The is one Holy Orthodox Church! The break is only applied to clergy, not laity. The Churches which the MP broke with, the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople, Eastern Orthodoxy's First Throne, the Ancient Patriarchate of Alexandria, 2nd Throne, and the Churches of Cyprus and Greece did not reciprocate a brake.
@@arinzeikechukwu8938 you can talk with a priest in your city. Search for an orthodox church and ask a father from there, he will know what to do for you. Orthodox not chatolic.
@@theDARK_lady84 please u can help me . l beg of u. l had wanted to be a priest in Roman Catholic Church but issues came up & l left them. I am presently residing in U.A.E. I am not sure of any Orthodox here.
@Detective Orion Fernandes This is my email ( Can l talk with you in private? But with regards to your question, l have answered your questions from the above narrative. If you are not satisfied, contact me privately. Thanks
@@constantinfratica1603 amen papa amen vaticanotvespana Amin papa amen vaticanotvespana Amin papa amen vaticanotvespana Amin papa amen vaticanotvespana Amin papa amen vaticanotvespana Amin papa amen vaticanotvespana Amin papa amen vaticanotvespana Amin papa amen vaticanotvespana Amin papa amen vaticanotvespana Amin papa amen ✝️🙏🤲
@@constantinfratica1603 Amin papa amen vaticanotvespana Amin papa amen vaticanotvespana Amin papa amen vaticanotvespana Amin papa amen vaticanotvespana Amin papa amen vaticanotvespana Amin papa amen vaticanotvespana Amin papa amen vaticanotvespana Amin papa amen vaticanotvespana Amin papa amen vaticanotvespana Amin papa amen vaticanotvespana Amin 🤲🙏🤲🏻✝️✝️🙏🤲
God bless patriarch batolomeo who had suffered seeing his flock murdered. The Greeks government should has a claim to return Constantinople to creek and the Muslim should moved from Istanbul.😍
@@kaanbostanc9032 he is not funny .Russia will bring back Konstantinopol to Greece.Than must be.This is writen in ortodox prophecy.And yes it will happen soon
dan mal I am Judith Sanchez and female thanks I am not funny you right is a prophecy that Russia will invade 🇹🇷 and will take Constantinopla. Do you know that Crimea is now as for generations, is close to turkey 🇹🇷.? What Russia thinking I will love to see that.
@@JudithSanchez-ht6jn ok let's just assume that Russia attacks Turkey and takes Constantinople/ Instabul. Do you even think that they will give one of ( if not)most important city in the world to Greece. And let's assume that the Russian do give it to Greece. Who will the Greek government be able to keep stability among the Muslim citizens. The world is better when no wars happen. Let's keep it that way and then maybe we will be able to achieve salvation.
I am Muslim from Pakistan, Our Prophet Muhammad SAW says that who invade Constantinople will be entered into Jennah (Heaven) , so, Sultan Muhammad Fateh invaded it in 13th century i think , so how easy the Muslims give back to Christians . May Allah Give us the right path.
@@albertaowusu3536 Come to Orthodoxy as the Lord prayed for “That they may be One”. Ps. How many Roman Catholic priests have been successfully prosecuted and jailed for their horrific crimes against children ?
@Timothy Connelly The Lord is in control when He set His Church in Rome and the gates of hell will never prevail against it. Will be praying for you.🙏🙏🙏
@Θ.Σ.Κ.30 The gates of hell will not prevail. I don't know what horror you are talking about but have you studied all the good the Catholic church has done and continues to do throughout the world? I don't think so. God bless.
This wasn't a Pan Orthodox Council, a Great Synod (Council). Since 1992, Patriarch Bartholomew established the Assembly of the Heads (Primates) of the Orthodox Church which met bi-annually at the Phanar except for in 1994(?) when it met in Jerusalem. These assemblies were tremendous in keeping the Holy Orthodox Churches working together. Since the Moscow Patriarchate ceased communion with the clergy of the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople, the Patriarchate of Alexandria, and the Churches of Cyprus and Greece, over the EP's establishment of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine, an assembly has not been convened, most unfortunately. Patriarch Bartholomew, Archbishop of Constantinople, New Rome; and Ecumenical Patriarch, First Among Equals in Eastern Orthodoxy, is the longest serving Ecumenical Patriarch in history.
Amauri Costa god bless the Armenians people and their martyrs. Turkey will pay edorgan Satan minions he will pay the genocide kill Christians and the Greeks, asirian Armenian and now kurdors.
@@DjVortex-w yeah because there is no reason to venerate such kings. But there are other examples : „And David said to all the congregation, Now bless the Lord your God. And all the congregation blessed the Lord God of their fathers, and bowed down their heads, and worshipped the Lord, and the king.“ 1 Chronicles 29:20 Lot bowed down before the angels „And there came two angels to Sodom at even; and Lot sat in the gate of Sodom: and Lot seeing them rose up to meet them; and he bowed himself with his face toward the ground;“ Genesis 19:1 Jacob and Essau „And Jacob lifted up his eyes, and looked, and, behold, Esau came, and with him four hundred men. And he divided the children unto Le´ah, and unto Rachel, and unto the two handmaids. And he put the handmaids and their children foremost, and Le´ah and her children after, and Rachel and Joseph hindermost. And he passed over before them, and bowed himself to the ground seven times, until he came near to his brother.“ Genesis 33:1-3 Joseph „And Joseph was the governor over the land, and he it was that sold to all the people of the land: and Joseph's brethren came, and bowed down themselves before him with their faces to the earth.“ Genesis 42:6 David bowed also before Samuel, but I forgot the reference, or Moses before the father of his wife, if I am right etc etc
Celestial Greetings 12/12 into 12/13 Solar circle ⭕, door 12: Orthodoxy, Eastern & Oriental. Earth Grid: 330-359° CSC: Greece and Egypt Lunar circle 🔴, door 12 (of 13): Catholicism Western. Earth grid: 332.3-359° CSC: Rome CSC - Civilization System Carriers Element 12: East & West - WATER Planet designation: Hermes/Mercury
Ісус Хрыстос вельмі хутка! 🎺🎺🎺🎺🎺 Вяртанне Ісуса блізка! Ісус - адзіны шлях да нябёсаў! 📖 Ян 14: 6 кажа: "Ісус кажа:" Я - ШЛЯХА ІСТЭНЫ І ЖЫЦЦЯ. НІКОЙ НЕ ПРЫЙДАЕЦЦА БАЦЬКА (на нябёсах) АЛЕ МНЕ ". Хрыстос Ісус - адзіны, сапраўдны шлях да выратавання! Гэта бясплатны дар Богу ўсім, хто верыць і давярае Яму! РАСПАДАЧА! гэта адкупленне душы ад вечнага разбурэння пасля смерці чалавека на гэтай зямлі, ачышчэння ад крыві і смерці і сілы ўваскрашэння Ісуса Хрыста CtsАкт.4: 12 кажа. Выратаванне не знойдзена ні ў каго іншага (акрамя Ісуса Хрыста), бо пад небам няма іншага імя, дадзенага чалавецтву, дзякуючы якому мы павінны быць выратаваны ". Як адорана чалавеку выратаванне? Бо вы ласкай выратаваны праз веру; і гэта не ад вас: гэта дар Божы. Ян 3, 3 кажа: Ісус адказаў і сказаў яму: Сапраўды, сапраўды кажу вам: калі чалавек не нарадзіўся зноў, ён не бачыць Валадарства Божага. Як мужчына можа нарадзіцца? Нарадзіцца зноў у духоўным сэнсе - значыць памерці ад нашай старажытнай грэшнай прыроды і нарадзіцца зноў у духу, быць святым, праведным з новай прыродай у Хрысце Ісусе. O Каб нарадзіцца зноў, нам трэба пакаяцца і вызнаць сваё грэшнае мінулае дзеля святой будучыні. Што такое пакаянне? 👉 РЭПЕНТАЦЫЯ! Кожны, хто нарадзіўся ў гэтым свеце, з'яўляецца Народжаным грэшнікам. Чалавечая прырода грэшная. Грэх у нас апаганіў нас і аддзяліў нас ад Святога Бога! Мы павінны пакаяцца за ўсе бязбожныя, беззаконныя правіны Божых запаведзяў, зробленыя наўмысна ці несвядома, каб атрымаць міласэрнасць і ласку, каб нас не судзілі і не асудзілі, асудзілі вечнае пекла. Cts Дзеі 3: 19 кажа: "Пакайцеся, і звярніцеся да Бога, каб грахі вашыя былі знішчаны, каб часы асвяжэння ішлі ад Госпада". Што такое споведзь грахоў? 👉 КАНФЕСІЯ! Вінаватасць граху і яго асуджэнне адхіляюцца, калі чалавек сапраўды шкадуе сваё грэшнае мінулае і прызнае іх у прысутнасці Ісуса Хрыста. OmРаманцы.10: 9 і 10 ✔️Калі вы вызнаеце вуснамі Ісуса як Госпада і ў сэрцы паверыце, што Бог уваскрэсіў Яго з мёртвых, вы будзеце выратаваны; бо сэрцам чалавек верыць, што прыводзіць да праўды, і вуснамі ён вызнае, што прыводзіць да збаўлення. 📖 1 Ян, 1-ы раздзел і верш 9 кажа. FКалі мы вызнаем свае грахі, Ён (Ісус Хрыстос) верны і справядлівы, каб дараваць нам нашы грахі (кожны грэх) ... Адзіная мэта накіраваць Ісуса Хрыста ў гэты свет больш за 2020 год таму - гэта OJohn.3: 16-17 кажа " 👉 БОГ так палюбіў свет (нас), што Ён (Айцец Бог) даў Адзінароднага Сына, каб памёр за нас (нашага адкуплення), што той, хто верыць у Яго (Ісуса), не павінен гінуць (у пекле), але мець жыццё вечнае. OD Бог не паслаў Свайго Сына, каб асудзіць свет (нас), але свет (мы) праз Яго (Ісуса Хрыста) можа быць выратаваны. ⏩⏩⏩⏩⏩⏩⏩⏩⏩⏩⏩⏩⏩⏩⏩ Дарагі браце / сестра. Вы можаце быць любой расы, рэлігіі і веравызнання. Багаты ці бедны. Белы ці чорны ці карычневы. Вы, магчыма, найменшы грэшнік альбо найгоршы грэшнік на зямлі. Вы можаце весці найгоршае з амаральнага жыцця супраць прынцыпаў Усемагутнага Богу. Бог клапоціцца пра вашу будучыню, а не пра ваша мінулае. Усё, што Ён просіць у вас, гэта пакаяцца і вызнаць свае грахі, каб атрымаць міласэрнасць і мець надзейную і блаславёную надзею! 📖 Габрэі.10: 17 І пра іх грахі і беззаконні я больш не памятаю. ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ Калі вы кажаце гэтую невялікую малітву з верай… 👇 "Госпадзе Ісусе, я грэшнік, я здзейсніў столькі грахоў свядома і несвядома. Памілуй мяне. Калі ласка, даруй кожны мой грэх сваёй каштоўнай, святой крывёю, пралітай на крыжы, каб выратаваць мяне. Я лічу, што вы памерлі на крыжы, вас пахавалі і ўваскрослі трэці дзень для майго апраўдання. Я веру, што вы ўсемагутны Бог! Прымі мяне як сваё дзіця. Дапамажы мне весці святое жыццё. Напоўні маё сэрца радасцю, дай мне сэрца шукаць цябе. У Ісуса дарагое імя, я прашу і веру. Амін! 🙏🏼 ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ 👆 Калі вы сказалі гэтую малітву, я магу з упэўненасцю сказаць вам, што вы новае стварэнне. Ты нарадзіўся зноў у духу праз справядлівасць Ісуса Хрыста. 📖 2 Карынфянаў 05:17 "Таму калі хто-небудзь у Хрысце, гэта новая істота: старыя рэчы адыходзяць; вось, усё становіцца новым ". Будзьце сьвятыя, бо Гасподзь, Бог ваш, Сьвяты! ⏩ФОРМАЦЬ Грэх! RoПрычы.28: 13 кажа ... "Хто пакрывае грахі свае, не будзе квітнець; а хто спавядае і адпускае іх, памілуй. 👉📖Марк.16: 16 Хто верыць і ахрысціцца, будзе збаўлены; а хто верыць, не будзе асуджаны Прочытайце Біблію 📖⏩ Пазнайце праўду ⏩ Перайдзіце да Касцёла, арыентаванага на Хрыста⏩Байцеся ахрышчаны⏩Блаславіцеся! AyМае Святы Дух, каб Бог цябе вёў і накіроўваў! 🙏🏼 👉 Будзьце гатовыя да РЭПТУРЫ! (Вяртанне Ісуса Хрыста. СУДЗЯ) Няхай Гасподзь багата дабраславіць цябе 📢 Калі ласка, падзяліцеся і распаўсюдзьце гэты GOSPEL the МІР! ⏺️🙏🏼
Dear juses Christ please help me.i trust in u.i beg u.i need to walk.i am miss everything in my life friends happiness joyfull and all .please return me everything.all laughing at heart full of some miracle for me and my family.please pray for name is m.dharani.amen.
@@ellastrantellenas278 Boss.. The man was named among his family (Isus) And the Christian West calls him (Jesus) Christian Arabs call him (yasooa) Imagine if Isus was standing among the people while you were calling JESUS JESUS JESUS He will not turn to you because he does not know who you are calling him?
@@user-Alhashemi dude ur telling bullshit as like he was attached to a language he is our God he can speak every language and of course we can call his name in every language! Jesus derived from the Greek Ιησούς (Iesus) there is no problem! Stop mixing Mohamedan bullshit (heretic arianism) into orthodox christianity
Each religion who believe Holy Father Holy son and holy spirit in one they are saved and who trust jesus saved us from sin so crishtian we are one in jesus christ
Timothy william Tim2ofone at the end of the day how you define your faith serves your judgement.. God is just.. faith is defined by God not by our own definition.. if you think what you said is enough for salvation then thats your faith.. i hope that is sufficient enough.. great respect to orthodoxy. I seek God and i found myself seeking to join orthodoxy in the near future to further know more about Jesus and our one true God.. all i want is to serve you o lord..
Orthodox Church was destroyed by Catholic Church in Constantinople , when Ottoman Sultan Fatih conquered it , and than Orthodox Church relived by Sultan Fatih , even as much more powerful than ever for few daces till Ottoman got into sheria Islam , Sultan Fatih was having a fair distance between religions , he even had districted the amount of muslim population in Istanbul .
@@human5089 if you don't know christian history in India please be quiet Those who established their own heirarchy with Antioch now fighting themselves for existence,is it done by Catholic church, your church divided between Jacobite, Orthodox Syrian church with independent metropolitan,Marthoma church,St.Thomas evangelicals churches,is it All these happened by the act of Catholic church, Portuguese established their hegemony during their colonial period in India, but nazrani churches were obtained their independent by kunan cross oath, other sections of Syrian rite church (syro-Malabar church) also independent with full communion with church of Rome, church if St.peter and St.paul Don't blame others , don't be jelousy, hatred and enemity,it is against the will of Christ
@@70AD-user45 don't be judges others, don't play with devil's advocate, In 1054 division had occurred as East (Greek) Western (Latin) Holy Apostolic Catholic church is now exit with Division with Christ grace, but what happened in eastern Orthodox Church, numerous division,why, non obedience and lack of mutual respect Then you people despising Christ body (Entire Catholic churches of the world-Latin rite and eastern Catholic Syriac and Greek) think yourself, why we Catholic church in existence without division and mutual respect and obedience to church leaders,,us it possible without grace of God, We never use the language what you address us as whore of Babylon, great conspiracy of Protestants mutany and thereafter taken by Pentecostal's movement, out of their enemity and jelousy But we respect Orthodox churches and we don't have any grudge but only brotherly affection, just what our Christ our Lord Jesus teaches us and Apostolic letters Who makes division and quarrels in church - devil's plan Who makes gossip, slandering, grudging, despising. - devil's So don't be part of devil's plan and conspiracy
Sojan Joseph I am Catholic but I am no very 😆 with the Church of Rome. I still attending mass but I feel that I do not belonging stranger well I live in USA 🇺🇸 I feel more comfortable in Spanish mass. I think 🤔 to change membership to other Catholic Church that their congregation is s very poor. The one I attending is rich because the membership is affluent I am not. Also the Pope attitude is changing the Catholic Church. I feel closer more to orthodoxies.
Blessed years, when the Orthodox Church was in union!
It's still in
We are spritually united
Poltics will never break us away
The is one Holy Orthodox Church!
The break is only applied to clergy, not laity.
The Churches which the MP broke with, the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople, Eastern Orthodoxy's First Throne, the Ancient Patriarchate of Alexandria, 2nd Throne, and the Churches of Cyprus and Greece did not reciprocate a brake.
@АльбертБорисович-х9т😅,it's orthodox,I guess u don't know meaning of orthodox
3:37 Each patriarch is holding icon of a saint that converted their People to Orthodoxy. Very powerful moment.
Patriarhul Daniel. God bless our patriarch, so many goods things he did in our country.
I really want to join Orthodox Catholic but l don't know how to go about it. Please could u help me
@@arinzeikechukwu8938 you can talk with a priest in your city. Search for an orthodox church and ask a father from there, he will know what to do for you. Orthodox not chatolic.
@@theDARK_lady84 please u can help me . l beg of u. l had wanted to be a priest in Roman Catholic Church but issues came up & l left them. I am presently residing in U.A.E. I am not sure of any Orthodox here.
@Detective Orion Fernandes This is my email ( Can l talk with you in private? But with regards to your question, l have answered your questions from the above narrative. If you are not satisfied, contact me privately. Thanks
One day Constantinople will be Greek again as it was for centuries and centuries 🇬🇷✊🏻☦️❤️🔥
As St. Paisios said in his prophesy.
I am Baptized Indian Christian and never lost my God Jesus christ
+May the Unity be restored+
У оме Оца и Сина и Светога Духа Амин
🇷🇴 Amin.
@@constantinfratica1603 amen papa amen vaticanotvespana Amin papa amen vaticanotvespana Amin papa amen vaticanotvespana Amin papa amen vaticanotvespana Amin papa amen vaticanotvespana Amin papa amen vaticanotvespana Amin papa amen vaticanotvespana Amin papa amen vaticanotvespana Amin papa amen vaticanotvespana Amin papa amen ✝️🙏🤲
@@constantinfratica1603 Amin papa amen vaticanotvespana Amin papa amen vaticanotvespana Amin papa amen vaticanotvespana Amin papa amen vaticanotvespana Amin papa amen vaticanotvespana Amin papa amen vaticanotvespana Amin papa amen vaticanotvespana Amin papa amen vaticanotvespana Amin papa amen vaticanotvespana Amin papa amen vaticanotvespana Amin 🤲🙏🤲🏻✝️✝️🙏🤲
Beautiful & heart rendering chant..May God bless the priests..Very KIYADIYATI. ❤👌❤
Long live Holy Orhodoxy!
God bless patriarch batolomeo who had suffered seeing his flock murdered. The Greeks government should has a claim to return Constantinople to creek and the Muslim should moved from Istanbul.😍
Judith Sanchez lol you are funny
@@kaanbostanc9032 he is not funny .Russia will bring back Konstantinopol to Greece.Than must be.This is writen in ortodox prophecy.And yes it will happen soon
dan mal I am Judith Sanchez and female thanks I am not funny you right is a prophecy that Russia will invade 🇹🇷 and will take Constantinopla. Do you know that Crimea is now as for generations, is close to turkey 🇹🇷.? What Russia thinking I will love to see that.
@@JudithSanchez-ht6jn ok let's just assume that Russia attacks Turkey and takes Constantinople/ Instabul. Do you even think that they will give one of
( if not)most important city in the world to Greece. And let's assume that the Russian do give it to Greece. Who will the Greek government be able to keep stability among the Muslim citizens. The world is better when no wars happen. Let's keep it that way and then maybe we will be able to achieve salvation.
I am Muslim from Pakistan, Our Prophet Muhammad SAW says that who invade Constantinople will be entered into Jennah (Heaven) , so, Sultan Muhammad Fateh invaded it in 13th century i think ,
so how easy the Muslims give back to Christians .
May Allah Give us the right path.
God bless orthodoxy !
Come to Rome as the Lord prayed for: "That they may be one"
@@albertaowusu3536 Come to Orthodoxy as the Lord prayed for “That they may be One”.
Ps. How many Roman Catholic priests have been successfully prosecuted and jailed for their horrific crimes against children ?
@Timothy Connelly The Lord is in control when He set His Church in Rome and the gates of hell will never prevail against it. Will be praying for you.🙏🙏🙏
@Θ.Σ.Κ.30 The gates of hell will not prevail. I don't know what horror you are talking about but have you studied all the good the Catholic church has done and continues to do throughout the world? I don't think so. God bless.
Always Orthodox True Religion Our Lard Jesus Christ Amen
+Solomon Laine whooops!!!!
This wasn't a Pan Orthodox Council, a Great Synod (Council). Since 1992, Patriarch Bartholomew established the Assembly of the Heads (Primates) of the Orthodox Church which met bi-annually at the Phanar except for in 1994(?) when it met in Jerusalem. These assemblies were tremendous in keeping the Holy Orthodox Churches working together. Since the Moscow Patriarchate ceased communion with the clergy of the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople, the Patriarchate of Alexandria, and the Churches of Cyprus and Greece, over the EP's establishment of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine, an assembly has not been convened, most unfortunately.
Patriarch Bartholomew, Archbishop of Constantinople, New Rome; and Ecumenical Patriarch, First Among Equals in Eastern Orthodoxy, is the longest serving Ecumenical Patriarch in history.
Centenário do Genocídio Armênio há Turquia (1914 - 1922) !
Deus Miseratur Nostri (Latim)
Amauri Costa god bless the Armenians people and their martyrs. Turkey will pay edorgan Satan minions he will pay the genocide kill Christians and the Greeks, asirian Armenian and now kurdors.
Öyle bir soykırım yok.
How you know that? He is great man and he does wonder for the resurrection of the church in Russia.😒
Why do they kneel before a man? Does the Orthodox Church worship priests?
Just a honor
The prophets kneeled before kings or they kneeled before the prophets in the Old Testament. It’s about honor, not worship
Citation needed.
I cannot find any such passage. On the contrary, for example in Esther 3:2 Mordecai refuses to kneel before a king.
@@DjVortex-w yeah because there is no reason to venerate such kings. But there are other examples :
„And David said to all the congregation, Now bless the Lord your God. And all the congregation blessed the Lord God of their fathers, and bowed down their heads, and worshipped the Lord, and the king.“
1 Chronicles 29:20
Lot bowed down before the angels
„And there came two angels to Sodom at even; and Lot sat in the gate of Sodom: and Lot seeing them rose up to meet them; and he bowed himself with his face toward the ground;“
Genesis 19:1
Jacob and Essau
„And Jacob lifted up his eyes, and looked, and, behold, Esau came, and with him four hundred men. And he divided the children unto Le´ah, and unto Rachel, and unto the two handmaids. And he put the handmaids and their children foremost, and Le´ah and her children after, and Rachel and Joseph hindermost. And he passed over before them, and bowed himself to the ground seven times, until he came near to his brother.“
Genesis 33:1-3
„And Joseph was the governor over the land, and he it was that sold to all the people of the land: and Joseph's brethren came, and bowed down themselves before him with their faces to the earth.“
Genesis 42:6
David bowed also before Samuel, but I forgot the reference, or Moses before the father of his wife, if I am right etc etc
Celestial Greetings 12/12 into 12/13
Solar circle ⭕, door 12: Orthodoxy, Eastern & Oriental. Earth Grid: 330-359°
CSC: Greece and Egypt
Lunar circle 🔴, door 12 (of 13): Catholicism Western. Earth grid: 332.3-359°
CSC: Rome
CSC - Civilization System Carriers
Element 12: East & West - WATER
Planet designation: Hermes/Mercury
Ісус Хрыстос вельмі хутка! 🎺🎺🎺🎺🎺
Вяртанне Ісуса блізка!
Ісус - адзіны шлях да нябёсаў!
📖 Ян 14: 6 кажа:
Хрыстос Ісус - адзіны, сапраўдны шлях да выратавання! Гэта бясплатны дар Богу ўсім, хто верыць і давярае Яму!
РАСПАДАЧА! гэта адкупленне душы ад вечнага разбурэння пасля смерці чалавека на гэтай зямлі, ачышчэння ад крыві і смерці і сілы ўваскрашэння Ісуса Хрыста
CtsАкт.4: 12 кажа.
Выратаванне не знойдзена ні ў каго іншага (акрамя Ісуса Хрыста), бо пад небам няма іншага імя, дадзенага чалавецтву, дзякуючы якому мы павінны быць выратаваны ".
Як адорана чалавеку выратаванне?
Бо вы ласкай выратаваны праз веру; і гэта не ад вас: гэта дар Божы.
Ян 3, 3 кажа:
Ісус адказаў і сказаў яму: Сапраўды, сапраўды кажу вам: калі чалавек не нарадзіўся зноў, ён не бачыць Валадарства Божага.
Як мужчына можа нарадзіцца?
Нарадзіцца зноў у духоўным сэнсе - значыць памерці ад нашай старажытнай грэшнай прыроды і нарадзіцца зноў у духу, быць святым, праведным з новай прыродай у Хрысце Ісусе.
O Каб нарадзіцца зноў, нам трэба пакаяцца і вызнаць сваё грэшнае мінулае дзеля святой будучыні.
Што такое пакаянне?
👉 РЭПЕНТАЦЫЯ! Кожны, хто нарадзіўся ў гэтым свеце, з'яўляецца Народжаным грэшнікам. Чалавечая прырода грэшная. Грэх у нас апаганіў нас і аддзяліў нас ад Святога Бога!
Мы павінны пакаяцца за ўсе бязбожныя, беззаконныя правіны Божых запаведзяў, зробленыя наўмысна ці несвядома, каб атрымаць міласэрнасць і ласку, каб нас не судзілі і не асудзілі, асудзілі вечнае пекла.
Cts Дзеі 3: 19 кажа: "Пакайцеся, і звярніцеся да Бога, каб грахі вашыя былі знішчаны, каб часы асвяжэння ішлі ад Госпада".
Што такое споведзь грахоў?
👉 КАНФЕСІЯ! Вінаватасць граху і яго асуджэнне адхіляюцца, калі чалавек сапраўды шкадуе сваё грэшнае мінулае і прызнае іх у прысутнасці Ісуса Хрыста.
OmРаманцы.10: 9 і 10
✔️Калі вы вызнаеце вуснамі Ісуса як Госпада і ў сэрцы паверыце, што Бог уваскрэсіў Яго з мёртвых, вы будзеце выратаваны; бо сэрцам чалавек верыць, што прыводзіць да праўды, і вуснамі ён вызнае, што прыводзіць да збаўлення.
📖 1 Ян, 1-ы раздзел і верш 9 кажа.
FКалі мы вызнаем свае грахі, Ён (Ісус Хрыстос) верны і справядлівы, каб дараваць нам нашы грахі (кожны грэх) ...
Адзіная мэта накіраваць Ісуса Хрыста ў гэты свет больш за 2020 год таму - гэта
OJohn.3: 16-17 кажа "
👉 БОГ так палюбіў свет (нас), што Ён (Айцец Бог) даў Адзінароднага Сына, каб памёр за нас (нашага адкуплення), што той, хто верыць у Яго (Ісуса), не павінен гінуць (у пекле), але мець жыццё вечнае.
OD Бог не паслаў Свайго Сына, каб асудзіць свет (нас), але свет (мы) праз Яго (Ісуса Хрыста) можа быць выратаваны.
Дарагі браце / сестра. Вы можаце быць любой расы, рэлігіі і веравызнання. Багаты ці бедны. Белы ці чорны ці карычневы. Вы, магчыма, найменшы грэшнік альбо найгоршы грэшнік на зямлі. Вы можаце весці найгоршае з амаральнага жыцця супраць прынцыпаў Усемагутнага Богу. Бог клапоціцца пра вашу будучыню, а не пра ваша мінулае. Усё, што Ён просіць у вас, гэта пакаяцца і вызнаць свае грахі, каб атрымаць міласэрнасць і мець надзейную і блаславёную надзею!
📖 Габрэі.10: 17
І пра іх грахі і беззаконні я больш не памятаю.
Калі вы кажаце гэтую невялікую малітву з верай… 👇
"Госпадзе Ісусе, я грэшнік, я здзейсніў столькі грахоў свядома і несвядома. Памілуй мяне. Калі ласка, даруй кожны мой грэх сваёй каштоўнай, святой крывёю, пралітай на крыжы, каб выратаваць мяне. Я лічу, што вы памерлі на крыжы, вас пахавалі і ўваскрослі трэці дзень для майго апраўдання. Я веру, што вы ўсемагутны Бог!
Прымі мяне як сваё дзіця. Дапамажы мне весці святое жыццё. Напоўні маё сэрца радасцю, дай мне сэрца шукаць цябе.
У Ісуса дарагое імя, я прашу і веру. Амін! 🙏🏼
Калі вы сказалі гэтую малітву, я магу з упэўненасцю сказаць вам, што вы новае стварэнне. Ты нарадзіўся зноў у духу праз справядлівасць Ісуса Хрыста.
📖 2 Карынфянаў 05:17
"Таму калі хто-небудзь у Хрысце, гэта новая істота: старыя рэчы адыходзяць; вось, усё становіцца новым ".
Будзьце сьвятыя, бо Гасподзь, Бог ваш, Сьвяты!
RoПрычы.28: 13 кажа ... "Хто пакрывае грахі свае, не будзе квітнець; а хто спавядае і адпускае іх, памілуй.
👉📖Марк.16: 16
Хто верыць і ахрысціцца, будзе збаўлены; а хто верыць, не будзе асуджаны
Прочытайце Біблію 📖⏩ Пазнайце праўду ⏩ Перайдзіце да Касцёла, арыентаванага на Хрыста⏩Байцеся ахрышчаны⏩Блаславіцеся!
AyМае Святы Дух, каб Бог цябе вёў і накіроўваў! 🙏🏼
👉 Будзьце гатовыя да РЭПТУРЫ! (Вяртанне Ісуса Хрыста. СУДЗЯ)
Няхай Гасподзь багата дабраславіць цябе
📢 Калі ласка, падзяліцеся і распаўсюдзьце гэты GOSPEL the МІР! ⏺️🙏🏼
the origin beginning of the bible began with adam, jack, and zack
1:05-1:09 on top is tsar simeon ii of bulgaria 😃
I am
Tewahedo Orthodox
I ❤️ Orthodox 🙏🙏
70 tahun satu persatu dalam hidupnya tahan dalam akhirat ❤❤❤💚
Tuhan air
Dear juses Christ please help me.i trust in u.i beg u.i need to walk.i am miss everything in my life friends happiness joyfull and all .please return me everything.all laughing at heart full of some miracle for me and my family.please pray for name is m.dharani.amen.
Blame the Moscow and Georgian Patriarch for the disfunctional union of the church.
I have a question. Which language is usually used in that council? English? Greek?
i think Greek
Почему свят патриарх Илия не пятый как положено по диптиху?
One day i believe Rome will be there and will united again as one
Then they will need to convert to orthodoxy or apply the same rules that orthodoxy has
Then they will need to convert to orthodoxy or apply the same rules and thoughts that orthodoxy has
@@thearbiter3351 that's not the only way
Kassandra lV what’s the anther way?
They will have to accept the church is literally built on Peter in Rome and the Pope is his successor.✝️✝️✝️😷💒💒💒
Not anymore
Is Jesus, peace be upon him, if he was present
Will he accept this worship or does he know this ritual
Of course! He commended us to do this he is our god
@@ellastrantellenas278 Boss..
(Jesus) was not named (Jesus), and he does not know that his name is (Jesus)
What do you think of this talk?
@@user-Alhashemi his name was Isus and in English Jesus what's ur point?
The man was named among his family (Isus)
And the Christian West calls him (Jesus)
Christian Arabs call him (yasooa)
Imagine if Isus was standing among the people while you were calling
He will not turn to you because he does not know who you are calling him?
@@user-Alhashemi dude ur telling bullshit as like he was attached to a language he is our God he can speak every language and of course we can call his name in every language! Jesus derived from the Greek Ιησούς (Iesus) there is no problem! Stop mixing Mohamedan bullshit (heretic arianism) into orthodox christianity
Amen amem amen💒💒💒💒💒💒💒💒💒💒💒💒💒💒💐💐💐💐💐💒💒💒💒💒💒💒💒💒lm ehtiope ly love ortodokes
That's the point! :)
Русского Патриарха народ больше любит, чем турецкого,
Not Turkish the Greek one Turkey don't give a f..k it is your internal matter
So sad that at the US State Department's command the bought-and-paid for Phanar sold out the Faith. Bartholomew Archondonis: ANAXIOS!
Each religion who believe Holy Father Holy son and holy spirit in one they are saved and who trust jesus saved us from sin so crishtian we are one in jesus christ
Timothy william Tim2ofone at the end of the day how you define your faith serves your judgement.. God is just.. faith is defined by God not by our own definition.. if you think what you said is enough for salvation then thats your faith.. i hope that is sufficient enough.. great respect to orthodoxy. I seek God and i found myself seeking to join orthodoxy in the near future to further know more about Jesus and our one true God.. all i want is to serve you o lord..
Jayjay B God bless! that is the church of our LORD.
Orthodox Church was destroyed by Catholic Church in Constantinople , when Ottoman Sultan Fatih conquered it , and than Orthodox Church relived by Sultan Fatih , even as much more powerful than ever for few daces till Ottoman got into sheria Islam , Sultan Fatih was having a fair distance between religions , he even had districted the amount of muslim population in Istanbul .
in india also Catholic Portuguese destroy and demolish orthodox Christian faith in 1550
@@human5089 if you don't know christian history in India please be quiet
Those who established their own heirarchy with Antioch now fighting themselves for existence,is it done by Catholic church, your church divided between Jacobite, Orthodox Syrian church with independent metropolitan,Marthoma church,St.Thomas evangelicals churches,is it All these happened by the act of Catholic church,
Portuguese established their hegemony during their colonial period in India, but nazrani churches were obtained their independent by kunan cross oath, other sections of Syrian rite church (syro-Malabar church) also independent with full communion with church of Rome, church if St.peter and St.paul
Don't blame others , don't be jelousy, hatred and enemity,it is against the will of Christ
A senhora está errada.
Os portugueses não fizeram isso ? Mas foi mais grave a presença portuguesa na América do Sul.
Abraço !
Fuck your sultan he is the real asshole who destroyed the orthodox church
Go back parasite
Who are the five patriarchs?
@@70AD-user45 don't be judges others, don't play with devil's advocate,
In 1054 division had occurred as East (Greek) Western (Latin) Holy Apostolic Catholic church is now exit with Division with Christ grace, but what happened in eastern Orthodox Church, numerous division,why, non obedience and lack of mutual respect
Then you people despising Christ body
(Entire Catholic churches of the world-Latin rite and eastern Catholic Syriac and Greek) think yourself, why we Catholic church in existence without division and mutual respect and obedience to church leaders,,us it possible without grace of God,
We never use the language what you address us as whore of Babylon, great conspiracy of Protestants mutany and thereafter taken by Pentecostal's movement, out of their enemity and jelousy
But we respect Orthodox churches and we don't have any grudge but only brotherly affection, just what our Christ our Lord Jesus teaches us and Apostolic letters
Who makes division and quarrels in church - devil's plan
Who makes gossip, slandering, grudging, despising. - devil's
So don't be part of devil's plan and conspiracy
Sojan Joseph I am Catholic but I am no very 😆 with the Church of Rome. I still attending mass but I feel that I do not belonging stranger well I live in USA 🇺🇸 I feel more comfortable in Spanish mass. I think 🤔 to change membership to other Catholic Church that their congregation is s very poor. The one I attending is rich because the membership is affluent I am not. Also the Pope attitude is changing the Catholic Church. I feel closer more to orthodoxies.
@@thinaa13 👍👍
@@70AD-user45 how about eastern catholics
Jay Shreey ISUZU Namah Jay Shreey Mariyam Maiiya Namah Jay Shreey Santa Bhagavan Namah ❤🎉😊😂
The Ortodhox Church collapsed in the East because of the schism of West-East (Catholic-Ortodhox). Btw, i'm Catholic....
Plutao evangelos gino / ortodoxos tradition maravilhoso da igreja cristã ortodoxas russa *
That's the point! :)
it is NOT an Ecumenical Council
Amen papa amen 🤲🙏✝️
Ово није Српски Патријарх
İstanbul İstanbul
@@lucasbergfors9446then get it if you can 😂
Schismatic gang
Ces Istanbul ca s'appellera jamais constentinople inchaAllah
Prostrating to a man is idolatry!
Too many popes for my liking✝️✝️✝️😷😷😷
None of them is pope. And God thank you for that.