I've done a couple of these now, using oven cleaners. Found the Selleys maybe a bit harsh on the aluminium. Probably would not leave that one on for more than 15 -20 minutes. Remembering my teenage years working on old motorbikes, I used petrol to clean everything. Tried petrol on the manifold and it was brilliant. Quicker, easier and cheaper.
I've got a 2002 3.2 not common rail that will randomly throw an engine light with no noticeable issues, I've been thinking about pulling the manifold and cleaning it aswell as EGR delete. Is it worth just paying someone to do it? What is price roughly on having someone someone else do it?
I've done a couple of these now, using oven cleaners. Found the Selleys maybe a bit harsh on the aluminium. Probably would not leave that one on for more than 15 -20 minutes. Remembering my teenage years working on old motorbikes, I used petrol to clean everything. Tried petrol on the manifold and it was brilliant. Quicker, easier and cheaper.
Nice work bud we used oven cleaner and pressure washer on my NP 3.2 and my brothers MN 2.5 Triton worked a treat 👍
hey mate how long did it take you to do the np?
I too use oven cleaner, $4.80 a can from Bunnings. Works a bloody treat when combined with a gernie...
I use Selleys.
why are there butterflys in the intake manifold?
Hi. Have you ever removed the butterfly/swirl valve on a inlet manifold for a pajero?
I've got a 2002 3.2 not common rail that will randomly throw an engine light with no noticeable issues, I've been thinking about pulling the manifold and cleaning it aswell as EGR delete. Is it worth just paying someone to do it? What is price roughly on having someone someone else do it?
Why are you filming vertically????