Οι σέκτες του Ισλάμ, επεισόδειο 05: Οι Ντεομπάντι.

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 19 ก.ย. 2024
  • Οι Ντεομπάντι είναι η τελευταία, ως πιο πρόσφατη ιστορικά, σέκτα του Σουνιτικού Ισλάμ και ανήκει στο Νοτιο-Ασιατικό Ισλάμ. Αναμορφωτικό κίνημα του 20ου αιώνα το οποίο δραστηριοποιείται κυρίως μέσω εκπαιδευτικών προγραμμάτων, εξαιρετικά συντηριτικό!

ความคิดเห็น • 7

  • @Behonest-Beyourself
    @Behonest-Beyourself 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Κοπέλα μου σε πιο κόσμο ζεις;
    Προσπαθείς να αλλάξεις το Ισλάμ όπως σε συμφέρει.
    Δεν μπορείς να αλλάξεις κάτι που θεωρείς σαν θρησκεία τα αρχικά λόγια του Θεού .
    Τα λόγια του Θεού είναι εις τους αιώνας των αιώνων τα ίδια.
    Δεν αλλάζουν αλλά όπως σε παρατηρώ είσαι στον χαρακτήρα και μυαλό όπως ο Μωάμεθ.
    Τα αλλάζεις όλα όπως σε συμφέρει.
    Το Ισλάμ είναι οι διδαχές του Μωάμεθ και η ζωή του Μωάμεθ μας δείχνει ότι το Ισλάμ δεν είναι θρησκεία.
    Το Ισλάμ είναι μια πολιτική ιδεολογία η κάτι σαν σεκτε!
    Εάν μου έλεγες ότι εγώ βλέπω το Ισλάμ σαν μια ιδεολογία θα σε κατανοουσα.
    Αλλά είσαι πολύ αφελής να θεωρείς το Ισλάμ θρησκεία και θέλεις να το φέρεις στα μέτρα σου.

    • @ProgressiveFeministIslam
      @ProgressiveFeministIslam  9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      E, άμα το λες εσύ.... 😂🤣😂🤣 Παρεμπιπτόντως, το "πιο" είναι λάθος. Το σωστό είναι "ποιόν", γραμματική τρίτης δημοτικού! Συστήνω νυχτερινό.....

    • @Behonest-Beyourself
      @Behonest-Beyourself 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@ProgressiveFeministIslam έχεις δίκιο. Έκανα γραμματικό λάθος και χρειάζεται να πάω πάλι στα θρανία 🙂αλλά σε εσένα είναι ο χαρακτήρας σου λάθος και θα πρέπει να πας σε ένα ιμαμη να σε μάθει ότι η υποκρισία δεν έχει πέραση στον σημερινό κόσμο.
      Το ίντερνετ είναι η ταφόπλακα του Ισλάμ .
      Εσύ προσπάθησε απ το Κοράνι και τις χαντιθες να διαλέγεις μόνο αυτά που σε συμφέρουν.
      Τον αράπη και αν τον πλένεις το σαπούνι σου χαλάς. 🤣😉

    • @ProgressiveFeministIslam
      @ProgressiveFeministIslam  9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Για να το λες εσύ..... Για πες μας, ποιό ακριβώς είναι το γνωσιακο σου επίπεδο επί του Ισλάμ; Να μαντέψω....οτι έχεις ακούσει από την τηλεόραση, ιστορίες του ταξιτζή της γειτονιάς και το έπος του '21;

    • @Behonest-Beyourself
      @Behonest-Beyourself 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@ProgressiveFeministIslam Λοιπόν όπως είπα εάν περνεις το Ισλάμ σαν κάτι που εσένα προσωπικά αρέσει σαν τρόπος ζωής πάω πάσο αλλά δεν είναι θρησκεία για τον απλό λόγο δεν έχει θεϊκή υπόσταση .
      Δηλαδή δεν έχει εντολή από τον Θεό για να γίνει θρησκεία. Τώρα εάν εσύ μου αναφέρεις την παρουσίαση του Αρχαγγέλου Γαβριήλ στον Μωάμεθ τότε θα σε παρακαλούσα να διαβάσεις το παρακάτω κείμενο που το έγραψα ο ίδιος και το δείχνω σε μουσουλμάνους που έχουν την ίδια αυταπάτη για το Ισλάμ όπως και εσύ.
      Το κείμενο είναι στα αγγλικά γραμμένο και αναφέρεται σε ανθρώπους σαν εσένα που άφησαν τον Χρηστο και ακολουθούν τον μεγαλύτερο απατεώνα που έβγαλε ο αραβικός κοσμος.Οπως έχω δει τα αγγλικά σου είναι πολύ καλά και εάν και η λογική σου είναι στο ίδιο επίπεδο θα καταλάβεις το λογικό σκεπτικό μου.
      Message for learned, open-minded new initiates MUSLIMS.
      Muslims living in the Neanderthal era don't need to read it because they will not understand it.
      Good day and sorry that I will be a little rude but better to tell someone the truth in person than to flatter him with false words!
      I have been trying to understand something since a long time that only someone with your experience can give me an answer to my curiosity!
      My question without finding a logical answer in my mind is this:
      For someone who is born into a religion and does not know exactly what and for why he believes without ever wondering if what he learned as a child is a value of faith I have understanding!
      He has the human excuse of being born into something and did not have the right to self-determination!
      In short, he did not choose his religion alone and out of habit and unconsciously stayed in it!
      This happens to many people.
      But in your case you were free to do what you wanted, which means that you studied and understood that the Qur'an is the words and the will of the true God!
      If that was really the reason you embraced Islam?
      Now I would like you to take a deep breath and follow my thoughts and if possible be honest with yourself and me!
      Religion has to do with God!
      Or I'm wrong?
      And what God says is infallible and no changes can made over the centuries for what he had spoken?
      And you believe that he exists (I personally believe) or you don't?
      There is nothing in between!
      I think we agree on that!
      So continuing the thoughts we see that to understand that the God we believe exists we have 3 choices .(only 3)!
      Either we have seen him and talked with him and we have recorded his words or someone else has come in contact with him and we have confidence in the sincere correctness of his says or we just believe and we like the texts of the religion that we have embraced and we are feeling that this religion is the true will of God for us humans and for me!
      That means in your case or you believe that Muhammad came in contact with God and the Archangel Gabriel and the Qur'an is the true will of God on earth according to his words(Koran]or you personally have a contact with God and he said to you the same words that he said to Muhammad[That koran is the truth]or neither of them happened but you just like the Qur'an as a book and its scriptures have touched your heart and you feel (do not confuse I feel with believe) what you read and that is why you are believing its writings!
      If it's the last thing that made you a Muslim then sorry but your choice has nothing to do with God and religion but with something you like as a LIFESTYLE and I understand that!
      You can not feel something and say what I have inside me are the words of God because everyone has feelings and everyone could say the same!
      8 billion people 8 billion different feelings and an equal number of Gods with religions!
      So let's not be fooled!
      Feeling something does not mean that it is Truth!
      In this case you are fooling yourself!
      Now we take the case where you tell me that I believe in Islam because I saw God and I have talked to him and he told me that I must embrace Islam. Then I would tell you that I understand your choice if this is truth and you are not kidding yourself!
      But in this case, if you want to convince someone like me from the truth of your words, you have to prove something that is the main feature of a religion!
      THAT YOU ARE HONEST! .....
      HONESTY is the A and Z in a Religion and in everything that people saying if you want that people believes you when you have something to say that nobody personally seen or heard and was not present when it hapens!
      And now is the crucial question!
      How do you gain confidence in someones words!
      Very simple!
      When his words and actions match!
      That means what he says he does it in practice!
      Theory and practice should coincide!
      That means if he is honest with himself and others!
      Not only with words!
      Do you understand me, I think?
      In words we are all Saints,holy people!
      It's easy that i say big things but they must matches with my deeds?
      And now tell me honestly a reason why I would change what I believe with a ideology that someone who's wrote it [koran,Islam]was never honest with himself and in fact never believes an it because his actions were the opposite of his teachings!
      And that is the big problem in Islam!
      In the Qur'an many verses are poetic and someone who reads it may have the impression that is the word of God!
      But when somebody learns the life story of the person who wrote it and thinks objectively, then he understands that it is the false words of a Casanova who wants to break into the bed from a light-minded girl!
      Not truly words!
      The words of the Qur'an do not coincide with the deeds of Muhammad!
      And everybody knows who he really was!
      I do not think we need to hide behind our finger! (Recruiter, Legislator, Policeman, Judge, Executore,Pädophil,caravan robber.. etc ... etc)!
      To tell you the truth, I would believe you more if you told me that you saw and spoke with God than the one that you believe and consider as the most sincere and perfect person for example to imitate!
      I will tell you about Christ and Socrates who sacrificed themselves for their beliefs and did not betray their teachings!
      These are examples of honesty that everyone would believe in what they taught!
      Sorry finally to tired you but we have to be honest with ourselves, and not hide behind our finger!
      The problem in Islam is the founder and author of the Qur'an Muhammad and you can not do black white!
      Muhammad may have been good at many other things but not as a man of God!
      That is why Islam is rotten from his roots as a religion and this does not change over the centuries because GOD DOES NOT MAKE MISTAKES and in the Qur'an you can not make corrections for this very reason!
      ISIS is practicing the Qur'an with its laws 100% because they have a 100% standard on Muhammad!
      And in fact they are the really Muslims!
      The Muslims of our time and you are trying to make it more humane and more accessible for proselytizing by trying with patches to justify the unjustified!
      Islam was a political system in the time of its founder with earthly laws, although Muhammad tried to give it divine legitimacy for the people to accept.
      You can accept also islam as lifestyle or faschist political ideology but islam hat nothing to do with religion AND GOD!
      I apologize again for making you feel uncomfortable but

    • @ProgressiveFeministIslam
      @ProgressiveFeministIslam  9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Ωραίο το σεντόνι σου, αλλά είναι απλά πολλά λόγια για να πεις "η προσωπική μου ΆΠΟΨΗ είναι Χ". Η άποψη είναι σαν τη μύτη, όλοι έχουν από μια. Εγώ δεν σε ρώτησα αυτό, όμως. Μάλλον μπέρδεψες τις έννοιες "γνώμη" και "γνώση". Εγώ σε ρώτησα να μου πεις ποιο είναι το γνωσιακο σου (γνώση) επίπεδο επί του Ισλάμ. Για πε....
      ΥΓ: Δύομιση χρόνια που έχω το κανάλι, ΠΟΤΈ δεν προσπάθησα να προσυλητισω. Τουναντίον, έχω δηλώσει ξεκάθαρα ότι δεν με ενδιαφέρει αυτός ο τομέας. Οι ίδιες μου οι κόρες είναι (ακόμα) Χριστιανες. Εσύ αυτό τον φόβο ότι τα βίντεο μου θέλουν να σε προσυλητισουν, γιατί τον έχεις;