Here’s how I see all of the VKs: Jay: an athletic ladies man who is also controlled, but sneaky Mal: Those girls that when they tell you I don’t care, she actually means it Evie: A makeup artist that loves all things but is forced to only like evil Carlos: literally a free person, one of those boys who goes all out and loves all of his friends no matter gender and isn’t afraid to show what he loves
I really loved it but I feel like I liked the essay more than the presentation, I mean I liked the presentation but much more the essay, and I don't know who else realized it but Dove moved much more in the rehearsal than in the presentation Ad: R.I.P Cameron Boyce 😔💔
The cast did dance live on Dancing with the Stars, but the choreography was simpler I think. I was mostly curious how anyone dances in those outfits. They don't look particularly stretchy.
Csi México nueva versión Miami for hot y for power versión rexim y csi México nueva versión Miami for hot y for power versión español dance final cantando México 2020 importante es el mejor de lo más pronto posible, y de los de los de los de los de los de los de los de los de los de los de los de los de los de los
Ki la mamá de alex y el otro es otro día y me lo coman una vez y cada día juntos los que me acabas de decir que daría el gusto si no me equivoco y quiere ir al centro de mesa Asís es para
Cameron did NOT have to go that hard but he really did that for us
RIP King
Did Cameron die?
@@I786-s1b Yeah, sadly. Cameron Boyce (Carlos) passed in 2019. I think it was from an epileptic seizure. 💔
@@angelazapata_official AWWWWWWW I MISS HIM ALREADY
@@I786-s1b I know right! It's crazy. I was completely shocked when I found out.
@@angelazapata_officialHe had an Epileptic Seizure in his sleep and had passed away at the age of 20.
Ok. They all killed it but can I just give a special shout-out to my booboo because he literally danced IDENTICALLY from rehearsal to performance ❤️
Can we talk about how good Sofia looks during rehearsal at 1:02 ? 😍
They killed it in both scenes🔥🔥🔥
Here’s how I see all of the VKs:
Jay: an athletic ladies man who is also controlled, but sneaky
Mal: Those girls that when they tell you I don’t care, she actually means it
Evie: A makeup artist that loves all things but is forced to only like evil
Carlos: literally a free person, one of those boys who goes all out and loves all of his friends no matter gender and isn’t afraid to show what he loves
Dove cameron is the only one that you can tell dont enjoy this. It cant be just me that sees it lol
@@savannahlewis8514 nah, shes just acting. Dove loves making these movies
Hard words. Do you know what that means?
@@troyannbrown203 uh what?
i still love when sofia does the fall
Same 🙌🏼
I like how booboo react in the Rehearsal when he has no sign🤣🤣
My eyes: ⬅️➡️⬅️➡️
my eyes too 🤣🤣🤣
My eyes too
Both are 😍🤩🥳
His voice sounds so cool
This is my fevorite movie you are the best
Correction: Favorite.
@@girlyismygender4495 Correction, FAVOURITE.
I love descendentes ❤️😍
i love it
I Love descendentes ❤😍
Erwreh rwgej ete rwj etwu 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💙💙💙💙💙❤❤❤❤❤❤❤💛💛💛💛 e etetwu etw twu eteu retwu etw
@Nela Boucová s su du4i
Eu amo muito descedents 💜
@@canaldoguilherme7880 wy sy e8 tu r8 e4i e7c
This amazing mal
Wow excelent♥️🖤♥️🖤♥️🖤♥️
I really loved it but I feel like I liked the essay more than the presentation, I mean I liked the presentation but much more the essay, and I don't know who else realized it but Dove moved much more in the rehearsal than in the presentation
Ad: R.I.P Cameron Boyce 😔💔
They are so good
Cameron is soooooo cute 😇😇😇😇😇😍😍😍😍
Cameron died..
@@lifxstylz way to break the moment
@@lifxstylz Yeah, it's sad, but does that make him ugly? Just let the comment be.
You're not wrong! 😊👌🏻
Amo los descendientes Los amo a todos
I miss you Cameron Boyce AND y love decendants
me encanta decendientes
Miss you Carlos r.i.p
Descendants my fav
The cast did dance live on Dancing with the Stars, but the choreography was simpler I think. I was mostly curious how anyone dances in those outfits. They don't look particularly stretchy.
Donde soy tu fan y solo tengo algo que decir eres muy genial
Jajajaja te re comiendo zombies
Is so good
I know why it is last performance because my favorite Cameron Boyce is dead 😫😫😫😩😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😖😖😣😫😫😩😩😩😭😭😭
Yeah i know😥
I feel bad for him and is family I love them all I’m mean all
Hi nice
w-i-c-k-e-d roten to the core time yea
but it fit him well
I Love you mal 💓 💛 💕 💗 💖 ❤
Where did u get the final dance video?
Muy bueno
Tengo un traje de mal
I love Dove cameron
Yes l can in the tv
Was it me or did anyone else see Cameron tapping his left ear at one point?
Dove messed up the choreography @1:29 look at the left video.
Being in a live audience isn’t easy so it makes sense.
I love you 💕💞💖💗💝😘😘😘🥰🥰😍😍😍🤩🤩
👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍💞💞💞💞💞💞💟 Evie
sofia carson was wrong in one part
You are mean, anyways were??
that the essay the other if it is tre real one but edited.But I love descendants
Poor camrone he died i mes hem a lout
hola mal el ontudle será mi cumpleaños
1:01 Evie ist müde🥱🥱
I like mal Evie Jay Carlos
Csi México nueva versión Miami for hot y for power versión rexim y csi México nueva versión Miami for hot y for power versión español dance final cantando México 2020 importante es el mejor de lo más pronto posible, y de los de los de los de los de los de los de los de los de los de los de los de los de los de los
I have a shirt descendants
The real question is why is no one wearing costume in final
They are you are literally seeing on the screen
Ki la mamá de alex y el otro es otro día y me lo coman una vez y cada día juntos los que me acabas de decir que daría el gusto si no me equivoco y quiere ir al centro de mesa Asís es para
But Cameron Is 💔😢
I’m sleepy ZzZzzzzzzzz
Then go sleep