You'll get it running no problem. By the look of the regulator it has the Delco 1100501 generator. The regulators like that are usually 6V positive ground only. To ensure it's right, check the wiring on the coil. The + should be hooked to the distributor and the - should be hooked to the switch. Then put the battery in with the negative to the starter and the positive to ground. Then, polarize the generator. To polarize the generator, take a short piece of wire with the battery hooked up, and momentarily touch one end to the BAT terminal on the regulator and the GEN terminal on the regulator. It will spark and then it's polarized and hooked up correctly. Also, assuming that they fully converted it to negative ground, you will have to move the ammeter wires from side to side. My guess, is they just put the battery in backwards, and never even bothered to switch wires or polarize the generator.
Enjoyed the video! I look forward to seeing it run! I'm glad to see people interested in keeping the Old Iron alive. BTW I grew up in northern Moore county NC
Excellent share - new friend here
Thank you, much!
You'll get it running no problem. By the look of the regulator it has the Delco 1100501 generator. The regulators like that are usually 6V positive ground only. To ensure it's right, check the wiring on the coil. The + should be hooked to the distributor and the - should be hooked to the switch. Then put the battery in with the negative to the starter and the positive to ground. Then, polarize the generator. To polarize the generator, take a short piece of wire with the battery hooked up, and momentarily touch one end to the BAT terminal on the regulator and the GEN terminal on the regulator. It will spark and then it's polarized and hooked up correctly. Also, assuming that they fully converted it to negative ground, you will have to move the ammeter wires from side to side. My guess, is they just put the battery in backwards, and never even bothered to switch wires or polarize the generator.
Thank you, sir!
Enjoyed the video! I look forward to seeing it run! I'm glad to see people interested in keeping the Old Iron alive. BTW I grew up in northern Moore county NC
I am a fan and hope I can do it justice. That's not too far up the road, for sure. Thanks for watching. I hope to get back to it soon.
Sure do enjoy your videos. You’ll get it to running
Thank you! Time is my overpriced currency at the moment. Soon, I hope.
I like the hood door, gives it the custom look, new paint and it will blend right in, haha
Something like that, sure. It's a little too ugly, but low on my priority list right now.
Mel Here's hoping you get it running.
Soon, hopefully. I'd like to get it to the Cub-O-Lina event weekend after next. Thanks for watching.
It's always something. I'm hoping it's nothing major
Hopefully you can get it running we’re also in the process of getting my 49 M running
What brand carburetor is that ? Doesn't look like the IH made carburetor that came on the cub .
You are correct, sir. It is a Zenith. Tag number is 11548, which seems to be a (much) later replacement carb number.