With a 555 timer and resistors and the coil of an 130 in 1 that broke down near 10 volts I built an indoor radio jammer 50 feet range. Yes I would not have gotten into photonics without these kits!
These kits are a ton of fun! After many (40) years I'm finally getting one myself. I remember the old wooden cased ones from radio shack (tandy for you guys) and always wanted one. The one I'm getting is nearly identical to this, made by elenco. Thanks for sharing!
I used to get one of these electronic kits every few years as a kid. I loved them and tried to get my own kids interested in them but no such luck in these iPad days. It was working on blueprints in the Unreal Engine that made me think about these kits and search it on TH-cam. Thanks for the video, it’s very nostalgic.
You are mistaken about the wire. These kits came with the wires pre-cut. Each colour was a different length. Also, the circuit will work a lot better if you make ALL the connections! The connection between 84 and 85 is essential to the correct functioning of the circuit.
My interest in electronics started in a similar way through the Philips EE ("Electronics Engineer") 20xx project kits. That was clearly before the time of this Maxitronics kit because integrated circuits (ICs) had not been invented yet 😋
Nice! Have you worked in electronics as a result? I filmed this on Christmas Eve, and on Christmas Day, I opened a large package...it was another one! 130 in 1! Well I guess now I have 260 in 2! I'd do a video about the new one, but it is in fact, identical!
I once bought this 'more then a toy' and need to fix a LED unfortunately.. the box is glued tight and i cannot get inside the hidden world of electronics.. and replace the broken led..
@@weirdoldtech No need and very thank a much :D i think i pluck the bad led out and replace it with a different color.. or same.. i ordered and received new cables and well, it's enough to fix a few boxes. now i need to seek the earphone ( that very sensitive one) ..
i ordered and got the wires - but there is something with the resistors - all of them have a 10% to low value - thus... it needs a massive replacement. i tried to measure the caps - this needs an in-range metering - unfortunately my meter does not offer.
With a 555 timer and resistors and the coil of an 130 in 1 that broke down near 10 volts I built an indoor radio jammer 50 feet range. Yes I would not have gotten into photonics without these kits!
These kits are a ton of fun! After many (40) years I'm finally getting one myself. I remember the old wooden cased ones from radio shack (tandy for you guys) and always wanted one. The one I'm getting is nearly identical to this, made by elenco. Thanks for sharing!
I used to get one of these electronic kits every few years as a kid. I loved them and tried to get my own kids interested in them but no such luck in these iPad days.
It was working on blueprints in the Unreal Engine that made me think about these kits and search it on TH-cam. Thanks for the video, it’s very nostalgic.
No problem glad you enjoyed!
You are mistaken about the wire. These kits came with the wires pre-cut. Each colour was a different length. Also, the circuit will work a lot better if you make ALL the connections! The connection between 84 and 85 is essential to the correct functioning of the circuit.
Oh well! Hope you enjoyed the video anyway!
I would have loved one of these. Only fairly recently have I got into electronics so it makes me wonder what could have been.
It's never too late to start! Grab one and give it a go!
My interest in electronics started in a similar way through the Philips EE ("Electronics Engineer") 20xx project kits. That was clearly before the time of this Maxitronics kit because integrated circuits (ICs) had not been invented yet 😋
Nice! Have you worked in electronics as a result? I filmed this on Christmas Eve, and on Christmas Day, I opened a large package...it was another one! 130 in 1! Well I guess now I have 260 in 2! I'd do a video about the new one, but it is in fact, identical!
@@weirdoldtech I got interested in communication and then computers, but it's good to understand what happens under the hood..
There once was the basic box EE2040 . .
would you buy one today ?
I once bought this 'more then a toy'
and need to fix a LED
unfortunately.. the box is glued tight
and i cannot get inside the hidden world
of electronics.. and replace the broken led..
A sad tale! If you're in the UK, and are happy to pay the postage, I've got a spare one you can have!
No need and very thank a much :D
i think i pluck the bad led out and replace it with a different color.. or same..
i ordered and received new cables and well, it's enough to fix a few boxes.
now i need to seek the earphone ( that very sensitive one) ..
No problem, good luck!
i ordered and got the wires - but there is something with the resistors - all of them have a 10% to low value - thus... it needs a massive replacement.
i tried to measure the caps - this needs an in-range metering - unfortunately my meter does not offer.
Indoor it legal don't do it outdoors as a warning do things legally.