Great video and explanation on how to use it. The Gophinator works great! I used your suggestion on burying the gopher in the hole. The issue I had was racoons were digging them up causing me to refill the holes. I'm guessing the smell would cause them to dig at the same holes for days. So now I just throw them in the tree line for them to eat so they'll stop digging up my pasture.
When I catch a gopher, I always set the trap again in the same place, and leave it at least a day. I have caught a many as seven this way, maybe young ones still living with their mother.
Great video and explanation on how to use it. The Gophinator works great! I used your suggestion on burying the gopher in the hole. The issue I had was racoons were digging them up causing me to refill the holes. I'm guessing the smell would cause them to dig at the same holes for days. So now I just throw them in the tree line for them to eat so they'll stop digging up my pasture.
When I catch a gopher, I always set the trap again in the same place, and leave it at least a day. I have caught a many as seven this way, maybe young ones still living with their mother.
Just use an orange flag to mark where you placed it. Bait is not neccessary . Just leave the hole open.