My wife is on a drug which she takes every week. Initially the cost was £7000 per injection. The company that makes it was American. The patent ran out a few years ago allowing other companies to manufacture it, The cost went down to £700 per injection. The NHS saved £80 million overnight. Its scandalous what the US charges people. All greed.
I don't know about your specific drug, but developing drugs costs money. Sometimes a lot of money. It could be greed, but it also could be returning of spent money with some profit.
i think this is the first time i heard someone from the u.s. getting this right. I'm not saying there aren't people who know this, i just didn't hear it from anyone. i believe even Bernie Sanders called himself a socialist and i was like " you're not" 😂 then again he probably just said it cause most people wouldn't know what he's talking about if he said he's a social democrat.
@Mr. Empty Nothing bad with it, but the word 'socialism' has been raped and most people don't know what it actually means anymore. Americans usually use that word when someone disagrees with them.
@Mr. Empty I think humanity is not yet ready for 'true' communism. In my mind i'm more a social anarchist myself, but that would also fail in the current world. I think this will be an endgoal for humanity if we ever make it, but the road to that would be one step at a time. But it's possible if you realize how much we deviated from the medieval mindset already. Have a great weekend, sir.
The USA has a medical health care system that is basically ethical cleansing for poor people/or your average citizen. Absolutely embarrassing, basically a crime.
Thanks - that was a good one. I kind of 'collect' qutoes. It does feel very familiar though - who said that? Or, do you remember who you, kind of 'cited'? Thanks in advance. (And no, I'm not being ironic or anything - it is all sincere. Which I add just because of many 'confusions' in the past. ;-) ).
America has a sick care system. It benefits hospitals, pharmaceutical companies and greedy insurance 🐖 companies The government don’t give a -- if you drop dead!!!
its good to see a level headed american, its good to see an american that can see the bigger picture and doesnt buy into the patriotic blackmail they are told about everyday
I agree. Unfortunately they're almost completely extinct. The USA is in decline and will collapse under its own weight just like the Soviet Union did. That will leave China and the EU as the two world powers.
In 2002 my Dad was diagnosed with Small Cell Lung Cancer. This is a very nasty and aggressive form of cancer that typically kills you within 4 months of diagnosis. We lived in New Zealand, which although a First World country has a low population and lacks specialist hospitals for this disease. So, in order to increase his potential life span my Dad looked into the best foreign hospitals to treat his condition. Two stood out. The first was Johns Hopkins in the USA. Unfortunately, it was so expensive that even selling our home and all our possessions would not come close to price of a course of treatment there. The second option was the Christie Hospital in England, and even though my Dad had lived in New Zealand for more than 20 years, paying no taxes to the UK, he was a British citizen.Very quickly he flew to Manchester and presented himself tor treatment. He was under the care of one of the world's top oncologists and his life expectancy of a miserable few months quickly became more than two years - good years, for the most part. Among the stuff he was given for free was an NHS bong, supposedly for use with NHS supplied THC but his doctors all recommended he source Mary Jane.This was to act as general pain relief and also to counteract the appetite suppression of the opiates he was on. In between chemo treatments he had to work hard to gain enough weight for the next treatment. The NHS prescribed him (among other things) with Guinness beer to rapidly gain weight. They arranged things like in home nursing help and even little things like a dressing gown and slippers were paid for by the NHS. You will never convince me that they are not bloody heroes.
@@TheEclecticBeard Damn! I'm very sorry to hear that. While I am gratetful for the extra time my Dad got, I think it must have been worse to know what is coming but have so little time to prepare for it. I lost my mother completely unexpectedly, she was out with friends the day before she died and nothing was wrong. She apparently died while getting ready for work. As shocking as that was for me, over the years I have come to be thankful that she didnt live in fear or suffer. I certainly have found it easier to deal with than my father's slow death. The situation with your Dad seems like the worst possible situation, knowing what is coming but not having enough time to prepare for it. I'm very, very sorry for your loss.
My brother had small cell cancer as did my mother, my other brother died of small cell lung cancer that migrated from his bowel cancer. I have bladder cancer. We die for free in the UK.
@@TheEclecticBeard I,m so sorry to hear that. Some things like pancreatic cancer can also go very quickly and all we really want is that our illnesses are dealt with quickly and humanely. I,m old enough to remember the american system of years ago, many of my family moved there from the UK, but these days it just seems a nightmare.
Sorry to sound churlish, but all the benefit your father received from the NHS was "given for free". It was all paid for by UK taxpayers, like me for example. And the people in the NHS are not "heroes"; they're employees doing a job they went into voluntarily and who are generally pretty well paid for what they do.
@@handyk7911 maybe only military technology, when you go to Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, Hong Kong or Singapore.... America looks like a fkn 3rd country 🙄
I'm in the UK. It's ridiculous that the US set a number of days that you can be sick, and if you take a day more you can be sacked. If you're sick, you're sick, you should be able to stay off work until you're better. 'Low wage slave labour' doesn't sound like the 'home of the free' to me
My wife was off work for a year and a half with cancer the first year was with full pay then another 6 months at half pay then went back to her job but of course that's here in the UK 🇬🇧
@@richardhall6034 Dont work for Sainsburys. I had a doctors note declaring me unfit for work and I was told if im off sick again within the next 1 year, its displininary meetings for being sick! That shit shouldnt be allowed. I had an unfit for work doctors documentation!
Many years ago I had a long distance relationship with an American teacher, She taught all day and then worked a 6 hour shift waiting tables just to barely make her bills for the month. The way America treats her citzens is diabolical.
I worked at Tesco a woman was off for a year being ill. They asked if she was coming back she said no and got a new Job that was better for her. At least they gave her the choice.
My missus was taken in to hospital one week before Christmas, she was diagnosed with sepsis due to a section of her intestine being necrotic. They had to do an emergency surgery and because she was so weak she had a cardiac arrest under aesthetic. Long story short, she spent 6 weeks in an induced coma, on dialysis and full ventilation, I've never seen so many machines connected to one person. The doctors told us that she probably wasn't going to make it. I wasn't able to sleep (and therefore work during this time) but the company that I freelance design work for made sure I was okay for money (without any obligation). She came last month against all the odds and is back to bossing me about 🙂 Total cost = about £12 in car parking charges for the few visits that were allowed.
As a UK citizen, this was one of the most challenging thing to watch given that we assume health care is a basic human right which is available to everyone regardless of their ability to pay.
I am so happy to live in the European Union (Netherlands). What a mess there in the US. And you're absolutely right, by the way. We are not socialist. We are social democratic.
and even most of the people who are not "social democrats" (some specific parties) are in favor of social systems (including healthcare and things like unemployment care) and democratic systems.
Still the same (just) here in the UK but these Tories that conned Brexit on an easy to radicalise voting population are now ruining this country in every way imaginable. I just hope Scotland gets its independence and rejoines the EU because all my grandparents were Scottish and I'll move to Scotland and rejoin the EU in a heartbeat.
Indeed. They've tried to implement some 'allowance' for private health-care in Sweden. And let me tell you, they are NOT doing well...scandal after scandal, after scandal. There are still some....but, not many go there - except the filthy rich ones. ;-)
In Australia I'm grateful them my husband and I had private health cover that paid for the 18 months of chemo he had when diagnosed Stage 4 metastatic pancreatic cancer. All we paid was $250 per annum as a co-payment. He lived two years after diagnosis.
Yep. Ludicrously appalling. Immoral, iniquitous if you will. Obscene, outrageous and very, very stupid indeed. You'd think the US, the capital of capitalism would see the basic sense in universal healthcare - I mean, gotta keep that work force working. But, no.
As far as I can see, in every developed country except USA, taxes are collected specifically to pay for healthcare, infrastructure, etc. If the taxes are not being used for these purposes, what are they being spent on? (We know, military stuff.) American citizens need to start making demands of their governments state and federal. Social reform is needed and free, quality education is where it starts. The American system is corrupt by design. Cheers EB, love your work!
Shit, folks here can make all the demands they want. They get lip service and campaign promises which leads to a quieting of it and a return to status quo.
The American education system or lack thereof is one of the problems, a poorly educated population lack the required knowledge to know they are being lied to.
@@TheEclecticBeard @The Eclectic Beard Fuckin ay. I kinda think it's similar in all "democratic" govs...Us Aussies have a somewhat solid healthcare system (for now), but our pollies like to run interference wrt our mining one seems interested in actually making changes...they simply want to be re-elected. And I HATE it. There is very little scope for the immediate future, and its challenges, regardless of the science and/or future directions. But hey! As long as the status quo remains stable, what motivation do our more conservative (and more established) demographics possess? Very fucking little, my dude...ugh xx
USA love lobbyists. NRA military industrial complex like Boeing Retheon Maxwell. They love to be Zionist puppets (AIPAC/WINEP/Israel lobby). They tell the American government what to do. Which means creating illegal wars creating illegal coups creating terrorist organizations. Spending 850 billion on their military this year. I can go on though. But every bad thing you se3 right now in this world us created by America with American tax money because their biggest lobbyist tells them to do so. America gives Israel 4+ billion a year. American tax money. And guess what? They have free schools and education. In America that would be seen as communism (yeah Americans don't know the difference). Anyway the world's going to crap because if America. West are puppets so they don't care. Meanwhile Americans itself live in the worst developed nation on the planet.
I'm in the UK,currently having breast cancer treatment.The NHS are literally keeping me alive to the tune of hundreds of thousands of pounds,and I'm so lucky x
You are quite correct about many, even most US people regarding it as unpatriotic to criticise US social care standards. While I worked for six years in an inner city ER in eastern US, I treated more gunshot wounds among under 16s each month than I dealt with in a year working in conflict zones such as Somalia, Kandahar, or Eastern Congo!
What amazes us Brits is that you don't seem to have any social care whatsoever. We are still a constitutional monarchy with decent social care. You ditched the Monarchy. 'No taxation without representation' Where has that got you? A Presidency owned and driven by corporate business? God Save the Queen. Whilst her powers are limited, nothing can happen in government without her say so.
I'm Australian and found that hard to watch. Must be extremely difficult for an American to see. I know why idiots say socialism instead of social, fear factor, politics but paying a small amount of tax for a medical system that works and cost is NOT your 1st consideration can only be good.
Our health system in the UK isn’t perfect but I went to my GP with a suspicious mole, was seen by the dermatologist a week later and got an appointment this week with a plastic surgeon to remove it. Pretty impressive and completely free. I don’t know what I would have done if I had to pay for it.
I'd say you were fortunate there - It's bursting at the seams at the moment (too many staff off sick with covid, too few staff even without that, and too many people living much older for the system to cope). I currently have frozen shoulder which is incredibly painful, every time I move in my sleep I wake up yelling, my GP referred me for an 'urgent' steroid injection and it transpires I still have to wait a month for it....
I’m sorry to hear that. I think with me it’s because it could potentially be cancer, there are strict time rules for that, and I am very grateful. I suppose you’ve tried Voltarol?
@@MartinArscott1 Are you sure it is a frozen shoulder? I was diagnosed with the same thing, but it turned out to be severe arthritis in the joint. I had to have a complete shoulder joint replacement. All done for free, courtesy of the wonderful NHS. Had I been an American, I would be bankrupt.
I was floored when I learned they charge mothers for giving birth in the US. Then they have the gal to be "pro life" on top of it and force you to get into motherhood
Thank you for sharing and it warms the heart that there are still people like you that know the truth. Please share as much as you possibly can. I cry for America. Concerned German.
I'm not an American (I'm Danish), but I have some American friends, and when I hear its non patriotic to point out things that is wrong. I would argue IT IS patriotic to do exactly that, because how can you change things that is wrong if you are not aware of it. I mean is it not more patriotic to make things better than just close your ears stick a Finger in each Ear and go "na na na na" I can't hear anything. I am NOT saying that the Danish system is flawless, not at all but I am saying that no matter what system you are using you should look to what they are doing other places to get inspired and see if we can take the parts from other places and use that. Of course its not going to change over Night but we got start somewhere otherwise things will snowball out of control. Of course its patriotic to improve your own Country, its not patriotic to do nothing because of "buzz words" and name calling, specially when the people who does that, don't know their meaning.
Important information for US citizens to hear, but also important for Canadians and Europeans hear as well to not take for granted what we have. It’s easy to focus on small inconveniences and complain, but more important to see the big picture of why. This was my favorite reaction to this video so far, much love from 🇨🇦 PS Corporations are not people and money is not speech, these court rulings are the heart of the issue.
Can’t imagine not having free healthcare, it should be a human right for everyone! My daughter has leukemia,& one of my sons had a heart attack at 21, so without NHS I’d have lost both. My daughter regularly sees some of the top specialists in the world free. Even private doctors donate time to NHS & get valuable experience. 💔 to hear that people can’t access healthcare.
Well done, you just advocated for slavery. Saying you should have a right to someone else's labour (the health professional you expect to give you care because it's "your right" to have care) is such a dumb fuck take.
@mary carver and thus is one size fits all and is government run.....something you wouldnt accept in any other aspect of life where people have different needs and requirements.
@@miff227 it is not government run thank God and it fits me my family and everyone I know fine thanks. Besides if you have too much money you can also go private. Choice!
Why can't people be more insightful and rational like you? I'm glad that you are proud of your country. You should be able to be proud and stand up for it. Too f-ing sad so much is abysmal for the average citizen who just wants to live, prosper and love their country. Greetings from Sweden.
i live in Australia 8 years ago i had a motorcycle accident not my fault .broken leg and jaw, i was off work for 12 months, on full pay with my shift loading and Christmas bonus, after a year i called the company and said i,m feeling better ,when should i come in ,they sent me to a doctor ,then told me to take another month off, i came back working only 4 hours per day 3 days a week .until i was happy to go back full time ,
Ten years ago I had a severe stroke. Was taken to the hospital where I stayed at the stroke unit for 48 hours. In total two weeks in the hospital till I was fully examinated and then got transfered to a rehabilitation centre for 6 weeks, where a team of doctors, nurses, physiotherapists, speech therapists, social workers and psychologists taught me how to walk, speak, etc again and were looking after my mental health after this trauma I had experiented. I had to do tests to see if my cognitive functions were stilll in tact ot not. I had three meals a day there there and a private room. All of that didn't cost me a cent coz all of it was covered by the general Dutch health insurance. I often wonder what my faith would have been if that would have happened to me in the US.
In 2017 I had a stroke in the UK, the paramedics got to me about 7 minutes after calling the emergency services, they had me on board the ambulance straight away and blue lighted to our emergency hospital which is 7 miles from my home, I had lost the use of my left arm and leg by this point, it took the hospital team 17 minutes from arrival to have me scanned and thrombolytics administered, this was around 2pm, at about 11am the next day I could use my arm and leg fully again and following a series of tests I was allowed to go home about 4pm. The speed at which the NHS responded in my case was fantastic and although I do have some issues with walking long distance and have lost some manual dexterity on the left hand nobody would know I have had a stroke, this excellent health care including all the follow ups and prescriptions has cost me nothing.
the 1st step of fixing a problem is admitting there is one. When everyone acts like "i live in the best country, i know everything" thing will keep going only downhill
This was a great presentation and you sir Eclectic Beard, share my perspective on the state of America as well as the rest of the world. I'm Canadian so it really shouldn't come as a surprise that I feel this way. At the same time, I would love to watch a video suggesting the opposite worldview. I think it's always necessary to hear what a devil's advocate has to say in response to one's long-held perspectives. I've found that it helps a person's capacity for debating - and debating is a wonderful thing. Sadly, debates in the U.S. end with violence/ violent rhetoric, and the cancellation of certain individuals based on their position. Now THAT is fucking REPELLENT!!
My sister in law lived in LA for a while, she couldn't believe how many homeless people there were. And living right next to massive companies and beautiful, extravagant homes. She said it was so grim :/
I spent some time in Atlanta, and noticed the same thing. Although I am originally from the UK where of course we do have a homeless issue too, I have spent the last 22 years in Sweden, I can honestly say hand on heart I have never seen anyone sleeping rough.
California got all the famous people living there as well. They could help out. But nope. Look at Hollywood. It's pure garbage. But they really know how to hide it on TV. America is fake.
Great video. Just to add on something you said about people coming to the US for treatment that is often not about better care but in the US having deep pockets mean you get to jump to the front of the line while poorer people have to wait. There is even a term for it, a "wallet biopsy". Wait times are based on who can pay the most, not based on who needs the most urgent care.
Also with the US's huge poulation there are enough patients with rare conditions to keep specialists working with those conditions. In smaller countries there may be only one patient a decade with that condition, so not as much knowledge of the latest treatments.
I'm a UK citizen that has also lived in Canada. Both countries have similar health care UK better employee rights Canada cleaner better infrastructure but they are not socialist both have a market based economy.
I had a surgery a few years ago. It cost me 46€, I was in the hospital for four days (food was really good!) and I got a taxi-ride home from the hospital that was over 200km away. I belong to a international group for people who has the same condition as me and every american in that group says that they paid 40k-140k dollars for the same surgery, because their insurance didnt cover it. I live in Finland. I dont get the "socialism"-thing, im happy to pay 20% in taxes
I basically pay around 30% of my wage in taxes, it ain't perfect .... but people have to have unusual conditions to go bankrupt here in the u.k. paying medical bills...
YES!!!!! 16:45 in!! Finally an American that got the difference between what you over there are taught as "socialism" is NOT the same as what we have here, social democracy! Finally!! :)
I've tried discussing the benefits of the USA having a socialised healthcare programme like the National Health Service in the UK with some Americans and all of a sudden it's the Gulag Archipelago.
It sounds like the people you were talking to are confusing socialism with common sense. Healthcare should be a human right . America should scrap their dick turpin method.
@@Cameraman61 There are drawbacks, they won't be able to live their irresponsible unhealthy lifestyle anymore if everyones health becomes a public concern. Americans do not live in nations like europeans, so there is generally no desire to support each other. When you have public healthcare the next thing that follows is stricter gun laws, stricter driving license laws, higher taxation on unhealthy shit, stricter regulation for food ect. If you let the government pay for your health, you can bet that they will make sure that you live healthy. Now im not saying that is bad, but i do not think most americans would be willing to put up with that. But you can not just sell the socialization of health care as a rainbow solution with no cost.
I think it's mostly down to the way the US economy and tax system changed under Reagan. Exactly the same as under Thatcher in the UK. There was pretty constant development from 1945 to 1970. The 70s saw a lot of industrial problems, with unions demanding too much and production moved overseas. Thatcher and Reagan came to power at the end of the decade and spent the 1980s asset stripping the nations and moving the tax burden from people at the top to people at the bottom. That's when inequality started increasing exponentially. The only difference is the UK having universal healthcare, all the other problems are mirrored
How sad that you think unions were "demanding too much" to improve the conditions for employees in your country. Perhaps a lack of trade unions to fight for your underpaid workforce is why you have such a dreadful level of poverty. Let's start with no paid annual leave like we have had in Australia since 1936, no definition of fulltime work hours, nor paid maternity/paternity leave or worker's compensation (which provides all medical and rehabilitation care for accidents on the job since 1985. We have had sick leave since 1920 where you don't get sacked if you use it all because our unfair dismissal laws protect workers.) I worked until I was 57 and retired using my superannuation fund which commenced in 1986. "Super" is a system where all employers MUST contribute a percentage of every worker's wages, which is now at 12% of gross wages, to ensure financial assistance upon retirement. (Every employee can add to their superfund which is taxed at a much-reduced rate. My super fund has allowed me to be self-funded in my retirement and not a burden upon government handouts). I was entitled to 17.5% leave loading on my SIX weeks annual leave as a midwife (most occupations get four weeks annual leave.) Leave loading is a bonus extra to encourage workers to use their annual leave entitlements. We have enjoyed penalty rates for working night or late shifts since 1947 and Long Service Leave since 1951...And amazingly, it is BECAUSE of our "unions demanding too much" we enjoy an enviable work/life balance and some of us live in some of the most livable cities in the world...and yes! WE have universal equitable, health care here too with an emphasis on preventative care making our life expectancy approx. five years more than in the USA. The original Medibank was introduced in 1984 by Prime Minister Bob Hawke, who had previously been the President of the Australian Council of Trade Unions.
@@eddykate3700 I was born in the 1980s, so my knowledge of 1970s industrial relations is second hand at best. I support unions when they work for their members, ours is negotiating our 2022/23 pay award on our behalf. My understanding is that in the 1970s their actions were too militant, calling general strikes, making unaffordable wage demands etc. That led to a backlash that almost destroyed them under Thatcher. I am genuinely worried about our new government stripping our employment rights and standards after we left the EU. The EU legislates on minimum standards so no member of the single market can get a competitive advantage by undercutting the others. My assumption is that they will argue that our rights stand in the way of us being competitive with countries in the far east so they must be erased. Anyone fighting to retain them will be demonised as part of 'the anti-growth coalition'
I once had a cat. A horse had broken the cat's leg in 2 places. I was studying so could not afford to get the leg fixed so i had to have it put down. I remember thinking "at least I'm not an American, I might have to make this type of decision with a family member".
Your knowledge about my country touched me. You have earned another sub. I had to physically stand up and clap my hands and say bravo to your well-rounded education! Socialism is not Social democracy
I know this is an "old" video, and no one is going to read this comment...but I had to write it. :) I'm Norwegian. THANK GOD there is one US citizen that understand the difference between sosialist comunism and SOCIAL DEMOCRACY!! :)
You'd be surprised how often I go through and read through comments on my older videos. It's still frustrating to me the amount of folks that don't understand the difference.
@@TheEclecticBeard I do not live in a comunist country. We have what you can call a mixed economy. Our taxes goes back to infrastructure, school, helthcare...but the market is "free", with the competition and everything. It's actually a very good compromise. And, shockingly, we even own guns!! :D Thank you for reading it!! :)
I live in the UK, i have all my life, been told if i feel sick, go see the doctor, better to catch an ailment early, and get cheep quick free treatment, than wait till im dieing and need surgery, so if you feel sick, go see your doctor, and its free, cos Britain understands, quick treatment means cheeper health care for all, so we all get it, and its cheep, we may have a line to wait in, but those that need it most, as in will die quicke3st get first in the line, those that can wait, wait, but we all get seen free.
Here in Australia we just had a federal election. Have a look at our voting process and the UKs they are similar. We have multiple parties NOT just 2 and everyone over 18yrs old HAS TO VOTE!! So how can the US claim to be the greatest democracy when their is only 2 parties and only registered voters can vote???????? Explain that ARROGANCE?????
6:40 I want to say that the US actually has 1 thing going for them when it comes to healthcare. Healthcare is so irregulated and money driven, that it might be slightly enhance doctors' and researchers' motive to innovate (and you could also compare US wages VS European wages in this field), because they can then charge lots of money if they find something that they can sell to people. For example, the only long COVID treatment we can currently get in Europe is driven by a private American company, which European citizen who do wanna decide to get that treatment have to pay quite a bit of money (Tatiana Ventôse made a great interview with the American doctor that drives this long covid treatment if you're interested). So yeay ! At least the US can sometimes have that ! Are some of these upsides the US healthcare system have worth every other downsides it has ? I personally don't think so though.
This has opened my eyes. I will never moan about my country anymore. You are right we have a conservative government, but, we have socialist care and we have a welfare system.
You, Sir, have just earned yourself a new subscriber. First time watching, viewing Gun Contol with Jim Jefferies directly after this. I'm looking forward to your grime vids(been meaning to check more of it anyway - Witness the Fitness by Roots Manoeva - 1990's video version is my suggestion) but i expect your take on Jefferies set in particular should great.
Wow! This was amazing. Everything you said was just on point. if everyone in the u.s. was so well educated, there would be hope. And thanks for getting the difference between socialism and social democracy right 😄
16:37 Thank's for pointing that out ❤ This bothers me in the English language. It get's mixed up too often. Germany for example is a "Sozialstaat" which literally translates to social state. The English equivalent would be welfare state as far as I know. But socialism? Nah, we've been through that. At least the east of our country. Socialism is abusing the word social like the Democratic People's Republic of Korea is abusing the word democracy.
Hey Allen, I've just had a thought, that never occured to me before, if your taxes aren't spent on the people's needs where do they go?? Seriously, what are they spent on??
@@TheEclecticBeard $700bn to the military industrial complex and a bigger eye-popping $5.9tr in subsidies for 'free market' industries such as nuclear and oil ... every year baby.
I'm Portuguese and the best healthcare I experienced was in Poland, in a state clinic that looked just out of communist Poland. Two matrons (nurses) syringed the wax out of my eardrums - two big blobs. The unblocking reduced my headache in 5 minutes, that impacted my sinus and, thus, my breathing. By the end of the day I only had the sniffles and the next day woke up feeling fresh and dry as a clean shirt. I blanked several times and was barely able to drive there on a high fever, on the day before.
It's not just Europe, In Costa Rica we have: -Free education -Free heathcare -15 days Paid vacation per year -Paid sick leave and you can't get fired on any scenario while sick. -1 year new born paid leave for the mother, and you can't get fired on any scenario while on leave. -6 months new born paid leave for the father, and you can't get fired on any scenario while on leave. -If you get fired you get fired for example they no longer need you, you get 6% of your total cumulative salary up to 8 years.
This video holds MANY truths BUT… on the other side of the coin many medical students get their qualifications and highly qualified surgeons etc move to the USA where they can make much more money than the NHS would otherwise pay them… if the US were similar to us then we could have many more highly skilled medical staff staying in our own national health system… the US isn’t only taking from their own citizens but, by extension, taking from other countries such as us and Canada, no doubt 🤦🏻♂️😕
About your point around 21:00 I would like to add, A lot of the opportunities are for those that already have money. If you have 250K to spend you can buy a plot and put a $425K home on it, if you have 6 million to spend you can build a 6 story 36 apartment tower which sells for 9 million 3 years later (at $249,999 per apartment, depending on location it could be a lot more.) Once you have money it's fairly easy to make more money, the problem is that the opportunities to make it to your first 100K are very scarce. And saving for it won't be easy unless you don't get sick during all that time.
No country is perfect, no single political party has all the answers and as a Brit i will say that the NHS isn't perfect either. But, I'm still glad to be from the UK and as a regular visitor to the USA, you can see the decline and how the systems really don't work.
For some reason I'm comparing The U.S. with Russia. The U.S. may have a lot more freedom politically than Russia, but the ordinary people in both countries suffer from the fact that the rich percentage of their populations are bleeding their countries dry. I doubt any American would see it that way. More likely to wave the flag as a show of patriotism.
I've always said. Like repels like. My maternal family come form former Eastern Germany and we understand exactly the similarities between the US and Russia. Very much like the English and French, were so similar that we love to hate each other. The truth hurts.
whevever i hear americans rant about "socialism" i remember the story of the guy on tiktok who visited an amish town and when asked about how they afford hospitals ect they said sth like "once/twice a year the preacher goes around and everybody gives somethings so members of the community can afford care" and the students were like cute and he went "BUT THATS WHAT WE (europeans) DO WITH TAXES" and they called him socialist
European countries like the UK, mainland Europe and in Scandinavia are obviously not socialist countries but we do have welfare systems in place and they are not just put in place by Labour the left, Liberals the middle or Conservatives, the right. Lloyd George and the Liberals introduced the old age pension. Attlee and Labour brought in comprehensive National Insurance. Margaret Thatcher’s government introduced Family Credit.
Health care. I'm a Brit living in Thailand. In 2013,in addition to visiting t my friends for 3 months I opted to have cataract treatment in the states.I think I paid $2500 and they asked "who is paying?" I had to repeat 3 tumes "I AM" .the surgery was popular and in conversations (in a bar,where else),discovered I paid far less than locals who claimed on their insurance.To this day i still have 20/20 vision. Un related to cataracts, I had to see a local doctor and going to Rite Aid?? to pick up my medicine the young Pharamcist, felt guilty charging me about $300 (same tablets here cost less than a Mc Donalds).He suggested i become a member and thus reduce the cost,which I did.He was a sincere and considerate person and a credit to your country.I had travel insurance anyway,but obviously that only covered the doctor's fee and medicine.
The real reason why the NHS is so cost effective compared to healthcare in the US isn't that there are so many companies all trying to skim a huge profit out of your medical bills, it's because it is a SINGLE organisation (with many branches, but that's another story). It is effectively a reverse monopoly. If you are a supplier of drugs or medical equipment, your only customer in the UK (apart from a few private hospitals that make up a very small percentage of the market) will be the NHS so it's a case of taking the reasonable offer the NHS gives you or find another country to profiteer in. But when you have a system that has thousands of independent hospitals, pharmacies and doctor's surgeries, it's easy for you to say "The price is $300, take it or leave it, I have plenty of other customers willing to pay that price."
I think that a lot of Americans do not understand the basic difference between "Socialism" and "Social Services", they also think that "Socialism" and "Communism" mean the same thing! Also, a great deal of America's internal problems arise from having a Political and Legal system firmly stuck in the 18th Century, and they base everything on a piece of paper drawn up by a few Land and Slave owners, when only a tiny percentage of the people even had a vote. Because of this they ended up with a 2-party Political system, which simply doesn't work, and allows huge amounts of curruption, and a legal system which is incapable of stopping it. Seriously, any other country would have scrapped the whole sorry mess years ago, and established a proper, Democratic system in it's place.
Once in India I had a minor accident..went to a local govt hospital, paid Rs 05( $0.063 )for OPD ticket...there was immediate response from hospital staff, got my dressing, stitches, full course antibiotic tablets, antibiotic ointment, pain medications, anti gas medications, tetanus toxoid injection,absolutely for free apart from 05 rupees that I spent...they advised X-ray of my arm to rule out possible fracture which cost 50 rupees ( $0.63) thankfully everything was good and less than a dollar...also life saving treatment and childbirthin govt hospitals in India are almost free...
I worked for a company in the UK that calculated holiday pay based on your gross average pay over the first 6 months of each year, so if you worked a lot of overtime normally then your holiday rate would reflect that and you wouldn't be out of pocket when on holiday! What's not so good is our government seem intent on selling off our health service to the US so they can privatise it.....
Not only the Health services. I've noticed Insurance Companies changing too. We used to have Friendly Societies ( non profit.) that we had insurance Policies, with, now you have insurance companies.
Hello, I'm from Austria, it's really sad what the conditions are in the USA. I have family in the USA, so I know how it is, I don't want to hurt any US pride, the 3 world has more support from the state in some cases. Americans always talk about "best country and freedoom" you live in a bubble and that's sad.
Yes, however, Eclectic would have to reform to the Language of that european country and how they work, England and Canada, even possibly Australia and New Zealand would work as they are the closest to American life if the way that it's done
Latest study on ibruprofen seems to show that it gives short term relief but because it inhibits the bodys inflammitary response it can lead acute pain to become chronic pain so you would need the heavy meds.
I can honestly say my eyes have been opened over the past 5 years and I do not love America at all, there is nothing to love. It’s an incredibly disappointing country and an embarrassment honestly. I appreciate your videos!
EB, imagine the revolution failed. You'd have had better comedy and an NHS and a minimum of 20 days of paid holiday per year 😉🇬🇧🇬🇧 . In all seriousness the world and it's economies are deeply complex. As you pointed out many societies have a blend of social systems and capitalist systems.
In the UK. Around Easter I started to be I’ll and for a week I put it down to Gastric Flu. I am the sort of the person who isn’t Ill for more than one day. After the week I phoned the I’ll hotline, got a doctors appointment gave blood and one evening got a call saying can u come to the hospital. Spent 4 dat# in hospital and was injected twice a day as I had a blood clot next to my bowel and liver. When I left I was given syringes of blood thinners to self administer twice a day. I was close to running out so asked for more. Which I got. All this didn’t cost me anything. Had a health issue, got the help needed.
You say you love your country? But what is there to love? I've seen several reactions to this, and I'm still disgusted by it, and I'm a Brit. Why is this allowed to continue? Why isn't every American out there protesting?
Lack of education too. American schools and colleges pour more money into their sports programs than they do academic programs. Many colleges have stadia that rival some of the best in Europe. On top of a piss poor education US students are immediately saddled by debt they might pay off before middle age if they are lucky.
one thing i learned recently is benefits like leave are only paid to people who work full time, right. So companies have an incentive to hire 2 part time workers rather than 1 full timer. But full time is not defined anywhere and it is up to the business to define it. so they could have you working 40 hours a week and you think that is full time, but they could define full time as 47 hours, so you arent getting any benefits. How can labour acts or legislation or like the department of labour not have a legally enforceable definition of full time?
There is no law requiring companies to provide health benefits, however under the Affordable Care Act certain companies (those with over 50 full time employees) are required to or are fined. However as you pointed out, the system can be gamed and an employer can employ 99 part time workers and avoid paying benefits. This equates to 49.5 employees and sadly is legal and often abused. Here is the biggest injustice, a full time employee is someone working 30-40 hours a week, a part time employee is someone working less than 30. So a business can offer someone 29 hours to avoid hitting the FT bracket.
Dont know about the USA, but I am a brit, lived in Australia for 6 years. The day I returned back to the UK, we are a country that is mollycoddled. The trouble is, most brits dont know this... but until you live in a country that you have to pay for these services, you won't really appreciate it. For instance. In Auz, you pay for the cost of the medication, not a one off prescription charge. The worst thing is, you dont know the cost of this until you goto the pharmacist to collect the drug.
I worked as a nurse in Oz for several years and had a real culture shock at having to think about coatings. Having been trained by the NHS and worked in it we never took into account the cost of things, even simple stuff like dressing packs etc. The lesson it taught me was how much waste there is in the NHS, how much we take for granted, working in Australia certainly gave me a whole new perspective but taught me valuable lessons
Before the NHS the UK had a private insurance and charity hospitals system. During WW2 The war had nationalized all care and was going to be returned to the old system. It was argued that healthcare for profits was immoral and not christian. Churchill coalition government was beaten at the 1945 general election and the Labour party gained power on the strength of the need to have a NHS and other reforms. In 1946 The NHS was born and took two years to implement the system. Over the years political parties have pledged to save the NHS, to invest in the NHS and to free the NHS. Every general election every party has a new slogan to help the NHS. This NHS has its champions and for most people do appreciate the NHS for its services and people in general love it, nobody wants US healthcare system in the NHS. The NHS was so successful other countries implemented their own versions. It was the first time anywhere in the world that completely free healthcare was made available on the basis of citizenship rather than the payment of fees or insurance premiums. Without doubt a Christian idea that travelled around the world, except the USA.
except they do have socialism, socialism is an economic model, the problem here is americans have been conditioned to equate socialism with communist totalitalianism.
No, we DON'T have socialism. Complete, utter bullshit. We have social market economies. That is NOT socialism. If you ever, in your whole life, set foot in a truly socialist country, you'd know, instantly, that no, the are no more socialist countries in Europe. The only truly socialist country by any extent of the definition is North Korea. All other countries have varying degrees of social programs. Yes, even China is in some form a highly regulated social market economy, with a lot of restrictions, but still operating under very strong economic market limits basically equal to a capitalist system. We simply have different laws concerning employees rights, limiting working hours as per standardized norms of full time work hours per week, hiring and firing regulations, union participation in companies, etc. That however does not make us socialist. There is no government controlled means of production, no artifical demands created by government programs, no limits on private ownership, corporations, etc, no limits of freedom of movement due to demands on transportation, no limits on choice of jobs depending on government programs, none of that. But all of those are parts of what makes a socialist government, as per the definition of Marx and Engels. So please, please, please, educate yourself on the definitions.
A good suggestion but he won't do it because as he says, he loves his country. It's like staying in a bad marriage because you love your partner. It could ruin your life, and we only have one. I can't help but wonder what sort of life his children will have if they grow up in America, and I'm sure he loves his children as well as his country , if not more.
@@marieravening927 fair point . I had watched a dozen of his video blogs and thought from here in Adelaide, he wouldn't have those problems anymore.Plus he gets 50c for every $1AUD
My wife is on a drug which she takes every week. Initially the cost was £7000 per injection. The company that makes it was American. The patent ran out a few years ago allowing other companies to manufacture it, The cost went down to £700 per injection. The NHS saved £80 million overnight. Its scandalous what the US charges people. All greed.
I don't know about your specific drug, but developing drugs costs money. Sometimes a lot of money. It could be greed, but it also could be returning of spent money with some profit.
Most is developed in cooperation with universities.
@@Scit1998 No it’s definitely greed.
@@Scit1998 oh, you mean like all the tax funded dollars for a Covid vaccine that the companies are now over charging governments to have?
This obviously isn't a life saving or lengthening injection then?.
Finally someone that knows the difference between
and social democracy
i think this is the first time i heard someone from the u.s. getting this right. I'm not saying there aren't people who know this, i just didn't hear it from anyone. i believe even Bernie Sanders called himself a socialist and i was like " you're not" 😂 then again he probably just said it cause most people wouldn't know what he's talking about if he said he's a social democrat.
@Mr. Empty Nothing bad with it, but the word 'socialism' has been raped and most people don't know what it actually means anymore. Americans usually use that word when someone disagrees with them.
@Mr. Empty I think humanity is not yet ready for 'true' communism. In my mind i'm more a social anarchist myself, but that would also fail in the current world. I think this will be an endgoal for humanity if we ever make it, but the road to that would be one step at a time. But it's possible if you realize how much we deviated from the medieval mindset already. Have a great weekend, sir.
Finally a guy who EARNED that fuckin' beard.
@Mr. Empty Socialism has never been done properly. Greed or power gets in the way of Utopia.
The USA has a medical health care system that is basically ethical cleansing for poor people/or your average citizen. Absolutely embarrassing, basically a crime.
The USA has medical healthcare business
@@beaconeersofthesevenmaps3467 Pretty much everything in US is. Prisons, schools, healthcare etc etc.
'ethical cleansing' ???
*ethnic cleansing
It’s Easier To Fool People Than To Convince Them That They’ve Been Fooled
True that, I guess it boils down to the fact people don't want to admit they've been misled
Thanks - that was a good one. I kind of 'collect' qutoes. It does feel very familiar though - who said that? Or, do you remember who you, kind of 'cited'?
Thanks in advance. (And no, I'm not being ironic or anything - it is all sincere. Which I add just because of many 'confusions' in the past. ;-) ).
America has a sick care system. It benefits hospitals, pharmaceutical companies and greedy insurance 🐖 companies The government don’t give a -- if you drop dead!!!
its good to see a level headed american, its good to see an american that can see the bigger picture and doesnt buy into the patriotic blackmail they are told about everyday
It's good to see a fellow Glaswegian :)
I agree. Unfortunately they're almost completely extinct. The USA is in decline and will collapse under its own weight just like the Soviet Union did. That will leave China and the EU as the two world powers.
@Jon Tibbatts I know, eh? Nobody who is level-headed would elect Boris Johnson!
@Jon Tibbatts 'Tis a sad truth indeed.
In 2002 my Dad was diagnosed with Small Cell Lung Cancer. This is a very nasty and aggressive form of cancer that typically kills you within 4 months of diagnosis. We lived in New Zealand, which although a First World country has a low population and lacks specialist hospitals for this disease. So, in order to increase his potential life span my Dad looked into the best foreign hospitals to treat his condition. Two stood out. The first was Johns Hopkins in the USA. Unfortunately, it was so expensive that even selling our home and all our possessions would not come close to price of a course of treatment there. The second option was the Christie Hospital in England, and even though my Dad had lived in New Zealand for more than 20 years, paying no taxes to the UK, he was a British citizen.Very quickly he flew to Manchester and presented himself tor treatment. He was under the care of one of the world's top oncologists and his life expectancy of a miserable few months quickly became more than two years - good years, for the most part. Among the stuff he was given for free was an NHS bong, supposedly for use with NHS supplied THC but his doctors all recommended he source Mary Jane.This was to act as general pain relief and also to counteract the appetite suppression of the opiates he was on. In between chemo treatments he had to work hard to gain enough weight for the next treatment. The NHS prescribed him (among other things) with Guinness beer to rapidly gain weight. They arranged things like in home nursing help and even little things like a dressing gown and slippers were paid for by the NHS. You will never convince me that they are not bloody heroes.
My dad was diagnosed with stage 4 small cell lung cancer and 3 months later was gone.
@@TheEclecticBeard Damn! I'm very sorry to hear that. While I am gratetful for the extra time my Dad got, I think it must have been worse to know what is coming but have so little time to prepare for it. I lost my mother completely unexpectedly, she was out with friends the day before she died and nothing was wrong. She apparently died while getting ready for work. As shocking as that was for me, over the years I have come to be thankful that she didnt live in fear or suffer. I certainly have found it easier to deal with than my father's slow death. The situation with your Dad seems like the worst possible situation, knowing what is coming but not having enough time to prepare for it. I'm very, very sorry for your loss.
My brother had small cell cancer as did my mother, my other brother died of small cell lung cancer that migrated from his bowel cancer. I have bladder cancer. We die for free in the UK.
@@TheEclecticBeard I,m so sorry to hear that. Some things like pancreatic cancer can also go very quickly and all we really want is that our illnesses are dealt with quickly and humanely. I,m old enough to remember the american system of years ago, many of my family moved there from the UK, but these days it just seems a nightmare.
Sorry to sound churlish, but all the benefit your father received from the NHS was "given for free". It was all paid for by UK taxpayers, like me for example. And the people in the NHS are not "heroes"; they're employees doing a job they went into voluntarily and who are generally pretty well paid for what they do.
America doesn’t suck at everything but it does suck at everything that truly matters in life, like healthcare and workers rights.
what do they not suck at?
@@Drobium77 Their technology is pretty nice.
@@Drobium77 Entertainment.
@@handyk7911 maybe only military technology, when you go to Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, Hong Kong or Singapore.... America looks like a fkn 3rd country 🙄
@@Drobium77 Making money
I'm in the UK. It's ridiculous that the US set a number of days that you can be sick, and if you take a day more you can be sacked. If you're sick, you're sick, you should be able to stay off work until you're better. 'Low wage slave labour' doesn't sound like the 'home of the free' to me
My wife was off work for a year and a half with cancer the first year was with full pay then another 6 months at half pay then went back to her job but of course that's here in the UK 🇬🇧
@@richardhall6034 Dont work for Sainsburys. I had a doctors note declaring me unfit for work and I was told if im off sick again within the next 1 year, its displininary meetings for being sick! That shit shouldnt be allowed. I had an unfit for work doctors documentation!
Many years ago I had a long distance relationship with an American teacher, She taught all day and then worked a 6 hour shift waiting tables just to barely make her bills for the month. The way America treats her citzens is diabolical.
I worked at Tesco a woman was off for a year being ill. They asked if she was coming back she said no and got a new Job that was better for her. At least they gave her the choice.
it's the "home of the brave" ...
you need to be very brave to live there
My missus was taken in to hospital one week before Christmas, she was diagnosed with sepsis due to a section of her intestine being necrotic. They had to do an emergency surgery and because she was so weak she had a cardiac arrest under aesthetic. Long story short, she spent 6 weeks in an induced coma, on dialysis and full ventilation, I've never seen so many machines connected to one person. The doctors told us that she probably wasn't going to make it. I wasn't able to sleep (and therefore work during this time) but the company that I freelance design work for made sure I was okay for money (without any obligation). She came last month against all the odds and is back to bossing me about 🙂 Total cost = about £12 in car parking charges for the few visits that were allowed.
I am very happy your wife survived. Hope you have many happy years together.
@@yorkyswe Thank you.
Good luck mate
all the best to you and the misses, i hope all is well now.
@@miff227 what a tool you are. We all know what “free at point of use is”
As a UK citizen, this was one of the most challenging thing to watch given that we assume health care is a basic human right which is available to everyone regardless of their ability to pay.
It doesn't matter how many times I hear about american healthcare costs, it always blows my mind that this is something that exists in 2022
I am so happy to live in the European Union (Netherlands). What a mess there in the US.
And you're absolutely right, by the way. We are not socialist. We are social democratic.
IM BRITISH AND agree with 100% .
Americans think socialism is communism they are so brainwashed it’s unbelievable
and even most of the people who are not "social democrats" (some specific parties) are in favor of social systems (including healthcare and things like unemployment care) and democratic systems.
Still the same (just) here in the UK but these Tories that conned Brexit on an easy to radicalise voting population are now ruining this country in every way imaginable.
I just hope Scotland gets its independence and rejoines the EU because all my grandparents were Scottish and I'll move to Scotland and rejoin the EU in a heartbeat.
And as a Canadian, "For Profit Healthcare" strikes me as absolutely ludicrous!
Indeed. They've tried to implement some 'allowance' for private health-care in Sweden. And let me tell you, they are NOT doing well...scandal after scandal, after scandal. There are still some....but, not many go there - except the filthy rich ones. ;-)
In Australia I'm grateful them my husband and I had private health cover that paid for the 18 months of chemo he had when diagnosed Stage 4 metastatic pancreatic cancer. All we paid was $250 per annum as a co-payment. He lived two years after diagnosis.
Yep. Ludicrously appalling. Immoral, iniquitous if you will. Obscene, outrageous and very, very stupid indeed. You'd think the US, the capital of capitalism would see the basic sense in universal healthcare - I mean, gotta keep that work force working. But, no.
As far as I can see, in every developed country except USA, taxes are collected specifically to pay for healthcare, infrastructure, etc. If the taxes are not being used for these purposes, what are they being spent on? (We know, military stuff.) American citizens need to start making demands of their governments state and federal. Social reform is needed and free, quality education is where it starts.
The American system is corrupt by design.
Cheers EB, love your work!
Shit, folks here can make all the demands they want. They get lip service and campaign promises which leads to a quieting of it and a return to status quo.
@@TheEclecticBeard still, be careful not to fall into the attitude of the defeated and cowardly - pessimism.
The American education system or lack thereof is one of the problems, a poorly educated population lack the required knowledge to know they are being lied to.
@@TheEclecticBeard @The Eclectic Beard Fuckin ay. I kinda think it's similar in all "democratic" govs...Us Aussies have a somewhat solid healthcare system (for now), but our pollies like to run interference wrt our mining one seems interested in actually making changes...they simply want to be re-elected. And I HATE it. There is very little scope for the immediate future, and its challenges, regardless of the science and/or future directions. But hey! As long as the status quo remains stable, what motivation do our more conservative (and more established) demographics possess? Very fucking little, my dude...ugh xx
USA love lobbyists. NRA military industrial complex like Boeing Retheon Maxwell. They love to be Zionist puppets (AIPAC/WINEP/Israel lobby). They tell the American government what to do. Which means creating illegal wars creating illegal coups creating terrorist organizations. Spending 850 billion on their military this year. I can go on though. But every bad thing you se3 right now in this world us created by America with American tax money because their biggest lobbyist tells them to do so. America gives Israel 4+ billion a year. American tax money. And guess what? They have free schools and education. In America that would be seen as communism (yeah Americans don't know the difference). Anyway the world's going to crap because if America. West are puppets so they don't care. Meanwhile Americans itself live in the worst developed nation on the planet.
I'm in the UK,currently having breast cancer treatment.The NHS are literally keeping me alive to the tune of hundreds of thousands of pounds,and I'm so lucky x
Get well soon Joanne!
Thankyou x
I hope ur doing well. Best wishes 🏴 x
You are quite correct about many, even most US people regarding it as unpatriotic to criticise US social care standards. While I worked for six years in an inner city ER in eastern US, I treated more gunshot wounds among under 16s each month than I dealt with in a year working in conflict zones such as Somalia, Kandahar, or Eastern Congo!
What amazes us Brits is that you don't seem to have any social care whatsoever.
We are still a constitutional monarchy with decent social care.
You ditched the Monarchy. 'No taxation without representation'
Where has that got you? A Presidency owned and driven by corporate business?
God Save the Queen.
Whilst her powers are limited, nothing can happen in government without her say so.
@@karenblackadder1183 lol
Continue to educate ! You are a wise human being.This is important stuff !
I'm Australian and found that hard to watch. Must be extremely difficult for an American to see. I know why idiots say socialism instead of social, fear factor, politics but paying a small amount of tax for a medical system that works and cost is NOT your 1st consideration can only be good.
Americans are brainwashed right from the off ,having to swear a pledge of allegiance every morning in school is totally out of order
and even the usa have a socialistic (or is it social?) security number for all their people without complaining about it being communist.
The comments from BOTH of you are enlightening. I weep for most Americans. Thank you for publicising the situation in America PLC.
Our health system in the UK isn’t perfect but I went to my GP with a suspicious mole, was seen by the dermatologist a week later and got an appointment this week with a plastic surgeon to remove it. Pretty impressive and completely free. I don’t know what I would have done if I had to pay for it.
I'd say you were fortunate there - It's bursting at the seams at the moment (too many staff off sick with covid, too few staff even without that, and too many people living much older for the system to cope). I currently have frozen shoulder which is incredibly painful, every time I move in my sleep I wake up yelling, my GP referred me for an 'urgent' steroid injection and it transpires I still have to wait a month for it....
I’m sorry to hear that. I think with me it’s because it could potentially be cancer, there are strict time rules for that, and I am very grateful. I suppose you’ve tried Voltarol?
@@MissSJ4429 Ah could be, yes I've tried voltarol thanks, doesn't help
@@MartinArscott1 Are you sure it is a frozen shoulder? I was diagnosed with the same thing, but it turned out to be severe arthritis in the joint. I had to have a complete shoulder joint replacement. All done for free, courtesy of the wonderful NHS. Had I been an American, I would be bankrupt.
You're absolutely correct, it's not perfect but it's better than nothing. I hope everything goes well for you.
Dude,what a MAJESTIC Beard !
I was floored when I learned they charge mothers for giving birth in the US. Then they have the gal to be "pro life" on top of it and force you to get into motherhood
Thank you for sharing and it warms the heart that there are still people like you that know the truth. Please share as much as you possibly can. I cry for America. Concerned German.
I'm not an American (I'm Danish), but I have some American friends, and when I hear its non patriotic to point out things that is wrong. I would argue IT IS patriotic to do exactly that, because how can you change things that is wrong if you are not aware of it. I mean is it not more patriotic to make things better than just close your ears stick a Finger in each Ear and go "na na na na" I can't hear anything.
I am NOT saying that the Danish system is flawless, not at all but I am saying that no matter what system you are using you should look to what they are doing other places to get inspired and see if we can take the parts from other places and use that. Of course its not going to change over Night but we got start somewhere otherwise things will snowball out of control.
Of course its patriotic to improve your own Country, its not patriotic to do nothing because of "buzz words" and name calling, specially when the people who does that, don't know their meaning.
Important information for US citizens to hear, but also important for Canadians and Europeans hear as well to not take for granted what we have. It’s easy to focus on small inconveniences and complain, but more important to see the big picture of why. This was my favorite reaction to this video so far, much love from 🇨🇦 PS Corporations are not people and money is not speech, these court rulings are the heart of the issue.
Can’t imagine not having free healthcare, it should be a human right for everyone!
My daughter has leukemia,& one of my sons had a heart attack at 21, so without NHS I’d have lost both.
My daughter regularly sees some of the top specialists in the world free.
Even private doctors donate time to NHS & get valuable experience.
💔 to hear that people can’t access healthcare.
I'd be dead without the NHS... Best wishes for your families health
Well done, you just advocated for slavery. Saying you should have a right to someone else's labour (the health professional you expect to give you care because it's "your right" to have care) is such a dumb fuck take.
Good luck to both.
@mary carver and thus is one size fits all and is government run.....something you wouldnt accept in any other aspect of life where people have different needs and requirements.
@@miff227 it is not government run thank God and it fits me my family and everyone I know fine thanks. Besides if you have too much money you can also go private. Choice!
Why can't people be more insightful and rational like you? I'm glad that you are proud of your country. You should be able to be proud and stand up for it. Too f-ing sad so much is abysmal for the average citizen who just wants to live, prosper and love their country. Greetings from Sweden.
That was one hell of an eye opener!
Great video to react to Alan. Bit of an eye opener for some to. What they charge for health care is unreal.
i live in Australia 8 years ago i had a motorcycle accident not my fault .broken leg and jaw, i was off work for 12 months, on full pay with my shift loading and Christmas bonus, after a year i called the company and said i,m feeling better ,when should i come in ,they sent me to a doctor ,then told me to take another month off, i came back working only 4 hours per day 3 days a week .until i was happy to go back full time ,
Ten years ago I had a severe stroke. Was taken to the hospital where I stayed at the stroke unit for 48 hours. In total two weeks in the hospital till I was fully examinated and then got transfered to a rehabilitation centre for 6 weeks, where a team of doctors, nurses, physiotherapists, speech therapists, social workers and psychologists taught me how to walk, speak, etc again and were looking after my mental health after this trauma I had experiented. I had to do tests to see if my cognitive functions were stilll in tact ot not. I had three meals a day there there and a private room. All of that didn't cost me a cent coz all of it was covered by the general Dutch health insurance. I often wonder what my faith would have been if that would have happened to me in the US.
I had back surgery last year, L3-L4 fusion. With "good" insurance, I still owed $22,000.
In 2017 I had a stroke in the UK, the paramedics got to me about 7 minutes after calling the emergency services, they had me on board the ambulance straight away and blue lighted to our emergency hospital which is 7 miles from my home, I had lost the use of my left arm and leg by this point, it took the hospital team 17 minutes from arrival to have me scanned and thrombolytics administered, this was around 2pm, at about 11am the next day I could use my arm and leg fully again and following a series of tests I was allowed to go home about 4pm. The speed at which the NHS responded in my case was fantastic and although I do have some issues with walking long distance and have lost some manual dexterity on the left hand nobody would know I have had a stroke, this excellent health care including all the follow ups and prescriptions has cost me nothing.
@@kristiankrause5723 My brother is 62, he had back surgery on the NHS and thanks to that is still playing golf, again no cost.
Your fate would have definitely been worse if you were in America, and your great grandchildren would still be paying off the debt..😂😂😂😂
the 1st step of fixing a problem is admitting there is one. When everyone acts like "i live in the best country, i know everything" thing will keep going only downhill
This was a great presentation and you sir Eclectic Beard, share my perspective on the state of America as well as the rest of the world. I'm Canadian so it really shouldn't come as a surprise that I feel this way. At the same time, I would love to watch a video suggesting the opposite worldview. I think it's always necessary to hear what a devil's advocate has to say in response to one's long-held perspectives. I've found that it helps a person's capacity for debating - and debating is a wonderful thing. Sadly, debates in the U.S. end with violence/ violent rhetoric, and the cancellation of certain individuals based on their position. Now THAT is fucking REPELLENT!!
My sister in law lived in LA for a while, she couldn't believe how many homeless people there were. And living right next to massive companies and beautiful, extravagant homes. She said it was so grim :/
LA government pay homeless people.
Homeless people from other states go to LA so they can get paid to be homeless.
I spent some time in Atlanta, and noticed the same thing. Although I am originally from the UK where of course we do have a homeless issue too, I have spent the last 22 years in Sweden, I can honestly say hand on heart I have never seen anyone sleeping rough.
California got all the famous people living there as well. They could help out. But nope. Look at Hollywood. It's pure garbage. But they really know how to hide it on TV. America is fake.
Great video. Just to add on something you said about people coming to the US for treatment that is often not about better care but in the US having deep pockets mean you get to jump to the front of the line while poorer people have to wait. There is even a term for it, a "wallet biopsy". Wait times are based on who can pay the most, not based on who needs the most urgent care.
Also with the US's huge poulation there are enough patients with rare conditions to keep specialists working with those conditions. In smaller countries there may be only one patient a decade with that condition, so not as much knowledge of the latest treatments.
Alan your best yet , this should get a good number it's great
I'm a UK citizen that has also lived in Canada. Both countries have similar health care UK better employee rights Canada cleaner better infrastructure but they are not socialist both have a market based economy.
eye opening video.. thanks my friend!
I had a surgery a few years ago. It cost me 46€, I was in the hospital for four days (food was really good!) and I got a taxi-ride home from the hospital that was over 200km away. I belong to a international group for people who has the same condition as me and every american in that group says that they paid 40k-140k dollars for the same surgery, because their insurance didnt cover it. I live in Finland. I dont get the "socialism"-thing, im happy to pay 20% in taxes
I basically pay around 30% of my wage in taxes, it ain't perfect .... but people have to have unusual conditions to go bankrupt here in the u.k. paying medical bills...
YES!!!!! 16:45 in!! Finally an American that got the difference between what you over there are taught as "socialism" is NOT the same as what we have here, social democracy! Finally!! :)
in the US you say god bless America in the UK we say god bless the NHS. You love your Country Eclectic but does your Country love you
Brilliant video Mr E.B. many thanks.
The most accurate representation I have seen on the internet - well done dude.
I've tried discussing the benefits of the USA having a socialised healthcare programme like the National Health Service in the UK with some Americans and all of a sudden it's the Gulag Archipelago.
Did you attempt to discuss the drawbacks? Highly unlikely in my experience
@@miff227 What drawbacks? Compared with the American Healthcare model?
It sounds like the people you were talking to are confusing socialism with common sense. Healthcare should be a human right . America should scrap their dick turpin method.
@@Cameraman61 There are drawbacks, they won't be able to live their irresponsible unhealthy lifestyle anymore if everyones health becomes a public concern. Americans do not live in nations like europeans, so there is generally no desire to support each other. When you have public healthcare the next thing that follows is stricter gun laws, stricter driving license laws, higher taxation on unhealthy shit, stricter regulation for food ect. If you let the government pay for your health, you can bet that they will make sure that you live healthy. Now im not saying that is bad, but i do not think most americans would be willing to put up with that. But you can not just sell the socialization of health care as a rainbow solution with no cost.
It really does amaze me that the American Lobby system isn't officially considered corruption
YUP lobbying is just bribing. How can it not be? 100% agree ,how is it allowed?
Perfect example of looting: United nations finds 3rd world poverty in West Virginia...Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia lives on a yacht in D.C.
I think it's mostly down to the way the US economy and tax system changed under Reagan. Exactly the same as under Thatcher in the UK. There was pretty constant development from 1945 to 1970. The 70s saw a lot of industrial problems, with unions demanding too much and production moved overseas. Thatcher and Reagan came to power at the end of the decade and spent the 1980s asset stripping the nations and moving the tax burden from people at the top to people at the bottom. That's when inequality started increasing exponentially. The only difference is the UK having universal healthcare, all the other problems are mirrored
How sad that you think unions were "demanding too much" to improve the conditions for employees in your country. Perhaps a lack of trade unions to fight for your underpaid workforce is why you have such a dreadful level of poverty. Let's start with no paid annual leave like we have had in Australia since 1936, no definition of fulltime work hours, nor paid maternity/paternity leave or worker's compensation (which provides all medical and rehabilitation care for accidents on the job since 1985. We have had sick leave since 1920 where you don't get sacked if you use it all because our unfair dismissal laws protect workers.)
I worked until I was 57 and retired using my superannuation fund which commenced in 1986. "Super" is a system where all employers MUST contribute a percentage of every worker's wages, which is now at 12% of gross wages, to ensure financial assistance upon retirement. (Every employee can add to their superfund which is taxed at a much-reduced rate. My super fund has allowed me to be self-funded in my retirement and not a burden upon government handouts). I was entitled to 17.5% leave loading on my SIX weeks annual leave as a midwife (most occupations get four weeks annual leave.) Leave loading is a bonus extra to encourage workers to use their annual leave entitlements. We have enjoyed penalty rates for working night or late shifts since 1947 and Long Service Leave since 1951...And amazingly, it is BECAUSE of our "unions demanding too much" we enjoy an enviable work/life balance and some of us live in some of the most livable cities in the world...and yes! WE have universal equitable, health care here too with an emphasis on preventative care making our life expectancy approx. five years more than in the USA. The original Medibank was introduced in 1984 by Prime Minister Bob Hawke, who had previously been the President of the Australian Council of Trade Unions.
@@eddykate3700 I was born in the 1980s, so my knowledge of 1970s industrial relations is second hand at best. I support unions when they work for their members, ours is negotiating our 2022/23 pay award on our behalf. My understanding is that in the 1970s their actions were too militant, calling general strikes, making unaffordable wage demands etc. That led to a backlash that almost destroyed them under Thatcher.
I am genuinely worried about our new government stripping our employment rights and standards after we left the EU. The EU legislates on minimum standards so no member of the single market can get a competitive advantage by undercutting the others. My assumption is that they will argue that our rights stand in the way of us being competitive with countries in the far east so they must be erased. Anyone fighting to retain them will be demonised as part of 'the anti-growth coalition'
The strikes were not actually about money. That was merely smoke and mirrors. It was actually to advance socialism.
Yes. Political, not financial.
I’m looking forward to hearing that concept of a healthcare plan!
I once had a cat. A horse had broken the cat's leg in 2 places. I was studying so could not afford to get the leg fixed so i had to have it put down. I remember thinking "at least I'm not an American, I might have to make this type of decision with a family member".
Your knowledge about my country touched me. You have earned another sub. I had to physically stand up and clap my hands and say bravo to your well-rounded education! Socialism is not Social democracy
This needs to be shown to our elected leaders.
My prescriptions are $6.90 and once I reach the saftynet, (usually around September)my scripts are FREE!
G'day from Australia 🇦🇺
The world is so screwed… because of greed.
I know this is an "old" video, and no one is going to read this comment...but I had to write it. :) I'm Norwegian. THANK GOD there is one US citizen that understand the difference between sosialist comunism and SOCIAL DEMOCRACY!! :)
You'd be surprised how often I go through and read through comments on my older videos. It's still frustrating to me the amount of folks that don't understand the difference.
@@TheEclecticBeard I do not live in a comunist country. We have what you can call a mixed economy. Our taxes goes back to infrastructure, school, helthcare...but the market is "free", with the competition and everything. It's actually a very good compromise.
And, shockingly, we even own guns!! :D
Thank you for reading it!! :)
I live in the UK, i have all my life, been told if i feel sick, go see the doctor, better to catch an ailment early, and get cheep quick free treatment, than wait till im dieing and need surgery, so if you feel sick, go see your doctor, and its free, cos Britain understands, quick treatment means cheeper health care for all, so we all get it, and its cheep, we may have a line to wait in, but those that need it most, as in will die quicke3st get first in the line, those that can wait, wait, but we all get seen free.
Liked for you making the video, not liked for the pictures it paints. I bet it's the same world wide by now. Thanks for sharing bud. ;)
Here in Australia we just had a federal election.
Have a look at our voting process and the UKs they are similar.
We have multiple parties NOT just 2 and everyone over 18yrs old HAS TO VOTE!!
So how can the US claim to be the greatest democracy when their is only 2 parties and only registered voters can vote????????
Explain that ARROGANCE?????
6:40 I want to say that the US actually has 1 thing going for them when it comes to healthcare.
Healthcare is so irregulated and money driven, that it might be slightly enhance doctors' and researchers' motive to innovate (and you could also compare US wages VS European wages in this field), because they can then charge lots of money if they find something that they can sell to people.
For example, the only long COVID treatment we can currently get in Europe is driven by a private American company, which European citizen who do wanna decide to get that treatment have to pay quite a bit of money (Tatiana Ventôse made a great interview with the American doctor that drives this long covid treatment if you're interested).
So yeay ! At least the US can sometimes have that !
Are some of these upsides the US healthcare system have worth every other downsides it has ? I personally don't think so though.
I feel increasingly fortunate to have been born in the UK - it is not perfect but a lot better than some of the alternatives.
spread the wealth - spread the love
Funny you should say that. That is basically the idea of socialism.
This has opened my eyes. I will never moan about my country anymore. You are right we have a conservative government, but, we have socialist care and we have a welfare system.
Moaning is OK. Keeps the government on their toes
You, Sir, have just earned yourself a new subscriber. First time watching, viewing Gun Contol with Jim Jefferies directly after this. I'm looking forward to your grime vids(been meaning to check more of it anyway - Witness the Fitness by Roots Manoeva - 1990's video version is my suggestion) but i expect your take on Jefferies set in particular should great.
Hopefully, as younger generations travel outside the US more, things will change when they see how much better it could be.
They'll most likely just stay in that countrt and never leave again, outside abroad holidays
the people in charge of the US will see this happening and find a way to stop it
Wow! This was amazing. Everything you said was just on point. if everyone in the u.s. was so well educated, there would be hope. And thanks for getting the difference between socialism and social democracy right 😄
16:37 Thank's for pointing that out ❤ This bothers me in the English language. It get's mixed up too often. Germany for example is a "Sozialstaat" which literally translates to social state. The English equivalent would be welfare state as far as I know. But socialism? Nah, we've been through that. At least the east of our country. Socialism is abusing the word social like the Democratic People's Republic of Korea is abusing the word democracy.
"Democratic People's Republic of Korea is abusing the word democracy"
Or like the US is abusing the words democracy, freedom and human rights.
Hey Allen, I've just had a thought, that never occured to me before, if your taxes aren't spent on the people's needs where do they go?? Seriously, what are they spent on??
I haven't a clue tbh.
@@TheEclecticBeard $700bn to the military industrial complex and a bigger eye-popping $5.9tr in subsidies for 'free market' industries such as nuclear and oil ... every year baby.
@@TheEclecticBeard Probably the military machine.
I'm Portuguese and the best healthcare I experienced was in Poland, in a state clinic that looked just out of communist Poland.
Two matrons (nurses) syringed the wax out of my eardrums - two big blobs. The unblocking reduced my headache in 5 minutes, that impacted my sinus and, thus, my breathing.
By the end of the day I only had the sniffles and the next day woke up feeling fresh and dry as a clean shirt.
I blanked several times and was barely able to drive there on a high fever, on the day before.
The oppersit of socialism is egoisme - not capilalisme.
In Europe we have democratic-socialistic-capitalisme.
Thats what we woted for.
It's not just Europe, In Costa Rica we have:
-Free education
-Free heathcare
-15 days Paid vacation per year
-Paid sick leave and you can't get fired on any scenario while sick.
-1 year new born paid leave for the mother, and you can't get fired on any scenario while on leave.
-6 months new born paid leave for the father, and you can't get fired on any scenario while on leave.
-If you get fired you get fired for example they no longer need you, you get 6% of your total cumulative salary up to 8 years.
This video holds MANY truths BUT… on the other side of the coin many medical students get their qualifications and highly qualified surgeons etc move to the USA where they can make much more money than the NHS would otherwise pay them… if the US were similar to us then we could have many more highly skilled medical staff staying in our own national health system… the US isn’t only taking from their own citizens but, by extension, taking from other countries such as us and Canada, no doubt 🤦🏻♂️😕
About your point around 21:00 I would like to add, A lot of the opportunities are for those that already have money. If you have 250K to spend you can buy a plot and put a $425K home on it, if you have 6 million to spend you can build a 6 story 36 apartment tower which sells for 9 million 3 years later (at $249,999 per apartment, depending on location it could be a lot more.) Once you have money it's fairly easy to make more money, the problem is that the opportunities to make it to your first 100K are very scarce. And saving for it won't be easy unless you don't get sick during all that time.
No country is perfect, no single political party has all the answers and as a Brit i will say that the NHS isn't perfect either. But, I'm still glad to be from the UK and as a regular visitor to the USA, you can see the decline and how the systems really don't work.
I take social-democracy every second of the day over capitalism. I hope the USA will understand the social democratic standart one day
For some reason I'm comparing The U.S. with Russia.
The U.S. may have a lot more freedom politically than Russia, but the ordinary people in both countries suffer from the fact that the rich percentage of their populations are bleeding their countries dry.
I doubt any American would see it that way. More likely to wave the flag as a show of patriotism.
I've always said. Like repels like. My maternal family come form former Eastern Germany and we understand exactly the similarities between the US and Russia. Very much like the English and French, were so similar that we love to hate each other. The truth hurts.
It seems lke the more we have in common the more we hate each other, unfortunately.
whevever i hear americans rant about "socialism" i remember the story of the guy on tiktok who visited an amish town and when asked about how they afford hospitals ect they said sth like "once/twice a year the preacher goes around and everybody gives somethings so members of the community can afford care" and the students were like cute and he went "BUT THATS WHAT WE (europeans) DO WITH TAXES" and they called him socialist
European countries like the UK, mainland Europe and in Scandinavia are obviously not socialist countries but we do have welfare systems in place and they are not just put in place by Labour the left, Liberals the middle or Conservatives, the right.
Lloyd George and the Liberals introduced the old age pension. Attlee
and Labour brought in comprehensive National Insurance. Margaret
Thatcher’s government introduced Family Credit.
In Bosnia an MRI is free in state run hospitals. The private sector charges about 250 to 300$
Every UD citizen should have the same healthcare plan as the US army.
Who can argue against that!
Health care. I'm a Brit living in Thailand. In 2013,in addition to visiting
t my friends for 3 months I opted to have cataract treatment in the states.I think I paid $2500 and they asked "who is paying?" I had to repeat 3 tumes "I AM" .the surgery was popular and in conversations (in a bar,where else),discovered I paid far less than locals who claimed on their insurance.To this day i still have 20/20 vision.
Un related to cataracts, I had to see a local doctor and going to Rite Aid?? to pick up my medicine the young Pharamcist, felt guilty charging me about $300 (same tablets here cost less than a Mc Donalds).He suggested i become a member and thus reduce the cost,which I did.He was a sincere and considerate person and a credit to your country.I had travel insurance anyway,but obviously that only covered the doctor's fee and medicine.
America does not suck at every thing... But what it does wrong is almost everything imho - but then again, I'm British, so what do I know....
makes us fell pretty luck to live on this damp, grumpy little island, where you're never more than 60 miles from an ocean
@@pumpvolumes Great Britain may be a damp windy rock, but it's OUR damp windy rock 😆
@@KissMyFatAxe sure is
The real reason why the NHS is so cost effective compared to healthcare in the US isn't that there are so many companies all trying to skim a huge profit out of your medical bills, it's because it is a SINGLE organisation (with many branches, but that's another story). It is effectively a reverse monopoly.
If you are a supplier of drugs or medical equipment, your only customer in the UK (apart from a few private hospitals that make up a very small percentage of the market) will be the NHS so it's a case of taking the reasonable offer the NHS gives you or find another country to profiteer in.
But when you have a system that has thousands of independent hospitals, pharmacies and doctor's surgeries, it's easy for you to say "The price is $300, take it or leave it, I have plenty of other customers willing to pay that price."
The conservatives would like to privatise the NHS
I think that a lot of Americans do not understand the basic difference between "Socialism" and "Social Services", they also think that "Socialism" and "Communism" mean the same thing! Also, a great deal of America's internal problems arise from having a Political and Legal system firmly stuck in the 18th Century, and they base everything on a piece of paper drawn up by a few Land and Slave owners, when only a tiny percentage of the people even had a vote. Because of this they ended up with a 2-party Political system, which simply doesn't work, and allows huge amounts of curruption, and a legal system which is incapable of stopping it. Seriously, any other country would have scrapped the whole sorry mess years ago, and established a proper, Democratic system in it's place.
Once in India I had a minor accident..went to a local govt hospital, paid Rs 05( $0.063 )for OPD ticket...there was immediate response from hospital staff, got my dressing, stitches, full course antibiotic tablets, antibiotic ointment, pain medications, anti gas medications, tetanus toxoid injection,absolutely for free apart from 05 rupees that I spent...they advised X-ray of my arm to rule out possible fracture which cost 50 rupees ( $0.63) thankfully everything was good and less than a dollar...also life saving treatment and childbirthin govt hospitals in India are almost free...
I worked for a company in the UK that calculated holiday pay based on your gross average pay over the first 6 months of each year, so if you worked a lot of overtime normally then your holiday rate would reflect that and you wouldn't be out of pocket when on holiday! What's not so good is our government seem intent on selling off our health service to the US so they can privatise it.....
Not only the Health services. I've noticed Insurance Companies changing too. We used to have Friendly Societies ( non profit.) that we had insurance Policies, with, now you have insurance companies.
Hello, I'm from Austria, it's really sad what the conditions are in the USA. I have family in the USA, so I know how it is, I don't want to hurt any US pride, the 3 world has more support from the state in some cases. Americans always talk about "best country and freedoom" you live in a bubble and that's sad.
Sounds like it is a great time to become a British Citizen or a Canadian Citizen... since both have a National Health Care System where the USA don't.
Well you could actually pick almost ANY european country and get free heathcare AND free education
Yes, however, Eclectic would have to reform to the Language of that european country and how they work, England and Canada, even possibly Australia and New Zealand would work as they are the closest to American life if the way that it's done
Latest study on ibruprofen seems to show that it gives short term relief but because it inhibits the bodys inflammitary response it can lead acute pain to become chronic pain so you would need the heavy meds.
I can honestly say my eyes have been opened over the past 5 years and I do not love America at all, there is nothing to love. It’s an incredibly disappointing country and an embarrassment honestly. I appreciate your videos!
new your shit, my brother \,,/
I've been on holiday to America seven times, so i must like it. Would i like to live there? NNNo thank you.
It might be the hat, headphones and beard, but they look so similar.
EB, imagine the revolution failed. You'd have had better comedy and an NHS and a minimum of 20 days of paid holiday per year 😉🇬🇧🇬🇧 . In all seriousness the world and it's economies are deeply complex. As you pointed out many societies have a blend of social systems and capitalist systems.
In the UK. Around Easter I started to be I’ll and for a week I put it down to Gastric Flu. I am the sort of the person who isn’t Ill for more than one day. After the week I phoned the I’ll hotline, got a doctors appointment gave blood and one evening got a call saying can u come to the hospital. Spent 4 dat# in hospital and was injected twice a day as I had a blood clot next to my bowel and liver. When I left I was given syringes of blood thinners to self administer twice a day. I was close to running out so asked for more. Which I got. All this didn’t cost me anything. Had a health issue, got the help needed.
You say you love your country? But what is there to love? I've seen several reactions to this, and I'm still disgusted by it, and I'm a Brit. Why is this allowed to continue? Why isn't every American out there protesting?
Lack of education too. American schools and colleges pour more money into their sports programs than they do academic programs. Many colleges have stadia that rival some of the best in Europe. On top of a piss poor education US students are immediately saddled by debt they might pay off before middle age if they are lucky.
one thing i learned recently is benefits like leave are only paid to people who work full time, right. So companies have an incentive to hire 2 part time workers rather than 1 full timer.
But full time is not defined anywhere and it is up to the business to define it. so they could have you working 40 hours a week and you think that is full time, but they could define full time as 47 hours, so you arent getting any benefits.
How can labour acts or legislation or like the department of labour not have a legally enforceable definition of full time?
There is no law requiring companies to provide health benefits, however under the Affordable Care Act certain companies (those with over 50 full time employees) are required to or are fined.
However as you pointed out, the system can be gamed and an employer can employ 99 part time workers and avoid paying benefits. This equates to 49.5 employees and sadly is legal and often abused.
Here is the biggest injustice, a full time employee is someone working 30-40 hours a week, a part time employee is someone working less than 30.
So a business can offer someone 29 hours to avoid hitting the FT bracket.
Dont know about the USA, but I am a brit, lived in Australia for 6 years. The day I returned back to the UK, we are a country that is mollycoddled. The trouble is, most brits dont know this... but until you live in a country that you have to pay for these services, you won't really appreciate it. For instance. In Auz, you pay for the cost of the medication, not a one off prescription charge. The worst thing is, you dont know the cost of this until you goto the pharmacist to collect the drug.
I worked as a nurse in Oz for several years and had a real culture shock at having to think about coatings. Having been trained by the NHS and worked in it we never took into account the cost of things, even simple stuff like dressing packs etc. The lesson it taught me was how much waste there is in the NHS, how much we take for granted, working in Australia certainly gave me a whole new perspective but taught me valuable lessons
You pay for medication in Sweden, but it is capped at something like £100 once you hit that cap it is free for a year.
12:45 also i'm insured for that, my insurance is international, if i need treatment in a different country its still covered
Before the NHS the UK had a private insurance and charity hospitals system. During WW2 The war had nationalized all care and was going to be returned to the old system. It was argued that healthcare for profits was immoral and not christian. Churchill coalition government was beaten at the 1945 general election and the Labour party gained power on the strength of the need to have a NHS and other reforms. In 1946 The NHS was born and took two years to implement the system. Over the years political parties have pledged to save the NHS, to invest in the NHS and to free the NHS. Every general election every party has a new slogan to help the NHS. This NHS has its champions and for most people do appreciate the NHS for its services and people in general love it, nobody wants US healthcare system in the NHS. The NHS was so successful other countries implemented their own versions.
It was the first time anywhere in the world that completely free healthcare was made available on the basis of citizenship rather than the payment of fees or insurance premiums. Without doubt a Christian idea that travelled around the world, except the USA.
Just found " Eclectic Beard' Love watching this guy, just a hoot.but for me I never knew how rough it was in America .Something has gone wrong .
except they do have socialism, socialism is an economic model, the problem here is americans have been conditioned to equate socialism with communist totalitalianism.
No, we DON'T have socialism. Complete, utter bullshit. We have social market economies. That is NOT socialism. If you ever, in your whole life, set foot in a truly socialist country, you'd know, instantly, that no, the are no more socialist countries in Europe.
The only truly socialist country by any extent of the definition is North Korea. All other countries have varying degrees of social programs. Yes, even China is in some form a highly regulated social market economy, with a lot of restrictions, but still operating under very strong economic market limits basically equal to a capitalist system.
We simply have different laws concerning employees rights, limiting working hours as per standardized norms of full time work hours per week, hiring and firing regulations, union participation in companies, etc.
That however does not make us socialist. There is no government controlled means of production, no artifical demands created by government programs, no limits on private ownership, corporations, etc, no limits of freedom of movement due to demands on transportation, no limits on choice of jobs depending on government programs, none of that.
But all of those are parts of what makes a socialist government, as per the definition of Marx and Engels.
So please, please, please, educate yourself on the definitions.
You should do a deep dive in Australia . I reckon you will want to move here
A good suggestion but he won't do it because as he says, he loves his country.
It's like staying in a bad marriage because you love your partner. It could ruin your life, and we only have one.
I can't help but wonder what sort of life his children will have if they grow up in America, and I'm sure he loves his children as well as his country , if not more.
@@marieravening927 fair point . I had watched a dozen of his video blogs and thought from here in Adelaide, he wouldn't have those problems anymore.Plus he gets 50c for every $1AUD