I forgot to mention that, regarding "Only the Penitent", if you fail it, remember you can always soft reset the instance, and try again as long as you don't kill the Druid of the Flame. Good luck!
ive done the orbs like 15 times now without getting credit. using a havoc DH, im within the cast timer by a second+ and just never get the credit. feels bad.
I forgot to mention that, regarding "Only the Penitent", if you fail it, remember you can always soft reset the instance, and try again as long as you don't kill the Druid of the Flame. Good luck!
After i screwed up, i got mad and kill that shtt, didn't consider trying again xD
how can i reset it ? went out and clicked reset but nothing happend
go out wait for 30 mins and then itll reset by itself and you can try again ^^
Awesome guide going to try it myself now been after that mount for ages
Good luck man, hope you get it!
Loved the guide. U rock
ive done the orbs like 15 times now without getting credit. using a havoc DH, im within the cast timer by a second+ and just never get the credit. feels bad.
Yea for some reason it used to happen to me alot, which is why it took ages to finally work. Just keep trying and it will happen!
Thanks this worked perfect!! :D
thanks a lot, ez with a rogue outlaw with double jump too :)
so if i got the aciement bucket list but messed up the part whit the fire can i skip the others and just try again whit kneel the fire ?
I love your Vids and they help me a lot with Wow see you today☺️
Can we put that guy to slip with monk ability or something?
I'm pretty sure monks can do it. A combination of Transcendence and roll/torpedo might do the job!
Returning player here.
How to soft recet the raid?
Just leave the raid, reset the instance, come back in after 30 minutes and the orbs will be there. And welcome back! :D
Tysm !
great guide.!
what abot warlock to clik the orb within 5 sec?
It could definitely work if you use demonic circle and demonic gateway consecutively! I haven't tried it myself though.
Just killed the SPIDER from above with Rouge pistol and got the achievement, was still on top though....
Those aren’t naga. They’re flamewalkers.
Warlock will be easy
Did it work with warlock?
Just killed the SPIDER from above with Rouge pistol and got the achievement, was still on top though....