Keep in mind 99% of the soldiers are forcibly serving the dictator having said that the chain command goes from top down, if they break that chain command the consequence is severe. The soldier is caught between a rock and a hard place.
مرحب الاخوة هينوك وخالد وشكرا لما تقدموه من تحليلات وتداعيات سياسة القرن الافريقي ، ولكم التحيه ، واعتقد ان هروب 150 جندي من القوات الارترية هو امر مدبر من قبل النظام هؤلاء الجنود الذين دخلوا الي جيبوتي هم من الطابور الخامس للنظام الدكتاتوري ، والهدف هو خلق إشكالية مع جيبوتي من أجل عرقلة الاتفاقيات الموقة بين إثيوبيا والصومال من جه وبين جيبوتي وإثيوبيا من جهة اخري ، وعرقلت انسياب الملاحة الي جيبوتي بحيث تخلق تأثير علي النظام الإثيوبي ، وخلط أوراق المنطقة . وحسب ماهو معلوم عن النظام الديكتاتوري من المستحيل أن يجتمع رأي 150 جندي علي الإتفاق فيما بينهم من أجل الهروب فالأمر مدبر من قبل النظام من أجل زعزعت أمن المنطقة وخلق حالت عدم استقرار تضمن له الاستمرارية بعد ان ضاقت عليه حالت البقاء جراء تداعيات داخلية متنامية وحالة اقتصادية متردية ، ووضع خارجي غير مطمن ، وخصوصا بعد تدخل تركيا وما تحمله من ثقل سياسي واقتصادي يمكن أن يكون له تأثير مباشر في تداعيات اندثار نظامه القمعي الدكتاتوري ، والأيام المقبلة سوف تشهد منطقة القرن الافريقي صراع قوي سيكون البقاء فيها للقوي ونظام اسياس سوف يذهب الي المزبلة عسكريا واقتصاديا ، Hello, brothers Henok and Khaled, and thank you for your analysis and the repercussions of the Horn of Africa policy, and you greet, I think that the escape of 150 soldiers from the Eritrean forces is orchestrated by the regime, these soldiers who entered Djibouti are from the fifth column of the dictatorial regime, and the goal is to create a problem with Djibouti in order to obstruct the agreements between Ethiopia and Somalia on the one hand and between Djibouti and Ethiopia on the other, and obstructed the flow of navigation to Djibouti so as to create an impact on the Ethiopian regime, and mix the cards of the region. According to what is known about the dictatorial regime, it is impossible to meet the opinion of 150 soldiers to agree among themselves in order to escape, as the matter is orchestrated by the regime in order to destabilize the security of the region and create a state of instability that guarantees its continuity after it narrowed the state of survival due to growing internal repercussions and a deteriorating economic situation, and an unassured external situation, especially after Turkey's intervention and its political and economic weight that could have a direct impact on the repercussions of its extinction His repressive dictatorial regime, and the coming days will witness a strong conflict in the Horn of Africa where the strong will survive and the Isaias regime will go
Khalid indeed agreed but the justice seekers already knew many of the pretenders will now go back to Eritrea just to make the propaganda as if it is real, but they are clean HGDF. Trust me next will be derar georgo, and after some like Yoel fanus TV etc.. so the justice seekers will be more clear and strong than ever if we see more in future like Daniel join HGDF.
Keep my words I’m going to tell you something secret…IKemal Ali and Samson misginga will be next Daniel. Please don’t confuse Samson faith with evangelical faith
ስላም የሕዋት ጽቡቕ አስተምህሮ አጆኩም !!!
እታ ናይ ወዶ ገባ ልክዕ አለካ ኻልድ ሓውና የሳልጠልና እስከ !!!
ውድቀት ንህግደፍ !!!
ዋውው እጹብ ትንታነን፡ ክስዕብ ዝኽእል political predictable ዝሓዘ ሰነድ ኣቅሪብኩም።
Thank you guys brilliant response from Kald abdu a big lesson
Thanks memharan ✅💚
እንቆዕ ኣብጸሕና ናብ ሓዱሽ ዓመት 2025
ሓቂ ስራዊት ውልቀ መላክ እምበር ናይ ሃገር ኣይኮኑን 💙💙💙🌿🌿🌿💙💙💙🌿🌿🌿💪💪💪💙💙💙🤝🤝🤝
Tack bra jobbat 👍👌🌹
Happy Neu Year Henok & Khaled 💙💙💙💙
Thanks Henok and Khalid for your clarification. Happy new year to you.
Thank you 🙏😍♥️
Happy new year 🎉 ✨️
Thanks good job
ኣወዳድባ ኣሰራርሓኹም ብጣዕሚ ጽቡቕ ቀጽልዎ
Good to see guys happy new year 🎉
Good on you henok and Khalid for been doing fantastic job happy new year ❤🎉❤
What’s is the fantastic job???
thank you 🙏
Khalid as usual excellent response
ERPM & Admas form good hob👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍
Happy new year Guys
Kalid you are extraordinary…nberelna eske kalidey tedlya ika n 🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷
Xebok tentan kaled abudu thanks more
Happy New year 🎉🎉🎉
Happy new year to all family 💙💙💙💙
Kuwam mgbar ke Kab Hager mhlaw ykilkileka dyu
33 ዓመት ሲ 33 መዓዓልታት ኣይኮነን
ቅዋምና ቅድሚ 25 ኣብ ግብሪ ክውዕል ኔሩዎ። ይሕመቕ ይጸብቕ ሙጀመሪ ሙኾነ።
ስለምንታይ ዳኣ ኸ፣ እዚ ኩሉ ግዜን ገንዘብን ፈሲስዎ ነቲ ቁዋም ክስነድ?
በዓል ኣወል ስዒድ ፓፓጋሎ ዝበልዎ በል ተባሂሉ ኢዩ ዝልፍልፍ ዘሎ።
ንኣወል ስዒድ ኣይትጽልኡዎ።
ሳልኡ ኢዩ ብርጌድ ንሓመዱ ኢለ ኢየ ዝኣምን። ኣብ ኤውሮጳ መጺኡ ሓዱሽ ኣፈኛ ናይ ጽርግያ ክብሎ ዘይግቦኦ ቃላት ንተቓለስቲ ናይ ንዕቀትን ብደዐን ምስ መደረ ዝተፈጥረ ቁጠዐ፣
ብርጌድ ንሓመዱ ከም እሳተ ጎመራ ተተኲሱ ወጹኡ።
Thank you Awel Seed.
Selam Memhr Kald Abdu ❤❤❤
2025 ruhus hadush amet kkonelka endatemeneku" Neti Dmxi wxue hzbi Ertrea tgebro seleka kslsi abertieka ktkxlo dma ymne.
ሮሑስ ሓድሽ ዓመት ከምኡ ውን ኣያና ካልድ
Bravo kald
Keep in mind 99% of the soldiers are forcibly serving the dictator having said that the chain command goes from top down, if they break that chain command the consequence is severe.
The soldier is caught between a rock and a hard place.
ዳንኤል ብሓቂ ዶ ደላይ ፍትሒ ኔሩ ካብ መበገሲኡ እንድዒ ምስ ደላይ ፍትሒ ዝቐረበ ብዕላማ ኢዩ ኔሩ ይብል ግን ንኹሉ ግዜ ኣለዎ ንጸበ
Beal Daniel liukat hgdef zneberu ember tekalesti aykonun
ካልድ ንፍዑ አዩ ግን ኣንነት ኣልዎ ኩሉ ጊዜ ከምዚ ኢለ ኔይረ የብዝሕ ኮይኑ
ነኹሉኹም አራፒም ሩሑስ ሐዲሽ ዐመት
Eritreanwi mehfer.. metkel albo...
Echakum echa soriya ya😢berayu😮
ኢሰያስ በተሓሳስቡኡ ዋላ ንኣምላኽ ዝስዕሮ እዩ ዝመስሎ። ንምንታይ ኣይመውትን እየ ኢሉ ስለ ዝኣምን ኣብ ፍጥረት ስለ ዘይኣምን ቡኡ እዩ ምክትል ዘየድልዮ ተሞትኩ ኽኣ ብድሕረይ ሳዕሪ ኣይትብቖላ።
ዓብዱ ናይጥዕናን ዘይጥዕናን / ናይተማህረን ዘይተማህረን ኣይኮነን፡ ናይድልየትን ቅንዕናን እምበር። ጋውናን መሽረፈትን ብኸመይ እንዳምሰልናን ኣታለልናን ህዝብታት እንዳባኣስናን ባብልዕሊኦም ቸቸ ንብል እዩ ድልየቶምን ክእለቶምን። ፖለቲካ ቁማር ብኣህዛብ ዝጻውቱ መራሕቲ፡ ሰላምን ቅሳነትን ኣብ ህዝብታት ክህሉ/ክመጽእ ንረብሐኦም ስለዘየግልግልን ዘይንታዮምን ስራሕቶም ኩሉ በዚኣንጻር እዩ ዝቃነ።
ተስፋ ቆሪጾም ዝተኣልዩ ንናጽነት ኤርትራ ኣይኮለፎን ማዕበል ህዝቢ ብሕሱራት ውልቀ ሰባት ክዕቀን ዝክኣል ኣይኮነን
مرحب الاخوة هينوك وخالد وشكرا لما تقدموه من تحليلات وتداعيات سياسة القرن الافريقي ، ولكم التحيه ،
واعتقد ان هروب 150 جندي من القوات الارترية هو امر مدبر من قبل النظام هؤلاء الجنود الذين دخلوا الي جيبوتي هم من الطابور الخامس للنظام الدكتاتوري ، والهدف هو خلق إشكالية مع جيبوتي من أجل عرقلة الاتفاقيات الموقة بين إثيوبيا والصومال من جه وبين جيبوتي وإثيوبيا من جهة اخري ، وعرقلت انسياب الملاحة الي جيبوتي بحيث تخلق تأثير علي النظام الإثيوبي ، وخلط أوراق المنطقة . وحسب ماهو معلوم عن النظام الديكتاتوري من المستحيل أن يجتمع رأي 150 جندي علي الإتفاق فيما بينهم من أجل الهروب فالأمر مدبر من قبل النظام من أجل زعزعت أمن المنطقة وخلق حالت عدم استقرار تضمن له الاستمرارية بعد ان ضاقت عليه حالت البقاء جراء تداعيات داخلية متنامية وحالة اقتصادية متردية ، ووضع خارجي غير مطمن ، وخصوصا بعد تدخل تركيا وما تحمله من ثقل سياسي واقتصادي يمكن أن يكون له تأثير مباشر في تداعيات اندثار نظامه القمعي الدكتاتوري ، والأيام المقبلة سوف تشهد منطقة القرن الافريقي صراع قوي سيكون البقاء فيها للقوي ونظام اسياس سوف يذهب الي المزبلة عسكريا واقتصاديا ،
Hello, brothers Henok and Khaled, and thank you for your analysis and the repercussions of the Horn of Africa policy, and you greet,
I think that the escape of 150 soldiers from the Eritrean forces is orchestrated by the regime, these soldiers who entered Djibouti are from the fifth column of the dictatorial regime, and the goal is to create a problem with Djibouti in order to obstruct the agreements between Ethiopia and Somalia on the one hand and between Djibouti and Ethiopia on the other, and obstructed the flow of navigation to Djibouti so as to create an impact on the Ethiopian regime, and mix the cards of the region. According to what is known about the dictatorial regime, it is impossible to meet the opinion of 150 soldiers to agree among themselves in order to escape, as the matter is orchestrated by the regime in order to destabilize the security of the region and create a state of instability that guarantees its continuity after it narrowed the state of survival due to growing internal repercussions and a deteriorating economic situation, and an unassured external situation, especially after Turkey's intervention and its political and economic weight that could have a direct impact on the repercussions of its extinction His repressive dictatorial regime, and the coming days will witness a strong conflict in the Horn of Africa where the strong will survive and the Isaias regime will go
ጆርጆ ድራር ይኸደሎም ዶ ይኸዊን 😅
ሰራዊት ንስደት ምውጹኡ እሞ መፍትሒ ድዩ፡ ንሕና ስደት ምስፋርና እኳ ጌጋ ምንባሩስ ንሶም ኣብቲ ሃገር ውዳበ ጌሮም ክልውጡ ኣብ ክንዲ ንጉስጉስ ሲ ንስደት ነተባብዕ' መወዳእታ'ከ እንታይ ይኩን፡ ኢሰያስ 1000 ተወጹ 1000 የሰልጥን፡ ስለዚ ካልድ ብግቡእ ንመጻኢ ኣይትሓስብን ኣለኻ!
ቅዋም ዘይትግበር ፉሉጥ ኢዩ ንዓይ። ኢሳያስ ፍቅሪ ናይ አርትራ የብሉን። ኣነ ኢያ ኣምጼአያ ክምታ ዘምጽኣክዋ ድማ ኣብ ዘይተርክብዋ ሰቂለያ ክከይድ ኢየ ኢሉ ብግልጺ ነጊሩ ኢዩ። ዳሕራይ ከኣ ብጣዕሚ ንዕቀት ኣብ ሊዕለና ኣለዎ። ሰብ ግን ክም ፈጣሪ ኢዩ ዝስዕቦ ዘሎ።
Daniel Sliya eyu neru
papagalo iseyas
ቅዋም ሃልዩ ኣይሃልዩ ዘተግብሮ ዘኽብሮን ዝምእዘዞን መንግስቲ እንድሕር ዘየብሉ እንታይ ትርጉም ኣለዎ። ዋላደኣ ፋና ሃለውለው ትበል እምበር፡ ኣብይውን መንገዲ ጋውና ድላይካ እንዳገበርካ ሓብልዕሊ ህዝቢ ቸቸ እንዳበልካ ምጽናሕ፡/ ምቕጻል ከምዝከአል ፈሊጡስ ቅዋም ረጊጹ ሃገር ናብገሃነም ቀይርዋ ኣሎ።
Kazab wahid 😂😂
Khalid indeed agreed but the justice seekers already knew many of the pretenders will now go back to Eritrea just to make the propaganda as if it is real, but they are clean HGDF. Trust me next will be derar georgo, and after some like Yoel fanus TV etc.. so the justice seekers will be more clear and strong than ever if we see more in future like Daniel join HGDF.
አወል ዝብል ዘሎ ሃገራውነት ከየራጋገጽካ ቅዋም አይትበል እዩ ዝብል ዘሎ። ማለቱ ድማ ኤርትራ ሃገራውነታ አይረጋገጸትን እዩ ዝብል ዘሎ ቀጺሉ ድማ ዒም ዝበለ ይታሓጎም ይብል አሎ ንሱ ድማ ንኤርትራ እምበር ንኢትዮጵያ አይምልከትን እዩ ምኽንያቱ ኢትዮጵያ ቅዋም ስለዘለዋ። ግዝያዊ መንግስቲ ኤርትራ ክብል ከሎ እኮ ገና ቅዋማዊ ሃገር አይኮናን ማለት እኮ እዩ።
Keep my words I’m going to tell you something secret…IKemal Ali and Samson misginga will be next Daniel. Please don’t confuse Samson faith with evangelical faith
ኣወል ሲኢድ ብሂም ዝበለ ይታሃጎም ዶ በለ፥ንህማቅ ግዘስ ብኣል ጋአሳ ኣለዋ፥ዲያ ዝበለት ኣባየይ፥ሃቁ ንአኡ ዝከውን ሰብ ተሳኢኑ ፥ኣይበላ ኣሪትራውያን ካን ዲና ዝከዱ ዝደቀሱ ኮይና ?
😂😂😂😂 what are you 2 talking about please weak up
ካልድ ከም ሓደ ቡሱል ሰብ ። እዚ ናይ ሕከከኒ ክሓከካ ኣካይዳ ክትገድፎ መደብ ኣሎካ ዶ ፡
ሕርር ዶ ኢልካ አታ ዓጋመ ኻልድ ገና ሕርር ክትል ኢኻ
ኣቱም ሰባት ኮለል እንዶ ኣይትበሉ እቲ ዝዓበየ ሽግር ንኹሉ ሰብ ዘጉሃየ ንስኻትኩም ዝተኸተልኩሞን ትኽተልዎ ዘለኹምን ግጉይ ስነ ሓሳብ እዪ ናይዚ ኩሉ ነገር መበገሲ።ብሕጽር ዝበለ ኣይኮነን ምሳኹም ኮይኑ ዝቃለስ ዝነበረ ስ ይትረፍ እቲ ኣባኹም ተስፋ ጌሩ ዝጽበይ ዝነበረ ህዝቢ ዓገብ እንዳ በለኩም ክትሰምዑ ዘይትኽእሉሉ ምኽንያት እንታይ እዪ? ንመን ዲኹም ትቃለሱ ዘለኹም? ንረብሓ ትግራይ ምስራሕ ገዲፍኩም ናብ ህዝብኩምን ሃገርኩምን እንዶ ተመለሱ።እንታይ ድዪ ተጌርልኩም ኣብ ትግራይ ?
አየ በዓል ከዳዕን ተወልጀን በቃ ደርሆ ተሓለመትስ ጥረ ምረ ኮይኑ !!!! ትማል ወዲ ፍሩዙን ሰንኪሉ ተረሺኑ ኔራ ሕጂኸ በቃ እዚአ እያ