Off topic, since it's more about 1984 than FW: Provided that there was actual war, and actual superstates like alleged Oceania. We know everything from Winston's POV, and those he's met, and I've met the theory that there was no Oceania at all, and everything was made up by the Party to have a total grasp over London, which was the last remaining city.
Throughout this episode, Gun Head was more like a scurrying cockroach. Maybe Winston had cockroaches as pets when he was a kid because he couldn't afford a dog.
Off topic, since it's more about 1984 than FW:
Provided that there was actual war, and actual superstates like alleged Oceania. We know everything from Winston's POV, and those he's met, and I've met the theory that there was no Oceania at all, and everything was made up by the Party to have a total grasp over London, which was the last remaining city.
Damn yeah it was could have been all lies thanks for the cool info
Eurasia was never at war with Europa - Ministry of Truth
If only alliances in Forever Winter were as dynamic as in 1984
But for gameplay, this would change very little, if anything
This is not an invasion its a peacekeeping mission
@@XYZ-eo8um yeah hopefully in the future
Tank Discus Throw
Throughout this episode, Gun Head was more like a scurrying cockroach. Maybe Winston had cockroaches as pets when he was a kid because he couldn't afford a dog.
That robot is absolutely enjoying this though