Kalo indah penasaran tentang tawuran, please invite anak negeri jakarta please, SMA negeri jakarta yg populer kaya 6, 3, 70, 46, 82, semoga si punya temen dari situ ya. Karna kalo di cerita lebih detail nya🤯 mungkin indah bisa pingsan
When me and my family still lived in Jakarta, my brother was attacked during tawuran between two high schools. My brother was in middle school that time, but he was always taller compare to another middle-schoolers. That was why one boy mistakenly thought him as student from the other school and threw a rock to my brother. It hit his head, he fell and his head was bleeding. This happened as soon as he stepped down from a public bus (angkot). Luckily, there was a man who was our neighbor saw this. He quickly rushed and saved my brother. He yelled at them why they were hitting his son, and he took my brother home. I would never forget that day, when I saw my brother with bleeding head. And after me and my family moved to Medan, North Sumatera. My high school (public school) had a fight with another muslim private school. From what I know, in one fight, they destroyed 2 cars. And the most annoying part was, in the end, the boys who fought, they were asking all students in our school to give some money so that they could fix/repair the car. At that time, I was thinking to myself: "You guys were the one who fought, but we're the one who bore the consequences... Wtf!" Tawuran is the most useless thing. Keep up the good work, Indah! Love your content.😘
Tawuran is so unnecessary. Toxic masculinity at its finest. They're just a bunch of insecure pubescent boys. I am so sorry that happened to your brother 😭💔
@@geniusonyeo Looking back... It would be great if there were sports competition for all schools all over Indonesia (all types of sports that we could think of, female version and male version). So that those youths had some kind of channel to release their excess energy. And because sports competition, they would (hopefully) learn how to keep the fighting spirit while maintaining sportsmanship. Not to mention, out of it, we might get best athletes to be representatives of the country in international sports competitions.
I really love this episode bcuz I relate so much to it. When it's about education discrepancies between inter/state school in Indo, I think it boils down to the classist & elitist issues that some schools adopt to elevate their status & prestige. I'm a Muslim chindo who went to a Catholic elementary school, then to state middle & high schools, state uni, and later went abroad for study, working & living. My parents sent me to a Catholic school bcuz they took education & discipline very seriously & I'm glad they did bcuz it pushed me to strive harder in life (I ain't be living abroad today if I didn't get some ass whopping as a kid). The Catholic school I went to welcomed kids from all religions, cultural backgrounds & socioeconomic classes. Everyone was seen as equal & they even provided scholarships & financial aid for financially disadvantaged students. Sadly, many Indo state & private schools today seemed to changed their course & became more classist/elitist (just like many inter schools are) bcuz they want to gain the status & prestige, and eventually creates social bubbles that distance themselves away from Indo society in general 💔
I'm 90s kids and I agree with you. My mom and mom of my mom were sent to Catholic school and reason was that they treated us so well. And of course because of their quality as well, and then they were surprised how biased that private school than it used to be. Nowadays parents send their kids to pricey private so that they can smug themselves in the neighborhood, like, omg.. their circles! smh.. I think parents criteria sending their kids to school are becoming crazier.. like you know when you live in big cities
the way i paused so many times because i want to add my own experience when i was in public school😭 this topic is so fun and wait until you find about tawuran, angkatan, senioritas, and zonasi
Mau tanya/kumpulin sini anak SMANegeri yg setiap hari senin ga selalu upacara (SMAN ku upacara bendera senin itu sebulan sekali, jadi hari senin pertama di awal setiap bulan plus hari nasional like 17an & sumpah pemuda, etc plus kalo ada acara sekolah). Yang SMANnya ada jas almat/almamater jadi pake seragam bisa ga lengkap like gapake dasi ama sabuk tapi ntar pake jas almat (and its cool to, already feels like college student in highschool). Yang SMANnya boleh pake sepatu bebas/berwarna dan gaharus sepatu full warna hitam. Yang SMANnya gapapa murid cowok rambut gondrong (tapi gaboleh panjang banget sampe melebihi pundak/max shoulder length). Yg SMANnya ada 3 toko (kantin foodcourt buat makan berat/minum jus milkshake dkk + kopsis buat jajan snack, minuman kemasan + koperasi kebutuhan). Yg SMANnya ada rooftop area yg ada garden aesthetic plus lounge/bungalow di rooftop. Ruang osisnya luas ada tv, sofa, ama jualan sponsoran proker kyk eskrim, jajan, minuman botolan di cooler, dkk malah pernah sekali kita ada vending machine selama 1bulan. LabKomputer ada 2 pake komputer apple. Parkirannya tingkat. Aula nya ada 3, 1 itu international conference room soalnya SMANnya ada exchange ama foreign student. Jujurly bukan sombong tapi aku kira SMANku biasa aja tapi ternyata ga semua SMANegeri kayak SMANku.
40:51 shout out to katie for pointed out literally the main reason why uniform exists for public school. was itching to jump on the conversation when they talk about the uniform, like finally someone pointed this out
SD gue di BPK Penabur dan fondasinya kuat banget...pelajaran nya wow (tau lah ya bpk penabur gmn)...iman Kristen jg ditanamkan banget SMP gue di sekolah Katolik...karena udh biasa di BPK Penabur, jadi agak slow sama pelajarannya, tapi tetap sama2 strict to the rules.. SMA di negri...sungguh makin slow lagi walau gue anak CIBI (a.k.a aksel)...Oia, ngomong2 ttg pelajaran agama, satu kelas aksel hanya ber-12...yg kristen gue sendiri....eh jadi private class di ruang kelas lain hahahaha..what a memory :) gue bahkan sempat coba kabur dari kelas agama, gara2 males banget sendirian hahaha...maafkan pak
aku seneng banget nonton podcast ini, krn sama2 org sumatera dan kayaknya economic social background ku sama kayak ka esther jadi aku nyambung dan relate bgttt sama pendapat ka esther, her honest reaction is sometimes so funnyy hahahhaa, thanks ka indah for inviting her to the podcast, one of my fave episode sih ini, mntep ka indah hahah
Kita MMG ga bisa memaksa orang yg sudah suka jadi tidak suka hanya karena orang yg bikin konten pendukung pelangi atau bikin heboh dengan konten dia yg menjelakan bangsa dan negara ini ,karena membantu Palestine, salam waras
Yes, gw jg swasta katholik di Sumut sampe SD kls 3 (itu pun krn pindah ke Jawa) . Abis itu ke negeri deh, krn di katholik itu emg strik on rules. Pandangan kluarga gw dr kecil dibkin swasta spy fondasi agamanya hrs kuat dr kecil, ga agama aja (dr perilaku & tutur kata).
as someone who went to both private and international school, I was so surprised upacaranya pas di international school emang cuma sekali, and quite different juga. Pas sekolah swasta upacaranya ya kayak upacara bendera tapi pas di international school it's basically a school assembly with flag raising ceremony. And personally I prefer school assembly(s), because they're held indoor 👌
Woah thank you for bringing this topic to the internet. And yeah, I know every school has its curriculum. And what surprised me while watching this video is no one said about military things while they were in high school haha. I, who got an education in vocational high school (SMK) in Bandung, had to do military training like you have to do baris berbaris and got introduced to gunfire things and a lot of subjects about military things for a week. Are people in other cities not doing things like that? 😭
is that during your school orientation? because one of the public high school in my hometown is trained that way during their orientation. It will only continue if they choose to live in the school's dormitor. All things you mentioned are trained except the gunfire thingy
It’s very common in Indonesia, esp for non Muslim family or muslim family with higher social class to put their child in catholic school for their basic ed. In Indo, Catholic schools been there for ages and known with their good quality that will give their children a solid foundation in academic subjects, preparing them well for college and careers. But this past 10-15 years, other religion based schools was catching up to offer high standard ed and facility, ex: penabur or other private schools. Btw, I like hearing your voice Indah. The intonation, expression, gestures. Not only you can be a great podcaster, with more touch of humor, you could be a the next jiaoying summers! 😂
Setuju. Menurutku, hal ini juga dipengaruhi sama jaman penjajahan dulu sih. Kalo dilihat dari sejarah, kita kan dijajah sm orang2 Belanda yang pada waktu itu byk yg beragama Katolik, dan setahuku, banyak sekolah swasta katolik di Indonesia yg emg pendirinya adalah orang2 Belanda jaman dulu, bahkan sebagian ada jg yg pendirinya itu Pastur org Belanda asli.
sebagai guru honorer SMP dan SMK yang tidak punya gelar sarjana pendidikan, hal hal bodoh kayak razia rambut razia handphone itu sudah harus dihilangkan dari dunia pendidikan.
Anak2 ku sekolah SD di sekolah swasta berbasis islam dan internasional. kenapa? pertama sistem zonasi yang tidak menjadi pilihan untuk bersekolah di sekolah negeri (sooo faaarrrrr), dan kedua, untuk SD, saya berharap penekanan pada pendidikan berbasis karakter anak, dan alhamdulillah di sekolah anak saya skrg memenuhi ekspektasi saya. i'm from Pontianak gank btw, haha
Mostly keluarga batak nasrani dan keluarga chinese menyelohkan anaknya SD-SMP pasti di sekolah katolik, karna di sekolah katolik pembentukan karakter dan disiplin adalah prioritas.
38:12 yepp indahh... completely agree, and honestly razia kek gitu atau aturan soal rambut gak boleh panjang sedikit menurut aku aturan yg paling gak masuk akal dan paling gue benci selama gue masih di sekolah 😅😅, kayak kenapa lu expect semua murid lu buat punya potongan rambut kek TNI?, ini rambutnya panjanG sedikit aja udah main potong sembarangan di depan murid2 yg lain...
23:40 Fellow Dragon here from the late 90s , PEL till Cilandak , we had Indonesian studies/language class starting in 1st or 2nd grade , and of course we'd sing Indonesia Raya , not just UN day , but especially during the week of Independence Day - there were choirs singing Indonesian folk songs , wayang kulit & other performances in our theatre. and in PEL there was a great gamelan classes taught by Mrs.Kathryn Emerson. JIS was more on the global side of things , so of course you can't expect a national school standard curricular.
Gurrrlll... I love youuu hahahaha... And yes definitely you'll so f*ing good with kebaya 😍😍... Btw, boleh gak kak satu episooodeeeee saja mengundang guru dari jis?? I really curious about gimana guru2 disana dan sistem pengajar, belajar, dan mengajar disana seperti apa.. Thank you so much for concidering ❤️❤️❤️
Speaking of that girl who said she studied at the American school.. what you did isn't community service.. morelikely both schools cendana and American school agreed to have short of cultural / exchange / some little events.. They had done that many years.
Hi, this is really interesting podcast! I studied in negeri school and got a scholarship from international school. I really relate with whole of the conversation wkwkwk. Dlu pas sekolah negeri ikutan Jambore, pas SMA scoutnya pun beda. Good opportunity to try sih sekolah di inter.
ih kak Indah, aku punya culture shock juga awal-awal sekolah SMA di negeri karena sebelumnya SD dan SMP selalu sekolah di swasta😂 My school once had a big demonstration to just oust a teacher…. 😧
LGTVHD... Menurut saya tidak sepantasnya menerapkan properti tersebut didalam konten. Karena kita hidup di Indonesia yang pada dasarnya negara beragama... Semuaa agama melarang perbuatan tersebut. Cukup tau saja namun tidak mendukung.
di sekolahin tinggi-tingi dan mahal cuma bisa jualan cerita sekolah doang,kerja njir berkarya bangun negeri. otaknya dipakai buat bekerja dan bekarya bukan ngomong tok
@@sweet8894 sebelum ngomong cari tahu dulu, org dia sendiri yang ngomong habis balik dari USA kerja di jakarta tapi gaji UMR terus keluar makanya sekarang dia aktif sosmed. Emang bisnis kosmetik udah di bilang sukses? terus kalo emang mau bisnis gak usah sekolah mahal2 pake aja relasi ortunya.
Come on we get it the world is not fair but u don't need to talk shit about people's career choices, and by the way, what about u? what have u done with your life? Care to elaborate? I'm sure you'll impress us here with all your achievements 🤪
@@and-i-oop wah gak paham, yang di protesin disini bukan tentang keadilan tapi sayang aja udah kuliah di USA tapi malah cuma bikin podcast, masih banyak field pekerjaan yang membutuhkan otak2 brillian , kecuali emang si indah tidak begitu yak hehe. achievement gua jauh daripada indah yang cuma bisa bikin podcast dan talk shit about culture and man
broo... katolik pun is also Kristen.. mending nyebut lengkap aja.. Kristen Protestan dan Kristen Katolik daripada cuma nyebutnya Kristen dan Katolik nanti kesannya kayak Katolik bukan Kristen.. padahal Kristen itu artinya pengikut Kristus..
23 dikurangi 5 tahun kan emang 18 atuh bang, which is di umur segitu dia udah punya hak buat nyoblos. kalo benci seenggaknya jangan tolol gitu yuk bisa yuk
the rainbow flag makes me inconvenient and that i get very disgusted of how amazing people ignore the mental health of straight women and men. i mean we dont have our flag. and it seems so wrong. indonesia should apply the russian rules to put people who support lgbtq and seem to advertize it😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢
i dont know why but it is very invasive in a way that lgbtq community's existence just tends to shame and invade the validity or mental health or truth of straight sex oriented people.
@@putrirfrsuport dengan cara menghilangkan komunitas ini dan kembali ke fitrahnya karena gak ada hal yang baiknya, suport agar mereka sehat, tidak terjangkit penyakit seksual dan dilarang oleh agama karena di indonesia ini ketuhanan yang paling atas dari segalanya
Kalo indah penasaran tentang tawuran, please invite anak negeri jakarta please, SMA negeri jakarta yg populer kaya 6, 3, 70, 46, 82, semoga si punya temen dari situ ya. Karna kalo di cerita lebih detail nya🤯 mungkin indah bisa pingsan
Jakarta mana ya?
Kayanya habis ini harus bahas culture tawuran deh. I can imagine how indah bakal reacted to the whole story tentang tawuran gitu hahaha
When me and my family still lived in Jakarta, my brother was attacked during tawuran between two high schools. My brother was in middle school that time, but he was always taller compare to another middle-schoolers. That was why one boy mistakenly thought him as student from the other school and threw a rock to my brother. It hit his head, he fell and his head was bleeding. This happened as soon as he stepped down from a public bus (angkot). Luckily, there was a man who was our neighbor saw this. He quickly rushed and saved my brother. He yelled at them why they were hitting his son, and he took my brother home. I would never forget that day, when I saw my brother with bleeding head.
And after me and my family moved to Medan, North Sumatera. My high school (public school) had a fight with another muslim private school. From what I know, in one fight, they destroyed 2 cars. And the most annoying part was, in the end, the boys who fought, they were asking all students in our school to give some money so that they could fix/repair the car. At that time, I was thinking to myself: "You guys were the one who fought, but we're the one who bore the consequences... Wtf!"
Tawuran is the most useless thing.
Keep up the good work, Indah! Love your content.😘
Tawuran is so unnecessary. Toxic masculinity at its finest.
They're just a bunch of insecure pubescent boys.
I am so sorry that happened to your brother 😭💔
@@geniusonyeo Looking back... It would be great if there were sports competition for all schools all over Indonesia (all types of sports that we could think of, female version and male version). So that those youths had some kind of channel to release their excess energy. And because sports competition, they would (hopefully) learn how to keep the fighting spirit while maintaining sportsmanship. Not to mention, out of it, we might get best athletes to be representatives of the country in international sports competitions.
I really love this episode bcuz I relate so much to it. When it's about education discrepancies between inter/state school in Indo, I think it boils down to the classist & elitist issues that some schools adopt to elevate their status & prestige. I'm a Muslim chindo who went to a Catholic elementary school, then to state middle & high schools, state uni, and later went abroad for study, working & living. My parents sent me to a Catholic school bcuz they took education & discipline very seriously & I'm glad they did bcuz it pushed me to strive harder in life (I ain't be living abroad today if I didn't get some ass whopping as a kid). The Catholic school I went to welcomed kids from all religions, cultural backgrounds & socioeconomic classes. Everyone was seen as equal & they even provided scholarships & financial aid for financially disadvantaged students. Sadly, many Indo state & private schools today seemed to changed their course & became more classist/elitist (just like many inter schools are) bcuz they want to gain the status & prestige, and eventually creates social bubbles that distance themselves away from Indo society in general 💔
I'm 90s kids and I agree with you. My mom and mom of my mom were sent to Catholic school and reason was that they treated us so well. And of course because of their quality as well, and then they were surprised how biased that private school than it used to be. Nowadays parents send their kids to pricey private so that they can smug themselves in the neighborhood, like, omg.. their circles! smh.. I think parents criteria sending their kids to school are becoming crazier.. like you know when you live in big cities
Yeah that’s an unfortunate reality we have to deal with nowadays
the way i paused so many times because i want to add my own experience when i was in public school😭 this topic is so fun and wait until you find about tawuran, angkatan, senioritas, and zonasi
Mau tanya/kumpulin sini anak SMANegeri yg setiap hari senin ga selalu upacara (SMAN ku upacara bendera senin itu sebulan sekali, jadi hari senin pertama di awal setiap bulan plus hari nasional like 17an & sumpah pemuda, etc plus kalo ada acara sekolah). Yang SMANnya ada jas almat/almamater jadi pake seragam bisa ga lengkap like gapake dasi ama sabuk tapi ntar pake jas almat (and its cool to, already feels like college student in highschool). Yang SMANnya boleh pake sepatu bebas/berwarna dan gaharus sepatu full warna hitam. Yang SMANnya gapapa murid cowok rambut gondrong (tapi gaboleh panjang banget sampe melebihi pundak/max shoulder length). Yg SMANnya ada 3 toko (kantin foodcourt buat makan berat/minum jus milkshake dkk + kopsis buat jajan snack, minuman kemasan + koperasi kebutuhan). Yg SMANnya ada rooftop area yg ada garden aesthetic plus lounge/bungalow di rooftop. Ruang osisnya luas ada tv, sofa, ama jualan sponsoran proker kyk eskrim, jajan, minuman botolan di cooler, dkk malah pernah sekali kita ada vending machine selama 1bulan. LabKomputer ada 2 pake komputer apple. Parkirannya tingkat. Aula nya ada 3, 1 itu international conference room soalnya SMANnya ada exchange ama foreign student. Jujurly bukan sombong tapi aku kira SMANku biasa aja tapi ternyata ga semua SMANegeri kayak SMANku.
Kak indah diindonesia khususnya dijakarta kita punya sekolah negri unggulan yang namanya sman nu mh Thamrin berbasis Cambridge kalo ga salah
40:51 shout out to katie for pointed out literally the main reason why uniform exists for public school. was itching to jump on the conversation when they talk about the uniform, like finally someone pointed this out
I like the topic tapi kenapa ya Esther ga enak bgt cara dialognya. Some of indah questions gak direspond properly.
SD gue di BPK Penabur dan fondasinya kuat banget...pelajaran nya wow (tau lah ya bpk penabur gmn)...iman Kristen jg ditanamkan banget
SMP gue di sekolah Katolik...karena udh biasa di BPK Penabur, jadi agak slow sama pelajarannya, tapi tetap sama2 strict to the rules..
SMA di negri...sungguh makin slow lagi walau gue anak CIBI (a.k.a aksel)...Oia, ngomong2 ttg pelajaran agama, satu kelas aksel hanya ber-12...yg kristen gue sendiri....eh jadi private class di ruang kelas lain hahahaha..what a memory :) gue bahkan sempat coba kabur dari kelas agama, gara2 males banget sendirian hahaha...maafkan pak
aku seneng banget nonton podcast ini, krn sama2 org sumatera dan kayaknya economic social background ku sama kayak ka esther jadi aku nyambung dan relate bgttt sama pendapat ka esther, her honest reaction is sometimes so funnyy hahahhaa, thanks ka indah for inviting her to the podcast, one of my fave episode sih ini, mntep ka indah hahah
dan sekarang masih yakin seneng??😢😢 setelah apa yg terjadi
@@RuangHitammwhat happened, sorry??
@@RuangHitamm masih, namanya juga reaksi.. ya aku bereaksi senang atas podcast ini, gada hubungan sama hal2 diluar ini...
Kita MMG ga bisa memaksa orang yg sudah suka jadi tidak suka hanya karena orang yg bikin konten pendukung pelangi atau bikin heboh dengan konten dia yg menjelakan bangsa dan negara ini ,karena membantu Palestine, salam waras
kesini setelah podcast Dedy Corbuzier
Yes, gw jg swasta katholik di Sumut sampe SD kls 3 (itu pun krn pindah ke Jawa) . Abis itu ke negeri deh, krn di katholik itu emg strik on rules. Pandangan kluarga gw dr kecil dibkin swasta spy fondasi agamanya hrs kuat dr kecil, ga agama aja (dr perilaku & tutur kata).
Keknya narsum agak suka interupsi ya padahal ka indah blum kelar mungkin she’s too excited
Ya aku sendiri juga agak gemes ngeliatnya 😅😅 bisa gak sih nggak interupt mulu kalo org ngomong
as someone who went to both private and international school, I was so surprised upacaranya pas di international school emang cuma sekali, and quite different juga. Pas sekolah swasta upacaranya ya kayak upacara bendera tapi pas di international school it's basically a school assembly with flag raising ceremony.
And personally I prefer school assembly(s), because they're held indoor 👌
Sebagai orang yang sekolah di swasta Katolik dari TK sampai kuliah, this is an interesting discussion. Thanks ladies x
Woah thank you for bringing this topic to the internet. And yeah, I know every school has its curriculum. And what surprised me while watching this video is no one said about military things while they were in high school haha. I, who got an education in vocational high school (SMK) in Bandung, had to do military training like you have to do baris berbaris and got introduced to gunfire things and a lot of subjects about military things for a week. Are people in other cities not doing things like that? 😭
is that during your school orientation?
because one of the public high school in my hometown is trained that way during their orientation. It will only continue if they choose to live in the school's dormitor. All things you mentioned are trained except the gunfire thingy
It’s very common in Indonesia, esp for non Muslim family or muslim family with higher social class to put their child in catholic school for their basic ed. In Indo, Catholic schools been there for ages and known with their good quality that will give their children a solid foundation in academic subjects, preparing them well for college and careers. But this past 10-15 years, other religion based schools was catching up to offer high standard ed and facility, ex: penabur or other private schools.
Btw, I like hearing your voice Indah. The intonation, expression, gestures. Not only you can be a great podcaster, with more touch of humor, you could be a the next jiaoying summers! 😂
Setuju. Menurutku, hal ini juga dipengaruhi sama jaman penjajahan dulu sih. Kalo dilihat dari sejarah, kita kan dijajah sm orang2 Belanda yang pada waktu itu byk yg beragama Katolik, dan setahuku, banyak sekolah swasta katolik di Indonesia yg emg pendirinya adalah orang2 Belanda jaman dulu, bahkan sebagian ada jg yg pendirinya itu Pastur org Belanda asli.
sebagai guru honorer SMP dan SMK yang tidak punya gelar sarjana pendidikan, hal hal bodoh kayak razia rambut razia handphone itu sudah harus dihilangkan dari dunia pendidikan.
Bodoh? You should learn what the values behind those things
I really want jump in to the conversation like I have soo much to tell you too, Kak Indah.
Seneng bgt sm topik yang diangkat, jarang dibahas di podcast
Anak2 ku sekolah SD di sekolah swasta berbasis islam dan internasional. kenapa? pertama sistem zonasi yang tidak menjadi pilihan untuk bersekolah di sekolah negeri (sooo faaarrrrr), dan kedua, untuk SD, saya berharap penekanan pada pendidikan berbasis karakter anak, dan alhamdulillah di sekolah anak saya skrg memenuhi ekspektasi saya. i'm from Pontianak gank btw, haha
kolese de britto in jogja also doesn't use uniform except monday and also they allow their student to has long hair
Mostly keluarga batak nasrani dan keluarga chinese menyelohkan anaknya SD-SMP pasti di sekolah katolik, karna di sekolah katolik pembentukan karakter dan disiplin adalah prioritas.
38:12 yepp indahh... completely agree, and honestly razia kek gitu atau aturan soal rambut gak boleh panjang sedikit menurut aku aturan yg paling gak masuk akal dan paling gue benci selama gue masih di sekolah 😅😅, kayak kenapa lu expect semua murid lu buat punya potongan rambut kek TNI?, ini rambutnya panjanG sedikit aja udah main potong sembarangan di depan murid2 yg lain...
Kalo di inter murid datangi kelas nya guru. Jadi subject tertentu guru nya itu terus selama 3 tahun?
23:40 Fellow Dragon here from the late 90s , PEL till Cilandak , we had Indonesian studies/language class starting in 1st or 2nd grade , and of course we'd sing Indonesia Raya , not just UN day , but especially during the week of Independence Day - there were choirs singing Indonesian folk songs , wayang kulit & other performances in our theatre. and in PEL there was a great gamelan classes taught by Mrs.Kathryn Emerson. JIS was more on the global side of things , so of course you can't expect a national school standard curricular.
Gurrrlll... I love youuu hahahaha... And yes definitely you'll so f*ing good with kebaya 😍😍...
Btw, boleh gak kak satu episooodeeeee saja mengundang guru dari jis?? I really curious about gimana guru2 disana dan sistem pengajar, belajar, dan mengajar disana seperti apa.. Thank you so much for concidering ❤️❤️❤️
Speaking of that girl who said she studied at the American school.. what you did isn't community service.. morelikely both schools cendana and American school agreed to have short of cultural / exchange / some little events..
They had done that many years.
Kenapa gk ditranslate
I was about to say this but thanks miss Kattie 40:52 your point is on point
tolong bendera lgbtnya, kedutaan negara orang di indonesia aja dilarang 🤬
Sekarang masuk Univ negeri untuk anak swasta gampang. Bisa masuk kelas International atau bahkan bsia lewat tallent scouting (jalur undangan)
Hi, this is really interesting podcast! I studied in negeri school and got a scholarship from international school. I really relate with whole of the conversation wkwkwk.
Dlu pas sekolah negeri ikutan Jambore, pas SMA scoutnya pun beda. Good opportunity to try sih sekolah di inter.
Kak indah kalo indo medok banget, kalo english accent nya kaya orang luar bangeeet.
Keren esther✨
ih kak Indah, aku punya culture shock juga awal-awal sekolah SMA di negeri karena sebelumnya SD dan SMP selalu sekolah di swasta😂 My school once had a big demonstration to just oust a teacher…. 😧
Relateee bangettt.. Setiap pelajaran agama islam, aku cuma berempat yg minoritas kelas kosong 🤣🤣
Cah wingi sore wes kakean polah
Nice video . Keep up your great work👍🥰
Ini Kathie bisa on cam aja ngga sih? dia enak juga diajakin ngobrol
Setau gue marga lubis itu adalah suku batak bukan suku minangkabau... Krn istilah opung tidak ada di suku Minangkabau
anak2 Inter panutannya Javier Zanetti bukan yah?
Otometikli katanya..
yuhuuyu riau pekanbaruuuu
i went to Loyola College in Semarang and we dont wear uniforms and we dont have hair rule too!😂
oh pantes ngomong kemenggres mulu, aksen bahasa Indonesianya ngampung banget 😂😂
Collab sama zhafira aqila dong, indah.
LGTVHD... Menurut saya tidak sepantasnya menerapkan properti tersebut didalam konten. Karena kita hidup di Indonesia yang pada dasarnya negara beragama... Semuaa agama melarang perbuatan tersebut. Cukup tau saja namun tidak mendukung.
iya, mostly org indo jg kan yg nnton dan itu agak saru buat mereka, ntar kl mereka ngehujat kn berabe jg
Speaking of Hispanic-looking friends, Katie would pass as one should she be in the US 😊
di sekolahin tinggi-tingi dan mahal cuma bisa jualan cerita sekolah doang,kerja njir berkarya bangun negeri. otaknya dipakai buat bekerja dan bekarya bukan ngomong tok
Dia punya bisnis kosmetik. Kalau ga tau latar belakang seseorang nggak usah asumsi negatif. Balik kerja sana! Otaknya dipake kalau berpendidikan
@@sweet8894 sebelum ngomong cari tahu dulu, org dia sendiri yang ngomong habis balik dari USA kerja di jakarta tapi gaji UMR terus keluar makanya sekarang dia aktif sosmed. Emang bisnis kosmetik udah di bilang sukses? terus kalo emang mau bisnis gak usah sekolah mahal2 pake aja relasi ortunya.
@@komodoeee iya kalo kata orang bijak berlian dilahirkan bukan dari kemudahan tapi dari kesusahan dan kegagalan
Come on we get it the world is not fair but u don't need to talk shit about people's career choices, and by the way, what about u? what have u done with your life? Care to elaborate? I'm sure you'll impress us here with all your achievements 🤪
@@and-i-oop wah gak paham, yang di protesin disini bukan tentang keadilan tapi sayang aja udah kuliah di USA tapi malah cuma bikin podcast, masih banyak field pekerjaan yang membutuhkan otak2 brillian , kecuali emang si indah tidak begitu yak hehe. achievement gua jauh daripada indah yang cuma bisa bikin podcast dan talk shit about culture and man
Gak bahaya tah ada bendera spongebob?
Israel Genosida
Gais itu bendera kok warnanya kayak eskrim yak😂
Guest nya mirip dwihanda ya
Pendukung ternyata ya
Indah g congokk
Itu ada bendera Lgbt, lagi dipromosikan kah
broo... katolik pun is also Kristen..
mending nyebut lengkap aja.. Kristen Protestan dan Kristen Katolik daripada cuma nyebutnya Kristen dan Katolik nanti kesannya kayak Katolik bukan Kristen..
padahal Kristen itu artinya pengikut Kristus..
I LOVE how Kak indah speaks like a Javanese ❤❤😊😅
anak Inter Milan sih
Itu bendera atau kue lapis oy😢 gw ngeri kalo liat pelangi skrang
Woy belajar PPKN lagi sono
Oh ini, si pembohong yg ngakunya 2x ikut pemilu. Tapi umurnya skrg baru 23 th. Hebat dong 13 th ikut pemilu. Ga malsu umur kan?
23 dikurangi 5 tahun kan emang 18 atuh bang, which is di umur segitu dia udah punya hak buat nyoblos. kalo benci seenggaknya jangan tolol gitu yuk bisa yuk
support LGBTQ?
kak plis ga usah ada bendera pelangi plis
This mf got offended by a fuckin flag lmao thats indo mentality
the rainbow flag makes me inconvenient and that i get very disgusted of how amazing people ignore the mental health of straight women and men. i mean we dont have our flag. and it seems so wrong. indonesia should apply the russian rules to put people who support lgbtq and seem to advertize it😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢
i dont know why but it is very invasive in a way that lgbtq community's existence just tends to shame and invade the validity or mental health or truth of straight sex oriented people.
u can be straight but also be supportive towards the lgbtqia+ community
@@putrirfrsuport dengan cara menghilangkan komunitas ini dan kembali ke fitrahnya karena gak ada hal yang baiknya, suport agar mereka sehat, tidak terjangkit penyakit seksual dan dilarang oleh agama karena di indonesia ini ketuhanan yang paling atas dari segalanya
@@putrirfr y'all indoctrinated by the west's woke culture it's embarassing
imagine being offended by a flag, a dead sheet of fabric with dyes in it