I think, it may be useful to explain where those terms and equations come from firsthand. We know B' = curl(A'). By Maxwell's eq. curl(H') = J' + dD'/dt. Therefore, curl(B') = μJ' + μdD'/dt = μJ' + μdE'/dt where E' = -del(V) - dA'/dt. Writing the expression curl(B') as curl(curl(A') and using the identity curl(curl(A') = del(div(A') - del^2(A'), we can get those massive terms and proceed with the video.
Ok. You explained why it is convenient to use Lorentz gauge, which I believe is obvious and in every text book. The more critical, or interesting point is why you can use Lorentz gauge. How come one can choose an arbitrary condition so as to simplify his equation. If you are interested, you can check this page for the answer: www.physics.drexel.edu/~tim/open/lor/lor.pdf
Writing with a sharpie is a level of confidence I aspire to achieve
Do you know the demostration of the Lorentz condition?, pleaaaaase
I think, it may be useful to explain where those terms and equations come from firsthand. We know B' = curl(A'). By Maxwell's eq. curl(H') = J' + dD'/dt. Therefore, curl(B') = μJ' + μdD'/dt = μJ' + μdE'/dt where E' = -del(V) - dA'/dt. Writing the expression curl(B') as curl(curl(A') and using the identity curl(curl(A') = del(div(A') - del^2(A'), we can get those massive terms and proceed with the video.
Ok. You explained why it is convenient to use Lorentz gauge, which I believe is obvious and in every text book. The more critical, or interesting point is why you can use Lorentz gauge. How come one can choose an arbitrary condition so as to simplify his equation. If you are interested, you can check this page for the answer: www.physics.drexel.edu/~tim/open/lor/lor.pdf
I agree. As course progressed it has become just reproducing text from book without conceptual explanation.
Oooooooh my god!!! Thank you soooo much!!! 0% sarcasm, 100% gratitude!!!
It's analogous to how you can arbitrarily define your reference potential, V_0
Hello brother I can't access the page can you share this link again?
@@Evilope You're right. It is a choice that satisfies Maxwell's equations and also allows for further simplifications.
Unlike the LorenTZ-Transformation, this gauge was introduced by Mr. LorenZ.
; )
becasue EMAGs and QFT aren't complicated enough...
You follow Griffith book?
Oops... title corrected.
You done only mathematics we wants his theory
thank u
So is my book wrong then? I thought it was Lorentz Gauge.
Copying the book, not nice explanations
Eh... I tried. I'm remaking this with the 4th edition, and I'm going to put some more effort in it. Is there a particular question you had?
@@jg394 this was quite helpful for me, thanks!