to following their lead or believing in their perspective. But if someone is just claiming it, I generally give them the benefit of the doubt because it doesn't really effect me in either direction to believe them or not. I'm not going to give more weight to their opinion just because of their genuine enlightenment or falsely/mistakenly claimed enlightenment. I recognize people could use it to manipulate others, which is a shame. But a guru or teacher can never give you the experience of being enlightened as it's always internal. So, I try to take everyone's perspective with a grain of salt, but if someone claims enlightenment I just give them the benefit of the doubt and say "That's awesome! Good for you." Some people claim it because it's really their perspective, others to manipulate, and others to feel a sense of self-worth. You can't really tell from the outside.
Great video Emerald :) utterly adore the message of just letting go. Check out this Zen story which relates to your point. A monk asked Seng ts’an, “Master, show me the way to liberation.” Seng ts’an replied, “Who binds you?” The monk responded, “No one binds me.” Seng ts’an said, “Then why do you seek liberation?” Much love and peace.
The 12th step of Alcoholics Anonymous begins, "Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps..." As one might imagine, many posit having had this awakening. While I am certain many have spiritual experiences aplenty, I have serious doubts about those claiming fervently to have had awakenings.
Hi Emerald I am so glad that you are getting to this point of seeing what you use to block the perception of enlightenment. I have noticed that you havnt really gotten out of the identity you were trained to have but you are beginning to understand it for what it it. Your identity is very common you are very driven, feel the urge to intellectualize, to appreciate the ¨girl¨ world you are supposed to be creating, publishing information a teacher getting recognition, getting attension. If we generalize what you do we find a postmodern capitalist girl identity that likes itself, that propells itself forward. It is very brainy, likes the idea that it is getting the information right, like in school, you finally are getting that gold star Emerald. So how are you going to relax all this and let it go? How will you get to the point where none of this trained and engrained information blocks your perception. First you may want to grasp that its all wrong, all of your information is finite and dual. You have to except that it doesnt work you can use it but only for a joke, nothing impotrant will ever come of it. Then shift your perception from seeing everything as a simplified label to what it really is. Yes if you were to use your ¨kindergarden identity¨ you would look at the world and label everything with a word get the answer right and move on to the next labelling event, a dog, a house , a car my food, etc. And if you want truth you could look at any one of these things and describe its infinite nature for forever and a day, oversimplifying has a counterpart of overanalyzing. All of it is untrue and useless. Let it all go and see what is there nothing has to be labelled or over analyzed. It is what it is can you stop wordifying the world and see what is really there? You arent getting truth from your trained ego, you cant get truth by analyzing the world because of its infinite nature, all you can do is feel what it feels like to stop wanting something and be in what is.
This is definitely a very close description of the identity attachment that I have. When I had my experiences that I speak about in the videos, I realized that this success-oriented identity was a huge burden. Even still, old habits die hard. I still find myself in the high-achiever, competitive mindset in most of my interactions, even if it's completely irrelevant. There's always this drive to be the most __________. It's tough to let go of because it's how I've always made things happen for myself. The identity feels like it's been an effective tool in these cases. But it's undeniably a barrier in regards to being in touch with what is true.
"oh, am I enlightenment yet?" I can relate to this as I used to think like this in terms of getting back to my former psychological state from 5 years ago when I had fruitful relationships, a tremendous amount of discipline and focus in my studies and fulfillment (so my nostalgic mind says)... I got into personal development to pick myself up in hopes to get that kind of lifestyle/mental state again. Could you say that pursuing something like this, in a psychological sense, can derail you from achieving the thing itself?
As always, I enjoyed the video. You always have interesting things to say. I think when it comes to this very ambiguous and "ineffable" notion, the remarkable experiences happen when you least expect it. What I mean by that is when you cognitively decide to do something, the notion of the self is necessarily established. If I decide to do "xyz" to attain a certain state of "whatever" I've already established my self... my ego as being the precipitating factor and thus valid. So, in a weird way, I think that attainment of this state, what people call "enlightenment" or "transcendence" or what have you, happens organically when you're not making any cognitive effort to do anything. I think when you cognitively decide to do "something", it begs the question, "what entity" desires this, and then the notion of the validity of the self or "ego" is presupposed. I really liked when you talked about "thoughts" and how there is no intrinsic meaning to thoughts. Rather, it's our perception that dictates the nature and meaning of the "thoughts"... I suffer from OCD, and when I was young I was constantly tormented by disturbing thoughts. Ultimately I arrived at the same conclusion, but that was many, many years later. Anyway... Awesome work. I love your passion and dedication to pondering the existential questions that so many desperately try to avoid. I'll keep watching. :-)
and i think you should seek enlightenment,bceause enlightenment only happens when you drop everything,unless you drop all thoughts,everything you learned uptill now,and just become as silent as possible and just a witness to all things only then you will have enlghtenment,enlightenment happens by itself when you becoem a zero,to become is still doing something you have to be nothing,but to be nothing is still something
A good way to understand your true nature is to ask yourself who you are. "Who am I?" you should ask and then reply with an answer, then really think about that answer to see if it's true. For example: "I'm Christy" "Christy is my name, am I my name? No" "I'm a youtube lover" "Being a youtube lover is a hobby. Am I one of my hobbies? No" "I'm a good employee" "An employee good or bad is just a profession. Am I my profession? No." Keep following this train of thought. Every time you ask yourself who you are your ego will respond with an answer. If those answers do not make sense (chances are they won't) keep shooting them down until all you have is what is left. It may take a long time. Hours, days, weeks, months who knows but just keep going until you have an answer that you can not shoot down and which makes sense.
For the last year I have consumed every idea on enlightenment, listening and reading so much content ( which is not necessarily a bad thing) but now I think is time to stop . To stop watching , reading and doing mental masturbation . To much of a good thing can be a bad thing. To much information can be misleading, I don't want to get stuck in ideas .
I like the idea of the futility of an Enlightenment hunt! Where is it? Gotta be here somewhere! Like you say, it's even hard to put into words. But to allow it to Become, IMO that's the task.
Nice essay - again! I relate to the "wanting enlightenment to get out of pain"; emotional mainly... existential crisis if you will. Often times I'll catch myself daydreaming about this or that realizing it's in preference to "what is"!!! E.Tolle teaches that all resistance (pain) is from not being accepting of what is, so her I find myself dallying on the outskirts of reality! This may sound like petty nonsense but when you hold it up next to Panic, anxiety, abandonment issues addiction and on and on you may get the picture.
+Vinculo Well said. :D By the way, I haven't forgotten about you. I still want to collaborate sometime in the future. I just started working again though. So, I've been running behind with a lot of things. When do you think you'd want to film?
+Michael Locey Thank you! I know that getting away from suffering is one of my biggest reasons for wanting enlightenment. I thought that I was happy prior to my experiences. But then, through contrast with those experiences, I saw that I was constantly suffering. So, it's like I'm struggling now against how reality is for me on a daily basis in hopes of CHANGING my experience of reality to a more enlightened experience of reality. So, naturally, this is a big attachment.
The Diamond Net; Gosh yes, as I was saying so much of what you understand about the "self" and how body/mind ego, thought/ emotion are "not that" not me, not really happening, an illusion, which understandings have brought me out of so much suffering. True. Yet I find myself clinging to some behaviors now which btw I couldn't relax and do while in anxiety/suffering: like lots of snacking, watching endless shows, movies, what I call avoidance behavior... for me. That said I do believe I am so much better off with a nondual understanding: I am "what's looking" per St. Francis' "what's looking is what you're looking for". My true nature is that "what" -> it's not an object yeah? It never was not here and present, always available.
I figured you were busy, I hope your home and family are ok after the storm. This weekend is booked; in general weekend afternoons or Saturday AM are easiest for me. Weekday evenings are second best. Would you like to line up a time? Congratulations on 2K subs, pretty incredible!
Does anyone know what she means when she says "awakening experiences"? Were those psychedelic endused or spontaneous occurrences? I really need to know.
Good vid as always Emy!Yeah I stopped seeking Enlightenment some time ago.Had an Ego Death last year,don't know how to replicate that without drugs now :(But that's part of the Enlightenment right?Realizing the ridicilousness of seeking Enlightenment...oh the irony :)
I used to think my name was spelled "Emmy" when I was little since so many people called me that back then. :D It seems to me from looking at various stories of people who've been enlightened. There was a seeking period for them and they went after it for a long time. Then they just couldn't do it anymore and gave up. And enlightenment was like the last attachment to fall away. So, this seems like something that has to happen. But there does have to be a seeking, in most cases. But I think truth is probably a lot more productive to seek than enlightenment as an idea.
Seek truth for it's own sake, for it's own curiosity....not for specific outcomes. I'd also add that you should develop a kind of faith. And faith is a belief in a truth without arbitrary reason or justification....a truth beyond the whims of ego or limited perspective.
Warren Van Niekerk I was using truth very loosely. What you believe doesn't have to actually be true, what matters is that you are seeking something true and something beyond ego narratives. Ego narratives are stories we tell ourselves about the world that have the specific purpose of feeding and protecting the ego. It doesn't care about actual truth or meaning beyond only cares about it's own little meaning. And because of that, it will distort reality and fill you with ulterior motives. An understanding and appreciation of the world that isn't specifically for the ego, was the kind of truth I'm talking about. I also said that faith is important because faith is a trust in something without need for justification or rationalization. Justification can mean that you only believe in something(or see it's value) if there is belief to support it, or if it can serve a specific outcome. When you affirm yourself without needing some way to justify it(not simply for what it can get you in the future)...that's a kind of faith...and a kind of truth. Ego is always seeking justification for itself.
Thank you. Actually, I filmed this one at night time and got an extra light in the room. Normally, I rely somewhat on natural lighting. So, for me, I like the way that the natural light looks when it's optimal... but of course it changes. So, the consistency suffers. But in this case the lighting was mostly consistent but a bit too orange for my liking. But I was able to fix it up in post production.
Thank you for the encouragement! I definitely want to get back on the wagon with posting again soon. I hope everything is going well for you and that you are thriving as an artist, creatively and otherwise. 🙂
When I had my experiences where I had temporarily transcended ego, I want then (and only then) capable of unconditional love. It was as though reality was love itself. So, when I was looking at reality I recognized reality as love itself and myself as love itself. Then I realized that reality and I were one thing and there was unconditional love for all things in reality: good, bad, and ugly. I realized that I had been living in (literally not figuratively) Heaven for my entire life, but was previously so blinded by my identity, judgments, and worldview that I failed to see it. So, I would say that all of existence is made from love. And enlightenment is to see reality exactly as it is... which is love. So, that's the relationship.
Enlightenment is not unconditional love, and anyone who says it is is a liar or deluded. Enlightenment is peace and a sense of infinity, of being both everywhere and yet nothing at all, a totally abstract feeling. It is a sense of freedom, of being formless and untouched by anything. In that there is a sense of joy, and some may call that joy love, but it is not a directed love, but diffuse, omnipresent. However, and here is the kicker, there is a duality between you the abstract spiritual Being, and you the personality; sometimes you are one and sometimes the other. There is no such thing as non-duality; there is always this separation. The two mutually exist and the personality remains the same as it was, but with the awareness of infinity also but not spiritualized so it is not a constant unconditional love. It is conditioned by the ego. On its own level the Atman, the Witness, is wholly abstract and non-locational, but not the personality. This is the real truth that hardly anyone mentions.
@@TheDiamondNet i can confirm this, did it through meditation but it hit me just after i stopped meditating(1hr) and went to make a coffee. State is powerful beyond words.
oh okay nevermind I agree with you. Enjoy the journey. I thought you were saying to stop looking for truth and all my insides were like "BUT THAT'S ALL THAT MATTERS" haha
Well, I take that as a big compliment. :D I enjoy Leo's channel a lot. However, I'm not resonating with him too much lately. I think he's gotten a little lost and a bit too confident in his understanding of things. That said, he's still got a lot of great content.
Marllon Actually, Leo's birthday is two days apart from mine. Mine is April 26th and his is April 24th. I know that from being on his forum and being snoopy. We're both Tauruses.
It's partially because of work but also partially because I've been sick and haven't had a lot of energy to write and film. I filmed a new video on Saturday though. I'm almost finished editing it. It's all about the chakras and should be up tomorrow morning. But I need to get back to the every Saturday schedule. I'm resolving to do that, but I've been so behind.
The Diamond Net trust me when I say I know the feeling haha. I've only made 2 videos and The editing process takes me forever lol. I work a 13 hour shift and on my off days I don't feel like editing. I commend you for going this far. Hopefully emptiness cuts you a break and you'll bounce back soon lol.
Onyx 2K I'm sure it will. I have a half-way game plan for keeping up with it. I'm a substitute teacher, so I sometimes get a planning period. The regular teacher uses it to plan, but I don't have to. So, this will at least allow me time to brainstorm and jot down my outlines for my videos. I already have next week's video written out, so all I have to do is carve out time to film.
The Diamond Net wow that's professional, you actually take the time to plan for your next video. In any of your videos, have you ever revealed what entheogen you used for your enlightenment experience? If not, do you plan on revealing that in the near future?
Onyx 2K Thanks! I spend about an hour or two on each outline to make sure that I say everything that I want to say. Otherwise, I have a difficult time keeping my train of thought and will go on a ton of tangents or just freeze up. I won't mention the entheogen in videos because I don't want to really recommend it, as I'm sure that my audience is very diverse in their ability for making responsible decisions. Most could probably make a reasonable decision one way or another as to whether it's the right decision for them. But there are also people who have commented on my video who are in a really low spot in life, and are looking desperately to make their lives better. Then, if they have an awakening like I did back then, it could really turn their worldview on its ear and make them less stable. I had a hard time afterward trying to assimilate the experiences into my worldview, and I wouldn't want someone in a low spot already to have even more problems. But I can PM you and tell you. It's just moreso that I don't want to reveal it to a broad audience.
What I'm referring to when I refer to "your true nature" is that your true nature is consciousness itself. You are not anything that you perceive... you are the perceiver of those perceptions. So, if you perceive it, it is not your true nature. The Neti Neti method works off of this principle. So, we often think of ourselves as a person who has x,y,z traits and we identify with our body and our thoughts. But we are really the thing that perceives these things, which can't itself be perceived. Just like the knife can't cut itself, the awareness isn't aware of itself.
***** I read it all in one go and understood, but you left out the people who do not care about enlightenment and who do not even know about it. You also left out people like myself who meditate, diet, practice yoga just for the fun of it and not seeking any enlightenment. So do you wanna say the two groups I named are free?
***** Thanks a lot. I really do not give a shit about enlightenment nor do I even know what it is. All I know is that I enjoy music and learning music, I enjoy my job which is mathematics and take all the steps to ensure I am not sacked from my job, I enjoy my diet and yoga. I am careful about stuff as well, such as just running after women because that might lead to disease, and also that can also lead to being accused if I do not really know her, and I am happy with that. That is just to make my being comfortable, but apart from that I really do not care about most things anyway. I am just practical.
***** Just asking: are you into music? I suddenly developed the love for music, so I keep asking people if they know of any goddess or angel of music. Would like to attempt lucid dreams or astral proj, whether the being is real or not, maybe I can discover some fun music knowledge. I tend to read alot. I have also created an entity like that but havent found a name for her yet. I try to visualise. It is much fun.
ya right and dont do jokes with it , entlightment accepting there is everything but i am not everything i life only at this world i see as human hearing feeling and the binding is to reapet waht i had see heard feeld to reapet results in im be this and not i life so i started to try be as the reapeter not life as human and doing stopd at one place and done nothing more than hoping it want be change if i wait long enough.
Have you watched the video or just read the title? She says not to pursue the >idea of enlightenment< but rather to pursue truth, to see what actually IS and not what our idea of it is.
Hi! I saw your email. I'll get back to you in the coming days. I have a lot of emails and comments to catch up on and I just started working again. So, I've been busy.
Pretty stupid. Truth is enlightenment. Being enlightened myself I know this is rubbish. To say you are already enlightened is also nonsense because if you were you would know it, and the personality gets in the way of it. It hides the inner Self, and realizing that spiritual Self is itself enlightenment, for then you realize you are unlimited and infinite. This is the nature of Atman, but it is not the nature of the personality. Mind emotions and body are obstructions because you are identified with them to the exclusion of Atman, and when you know Atman you become disidentified with the lower nature of the physical mind mechanism, which is just concerned with survival and desires. But if you do not feel strongly the need to be enlightened, what will incite you to seek it? You have to be motivated to find it, because what could be more important? Seeking truth, what is that? It is a vague concept. You will not even know what truth is until you reach enlightenment, and then it becomes reality for you. Enlightenment is the most abstract thing, and yet the most wonderful because then you become infinite, you become everything; you are endless. You transcend everything you have previously known. You become formless, untouchable, content. You have to go beyond yourself, beyond this small limited person, and how can you not want this? You have to seek the Infinite. If you do not have a hunger for it, then forget it. You have to keep pushing to find that which is just out of sight, yet closer, more intimate than anything else. And being the biggest creep in history does not prevent you getting it, because it is everyone's deeper nature, and there is only one spiritual Self - the same One Self for everyone. You are simply an extension of it. At the right time the Self reveals itself and there is nothing you can do about it, but your desire for it attracts its attention. And all you have to do is to take it easy, relax, let go and allow it to happen. It is not about truth, it is about finding who you are, and in the end what you are is nothing; it is stillness. So seek the nothingness.
I wish to invite you to see my latest videos, you will love them, and share your wisdom there in the comments. people will communicate with you. infinity is not real, therefore those who chase "enlightenment ' actually achieve "enshroudment' or assimilation into the darkness, nothingness. come listen to my proverbs. the last 2 videos talk about what you talk about
Its your pitiful story isn't it... that anything you do is directly linked to the idea of whether you are enlightened or not....i pity you Enlightenment is when you know that you are not the body nor the mind... not some idiotic "power of now thing" by some guys who are not even 1% enlightened ...
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Note: Each of these services are conducted over Skype, Zoom, or phone call in a 1-on-1 session. If you have any questions, you can contact me at .
Can we get an update on your enlightenment situation please? Did this workout for you? Did you experience the truth?
This is incredible.. I've experienced "enlightenment" and all i can say is it's not a means to an end, or a diploma. You can have it in a moment and never have it again. Mastery is the key. Here's a great concept that's helped me experience an enlightened state more frequently.. Surrender the surrender-er and you will understand truth.
I tried quitting "seeking enlightenment" as many times as I tried quitting smoking cigarettes. Trying to quit will happen as many times as is necessary until QUITTING ACTUALLY HAPPENS. In the meantime, don't judge yourself if you find yourself seeking, tomorrow or next week. Accept and trust. Quitting won't happen until it happens. Infinite patience produces immediate results. Great love. (Smoke free for 15 years now.)
It is fun seeking enlightenment. That is, there are two =kinds of people: those who only want the destination, and those who enjoy the journey. I am the type that enjoys the journey. I love the things I do to seek enlightenment. Also, I am learning guitar/singing/music, but I actually enjoy he process of this learning, and I dont care if I ever become a good musician.
Warren Van Niekerk So True, brother man. It is the ego that seeks, and never finds. And the concept of an ego/separate entity is just another belief that ....(fill in the blank, based on your own desire for Truth).
vipassana meditation
u r not doing anything- as u hv no seeking is happening-u cannot do/undo anything about it.
I think to get to enlightenment, is to first love yourself unconditionally as you are right now, being patient with yourself, and guide yourself as all the pieces of you fall into place to reach the whole self within this being...
Only then it is even possible to feel the oneness with the greater self.
Feeling the oneness of the smaller self, if even for a fraction of a time feels like the missing piece that we overindulge with material things in life hoping to fill up the hole with...
A brief moment of oneness....
All of us are at a different stage of our journey and that is seek it because you ache to return feel one....if you do it for another purpose then your not seeking enlightenment but a conditional love of self which by definition prevents you from loving yourself unconditionally.
Now I seek to not seek enlightenment
I know... it's like being a fly trying to dislodge itself from fly paper. Get one leg off and the other one gets stuck on in its place.
Stop seeking, striving, struggling altogether. Enlightenment is not a future goal, a status symbol or a career path.
onreact Thanks for your concern. You know I'm already enlightened so there is nothing to do in any case.
Soundly spoken from you all here,
indeed the great world deceptions deepest kind of works is the conditioning of the child from their beginning years. Then they grow up with this illusion stuck in them by trained habit of it. So they then go to teach their kids this illusion also, almost every one of them dies trying to undo that illusion their entire life., not realizing the truth yet.
The child is fresh like wet clay,
easy to mold into a certain way,
if they got you young,
they got you good,
but not completely.
Now Seeing that we never lost anything at all, nor did we need to go somewhere, or travel a distance, or take time doing spiritual works physically.(enlightenment has enli in its name, the name of the leader of all deceptions in sumerian)
Practicing the belief of illusions(based off of negative fears weakening the heart) for a long time, or from a young age, Certainly becomes woven into us very strongly, thus our consciousnesses are divided from each other, distracting our connection to God/Dia (the truth, the way, the life)
I forgot to further elaborate the meaning of,
even something strongly done up, can be undone easily also,
G’day Emerald, I like your videos. It’s nice to listen to another inquiring mind. I have to chuckle, it’s beyond me how the majority of people show more interest in watching dancing with the stars, over exploring the wonder of existence!
Here’s my view, if you dont mind me sharing... I agree, that seeking truth is a better steatement that seeking enlightenment. Trouble is, seeking Truth is still seeking - a distraction from what’s happening here and now, into thought and imagination. The drunk seeks in drink; the monk seeks in prayer. Seeking’s seeking. Seeking everything but what is.
I can't say I've ever found truth, because I don't think truth can be sought, like you seek for the light switch in the dark. but perhaps Truth is what's left after the negation of the false. Am I enlightened? Is Adyashanti enlightened? I have no idea because I have no idea what enlightenment is! It has no definitive criteria - it’s all a bit vague and ambiguous. For instance, if I wanted to achieve an IQ score of 140, I know that I would have to study a lot of books and take an exam. If I wanted to achieve enlightenment, I know that I would have to…….??? Go on somebody else's word? Maybe meditate for 20 years at the base of Mt Fuji, or sit in a cave reciting a mantra? Meh. The whole things entirely subjective. How do I know that my itchy scalp isn’t another’s kundalini awakening?! I cannot compare my experience to an ‘enlightened’ person’s experience to verify whether I am enlightenment!
Chasing enlightenment or truth can send us (our minds) off chasing our own tails. Here’s how I see it: My ‘enlightenment’ is the freedom from the need to be enlightened. I chased enlightenment for so long, that when I stopped investing in my thoughts, I (re)discovered what was buried under all the falseness, and stories that thought had spun. That I was already enlightened and I had never not been enlightened. Moreover, enlightenment is not a static way marker event in one’s life. Enlightenment is our being, and it’s overlooked in favour of seeking something ‘out there’ that will happen someday. What a relief! The freedom from enlightenment. No more seeking, phew, what was I getting all worked up over?! Don't they call it a cosmic joke, or the gateless gate, or the open secret, or whatever.
The exotic enlightenment experience (that probably happens to very few) makes people chase an identical experience - and it sells books of course ;) why not cash in on it?
Sailor Bob said “what’s wrong with right now? Unless you think about it.” Plain old basic, every day, ordinary awareness. That’s the beauty of it!
Cheers :)
Loved the metaphor about the garden, sums up all what you say. Great video.
So glad you made this video Emerald. I've recently stumbled upon this realisation myself but seeing this video helps to reinforce that belief. Thanks
+TRUTH is VEGAN For a Vegan, you sure do like SPAM. Posting the same message 32 times on various comments is unnacceptable, and does nothing to hearten people to the cause of Veganism. I think it's a great cause and I recently switched to a plant-based diet myself. But this is such a turn-off to most people. I suggest reconsidering the way you promote your message. You kill more flies with honey than vinegar.
+Dason Greaves You're welcome and thank you! :)
I accept, therefore I seek truth in being real, rather than a self constructive purpose of my wants. The four absolutes : Honesty, Purity, Unselfishness, and Love are goals of objectivity, achieved by subjectively surrendering my innate emotional motives to the community of presence outside of perceptive comforts. 🙏 Emerald
We are all one. When you achieve enlightenment you will not feel superior because you will truly believe we are all one. Everyone else will gain enlightenment through you too.
Enlightnment is the highest point of letting go. All things are "renounced" as me or mine. Even things that seem permanent such as awareness itself.
You must become one of those well know spiritual teachers one day. Great wisdom, deep insights. :) The world needs to hear you.
I sometimes get in a meditative state (very rarely) where I can't tell in wich position my body is, because you stop interpretating the senses, the touch and everything, it is all so intense and clear it can't be processed in the usual way, it has no interpretation, and it feels like being in a infinite void, totally free and with no fisical body (wich is the true state of us). I recently became enlighted (just realized and understood I'm already enlighted), and it is very strange, you continue to persue things, to have opinions, thoughts, ego, but you just know they are all illusions and just live with them, seeing through them all the time and not giving them much attention, not worrying about anything and seeing everything as it is. And it is bliss and beautiful. That's why it does not feel different when you become enlighted, nothing changes, only your awareness of things. I saw the video where you interview Rali, and you talked about the infinite flow of wisdom that seems to come when you are in a awaken state. This flow of infinite wisdom happens because you stop filtering reallity and truly sees it, is the realization that all the information you want is right in front of your face, behind your ideas. I used some psichedelics in my spiritual jorney, and I know how shocking and surreal it feels to just suddenly have this totally different view of reallity out of nowhere, it really feels like something you have to achieve, but this state is there all the time, behind your attachment to ideas. The more and more I had awakenings, with or without psichedelics, I understood more and more that it is all there all the time. It comes a time where you stop seeking enlightment, stop seeking anything, drop all ideas, and realize there is nothing to seek, so you find it. Sorry for any bad english, I'm brazilian! You are on the right path! (altough there is nowhere to go LOL) There is only one more step, realizing you are already there! hahahaha :)
ps: I'm loving your channel so far! :)
Thanks Emerald for this video! For a moment I saw myself in you. You were me explaining all this enlightenment stuff. Lol. Very good video!
The present part is important. I've witnessed many of those who have "achieved" enlightenment by being outside and present to their physical awareness--not meditating, but having being aware of all their senses and sense of space while outside, which cuts off the mind from thinking anyway without shutting you off (which is why going for a "presence walk" will beat meditation always. one does not need to meditate. but anyway) from your environment. Lots of ppl who meditate become kind of low energy and lazy, ntm eventually becoming ungrounded. Think it's called "self-power walking". This is not an exercise, so you don't try to aim for a sweat. You don't bring your dog, or your friend.
come see some of my stuff as well you will enjoy it
it is a solo journey, yes you understand this... come
I had to pause the video and comment .. Hi Emerald, I thought I was truly insane to be seeking enlightenment.. I had one awakening experience 10 years ago.. the time I was my most idealistic self and highly functional ... I conquered my ego at the time and I was perpetually in a blissful state for 2 good years....I was kind to everythign and everyone around me.... I went through the period with no guidance... obviously you don't feel the need or, the idea doesnt occur because you feel you "know".. and your heart is making the decisions .... until, it trusts something blindly, and life starts taking over ... until everything looks skewed.... and boredom takes over. And then I started lying to myself.. because I couldn't handle the fact that I have become this person who is completely different from the person who had the awakening... My ego was at its peak and it was hurt at every which thing for 8 years... It still is, but, I have got my bearings and I started seeking truth.. It is still difficult, and I have made my mind my friend and have a defense mechanism for everything that I think could hurt me... But, your videos are helping me great deal... they are helping me decode few things that I couldn't... and the fact that our experiences are largely similar to mine (I can actually go so far as to say that they are the same, spiritually. after watching couple of your videos) helps a great deal... Thank you ....
But I already think that you are special, listening to you, although I listened tones, tones of videos and red many many books on this subject, seeking enlightnement, BUT STILL, I find the way you speak very fresh, clear and down to earth, and the fact that you are speaking from this position of a sincere seeker, and not from that of a realised master, that I find very unique and I can relate more to your videos than to a video of Adyashani, although I like him very much too. In a way, you are already superior in my eyes, cause you manage to speak so clear about this, from the position of a seeker. You are taking care of the poor seeker who is tired and frustrated and lost in this... and that I call real help. ❤️
Very Enlightening... and you have hit the nail on the head. You can get a good jump on this path of awakening if you can crack and break down your ego... I found the "Power of Now's" outlined exercises very helpful. The true goal of life is rediscovering who you actually are. Divinity having an experience we some times call life.
We already are that which we seek. The truth is already within us whole and intact. We have untruths overlaid on top of it and all we have to do is to remove that which is not true to expose that which is. If we are completely honest with ourselves and develop an inner vision we can look deep within our heart and see the truth that is there. Then we must live from that space within the heart. When we do that the eyes of our understanding will open and we will percieve our absolute nature within our temporal/relative individuality.
You always have a lot of wisdom to share. Thank you! :)
The Diamond Net ...I love the Diamond Net... :)
If there ever was a such thing as smart and stupid, strong or weak,
being contradictory, from the measurement of us expressing our Godself, that is always there, that also Sets the Value of everyone to the same level, because of God being everything on all levels, but the equality of everything, is set to an infinite level of diversity, by their diversity in sight concerning God.
The 3 of us would be called world class fame for the greatest intellectuals of all by the world, if we took an IQ test, because the world is blinded from the truth just yet, thinking that we are born with it alone etc.
Not seeing that Everyone is ultimately infinite, That no one is smarter than the other person, everyone from the least to the greatest of all, only bore witness to what everyone can do. With God/dia nothing is impossible, now i know what we can do, there is no such thing as realistic or unrealistic, to what we all can achieve,
God said, make my paradise, that i desire for you to live in, with everyone else included, for i am always with you, even when you do not see me.
Thank you! :D
Ludwig Wittgenstein defined philosophy as "the battle against the bewitchment of our intelligence by means of language".
Someone who is, as you say, "seeking enlightenment", can't find it because they are seeking something which is not clearly defined.
You've led me to so many entry points, thank you! I love you
So youngand yet so much wisdom and the ability to share it so easily because of the internet. We live in amazing times people!
Nicely explained by your beautiful and intelligent lady
Thank You for speaking clarity beyond concepts which so many are caught up in
I'm glad you appreciated my delivery. :D
I love your descriptions of our perception of reality. Very clear and easy to understand. Thank you!
Interesting video, thanks for posting this.
I was just talking with someone the other day about this, and here I thought I was coming up with some new and exciting theory, guess not, but it made me feel like I was on the right path with my understanding of reality seeing someone else mention this.
I speak with people a lot that use psychedelics for spiritual growth, and it seems like many of them seek enlightenment so hard, that it then becomes something which taints their being, because they have attached so much ego to obtaining such a state, it pollutes it.
It seems like many people seek enlightenment through simple means, and they think that achieving such a state, will make them some all powerful sage and mystic.
Also, I would be leery of anyone that says they're enlightened, from my understanding people that claim they're enlightened, often are not, they're just seeking attention/power from saying they have achieved such a state, often for material gain. I think if someone achieve enlightenment they wont speak about it, but their actions will show it.
I like to say "Same path.... Same trees." I find that, since the path toward enlightenment is already very well trodden, that people on this path tend to experience the same insights and fall into the same traps. It's why I find it very helpful to have this channel, because you can see a bit more clearly when you look at others on the same path as to what's a cul de sac and what's a helpful mindset to hold. On a path with few roadsigns, the experiences of others can be very helpful.
But the "wanting to be a special mystic" is definitely a trap that's easy to fall into, and I catch myself in these mindsets often. Like somehow I would prove my worth or redeem myself by becoming this mystic. Using enlightenment for self-improvement can be an enticing boon. But it's a trap. So, what I do, is I let the thoughts and desires come up without judgment as it's just a human mindset, and I just observe them and their similarity to seemingly more banal desire of life like cars, money, a big house, lifestyle improvement, and the like. Wanting enlightenment is just another desire of ego.
But I agree to be leery of others claiming enlightenment when it comes to following their lead or believing in their perspective. But if someone is just claiming it, I generally give them the benefit of the doubt because it doesn't really effect me in either direction to believe them or not. I'm not going to give more weight to their opinion just because of their genuine enlightenment or falsely/mistakenly claimed enlightenment. I recognize people could use it to manipulate others, which is a shame. But a guru or teacher can never give you the experience of being enlightened as it's always internal. So, I try to take everyone's perspective with a grain of salt, but if someone claims enlightenment I just give them the benefit of the doubt and say "That's awesome! Good for you." Some people claim it because it's really their perspective, others to manipulate, and others to feel a sense of self-worth. You can't really tell from the outside.
Great video Emerald :) utterly adore the message of just letting go.
Check out this Zen story which relates to your point.
A monk asked Seng ts’an, “Master, show me the way to liberation.”
Seng ts’an replied, “Who binds you?”
The monk responded, “No one binds me.”
Seng ts’an said, “Then why do you seek liberation?”
Much love and peace.
That's a great Zen Kohn. Love and peace back at you!
IDK, man. I would have answered "me" and not "no one"
The 12th step of Alcoholics Anonymous begins, "Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps..." As one might imagine, many posit having had this awakening. While I am certain many have spiritual experiences aplenty, I have serious doubts about those claiming fervently to have had awakenings.
Hi Emerald I am so glad that you are getting to this point of seeing what you use to block the perception of enlightenment. I have noticed that you havnt really gotten out of the identity you were trained to have but you are beginning to understand it for what it it. Your identity is very common you are very driven, feel the urge to intellectualize, to appreciate the ¨girl¨ world you are supposed to be creating, publishing information a teacher getting recognition, getting attension. If we generalize what you do we find a postmodern capitalist girl identity that likes itself, that propells itself forward. It is very brainy, likes the idea that it is getting the information right, like in school, you finally are getting that gold star Emerald. So how are you going to relax all this and let it go? How will you get to the point where none of this trained and engrained information blocks your perception. First you may want to grasp that its all wrong, all of your information is finite and dual. You have to except that it doesnt work you can use it but only for a joke, nothing impotrant will ever come of it. Then shift your perception from seeing everything as a simplified label to what it really is. Yes if you were to use your ¨kindergarden identity¨ you would look at the world and label everything with a word get the answer right and move on to the next labelling event, a dog, a house , a car my food, etc. And if you want truth you could look at any one of these things and describe its infinite nature for forever and a day, oversimplifying has a counterpart of overanalyzing. All of it is untrue and useless. Let it all go and see what is there nothing has to be labelled or over analyzed. It is what it is can you stop wordifying the world and see what is really there? You arent getting truth from your trained ego, you cant get truth by analyzing the world because of its infinite nature, all you can do is feel what it feels like to stop wanting something and be in what is.
This is definitely a very close description of the identity attachment that I have. When I had my experiences that I speak about in the videos, I realized that this success-oriented identity was a huge burden. Even still, old habits die hard. I still find myself in the high-achiever, competitive mindset in most of my interactions, even if it's completely irrelevant. There's always this drive to be the most __________. It's tough to let go of because it's how I've always made things happen for myself. The identity feels like it's been an effective tool in these cases. But it's undeniably a barrier in regards to being in touch with what is true.
I'm very happy to find you M.J.
"oh, am I enlightenment yet?" I can relate to this as I used to think like this in terms of getting back to my former psychological state from 5 years ago when I had fruitful relationships, a tremendous amount of discipline and focus in my studies and fulfillment (so my nostalgic mind says)... I got into personal development to pick myself up in hopes to get that kind of lifestyle/mental state again. Could you say that pursuing something like this, in a psychological sense, can derail you from achieving the thing itself?
As always, I enjoyed the video. You always have interesting things to say. I think when it comes to this very ambiguous and "ineffable" notion, the remarkable experiences happen when you least expect it. What I mean by that is when you cognitively decide to do something, the notion of the self is necessarily established. If I decide to do "xyz" to attain a certain state of "whatever" I've already established my self... my ego as being the precipitating factor and thus valid. So, in a weird way, I think that attainment of this state, what people call "enlightenment" or "transcendence" or what have you, happens organically when you're not making any cognitive effort to do anything. I think when you cognitively decide to do "something", it begs the question, "what entity" desires this, and then the notion of the validity of the self or "ego" is presupposed.
I really liked when you talked about "thoughts" and how there is no intrinsic meaning to thoughts. Rather, it's our perception that dictates the nature and meaning of the "thoughts"... I suffer from OCD, and when I was young I was constantly tormented by disturbing thoughts. Ultimately I arrived at the same conclusion, but that was many, many years later.
Anyway... Awesome work. I love your passion and dedication to pondering the existential questions that so many desperately try to avoid. I'll keep watching. :-)
I feel enlightenment right now.
and i think you should seek enlightenment,bceause enlightenment only happens when you drop everything,unless you drop all thoughts,everything you learned uptill now,and just become as silent as possible and just a witness to all things only then you will have enlghtenment,enlightenment happens by itself when you becoem a zero,to become is still doing something you have to be nothing,but to be nothing is still something
A good way to understand your true nature is to ask yourself who you are. "Who am I?" you should ask and then reply with an answer, then really think about that answer to see if it's true. For example: "I'm Christy" "Christy is my name, am I my name? No" "I'm a youtube lover" "Being a youtube lover is a hobby. Am I one of my hobbies? No" "I'm a good employee" "An employee good or bad is just a profession. Am I my profession? No." Keep following this train of thought. Every time you ask yourself who you are your ego will respond with an answer. If those answers do not make sense (chances are they won't) keep shooting them down until all you have is what is left. It may take a long time. Hours, days, weeks, months who knows but just keep going until you have an answer that you can not shoot down and which makes sense.
I hope everything works out for you Sis. It's been long time not hearing from you since your last update about your stuation.
the peace that passes all understanding
Hawkins :)
You are a great Metaphysician. Bob
when you reach enlightenment trust me you will know
if your thinking if you reached it your not there yet
Absolutely. It's a very clear shift when the ego is transcended. There is no doubt, as it is highly self-evident.
For the last year I have consumed every idea on enlightenment, listening and reading so much content ( which is not necessarily a bad thing) but now I think is time to stop . To stop watching , reading and doing mental masturbation . To much of a good thing can be a bad thing. To much information can be misleading, I don't want to get stuck in ideas .
I like the idea of the futility of an Enlightenment hunt! Where is it? Gotta be here somewhere! Like you say, it's even hard to put into words. But to allow it to Become, IMO that's the task.
Nice essay - again!
I relate to the "wanting enlightenment to get out of pain"; emotional mainly... existential crisis if you will.
Often times I'll catch myself daydreaming about this or that realizing it's in preference to "what is"!!!
E.Tolle teaches that all resistance (pain) is from not being accepting of what is, so her I find myself dallying on the outskirts of reality!
This may sound like petty nonsense but when you hold it up next to Panic, anxiety, abandonment issues addiction and on and on you may get the picture.
+Vinculo Well said. :D By the way, I haven't forgotten about you. I still want to collaborate sometime in the future. I just started working again though. So, I've been running behind with a lot of things. When do you think you'd want to film?
+Michael Locey Thank you! I know that getting away from suffering is one of my biggest reasons for wanting enlightenment. I thought that I was happy prior to my experiences. But then, through contrast with those experiences, I saw that I was constantly suffering. So, it's like I'm struggling now against how reality is for me on a daily basis in hopes of CHANGING my experience of reality to a more enlightened experience of reality. So, naturally, this is a big attachment.
The Diamond Net; Gosh yes, as I was saying so much of what you understand about the "self" and how body/mind ego, thought/ emotion are "not that" not me, not really happening, an illusion, which understandings have brought me out of so much suffering.
True. Yet I find myself clinging to some behaviors now which btw I couldn't relax and do while in anxiety/suffering: like lots of snacking, watching endless shows, movies, what I call avoidance behavior... for me.
That said I do believe I am so much better off with a nondual understanding: I am "what's looking" per St. Francis' "what's looking is what you're looking for".
My true nature is that "what" -> it's not an object yeah? It never was not here and present, always available.
I figured you were busy, I hope your home and family are ok after the storm. This weekend is booked; in general weekend afternoons or Saturday AM are easiest for me. Weekday evenings are second best. Would you like to line up a time? Congratulations on 2K subs, pretty incredible!
What would unconditional hate for all things be?
you explain this really well..
Does anyone know what she means when she says "awakening experiences"? Were those psychedelic endused or spontaneous occurrences? I really need to know.
Good vid as always Emy!Yeah I stopped seeking Enlightenment some time ago.Had an Ego Death last year,don't know how to replicate that without drugs now :(But that's part of the Enlightenment right?Realizing the ridicilousness of seeking Enlightenment...oh the irony :)
I used to think my name was spelled "Emmy" when I was little since so many people called me that back then. :D It seems to me from looking at various stories of people who've been enlightened. There was a seeking period for them and they went after it for a long time. Then they just couldn't do it anymore and gave up. And enlightenment was like the last attachment to fall away. So, this seems like something that has to happen. But there does have to be a seeking, in most cases. But I think truth is probably a lot more productive to seek than enlightenment as an idea.
Seek truth for it's own sake, for it's own curiosity....not for specific outcomes. I'd also add that you should develop a kind of faith. And faith is a belief in a truth without arbitrary reason or justification....a truth beyond the whims of ego or limited perspective.
Well said. :D
The Diamond Net Thanks
Warren Van Niekerk I was using truth very loosely. What you believe doesn't have to actually be true, what matters is that you are seeking something true and something beyond ego narratives. Ego narratives are stories we tell ourselves about the world that have the specific purpose of feeding and protecting the ego. It doesn't care about actual truth or meaning beyond only cares about it's own little meaning. And because of that, it will distort reality and fill you with ulterior motives. An understanding and appreciation of the world that isn't specifically for the ego, was the kind of truth I'm talking about. I also said that faith is important because faith is a trust in something without need for justification or rationalization. Justification can mean that you only believe in something(or see it's value) if there is belief to support it, or if it can serve a specific outcome. When you affirm yourself without needing some way to justify it(not simply for what it can get you in the future)...that's a kind of faith...and a kind of truth. Ego is always seeking justification for itself.
Good video!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The example is so great
So could it be stated that enlightenment is the destination and truth is the path and journey that leads to enlightenment?
cool channel, you explain things very well and quickly at that
Thank you! :D
You speak with great convicton.
I n m y new vid you will enjoy the utterations.
did you up the video quality? looks good.
Thank you. Actually, I filmed this one at night time and got an extra light in the room. Normally, I rely somewhat on natural lighting. So, for me, I like the way that the natural light looks when it's optimal... but of course it changes. So, the consistency suffers. But in this case the lighting was mostly consistent but a bit too orange for my liking. But I was able to fix it up in post production.
By being interested in truth, is this truth about experiences in any way correlated to truth in science? I.e physics?
I guess these videos are therapy for u that is good, u are a seeker that is to say to lift u from a deep unhappiness I hope u find it blessings
end of desire?
I think seeking for enlightenment is because I need some belief
This is massive, i'd like it a thousand times if i could. :) Bruce Lee level stuff.
So basically just let it happen if it happens or you’re just lowering your chances by trying to force it.
Hi Emerald ! Just wanted to say hey and still very much enjoying your work. Take care and keep goin! ❤
Thank you for the encouragement! I definitely want to get back on the wagon with posting again soon. I hope everything is going well for you and that you are thriving as an artist, creatively and otherwise. 🙂
Thank you . I really enjoy that video,you are real diamond.
Thank you! :D
It is very hard, but possible up to a degree to unhear a language. It takes a lot of afford though, and one can keep it just for a moment.
I really miss this girl ☹
Thank you!
Could you explain why enlightenment means unconditional love?
When I had my experiences where I had temporarily transcended ego, I want then (and only then) capable of unconditional love. It was as though reality was love itself. So, when I was looking at reality I recognized reality as love itself and myself as love itself. Then I realized that reality and I were one thing and there was unconditional love for all things in reality: good, bad, and ugly. I realized that I had been living in (literally not figuratively) Heaven for my entire life, but was previously so blinded by my identity, judgments, and worldview that I failed to see it. So, I would say that all of existence is made from love. And enlightenment is to see reality exactly as it is... which is love. So, that's the relationship.
Enlightenment is not unconditional love, and anyone who says it is is a liar or deluded. Enlightenment is peace and a sense of infinity, of being both everywhere and yet nothing at all, a totally abstract feeling. It is a sense of freedom, of being formless and untouched by anything. In that there is a sense of joy, and some may call that joy love, but it is not a directed love, but diffuse, omnipresent. However, and here is the kicker, there is a duality between you the abstract spiritual Being, and you the personality; sometimes you are one and sometimes the other. There is no such thing as non-duality; there is always this separation. The two mutually exist and the personality remains the same as it was, but with the awareness of infinity also but not spiritualized so it is not a constant unconditional love. It is conditioned by the ego. On its own level the Atman, the Witness, is wholly abstract and non-locational, but not the personality. This is the real truth that hardly anyone mentions.
@@TheDiamondNet i can confirm this, did it through meditation but it hit me just after i stopped meditating(1hr) and went to make a coffee. State is powerful beyond words.
it finds you not the other way round
Thank you.
oh okay nevermind
I agree with you.
Enjoy the journey.
I thought you were saying to stop looking for truth and all my insides were like "BUT THAT'S ALL THAT MATTERS"
The title was a little "click-bait-y", I admit. ;)
lovely, wise...
I like your honesty
Thank you. I try to be as honest as possible... but my ego is tricky. I can even use the truth to lie. :D
Are you familiar with Sam Harris or Bruce Hood?
I've heard of Sam Harris but I've never watched him. I haven't heard of Bruce Hood though.
0:00 hi this is Emerald and I swear im not a robot even tho i look dead inside. Welcome to the Diamond net
Im jp cool video
much better than leo
Well, I take that as a big compliment. :D I enjoy Leo's channel a lot. However, I'm not resonating with him too much lately. I think he's gotten a little lost and a bit too confident in his understanding of things. That said, he's still got a lot of great content.
+The Diamond Net +Triverse Thunder Leo is a Leo, after all. A very confident and self-assured sun sign.
Marllon Actually, Leo's birthday is two days apart from mine. Mine is April 26th and his is April 24th. I know that from being on his forum and being snoopy. We're both Tauruses.
+The Diamond Net Never mind. I had confused Leo with Barry.
Marllon Who is Barry? Does he have a TH-cam channel too?
No new vids :( it's because of work isn't it?
It's partially because of work but also partially because I've been sick and haven't had a lot of energy to write and film. I filmed a new video on Saturday though. I'm almost finished editing it. It's all about the chakras and should be up tomorrow morning. But I need to get back to the every Saturday schedule. I'm resolving to do that, but I've been so behind.
The Diamond Net trust me when I say I know the feeling haha. I've only made 2 videos and The editing process takes me forever lol. I work a 13 hour shift and on my off days I don't feel like editing. I commend you for going this far. Hopefully emptiness cuts you a break and you'll bounce back soon lol.
Onyx 2K I'm sure it will. I have a half-way game plan for keeping up with it. I'm a substitute teacher, so I sometimes get a planning period. The regular teacher uses it to plan, but I don't have to. So, this will at least allow me time to brainstorm and jot down my outlines for my videos. I already have next week's video written out, so all I have to do is carve out time to film.
The Diamond Net wow that's professional, you actually take the time to plan for your next video. In any of your videos, have you ever revealed what entheogen you used for your enlightenment experience? If not, do you plan on revealing that in the near future?
Onyx 2K Thanks! I spend about an hour or two on each outline to make sure that I say everything that I want to say. Otherwise, I have a difficult time keeping my train of thought and will go on a ton of tangents or just freeze up. I won't mention the entheogen in videos because I don't want to really recommend it, as I'm sure that my audience is very diverse in their ability for making responsible decisions. Most could probably make a reasonable decision one way or another as to whether it's the right decision for them. But there are also people who have commented on my video who are in a really low spot in life, and are looking desperately to make their lives better. Then, if they have an awakening like I did back then, it could really turn their worldview on its ear and make them less stable. I had a hard time afterward trying to assimilate the experiences into my worldview, and I wouldn't want someone in a low spot already to have even more problems. But I can PM you and tell you. It's just moreso that I don't want to reveal it to a broad audience.
I heard that the Buddha just gave up.
He stopped trying
There is only the present moment
Enlightenment is seeing the truth and it's not fun.
Nice vid x x x
Thank you! :)
your videos are pretty great but please consider other background😜
Nah... pastel rainbow designs are awesome! :D
i agree , it feels like the USA propaganda LOL.
Maybe I'm too stupid to be enlightened. I feel like eating cheeseburger Hot Pockets
The cliche of "your true nature" means nothink.
What I'm referring to when I refer to "your true nature" is that your true nature is consciousness itself. You are not anything that you perceive... you are the perceiver of those perceptions. So, if you perceive it, it is not your true nature. The Neti Neti method works off of this principle. So, we often think of ourselves as a person who has x,y,z traits and we identify with our body and our thoughts. But we are really the thing that perceives these things, which can't itself be perceived. Just like the knife can't cut itself, the awareness isn't aware of itself.
The Diamond Net Thanks for explaining. But if I do not understand it, I should not even try to understand because that is seeking enlightenment.
***** I read it all in one go and understood, but you left out the people who do not care about enlightenment and who do not even know about it. You also left out people like myself who meditate, diet, practice yoga just for the fun of it and not seeking any enlightenment. So do you wanna say the two groups I named are free?
***** Thanks a lot. I really do not give a shit about enlightenment nor do I even know what it is. All I know is that I enjoy music and learning music, I enjoy my job which is mathematics and take all the steps to ensure I am not sacked from my job, I enjoy my diet and yoga. I am careful about stuff as well, such as just running after women because that might lead to disease, and also that can also lead to being accused if I do not really know her, and I am happy with that. That is just to make my being comfortable, but apart from that I really do not care about most things anyway. I am just practical.
***** Just asking: are you into music? I suddenly developed the love for music, so I keep asking people if they know of any goddess or angel of music. Would like to attempt lucid dreams or astral proj, whether the being is real or not, maybe I can discover some fun music knowledge. I tend to read alot. I have also created an entity like that but havent found a name for her yet. I try to visualise. It is much fun.
ya right and dont do jokes with it ,
entlightment accepting there is everything but i am not everything i life only at this world i see as human hearing feeling and the binding is to reapet waht i had see heard feeld
to reapet results in im be this and not i life so i started to try be as the reapeter not life as human and doing stopd at one place and done nothing more than hoping it want be change if i wait long enough.
totally disagree.
that's like telling somebody not to pursue any other goal they have and that somehow it'll magically find them.
Have you watched the video or just read the title? She says not to pursue the >idea of enlightenment< but rather to pursue truth, to see what actually IS and not what our idea of it is.
Pretty cool way to articulate how not to chase "enlightenment"
By the way I shot you an email, check it out whenever you get the chance. ✌️
Hi! I saw your email. I'll get back to you in the coming days. I have a lot of emails and comments to catch up on and I just started working again. So, I've been busy.
The Diamond Net it's fine and thanks for the response. "To infinity and Nothingness" lol
Hello. :D
Sound is definitely 3 dimensional
Pretty stupid. Truth is enlightenment. Being enlightened myself I know this is rubbish. To say you are already enlightened is also nonsense because if you were you would know it, and the personality gets in the way of it. It hides the inner Self, and realizing that spiritual Self is itself enlightenment, for then you realize you are unlimited and infinite. This is the nature of Atman, but it is not the nature of the personality. Mind emotions and body are obstructions because you are identified with them to the exclusion of Atman, and when you know Atman you become disidentified with the lower nature of the physical mind mechanism, which is just concerned with survival and desires. But if you do not feel strongly the need to be enlightened, what will incite you to seek it? You have to be motivated to find it, because what could be more important? Seeking truth, what is that? It is a vague concept. You will not even know what truth is until you reach enlightenment, and then it becomes reality for you. Enlightenment is the most abstract thing, and yet the most wonderful because then you become infinite, you become everything; you are endless. You transcend everything you have previously known. You become formless, untouchable, content. You have to go beyond yourself, beyond this small limited person, and how can you not want this? You have to seek the Infinite. If you do not have a hunger for it, then forget it. You have to keep pushing to find that which is just out of sight, yet closer, more intimate than anything else. And being the biggest creep in history does not prevent you getting it, because it is everyone's deeper nature, and there is only one spiritual Self - the same One Self for everyone. You are simply an extension of it. At the right time the Self reveals itself and there is nothing you can do about it, but your desire for it attracts its attention. And all you have to do is to take it easy, relax, let go and allow it to happen. It is not about truth, it is about finding who you are, and in the end what you are is nothing; it is stillness. So seek the nothingness.
I wish to invite you to see my latest videos, you will love them, and share your wisdom there in the comments. people will communicate with you.
infinity is not real, therefore those who chase "enlightenment ' actually achieve "enshroudment' or assimilation into the darkness, nothingness. come listen to my proverbs. the last 2 videos talk about what you talk about
You are not enlightened my friend
Its your pitiful story isn't it... that anything you do is directly linked to the idea of whether you are enlightened or not....i pity you Enlightenment is when you know that you are not the body nor the mind... not some idiotic "power of now thing" by some guys who are not even 1% enlightened ...
crap in the comments two months old. Why don't you come back here and clean that up? lmao