I don’t know how no one has realized it but there have been tons of hints to what the emojis were In the previous few updates they added things that they announced much earlier such as bundles and archeology the next update is for spring 2020 adding firefly’s (MAYBEEEEEE) moobloom And they already hinted that they will work more on pillagers and illagers There were multiple hints that different types of pigs were gonna be added
Yeah, they looked so cool; really sad all we got were 2 flowers one of which I assumed would glow but it doesn't.. You can atleast recreate those flowering vines using ores underneath normal vines. Like using Redstone Ore and placing vines over it makes it look a little like rose buds or fruit!
I think its gonna be less a seasons update and more likely an ambience overhaul to bring some of the older biomes and blocks up to par with mojangs new content. Stuff like falling leaves for forests, cave dust, and sand wind in deserts.
Meow if we can prevent planetary demise there will be humans' on earth for billions of years far outweifhing the current experiential density. And even in this life we get the realization strength from their realization. 2: when I've lived all my years the sum of all events will actually be at that point which will surely come I can say it has already happened So even now I'm sure. Doesn't it make you want to battle¿ knowing your happenstance is actual?
Fire flies are becoming less common in the US They lay their eggs in the fallen leaves that get raked up and thrown away Leave them or pile them up in your backyard in a compost heap if. Every little bit helps
Kpina Fanfiction: Rick i Stanford pracowali w piwnicy pod Tajemniczą Chatą, aktualnie reperowali Portal, który zużywał niepotrzebną ilość energii. -O! Szłyszę jakieś kroki na górze -powiedział Rick. -Pewnie któreś z papużek nierozłączek się obudziło -dodał Ford. -Dobra wracam do zcierania rdzy z metalu, ty możesz wymienić paliwo i powiedz Mortypilerowi żeby przyniósł kilka kanistrów -poinstruował Rick. W pokoju na górze, który kiedyś należał do Dippera i Mabel, Monika właśnie wstała z łóżka i zobaczyła Kamila, który trzymał w ręce pistolet Rick(ten do portali); użądzienie było szare, miało trzy zielone punkty i szkło z zielonym świecidełkiem. - Cześć Misiu - przywitał się Kjebab. -Hej -odpowiedziała Kropa i podeszła do Kamila. On odłożył pistolet na szafkę, lekko ją przytulił i zapytał: -Ile kalorii zjadłaś w ciągu nocy? - zażartował. -Żadnych deklu, a nie zapomniałeś przypadkiem o Weronice? - zapytała Kropka. -O kim? - odpowiedział. -Ty i twoja pamięć.... - powiedziała, po czym poszła do kuchni w Tajemniczej Chacie. Kjebab miał niemały dylemat moralny, dzięki pistolecikowi: w trakcie przygotowywania się do nagrania kolejnego W Skrócie, udało się jemu i Monice dostać poza ich świat i postanowili, że przyjmą gościnę Stanforda na tydzień zostaną w Świecie z Gravity Falls. I w tym jest problem, bo o ile tu są (prawie) sami dla siebie, to zostawili każdego (m. in. Łysego i Weronikę) bez info co się z nimi dzieje. Dobrym pomysłem było wzięcie ze sobą laptopa Kropy, żeby kontrolować wały w finansach za filmy Kpiny. Kilka godzin później Rick, Kamil, Soos, Monika, Stanford i Mortypiler siedzieli przy stole jedząc obiad, wtedy właśnie w środku pokoju pojawił się zielony portal, z którego wyszedł Grzegorz Braun, Władysław Kosiniak i Władysław Kamysz z widomością od WSZYSTKICH widzów Kpiny: -,,Znaleźliśmy was, gdzie są filmy co 3 dni?" -zacytowali we trójkę. -Właśnie ja bym wam doradził zająć się tymi zaległymi filmami, bo odbiorcy mogą się odwrócić - podsumował po swojemu Grzegorz, po czym cała trójka wyszła portalem. Po obiedzie Kamil i Kropa poszli do ich pokoju i zaczęli nagrywać film na Kpinę , jak zwiedzają piwnicę Stanforda pod Chatą. Kilka dni później, gdy Monika i Kjebab byli w Gravity Falls, Mortypiler wlączył OBSa, zagrał we FNAF 4, ale jedyne co uchwyciło nagranie to: Okay, so the first night is never usually that bad in any of the games, so I'll play through- Oto DLC do Fanfiction: Hello Internen and welcome to the Game-Kpina-Theory-Fandom! W tym wywodzie skupimy się na Teorii i na Kpinie! A więc teorią, którą chcę rozważyć jest to, że uważam, iż przez milsze zachowanie(przykłady puźniej) Kropa próbuje przypodobać się Kamilowi, tak wiem jak to brzmi, but it is just a theory... Jako przykłady jej nietypowego zachowania względem Kjebaba, w porównianiu do starszych filmów(około 2,5 mieś wstecz są starsze filmy) można podać np spytanie się czy jest ładna(otrzymanie odpowiedzi nie) i spytanie się znowu, tym razem bez maski, wtedy jest cięcie, w odcinku gdzie kupowalj widzom prezenty pod koniec, jak Kamil i Monika siedzieli na kanapie (w trakcie ,,testowania" prezętów) to ona spróbowała mu położyć rękę na ramieniu ale w ⅓ ruchu się zatrzymała(jeśli dobrze pamiętam) a potem cofnęła rękę. Teraz, z kolei pora na przejawy prób przypodobania (wg mnie i fandomu na 8Chanie) u Kjebaba: otóż to on dużo rzadziej wyzywa Kropę na filmach, raz gdy spytała się go kim on może dla niej być? gdy wymieniał odpowiedzi padło ,,kochanek". W którymś odc była mowa a zafundowaniu dwóch, trzech obiadów. W odcinku gdzie robili pierniki (cz1) Kamil zrobił nie wiem, chyba gest ,,zabrania nosa" Monice, dotakowo powiedział do niej ,,misiu". Ciekawą rzeczą jest fakt, że w jednym z najnowszych odc (grudzień 2024) Kamil wspomniał, że kupił coś byłej dziewczynie i teraz nie wiem czy chodziło o Weronikę, czy nie. W odc z robienia pierników (cz1) przytulił Kropę chyba 2 razy, czy raz. Dobra, koniec przykładów w samej teori chodzi o to, że być może, it is just a theory Kropka i Kjebeb się....bardzej lubią, nazwę to tak, pozostawiam to do waszej, twojej interpretacji. W jednym filmie Kamil Ferchowiecowniak mówił że on i Kropa przeglądali jego zdjęcia i się śmiali do dwunastej w nocy, po czym powiedział, że jego dziewczyna nie może się o tym dowiedzieć, lub coś podobnego. W ogóle oni się jakoś lepiej dogadują. But that just a Theory.... A KPINA-THEORY!
fireflies actually getting added would be a great educational opportunity. Seeing frogs either avoid fireflies or get a poison effect from eating them would be a great way to subtly teach people that there is an interaction, assuming this is something mojang is actually interested in
it's what they did with lilly of the valley made into suspicious stew being poisonous. subtle as that was it was a neat little fun fact and it would be nice to see them add more of those.
Lightly Allay-Distracting Jungle-Biome-Centered Half-Waxed Lectern-Avoiding Redstone-Wire-Avoiding Rain-Adoring Firefly (It'd be cool if implementing the Firefly had that many tweaks and switches, but I doubt it will.)
Often what companies will do to find a leaker, is they will add something fake to or omit something important from a document/image. They'll send this poisoned document to a small group of employees that might contain the leaker, and if it shows up in a leak then they can find the leaker. So realistically the vines were never cut, they weren't real to begin with.
If it's a spring drop with an update to flowers and such, maybe we'll get particle insects? Like single pixel, two pixel insects that float around flowers or in swamps as particles emitted by the environment?
@@IDonotHaveAGoodName It could hurt real frogs though. And Minecraft animals are usually realistic, so bringing up that the game has monsters is kinda irrelevant
It's crazy how stale updates are nowadays that as soon as an update comes out everyone ignores it and looks hopefully towards the next one. I think the Nether Update was the last truly appreciated update.
Cause 1.16 is the last update that actually _felt_ like Minecraft, and the last one before they started going down the path of all the corporate crap. Now each update is basically little more than "ooh shiny! New content!" for people to focus on before forgetting the rather forgettable additions and hoping the next one is more interesting. The truth is, at this point Minecraft is showing its age and Mojang is showing its incompetence.
@@StuffandThings_ I think people are forgetting that Minecraft has been through slumps like this before. The updates directly preceding the aquatic update immediately come to mind.
My own theory for the re-introduction of fireflies could be that the fireflies aren't an entity _themselves_ but are instead a unique particle that are emitted from a special type of flower. It could be that the flowers function similarly to Eyeblossoms where they function during the night (enable particles) and are inactive during the day. Having them be flowers also means that you could technically move them from the swamp (assuming they spawn there) and decorate your house or builds with them, rather than having to build everything in a swamp to get those particles. Not only that, but the mutual functionality between it and Eyeblossoms could also bring along data-driven block particles (or effects, such as sounds)! But this is only really speculation, and I don't entirely know if Mojang would go through all the trouble to do that.
A boar as a hostile pig would be a really simple and good addition. Basically just a copy/paste of the hoglin but smaller and it would add some life to Savannah’s
Kpina Fanfiction: Rick i Stanford pracowali w piwnicy pod Tajemniczą Chatą, aktualnie reperowali Portal, który zużywał niepotrzebną ilość energii. -O! Szłyszę jakieś kroki na górze -powiedział Rick. -Pewnie któreś z papużek nierozłączek się obudziło -dodał Ford. -Dobra wracam do zcierania rdzy z metalu, ty możesz wymienić paliwo i powiedz Mortypilerowi żeby przyniósł kilka kanistrów -poinstruował Rick. W pokoju na górze, który kiedyś należał do Dippera i Mabel, Monika właśnie wstała z łóżka i zobaczyła Kamila, który trzymał w ręce pistolet Rick(ten do portali); użądzienie było szare, miało trzy zielone punkty i szkło z zielonym świecidełkiem. - Cześć Misiu - przywitał się Kjebab. -Hej -odpowiedziała Kropa i podeszła do Kamila. On odłożył pistolet na szafkę, lekko ją przytulił i zapytał: -Ile kalorii zjadłaś w ciągu nocy? - zażartował. -Żadnych deklu, a nie zapomniałeś przypadkiem o Weronice? - zapytała Kropka. -O kim? - odpowiedział. -Ty i twoja pamięć.... - powiedziała, po czym poszła do kuchni w Tajemniczej Chacie. Kjebab miał niemały dylemat moralny, dzięki pistolecikowi: w trakcie przygotowywania się do nagrania kolejnego W Skrócie, udało się jemu i Monice dostać poza ich świat i postanowili, że przyjmą gościnę Stanforda na tydzień zostaną w Świecie z Gravity Falls. I w tym jest problem, bo o ile tu są (prawie) sami dla siebie, to zostawili każdego (m. in. Łysego i Weronikę) bez info co się z nimi dzieje. Dobrym pomysłem było wzięcie ze sobą laptopa Kropy, żeby kontrolować wały w finansach za filmy Kpiny. Kilka godzin później Rick, Kamil, Soos, Monika, Stanford i Mortypiler siedzieli przy stole jedząc obiad, wtedy właśnie w środku pokoju pojawił się zielony portal, z którego wyszedł Grzegorz Braun, Władysław Kosiniak i Władysław Kamysz z widomością od WSZYSTKICH widzów Kpiny: -,,Znaleźliśmy was, gdzie są filmy co 3 dni?" -zacytowali we trójkę. -Właśnie ja bym wam doradził zająć się tymi zaległymi filmami, bo odbiorcy mogą się odwrócić - podsumował po swojemu Grzegorz, po czym cała trójka wyszła portalem. Po obiedzie Kamil i Kropa poszli do ich pokoju i zaczęli nagrywać film na Kpinę , jak zwiedzają piwnicę Stanforda pod Chatą. Kilka dni później, gdy Monika i Kjebab byli w Gravity Falls, Mortypiler wlączył OBSa, zagrał we FNAF 4, ale jedyne co uchwyciło nagranie to: Okay, so the first night is never usually that bad in any of the games, so I'll play through- Oto DLC do Fanfiction: Hello Internen and welcome to the Game-Kpina-Theory-Fandom! W tym wywodzie skupimy się na Teorii i na Kpinie! A więc teorią, którą chcę rozważyć jest to, że uważam, iż przez milsze zachowanie(przykłady puźniej) Kropa próbuje przypodobać się Kamilowi, tak wiem jak to brzmi, but it is just a theory... Jako przykłady jej nietypowego zachowania względem Kjebaba, w porównianiu do starszych filmów(około 2,5 mieś wstecz są starsze filmy) można podać np spytanie się czy jest ładna(otrzymanie odpowiedzi nie) i spytanie się znowu, tym razem bez maski, wtedy jest cięcie, w odcinku gdzie kupowalj widzom prezenty pod koniec, jak Kamil i Monika siedzieli na kanapie (w trakcie ,,testowania" prezętów) to ona spróbowała mu położyć rękę na ramieniu ale w ⅓ ruchu się zatrzymała(jeśli dobrze pamiętam) a potem cofnęła rękę. Teraz, z kolei pora na przejawy prób przypodobania (wg mnie i fandomu na 8Chanie) u Kjebaba: otóż to on dużo rzadziej wyzywa Kropę na filmach, raz gdy spytała się go kim on może dla niej być? gdy wymieniał odpowiedzi padło ,,kochanek". W którymś odc była mowa a zafundowaniu dwóch, trzech obiadów. W odcinku gdzie robili pierniki (cz1) Kamil zrobił nie wiem, chyba gest ,,zabrania nosa" Monice, dotakowo powiedział do niej ,,misiu". Ciekawą rzeczą jest fakt, że w jednym z najnowszych odc (grudzień 2024) Kamil wspomniał, że kupił coś byłej dziewczynie i teraz nie wiem czy chodziło o Weronikę, czy nie. W odc z robienia pierników (cz1) przytulił Kropę chyba 2 razy, czy raz. Dobra, koniec przykładów w samej teori chodzi o to, że być może, it is just a theory Kropka i Kjebeb się....bardzej lubią, nazwę to tak, pozostawiam to do waszej, twojej interpretacji. W jednym filmie Kamil Ferchowiecowniak mówił że on i Kropa przeglądali jego zdjęcia i się śmiali do dwunastej w nocy, po czym powiedział, że jego dziewczyna nie może się o tym dowiedzieć, lub coś podobnego. W ogóle oni się jakoś lepiej dogadują. But that just a Theory.... A KPINA-THEORY!
honestly minecraft leaks are so beneficial for them as it makes people constantly talking about it and getting some info every once in a while and getting us more and more excited I enjoy little light leaks but if it's anything major like "oh yeah we're getting 1 2 3 btw" then that's just not fun at all
I've recently seen a video where someone suggested they will add the birch forest. The concept art clearly shows different types of flowers, which corresponds to the two flower emojis. With that, the calendar can mean something like "delayed", as the birch forest was a promised feature which still hasn't found its way into the game yet. And the sun, well it could stand for the fact that the new birch forest will be brighter due to taller trees or it could mean the update will drop in summer
The firefly doesn’t even have to be a mob; it could just be a particle and therefore wouldn’t even have to be fed to frogs, which defeats the whole purpose of it not being added in the first place. It would probably be easier to add (with the emissive textures and all) and would be funnier if it was a mob though. Now about the birch forest and fletching table update…
I'm still waiting for a food update. I don't understand why no one is talking about such an important part of the game. It's been so long since we got any good saturation food. All we get are raw cherries, gambling soups, literal kelp, teleporting fruit, etc.
Personally I’d love a Cooking Update. Cooking in the game is practically non-existent. The fact that you make a cake using a crafting table, and that you need 9 iron to do so, is just silly and there’s no reason why that’s a thing. Plus there are so many other possibilities for cooking. You could have some kind of more complicated system with seasoning and timing that would make the food item better in terms of hunger and saturation regen but still have the furnace option to mass produce the default food
Hmm spring update huh, I wonder if they're gonna add any new usefull flowers, or maybe a new plant that attracts bees, could be a new rare tree, maybe there would be a calendar in minecraft suggesting seasons like spring etc.
guys, the birch forest overhaul would be so amazing!! the fallen, hollowed out logs covered in moss look so beautiful. AND ALSO MORE FLOWERS??? i cant explain how much i need that
My interpretation is 🌷flower(s) 🌸bloom ☀️day 🗓time So maybe it's teasing a new flower like the moonbloom that blooms during the day instead, or a rework of all flowers, giving them a closed texture.
I think this is fake, as if you look at the time 4:32 , you can see just to the right of the image a snippet (box-shape) around the quotation marks, with fuzziness in it. It looks like it's edited imo. It's the same a few seconds after, you can see fuzziness within the letters on the left.
if someone was genuinely trying to pass this off as real, then why would you do it so horrid? With a constant colored background in discord you should be able to get around this, which means this is just some funky compression
For the emojis, the Calendar emoji on most platforms has the month and day ascribed on it as July 17th. Fireflies are active from May to July as they're summer bugs.
@@chadsans they said there wasn’t going to be a switch pro, and that was years ago. Also in May they said they were going to announce the switch successor (which we know is called switch 2 and is in the final stages of mass production and almost ready for store shelves) by the end of the current fiscal year And to clarify, switch pro and switch 2 are 2 very separate consoles, development on the switch pro was started but it was cancelled because the base switch was still doing so well, making up about 80% of all next gen console sales. The switch 2 is a separate project started much more recently and is being followed through on
@ well i don’t blame you for being uninformed about that stuff. After the whole blow up about switch pro and then nothing happened, people kinda turned off the idea of Nintendos next console, so very few people found out that the switch pro was an actual thing and not just a bunch of rumours. So when switch 2 leaks started rolling, a lot of prone jumped to the conclusion that it was just rumours and that there was actually nothing to it. So the discussion around switch 2 became very diluted and you would actually have to look for it to find much. And as for the official announcements from Nintendo. Nintendos official confirmation that the system did exist and that we would hear more soon came in the form of a single tweet exclusive to the jp twitter account, and even within that tweet it wasn’t the focus, the announcement for the June direct was. TLDR: unless you were actively seeking info, you likely wouldn’t find much about it, if anything at all. (If you’re curious though, insiders are saying that while it hasn’t been set in stone, Nintendo seems like they really want to announce it in January and definitely want to release it in mid march)
1:49 kind of convenient that some rando posts some vague emojis that they call leaks, that could make sense if you think about it, and some that don't make sense, then ANOTHER rando claiming to be the same person, and claiming to post leaks provides a claim that makes the other claimed leaks make sense. SURELY nothing funny is going on. some of it seems hard to explain unless they do have insider information, but still, kinda silly, they can just say whatever they want.
@@snaifhassnan6348he means that any random dude could start putting emojis out there, and say he is an insider. Then when the update comes people will try to validate those leaks and make it make sense when it was only a coincidence
even if it is not fireflies we've got to hold on to what we've got, it Dosen't matter if they make it or not. the Minecraft community has each other, and thats a lot. lets hope Mojang gives it a shot.
Its possible that the first three emojis are in reference to the eye blossoms, and a small possability that maybe fire flies will be present in the Pale Garden and will look more like orangey blossoms, to allow them to cause even more confusion from what is or isnt a creaking.
Fireflies only come out in the summer months so that could also support there being seasons and fireflies not being limited to just jungles and/or swamps
the leaker's full name is probably "John Minecraft"
Jhon minecrap
Jon Mincecraft
Jonh Minecarft
A fish without a horse? What a sick joke.
Damn, beat me to it.
Took a few years for Mojang to realize they could just make frogs not eat fireflies, but better late than never
They could make frogs eat them once on occasion and never again. They allowed cookies and parrots to exist in the same game after all
I don’t know how no one has realized it but there have been tons of hints to what the emojis were
In the previous few updates they added things that they announced much earlier such as bundles and archeology the next update is for spring 2020 adding firefly’s (MAYBEEEEEE) moobloom
And they already hinted that they will work more on pillagers and illagers
There were multiple hints that different types of pigs were gonna be added
@@HamzaZaid-n2nwhat were thr hints for the pig?
@@theinfernus9912there were very few and I can’t remember much but I think there was a leak from John and some post from mojang or whatever I forgot
they're starting to realize making up excuses for not adding content doesn't work on the community
I’m still waiting for Mojang to add those blue flowering vines that were leaked alongside the Pitcher Plants. Those were really cool looking.
Meanwhile I'm still waiting for them to update the savannah, desert, and badlands with those biome votes that happened several years ago
@@MrBrineplays_ All of my favorite biomes (both in game and irl lmao) and they’ve just been so neglected.
Yeah, they looked so cool; really sad all we got were 2 flowers one of which I assumed would glow but it doesn't.. You can atleast recreate those flowering vines using ores underneath normal vines. Like using Redstone Ore and placing vines over it makes it look a little like rose buds or fruit!
@@MrBrineplays_ I'm worried that the Camel _was_ the desert update
I've heard a theory that they were only designed to catch Badgerman, by knowing which dev had the access to that footage
You will not believe your eyes, if 2 pixel fireflies, fill up your world when you play Minecraft
@ thanks!
Nice lol
Instantly had his voice in my head, singing that lol
And they'll fill the open air,
Killing frogs everywhere,
That may be mean but I don't really... care
i bet its an ambiance update, with things like fireflies, better/more flowers, new lighting, and stuff like that
I would absolutely love that
don't expect much. its mojang. the pale biome is a big example they can't do anything good.
That makes sense. The Trail Chamber update focused on combat, and the Pale Gardens seemed focused on blocks for building.
That would be cool, ngl
Read it as ambulance update
I think its gonna be less a seasons update and more likely an ambience overhaul to bring some of the older biomes and blocks up to par with mojangs new content. Stuff like falling leaves for forests, cave dust, and sand wind in deserts.
That could explain why there’s no fog in the pale garden despite the community begging mojang to add it
I’m fine with both
Meow if we can prevent planetary demise there will be humans' on earth for billions of years far outweifhing the current experiential density. And even in this life we get the realization strength from their realization. 2: when I've lived all my years the sum of all events will actually be at that point which will surely come I can say it has already happened So even now I'm sure. Doesn't it make you want to battle¿ knowing your happenstance is actual?
so, what the wild update was supposed to be
🌹 Closed flower
🌺 Then open flower (what happens in spring)
☀️ Sun (fire)
📅 Time (flies)
*clap*… *clap*… *clap*
they wouldve used a fire emoji instead of sun then
@@che3zburgerthat’s too obvious
I think mojangs goal was to make the “teaser” super cryptic until we have enough information to reverse engineer it
the one thing we were missing after waxed lightly weathered cut copper stairs were added
that is all we want
Two things: the bright pixel and the dark pixel
Wait wasn’t it slightly weathered?
Or did I remembered it wrong
@@rn8567 i appreciate the use of the word "was" here because the name lightly weathered was changed to exposed
but no, it was lightly weathered
Fire flies are becoming less common in the US
They lay their eggs in the fallen leaves that get raked up and thrown away
Leave them or pile them up in your backyard in a compost heap if. Every little bit helps
Great advise fellow bug appreciator!
I have so many good childhood memories of chasing fireflies on warm summer evenings. That's so sad
We just leave them. Natural compost for the grass.
I live in the mountains theres no point in raking leaves lol besides why would i? Theyre pretty! Toooooooooooons of fireglies every year
that sucks
The 2 pixels are back?!
Bro just post a video I’m already seeing a whole bible verse in the comment💀
@israelSamuel-ur4vq what?
yooo romania how's the petition
Bro your the drew durnil guy congrats on day 420
if fireflies are actually making a comeback, i'll be impressed. glad they're finally listening to the majority for once.
They won't. Mojang is not listening.
Kpina Fanfiction:
Rick i Stanford pracowali w piwnicy pod Tajemniczą Chatą, aktualnie reperowali Portal, który zużywał niepotrzebną ilość energii.
-O! Szłyszę jakieś kroki na górze -powiedział Rick.
-Pewnie któreś z papużek nierozłączek się obudziło -dodał Ford.
-Dobra wracam do zcierania rdzy z metalu, ty możesz wymienić paliwo i powiedz Mortypilerowi żeby przyniósł kilka kanistrów -poinstruował Rick.
W pokoju na górze, który kiedyś należał do Dippera i Mabel, Monika właśnie wstała z łóżka i zobaczyła Kamila, który trzymał w ręce pistolet Rick(ten do portali); użądzienie było szare, miało trzy zielone punkty i szkło z zielonym świecidełkiem.
- Cześć Misiu - przywitał się Kjebab.
-Hej -odpowiedziała Kropa i podeszła do Kamila.
On odłożył pistolet na szafkę, lekko ją przytulił i zapytał:
-Ile kalorii zjadłaś w ciągu nocy? - zażartował.
-Żadnych deklu, a nie zapomniałeś przypadkiem o Weronice? - zapytała Kropka.
-O kim? - odpowiedział.
-Ty i twoja pamięć.... - powiedziała, po czym poszła do kuchni w Tajemniczej Chacie.
Kjebab miał niemały dylemat moralny, dzięki pistolecikowi: w trakcie przygotowywania się do nagrania kolejnego W Skrócie, udało się jemu i Monice dostać poza ich świat i postanowili, że przyjmą gościnę Stanforda na tydzień zostaną w Świecie z Gravity Falls. I w tym jest problem, bo o ile tu są (prawie) sami dla siebie, to zostawili każdego (m. in. Łysego i Weronikę) bez info co się z nimi dzieje. Dobrym pomysłem było wzięcie ze sobą laptopa Kropy, żeby kontrolować wały w finansach za filmy Kpiny.
Kilka godzin później Rick, Kamil, Soos, Monika, Stanford i Mortypiler siedzieli przy stole jedząc obiad, wtedy właśnie w środku pokoju pojawił się zielony portal, z którego wyszedł Grzegorz Braun, Władysław Kosiniak i Władysław Kamysz z widomością od WSZYSTKICH widzów Kpiny:
-,,Znaleźliśmy was, gdzie są filmy co 3 dni?" -zacytowali we trójkę.
-Właśnie ja bym wam doradził zająć się tymi zaległymi filmami, bo odbiorcy mogą się odwrócić - podsumował po swojemu Grzegorz, po czym cała trójka wyszła portalem.
Po obiedzie Kamil i Kropa poszli do ich pokoju i zaczęli nagrywać film na Kpinę , jak zwiedzają piwnicę Stanforda pod Chatą.
Kilka dni później, gdy Monika i Kjebab byli w Gravity Falls, Mortypiler wlączył OBSa, zagrał we FNAF 4, ale jedyne co uchwyciło nagranie to: Okay, so the first night is never usually that bad in any of the games, so I'll play through-
Oto DLC do Fanfiction:
Hello Internen and welcome to the Game-Kpina-Theory-Fandom!
W tym wywodzie skupimy się na Teorii i na Kpinie! A więc teorią, którą chcę rozważyć jest to, że uważam, iż przez milsze zachowanie(przykłady puźniej) Kropa próbuje przypodobać się Kamilowi, tak wiem jak to brzmi, but it is just a theory...
Jako przykłady jej nietypowego zachowania względem Kjebaba, w porównianiu do starszych filmów(około 2,5 mieś wstecz są starsze filmy) można podać np spytanie się czy jest ładna(otrzymanie odpowiedzi nie) i spytanie się znowu, tym razem bez maski, wtedy jest cięcie, w odcinku gdzie kupowalj widzom prezenty pod koniec, jak Kamil i Monika siedzieli na kanapie (w trakcie ,,testowania" prezętów) to ona spróbowała mu położyć rękę na ramieniu ale w ⅓ ruchu się zatrzymała(jeśli dobrze pamiętam) a potem cofnęła rękę. Teraz, z kolei pora na przejawy prób przypodobania (wg mnie i fandomu na 8Chanie) u Kjebaba: otóż to on dużo rzadziej wyzywa Kropę na filmach, raz gdy spytała się go kim on może dla niej być? gdy wymieniał odpowiedzi padło ,,kochanek". W którymś odc była mowa a zafundowaniu dwóch, trzech obiadów. W odcinku gdzie robili pierniki (cz1) Kamil zrobił nie wiem, chyba gest ,,zabrania nosa" Monice, dotakowo powiedział do niej ,,misiu". Ciekawą rzeczą jest fakt, że w jednym z najnowszych odc (grudzień 2024) Kamil wspomniał, że kupił coś byłej dziewczynie i teraz nie wiem czy chodziło o Weronikę, czy nie. W odc z robienia pierników (cz1) przytulił Kropę chyba 2 razy, czy raz.
Dobra, koniec przykładów w samej teori chodzi o to, że być może, it is just a theory Kropka i Kjebeb się....bardzej lubią, nazwę to tak, pozostawiam to do waszej, twojej interpretacji. W jednym filmie Kamil Ferchowiecowniak mówił że on i Kropa przeglądali jego zdjęcia i się śmiali do dwunastej w nocy, po czym powiedział, że jego dziewczyna nie może się o tym dowiedzieć, lub coś podobnego. W ogóle oni się jakoś lepiej dogadują. But that just a Theory.... A KPINA-THEORY!
@@MateuszWilk-t7w polska gurom!!!!!!!!!!!!
In all honnesty it's much more likely that the majority of players don't even know about it and/or don't really care
@@moshymosh They absolutely are. The thing is, though, you guys are hardly the majority of the community.
The sun? Powered by nuclear fusion- we're getting nuclear weapons in minecraft, confirmed.
I strongly disagree. Obviously they are adding The Heat Death of The Universe to Minecraft
No, they are adding Hiroshima in Minecraft
Counter point the sun is a ball of fire and you know what sets stuff on fire? *napalm*
finally, solar sect of mystic wisdom
fireflies actually getting added
would be a great educational opportunity. Seeing frogs either avoid fireflies or get a poison effect from eating them would be a great way to subtly teach people that there is an interaction, assuming this is something mojang is actually interested in
it's what they did with lilly of the valley made into suspicious stew being poisonous. subtle as that was it was a neat little fun fact and it would be nice to see them add more of those.
lightly waxed cut copper firefly
Can’t wait for this masterpiece of art to drop
no, it's lightly weathered waxed cut copper fire-fly-ing stairs
Lightly Allay-Distracting Jungle-Biome-Centered Half-Waxed Lectern-Avoiding Redstone-Wire-Avoiding Rain-Adoring Firefly
(It'd be cool if implementing the Firefly had that many tweaks and switches, but I doubt it will.)
@@hqTheToaster You Beat Everyone In Name Length
0:39 Oh I didn't remember those strange vines with blue flowers, where could they have gone?
Gone destroyed thrown into the voi.
Often what companies will do to find a leaker, is they will add something fake to or omit something important from a document/image. They'll send this poisoned document to a small group of employees that might contain the leaker, and if it shows up in a leak then they can find the leaker. So realistically the vines were never cut, they weren't real to begin with.
@@BlooDergon99the void ate them that’s where all bad ideas goes after all
Apparently it was a bait for Roger Badgerman
@@HellCromeE They caught him red-handed then
You would not believe your eyes...
If ten million fireflies…
Lit up the world as I feel asleep...
Lit up the world as I fell asleep...
Lit up the world as I fall asleep...
If it's a spring drop with an update to flowers and such, maybe we'll get particle insects? Like single pixel, two pixel insects that float around flowers or in swamps as particles emitted by the environment?
It’s amazing how much drama can come from two pixels
It's more so that billion dollar corporation don't wanna add 2 pixels because it would hurt frogs 🥺 (It's a fantasy game where monsters exist).
@@IDonotHaveAGoodName It could hurt real frogs though. And Minecraft animals are usually realistic, so bringing up that the game has monsters is kinda irrelevant
@@oliverplougmand2275 tall black person that can’t swim and runs really fast
@@Bomboclat777enderman might be half lebron (not water)
@@oliverplougmand2275 just make it so frogs don't eat fireflies lol. the parrot cookie argument is ridiculous tho
staeve:but you were supposed to be a man gheony
jhon:i like that name
peak cinema
Closed flower, open flower. We're getting flowers that change depending on time and light.
Wouldnt it be funny if we already had those
@@Muho_is_me would be funny if they just added it almost at the end of the year
It's crazy how stale updates are nowadays that as soon as an update comes out everyone ignores it and looks hopefully towards the next one. I think the Nether Update was the last truly appreciated update.
kinda cuz it was the last one that offered anything other than system optimisation (nothing tangible for actual players) or a new wood type.
The updates aren’t stale, the community is just like that
For every person satisfied with 1.16, there was at least one other wishing for an end update instead
Cause 1.16 is the last update that actually _felt_ like Minecraft, and the last one before they started going down the path of all the corporate crap. Now each update is basically little more than "ooh shiny! New content!" for people to focus on before forgetting the rather forgettable additions and hoping the next one is more interesting. The truth is, at this point Minecraft is showing its age and Mojang is showing its incompetence.
@@StuffandThings_ I think people are forgetting that Minecraft has been through slumps like this before. The updates directly preceding the aquatic update immediately come to mind.
Ive been saying that having fireflies in Minecraft as an ambient particle would be better than having it as an actual entity.
My own theory for the re-introduction of fireflies could be that the fireflies aren't an entity _themselves_ but are instead a unique particle that are emitted from a special type of flower. It could be that the flowers function similarly to Eyeblossoms where they function during the night (enable particles) and are inactive during the day.
Having them be flowers also means that you could technically move them from the swamp (assuming they spawn there) and decorate your house or builds with them, rather than having to build everything in a swamp to get those particles.
Not only that, but the mutual functionality between it and Eyeblossoms could also bring along data-driven block particles (or effects, such as sounds)! But this is only really speculation, and I don't entirely know if Mojang would go through all the trouble to do that.
5:04 and the calendar has pixels!
As the guy in the 1:09 reddit screenshot, I don't remember making this comment lol
Hello anyways brotha
I thought ur pfp was an among us
@@a.9589 it's like my Minecraft Ivysaur skin but cartoonized lol
@@LinkCCXXIII greetings
@@ivysaur2thefirstthanks for keeping it real with us 😂
3:32 well this aged well
I’ve never been so exited for 2 pixels possibly coming to a game I don’t even play anymore!!!11!!
The flowers are blooming phoenix
One closed and the other opened
in antarctica
The birds are singing to
This actually makes a lot of sense.
On days like these....
love how the most revolutionary thing about the new update is the fact that we are getting 2 new pixels
3:42 maybe a new pig type? We only have pigs, piglins, hoglins and their zombie counterparts
A boar as a hostile pig would be a really simple and good addition. Basically just a copy/paste of the hoglin but smaller and it would add some life to Savannah’s
@@Syntex366pretty sure mojang doesnt add hostile mobs that are real life animals, only neutral and passive ones
it's obvious that firefly + pig = if you set a pig on fire, it will be able to fly.
@ uhhh… the polar bear? One of the most aggressive and confident predators on our planet?
Zombie hoglin?
I bet these "leakers" are actually time travelers that are just chill guys that play minecraft
I’d like to make myself believe🎵
That fireflies are coming🎶
I’ll be waiting for that snapshot in my sleep🎵
Cause updates are never like they seem🎶
You would not believe your eyes, if they added fireflies🎵
it's not that hard it's just🎶
two pixels (two pixels)🎵
@tristanshaltz2769 they came with an excuse saying it was hard to code. no, like im serious 🎵 (serious)
Guess the whole "lawsuit shabang" kinda stressed out mojang so much that they wanted to play safe
4:02 omg they’re adding the P hub to minecraft
The MINECRAFT SEX UPDATE!!! It’s happening!!!!
🌹🌺☀️🗓️ is likely a reference to flowers opening and closing based on sunlight.
it was after the garden awakens though. it was for the next update.
Kpina Fanfiction:
Rick i Stanford pracowali w piwnicy pod Tajemniczą Chatą, aktualnie reperowali Portal, który zużywał niepotrzebną ilość energii.
-O! Szłyszę jakieś kroki na górze -powiedział Rick.
-Pewnie któreś z papużek nierozłączek się obudziło -dodał Ford.
-Dobra wracam do zcierania rdzy z metalu, ty możesz wymienić paliwo i powiedz Mortypilerowi żeby przyniósł kilka kanistrów -poinstruował Rick.
W pokoju na górze, który kiedyś należał do Dippera i Mabel, Monika właśnie wstała z łóżka i zobaczyła Kamila, który trzymał w ręce pistolet Rick(ten do portali); użądzienie było szare, miało trzy zielone punkty i szkło z zielonym świecidełkiem.
- Cześć Misiu - przywitał się Kjebab.
-Hej -odpowiedziała Kropa i podeszła do Kamila.
On odłożył pistolet na szafkę, lekko ją przytulił i zapytał:
-Ile kalorii zjadłaś w ciągu nocy? - zażartował.
-Żadnych deklu, a nie zapomniałeś przypadkiem o Weronice? - zapytała Kropka.
-O kim? - odpowiedział.
-Ty i twoja pamięć.... - powiedziała, po czym poszła do kuchni w Tajemniczej Chacie.
Kjebab miał niemały dylemat moralny, dzięki pistolecikowi: w trakcie przygotowywania się do nagrania kolejnego W Skrócie, udało się jemu i Monice dostać poza ich świat i postanowili, że przyjmą gościnę Stanforda na tydzień zostaną w Świecie z Gravity Falls. I w tym jest problem, bo o ile tu są (prawie) sami dla siebie, to zostawili każdego (m. in. Łysego i Weronikę) bez info co się z nimi dzieje. Dobrym pomysłem było wzięcie ze sobą laptopa Kropy, żeby kontrolować wały w finansach za filmy Kpiny.
Kilka godzin później Rick, Kamil, Soos, Monika, Stanford i Mortypiler siedzieli przy stole jedząc obiad, wtedy właśnie w środku pokoju pojawił się zielony portal, z którego wyszedł Grzegorz Braun, Władysław Kosiniak i Władysław Kamysz z widomością od WSZYSTKICH widzów Kpiny:
-,,Znaleźliśmy was, gdzie są filmy co 3 dni?" -zacytowali we trójkę.
-Właśnie ja bym wam doradził zająć się tymi zaległymi filmami, bo odbiorcy mogą się odwrócić - podsumował po swojemu Grzegorz, po czym cała trójka wyszła portalem.
Po obiedzie Kamil i Kropa poszli do ich pokoju i zaczęli nagrywać film na Kpinę , jak zwiedzają piwnicę Stanforda pod Chatą.
Kilka dni później, gdy Monika i Kjebab byli w Gravity Falls, Mortypiler wlączył OBSa, zagrał we FNAF 4, ale jedyne co uchwyciło nagranie to: Okay, so the first night is never usually that bad in any of the games, so I'll play through-
Oto DLC do Fanfiction:
Hello Internen and welcome to the Game-Kpina-Theory-Fandom!
W tym wywodzie skupimy się na Teorii i na Kpinie! A więc teorią, którą chcę rozważyć jest to, że uważam, iż przez milsze zachowanie(przykłady puźniej) Kropa próbuje przypodobać się Kamilowi, tak wiem jak to brzmi, but it is just a theory...
Jako przykłady jej nietypowego zachowania względem Kjebaba, w porównianiu do starszych filmów(około 2,5 mieś wstecz są starsze filmy) można podać np spytanie się czy jest ładna(otrzymanie odpowiedzi nie) i spytanie się znowu, tym razem bez maski, wtedy jest cięcie, w odcinku gdzie kupowalj widzom prezenty pod koniec, jak Kamil i Monika siedzieli na kanapie (w trakcie ,,testowania" prezętów) to ona spróbowała mu położyć rękę na ramieniu ale w ⅓ ruchu się zatrzymała(jeśli dobrze pamiętam) a potem cofnęła rękę. Teraz, z kolei pora na przejawy prób przypodobania (wg mnie i fandomu na 8Chanie) u Kjebaba: otóż to on dużo rzadziej wyzywa Kropę na filmach, raz gdy spytała się go kim on może dla niej być? gdy wymieniał odpowiedzi padło ,,kochanek". W którymś odc była mowa a zafundowaniu dwóch, trzech obiadów. W odcinku gdzie robili pierniki (cz1) Kamil zrobił nie wiem, chyba gest ,,zabrania nosa" Monice, dotakowo powiedział do niej ,,misiu". Ciekawą rzeczą jest fakt, że w jednym z najnowszych odc (grudzień 2024) Kamil wspomniał, że kupił coś byłej dziewczynie i teraz nie wiem czy chodziło o Weronikę, czy nie. W odc z robienia pierników (cz1) przytulił Kropę chyba 2 razy, czy raz.
Dobra, koniec przykładów w samej teori chodzi o to, że być może, it is just a theory Kropka i Kjebeb się....bardzej lubią, nazwę to tak, pozostawiam to do waszej, twojej interpretacji. W jednym filmie Kamil Ferchowiecowniak mówił że on i Kropa przeglądali jego zdjęcia i się śmiali do dwunastej w nocy, po czym powiedział, że jego dziewczyna nie może się o tym dowiedzieć, lub coś podobnego. W ogóle oni się jakoś lepiej dogadują. But that just a Theory.... A KPINA-THEORY!
Its a beautiful day outside.
@@TheOriginalManTrustflowers are singing
Birds are blooming
Wait… crap
@@MateuszWilk-t7w your reply is covering half of the reply section
As a fellow john, this man is incredible, providing us information when no one else could... Massive respect
honestly minecraft leaks are so beneficial for them as it makes people constantly talking about it and getting some info every once in a while and getting us more and more excited
I enjoy little light leaks but if it's anything major like "oh yeah we're getting 1 2 3 btw" then that's just not fun at all
All the "leaks" since badgerman feel more like marketing than leaks.
what if the firefly will have a new texture that is similar to the eye blossom if it comes back
I've recently seen a video where someone suggested they will add the birch forest. The concept art clearly shows different types of flowers, which corresponds to the two flower emojis. With that, the calendar can mean something like "delayed", as the birch forest was a promised feature which still hasn't found its way into the game yet. And the sun, well it could stand for the fact that the new birch forest will be brighter due to taller trees or it could mean the update will drop in summer
The firefly doesn’t even have to be a mob; it could just be a particle and therefore wouldn’t even have to be fed to frogs, which defeats the whole purpose of it not being added in the first place. It would probably be easier to add (with the emissive textures and all) and would be funnier if it was a mob though.
Now about the birch forest and fletching table update…
It being a particle would make more sense, as the mob cap would get filled fairly quickly, it would also help get rid of lag
Finally, Bane of Arthropods will be even more useful now
Mojang: we don't want to add fireflies because they are poisonous to frogs. Also Mojang: so yeah the eye blossom poisons bees just because.
You would not believe your eyes, if ten million fireflies
wouldnt it be funny if
I'm still waiting for a food update.
I don't understand why no one is talking about such an important part of the game. It's been so long since we got any good saturation food. All we get are raw cherries, gambling soups, literal kelp, teleporting fruit, etc.
Yes! Finally someone agrees.
Although I would probably call it farming update
Make bread harder to make then just getting 3 wheat but make it give a ton of food and saturation and add a lot of new crops and wild food
Personally I’d love a Cooking Update. Cooking in the game is practically non-existent. The fact that you make a cake using a crafting table, and that you need 9 iron to do so, is just silly and there’s no reason why that’s a thing. Plus there are so many other possibilities for cooking. You could have some kind of more complicated system with seasoning and timing that would make the food item better in terms of hunger and saturation regen but still have the furnace option to mass produce the default food
Bro, every person who plays Minecraft is hyped over two pixels, including me 😄
Can't wait for them to come out and then everyone scream that theyre useless and they hate them
ily phoenix
Hmm spring update huh, I wonder if they're gonna add any new usefull flowers, or maybe a new plant that attracts bees, could be a new rare tree, maybe there would be a calendar in minecraft suggesting seasons like spring etc.
Phoenix I think the flowers are blooming
guess what day it is guys
if fireflyies = 2 pixels, would a fly = 1 pixel?
dragonfly = 3 pixels!?!?!
@@sonicwave779 really puts the bee into perspective
guys, the birch forest overhaul would be so amazing!! the fallen, hollowed out logs covered in moss look so beautiful. AND ALSO MORE FLOWERS??? i cant explain how much i need that
Fire. Time flies. FIREFLIES?
My interpretation is
So maybe it's teasing a new flower like the moonbloom that blooms during the day instead, or a rework of all flowers, giving them a closed texture.
I forgot my line....
The fact that you pixelated the two huge pixels is satire in and of itself of TH-cam thumbnails these days.
0:00 welcome to timed
I think this is fake, as if you look at the time 4:32 , you can see just to the right of the image a snippet (box-shape) around the quotation marks, with fuzziness in it. It looks like it's edited imo. It's the same a few seconds after, you can see fuzziness within the letters on the left.
Ever heard of jpeg?
have you ever seen the peak comedy known as the .JPEG format?
Well well well jpeg compression is horrid anyways
Edit: also you just gotta love youtube compression
if someone was genuinely trying to pass this off as real, then why would you do it so horrid? With a constant colored background in discord you should be able to get around this, which means this is just some funky compression
Nah it’s all fake
3:27 He was right, btw. (its january 8th)
5:04 we're getting a sun dimension next???
sun dimension
sn dimension
n dimension
en dimension
end dimension
end update!!!!
n dimension
ni dimension
@@somerandommusicianSRM day night cycle in the end next???
this is gonna be so fire(fly)
I laughed
I didn’t laugh
@@Minimaglite12 🙄
I chuckled
I giggled
For the emojis, the Calendar emoji on most platforms has the month and day ascribed on it as July 17th. Fireflies are active from May to July as they're summer bugs.
3:28 all i can think of is the Switch 2
Literally same lmao
coulda swore nintendo said there wasn't gonna be a switch 2
@@chadsans they said there wasn’t going to be a switch pro, and that was years ago. Also in May they said they were going to announce the switch successor (which we know is called switch 2 and is in the final stages of mass production and almost ready for store shelves) by the end of the current fiscal year
And to clarify, switch pro and switch 2 are 2 very separate consoles, development on the switch pro was started but it was cancelled because the base switch was still doing so well, making up about 80% of all next gen console sales. The switch 2 is a separate project started much more recently and is being followed through on
@@OctozenX well... ok then... i stand very much corrected.
well i don’t blame you for being uninformed about that stuff. After the whole blow up about switch pro and then nothing happened, people kinda turned off the idea of Nintendos next console, so very few people found out that the switch pro was an actual thing and not just a bunch of rumours. So when switch 2 leaks started rolling, a lot of prone jumped to the conclusion that it was just rumours and that there was actually nothing to it. So the discussion around switch 2 became very diluted and you would actually have to look for it to find much. And as for the official announcements from Nintendo. Nintendos official confirmation that the system did exist and that we would hear more soon came in the form of a single tweet exclusive to the jp twitter account, and even within that tweet it wasn’t the focus, the announcement for the June direct was.
TLDR: unless you were actively seeking info, you likely wouldn’t find much about it, if anything at all.
(If you’re curious though, insiders are saying that while it hasn’t been set in stone, Nintendo seems like they really want to announce it in January and definitely want to release it in mid march)
3:41 Muddy Pig Incoming? Please!!!!! Also...lots of flowers in the emoji leaks, including a red one!
If they add fireflies, I hope they also add a way to catch them in bottles for light, similar to terraria.
Seriously. Such a childhood classic.
Not skibidi toilet0:12
I hate it as much as you pal.
Yall skibidi isnt that bad its just the kids being crazy about it, much like mha anime not being that bad, just the community is trash
@DavidIsFrenchTemp it's a head, sticking out of a toilet! What about that is something to like?
@JoeBrowning-n9k if it were made 10 years ago people would find it funny
John is my guy
3:37 they are adding the chill guy meme to minecraft
All mojang needed was two pixels. TWO PIXELS!!
What if the real fireflies are the friends we made along the way?
Idk why but this is funny 😂
are the pixels* we made along the way
I Hope We Get The ⬛️🟨
1:49 kind of convenient that some rando posts some vague emojis that they call leaks, that could make sense if you think about it, and some that don't make sense, then ANOTHER rando claiming to be the same person, and claiming to post leaks provides a claim that makes the other claimed leaks make sense. SURELY nothing funny is going on. some of it seems hard to explain unless they do have insider information, but still, kinda silly, they can just say whatever they want.
@@snaifhassnan6348he means that any random dude could start putting emojis out there, and say he is an insider. Then when the update comes people will try to validate those leaks and make it make sense when it was only a coincidence
Vague? I'm not seeing much vagueness
@@skeletongamer549 a hole? Really? Interpreted as a keyhole? The other emojis were more specific but that one was a stretch.
@@DevMan2342 autocrafter:
It's weird how this is the yt video I've been most excited for this year
hey ik you, youre that guy
Ya used an orange square instead of a yellow one.
Fireflies… yeah
sure.... fireflies
Theory, John is a time traveler.
2:43 thats 1 day after my birthday!!!!!
Happy super belated Birthday!
@ ❤️
@@ktina143 yas
3:34 Its confirmed chill guy is coming to minecraft
even if it is not fireflies we've got to hold on to what we've got, it Dosen't matter if they make it or not. the Minecraft community has each other, and thats a lot. lets hope Mojang gives it a shot.
Whoahh halfway there
Whoahh at endermen don’t stare
I mean at this point I dont want fireflyes anymore to the game ngl
it makes sense to add fireflies in a spring drop
Its possible that the first three emojis are in reference to the eye blossoms, and a small possability that maybe fire flies will be present in the Pale Garden and will look more like orangey blossoms, to allow them to cause even more confusion from what is or isnt a creaking.
1 billion fire flies
where do you even find that john??
YES Give us the 2 pixels!
Am the only one that though that this gonna be the birtch forest update?
“Minecraft: THE BUG UPDATE”
3:22 my favorite bible verse
John 6: 43
"Just more chill
anyway be on the lookout january 8th"
alright bro deserves a +2 for that joke
+2 to you ikeacherrychair
I just hope Mojang doesn't change Pale Oak before the next update. I don't want to have to update my Wood Block Exploration video again
Fun fact: Mojang actually never wanted to add fireflies, they were originally going to be called ''lightning bugs''
Lightning bugs are a name for fireflies.
@gooselad3541 yeah
I’m still calling them fireflies :)
**fireflies added as a banned word in chat**
Minecraft already has tons of lighting bugs tho
I think i get it, the two first flowers represent the pale garden's flower opening and closing. The sun means light. Idk what the calendar means tho
No way we're getting fireflies in minecraft before GTA 6
sun, heat, fire
calender, time, time flies, flies
3:34 I assume that it means that since we may be getting a season update that he could be saying something about winter.
Fireflies only come out in the summer months so that could also support there being seasons and fireflies not being limited to just jungles and/or swamps
What a hard working company.
The calendar stands for time, and time flies, so combined with the fiery sun, it stands for fire flies