Good day Bunheng, Why don't you sell your vegetables to the restaurants or to the wholesalers. Don't be so negative. Look on the bright sides. At least you have the farm to grow your produces. Why not grow what the consumers want. Find out what sells and grows that. Get your own truck and deliver your vegetables to your customers.
Beautiful growing plants vegetables look so beautiful 👍❤❤
បាទ បាទ ចំការស្អាត 🥬🥬🥬
Love your video កំពូលមនុស្ស !!
យកបន្លែមកដល់ ទីក្រុងហើយបង
If I live close, I will buy some. It's so fresh. 🌸
Thank you 🙏
ទេសភាពចំកាស្ពៃស្អាតស្រស់ស្រាយណាស់ តែស្ពៃបានថោកបន្តិច មួយចំកានឹងបានតែជាងមួយលានគិតកាចំណាយទៅមិនរួចខ្លួនមែននឹង🌹❤️🌹🌸🌸🌸
លក់ខាតហើយ ខែនេះ
It's amazing how he balances all that on that little motorcycle.
It’s a skill 😅😅
Good day Bunheng,
Why don't you sell your vegetables to the restaurants or to the wholesalers. Don't be so negative. Look on the bright sides. At least you have the farm to grow your produces. Why not grow what the consumers want. Find out what sells and grows that. Get your own truck and deliver your vegetables to your customers.
Thank you for good comment
យកទៅតើ ទើបមកវិញ
ពេលខ្លះ400 ទៅ500
នៅឃុំស្វាយប្រទាល ស្រុកស្អាង ខេត្តកណ្តាល
កាត់លក់អស់ហើយ បងអើយ
នៅសៀមរាបមួយគីឡូ 5000៛
បាទ បាទ
នៅខាងខ្ញុំលក់បានមួយគីឡូតែ ៤០០៛ទេថោកណាស់
បាទ បាទ