Sin distances us from God. Somehow I knew God was always there in terrible choices but sin is fun for a season I felt alot like David lost, depression, anxiety, I couldn't, eat, sleep, I was like the prodigal son in slop. Then God said I'm here come home. 🙏🏽 I never want to leave his side ever again. Godly sorrow is real.
I just want you to know that if you have turned away from the Lord, turn back to him. Don't let the devil in your body win. If you believe you will never be forgiven because you have committed many sins, you are mistaken. God is good and willing to forgive us as long as we confess all of our sins.
@@Hailnut Jesus knew all your sins. That’s why He died to take them all away. You cannot remember them all. That’s impossible. AND…THAT is why you cannot be saved by your works. His work was all that we need. If you try to remember all your sins - you are working. And you are telling God that Jesus did not die for those. I would not want to tell Jesus He did not die for ALL my sin. 😊👍
Jesus loves us. He is a Friend Who sticks closer than a brother. He's like The Good Shepherd Who leaves 99 sheep and goes out looking for the one who has gone astray. He is NOT beating us over the head for our sins! "For God so loved the world that He gave His Only Begotten Son that whosoever believeth in Him should not 🚫 perish, but have everlasting life." (John 3:16) If we come to Jesus, 💕 He will NOT cast us out.......
In my personal experience is that godly sorrow is fully illuminated by the Holy Spirit that leads to true repentance and this is what happened with me. The night I was born again God showed up in a huge huge way, I call it my Moses experience because God told me to remove my shoes because I was on Holy ground🙏 it was a very turbulent time in my life filled with horrible sin, bound by drugs and alcohol. This night I was out with two people drinking and drugging and empty because of a recent failed relationship. The end of the night I was dropped off at a neighborhood baseball field with liquor, beer and Marlboro cigarettes and as I reach the bench to sit down and try and drown my hopeless pain something broke inside me it was a deep pain from destroying my life with addiction and failing relationships, totally broken these words “God I can’t do it” sprung up from my heart! truly I felt those words actually come from my heart and in anguish at the same time I was dumping out the alcohol and smashing the cigarettes and at that very second God was in my midst and right then I physically felt this huge weight come up off from me and I became sober minded and God truly started convicting me of sin in my life and the sorrow I felt for my sin broke my heart and I cried out to a most Holy and righteous God for forgiveness and saying yes to Christ Jesus He began washing me cleansing me and loving on me and that night I was truly born again set free from the kingdom of darkness and entered into the kingdom of God through Christ Jesus! Such love such grace and mercy I was truly regenerated!
Amen. Whether I am an unbeliever or a backsliding Christian is the wrong Christian. Or rather whether I am an unbeliever or a backsliding Christian I need to turn to Christ and cry out for Him to transform my wicked heart and wash me clean. Whether I am an unbeliever or a backsliding Christian it is not too late and there is no shame in turning to Christ. Our heavenly Father is drawing His people to Himself and is eager to receive us.
A lot of people go to church and say the sinners prayer and are told they're saved. Then after awhile they are led away by the sin in their hearts. They live many years that way. Then they have an encounter with God through the Holy Spirit, (kind of like Paul and God is then real to them. The question is did they return to Christ or get saved.
Question: Since I was about 6 years old I felt the tug, the pull, the attraction to God and even the structures of churches. Yet, my upbringing environment focused on witchcraft. How is this possible? This love and passion for Christ without instruction, examples, or any human influence? I felt like it was a call to return home. By age 12 I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior, but it has been an unusual painful and disastrous path for me- yet here I am, at 65, still fighting my way through life.
It appears the the the Holy Ghost called you to follow Jesus, I kinda had the same experience in a different type of way, I called myself a Christian but I was just professing it, in high school I got really into theology and moved away from the faith for the worst year of my life. I looked into other religions and beliefs, then one day a simple video just talking about Jesus convicted me like never before and at that moment I knew. Ever since then I’ve believed in Jesus as our Lord, it was like on that day he called me to follow him without really knowing the Bible I just knew he was the truth. That’s a amazing story and it warms my heart and inspires to hear how long you’ve been in the faith, God Bless!
“Am I believer or am I an unbeliever is the basic question - and so how do I know that. I think the simplest answer is repentance over time. It’s a return to God that is displayed as a pattern of seeking… Notice I’m attaching this concept of time as a necessary aspect of a growing confidence or awareness of my status.” When one makes attachments to the justification issue like Peter did, expect a theology that is foolishly unbiblical, incredibly subjective and wholly unstable (Galatians 1:6-9, 2:7-14, 3:1-2). “What I’m not saying is that assurance is merely the result of our efforts. We’re talking about patterned repentance; patterned seeking of God as an aspect of our assurance.” This is exactly what is being said - assurance is based upon a person’s effort and perspective. “The ground of our assurance is always and only the Gospel of Jesus Christ on our behalf.” If the Gospel of Christ is the ONLY ground of assurance, and this gospel is found in John, and John’s gospel doesn’t mention the term or concept of repentance (like his writing does in Revelation), then why present reliance upon our effort over time as an indicator of justification. Surely John 6:47 and Romans 4:4-5 and Galatians 2:16 seem simple and clear that repentance and pattern and time have nothing to do with justification - so why look to works to see if one is justified without works. The non-biblical idea of “profound sin” going on for so long implies that there are some sins that Christ didn’t pay for and/or only a limited amount of sinful practice is covered by His death. It appears this thought process does not allow room for failure in the Christian life. John does (1 John 1:8-10). This idea scoring sin with a timer runs contrary to the simple and clear ideas found in John 1:29 and 1 John 2:2. Perhaps the best source of assurance is taking God at His simple and clear word when He says through Paul, “Even if we are faithless, He remains faithful, for He cannot deny Himself” (2 Timothy 2:13). There’s danger in thinking too hard and danger in not thinking enough. In this case it’s hard to say but regardless the end result is the same - Notre Dame has a job for this Southern Seminary professor.
How do i know if i'm saved? i've been struggling a lot. one time i think i'm saved and i'm confident, but the other time i think i am a stupid hypocrite who doesn't love God, and God doesn't love also. i just wanna be saved, i want my family to be saved also. Once i was addicted to sexual sin. then one day i prayed with a pastor on tiktok live, i felt the holy spirit and i was set free from that sin. but then i fell away and i started commiting lust and cussing. i heard from another video that people that God chooses out of this world will never fall away completely. now i care about my sin and i wanna be set free from it. i want to be saved, if i'm not, and be the person God wants me to be. i realize and i admit that i have fallen away. i just wanna be chosen by God, not only me, but my family and my friends. i wanna repent. PLEASE HELP ME GO BACK TO JESUS COMPLETELY
Be encouraged brother, the Bible says that The Lord draws all who come to Him. This means if you have a desire to come to Him, He is the one drawing you to Himself. Whenever you’re tempted to sin always remember Jesus’ incredible sacrifice on the cross and all that He went through to save us from sin. Keep praying for guidance And let The Holy Spirit lead you in all that you do. I’ll be praying for you brother
I feel your pain, I have done some awfull things that I now hate, I struggle at times with my salvation most of the time because I'm looking at my self and my sin, but not to Jesus. I believe that I am saved because looking back I can see how far God has brought me, but I still get anxious about it sometimes. I've noticed that I remember certain sins at different times as if they are put there to trip me up, remember 2nd Timothy 2:13 If we are unfaithful, he remains faithful, for he cannot deny who he is. I pray that God through Jesus will give you peace, and I ask that you would pray the same for me!
Well, I have an idea. Maybe you weren't actually saved in the first place. Maybe that's why you are having all of these problems. (I just said MAYBE). What I would do---and that's "just me"---I would come to Jesus 💕 all over again (just in case). Eternity is forever. Salvation isn't something we should "fool around with!!"
So then how many times should we get baptized? Is it everytime we feel bad after we have sinned, JUST IN CASE? So if you're married and you've had lustful thoughts over someone else, should you get married again,I don't know at least once a year? What do you think? THANKYOU Jesus that you are faithful and true.
I don't understand why people go round and round with answering this question when in reality is an easy answer. If you believe Jesus is who the scripture says He is, the Son of God, was born from virgin, was crucified and shed His blood for me to pay to God the Father my iniquity which I was unable to pay. And then resurrected at the third day and is sitting at the right hand of God the Father. Why people make it so hard. If godly sorrow, or whatever sorrow. The only repentance for salvation is changing your mind that you can save yourself or help Jesus with your salvation and instead know that Jesus paid it all. All you have to do is believe in your heart and if you do that those feelings of sorrow come with the territory. You don't have to feel sorry to be saved you just believe and everything else falls into place.
Being contrite - godly sorrow for ones sins - is a good thing and quite normal for anyone who cries out to God, asking for His forgiveness. Psalm 34:18 - The Lord is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit. Luke 18:10-14 - Two men went up to the temple to pray, one a Pharisee and the other a tax collector. The Pharisee stood and prayed thus with himself, ‘God, I thank You that I am not like other men-extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or even as this tax collector. I fast twice a week; I give tithes of all that I possess.’ And the tax collector, standing afar off, would not so much as raise his eyes to heaven, but beat his breast, saying, ‘God, be merciful to me a sinner!’ I tell you, this man went down to his house justified rather than the other; for everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted.
I'd encourage you to read these verses below and rethink your statement because Paul wrote inspired by the Holy Spirit that Godly sorrow brings repentance that leads to salvation. Wordly sorrow is focused on me but Godly sorrow is focused on God and having hurt the heart of God. 'Even if I caused you sorrow by my letter, I do not regret it. Though I did regret it-I see that my letter hurt you, but only for a little while- yet now I am happy, not because you were made sorry, but because your sorrow led you to repentance. For you became sorrowful as God intended and so were not harmed in any way by us. Godly sorrow brings repentance that leads to salvation and leaves no regret, but worldly sorrow brings death. See what this godly sorrow has produced in you: what earnestness, what eagerness to clear yourselves, what indignation, what alarm, what longing, what concern, what readiness to see justice done. At every point you have proved yourselves to be innocent in this matter. ' 2 Corinthians 7:8-11 'What causes fights and quarrels among you? Don’t they come from your desires that battle within you? You desire but do not have, so you kill. You covet but you cannot get what you want, so you quarrel and fight. You do not have because you do not ask God. When you ask, you do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, that you may spend what you get on your pleasures. You adulterous people, don’t you know that friendship with the world means enmity against God? Therefore, anyone who chooses to be a friend of the world becomes an enemy of God. Or do you think Scripture says without reason that he jealously longs for the spirit he has caused to dwell in us ? But he gives us more grace. That is why Scripture says: “God opposes the proud but shows favor to the humble.” Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Come near to God and he will come near to you. Wash your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded. Grieve, mourn and wail. Change your laughter to mourning and your joy to gloom. Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up. ' James 4:1-10
It’s scary because it sometimes seems that the more you know the more liable you are for keeping your salvation in your own power. That’s what I’m struggling with right now - worried that my performance or lack thereof could endanger me. But what if someone else either decided not to read more of the Bible and memorized, say, 50 verses about living a surrendered life and I read and memorized 1,000? That means I am responsible for more than they? and meanwhile they may be living a more restful Christianity while I’m agonizing worried that I might fail God because the 950 Scriptures I learned by being in the Kingdom longer, cause me to fear for my life? How is that fair? I’ve loved Jesus since I was little and accepted his gift of salvation at age 7, was baptized in water age 12 and loved Him since. But then in college I realized more of what it means to deny yourself and seek to do His will over your own, regardless of the cost. I never felt like I passed that test! I wrestled - then got scared - begged for Him to work on me and change me - asked for open and closed doors if things weren’t His will - but felt and still feel a lot like I’m on my own to get it right! And it hurts. I was raised Arminian but I have become more drawn to my need for reassurance that God isn’t about performance because none of us can ever earn His love or grace. Our works don’t save us but it feels like I have to do all these hard things to keep my walk with God. I’m not for the idea of predestination of the elect because I don’t believe in a limited gospel.
Ken brethren I struggled with what you guys have to the more I know the more I feel sorrowful because I feel like I have flaws I gave up video games, Tv, and movies, and worldly entertainment and stopped wearing ripped jeans and stuff but I still feel sorrow. I tell my self everyday repent mentally,physically, and out my tongue but still the more I know the more I think I gotta do at this point if I gotta sacrifice more things then so be it but idk what else to sacrifice all the things I’ve found interesting are gone maybe I have to delete apps or something :(
I willfully walked into sin and since have tried to come back to God. It hasn’t been an easy road. it’s easy to think sin won’t have repercussions or lasting effects after the fact. My heart for God hasn’t been the same nor my relationship with Him. It’s been a sad place to be. At times I feel like there is a wall between Him and I. I don’t feel Him strongly anymore or have a sweet communion like I had. I have asked God many times to change me, forgive me, and help me love him. But I still feel disconnected. So question the genuineness of my repentance and’s confusing to me. At times I don’t try, because of seeing no change. So hearing this message made me wonder. Please pray for me if you read this!
First , are you saved. If not start with Romans 3:23, 6:23 , 5:8 , 10:9 , and 10:13. Find a paster or fellow christian to help you through the process. If you are then focus on Jesus. When Jesus delivered me from alcohol I focus on Jesus, to the point that Jesus became my alcohol. I hope this helps. I will pray for you.
Actually the video itself is pretty easy to take wrong if you don’t listen really carefully you’d think he was saying that sin patterns tell us about faith but I don’t think that’s what he means I think he’s basically saying that despite sin-over time people show their true choice by sticking in there with god or throwing their faith out completely and giving up on seeking god and choose to turn away and forget god. I don’t think he’s saying it’s about sin I think he’s saying that it’s about seeking god over time and that some give up on seeking god and trying to follow the Holy Spirit and some carry on with god still trying to follow the leadership of the Holy Spirit despite our sinful nature and understanding that we can never get it right basically I think he’s saying that time tells us for ourselves wether we will choose to try to seek and follow god or wether we will become frustrated and think it’s too unfair and get angry at god or feel discouraged and give up because we would rather not try and we love our life more than Jesus and instead of trying that we just put it all in the too hard basket and turn away completely as opposed to people who have the same experience of frustration and anger and discouragement and seek god about it and follow him anyway trusting that his grace is sufficient for us and that all those things that trouble us are reasons to seek god not reasons to throw out our belief and give up on talking to god. I dunno his answer is not said very clearly on the surface it looks like a works based approach to the assurance of salvation but under that I think he’s talking about a choice over time to stick with god instead of saying a prayer and then later going no this really isn’t for me I’m going to go back to ignoring god and living however I want to doing my own thing without bothering to talk to god because I don’t really want to surrender to him I just wanted a quick fix and when I didn’t get it I gave up on god completely
For those of you doubting this preacher's teaching, I challenge you to read 2 Peter 1:5 - 11. Here Peter gives a list of godly characteristics that God's people are to seek after, and he ends with "be all the more diligent to confirm your calling and election ..." The implication is that you may find that your calling and election are false. How can you know? You know by seeing the godly qualities that he has just listed growing in your life. Paul echoes this in 2 Corinthians 13:5. Test yourselves! Jesus said that a bad tree cannot bear good fruit. Paul lists the fruits of the Spirit in Philippians. Someone claiming to be a Christian but who does not possess the fruits of the Spirit, or at least does not pursue them, is a bad tree. Matthew 21:18 - 19 shows us what Jesus does with bad trees that do not produce the fruit of the Spirit.
Each person has to work out their own salvation. There's no clear definitive answer. But we should have a distaste and genuine sorrow for the sins we used to commit. It doesn't mean we won't have tendencies because were flesh driven, but we should think twice or have instant regret after committing sin.
Some years ago I completed a college level course in biblical counseling. And this video demonstrates how pitiful and weak the current teaching on this subject is. What’s wrong with backsliders is very simple, and it has less to do with sin than faith. Ask yourself, if the Christian has all his sin forgiven, past, present and future, then how can he be backslidden? The simple answer is spelled out in the single chapter book Jude, verses 22&23. “Have mercy on some who are doubting. Save others, snatching them out of the fire. And on some have mercy with fear, hating even the garment polluted by the flesh.” Christians are tricked by satan into bellieving that the world is really wonderful, instead of corrupted and filled with evil. Through a process of gradual temptation, he persuades the believer that God is wrong (remember how satan tempted Eve?) and the world has lots of wonderful stuff that he needs more than he needs holiness, church, fellowship and faith. If you want to help someone who claims to be a backslider, don’t try to get him to confess sins. Instead, help him recover his faith by using the particular scriptures that pertain to Jesus. I suggest reading the Gospel of John, the book of Romans, the book of Acts. Also, watch “The Passion Of The Christ” and read “The Case For Chrst” by Lee Strobel. The objective is repentance, and it can be reached with relative speed, if the seeker is willing to apply himself to the task wholeheartedly. When repentance comes, confession comes, and the sin which has been burdening the backslider will be taken away. Then the process of discipleship can start, rebuilding what was lost or building what was never made in the first place. An interesting fact is that this type of counseling can also bring lost sinners to Christ through much the same process. If anyone reads this and is interested in having me counsel them, or maybe just wants to contact me, my e-mail is God bless.
Faith comes from hearing the message: read your bible especially new converts and dont be led astray by false churches and doctrines of mere men as i was . Brilliant video ,blessings from Ireland and Glory to God.
Interesting, at this time I am having a hard time, where as God awakes me every hour of my nights sleep. Now my sins is grumbling and arguing all though I feel as I have got the arguing part nearly beet, The complaining has been with me most of my life. When I was about 10-13 years old my brother told me stop your moaning, I had know idea that I was moaning but on looking back I can now see that,, that was the Paton my speech has taken all my life. {I am now 79 years old} and God has just pulled me up over it. I am trying hard to shake the grumbling but it's not easy. I am one of these people who wonders am I a Christian although I met the Lord back in 1988. Although I believe that I have heard the holy Spirits voice some times. So that probably answers my ow question there. I thank you for what you have said and am trying desperately To be back with God, please pray for me.
But you shouldn't be trying an activity but turn all your burdens to him; His Spirit will sort you out. There is nothing we can do on our own besides listening to God's instruction per that problem. It is a matter of doing that thing that negates the sin. But to know this as I have experienced, some things we wake up without desire, somethings come back and some things take a while. Why because God is after our total obedience through tests. We shouldn't trust our own work but the fact that He saved us.
But it cannot be part of your future, if you truly follow Christ. If you are in Christ your DNA comes under the control of the Holy Spirit as you yield to God in every part of your life.
@@visionlandmusic As this minister says near the beginning, 'repentance over time'. Philippians 1:6 - Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ: The work is ongoing for as long as we live in these earthly, fleshly bodies. We need to see ourselves as dead to the old man and no longer a slave to sin, but set free to live in newness of life and free to be a servant of Christ to live free from sin. Romans 6 :5-7 & 11 - For if we have been planted together in the likeness of his death, we shall be also in the likeness of his resurrection: Knowing this, that our old man is crucified with him, that the body of sin might be destroyed, that henceforth we should not serve sin. For he that is dead is freed from sin. Likewise reckon ye also yourselves to be dead indeed unto sin, but alive unto God through Jesus Christ our Lord.
@יהוחנן לואיס Dear sir what you have written has stirred my heart so much. Every time l attempt to write a detail letter the translator messes it up. In short sir can you please give me some book titles so l can begin to learn The Truth, The way so l will not be deceived. l was going to normal church but now attend a Messianic Church. Please help me l would be so very grateful. with Love and Respect ~ David Bennett, Australia.
Justification. Sanctification. Glorification. It will stop on thr time of Gloryfication having the glorified bodies in Heaven with the LORD JESUS CHRIST. Until we are on earth we are an work on progress by GOD. So we will sin but we will sin less and will not like it thats an sign of the HOLY SPIRIT YOU WILL HATE YOUR SIN That is Justification.
We're either Judas who was a man who loved his sin enough to betray or Demas a man who loved the world so much that he chased his sin. One man fell from Jesus in time and the either stopped walking with Paul in time. Yet, Peter had to grow out of denying Christ before the world and Thomas had to grow out of doubting God after resurrection. I'm sure that time was a product of the aforementioned men's process. We need to teach process to the church and that all things pertaining to God grow in relationship with God not over a Sunday sermon. It's rather egotistical of us to think that our sermons are that powerful that there's no need for process, growth or subsequent discipleship. As if to say, "I said it, and therefore you ought to grow just based on my sermon. If not, there's something wrong with you not me as the teacher. Who cares if there's no continuity between sermon number 4 or 5. I'm teaching long division one Sunday and calculus the next Sunday with no discipleship or any concept of process/ growth." We have to get real before we can get Godly. People need process which is why God is the author of love because the fruits of his spirit are long-suffering and patience, to name a few.
Great super wise way of understanding scripture. As there are false works and a false faith. I've never seen it in this light too. Thank you. God bless you. P.S, don't mind the negative comments. Your works are awesome and should have a million views tbh.
@@Jesus_is_Lord_316 The whole word of God is life changing my friend. The word of God is alive and breathing and fills me everytime I read it. He refreshes me and opens my eyes and I become more like Him.
Praise and worship music are the best tools to break the lack of assurance. Maranatha Praise Band is the greatest tool to destroy the doubts put upon you by demons and devils in your midst trying to quench your faith. The songs are easy to listen to and enable people to enter His gates with thanksgiving in their hearts and enter His courts with praise. Demons despise praise music which brings God into your presence and cuts through all the doubt dread and fear. Try it sometimes. Remember though it is not our love for God that brings us salvation but rather His love for us. 1 John 4:10 Take God at His word and let your doubts be damned no matter how you feel about it.. God puts no one under probation who believes in Him. Actually demons totally despise even the mention of His Name and they are far more terrified than you should ever be. Remember all your failures are nailed to the cross and you bear them no more.
Backsliding was written about Israel the nation in the OT, and it is not in the NT for a very good reason, that Christians are no longer sinners because they have been taken from being under the moral law, because the Lord man as He was could only die once, because GOD neither imputes sins nor remembers them vs. us that believe any longer. We are born sinful, when found responsible we transgress and sin and become sinners, till when we believe we are washed clean from all sin (1 John 1:7 affirmed in 1 John 2:1,10 3:6,9) by the blood of the Lamb and are kept by Him saved and preserved. A Christian does not ‘backslide’ even if at times he commits errors and has faults, yet he does not fall (Jude 1:24).
@Orin Moses I am sorry to hear that. I am Pentecostal and have been my whole life. Never once have I ever heard this or been told this. The bible specifically says not everyone will speak in tongues because if they did who would interpret. If you are truly saved you will be producing fruit the spiritual gifts and natural talents and abilities that God has gifted you with. Again I am truly sorry about your experience. Please do not let this affect your opinion regarding the Penecostals.
Hebrews 10:28-29 "He that despised Moses' law died without mercy under two or three witnesses: Of how much sorer punishment, suppose ye, shall he be thought worthy, who hath trodden under foot the Son of God, and hath counted the blood of the covenant, wherewith HE WAS SANCTIFIED, an unholy thing, and hath done despite unto the Spirit of grace." Sounds like backsliding is a present and dangerous reality in every Christian's life.
Joshua Jones Always look forward to discussing with them interested in the word of GOD. Heb 10:28 has pronouns that must be specifically applied. The First ‘he’ person is the transgressor. But the HE WAS SANCTIFIED refers to the Lord CONSECRATED (SANCTIFIED) FOREVER MORE (everlasting) in Heb 8:28. That changes the complexity of the verse, and the meaning is that despising the Law of Moses could bring physical death, but despising the Everlasting New Covenant brings spiritual (thus eternal) death. And that is a lot worse.
Actually I dont see that that makes sense because it says the transgressor was sanctified with the blood of the Son of God, Jesus was not sanctified with his own blood.
Joshua Jones Jesus by His blood sanctified the everlasting New Covenant. Most do not know how Israelites were saved in the OT, forgetting that it is alway by faith. The Law of Moses was given because of transgressions, till the SEED of Abraham would come, so that the SAVED Israelite would have a way of fellowshipping with GOD, given for his sanctification (to fellowship with GOD). THE LAW OF MOSES WAS NEVER GIVEN TO SAVE A MAN, BUT AN ISRAELITE THAT TRUSTED THE LORD, AS ABRAHAM HAD DONE BEFORE, WAS SAVED BY FAITH. All, everyone failed, only JC kept the Law. Why? Because of the sinful flesh that kept them from perfectly sanctifying themselves, which we cannot do today EITHER in our own power, but the indwelling Spirit of Christ does it for us as we yield to Him. An OT Israelite was SAVED in the same manner as Abraham and Joseph were saved; again the Law of Moses was not given for salvation, but for the saved Israelite to come closer to GOD. If a SAVED Israelite chose not to do the Law, who was in the community or commonwealth of Israel, if 2-3 witnessed his despising the Law of Moses, he could be killed (were any ever killed?), lose his life, but still remained saved. On the other hand, today if a man has trodden down the Son of GOD, despising his Sacrifice for us, that man’s is worthy of damnation in hell (unless he turns to the Lord at some point, by faith). The believing and Saved Israelite could lose his life, the man today that despises JC will lose his chance for eternal salvation. It is good talking to you JJ. Sorry, I did not comment on your answer. The passage does not say that the transgressor was sanctified by the blood of JC, but that the blood of the Covenant He (the Lord) was sanctified/consecrated the mediator of the New Testament, by whose blood the N. Testament is dedicated. See Hebrews 7:28 8:18-20 The passage is not speaking about a Born Again believer, but speaks as one who is a heathen and has not received eternal salvation by his unbelief.
I suggest you spend more time with God. Prayer, reading the Bible and doing other Godly things will help your spiritual growth and can get you back on track. Also note that your conviction of sin is proof of the spirits work in you. If you were not being convicted, that would be more proof of a backslidden Christian than a Christian being convicted of sin because a backslidden Christian could potentially not feel anything wrong with sin. If you are backsliding or backslidden, pray to God and repent of your sin. Turn from sin to the Lord Jesus. Remember his grace and his mercy upon us.
@Life with - God has been patient with me for 26 years. That's how long I was backslidden. In 2020, He has called me back home and given me grace to repent. And I can tell you it's a day-to-day journey still, but a blessed one filled with His grace, patience and love. Happy to share my journey with you - Skype - live:gvt.1974_1
If you're a backsliden Christian you're still and eternally saved. A person who is backsliden means that a person has become inactive, not unsaved, or lost of salvation. No one or nothing can break God's seal. You're sealed by the Holy Spirit until the day of your redemption. Sin or sinning has nothing to do with whether a person is saved or not. Spiritual growth isn't intent but a process. Salvation is intent in accordance to 1Cor.15:1-4; Eph.2:8,9; Eph.1:13; John 3:16. It's the who so ever will call on the nane of the Lord, shell be saved. Don't be received by these false believers, these social tares, false teachers. Eternal life is Eternal security.
there can be deep consequences for sinning after being saved. Yes we sin, and wont even know it. Its about actively choosing something you know, full well, thats NOT of Gods Will...thats when you get into, potentially, dangerous territory. I dont quite subscribe to the OSAS theme. There are plenty of warnings about falling away. Its better to remain faithful than getting involved in things you shouldnt. I fell away for many years, and the conseqences will remain for the rest of my life. I doubt I will ever be a good witness and will probably never get married/raise a family; and enjoy what God might have planned for me. Tread carefully and think long and hard before fooling around. Life isnt a 'toy'.
@@Cloudforest811 you only have to look at anyone who has fallen away, its not a pretty sight is it? I think, in my own experience I might add, that God does complete a work in someone, no matter what they get up to...until its a total denial of Jesus. I know a guy locally who was all keen and committed years ago. Fell away and I remember hearing him boasting of it one night. Its very dangerous territory to be in. I still dont things 'right' but every day I do see a better difference in how I accept things and accept fact with the stupidity I have done I can identify with some people. This NEVER justifies falling back into a sin filled life. Very dangerous to do that, because there is a 'trap' that the evil one can set where your credibility will be shot to pieces. Paul actually warns of this in one of his Letters. Derek Prince also speaks about those who have fallen away, being the most dangerous people to be around because God can created havoc to flush them out and back into obedience. All isnt lost, but its better to stay in the Fold. Its better to be in trouble for the right reasons (because share the Truth and watch what happens) Thanks Rebekah for your reply, God Bless you.
You can fall out of God's prescribed will for your life through disobedience this is what you're referring to but not his sovereign will of your salvation. If you can lose your salvation then that means you have to maintain it and if that's the case we're all going to hell. Why? Because the standard of God is complete holiness which is set apart in another category. The problem is that people dont have a high enough view of God's holiness and that's why they think they can maintain salvation and when they slip they're scared of losing it... You've already lost it if your standard is God's standard not your fleshly standard; Gods standard truly humbles us into a right reverence for him which produces fruit.
@@jacobwoods6153 well put. Yes I would agree with that. Wish I hadnt fooled about over the years, might have settled and had family by now. One of the biggest lies we can tell ourselves is that we can live our life, in deep compromise, and sort it all out later. The years go hurtling past and before you know it you are lookin at the last (probably) couple or so decades of life. Truth is, of course, is that we can die anytime from disease or accident. Its quite shocking to see those who were once keen on Jesus, fall away and get into all kinds of trouble. Two family members were once keen and committed but they have fallen away. One has taken a buddhist stance and the other is just anti believing in anything. Quite sad to see. A friend used to be a Baptist, but 'failed' years ago. Fact it was he who was very reserved with me when I was converted. Its sad to see, but then thats the 'will' we are given. All I know is that I cant go on in life, ignoring what I know...and being confronted with people who are in obvious and serious trouble in life...and being useless because I havent spent time in prayer/bible/worship, is really galling. Anyway....lets see what happens now!
Well if you are saved and truly saved. Believe Jesus died on the cross for our sins, was buried, and rose again three days later. Then you get sucked into the world and it's game and stop putting God first you are backslidden. If you don't believe in Jesus and that he saved all sinners then your a non believer.
There is always a chance to come to Jesus 💕"For God so LOVED the world 🌎 that He GAVE His Only Begotten Son that WHOSOEVER BELIEVETH IN HIM should not 🚫 perish, but have everlasting life." (John 3:16). Jesus gives us EVERLASTING LIFE, not 🚫 temporary life! It's not like you can lose your salvation every 5 seconds or so!!
This is pretty fancy, high level intellectual Christianity. I’ll have to listen to this a few more times. If the thief on the cross couldn’t understand this, he was in trouble. But the Lord Jesus, in all His pain and suffering, made it so simple for him. You see, he had no time left to go to theological school. Jesus told him he would very shortly be with Him in Paradise. Always remember that Jesus saves - to the utmost. Etc.
Yes and after Jesus declared to this thief that he would be with Jesus that very day in paradise then just how long did that poor thief suffer on that terrible long drawn out death after Jesus declared to him that blessed statement. Dying on a cross is not a pleasant trial to endure for possibly many hours after Jesus finished His work and left the body. Should then not that thief still had wondered with doubts if Jesus Was Who He claimed to be during the terrible tortures of the damned in his physical body till he finally gave up the ghost? Yes when we all f1rst understood John 3:16 and believed it for the first time do we not all wonder endlessly whether WHOSOEVER includes us instead of taking it all by faith come what may be it a quick peaceful transition of a terrible painful horrible time of physical suffering? I cannot but think that there had to be great doubt in this believing thief's mind in the transition while being tortured with the inexcusable suffering before his transition came.
I was told we're all predestined. So whether you're sorrowful or not, repent or not, there's nothing you can do anyway. God has already made the choice
Its been 2 months but i wanna reapond anways. Theres no such thing as predestination. God doesnt decide who is saved and who isnt. You do. God knows who will be saved but that doesnt mean you're picked. God gives you life and allows challenges and its up to you to decide whether you want to be saved or not. God weeps over those who arent saved. A loving God doesnt play favorites
That is Calvinism, or Jansenism. The latter was common in 17t Century France, but has been condemned as a heresy. Predestination assumes that time runs in Heaven, so thee is a "before" and an "after." That is the kind of world we are used to, but time may be a Fourth Dimension, with no existence outside our Universe. Each soul will be judged on its own merits. My attitude is to wait and see.
@@nickcomeens5030 To say people are given a choice is a fools errand. The Bible always describes 'the chosen'. God chooses you and mends your heart. He will have mercy on whoever He wishes to have mercy on. If God gives you a choice that is to say you know more than Him and are even capable to dislodge him. Let every men be a liar, and lie really good till God comes for them and saves them. But there is loving a lie that in turn means loving darkness and not opening your heart to Christ - this part was for known before the foundations of the earth and it is a mystery.
As a former backslidden but now repentant believer, I can speak from personal experience that my Heavenly Father DID NOT change His mind about adopting me. I am still His property, even though I lived in willful sin and disobedience for many years. It’s by God’s grace alone that I am still alive today. Thank you, Lord Jesus. 🙏 2 Timothy 2:19-21 - Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, The Lord knoweth them that are His. And, let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity.
I seek help understanding the word of God by referring to the Institutes of Christianity by John Calvin, Systematic Theology, by Charles Hodge, and by the collected Sermons of Martin Luther. What strikes me is how incredibly devoted and diligent, and deeply wise they were as followers, believers, pastors, translators, commentary writers, letter writers, etc. And to think they didn't have computers and modern pens and paper is astounding. I haven't seen any modern theologians who even come close. Have a look at either of their commentaries on Romans, for example. It is mind-boggling. Then I step back, and relax with my 5-volume set of Matthew Henry's 'whole bible' commentary. Another devoted believer and pastor! If you read even a LITTLE of these guys, I think you'll find it immensely helpful and inspiring in your devotions.
Do you think likewise that pattern of sin and, unwillingness to repent or to see that as a sin in light of scripture that one is an unbeliever/rebellion?
Praise the LORD 🙏🏻 Yes, repentance overtime is very important. Self-righteousness is extremely harmful, Self- realisation, Self-repentance and Self-submission gives us peace in the Salvation of GOD JESUS CHRIST. THE HOLY SACRIFICE
@@dashriprock5720 To be conscious and to be content with our conscience. GOD speaks to us explaining what is good. Romans 16:19 1 Thessalonians 4:11, 12. Verses 2 Thessalonians 3:1 to 15 Verses I always strive to be like a Berean to read the Bible and learn rather than listening to sermons. If the sermons are taught according to the scriptures in the Bible, then I will certainly listen and note the written references. GOD bless you Always Brother
@@thankfulvoice6474 Yes, I read the bible a lot but recently given into temptation and fell into sin. When that happens it's usually followed by disappointment and i doubt my sincerity. Thanks and God Bless you as well.
@timothy6115 genuine interaction here, no bs. What about constant failure, and confusion over what to do? What if I find myself continuing to backslide as the years pile on with no sign of actual victory over it
@@anonymousmouse505 failure isn’t an option, at the end of the day God has given you a free will, choose life or choose death. If you’re a genuine Christian, you can stop whatever it is, no matter what it is, by the Holy Spirit. Just stop doing it, if it’s lust flee from it. You have one life to live, don’t choose defeat. Choose life and walk away from it.
Mk.10.18 why callest thou me good, only God is good" It implied the claim that the word of the Holy Father, the Pope of the day was infallible was an assertion in the face of acute misrepresentations. even misinterpretation of doctrine pertinent to those times. That said most of The Catholics in the world would heed the word of the Pope above any other human on Earth. Angels might cross 90% perfection, holy celibates straddle around 80%, if mere mortals cross 50:50 we are doing well, but as Teacher says could do better.
The Pope is infallible only when speaking ex cathedra, from his Papal chair, on matters of dogma, no more. No doubt he will consult with his council before doing so, but otherwise, he is just as fallible as any human. But don't worry about the Pope; the Catholic Church produces outstanding people. A Protestant wanted to help found a non-Catholic school to have employees of the qualiy of the girls from the local Catholic college. I have two daughters and an exchange student married to Catholics, and I can see the benefits. All of them are fine people. They say that God looks at the heart, not at the Church they attended here.
I must say, despite this man's apparent education...he does not understand sin or repentance. His lack of clarity on the matter taints his message and will cause those to hear it, to become ensnared. It is a confirmation that it does not matter your educational stature among men...the GOD of Israel reveals the truth to whom HE will. It is the pure of heart who understand the way of the ALMIGHTY ONE.
You cannot know. Jesus, not Noah, is your answer. Jesus told the lawyer the two commandments: "Love God, and love your neighbour as yourself. Do this, and you will live." Note that Jesus agrees with proper self-love, as opposed to pride or conceit. Do the best you can."Angels can do no more than their own personal best." It is more than your personal best, but that isn't the point. Don't keep looking over your shoulder to see if you have slipped out of the running. Just keep going, and you will be O.K. Look at Jesus Himself, executed like a slave or criminal. He would have every reason to call himself a failure, but he didn't. I was born with major depression, so my "best" may be less than average. Depression affects a person's very character, and they would not want a wet blanket in Heaven. But I haven't lived on benefits, waiting for some new pill. I have done my personal best, in my circumstances.
Very true, that is what I have come to see as the Holy Spirit has guided me. Looking at what I did yesterday or tomorrow is the Devils ploy to get you to do things and the Holy Spirit to not fill you.
If you're an unbeliever you wouldn't be asking the question. I got saved, some of my behavior changed, I have a special spot and love for the lost. But I don't beat myself up over being born a sinner. I had no control over that and there's not a soul in hell that had a control over being born a sinner either. So I don't beat myself up over my sin. God wanted perfection then I should have been born that way. every one of us should have been put before that tree and then given a choice but we were not. I don't doubt God is love but I think his definition is different. He loves you so much he sent his son for you his son loves you so much he died for you but because you don't believe he has no problem watching you burn for all of an eternity. I don't think I want to call that love at least not by my definition of it anyway. Again I'm a sinner saved by grace and I do believe but I just cannot and will not feel bad because I was born to sinner. People just get in line with God and ignore the obvious because they're scared of him. He put that tree in that garden and he knew what he was doing . you can blame the devil all day long if you want to. Yes he has some capability in it but that little pissing contest the two of them have going on well they could have left us out of it.
@john Kerr and all… The Lord Jesus died a horrible death because HE took the responsibility for that sin in the Garden whatever it was. It was probably something so heinous that you or I could not come close to doing it. Yet, we have sinned much anyway. Our salvation is necessary though but not through the confession of that sin or any other nor can we perform any other works to gain salvation. There is no contest. The price has been paid and God is satisfied. But you still have to believe in the One who satisfied Him. That person is He Himself, God the Son. He does not contest with evil. He is God.
I can’t belive what I just read ! You claim to be a born again but hav views like this ! You need to to sit down and ask for forgiveness as no one born again would speak against the lord in the manner you just did !
@@jeffouellette9946 No there is none at all. Repentance is offered by God; and when you accept faith and belief are restored to you just like when you were a baby, but better.
According to Charles Stanley, you can't lose your salvation. It doesn't matter how you live. In his book, Eternal Security, he writes: "Even if a believer for all practical purposes becomes an unbeliever, his salvation is not in jeopardy." (Found in the chapter: Faithful to the Faithless).
I listen Andrew Farley and Joseph Prince-for me Stanley very wrong . Non believer can't be saved ,its ridiculous ,when i heard that one preacher say that you may became atheist and still be saved. I think free gracers are guilty in kind of death mistake . The truth is that we can't know people heart and persone can be just a professor without true faith , we can also conclude that true believer can't have a constant sinfull lifestyle ,we should observe true change. It's not absence of rightoues living (free grace) and also it's not beliveing that our perfect right living is foundation of our assurance (lordship salvation ) .We fully trust Christ for salvation ,but behavior matters . I think Andrew Farley has a good explanations of this question .
Hello Bailey if a believer becomes an unbeliever he was never ours in other words he was not a believer to begin with which implies he wasn't a true christian 1 John 2:19. So we ought to be careful! what I think he was trying to say is that a true christian who truly believes won't loose his/her salvation which is indeed true.
They key is to knowing Gods voice and being able to speak in tongues, the Scripture says all who come to him he won't cast away, john 6/37.his voice keeps you going in the darkest and most hopeless of times above what your circumstances and soul will tell you, 1john 3/20,john 10 27-28,many good books on hearing Gods voice, in my opinion if you don't give up on God and his word he will not give up on you, he is infinitely more faithful and stronger than any human. Isaiah 42 1-9,psalm 103.
@@deandalley3607 I've lived a life without speaking in tongues and with it, believe me there is a difference and with it its way better, by by and God bless
On this one I totally disagree. There is no such thing as a backslidden Christian. The term backslidden only used in the OT and it is only used for the nation Israel, not for an individual and it ALWAYS means they are lost. 1 John makes it clear that a believer can NEVER return to the practice of sinning. 1John 3:9. He makes it clear that we are commandment keepers. 1John 2:4. So no a true believer cannot backslide into practicing sin.
John Smith What about Isaiah 57:17-19 brother? There must be repentance and ultimately turning from sin and victory over sin, but God's grace extends even to those who have fallen backwards or "backslidden" as long as they will repent.
Hello Tyler Corner. First I would say that you are confused about what repentance is. Second the passage you chose is not about a believer returning to sinning. believe what the NT says in the passages I gave.
We do not get saved by praying a prayer, being baptized, asking Jesus into our hearts, joining a church, cleaning up our lives or doing all these thing accumulative. Salvation takes repentance toward God and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, Acts 20:21. Make no mistake. We cannot be a friend of Christ and remain a rebel against God. The word repent, from the Greek word “metanoia”, means a change of mind or direction. That change is not 50%, 75%, or 99%. It is 100% or we are not repenting. God is not receiving those who almost or kind of repent. It is like the word about face which is a 180 degree turn. We turn from not wanting God fully in our lives to accepting Him fully in our lives. When any person comes to the place where they are broken over their sin to the point they want to get right with God no matter what it will cost them they are in a state/spirit of repentance toward God. We then take that heart we have towards God and place it on the Lord Jesus Christ and that becomes faith. At that moment God’s grace through Christ is applied to us and we are born again, saved from eternal hell and sealed by the Spirit so that we will never again return to the practice of sinning. 1John 3:9,10. Repentance of sin is the result of the new birth/salvation and will be part of the sanctification process and our new life with the Lord Jesus Christ, Eph 2:10. While we may sin from time to time after salvation it will not be our practice 1John 3:9,10. John 14:21 He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him.
John Smith I was not suggesting we're saved by a "praying a prayer". I was merely saying it is possible for a believer to fall into even horrible sin, as long as they ultimately repent from it. I agree with you that you cannot go on sinning and not be an enemy of God; repentance is an ongoing style of life that turns from sin and grows as we grow-- but there are seasons when we are failing and sinful. Consider the Corinthians who sinned grievously and yet were filled with godly sorrow that lead to repentance without regret. Also David-- would we not say he was backslidden when he sinned? Yet God affirms he was a man after his own heart. Yes, friendship with the world means enmity with God; but if there is a repentance from sin as the video suggests, then one can be assured they are born again.
Hello David Corner. You mentioned David. No he was not backslidden. The word means to be apostate. look up the Hebrew word. May I suggest that you forget about using OT saints as examples. OT saints did not have the Spirit as we do today in the church. John 14: 16, and 17. I am basing my belief on scripture and you are basing yours on men's teachings. A Christian CANNOT backslide. 1John 2:9 and 3:9. While it is true that a Christian can commit a serious sin at given moment it is not possible for it to be a daily walk/practice. Also let me point out no place in the NT does it say to repent of sin. That is another man made doctrine. A lost person can confess and repent of sin and still not be saved. Repentance of sin and asking forgiveness is NOT what assures us of salvation. Repentance of sin for salvation is a works based teaching. It is no what we turn from but Who we turn to. Once we are saved God's Spirit keeps us from the practice of inning. Our assurance comes based on 1 John 2:3. So again based on scripture no Christian can backslide. Backsliding is just one of the many false teachings that has crept into the church today and sadly many love the teaching. As to the Corinthians Paul questions their salvation in what we call the second letter.
Without feeding the troll, let me suggest that unbeliever and delusional is the same thing. :) Jokes aside, Shannon, you can have the assurance in your heart if you understand what Jesus did for you on that cross and how much He loves you still. It's not too late to seek God and truly ask Him to show you His love. Don't believe the lies of this temporary world. This world is dying and Jesus has provided a way for you to know and come to God.
If you have any doubts you are probably an unbeliever. The child of God knows full well when they are not walking in fellowship with the Lord. That is why God gave us a conscience.
i dunno. i believe in the abstract concept of god. that being shaped by having grown up in a christian church. let me ask u something. is it possible for god to never answer some humans prayers. yet i still believe in god. but i think much of christianity's understand of god is mistaken.
@@robbadlands9281 Hi Rob. I don't know what you mean by an 'abstract' concept of God. Though being brought up in a Christian environment is a blessing in itself, sometimes it can be a hindrance in the spiritual growth of young Christians. We are protected from reality out in the world. We get converted to faith in Christ and soon discover that though we believe our sins are forgiven, that we find the reality of 'sin' in our human nature. We are sinners by nature so that we sin in practice. It is not sinning which makes us a sinner. Then it comes down to the doctrines and teachings of the church fellowship you attend. Some are calvanist and others are armenian. Some believe in eternal security of the believer and others believe in saved and lost. These problems come down from poor and unspiritual leadership in their churches. We 'need' a balanced understanding of scripture. Salvation can be seen from man's responsible side and also from God's purposes in Christ Jesus. They both come together at the cross of Calvary, but when a child of God digs deeper into the purposes and will of God in Christ, then the assurance of salvation becomes a certainty to the believer. I, too, believe that a large proportion of what is taught on 'christian' platforms is wrong and misleading. Especially as regards prayer. It is taught that God will deny us nothing when we ask. The vast majority of 'human' prayers go no higher than the ceiling of the room you are in. We need to pray in the Spirit and be guided with the principle that what we ask 'in His Name' is something which the Lord Jesus would ask of His Father himself. Just mentioning the name of Jesus is not what is meant, though that is clearly what is understood by many, even genuine Christians. The Lord only prayed for the will of His Father to be done. We should be likewise. He will always hear the sinners prayer for forgiveness and salvation.
Smeaton, haven’t you read 1 John 3:18-20 “My little children, Let us not love in word or tongue, but in deed and in truth. And by this we know that we are of the truth, and shall assure our hearts before Him. For if our heart condemns us, God is greater then our heart, and knows all things.” Here the apostle John is comforting those with a condemning heart, for it is a advantageous angle of satan to cast doubt into a believers heart but they need to be anchored in the scriptures. Be careful what you say in all things but especially peoples salvation. And remember Romans as well “do not say in your heart ‘who will ascend into heaven’ or ‘who will descend into the abyss?’ But what does it say, ‘the word is near you, in your mouth and in your heart’ that if you confess with your mouth Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead you will be saved.” You don’t live your whole life at once, believe and get back up and walk again after the Lord Jesus, beg for God to make you worthy, He is faithful to bring you to sanctification if you believe with your whole heart. Amen
Your conscience is not the Holy Spirit. It is the Spirit that encourages you to continue to fight the good fight! I’m going through it as I am writing this. The devil can torment your mind and emotions with doubts but the Lord will help you through, just continue to fight and don’t give up on the Lord. He has invested a lot into you!!!!!
This speaker doesn't know what he's talking about. I'm curious as to how he runs his church (assuming he's in leadership). This guy is clueless. Everyone must be 'backslidden' in his church.
God wil lead His people to the sea of dead, the sea of unbelive, the sea of depression, the sea of lonliness... i ve been there and God was there all the time. Jesus i love u! I backslide daily, in works thoughts feelings. But every night i repent, and weep for the Almighty to bring it home, His OWN Work in my life!
Mk.10.18 why callest thou me good, only God is good" It implied the claim that the word of the Holy Father, the Pope of the day was infallible was an assertion in the face of acute misrepresentations. even misinterpretation of doctrine pertinent to those times. That said most of The Catholics in the world would heed the word of the Pope above any other human on Earth. Angels might cross 90% perfection, holy celibates straddle around 80%, if mere mortals cross 50:50 we are doing well, but as Teacher says could do better.
Sin distances us from God. Somehow I knew God was always there in terrible choices but sin is fun for a season I felt alot like David lost, depression, anxiety, I couldn't, eat, sleep, I was like the prodigal son in slop. Then God said I'm here come home. 🙏🏽 I never want to leave his side ever again. Godly sorrow is real.
So true. I can't imagine walking without HIM!
Yet anyone claims that they are without sin is a liar according to the bible.
I just want you to know that if you have turned away from the Lord, turn back to him. Don't let the devil in your body win. If you believe you will never be forgiven because you have committed many sins, you are mistaken. God is good and willing to forgive us as long as we confess all of our sins.
Thank you for this. What if we can’t remember all the sins we did but confess all the ones we remember?
Jesus knew all your sins. That’s why He died to take them all away. You cannot remember them all. That’s impossible. AND…THAT is why you cannot be saved by your works. His work was all that we need. If you try to remember all your sins - you are working. And you are telling God that Jesus did not die for those. I would not want to tell Jesus He did not die for ALL my sin. 😊👍
I don't think unbelievers sit around and ponder these questions
Do apostates?
@@textscholar3775 When setting a new corse you have to ponder the direction where you are headed. Or, you won't get there.
I am a backsliding Christian depressed in sin :( I need help
Me as well and it's been a year for me, our only hope is that God will come back one day
What are you backsliding with if you want to share? I am still working on quitting cigarettes and recently had a porn blocker installed.
Same bro
Me too I've not been in the Bible or gone to Church for nearly 2 years 😞
start daily reading of your Bible and prayer. sounds simple buy it works there is no magic formula to it. the word will wash you daily!
Jesus loves us. He is a Friend Who sticks closer than a brother. He's like The Good Shepherd Who leaves 99 sheep and goes out looking for the one who has gone astray. He is NOT beating us over the head for our sins! "For God so loved the world that He gave His Only Begotten Son that whosoever believeth in Him should not 🚫 perish, but have everlasting life." (John 3:16) If we come to Jesus, 💕 He will NOT cast us out.......
You are not alone i hate myself
That was one of the best explanations on this topic that I have ever heard. Thank you!
In my personal experience is that godly sorrow is fully illuminated by the Holy Spirit that leads to true repentance and this is what happened with me. The night I was born again God showed up in a huge huge way, I call it my Moses experience because God told me to remove my shoes because I was on Holy ground🙏 it was a very turbulent time in my life filled with horrible sin, bound by drugs and alcohol. This night I was out with two people drinking and drugging and empty because of a recent failed relationship. The end of the night I was dropped off at a neighborhood baseball field with liquor, beer and Marlboro cigarettes and as I reach the bench to sit down and try and drown my hopeless pain something broke inside me it was a deep pain from destroying my life with addiction and failing relationships, totally broken these words “God I can’t do it” sprung up from my heart! truly I felt those words actually come from my heart and in anguish at the same time I was dumping out the alcohol and smashing the cigarettes and at that very second God was in my midst and right then I physically felt this huge weight come up off from me and I became sober minded and God truly started convicting me of sin in my life and the sorrow I felt for my sin broke my heart and I cried out to a most Holy and righteous God for forgiveness and saying yes to Christ Jesus He began washing me cleansing me and loving on me and that night I was truly born again set free from the kingdom of darkness and entered into the kingdom of God through Christ Jesus! Such love such grace and mercy I was truly regenerated!
Amen. Whether I am an unbeliever or a backsliding Christian is the wrong Christian. Or rather whether I am an unbeliever or a backsliding Christian I need to turn to Christ and cry out for Him to transform my wicked heart and wash me clean. Whether I am an unbeliever or a backsliding Christian it is not too late and there is no shame in turning to Christ. Our heavenly Father is drawing His people to Himself and is eager to receive us.
A lot of people go to church and say the sinners prayer and are told they're saved. Then after awhile they are led away by the sin in their hearts. They live many years that way. Then they have an encounter with God through the Holy Spirit, (kind of like Paul and God is then real to them. The question is did they return to Christ or get saved.
Question: Since I was about 6 years old I felt the tug, the pull, the attraction to God and even the structures of churches. Yet, my upbringing environment focused on witchcraft. How is this possible? This love and passion for Christ without instruction, examples, or any human influence? I felt like it was a call to return home. By age 12 I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior, but it has been an unusual painful and disastrous path for me- yet here I am, at 65, still fighting my way through life.
It appears the the the Holy Ghost called you to follow Jesus, I kinda had the same experience in a different type of way, I called myself a Christian but I was just professing it, in high school I got really into theology and moved away from the faith for the worst year of my life. I looked into other religions and beliefs, then one day a simple video just talking about Jesus convicted me like never before and at that moment I knew. Ever since then I’ve believed in Jesus as our Lord, it was like on that day he called me to follow him without really knowing the Bible I just knew he was the truth. That’s a amazing story and it warms my heart and inspires to hear how long you’ve been in the faith, God Bless!
“Am I believer or am I an unbeliever is the basic question - and so how do I know that. I think the simplest answer is repentance over time. It’s a return to God that is displayed as a pattern of seeking… Notice I’m attaching this concept of time as a necessary aspect of a growing confidence or awareness of my status.” When one makes attachments to the justification issue like Peter did, expect a theology that is foolishly unbiblical, incredibly subjective and wholly unstable (Galatians 1:6-9, 2:7-14, 3:1-2).
“What I’m not saying is that assurance is merely the result of our efforts. We’re talking about patterned repentance; patterned seeking of God as an aspect of our assurance.” This is exactly what is being said - assurance is based upon a person’s effort and perspective.
“The ground of our assurance is always and only the Gospel of Jesus Christ on our behalf.” If the Gospel of Christ is the ONLY ground of assurance, and this gospel is found in John, and John’s gospel doesn’t mention the term or concept of repentance (like his writing does in Revelation), then why present reliance upon our effort over time as an indicator of justification. Surely John 6:47 and Romans 4:4-5 and Galatians 2:16 seem simple and clear that repentance and pattern and time have nothing to do with justification - so why look to works to see if one is justified without works.
The non-biblical idea of “profound sin” going on for so long implies that there are some sins that Christ didn’t pay for and/or only a limited amount of sinful practice is covered by His death. It appears this thought process does not allow room for failure in the Christian life. John does (1 John 1:8-10). This idea scoring sin with a timer runs contrary to the simple and clear ideas found in John 1:29 and 1 John 2:2. Perhaps the best source of assurance is taking God at His simple and clear word when He says through Paul, “Even if we are faithless, He remains faithful, for He cannot deny Himself” (2 Timothy 2:13). There’s danger in thinking too hard and danger in not thinking enough. In this case it’s hard to say but regardless the end result is the same - Notre Dame has a job for this Southern Seminary professor.
How do i know if i'm saved? i've been struggling a lot. one time i think i'm saved and i'm confident, but the other time i think i am a stupid hypocrite who doesn't love God, and God doesn't love also. i just wanna be saved, i want my family to be saved also. Once i was addicted to sexual sin. then one day i prayed with a pastor on tiktok live, i felt the holy spirit and i was set free from that sin. but then i fell away and i started commiting lust and cussing. i heard from another video that people that God chooses out of this world will never fall away completely. now i care about my sin and i wanna be set free from it. i want to be saved, if i'm not, and be the person God wants me to be. i realize and i admit that i have fallen away. i just wanna be chosen by God, not only me, but my family and my friends. i wanna repent. PLEASE HELP ME GO BACK TO JESUS COMPLETELY
Be encouraged brother, the Bible says that The Lord draws all who come to Him. This means if you have a desire to come to Him, He is the one drawing you to Himself. Whenever you’re tempted to sin always remember Jesus’ incredible sacrifice on the cross and all that He went through to save us from sin. Keep praying for guidance And let The Holy Spirit lead you in all that you do. I’ll be praying for you brother
I feel your pain, I have done some awfull things that I now hate, I struggle at times with my salvation most of the time because I'm looking at my self and my sin, but not to Jesus. I believe that I am saved because looking back I can see how far God has brought me, but I still get anxious about it sometimes. I've noticed that I remember certain sins at different times as if they are put there to trip me up, remember 2nd Timothy 2:13 If we are unfaithful, he remains faithful, for he cannot deny who he is.
I pray that God through Jesus will give you peace, and I ask that you would pray the same for me!
@@dwayneconaway1733 amen!!
Well, I have an idea. Maybe you weren't actually saved in the first place. Maybe that's why you are having all of these problems. (I just said MAYBE). What I would do---and that's "just me"---I would come to Jesus 💕 all over again (just in case). Eternity is forever. Salvation isn't something we should "fool around with!!"
So then how many times should we get baptized? Is it everytime we feel bad after we have sinned, JUST IN CASE? So if you're married and you've had lustful thoughts over someone else, should you get married again,I don't know at least once a year? What do you think? THANKYOU Jesus that you are faithful and true.
I don't understand why people go round and round with answering this question when in reality is an easy answer. If you believe Jesus is who the scripture says He is, the Son of God, was born from virgin, was crucified and shed His blood for me to pay to God the Father my iniquity which I was unable to pay. And then resurrected at the third day and is sitting at the right hand of God the Father. Why people make it so hard. If godly sorrow, or whatever sorrow. The only repentance for salvation is changing your mind that you can save yourself or help Jesus with your salvation and instead know that Jesus paid it all. All you have to do is believe in your heart and if you do that those feelings of sorrow come with the territory. You don't have to feel sorry to be saved you just believe and everything else falls into place.
Yes but when we accept you become reborn with a new heart & repent!
Being contrite - godly sorrow for ones sins - is a good thing and quite normal for anyone who cries out to God, asking for His forgiveness.
Psalm 34:18 - The Lord is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit.
Luke 18:10-14 - Two men went up to the temple to pray, one a Pharisee and the other a tax collector. The Pharisee stood and prayed thus with himself, ‘God, I thank You that I am not like other men-extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or even as this tax collector. I fast twice a week; I give tithes of all that I possess.’ And the tax collector, standing afar off, would not so much as raise his eyes to heaven, but beat his breast, saying, ‘God, be merciful to me a sinner!’ I tell you, this man went down to his house justified rather than the other; for everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted.
I'd encourage you to read these verses below and rethink your statement because Paul wrote inspired by the Holy Spirit that Godly sorrow brings repentance that leads to salvation. Wordly sorrow is focused on me but Godly sorrow is focused on God and having hurt the heart of God.
'Even if I caused you sorrow by my letter, I do not regret it. Though I did regret it-I see that my letter hurt you, but only for a little while- yet now I am happy, not because you were made sorry, but because your sorrow led you to repentance. For you became sorrowful as God intended and so were not harmed in any way by us. Godly sorrow brings repentance that leads to salvation and leaves no regret, but worldly sorrow brings death. See what this godly sorrow has produced in you: what earnestness, what eagerness to clear yourselves, what indignation, what alarm, what longing, what concern, what readiness to see justice done. At every point you have proved yourselves to be innocent in this matter. '
2 Corinthians 7:8-11
'What causes fights and quarrels among you? Don’t they come from your desires that battle within you? You desire but do not have, so you kill. You covet but you cannot get what you want, so you quarrel and fight. You do not have because you do not ask God. When you ask, you do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, that you may spend what you get on your pleasures. You adulterous people, don’t you know that friendship with the world means enmity against God? Therefore, anyone who chooses to be a friend of the world becomes an enemy of God. Or do you think Scripture says without reason that he jealously longs for the spirit he has caused to dwell in us ? But he gives us more grace. That is why Scripture says: “God opposes the proud but shows favor to the humble.” Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Come near to God and he will come near to you. Wash your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded. Grieve, mourn and wail. Change your laughter to mourning and your joy to gloom. Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up. '
James 4:1-10
So this is that gift of repentance I've heard of.
Thank you.
It’s scary because it sometimes seems that the more you know the more liable you are for keeping your salvation in your own power. That’s what I’m struggling with right now - worried that my performance or lack thereof could endanger me. But what if someone else either decided not to read more of the Bible and memorized, say, 50 verses about living a surrendered life and I read and memorized 1,000? That means I am responsible for more than they? and meanwhile they may be living a more restful Christianity while I’m agonizing worried that I might fail God because the 950 Scriptures I learned by being in the Kingdom longer, cause me to fear for my life? How is that fair? I’ve loved Jesus since I was little and accepted his gift of salvation at age 7, was baptized in water age 12 and loved Him since. But then in college I realized more of what it means to deny yourself and seek to do His will over your own, regardless of the cost. I never felt like I passed that test! I wrestled - then got scared - begged for Him to work on me and change me - asked for open and closed doors if things weren’t His will - but felt and still feel a lot like I’m on my own to get it right! And it hurts. I was raised Arminian but I have become more drawn to my need for reassurance that God isn’t about performance because none of us can ever earn His love or grace. Our works don’t save us but it feels like I have to do all these hard things to keep my walk with God. I’m not for the idea of predestination of the elect because I don’t believe in a limited gospel.
Ken brethren I struggled with what you guys have to the more I know the more I feel sorrowful because I feel like I have flaws I gave up video games, Tv, and movies, and worldly entertainment and stopped wearing ripped jeans and stuff but I still feel sorrow. I tell my self everyday repent mentally,physically, and out my tongue but still the more I know the more I think I gotta do at this point if I gotta sacrifice more things then so be it but idk what else to sacrifice all the things I’ve found interesting are gone maybe I have to delete apps or something :(
Can someone explain what his will is and what seek him acc is like a proper description please?
@@ken.wyd_lustful porn is beating me up to brother.
I willfully walked into sin and since have tried to come back to God. It hasn’t been an easy road. it’s easy to think sin won’t have repercussions or lasting effects after the fact. My heart for God hasn’t been the same nor my relationship with Him. It’s been a sad place to be. At times I feel like there is a wall between Him and I. I don’t feel Him strongly anymore or have a sweet communion like I had. I have asked God many times to change me, forgive me, and help me love him. But I still feel disconnected. So question the genuineness of my repentance and’s confusing to me. At times I don’t try, because of seeing no change. So hearing this message made me wonder. Please pray for me if you read this!
First , are you saved. If not start with Romans 3:23, 6:23 , 5:8 , 10:9 , and 10:13.
Find a paster or fellow christian to help you through the process. If you are then focus on Jesus. When Jesus delivered me from alcohol I focus on Jesus, to the point that Jesus became my alcohol. I hope this helps. I will pray for you.
Actually the video itself is pretty easy to take wrong if you don’t listen really carefully you’d think he was saying that sin patterns tell us about faith but I don’t think that’s what he means
I think he’s basically saying that despite sin-over time people show their true choice by sticking in there with god or throwing their faith out completely and giving up on seeking god and choose to turn away and forget god. I don’t think he’s saying it’s about sin I think he’s saying that it’s about seeking god over time and that some give up on seeking god and trying to follow the Holy Spirit and some carry on with god still trying to follow the leadership of the Holy Spirit despite our sinful nature and understanding that we can never get it right basically I think he’s saying that time tells us for ourselves wether we will choose to try to seek and follow god or wether we will become frustrated and think it’s too unfair and get angry at god or feel discouraged and give up because we would rather not try and we love our life more than Jesus and instead of trying that we just put it all in the too hard basket and turn away completely as opposed to people who have the same experience of frustration and anger and discouragement and seek god about it and follow him anyway trusting that his grace is sufficient for us and that all those things that trouble us are reasons to seek god not reasons to throw out our belief and give up on talking to god.
I dunno his answer is not said very clearly on the surface it looks like a works based approach to the assurance of salvation but under that I think he’s talking about a choice over time to stick with god instead of saying a prayer and then later going no this really isn’t for me I’m going to go back to ignoring god and living however I want to doing my own thing without bothering to talk to god because I don’t really want to surrender to him I just wanted a quick fix and when I didn’t get it I gave up on god completely
It's the sin that seperates.
For those of you doubting this preacher's teaching, I challenge you to read 2 Peter 1:5 - 11. Here Peter gives a list of godly characteristics that God's people are to seek after, and he ends with "be all the more diligent to confirm your calling and election ..." The implication is that you may find that your calling and election are false. How can you know? You know by seeing the godly qualities that he has just listed growing in your life.
Paul echoes this in 2 Corinthians 13:5. Test yourselves!
Jesus said that a bad tree cannot bear good fruit. Paul lists the fruits of the Spirit in Philippians. Someone claiming to be a Christian but who does not possess the fruits of the Spirit, or at least does not pursue them, is a bad tree. Matthew 21:18 - 19 shows us what Jesus does with bad trees that do not produce the fruit of the Spirit.
Each person has to work out their own salvation. There's no clear definitive answer. But we should have a distaste and genuine sorrow for the sins we used to commit. It doesn't mean we won't have tendencies because were flesh driven, but we should think twice or have instant regret after committing sin.
Some years ago I completed a college level course in biblical counseling. And this video demonstrates how pitiful and weak the current teaching on this subject is. What’s wrong with backsliders is very simple, and it has less to do with sin than faith. Ask yourself, if the Christian has all his sin forgiven, past, present and future, then how can he be backslidden? The simple answer is spelled out in the single chapter book Jude, verses 22&23. “Have mercy on some who are doubting. Save others, snatching them out of the fire. And on some have mercy with fear, hating even the garment polluted by the flesh.” Christians are tricked by satan into bellieving that the world is really wonderful, instead of corrupted and filled with evil. Through a process of gradual temptation, he persuades the believer that God is wrong (remember how satan tempted Eve?) and the world has lots of wonderful stuff that he needs more than he needs holiness, church, fellowship and faith. If you want to help someone who claims to be a backslider, don’t try to get him to confess sins. Instead, help him recover his faith by using the particular scriptures that pertain to Jesus. I suggest reading the Gospel of John, the book of Romans, the book of Acts. Also, watch “The Passion Of The Christ” and read “The Case For Chrst” by Lee Strobel. The objective is repentance, and it can be reached with relative speed, if the seeker is willing to apply himself to the task wholeheartedly. When repentance comes, confession comes, and the sin which has been burdening the backslider will be taken away. Then the process of discipleship can start, rebuilding what was lost or building what was never made in the first place. An interesting fact is that this type of counseling can also bring lost sinners to Christ through much the same process. If anyone reads this and is interested in having me counsel them, or maybe just wants to contact me, my e-mail is God bless.
I just sent you an email
How much will this cost?
Faith comes from hearing the message: read your bible especially new converts and dont be led astray by false churches and doctrines of mere men as i was .
Brilliant video ,blessings from Ireland and Glory to God.
Interesting, at this time I am having a hard time, where as God awakes me every hour of my nights sleep. Now my sins is grumbling and arguing all though I feel as I have got the arguing part nearly beet, The complaining has been with me most of my life. When I was about 10-13 years old my brother told me stop your moaning, I had know idea that I was moaning but on looking back I can now see that,, that was the Paton my speech has taken all my life. {I am now 79 years old} and God has just pulled me up over it. I am trying hard to shake the grumbling but it's not easy. I am one of these people who wonders am I a Christian although I met the Lord back in 1988. Although I believe that I have heard the holy Spirits voice some times. So that probably answers my ow question there. I thank you for what you have said and am trying desperately To be back with God, please pray for me.
But you shouldn't be trying an activity but turn all your burdens to him; His Spirit will sort you out. There is nothing we can do on our own besides listening to God's instruction per that problem. It is a matter of doing that thing that negates the sin. But to know this as I have experienced, some things we wake up without desire, somethings come back and some things take a while. Why because God is after our total obedience through tests. We shouldn't trust our own work but the fact that He saved us.
Oh wretched man that I am. Sin is part of our DNA.
But it cannot be part of your future, if you truly follow Christ. If you are in Christ your DNA comes under the control of the Holy Spirit as you yield to God in every part of your life.
@@visionlandmusic As this minister says near the beginning, 'repentance over time'.
Philippians 1:6
- Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ:
The work is ongoing for as long as we live in these earthly, fleshly bodies. We need to see ourselves as dead to the old man and no longer a slave to sin, but set free to live in newness of life and free to be a servant of Christ to live free from sin.
Romans 6
:5-7 & 11 - For if we have been planted together in the likeness of his death, we shall be also in the likeness of his resurrection: Knowing this, that our old man is crucified with him, that the body of sin might be destroyed, that henceforth we should not serve sin. For he that is dead is freed from sin.
Likewise reckon ye also yourselves to be dead indeed unto sin, but alive unto God through Jesus Christ our Lord.
That's b4 he got saved dingus
Great answer
I agree- great answer
This left me with more questions then answers.
@יהוחנן לואיס Dear sir what you have written has stirred my heart so much. Every time l attempt to write a detail letter the translator messes it up. In short sir can you please give me some book titles so l can begin to learn The Truth, The way so l will not be deceived. l was going to normal church but now attend a Messianic Church. Please help me l would be so very grateful. with Love and Respect ~ David Bennett, Australia.
@@d4ben read the New Testament, start with John. There you will find the truth
Why more questions than answers?
What about sanctification?? It makes no sense that you can be saved and backslidden. At what point does sanctification stop????
It will stop on thr time of Gloryfication having the glorified bodies in Heaven with the LORD JESUS CHRIST.
Until we are on earth we are an work on progress by GOD. So we will sin but we will sin less and will not like it thats an sign of the HOLY SPIRIT YOU WILL HATE YOUR SIN That is Justification.
We're either Judas who was a man who loved his sin enough to betray or Demas a man who loved the world so much that he chased his sin. One man fell from Jesus in time and the either stopped walking with Paul in time. Yet, Peter had to grow out of denying Christ before the world and Thomas had to grow out of doubting God after resurrection. I'm sure that time was a product of the aforementioned men's process. We need to teach process to the church and that all things pertaining to God grow in relationship with God not over a Sunday sermon.
It's rather egotistical of us to think that our sermons are that powerful that there's no need for process, growth or subsequent discipleship. As if to say, "I said it, and therefore you ought to grow just based on my sermon. If not, there's something wrong with you not me as the teacher. Who cares if there's no continuity between sermon number 4 or 5. I'm teaching long division one Sunday and calculus the next Sunday with no discipleship or any concept of process/ growth."
We have to get real before we can get Godly. People need process which is why God is the author of love because the fruits of his spirit are long-suffering and patience, to name a few.
This channel is super helpful thanks for the videos you post
Great super wise way of understanding scripture. As there are false works and a false faith. I've never seen it in this light too. Thank you. God bless you. P.S, don't mind the negative comments. Your works are awesome and should have a million views tbh.
Romans ch 6, talks about sin and grace, i think that can also help
Romans chapter 6 is life changing for anyone who has the Holy Spirit’s revelation of that passage of scripture!!
@@Jesus_is_Lord_316 The whole word of God is life changing my friend. The word of God is alive and breathing and fills me everytime I read it. He refreshes me and opens my eyes and I become more like Him.
@@saloyale1 Amen..and Amen 💗🙏🎁
Praise and worship music are the best tools to break the lack of assurance. Maranatha Praise Band is the greatest tool to destroy the doubts put upon you by demons and devils in your midst trying to quench your faith. The songs are easy to listen to and enable people to enter His gates with thanksgiving in their hearts and enter His courts with praise. Demons despise praise music which brings God into your presence and cuts through all the doubt dread and fear. Try it sometimes. Remember though it is not our love for God that brings us salvation but rather His love for us. 1 John 4:10 Take God at His word and let your doubts be damned no matter how you feel about it.. God puts no one under probation who believes in Him. Actually demons totally despise even the mention of His Name and they are far more terrified than you should ever be. Remember all your failures are nailed to the cross and you bear them no more.
YOu can know if you are saved. Trust in Jesus Christ, not yourself, for salvation.
Backsliding was written about Israel the nation in the OT, and it is not in the NT for a very good reason, that Christians are no longer sinners because they have been taken from being under the moral law, because the Lord man as He was could only die once, because GOD neither imputes sins nor remembers them vs. us that believe any longer. We are born sinful, when found responsible we transgress and sin and become sinners, till when we believe we are washed clean from all sin (1 John 1:7 affirmed in 1 John 2:1,10 3:6,9) by the blood of the Lamb and are kept by Him saved and preserved. A Christian does not ‘backslide’ even if at times he commits errors and has faults, yet he does not fall (Jude 1:24).
@Orin Moses I am sorry to hear that. I am Pentecostal and have been my whole life. Never once have I ever heard this or been told this.
The bible specifically says not everyone will speak in tongues because if they did who would interpret. If you are truly saved you will be producing fruit the spiritual gifts and natural talents and abilities that God has gifted you with.
Again I am truly sorry about your experience. Please do not let this affect your opinion regarding the Penecostals.
Hebrews 10:28-29 "He that despised Moses' law died without mercy under two or three witnesses: Of how much sorer punishment, suppose ye, shall he be thought worthy, who hath trodden under foot the Son of God, and hath counted the blood of the covenant, wherewith HE WAS SANCTIFIED, an unholy thing, and hath done despite unto the Spirit of grace." Sounds like backsliding is a present and dangerous reality in every Christian's life.
Joshua Jones Always look forward to discussing with them interested in the word of GOD. Heb 10:28 has pronouns that must be specifically applied. The First ‘he’ person is the transgressor. But the HE WAS SANCTIFIED refers to the Lord CONSECRATED (SANCTIFIED) FOREVER MORE (everlasting) in Heb 8:28. That changes the complexity of the verse, and the meaning is that despising the Law of Moses could bring physical death, but despising the Everlasting New Covenant brings spiritual (thus eternal) death. And that is a lot worse.
Actually I dont see that that makes sense because it says the transgressor was sanctified with the blood of the Son of God, Jesus was not sanctified with his own blood.
Joshua Jones Jesus by His blood sanctified the everlasting New Covenant. Most do not know how Israelites were saved in the OT, forgetting that it is alway by faith. The Law of Moses was given because of transgressions, till the SEED of Abraham would come, so that the SAVED Israelite would have a way of fellowshipping with GOD, given for his sanctification (to fellowship with GOD). THE LAW OF MOSES WAS NEVER GIVEN TO SAVE A MAN, BUT AN ISRAELITE THAT TRUSTED THE LORD, AS ABRAHAM HAD DONE BEFORE, WAS SAVED BY FAITH. All, everyone failed, only JC kept the Law. Why? Because of the sinful flesh that kept them from perfectly sanctifying themselves, which we cannot do today EITHER in our own power, but the indwelling Spirit of Christ does it for us as we yield to Him. An OT Israelite was SAVED in the same manner as Abraham and Joseph were saved; again the Law of Moses was not given for salvation, but for the saved Israelite to come closer to GOD. If a SAVED Israelite chose not to do the Law, who was in the community or commonwealth of Israel, if 2-3 witnessed his despising the Law of Moses, he could be killed (were any ever killed?), lose his life, but still remained saved. On the other hand, today if a man has trodden down the Son of GOD, despising his Sacrifice for us, that man’s is worthy of damnation in hell (unless he turns to the Lord at some point, by faith). The believing and Saved Israelite could lose his life, the man today that despises JC will lose his chance for eternal salvation. It is good talking to you JJ. Sorry, I did not comment on your answer. The passage does not say that the transgressor was sanctified by the blood of JC, but that the blood of the Covenant He (the Lord) was sanctified/consecrated the mediator of the New Testament, by whose blood the N. Testament is dedicated. See Hebrews 7:28 8:18-20 The passage is not speaking about a Born Again believer, but speaks as one who is a heathen and has not received eternal salvation by his unbelief.
So I’ve backslidden, because I feel so convicted of my sin and I have to get back to God, I just don’t know how.
I suggest you spend more time with God. Prayer, reading the Bible and doing other Godly things will help your spiritual growth and can get you back on track. Also note that your conviction of sin is proof of the spirits work in you. If you were not being convicted, that would be more proof of a backslidden Christian than a Christian being convicted of sin because a backslidden Christian could potentially not feel anything wrong with sin. If you are backsliding or backslidden, pray to God and repent of your sin. Turn from sin to the Lord Jesus. Remember his grace and his mercy upon us.
@Life with - God has been patient with me for 26 years. That's how long I was backslidden. In 2020, He has called me back home and given me grace to repent. And I can tell you it's a day-to-day journey still, but a blessed one filled with His grace, patience and love. Happy to share my journey with you - Skype - live:gvt.1974_1
@@GeneDangusBurner thank you for this comment
Lately I’ve backslidden and as I was backsliding I was feeling less and less convicted of the Holy Spirit n now Idk how to gradually come back to God.
When you backslid did your joy and the presence of God ho away?
If you're a backsliden Christian you're still and eternally saved. A person who is backsliden means that a person has become inactive, not unsaved, or lost of salvation.
No one or nothing can break God's seal. You're sealed by the Holy Spirit until the day of your redemption. Sin or sinning has nothing to do with whether a person is saved or not. Spiritual growth isn't intent but a process.
Salvation is intent in accordance to 1Cor.15:1-4; Eph.2:8,9; Eph.1:13; John 3:16. It's the who so ever will call on the nane of the Lord, shell be saved. Don't be received by these false believers, these social tares, false teachers. Eternal life is Eternal security.
Even before I watch the video - that is an EXCELLENT question! '
Hi I am ill and feel back sliding what to I do ???
I stared reading a few chapters of the Bible a day and I have been set free for a few days
As well as repentance
The hardest part of repentance is to actually feel remorse for your mistakes and acknowledge them not the confession itself
It takes one to be still and let God clean that mess you picked up in your life.
1 Corinthians 3:15; 1 Corinthians 5:5; Ephesians 4:30
Once you're saved you're always saved, God is aware of our actions he knows we will screw up and backslide
there can be deep consequences for sinning after being saved. Yes we sin, and wont even know it. Its about actively choosing something you know, full well, thats NOT of Gods Will...thats when you get into, potentially, dangerous territory. I dont quite subscribe to the OSAS theme. There are plenty of warnings about falling away. Its better to remain faithful than getting involved in things you shouldnt. I fell away for many years, and the conseqences will remain for the rest of my life. I doubt I will ever be a good witness and will probably never get married/raise a family; and enjoy what God might have planned for me. Tread carefully and think long and hard before fooling around. Life isnt a 'toy'.
Once saved always saved is Biblical. If you don't believe that then you are wrong
@@Cloudforest811 you only have to look at anyone who has fallen away, its not a pretty sight is it? I think, in my own experience I might add, that God does complete a work in someone, no matter what they get up to...until its a total denial of Jesus. I know a guy locally who was all keen and committed years ago. Fell away and I remember hearing him boasting of it one night. Its very dangerous territory to be in.
I still dont things 'right' but every day I do see a better difference in how I accept things and accept fact with the stupidity I have done I can identify with some people. This NEVER justifies falling back into a sin filled life. Very dangerous to do that, because there is a 'trap' that the evil one can set where your credibility will be shot to pieces. Paul actually warns of this in one of his Letters. Derek Prince also speaks about those who have fallen away, being the most dangerous people to be around because God can created havoc to flush them out and back into obedience. All isnt lost, but its better to stay in the Fold. Its better to be in trouble for the right reasons (because share the Truth and watch what happens) Thanks Rebekah for your reply, God Bless you.
"Having tasted" - They were never saved in the first place.
You can fall out of God's prescribed will for your life through disobedience this is what you're referring to but not his sovereign will of your salvation. If you can lose your salvation then that means you have to maintain it and if that's the case we're all going to hell. Why? Because the standard of God is complete holiness which is set apart in another category. The problem is that people dont have a high enough view of God's holiness and that's why they think they can maintain salvation and when they slip they're scared of losing it... You've already lost it if your standard is God's standard not your fleshly standard; Gods standard truly humbles us into a right reverence for him which produces fruit.
@@jacobwoods6153 well put. Yes I would agree with that. Wish I hadnt fooled about over the years, might have settled and had family by now. One of the biggest lies we can tell ourselves is that we can live our life, in deep compromise, and sort it all out later. The years go hurtling past and before you know it you are lookin at the last (probably) couple or so decades of life. Truth is, of course, is that we can die anytime from disease or accident. Its quite shocking to see those who were once keen on Jesus, fall away and get into all kinds of trouble. Two family members were once keen and committed but they have fallen away. One has taken a buddhist stance and the other is just anti believing in anything. Quite sad to see. A friend used to be a Baptist, but 'failed' years ago. Fact it was he who was very reserved with me when I was converted. Its sad to see, but then thats the 'will' we are given. All I know is that I cant go on in life, ignoring what I know...and being confronted with people who are in obvious and serious trouble in life...and being useless because I havent spent time in prayer/bible/worship, is really galling. Anyway....lets see what happens now!
Blessed are the people whom are at the center of God working in their midst instead of attempting to do works for Jesus by them.
Well if you are saved and truly saved. Believe Jesus died on the cross for our sins, was buried, and rose again three days later. Then you get sucked into the world and it's game and stop putting God first you are backslidden. If you don't believe in Jesus and that he saved all sinners then your a non believer.
There is always a chance to come to Jesus 💕"For God so LOVED the world 🌎 that He GAVE His Only Begotten Son that WHOSOEVER BELIEVETH IN HIM should not 🚫 perish, but have everlasting life." (John 3:16). Jesus gives us EVERLASTING LIFE, not 🚫 temporary life! It's not like you can lose your salvation every 5 seconds or so!!
That is not what I said.
This is pretty fancy, high level intellectual Christianity. I’ll have to listen to this a few more times. If the thief on the cross couldn’t understand this, he was in trouble. But the Lord Jesus, in all His pain and suffering, made it so simple for him. You see, he had no time left to go to theological school. Jesus told him he would very shortly be with Him in Paradise. Always remember that Jesus saves - to the utmost. Etc.
Yes and after Jesus declared to this thief that he would be with Jesus that very day in paradise then just how long did that poor thief suffer on that terrible long drawn out death after Jesus declared to him that blessed statement. Dying on a cross is not a pleasant trial to endure for possibly many hours after Jesus finished His work and left the body. Should then not that thief still had wondered with doubts if Jesus Was Who He claimed to be during the terrible tortures of the damned in his physical body till he finally gave up the ghost? Yes when we all f1rst understood John 3:16 and believed it for the first time do we not all wonder endlessly whether WHOSOEVER includes us instead of taking it all by faith come what may be it a quick peaceful transition of a terrible painful horrible time of physical suffering? I cannot but think that there had to be great doubt in this believing thief's mind in the transition while being tortured with the inexcusable suffering before his transition came.
I was told we're all predestined. So whether you're sorrowful or not, repent or not, there's nothing you can do anyway. God has already made the choice
Its been 2 months but i wanna reapond anways. Theres no such thing as predestination. God doesnt decide who is saved and who isnt. You do. God knows who will be saved but that doesnt mean you're picked. God gives you life and allows challenges and its up to you to decide whether you want to be saved or not. God weeps over those who arent saved. A loving God doesnt play favorites
I know you're sincere, but trust me, I know well learned people who will argue all day on this point and have plenty of Scripture to back them up.
That is Calvinism, or Jansenism. The latter was common in 17t Century France, but has been condemned as a heresy. Predestination assumes that time runs in Heaven, so thee is a "before" and an "after." That is the kind of world we are used to, but time may be a Fourth Dimension, with no existence outside our Universe. Each soul will be judged on its own merits. My attitude is to wait and see.
@@nickcomeens5030 I asked God once if I was predestined to hell and He said no. So I think God gives many chances
@@nickcomeens5030 To say people are given a choice is a fools errand. The Bible always describes 'the chosen'. God chooses you and mends your heart. He will have mercy on whoever He wishes to have mercy on. If God gives you a choice that is to say you know more than Him and are even capable to dislodge him. Let every men be a liar, and lie really good till God comes for them and saves them. But there is loving a lie that in turn means loving darkness and not opening your heart to Christ - this part was for known before the foundations of the earth and it is a mystery.
Thanks for deleting my post.
"Repentance over time". That is great! I like his exhortation of this qusetion.
As a former backslidden but now repentant believer, I can speak from personal experience that my Heavenly Father DID NOT change His mind about adopting me. I am still His property, even though I lived in willful sin and disobedience for many years. It’s by God’s grace alone that I am still alive today.
Thank you, Lord Jesus. 🙏
2 Timothy 2:19-21 - Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, The Lord knoweth them that are His. And, let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity.
Why is mere repentance good enough? You're still going to sin, right? By Christian standards, one sin alone is the worst of the worst.
So that it may be by grace.
I seek help understanding the word of God by referring to the Institutes of Christianity by John Calvin, Systematic Theology, by Charles Hodge, and by the collected Sermons of Martin Luther. What strikes me is how incredibly devoted and diligent, and deeply wise they were as followers, believers, pastors, translators, commentary writers, letter writers, etc. And to think they didn't have computers and modern pens and paper is astounding. I haven't seen any modern theologians who even come close. Have a look at either of their commentaries on Romans, for example. It is mind-boggling. Then I step back, and relax with my 5-volume set of Matthew Henry's 'whole bible' commentary. Another devoted believer and pastor! If you read even a LITTLE of these guys, I think you'll find it immensely helpful and inspiring in your devotions.
Run away from Calvanism as fast and as far as you can. It is cancer to your faith.
Standing VS State?
Do you think likewise that pattern of sin and, unwillingness to repent or to see that as a sin in light of scripture that one is an unbeliever/rebellion?
Isaac Wilson if you can put your question more clearly it would be easy to reply
I rrblled slii paying for it
repent all the time
Praise the LORD 🙏🏻
Yes, repentance overtime is very important. Self-righteousness is extremely harmful, Self- realisation, Self-repentance and Self-submission gives us peace in the Salvation of GOD JESUS CHRIST. THE HOLY SACRIFICE
What is repentance over time mean? Being in a state of sinlessness and resisting temptation over time?
To be conscious and to be content with our conscience. GOD speaks to us explaining what is good. Romans 16:19
1 Thessalonians 4:11, 12. Verses
2 Thessalonians 3:1 to 15 Verses
I always strive to be like a Berean to read the Bible and learn rather than listening to sermons. If the sermons are taught according to the scriptures in the Bible, then I will certainly listen and note the written references.
GOD bless you Always Brother
@@thankfulvoice6474 Yes, I read the bible a lot but recently given into temptation and fell into sin. When that happens it's usually followed by disappointment and i doubt my sincerity. Thanks and God Bless you as well.
So .... am i screwed?
No, you are if you choose to be. It’s a pattern of seeking that shows the real repentance.
@timothy6115 genuine interaction here, no bs. What about constant failure, and confusion over what to do? What if I find myself continuing to backslide as the years pile on with no sign of actual victory over it
@@anonymousmouse505 failure isn’t an option, at the end of the day God has given you a free will, choose life or choose death. If you’re a genuine Christian, you can stop whatever it is, no matter what it is, by the Holy Spirit. Just stop doing it, if it’s lust flee from it. You have one life to live, don’t choose defeat. Choose life and walk away from it.
Pretty good explanation
Mk.10.18 why callest thou me good, only God is good" It implied the claim that the word of the Holy Father, the Pope of the day was infallible was an assertion in the face of acute misrepresentations. even misinterpretation of doctrine pertinent to those times. That said most of The Catholics in the world would heed the word of the Pope above any other human on Earth. Angels might cross 90% perfection, holy celibates straddle around 80%, if mere mortals cross 50:50 we are doing well, but as Teacher says could do better.
The Pope is infallible only when speaking ex cathedra, from his Papal chair, on matters of dogma, no more. No doubt he will consult with his council before doing so, but otherwise, he is just as fallible as any human. But don't worry about the Pope; the Catholic Church produces outstanding people. A Protestant wanted to help found a non-Catholic school to have employees of the qualiy of the girls from the local Catholic college. I have two daughters and an exchange student married to Catholics, and I can see the benefits. All of them are fine people. They say that God looks at the heart, not at the Church they attended here.
Godly biblical wisdom I love it!!
This sounds a lot like works equal salvation.
I must say, despite this man's apparent education...he does not understand sin or repentance. His lack of clarity on the matter taints his message and will cause those to hear it, to become ensnared. It is a confirmation that it does not matter your educational stature among men...the GOD of Israel reveals the truth to whom HE will. It is the pure of heart who understand the way of the ALMIGHTY ONE.
You cannot know. Jesus, not Noah, is your answer. Jesus told the lawyer the two commandments: "Love God, and love your neighbour as yourself. Do this, and you will live." Note that Jesus agrees with proper self-love, as opposed to pride or conceit. Do the best you can."Angels can do no more than their own personal best." It is more than your personal best, but that isn't the point. Don't keep looking over your shoulder to see if you have slipped out of the running. Just keep going, and you will be O.K. Look at Jesus Himself, executed like a slave or criminal. He would have every reason to call himself a failure, but he didn't. I was born with major depression, so my "best" may be less than average. Depression affects a person's very character, and they would not want a wet blanket in Heaven. But I haven't lived on benefits, waiting for some new pill. I have done my personal best, in my circumstances.
Very true, that is what I have come to see as the Holy Spirit has guided me. Looking at what I did yesterday or tomorrow is the Devils ploy to get you to do things and the Holy Spirit to not fill you.
If you're an unbeliever you wouldn't be asking the question. I got saved, some of my behavior changed, I have a special spot and love for the lost. But I don't beat myself up over being born a sinner. I had no control over that and there's not a soul in hell that had a control over being born a sinner either.
So I don't beat myself up over my sin. God wanted perfection then I should have been born that way.
every one of us should have been put before that tree and then given a choice but we were not.
I don't doubt God is love but I think his definition is different.
He loves you so much he sent his son for you his son loves you so much he died for you but because you don't believe he has no problem watching you burn for all of an eternity.
I don't think I want to call that love at least not by my definition of it anyway.
Again I'm a sinner saved by grace and I do believe but I just cannot and will not feel bad because I was born to sinner.
People just get in line with God and ignore the obvious because they're scared of him.
He put that tree in that garden and he knew what he was doing . you can blame the devil all day long if you want to.
Yes he has some capability in it but that little pissing contest the two of them have going on well they could have left us out of it.
@john Kerr and all…
The Lord Jesus died a horrible death because HE took the responsibility for that sin in the Garden whatever it was. It was probably something so heinous that you or I could not come close to doing it. Yet, we have sinned much anyway.
Our salvation is necessary though but not through the confession of that sin or any other nor can we perform any other works to gain salvation. There is no contest. The price has been paid and God is satisfied. But you still have to believe in the One who satisfied Him. That person is He Himself, God the Son. He does not contest with evil. He is God.
I can’t belive what I just read ! You claim to be a born again but hav views like this ! You need to to sit down and ask for forgiveness as no one born again would speak against the lord in the manner you just did !
God wanted a heart to strive for holiness...
@@joeswartz8286 behind believe is a action.
@@jeffouellette9946 No there is none at all. Repentance is offered by God; and when you accept faith and belief are restored to you just like when you were a baby, but better.
Your "honest answers" didn't answer a thing. Way to talk in circles for 5 and a half minutes.
According to Charles Stanley, you can't lose your salvation. It doesn't matter how you live. In his book, Eternal Security, he writes: "Even if a believer for all practical purposes becomes an unbeliever, his salvation is not in jeopardy." (Found in the chapter: Faithful to the Faithless).
I listen Andrew Farley and Joseph Prince-for me Stanley very wrong . Non believer can't be saved ,its ridiculous ,when i heard that one preacher say that you may became atheist and still be saved. I think free gracers are guilty in kind of death mistake . The truth is that we can't know people heart and persone can be just a professor without true faith , we can also conclude that true believer can't have a constant sinfull lifestyle ,we should observe true change. It's not absence of rightoues living (free grace) and also it's not beliveing that our perfect right living is foundation of our assurance (lordship salvation ) .We fully trust Christ for salvation ,but behavior matters . I think Andrew Farley has a good explanations of this question .
Hello Bailey if a believer becomes an unbeliever he was never ours in other words he was not a believer to begin with which implies he wasn't a true christian 1 John 2:19. So we ought to be careful! what I think he was trying to say is that a true christian who truly believes won't loose his/her salvation which is indeed true.
Don't listen to Charles Stanley about this.
i take it he's trying to emphasize the point a christian wont even lose faith in the first place. Perseverance of the saints.
Yeah then he's wrong.
They key is to knowing Gods voice and being able to speak in tongues, the Scripture says all who come to him he won't cast away, john 6/37.his voice keeps you going in the darkest and most hopeless of times above what your circumstances and soul will tell you, 1john 3/20,john 10 27-28,many good books on hearing Gods voice, in my opinion if you don't give up on God and his word he will not give up on you, he is infinitely more faithful and stronger than any human.
Isaiah 42 1-9,psalm 103.
"being able to speak in tongues" means nothing!
@@deandalley3607 I've lived a life without speaking in tongues and with it, believe me there is a difference and with it its way better, by by and God bless
@@trailrider759 LOL ...
By "living in sin" would you call that coming to God?
Speaking in tongues is a gift of the spirit not a requirement for salvation smh.
On this one I totally disagree. There is no such thing as a backslidden Christian. The term backslidden only used in the OT and it is only used for the nation Israel, not for an individual and it ALWAYS means they are lost. 1 John makes it clear that a believer can NEVER return to the practice of sinning. 1John 3:9. He makes it clear that we are commandment keepers. 1John 2:4. So no a true believer cannot backslide into practicing sin.
John Smith What about Isaiah 57:17-19 brother? There must be repentance and ultimately turning from sin and victory over sin, but God's grace extends even to those who have fallen backwards or "backslidden" as long as they will repent.
Hello Tyler Corner. First I would say that you are confused about what repentance is. Second the passage you chose is not about a believer returning to sinning. believe what the NT says in the passages I gave.
We do not get saved by praying a prayer, being baptized, asking
Jesus into our hearts, joining a church, cleaning up our lives or doing all
these thing accumulative. Salvation takes repentance toward God and faith in the
Lord Jesus Christ, Acts 20:21. Make no mistake. We cannot be a friend of Christ
and remain a rebel against God. The word repent, from the Greek word
“metanoia”, means a change of mind or direction. That change is not 50%, 75%,
or 99%. It is 100% or we are not repenting.
God is not receiving those who almost or kind of repent.
It is like the word about face which is a 180 degree turn. We turn from not
wanting God fully in our lives to accepting Him fully in our lives.
When any person comes to the place where they are broken
over their sin to the point they want to get right with God no matter what it
will cost them they are in a state/spirit of repentance toward God.
We then take that heart we have towards God and place it on the Lord Jesus
Christ and that becomes faith. At that moment God’s grace through Christ is
applied to us and we are born again, saved from eternal hell and sealed by the
Spirit so that we will never again return to the practice of sinning. 1John
Repentance of sin is the result of the new birth/salvation and will be part of
the sanctification process and our new life with the Lord Jesus Christ, Eph
2:10. While we may sin from time to time after salvation it will not be our
practice 1John 3:9,10.
John 14:21 He
that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it
is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I
will love him, and will manifest myself to him.
John Smith I was not suggesting we're saved by a "praying a prayer". I was merely saying it is possible for a believer to fall into even horrible sin, as long as they ultimately repent from it. I agree with you that you cannot go on sinning and not be an enemy of God; repentance is an ongoing style of life that turns from sin and grows as we grow-- but there are seasons when we are failing and sinful. Consider the Corinthians who sinned grievously and yet were filled with godly sorrow that lead to repentance without regret. Also David-- would we not say he was backslidden when he sinned? Yet God affirms he was a man after his own heart. Yes, friendship with the world means enmity with God; but if there is a repentance from sin as the video suggests, then one can be assured they are born again.
Hello David Corner. You mentioned David. No he was not backslidden. The word means to be apostate. look up the Hebrew word. May I suggest that you forget about using OT saints as examples. OT saints did not have the Spirit as we do today in the church. John 14: 16, and 17. I am basing my belief on scripture and you are basing yours on men's teachings. A Christian CANNOT backslide. 1John 2:9 and 3:9. While it is true that a Christian can commit a serious sin at given moment it is not possible for it to be a daily walk/practice. Also let me point out no place in the NT does it say to repent of sin. That is another man made doctrine. A lost person can confess and repent of sin and still not be saved. Repentance of sin and asking forgiveness is NOT what assures us of salvation. Repentance of sin for salvation is a works based teaching. It is no what we turn from but Who we turn to. Once we are saved God's Spirit keeps us from the practice of inning. Our assurance comes based on 1 John 2:3. So again based on scripture no Christian can backslide. Backsliding is just one of the many false teachings that has crept into the church today and sadly many love the teaching. As to the Corinthians Paul questions their salvation in what we call the second letter.
The question as asked is unanswerable; it should read, "Am I am unbeliever or delusional?"
Troll poop.
Without feeding the troll, let me suggest that unbeliever and delusional is the same thing. :)
Jokes aside, Shannon, you can have the assurance in your heart if you understand what Jesus did for you on that cross and how much He loves you still. It's not too late to seek God and truly ask Him to show you His love. Don't believe the lies of this temporary world. This world is dying and Jesus has provided a way for you to know and come to God.
If you have any doubts you are probably an unbeliever. The child of God knows full well when they are not walking in fellowship with the Lord. That is why God gave us a conscience.
i dunno. i believe in the abstract concept of god. that being shaped by having grown up in a christian church. let me ask u something. is it possible for god to never answer some humans prayers. yet i still believe in god. but i think much of christianity's understand of god is mistaken.
@@robbadlands9281 Hi Rob. I don't know what you mean by an 'abstract' concept of God. Though being brought up in a Christian environment is a blessing in itself, sometimes it can be a hindrance in the spiritual growth of young Christians. We are protected from reality out in the world. We get converted to faith in Christ and soon discover that though we believe our sins are forgiven, that we find the reality of 'sin' in our human nature. We are sinners by nature so that we sin in practice. It is not sinning which makes us a sinner. Then it comes down to the doctrines and teachings of the church fellowship you attend. Some are calvanist and others are armenian. Some believe in eternal security of the believer and others believe in saved and lost. These problems come down from poor and unspiritual leadership in their churches. We 'need' a balanced understanding of scripture. Salvation can be seen from man's responsible side and also from God's purposes in Christ Jesus. They both come together at the cross of Calvary, but when a child of God digs deeper into the purposes and will of God in Christ, then the assurance of salvation becomes a certainty to the believer.
I, too, believe that a large proportion of what is taught on 'christian' platforms is wrong and misleading. Especially as regards prayer. It is taught that God will deny us nothing when we ask. The vast majority of 'human' prayers go no higher than the ceiling of the room you are in. We need to pray in the Spirit and be guided with the principle that what we ask 'in His Name' is something which the Lord Jesus would ask of His Father himself. Just mentioning the name of Jesus is not what is meant, though that is clearly what is understood by many, even genuine Christians. The Lord only prayed for the will of His Father to be done. We should be likewise. He will always hear the sinners prayer for forgiveness and salvation.
Smeaton, haven’t you read 1 John 3:18-20 “My little children, Let us not love in word or tongue, but in deed and in truth. And by this we know that we are of the truth, and shall assure our hearts before Him. For if our heart condemns us, God is greater then our heart, and knows all things.” Here the apostle John is comforting those with a condemning heart, for it is a advantageous angle of satan to cast doubt into a believers heart but they need to be anchored in the scriptures. Be careful what you say in all things but especially peoples salvation. And remember Romans as well “do not say in your heart ‘who will ascend into heaven’ or ‘who will descend into the abyss?’ But what does it say, ‘the word is near you, in your mouth and in your heart’ that if you confess with your mouth Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead you will be saved.” You don’t live your whole life at once, believe and get back up and walk again after the Lord Jesus, beg for God to make you worthy, He is faithful to bring you to sanctification if you believe with your whole heart. Amen
Not true
Your conscience is not the Holy Spirit. It is the Spirit that encourages you to continue to fight the good fight!
I’m going through it as I am writing this. The devil can torment your mind and emotions with doubts but the Lord will help you through, just continue to fight and don’t give up on the Lord. He has invested a lot into you!!!!!
These are unbelievers: Trinitarians, eternal torment believers, and freewillers.
WRONG.... ............
@@caroleimani9754 , would you explain WHY?
Trinitarians just don’t see that God is indivisibly 1. Still love them though
1 John 5:7
“For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one.”
,@@777Seals questionable text, that.
This speaker doesn't know what he's talking about. I'm curious as to how he runs his church (assuming he's in leadership). This guy is clueless. Everyone must be 'backslidden' in his church.
Pretty vague comment, can you explain what you mean please?
Are you free from sin?
God wil lead His people to the sea of dead, the sea of unbelive, the sea of depression, the sea of lonliness... i ve been there and God was there all the time. Jesus i love u! I backslide daily, in works thoughts feelings.
But every night i repent, and weep for the Almighty to bring it home, His OWN Work in my life!
Mk.10.18 why callest thou me good, only God is good" It implied the claim that the word of the Holy Father, the Pope of the day was infallible was an assertion in the face of acute misrepresentations. even misinterpretation of doctrine pertinent to those times. That said most of The Catholics in the world would heed the word of the Pope above any other human on Earth. Angels might cross 90% perfection, holy celibates straddle around 80%, if mere mortals cross 50:50 we are doing well, but as Teacher says could do better.