How Narrowing Section 230 Could Crash the Digital Economy

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 4 เม.ย. 2023
  • This spring, the U.S. Supreme Court is considering Section 230 for the first time ever in Gonzalez v. Google. A decision weakening “the most important law in tech” could change the internet as we know it, creating potential liability for user-generated content and undermining the $3.7 trillion digital economy and 8 million jobs built on “the 26 words that created the internet”. In February’s oral arguments for the unprecedented case, Justice Kavanaugh recognized that “ pull back now from the interpretation [of Section 230] that's been in place would create a lot of economic dislocation, would really crash the digital economy with all sorts of effects on workers and consumers, retirement plans and what have you…”
    Join CCIA for a live panel discussion of the potential economic impacts of an adverse ruling in Gonzalez v. Google, featuring leading economists and policy experts focusing on the importance of Section 230 to the digital economy.
    Moderated by POLITICO's Rebecca Kern our panel of experts will feature:
    Ginger Zhe Jin (Professor of Economics, University of Maryland)
    Sarah Oh Lam (Senior Fellow, Technology Policy Institute)
    Laura Bisesto (Global Head of Policy, Privacy & Regulatory Compliance, Deputy General Counsel, Nextdoor)

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