Loved CM since 1981 and a small group of us in our late teens would wear our CM leather jacket to the night clubs in SF. We were still kids but loved fashion and not being rich, we still manage to buy designers like CM and Versace. If you have strong passions, you find a way… lol! I found a beautiful Claude Montana Jacket today in mint condition in my storage that I forgot I had and bought from eBay about 6 years ago for under $100. I showed it today to 2 vintage clothing store and they were like wow and wanted to buy it from me. One store had a CM’s book frr edt I’m about 8 years and I also own.
Loved CM since 1981 and a small group of us in our late teens would wear our CM leather jacket to the night clubs in SF. We were still kids but loved fashion and not being rich, we still manage to buy designers like CM and Versace. If you have strong passions, you find a way… lol!
I found a beautiful Claude Montana Jacket today in mint condition in my storage that I forgot I had and bought from eBay about 6 years ago for under $100. I showed it today to 2 vintage clothing store and they were like wow and wanted to buy it from me. One store had a CM’s book frr edt I’m about 8 years and I also own.
Video is from neues vom Kleidermarkt - a germany TV Report