Samy Kiani we have meny but meny similar sords!! :D if u wannt to lern it will be easyer than to someone from egypt or germoney and if u know 100 of turkish is Serbkan lol :D
You learn Serbian, and automatically you speak all the languages, croatian, bosnian, montenegro, and even macedonians and 70% of slovenian will understand you! Some russians as well! Bulgarian as well! It’s not the same language but it’s quite similar
I live in serbia and I speak English and I came here for fun or how we serbians say Ja živim u Srbiji i ja pričam engleski i došao sam za zabavu Only people who can speak serbia can understand I mean I wrote it in English so anyone can understand
Serbian Bosnian and Croatian is basically the same but with a few different words Devil: Cro: vrag serb: džavola bos: džavola Bread: Cro: kruh serb: hleb bos: hleb Serbian and Bosnian are more similar then croatian 🥰🇷🇸🇭🇷🇧🇦🇲🇪
Lovely, greetings from Greece Here we say Γεια (Ya) Or morning: καλημέρα (kaliméra) Or evening: καλησπέρα (kalispéra) from the word espéra that means afternoon and word kalí that means good Also I heard ciao in the video, in Greece sometimes we say ciao for good bye instead of Adío
Dave Reinter I thought that adio is more than good bye,like good bye forever or for long time...and that you say geia for hi and bye like we say zdravo or cao for hi and bye... also I did not hear anybody to say ciao in Greece... maybe depends on part of Greece where people use it?But I heard in Cyprus 😀
Dobar dan! :) Yes, knowing Russian helps immensely! That's how I felt about Spanish after learning Italian. Btw, I know a great place to start learning Serbian: ;)))
I’m trying to learn serbian so I can communicate with my cousins in Montenegro and I’m trying to have my Mother teach me but it’s hard so I listen to these videos, Serbian music and sometimes I attempt to speak it but it’s always embarrassing for me to speak.... thanks for the video I’m going to try to study but it will probably take me a long time to learn because of school and I’m studying during my free time...
In Russian we also have zdaróvo (as greeting) and zdaróvy (he is heathy/huge). Their is also zdóravo which means «great». Pozdravlyát is «to congratulate on»
Hello, I'm a Chinese lady planning to Belgrade next month, can I find some place to learn Serbian there? And I find Serbian language is a little bit similar to Russian, can I speak to local people in Russian in Belgrade? Thanks for your sharing, you made a very useful video!
Zdravo :) Yes, you can try to use Russian to get by in Belgrade, but everybody speaks English, more or less. I offer only online lessons, but there are many schools in Belgrade that offer Serbian courses, I'm sure you'll find something. Have fun in Belgrade :)
Lepo i detaljno objašnjeno. Ali, Bože svašta, odakle to ,,bar veče" i ,,bar dan", to nema u srpskom standardnom jeziku, možda u nekom dijalektu, a čak i da ima, što će to nekom ko tek uči jezik. Da kažem da je to ,,bespotrebna" sitnica čak i da postoji. Sve pohvale za kanal...pozdrav
You are so amazing! I'm expanding my business in Serbia and is now holding zoom events. This tutorial helps a lot in helping me build rapport to my Serbian audience. In any case, do you accept offer to be translator in our future events?
Thank you for your comment and your offer :) I'm so busy expanding my own business at - but I might consider your invitation if the field attracts me enough :D What is your business about?
@@aleksandarilic93 како мислиш "нико не користи"? Користи бар 60% Србије. А док смо се још називали Србима као такви у прошлим вековима, другог поздрава није ни било. Зашто је проблем да се тако каже у Србији? Свака нација им нешто своје, али има ту доста проблема. Рецимо, добар део данашњих нација није постојао док смо се ми увелико поздрављали са "помаже Бог". И шта сад треба да се прилагођавамо тим неким скорашњим нацијама у Србији ?
Aleksandar Đorđević A kojom logikom je za Srbe toliko relevantno hriscanstvo koje je nastalo 6 vekova pre ideje Srb? I zasto je (pretpostavljamo) vecina koja koristi takav pozdrav u redu, a manjina koja ne koristi "ne drzi do sebe i prihvata tudje standarde" i treba da prihvati volju vecine? Neutralno ne postoji ili si za nas ili za njih? Voleo bih da cujem racionalno objasnjenje
@@kostadinovic1 Dragi brate, tražiti logiku u hrišćanstvu ovde na temi pozzdrava nije ni mesto ni vreme. Ali hajde, Možda da pročitaš nešto o svetome Savi, Nikolaju Velimiroviću, Avi Justinu....možda tamo nađeš odgovor da li je logično pa ako te oni ne uvere dovoljno, neću ni ja. Dalje, u Srbiji je većina Srba, i ne pada mi na pamet da razmišljam kada ulazim u kafanu da li tu ima nekoga ko nije Srbin pa zbog toga da ne koristim "pomaže Bog". Isto kao što u USA imamo zastave amerike na sve strane ne obazirući se da li to nekome smeta, u Švajcarskoj samo švajcarski, čak ne ni nemački, u Evropi se slavi samo katolički Uskrs, Božić, nikada ni jedan drugi, dok u Srbiji za koju kažu da nije dovoljno tolerantna prema manjinama, zakonom se slave oba Božića i Uskrsa te navionalne manjine slave oba kako bi dili slobodni više dana. Koja je to logika? Ta manjina ne mora da odgovori tim pozdravom ako neki Srbin pozdravlja, može da kaže dobar dan, i to je u redu. Danas u Srbiji, posebno u Vojvodini postoje oblasti, cela mesta gde se ne govori reč Srpski, čak i kada nešto kažeš na srpskom, dobiješ odgovor (namerno) na mađarskom, slovačkom, rusinskom....probaj ti da se tako ponašaš u njihovim zemljama pa tamo pitaj za logiku i pravilo većine. Teško je to razumeti i još teže tražiti logiku u svetu gde je logika instrument demokratije, žena u crnom, feminizma, gej i drugih projava, ali to ne znači da i dalje ne važe pravila koja su na vek bila.
I read this short phrase in the paper today but could find no proper pronunciation of it. It’s Добар посао, or good job. Did you mention this phrase in any of your videos? Thanks!
"Jako cenim to što ste uradili, puno hvala za sve, hvala vam od srca." - I tried to sound natural in the Serbian language framework. Check the reversed translation to know what I wrote exactly :) Best regards, Magdalena
Одличан је видео, све је прелепо објашњено. Много љубави и ентузијазма. Да, могло би још додати "Помаже Бог / Бог ти помого" , али то можете неки други пут.
@pije Aga Odličan je video, sve je prelepo objašnjeno. Mnogo ljubavi i entuzijazma. Da, moglo bi još dodati "Pomaže Bog / Bog ti pomogo", ali to možete neki drugi put.
I think i feel inlove with a serbian girl and we are currently not talking, i am using this means to learn serbian so i can speak to her....The language seem to interesting to me to learn
Zdravo, Magdalena! Hvala puno za ovo videoclip! Mnogo, mnogo interesanto! Imam pitanju (nažalost treba da je pišem na engleskom) There seems to be a lot of disagreement below about the short forms for "dobro jutro", etc. Is it something "the kids" no longer use these days or something? Hvala unapred!
Zdravo Majkle :) Exactly, it's something my grandma would say, as I wrote in the updated article:
в русси говорит : где ты; u serbije govori gdje je se ili gde se ili đe se ) hvala te puno ako imas knijge serbski pdf jer sam zalim knijga jezek serbski ?
Natural Serbian hello teacher magdlena , I send for you sms in your email about book languge serbski please I wait you to send me book pdf languge , thank you )
У мом крају (Крајина) старији људи кажу скраћено-спојено "доброј'тро, добар'ече". И никад се није питало неког куда идеш, него "ако Бог да", у смислу питања.
U mom kraju (Krajina) stariji ljudi kažu skraćeno-spojeno "dobroj'tro, dobar'eče". I nikad se nije pitalo nekog kuda ideš, nego "ako Bog da", u smislu pitanja.
@@polyphoniac Thank you very much for telling me that! Now I'm even more confident that I'm doing the right thing :) I'm creating a wonderful course "The Serbian Cyrillic Reader" that will be ready very soon :) A question, if I may: how important do you find the tone marks (or accentuation) in the Glossika courses? Or do you find them distracting? Thank you!
@@Serbonika I myself don't find them distracting. The earlier version of the course marks only the latinica with pitch accents; the ćirilica above it is unmarked. In the online course the marks are visible only in the summary that becomes available once a session has ended. What I would like to see someday is a thorough explanation of how the pitch accents are modified in connected speech. If I have a written sentence that has been marked for pitch and syllable length, I still cannot predict with any reliability what it will sound like, what it's overall pitch contour will be. Also, I've noticed that it is often the case that the syllable following a syllable that is marked with a rising pitch accent is pronounced at an even higher pitch than the marked syllable. My ear tends to interpret that higher pitch as a stress accent, and I am still learning to discriminate between pitch and stress. (My son, who has lived in Korea and China for a number of years and speaks both Korean and Mandarin, doesn't seem to have that problem.)
Different parts of Vojvodina have variations of greetings and other things. Can you tell me why some people use to call their grandfathers 'Baaba" in Vojvodina.
@@matilda4406 Every part of Serbian speaking countries has its own dialect or "microdialect", so does Vojvodina. These kind of basic greetings are the same. I'm from Bačka region and I know that my grandmother used to call her FATHER "бáба" [bába]. Now everybody uses мама [mäma] and тата [тäта] (mom and dad). If you have any questions, feel free to ask me.
Uhh ne, mislim da niko ne govori 'bar jutro il' tako nesto... ;-; Covece, odakle si ti? (Uhh no, I think nobody says 'bar jutro or something like that... ;-; Man, where do you come from?)
@@Serbonika thank you for the reply, yes i understood what you say. I was wandering if besideS 3DRAVO if there is something similar formal. Or is 3DRAVO formal also?
Here, in Montenegro, we say "dobro jutro" until 15:00 :)
Hau Jes Nou so true lol
I u srbiji isto 😂😂
Tooo kume crna gora.podgorica ZAKON
i to po letnjem računanju vremena :)
😂 😂 😂
Your style of teaching is wonderful, I really like your teaching skill my regards from Nepal to all lovely Serbian people.
I'm Iranian. I like this langugae. I hope I can speak it well one day
Samy Kiani we have meny but meny similar sords!! :D if u wannt to lern it will be easyer than to someone from egypt or germoney
and if u know 100 of turkish is Serbkan lol :D
TheAncient Tribalia I know also Turkish.
Samy Kiani you are luck man :P :D
TheAncient Tribalia Hvala i pozdrav iz Nemačke!
@@mirjanamika7280 Shoma az Bosni hastin?
nikad u zivotu nisam cuo da neko kaze bro vece ili bar vece.
Blood Sugar obicno to pricaju stariji ljudi
где живиш чочеее ?
Dobro jutro Miss Magdalena!!!! I have al lot of friends from Serbia....!!!! And i like your language too much!!!!❤
Incredible lesson with great details. Flowers from Istanbul! Hvala mnogo!
Hi serbian friends ! Hugs from Brazil
Viva Brazil 🇧🇷 Alex Pereira Poatan, my favorite fighter, from Brazil, Legend! Chama
Love this! Just learning Bosnian, Croatian and Serbian now and I really enjoyed this... Molim Vas, nauči me više! :)
Možeš ćirilicu! Можеш ћирилицу
one language:)
but how poligots we are, we speak like 6 languages, some fools even want to invent Vojvodian
You learn Serbian, and automatically you speak all the languages, croatian, bosnian, montenegro, and even macedonians and 70% of slovenian will understand you! Some russians as well! Bulgarian as well! It’s not the same language but it’s quite similar
@@dijanapopovic1785Zasto da zbunjuje ljude, strance, cirilicom, nema potrebe za tim!
This is very helpful thank you
I live in serbia and I speak English and I came here for fun
or how we serbians say
Ja živim u Srbiji i ja pričam engleski i došao sam za zabavu
Only people who can speak serbia can understand
I mean I wrote it in English so anyone can understand
I want to learn to speak Serbian! I have a lot of friends from Bosnia and I love their culture ♥️
Serbian Bosnian and Croatian is basically the same but with a few different words
Devil: Cro: vrag serb: džavola bos: džavola
Bread: Cro: kruh serb: hleb bos: hleb
Serbian and Bosnian are more similar then croatian 🥰🇷🇸🇭🇷🇧🇦🇲🇪
Very beautiful language
Just what we needed! Thank you! :)
Thank you, you can help by sharing and spreading the word :)
Lovely, greetings from Greece
Here we say Γεια (Ya)
Or morning: καλημέρα (kaliméra)
Or evening: καλησπέρα (kalispéra) from the word espéra that means afternoon and word kalí that means good
Also I heard ciao in the video, in Greece sometimes we say ciao for good bye instead of Adío
Dave Reinter I thought that adio is more than good bye,like good bye forever or for long time...and that you say geia for hi and bye like we say zdravo or cao for hi and bye... also I did not hear anybody to say ciao in Greece... maybe depends on part of Greece where people use it?But I heard in Cyprus 😀
Athan asios thanks for the answer.
Hey 🌹
Efharisto poli 😅I don’t know how to write ✍️ in Greek, put i know few words, i use to live in Crete😅Malaka 😅
Thank you so much! I have a boy that’s my friend and he’s from Serbia!
me encantan tus videos, muy claro todo! I love your videos, everything is very clear! hvala puno
Hvala puno, muchas gracias :)
Your videos are sooo informative! Love and thanks! Many thanks!
Thank you, Nataly - hvala puno :)
Congratulations for making your lesson so clear and precise. Ron Annapolis Maryland
Hi I’m half Serbian and I’m wanting to learn Serbian 😊
Zdravo :) Check, you'll find lots of resources :)
I will teach you, no problem! It’s very easy😊
Thanks for this, also love the background music as it reminds me of my times in Vojvodina 🥰
Zelim uvek da uci srpski jezik. Hvala lepa.
Zelim uvek da uciM srpski jezik.Hvala lepO. :)
Thank you so much
Wow! I can understand Serbian since I have some knowledge of Russian language! Хорошо! Я хочу учиться сербский язык здесь! Добрый день, красавица!
Dobar dan! :) Yes, knowing Russian helps immensely! That's how I felt about Spanish after learning Italian. Btw, I know a great place to start learning Serbian: ;)))
I’m trying to learn serbian so I can communicate with my cousins in Montenegro and I’m trying to have my Mother teach me but it’s hard so I listen to these videos, Serbian music and sometimes I attempt to speak it but it’s always embarrassing for me to speak.... thanks for the video I’m going to try to study but it will probably take me a long time to learn because of school and I’m studying during my free time...
We are you from? I teach you serbian, you teach me your language 😅
excelent ..10+... хвала пуно,
Хвала вам 🌸
i have urgency to Learn Serbian please inform me as soon as it is possible for you .
In Russian we also have zdaróvo (as greeting) and zdaróvy (he is heathy/huge).
Their is also zdóravo which means «great».
Pozdravlyát is «to congratulate on»
cool thank you ..i want to impress 3 girls from serbia hahaha serbians they are really cool peopels
raduta cristian yea,we are
Ofc we are cool ppl XD
Hvala, ne zmam odakle si ali takodje, ne znam koliko ce ti to dobro ici😂
Pozdrav svima
vrlo korisno 😊
Zdravo! Hvali Danny Grozdich to sam nasao tvoe video :) (I'm bulgarian and I'm trying to learn serbian)
Me and my gf are flying to Montenegro from England tmo, anyone got any good phrases or tips for us (that weren’t mentioned in the video?). Hvala! 😊
Поздрав за Србију и њене дивне људе; Волео бих да живим тамо
Hello, I'm a Chinese lady planning to Belgrade next month, can I find some place to learn Serbian there? And I find Serbian language is a little bit similar to Russian, can I speak to local people in Russian in Belgrade? Thanks for your sharing, you made a very useful video!
Zdravo :) Yes, you can try to use Russian to get by in Belgrade, but everybody speaks English, more or less. I offer only online lessons, but there are many schools in Belgrade that offer Serbian courses, I'm sure you'll find something. Have fun in Belgrade :)
Sherry C. Word "bre" is used a lot. It refers to a person as very dumb.
7 je sati ujutro ja još nespavam. Umesto toga došo sam ovde da učim srpski hahahaha
Evo sad 2 ujutru a idem na faks u 7...
Hvala ti 💖👍
Odakle ti sestro 'bar veče? 😂
Zaista, pripada starijim generacijama ali nije još izumrlo :) Srdačan pozdrav!
Mi ga koristimo u Vojvodini. Odlican prilog.
da nije 'bar večer?
ja koristim 'bar dan
inace u celoj Srbiji se koriste, ali nzm za 'bro jutro, to je izlapelo
ja sam podunavski okrug
Lepo i detaljno objašnjeno. Ali, Bože svašta, odakle to ,,bar veče" i ,,bar dan", to nema u srpskom standardnom jeziku, možda u nekom dijalektu, a čak i da ima, što će to nekom ko tek uči jezik. Da kažem da je to ,,bespotrebna" sitnica čak i da postoji. Sve pohvale za kanal...pozdrav
I speak serbian❤ this is very true,
You are so amazing! I'm expanding my business in Serbia and is now holding zoom events. This tutorial helps a lot in helping me build rapport to my Serbian audience. In any case, do you accept offer to be translator in our future events?
Thank you for your comment and your offer :) I'm so busy expanding my own business at - but I might consider your invitation if the field attracts me enough :D What is your business about?
Hello beautiful how are you doing
I can offer translation 😅
mislim da fali onaj za Srbiju najbitniji i najvažniji pozdrav, "pomaže Bog", zašto ga nema? a ima treći put častiš?
Bog ti pomogao!
Sekularizam. Niko to u srbiji ne koristi. Prosto je nekulturno da to nekome kazes ko nije iste vere kao ti ili ne veruje u to.
@@aleksandarilic93 како мислиш "нико не користи"? Користи бар 60% Србије. А док смо се још називали Србима као такви у прошлим вековима, другог поздрава није ни било. Зашто је проблем да се тако каже у Србији? Свака нација им нешто своје, али има ту доста проблема. Рецимо, добар део данашњих нација није постојао док смо се ми увелико поздрављали са "помаже Бог". И шта сад треба да се прилагођавамо тим неким скорашњим нацијама у Србији ?
Aleksandar Đorđević A kojom logikom je za Srbe toliko relevantno hriscanstvo koje je nastalo 6 vekova pre ideje Srb? I zasto je (pretpostavljamo) vecina koja koristi takav pozdrav u redu, a manjina koja ne koristi "ne drzi do sebe i prihvata tudje standarde" i treba da prihvati volju vecine? Neutralno ne postoji ili si za nas ili za njih? Voleo bih da cujem racionalno objasnjenje
@@kostadinovic1 Dragi brate, tražiti logiku u hrišćanstvu ovde na temi pozzdrava nije ni mesto ni vreme. Ali hajde, Možda da pročitaš nešto o svetome Savi, Nikolaju Velimiroviću, Avi Justinu....možda tamo nađeš odgovor da li je logično pa ako te oni ne uvere dovoljno, neću ni ja.
Dalje, u Srbiji je većina Srba, i ne pada mi na pamet da razmišljam kada ulazim u kafanu da li tu ima nekoga ko nije Srbin pa zbog toga da ne koristim "pomaže Bog". Isto kao što u USA imamo zastave amerike na sve strane ne obazirući se da li to nekome smeta, u Švajcarskoj samo švajcarski, čak ne ni nemački, u Evropi se slavi samo katolički Uskrs, Božić, nikada ni jedan drugi, dok u Srbiji za koju kažu da nije dovoljno tolerantna prema manjinama, zakonom se slave oba Božića i Uskrsa te navionalne manjine slave oba kako bi dili slobodni više dana. Koja je to logika? Ta manjina ne mora da odgovori tim pozdravom ako neki Srbin pozdravlja, može da kaže dobar dan, i to je u redu. Danas u Srbiji, posebno u Vojvodini postoje oblasti, cela mesta gde se ne govori reč Srpski, čak i kada nešto kažeš na srpskom, dobiješ odgovor (namerno) na mađarskom, slovačkom, rusinskom....probaj ti da se tako ponašaš u njihovim zemljama pa tamo pitaj za logiku i pravilo većine.
Teško je to razumeti i još teže tražiti logiku u svetu gde je logika instrument demokratije, žena u crnom, feminizma, gej i drugih projava, ali to ne znači da i dalje ne važe pravila koja su na vek bila.
what you learn here is spoken not just in serbia but in croatia bosnia and montenegro aswell and the language by the way is called serbocroatian
I read this short phrase in the paper today but could find no proper pronunciation of it. It’s Добар посао, or good job. Did you mention this phrase in any of your videos? Thanks!
Zdravo Serbonika!¿how can i say i really appreciate it from my all heart and thanks a lot for everything in serbian language....?
"Jako cenim to što ste uradili, puno hvala za sve, hvala vam od srca." - I tried to sound natural in the Serbian language framework. Check the reversed translation to know what I wrote exactly :)
Best regards,
Ala je muzika na pocetku!
To je grupa Hot Club of Belgrade, izvanredni su
Thank u madam
Одличан је видео, све је прелепо објашњено. Много љубави и ентузијазма. Да, могло би још додати "Помаже Бог / Бог ти помого" , али то можете неки други пут.
@pije Aga
Odličan je video, sve je prelepo objašnjeno. Mnogo ljubavi i entuzijazma. Da, moglo bi još dodati "Pomaže Bog / Bog ti pomogo", ali to možete neki drugi put.
I think i feel inlove with a serbian girl and we are currently not talking, i am using this means to learn serbian so i can speak to her....The language seem to interesting to me to learn
if you are a good friend with a serb you can say EEEEEEE kako si?
You Good speak serbian
How do you say good day depends on if you're a Croatian or Serbian
I want to visit one day
U mom kraju ima "čukam" i "oprem" pozdrav.
Wane pir xweş bu. Dest xweş.
I didn't know about bar bro jutro dan vece .. and im from Serbia
Zdravo, Magdalena! Hvala puno za ovo videoclip! Mnogo, mnogo interesanto! Imam pitanju (nažalost treba da je pišem na engleskom) There seems to be a lot of disagreement below about the short forms for "dobro jutro", etc. Is it something "the kids" no longer use these days or something? Hvala unapred!
Zdravo Majkle :) Exactly, it's something my grandma would say, as I wrote in the updated article:
Im ayesh from sri lanka now living in serbia , i want join serbia language class
Hi Ayesh! Thank you for getting in touch :) Would you like to join our Open Class for beginners on Wednesday? Sending you a PM in a second! :)
А где ти је "помоз Бог" итд.
A gde ti je "pomoz Bog" itd.
this is so tricky to foreginers 😂😂 ili kako se već kažu stranci na engleskom :P:D
zdravo drugarica
zdravo drugarice😊
в русси говорит : где ты; u serbije govori gdje je se ili gde se ili đe se ) hvala te puno ako imas knijge serbski pdf jer sam zalim knijga jezek serbski ?
Да, контактирајте ме директно преко мог сајта и послаћу вам. :)
Natural Serbian
hello teacher magdlena , I send for you sms in your email about book languge serbski please I wait you to send me book pdf languge , thank you )
Hallo Nervensäge, ;) do you speak german ? ( nemacki ) I will learn srpski. :) pozdrav,jürgen
Nervensaege... das soll bestimmt etw wie hallo liebe Leute heissen?
@@courcheveller Nein
Chao I am Serbian
Јевреји су одиграли велику одлучујућу улогу у ослобађању Кодова, вечно смо захвални за земљу са дубоком визијом која мисли на цео свет🇽🇰❤🇷🇸☪️❤✝️
У мом крају (Крајина) старији људи кажу скраћено-спојено "доброј'тро, добар'ече". И никад се није питало неког куда идеш, него "ако Бог да", у смислу питања.
U mom kraju (Krajina) stariji ljudi kažu skraćeno-spojeno "dobroj'tro, dobar'eče". I nikad se nije pitalo nekog kuda ideš, nego "ako Bog da", u smislu pitanja.
Is this the Magdalena Petrović who recorded the Glossika Serbian courses?
Yes, that's me. Now I'm also a Jelić, since I got married and took my husband's surname :)
@@Serbonika I hope they paid you well -- the clarity and expressiveness of your delivery in those recordings are exemplary.
@@polyphoniac Thank you very much for telling me that! Now I'm even more confident that I'm doing the right thing :) I'm creating a wonderful course "The Serbian Cyrillic Reader" that will be ready very soon :)
A question, if I may: how important do you find the tone marks (or accentuation) in the Glossika courses? Or do you find them distracting? Thank you!
@@Serbonika I myself don't find them distracting. The earlier version of the course marks only the latinica with pitch accents; the ćirilica above it is unmarked. In the online course the marks are visible only in the summary that becomes available once a session has ended.
What I would like to see someday is a thorough explanation of how the pitch accents are modified in connected speech. If I have a written sentence that has been marked for pitch and syllable length, I still cannot predict with any reliability what it will sound like, what it's overall pitch contour will be. Also, I've noticed that it is often the case that the syllable following a syllable that is marked with a rising pitch accent is pronounced at an even higher pitch than the marked syllable. My ear tends to interpret that higher pitch as a stress accent, and I am still learning to discriminate between pitch and stress. (My son, who has lived in Korea and China for a number of years and speaks both Korean and Mandarin, doesn't seem to have that problem.)
Ja Sam u bilgrade
How to say your beautiful let’s have coffee?
zaboravila Eeee da stavi...
Dobro jutro.
Is this the same for Vojvodina ?
Vojvodina is serbia.
Different parts of Vojvodina have variations of greetings and other things. Can you tell me why some people use to call their grandfathers 'Baaba" in Vojvodina.
@@matilda4406 Every part of Serbian speaking countries has its own dialect or "microdialect", so does Vojvodina. These kind of basic greetings are the same.
I'm from Bačka region and I know that my grandmother used to call her FATHER "бáба" [bába]. Now everybody uses мама [mäma] and тата [тäта] (mom and dad). If you have any questions, feel free to ask me.
Hi mam
Uhh ne, mislim da niko ne govori 'bar jutro il' tako nesto... ;-;
Covece, odakle si ti?
(Uhh no, I think nobody says 'bar jutro or something like that... ;-;
Man, where do you come from?)
im from serbia
Interesting how all Slavic languages have has ally the same roots of words.
what is the formal way to say hello????
Dobro jutro, dobar dan i dobro veče - depending on the period of the day :)
@@Serbonika thank you for the reply, yes i understood what you say. I was wandering if besideS 3DRAVO if there is something similar formal. Or is 3DRAVO formal also?
@@GeoChalk1981 thank you for commenting :) no, zdravo is always informal. I can't think of another formal way.
@@Serbonika oh I see, thank you. This helps a lot, I'll stick with the other ones then, depending on the time of day
I like you
I know what ur saying but I'm from serbia
Ma Idi bezi what mean in English please tell me madam
"Ma idi beži" literally means 'oh, go, run away', and we use it to say "come on, I don't believe you" :)
@@Serbonika thanks madam thankyou very much
NO ONE USES bro veče
Or bro dan or bro jutro.
This lady is a sweety. x
In Polish jutro means tomorrow dobre jutro means tomorrow
Ja Sam apdi
I can speak Serbia
আমি একজন বাংলাদেশি এবং আমি সার্বিয়ান ভাষা শিখতে চাই।
শুভকামনা - আমি গুগল অনুবাদ করছি :)
Pozdrav used by men? wtf
Sta ima brate e tako
Why Serbian language always written in Cyrillic
Because its our national letter
Actually it's not. You can read more about it in my blog here:
I was told "bre" is kinda rude, cant use it towards e.g. your grandma
It's not rude it's just like saying "bro"
I just say "đe si bre, jebote bog!". 😎👍
Cacosi my family is Serbia but on the only Russian lol
So quote yo
guys, you should know this in not serbian alphabet she is presenting
+ Pomazi Bog