+Chang Xua tbh, I can't be the judge since idk her personally but she looks pretty real? Like her looks. She's half American so it's OBVIOUSLY reasonable that her looks are very western like
전부들 외모나 언어를 두개 이상 한다는 것을 부러워하는데 진짜 부러워해야 할 것은 나온 사람들이 전부 성격들이 밝고 자기 생각을 똑 부러지게 질 표현한다는 것이라고 생각합니다 부모님들이 대단하신 것 같고 어떤 분들인지 궁금하네요 스무살 안팎의 한국 젊은이들이 한국 말로 저렇게 잘 말을 할지 궁금합니다
그것도 하나의 슬픈 이면으로 보여요. 혼혈이라는 점을 (물론 절대 그게 잘못이 아니지만 우리나라는 편견이 있으니깐..) 덮기 위해서 말을 더 연습하고 자신감을 더 키웠기때문에 평범한 한국애들보다 말을 잘 할수 있는것 같아요. 물론 이게 저 분 모두한테 해당하는 말은 아니지만 적어도 호주혼혈이었던 친구랑 캐나다혼혈인 친구는 운동도 더 열심히하고 혼혈이라는 점을 덮고 애들하고 친해질수 있는 점을 키운거같아요. 축구랑 농구도 열심히해서 체육대회 과대표로 나가고 게임도 잘하려고 막 연습하고 과제도 더 열심히하고 하면서 이질감을 지우려했다는 느낌? 물론 제 주관적인 의견입니다😅🤣 사람마다 생각하는게 다르니깐요..그냥 경험에서 나온 주관적인 의견이에요
Lee Hoyeon 영어 잘한다는 말이 아니라 두 나라 언어를 동시에 잘하는게 대단한거져 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 혼혈이어도 한쪽 나라에서 한 언어만 계속 쓰면 둘 다 유창하게 하기 힘들어요.(물론 생판 외국어 배우는 것보단 쉽지만) 집안에서, 개인적으로 노력하니까 양쪽 다 쓰는거고 거기엔 부모들 노력이 안들어 갈 수가 없고요
Lee Hoyeon 맥락파악이 안되시나보네요. 단순히 영어라는 언어를 잘해서 대단하다고 하는게 아니라(그리고 이 비디오 클립에서 영어-한국어 구사자는 한명 뿐인데 외국어가 영어하나인가요;) 양측 부모의 모국어를 동시에 비슷한 수준으로 습득하는데 노력이 필요하다는 말이고요. 모르시면 바이링구얼에 관해 검색을 해보세요. 부모가 다른 언어를 쓰더라도 노력이 필요하다고 차근차근 설명해주는 자료들이 구글에도 많으니까요
제가 너무 늦은것같지만..아직 3일밖에 안지났으니.. 몇몇분들이 출연자분들의 인스타그램을 궁금해하셔서 써놓을게요. 이렇게 인기가 많을줄 알았다면 미리 썼을텐데^^ 한국/미국 : instagram.com/alexdbranton/ 한국/프랑스: instagram.com/madeinfik/ 한국/일본: instagram.com/93_sss_/ 한국/대만: SNS 를 안하십니다. 한국/프랑스 with glasses : 인스타그램이 없습니다 ㅠㅠ ㅎ I hope it's not too late for you guys to know Interviewees' Instagram. If I expected those guys were so popular like this I would put I.Ds first. the guy from taiwan and the girl from french with glasses have no I.G. it's sad right? ^^. have a good day everyone !
이걸 너무 신기한데 저도 혼혈이에요. 아버지는 한국 분이시고 어마는 미국 분이시고요. 미국에서 테어나 살았으니 내가 만약 한국에서 살아왔다면 어땠을까라는 생각도 많이 했어요. 몇년동안 한국에서 살다 보니 너무 좋았고요. 대학교에서 곧 졸업해서 어디어디 살고 일하기가 더 좋을까 해요. 그렇게 궁금하지만 문화차이, 말하기 (아버지는 집 떠나서 아버지한테 한국말 못 배웠어요)와 비슷한 걱정들이 생기죠.
Mike Kim 솔직히 일하시는건 한국보단 미국을 추천하고 싶네요... 한국의 직장인 문화는 별로에요;; 근데 정착하시는건 만약 돈 많으시면(여건이 괜찮으시면) 한국이 살기는 좋아요~ㅎㅎ 근데 한국은 단기간에 경제력이 성장한 나라라서 정치적으로나 법적으로 아직 미흡한게 많음ㅠㅠ
I'm mixed race, but since I was adopted, I don't have any close identity with my cultures. I envy these lovely people and their connections to diversity. Fortunately, thanks to the internet, it's easy to interact with others from all over the world and research your roots and learn a bit about your identity. Have a good day, all you international darlings
저는 그냥 평범한 러시아사람이에요 한국으로이사왔고 사는데 처음에는 많이 쳐다봤어요... 시선이 제가 무슨 연예인인줄알았어요, 막 길걷다가 막 저한테 말걸고 그랬어요, 그래서 학교에서 인기가많다가 문화차이가좀있어서 금방 왕따가됬어요, 물론 친구 1~2명은있었지만... 그이후에는 많은친구들을 만들고 한국어도배워서 요즘은 그래도 살만은해욯ㅎㅎ 요즘은 잘 쳐다보지도않고!! 그래도 친구들사이에 거리감이 좀 느껴져서 많이 힘들어요... 저도 같은사람인데 뭔가 저는 안그런데 친구들이 저한테 약간 자기도모르게 거리감을 느끼는것같아요.... 안그런애는 진짜 딱 1명이있어요... 저는 그냥 평범하게살고싶은데 어떻게 평범하게 살수가없어서, 지금이라도 고향에돌아간다면 외국에서 살다가온애로 평범하게 못살텐데, 이왕그러는거 차라리 편안한 한국에서 살자ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ해서 열심히 살고있어요!! 저같은 분들도 계씰까해서 적어봅니닼ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 진짜 거리감좀없고 평범하게좀 대했으면좋겠어요.... 가끔진짜 애나 장애있는사람처럼 대하는사람이있어서요;;;ㅠㅠ
I love the way you interview people. It's so refreshing! you talk to them as if they're your friends and they open up to you so easily. Plus the ending, or "free-chat", I like to call it, allowing them to say anything and then you offer to treat them is very sweet. 😄 I'm looking out for more of your interviews. 👍
We are attracted to average faces, or more specifically symmetrical average faces of the human race. Higher genetic diversity increases the odds of having a symmetrical face which is why mixed people have an increased chance of looking good. People that are attractive who are not mixes also tend to have a higher genetic diversity than most people in their own ethnicity.
i think the french and korean mixed girls are pretty as well, I don't knwo but the feeling the older sister gave me was elegance and all that,the sisters seem like sweet girls!
Ok all of them are attractive but dang that girl looks mature for a high school student. She is really pretty too. Funny she had a complete middle American accent and then BOOM comes out with Korean.
+Summer Dunning Well to East coast people...and west coast...and southern...you guys have an accent lol. But it's almost a general American accent now.
Everyone's saying how the American-Korean girl was really pretty, and I agree, but I also think the half French sisters were very good looking as well...anyone agree?
This video is so interesting, can you make a video about koreans who had lived or were born outside Korea and had problems with korean langauge and how they learned korean.Thanks
This would be amazing! I was raised in America and I have difficulty with my native language T-T I have yet to meet anyone irl who faces the same problem as I do b/c everyone else seems to know both languages fluently, including them
lol wow this speaks to me so much. I'm Korean-American and I'm currently studying Korean on my own. Personally, I'm just trying to speak to my parents more in korean (we use Konglish aha ^^) and talking/texting more to my fob friends. But yea don't give up my fellow koreans out there! hwaiting!!
Am I the only one that finds the half-American girl really pretty? Everyone is commenting on the half-French girls, but I noticed the half-American girl fist. Did anyone else?
I too think the half french gals were plain looking . I feel like if the half american girl had looked " white" she would not be nearly as pretty as she is. her looks is cutely asian.
저렇게 두개 언어 둘 다 할 수 있는 경우 진짜 드뭅니다, 부모가 둘 다 한국인이어도 외국에서 계속 살면 한국어 한마디도 못하는 애들도 많고 할 줄 알더라도 발음 어눌하고 기본적인 회화밖에 할줄 모르고 그냥 자기가 사는 곳 언어밖에 할 줄 모르는 어정쩡한 경우가 대부분이고 출연자분들처럼 두개국어 유창하게 할 수 있는 경우는 백명 중에 한명도 찾기 힘들어요. 저분들은 부모님들이 교육을 엄청 잘 시키셨네요
Oh my , i'm half belgian half korean and I loved watching this video really. When i was young i thought i was the only mixed korean in my country because i had never met one haha. Personally my mother who's korean has been adopted so sadly i dont have the advantage of the language but i just wanted to say that all these persons are beautiful and seem very kind ! have a nice day
You are not the only one .I'am from belgium and i have meet 4 korean belgians in my life which one was my friend .One adopted and 3 half korean and half belgian .I have also meet some native koreans at a korean restaurant in belgium . But as a non korean who can speak korean with an interlediate level i feel kinda weird or sad that most of the korean belgian can't speak korean at all and are not interested to learn their culture . I suggest you to go to a korean restaurant or maybe to the korean cultural center at bruxelles to meet others korean belgian like you :)
It's really refreshing to see them being equally proud of both their heritages. My husband is Korean (born and raised) and I'm from the U.S and this is the future we hope for our own children. My husband and I have both lived in Korea and the U.S and plan on being in both countries every year so we really want our own children to feel part of both cultures. My own mother is half Japanese and she doesn't know anything about Japan/ doesn't speak Japanese which I think was sadly the norm back in the 1950s/60s. I'm so glad this isn't the case any longer. Being mixed, being able to speak two languages and being able to be a part of two cultures is something to be very proud of! :)
Partenos18 no, but i spent almost a year in a small town called Viterbo , my mom's town, my parent got married in Rome and they lived there for like 2 years then they moved to the States because of my father's job, anyway, i don't speak Italian fluently.
Wooow! They all are so good looking. I’m half mexican and half japanese, my mom is mexican and dad is japanese. But our first language is spanish, and i’m still trying to improve my japanese, even though my dad is no longer with us! I really have so much admiration for all the mixed kids that can speak both languages fluently. It was a nice video!
I was hoping you would talk about half-Koreans getting bullied a lot. I've heard from so many that they got bullied ruthlessly if they are not full Korean. From your experience, have you heard of them being bullied?
Mewmewmew:3 I heard from an actual Korean who watched it with her own eyes and Ive seen it addressed in other videos. I didn't generalize anything, I asked about it.
+Micah Mauderer Oh okay. Well when I was a middle schooler back in like 2,3,4 years ago, we had Korean-Mexican girl in our class and she was very popular and never seen her being treated badly for 3 years from other students.
Mewmewmew:3 That's really nice, it's good to know that she was happy and not bullied. Thanks for sharing your experience. Maybe it just depends on the school~ =] =]
that is what I heard as well. the little boy that danced in psy's "gangnam style" music is half viet and korean. I heard he was bullied and discriminated. I know that in some parts where there are a lot of Koreans in the US, they also get out cast by their peers too
i can't get over how friggin gorgeous the half french, half korean girls were. omg mixed people r most deffinitely the most beautiful. Thats one of the reasons why i want to marry someone with a different ethnicity to me haha. Also, i hope the 19 year old girl (omg she's the same age as me!???!) becomes successful in acting, her face and style reminds me of Park Shin hye, am i the only one who thinks this? :')
It's so weird. I've seen pictures of my mom when she was a teenager and she looks exactly like the half French & Korean girl with the striped top and my mother is not even Asian.
Zoë Wolfchild Are you by chance African American or your mother? A lot of African Americans have Native American blood, and it would explain why she has Asian features.
I've learned French in school for like 3 years but now I forgot like everything :( That's really sad, I wish I could speak it better but for me it was a really hard language t learn. Mais la langue Française est très belle, et j'aime Paris. C'est trop domage que j'ai oublié tout le français que j'ai appris... I hope you understood what I said :D
Ya the Japanese Korean, is so beautiful. What a goddess. Ahh and she gets shy a lot when laughing to cover her face, is she still in korea? She's adorable wanna meet her
I loved this video, have to admit I initially clicked because my boyfriend is Korean while I'm Australian and wanted to see what our children could look like hahaha
I'm Puerto Rican, Korean, Japanese and French. My father is Puerto Rican and my mother is American but of French, Korean, and Japanese (among others) descent. I really admire my heritage.
They should do one for Koreans who grew up abroad. Like I immigrated to the US when I was 6 along with my sister so my Korean is fine. I am a green card holder and Korean citizen but I have a lot American patriotism because I was raised here but at the same time I am super proud to be Korean.
This was very interesting to see! I'm also mixed, half Swedish and half Italian, and even if the cultures might seem similar they're not! I've experienced the same thing as the French/Korean girls: because I don't speak perfect Italian and I'm blonde people in Italy think I'm foreign. And because I have brown eyes people don't believe me when I say I'm Swedish.. ;) I do however love the fact that I've grown up with two different cultures, and it has really made me more open :)
My hope and wish for the people of Korea, especially the young people is to be open minded and accepting to people who are biracial. I understand that Korea is pretty much a nation of one ethnicity:yet embracing the concept of acceptance, kindness, and generosity are truly a sign of strength
i'm half too, my mom is Canadian and my dad was Korean (he died shortly after i was born). People call me mixed and stare at me a lot and they ask me if i wear contact lenses because my eye color is grey/blue but my eye shape and my other features are asian. Soon i'm planning on going to Korea and learning the language and culture because i want to live there one day
안녕하세요.10살 수원에 사는 이탈리아 혼혈입니다.저는 의외로 정말 잘지냅니다.학교생활도 정말 즐겁고 특히 국어시간이 재밌습니다. 학교에 저보다 다양한 혼혈친구들이 있고 거부감이 없는?편안한 학교 생활이 되고있습니다. 아버지도 한국말을 정말 잘하시고 어머니는 이탈리아어를 잘하십니다.하지만 가끔어르신분들이 잡종똥개같은 놈 그런말을 하실때 마음이 아파요 전 피가 섞었지만 엄연한 한국인이고 된장찌게 간장게장 입맛도 한국인입니 다.여러분 제발 그런눈으로 봐주시지 말아주세요.저희도 애국심이 넘쳐나는 대한민국인 입니다.
why japaneses don't take care of their teeth at all even though they're from advance country? like in Vietnam, we are so much poorer but still I see many kids wearing braces. what point of take care of your skin and wearing makeup if your teeth look like that?
This video got me stunned.. I have never seen a video as cool as this one. All the interviewees don't look like Korean at all but speak Korean so fluently like real Koreans and YES they are real Korean. I've just never met one like any of them in my daily life. Thanks a lot for making this video! it's hard to believe judging from how they look lol! The "don't judge a book by its cover" is directly proven here!!! Awesome!
I'm Korean, quarter Chinese and also my great-grandmother was Polish Jew. I live in Russia, my parents and grandparents used to live in Soviet Union ( Kazakhstan).
I disagree, in France, being mixed gives inconveniences. I'm half French and half Taiwanese and I suffered a lot of racism. Moreover, people make jokes of your origins, ask you if you're adopted etc... Therefore, being a mixed-person isn't always a good luck...
Dès qu'on a des traits asiatiques dans certains endroits en France (où il y a des groupes de jeunes mecs qui traînent aux arrêts de bus etc.), on peut même pas passer des gens sans qu'ils doivent dire des conneries. "Eh, chinoise! Chinoise! Ni hao!" et des trucs plus vulgaires. C'est super énervant.
When you said that you suffered of racism, do you mean at school or in your everyday life ? Cause if that was at school, yeah I can imagine you being insulted of "chiness" and stupid shit like that --"
I'm not even mixed race, just mixed ethnicity (Greek and Swedish) and I face so much xenophobia in Sweden because I look just like my father who is very tan with black hair and brown eyes. It's messed up.
the makeup styles were really different (if the half japanese/half korean girl was even wearing makeup) so i think that made the korean-american girl look older, probably. they were both very pretty but the half japanese/korean girl was beautiful in a really unique way, in my opinion ^^
인터뷰의 깊이와 군더더기 없는 편집이 지리네요
+행행이 감사합니다 :)
the half korean half american girl is sooo pretty!
yess gj parents
her Korean half made her uglier
+S k 1157 Oh that is nasty comment ever.
+S k1157 rude
+Chang Xua tbh, I can't be the judge since idk her personally but she looks pretty real? Like her looks. She's half American so it's OBVIOUSLY reasonable that her looks are very western like
전부들 외모나 언어를 두개 이상 한다는 것을 부러워하는데 진짜 부러워해야 할 것은 나온 사람들이 전부 성격들이 밝고 자기 생각을 똑 부러지게 질 표현한다는 것이라고 생각합니다 부모님들이 대단하신 것 같고 어떤 분들인지 궁금하네요 스무살 안팎의 한국 젊은이들이 한국 말로 저렇게 잘 말을 할지 궁금합니다
그것도 하나의 슬픈 이면으로 보여요. 혼혈이라는 점을 (물론 절대 그게 잘못이 아니지만 우리나라는 편견이 있으니깐..) 덮기 위해서 말을 더 연습하고 자신감을 더 키웠기때문에 평범한 한국애들보다 말을 잘 할수 있는것 같아요. 물론 이게 저 분 모두한테 해당하는 말은 아니지만 적어도 호주혼혈이었던 친구랑 캐나다혼혈인 친구는 운동도 더 열심히하고 혼혈이라는 점을 덮고 애들하고 친해질수 있는 점을 키운거같아요. 축구랑 농구도 열심히해서 체육대회 과대표로 나가고 게임도 잘하려고 막 연습하고 과제도 더 열심히하고 하면서 이질감을 지우려했다는 느낌? 물론 제 주관적인 의견입니다😅🤣 사람마다 생각하는게 다르니깐요..그냥 경험에서 나온 주관적인 의견이에요
@@cha7337 나이가 70대같은데요 너무보수적입니다
아마도 적응했기 때문이 아닐까요.
@@cha7337 조선시대에서 타임머신 타고 오셨나..
@@cha7337 머라는거야? 나이 많은거 티내지 마세요
omg the Korean-American girl is so prettyyyyyy
I know right? It makes people jealous of her genes.
ikr?! big eyes with pretty smile!
shes also patriotic!
She's gorgeous😍😍
+Jay Em, a very american trait XDDD
진짜 출연진분들 너무대단합니다ㅋㅋ얼마나 열심히 공부했으면 저렇게 유창하게 할까요ㅋㅋ거기다 부모님들도 대단하네요ㅋㅋ
denver broncos props bro
Lee Hoyeon 영어 잘한다는 말이 아니라 두 나라 언어를 동시에 잘하는게 대단한거져 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 혼혈이어도 한쪽 나라에서 한 언어만 계속 쓰면 둘 다 유창하게 하기 힘들어요.(물론 생판 외국어 배우는 것보단 쉽지만) 집안에서, 개인적으로 노력하니까 양쪽 다 쓰는거고 거기엔 부모들 노력이 안들어 갈 수가 없고요
인정해요.. 부모가 다른 모국어를 쓴다해도 결국 노력하지 않으면 두 가지 언어를 다 잘하기는 어려운 것 같더라구요.. 정말 노력 많이 해야 하는 것 같아요 주변에 보면!
Lee Hoyeon 맥락파악이 안되시나보네요. 단순히 영어라는 언어를 잘해서 대단하다고 하는게 아니라(그리고 이 비디오 클립에서 영어-한국어 구사자는 한명 뿐인데 외국어가 영어하나인가요;) 양측 부모의 모국어를 동시에 비슷한 수준으로 습득하는데 노력이 필요하다는 말이고요. 모르시면 바이링구얼에 관해 검색을 해보세요. 부모가 다른 언어를 쓰더라도 노력이 필요하다고 차근차근 설명해주는 자료들이 구글에도 많으니까요
그들의 부모님들의 노력과 마인드가 양향을 주는것 같네요
국뽕을 두개나 가질수있다니.. 부럽..
lovingcss 너도 다른나라 장가가면되자너 ㅋㅋ (미국 중국 러시아 일본 한국 ) 어느 나라로가고싶냐 ㅋㅋ
ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ더블 국뽕
heechul deserves all the praise for all these videos. and he seems like a really cool dude 😊
I agree. He seems really culturally aware. I think these videos are a great learning experience for those in south korea
인터뷰어가 인터뷰를 잘 이끌어내네요 진행을 진짜 잘하네요 ㅋㅋ 나온분들 다들 예쁘고 멋있네요~~~~~ 재밌어요
+오태현 컥 감사합니다 !! :)
프랑스 혼혈분들 말하는것도 그렇고 그냥 보면 한국인이랑 대화한다는 느낌이 들정도로 위화감이 없네요..
진짜 이런 위화감 없는 느낌으로 외국인이든 혼혈인이든 대했으면 좋겠다는 생각이 들어요!!
보면 저렇게 차이가 없자나요!!
네... 그러면 좋겠지요... 모두 그런 마인드는 갖고 있는데 되게 자기도 모르게 상처를 줄때가 있어요, 일단 한국분들은 먼저 이건 미국식이다 일본식이다 이런 생각들을 버리는 것이 좋을것 같아요
완전 동의해요 앞으로 우리가 꼭 나아가야 할 길이기도 하고 나아갈수밖에 없는 길이기도 하구요!
웃는모습이 예쁜친구들로만 섭외하셨나봐요 :) 영상보고 덩달아 기분이 좋아지네요. 잘봤습니다!
제가 너무 늦은것같지만..아직 3일밖에 안지났으니..
몇몇분들이 출연자분들의 인스타그램을 궁금해하셔서 써놓을게요. 이렇게 인기가 많을줄 알았다면 미리 썼을텐데^^
한국/미국 : instagram.com/alexdbranton/
한국/프랑스: instagram.com/madeinfik/
한국/일본: instagram.com/93_sss_/
한국/대만: SNS 를 안하십니다. 한국/프랑스 with glasses : 인스타그램이 없습니다 ㅠㅠ ㅎ
I hope it's not too late for you guys to know Interviewees' Instagram.
If I expected those guys were so popular like this I would put I.Ds first.
the guy from taiwan and the girl from french with glasses have no I.G. it's sad right? ^^. have a good day everyone !
You just save my life xD
영어도 잘하고 일본어도 잘하니 부럽네요~
lol, the US-Korean girl looks like indonesian singer named maudy ayunda :D
yoboseyo~😃do some us Mongolian
+ت یمور
Yes I agree with you
이걸 너무 신기한데 저도 혼혈이에요. 아버지는 한국 분이시고 어마는 미국 분이시고요. 미국에서 테어나 살았으니 내가 만약 한국에서 살아왔다면 어땠을까라는 생각도 많이 했어요. 몇년동안 한국에서 살다 보니 너무 좋았고요. 대학교에서 곧 졸업해서 어디어디 살고 일하기가 더 좋을까 해요. 그렇게 궁금하지만 문화차이, 말하기 (아버지는 집 떠나서 아버지한테 한국말 못 배웠어요)와 비슷한 걱정들이 생기죠.
Mike Kim 솔직히 일하시는건 한국보단 미국을 추천하고 싶네요... 한국의 직장인 문화는 별로에요;; 근데 정착하시는건 만약 돈 많으시면(여건이 괜찮으시면) 한국이 살기는 좋아요~ㅎㅎ 근데 한국은 단기간에 경제력이 성장한 나라라서 정치적으로나 법적으로 아직 미흡한게 많음ㅠㅠ
귀여워요 ~~~♡
절대 미국이죠. ㅎㅎ
아 컨텐츠 너무 좋네요.. 벌써 논스톱으로 세개쨐ㅋㅋㅋ
+DK im 감사합니다 :)
DK im 핵인정ㅋ
I'm mixed race, but since I was adopted, I don't have any close identity with my cultures. I envy these lovely people and their connections to diversity. Fortunately, thanks to the internet, it's easy to interact with others from all over the world and research your roots and learn a bit about your identity. Have a good day, all you international darlings
저는 그냥 평범한 러시아사람이에요 한국으로이사왔고 사는데 처음에는 많이 쳐다봤어요... 시선이 제가 무슨 연예인인줄알았어요, 막 길걷다가 막 저한테 말걸고 그랬어요, 그래서 학교에서 인기가많다가 문화차이가좀있어서 금방 왕따가됬어요, 물론 친구 1~2명은있었지만... 그이후에는 많은친구들을 만들고 한국어도배워서 요즘은 그래도 살만은해욯ㅎㅎ 요즘은 잘 쳐다보지도않고!! 그래도 친구들사이에 거리감이 좀 느껴져서 많이 힘들어요... 저도 같은사람인데 뭔가 저는 안그런데 친구들이 저한테 약간 자기도모르게 거리감을 느끼는것같아요.... 안그런애는 진짜 딱 1명이있어요... 저는 그냥 평범하게살고싶은데 어떻게 평범하게 살수가없어서, 지금이라도 고향에돌아간다면 외국에서 살다가온애로 평범하게 못살텐데, 이왕그러는거 차라리 편안한 한국에서 살자ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ해서 열심히 살고있어요!! 저같은 분들도 계씰까해서 적어봅니닼ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 진짜 거리감좀없고 평범하게좀 대했으면좋겠어요.... 가끔진짜 애나 장애있는사람처럼 대하는사람이있어서요;;;ㅠㅠ
앞으로는 그런 일들이 일어나지 않길 바랄게요. 힘내세요!
앞으로 한국도 혼혈이나 외국인이 많아지게되면 사라질겁니다
근데 그것보다도
고등학교만 졸업해도 더이상 그런관심 받고싶어도 못받을껄요ㅎㅎ
러시아어도 늘 갈고닦아두세요
남보다 두배는 행복하게 사실수잇어요
프사보니깐 현지적응완료된거같네
프사 닉넴보니 적응하셨네요ㅎㅎㅎ
I love the way you interview people. It's so refreshing! you talk to them as if they're your friends and they open up to you so easily. Plus the ending, or "free-chat", I like to call it, allowing them to say anything and then you offer to treat them is very sweet. 😄 I'm looking out for more of your interviews. 👍
In my opinion mixed people are one of the prettiest people I know like they look so beautiful
Astro destroyed my life. And yeah I'm not ok true ^^
응 아니야
We are attracted to average faces, or more specifically symmetrical average faces of the human race. Higher genetic diversity increases the odds of having a symmetrical face which is why mixed people have an increased chance of looking good.
People that are attractive who are not mixes also tend to have a higher genetic diversity than most people in their own ethnicity.
Jhoseok issa Real dancing queen omg you are so nice ❤
Adohleas Explain Japanese and Scandinavians then
울 조카 시연이 시내 잘하네.. .화이팅!!
김도연분 약간 미셸판 닮은 것 같고 진짜 예쁘시다... 반함..
너무 재밌게 잘 봤어요!! 🙏
+JAYKEEOUT 고맙습니다 :)
둘다 너무 좋아요 !!
출연자 분들 인상이 전부 다, 매우 좋으시네요...
i think the french and korean mixed girls are pretty as well, I don't knwo but the feeling the older sister gave me was elegance and all that,the sisters seem like sweet girls!
루이안 agreed. I think they are all pretty ❤️❤️
인터뷰 진행이 깔끔하네요! 출연자 분들도 되게 편안해 하시는것 같구ㅎ
멋진분들과 멋진 인터뷰를 하셨네요.
나도 한국-필리핀 혼혈인데 어릴때 지나가는 사람마다 영어할줄 알아요? 이거 듣고 스트레스 받아서 지금 영어 못함ㅜㅜㅜ 어릴때 부터 이중언어할수 있는 다문화 학생들 되게 부러웠어.....나도 다문화인데...
와 저랑 똑같아요ㅠㅠㅠ 시부레 엄마가 필리핀인이라고 영어 다 잘하는거 아니라고ㅠㅠㅠ 나도 반애들처럼 한국에서 컷다고ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ 말하고 싶은데 말도 못하고 필리핀와서 지내고 있어요 물론 친구들이랑 거리감이 혼혈이라서 느껴지긴 하지만...
@@islandboy3020 돌아이야 필리핀은 우방이다
@@islandboy3020 여윽시 한국 시민의식 수듄^^??
저도 다문화인데 저도 영어는 어렸을땐 못했지만 지금은 잘해요! 왜일까..
@@islandboy3020 그 동남아 필리핀이 전쟁 참전 해준 거는 아니..??.......
Ok all of them are attractive but dang that girl looks mature for a high school student. She is really pretty too. Funny she had a complete middle American accent and then BOOM comes out with Korean.
Shes dang amazing with that American accent AND fluent Korean.
Middle american accent? ._o
+larua4 she is from where I am Nebraska and we don't have a strong accent here lol~^^
+larua4 Midland American, sometimes called general American accent. Almost mid western sounds like.
+Summer Dunning Well to East coast people...and west coast...and southern...you guys have an accent lol. But it's almost a general American accent now.
혼혈에 대해서 궁금한점이 많았는데 이 비디오로 많이 풀렸어요 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 완전 인터뷰 잘하세요 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ굿굿 keep it up !
+biggest1star 고마워요:)
Everyone's saying how the American-Korean girl was really pretty, and I agree, but I also think the half French sisters were very good looking as well...anyone agree?
일본혼혈 지못미
French Korean sisters were more my type hehe
All look good.
I'm salty rn because I'm half Chinese but my mom never taught me Cantonese
I'm half Korean and salty for the same reason.
I learnt it from listening to it too much when my parents spoke it. They never really taught me though.
Same, I'm half thai
sorry not asian but ME WITH ITALIAN kms
희철씨 영상은 정말 너무 좋아요. 항상 응원해요!!!
알렉스브랜튼 김도연씨는 영어발음도 완벽한고 한국어 구사도 완벽하네요
거기다 미성년자 고등학교 신분인데 어쩜 저리 옳바른 사고방식에 똑부러지는 대화톤과 제스춰 정말 몸에 교양이 묻어있는게 보이네요
heechul....were you flirting with the pretty french girls??? 😙 lolㅋㅋㅋ 너무 잘봤어요!!! 희철짱! ☺
아이라크유 위트니
앗 휘트니다!!! 언니 사랑해요!!!!! ♡♡♡♡♡
오 휘트니 누나가 희철이형 영상에 댓글을ㄷㄷ
+whitneybae 고마워요 휘트니! 잘지내죠? :)
!!!!!!!! 사랑해욧!
인터뷰 진행이 부드럽네요. 재밌네요~~ ㅎㅎ
+Kevin C 감사해요~~
Great posting Heechulism! They represent a greater future of Korea along with all Korean children. Keep up the great work..
This video is so interesting, can you make a video about koreans who had lived or were born outside Korea and had problems with korean langauge and how they learned korean.Thanks
Hell yes please!
This would be amazing! I was raised in America and I have difficulty with my native language T-T I have yet to meet anyone irl who faces the same problem as I do b/c everyone else seems to know both languages fluently, including them
lol wow this speaks to me so much. I'm Korean-American and I'm currently studying Korean on my own. Personally, I'm just trying to speak to my parents more in korean (we use Konglish aha ^^) and talking/texting more to my fob friends. But yea don't give up my fellow koreans out there! hwaiting!!
+Park Jimin I feel you I was raised in NZ and have trouble with speaking my native language but can understand it fairly well
yes that would be so interesting~ (Im one myself) ^-^
Man.. I'm full Korean but their Korean is much better than mine 😅
Don't type it in korean letters lolol
Kakao Pulver ?
I'm a black korean!!!
Deborah Tambwe That's really cool 😎! Which side is Korean?
OH I love you!
You must be really tall.. i envy you
@@kakdela13 racist fuck!😒😬
Am I the only one that finds the half-American girl really pretty? Everyone is commenting on the half-French girls, but I noticed the half-American girl fist. Did anyone else?
Everybody is commenting about the American/Korean girl, and I'm searching a comment in french or speaking about these 2 girls French/Korean girls :x
I too think the half french gals were plain looking . I feel like if the half american girl had looked " white" she would not be nearly as pretty as she is. her looks is cutely asian.
Amira me too
She's really pretty, but she seems like a beautiful person too, kind hearted
Stunningly gorgeous
혼혈들 진짜 부럽... 기본적으로 두개 언어는 할수 있으니까 부러움
이민가면 똑같아요
20만등 모의고사 차별하지않고 잘도와주길바라요 ㅎㅎ
저렇게 두개 언어 둘 다 할 수 있는 경우 진짜 드뭅니다, 부모가 둘 다 한국인이어도 외국에서 계속 살면 한국어 한마디도 못하는 애들도 많고 할 줄 알더라도 발음 어눌하고 기본적인 회화밖에 할줄 모르고 그냥 자기가 사는 곳 언어밖에 할 줄 모르는 어정쩡한 경우가 대부분이고 출연자분들처럼 두개국어 유창하게 할 수 있는 경우는 백명 중에 한명도 찾기 힘들어요. 저분들은 부모님들이 교육을 엄청 잘 시키셨네요
Jaehyun Cho 그래요?? 저는 필리핀에서 사는데 한국어도 할줄알고 영어도 할줄알고 발음좋고 필리핀어도 해요. 우리 학교에서는 저처럼 잘하는 애들 많은데요?
사람들이 다 선하게 느껴지네요. 말그대로 선남선녀들입니다. 보기 좋습니다!
구독자로써. 항상 잘보고 있습니다..
댓글이란게. 항상 깨끗할수는 없더군요
개의치 마시고. 항상 응원합니다
Oh my , i'm half belgian half korean and I loved watching this video really. When i was young i thought i was the only mixed korean in my country because i had never met one haha. Personally my mother who's korean has been adopted so sadly i dont have the advantage of the language but i just wanted to say that all these persons are beautiful and seem very kind !
have a nice day
You are not the only one .I'am from belgium and i have meet 4 korean belgians in my life which one was my friend .One adopted and 3 half korean and half belgian .I have also meet some native koreans at a korean restaurant in belgium .
But as a non korean who can speak korean with an interlediate level i feel kinda weird or sad that most of the korean belgian can't speak korean at all and are not interested to learn their culture .
I suggest you to go to a korean restaurant or maybe to the korean cultural center at bruxelles to meet others korean belgian like you :)
진짜 2개국어를 완벽하게 둘다 하나도 안 어색하게 하는게 정말 대단하다고 생각해요!!! 차별당하지 않고 행복하게 사셨으면좋겠어요
It's really refreshing to see them being equally proud of both their heritages. My husband is Korean (born and raised) and I'm from the U.S and this is the future we hope for our own children. My husband and I have both lived in Korea and the U.S and plan on being in both countries every year so we really want our own children to feel part of both cultures. My own mother is half Japanese and she doesn't know anything about Japan/ doesn't speak Japanese which I think was sadly the norm back in the 1950s/60s. I'm so glad this isn't the case any longer. Being mixed, being able to speak two languages and being able to be a part of two cultures is something to be very proud of! :)
I'm half-Arabian half-Italian , my mother is Italian, i really can relate to these people .
Lena Mohammed woah thats sick!
Partenos18 no, but i spent almost a year in a small town called Viterbo , my mom's town, my parent got married in Rome and they lived there for like 2 years then they moved to the States because of my father's job, anyway, i don't speak Italian fluently.
Smalleys why it is sick ?
Lena Mohammed At least you got the genes of your mom, be happy.
Lena Mohammed idk ive never seen someone from a mix like that
Wooow! They all are so good looking. I’m half mexican and half japanese, my mom is mexican and dad is japanese. But our first language is spanish, and i’m still trying to improve my japanese, even though my dad is no longer with us! I really have so much admiration for all the mixed kids that can speak both languages fluently. It was a nice video!
와아! 정말 힐링되요
주말 예능같은느낌?
+김준우 극찬이네요 고맙습니다 :)
Heechulism ㅃ
I was hoping you would talk about half-Koreans getting bullied a lot. I've heard from so many that they got bullied ruthlessly if they are not full Korean. From your experience, have you heard of them being bullied?
Where did you hear that from? Please don't generalize Korean society because of some few incidents I don't know why people view Korea like that.
Mewmewmew:3 I heard from an actual Korean who watched it with her own eyes and Ive seen it addressed in other videos. I didn't generalize anything, I asked about it.
+Micah Mauderer
Oh okay. Well when I was a middle schooler back in like 2,3,4 years ago, we had Korean-Mexican girl in our class and she was very popular and never seen her being treated badly for 3 years from other students.
That's really nice, it's good to know that she was happy and not bullied. Thanks for sharing your experience. Maybe it just depends on the school~ =] =]
that is what I heard as well. the little boy that danced in psy's "gangnam style" music is half viet and korean. I heard he was bullied and discriminated.
I know that in some parts where there are a lot of Koreans in the US, they also get out cast by their peers too
미국 한국 혼혈이 ㄹㅇ 이쁘고 잘생긴거 같다.
i can't get over how friggin gorgeous the half french, half korean girls were. omg mixed people r most deffinitely the most beautiful. Thats one of the reasons why i want to marry someone with a different ethnicity to me haha. Also, i hope the 19 year old girl (omg she's the same age as me!???!) becomes successful in acting, her face and style reminds me of Park Shin hye, am i the only one who thinks this? :')
just because you marry someone of a different race doesnt mean your kids will be pretty x.
+Avenger del Rey exactly
oh please
@avenger del rey
+Sujin Choi please what? Am I lying
고2이신분 아리아나 그란데?약간 그런느낌나시네요 미인이심...ㅠㅜ
일본인혼혈아니랄까봐 치아 뻐드렁니봐 ㄷㄷ
그란데 말입니다~
ooo ? 말하는거보소 ..
일본인 분들도 사람이세요.. 그런 말 하시는거 아니에요,
ooo 한국인인데 뻐드렁니있으면 그렇게 반응할거냐?
이런새끼들이 혐한 만드는거지
혼혈분들 와 .. 한국말 위화감 하나도 없어 미쳤다 어릴때 부터 배워서 그런가
It's so weird. I've seen pictures of my mom when she was a teenager and she looks exactly like the half French & Korean girl with the striped top and my mother is not even Asian.
she was no oil painting
There may be Asian appearance in every country. th-cam.com/video/WxTnVWgOGLc/w-d-xo.html
Zoë Wolfchild Are you by chance African American or your mother? A lot of African Americans have Native American blood, and it would explain why she has Asian features.
Zoë Wolfchild I have same experience. I saw an Korean looking woman in Germany. But I realized a few days later, she was European.
Lechiffresix six ㅎ
the girl with the glasses is gorgeous.
혼혈 연예인 및 유명인
1.가수 인순이(아버지 미국인,어머니 한국인)
2.배우 이유진(아버지 미국인,어머니 한국인)
3.가수 전소미(아버지 네덜란드계 케나다인,어머니 한국인)
4.모델 한현민(아버지 나이지리아인,어머니 한국인)
5.박나은&박건후 남매(아버지 한국인(축구선수 박주호),어머니 아르헨티나계 스위스인)
6.배우 다니엘 헤니(아버지 미국인,어머니 한국인)
6.배우 줄리앤 강(아버지 한국인,어머니 프랑스인)
You forgot Ricky Kim as well
Les franco-coréennes sont belles:)
ㅎㅎ the pretty ones are extremely hard to see c:
I agree :-)
+Valentin.G 준영 -_-
Merci ^-^
프랑스 혼혈 자매분들 유쾌하심ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
When I see french-korean people (just like me) speaking a perfect korean, I feel sooooo ashamed 😂 I really need to practice my Korean tho
Sharkyo je croyais qu'il n'y aurais aucun français qui regardait ça 😭😂
AHAHAHA je pense la même chose 😂😂😂😂 mdr
Ahahah On est 4 a parler francais ici
I've learned French in school for like 3 years but now I forgot like everything :( That's really sad, I wish I could speak it better but for me it was a really hard language t learn. Mais la langue Française est très belle, et j'aime Paris. C'est trop domage que j'ai oublié tout le français que j'ai appris... I hope you understood what I said :D
Your french is really not that bad !
외모도 훈훈하고~ 다들 밝고 유쾌하시네요ㅎㅎㅎ 잘봤어요~
damn that girl goes to seoul arts high school.
I thought the exact same thing!!!
which girl?
@9:35...The one with her sister.
Ya the Japanese Korean, is so beautiful. What a goddess. Ahh and she gets shy a lot when laughing to cover her face, is she still in korea? She's adorable wanna meet her
she's not even pretty lol typical Asian face
@@gluglugluglu8423 has any stranger ever told you that your face looks familiar? Because you has the most basic face i ever seen
But.. are you man?? Your name is like a women
@@gluglugluglu8423 No! Not like that Girl! Everyone is pretty. Jeeze!!
저는 대만에서 사는 일본사람인데 한국말을 공부하고 있어요. 일본에 있었을 때부터 공부를 계속하고 있지만 지금은 말할 기회가 없어가지고 능숙하게 말하지 못 합니다. 우리 사는 마을에는 한식당이 있기는 있는데 점원들이 다 대만사람이라서 한국말이 전혀 통하지 않거든요.
お節介じい 한국인과 e-mail로 대화하세요.
? 잘 하시는데요? 쓰는 거 되니까 이제 대화하시면 되겠네요 화이팅 언어는 말하면서 느는거래요 일본인인데 한국어를 배우시다니 왜 기분이 좋지.. ㅎ 저도 일본어 배우고 싶은데.. 私はバカ라서..흑
お節介じい 한국어 잘하시네요! 무슨 계기로 공부하기 시작하셨어요??
젊었을 때에 같은 학급 친구가 조선사람이라서 조선말에 대해 관심을 갖게 되었습니다. 그 사람하고는 아주 친하게 사귀였는데 중학교 때에 조선에 귀국했습니다. 그 후에 편지가 한 통 왔는데 이제는 소식이 끊었습니다.
お節介じい 조선이라는 표현은 북한이 쓰고있고, 일본이 우리나라 비하하려고 쓰는 표현이라 한국이라고 표현해주시는게 좋아요
세이카씨?? 너무조타ㅠㅠ 뭔가 약간 입이 거친?? 그래도 지킬선을 딱 지키시는?? 너무 좋아요ㅠㅠ 걸크러쉬 쩌러요... 이뿌십니다♡
확실히 어학당이나 이런데서 한국어 배우신 분들보다 부모에게서 배운 분들이 억양이나 발음이 좋네요. 확실히 언어는 습득되는 거 같네요
Those siblings are so pretty!
I loved this video, have to admit I initially clicked because my boyfriend is Korean while I'm Australian and wanted to see what our children could look like hahaha
oh my gosh, you'll have beaut-iful happa babies!! gl you two ;-)
Minatos haha thank you ^-^
Go Ye Bin ew yourself
+Go Ye Bin oml ew what go check your self in a mirror
지금까지 본 유투브방송중에 제일 신선하고 좋은 콘덴츠네요 재미있게봤어요 앞으로 기대합니다
확실히 해외여행을 많이 다녀보고 다른 나라의 문화를 이해하려고 하다보니 자연스럽게 외국인이 무섭지 않게 되었고 다양성을 존중하고 인정하는 자세를 가지게 되었습니다. 같은 지구촌 안에서 모두 행복하시길 바래요~
프랑스 한국 혼혈분들 긍정적인게 너무 매력적이네요
I'm Puerto Rican, Korean, Japanese and French. My father is Puerto Rican and my mother is American but of French, Korean, and Japanese (among others) descent. I really admire my heritage.
So do you speak French? And the others languages ?
if we all go far we'll find that one parent has multiple nationalities in them. you are just biracial end of.
Hablas los 4 idiomas? :00
I’m half Korean and Puerto Rican!
@@PHlophe not always.my parents are both from the same race.I know till my great great great great grandparents and they were from the same race too.
They should do one for Koreans who grew up abroad. Like I immigrated to the US when I was 6 along with my sister so my Korean is fine. I am a green card holder and Korean citizen but I have a lot American patriotism because I was raised here but at the same time I am super proud to be Korean.
This was very interesting to see! I'm also mixed, half Swedish and half Italian, and even if the cultures might seem similar they're not! I've experienced the same thing as the French/Korean girls: because I don't speak perfect Italian and I'm blonde people in Italy think I'm foreign. And because I have brown eyes people don't believe me when I say I'm Swedish.. ;) I do however love the fact that I've grown up with two different cultures, and it has really made me more open :)
My hope and wish for the people of Korea, especially the young people is to be open minded and accepting to people who are biracial. I understand that Korea is pretty much a nation of one ethnicity:yet embracing the concept of acceptance, kindness, and generosity are truly a sign of strength
i'm indonesian-korean and seeing this make me happy bcs there's many half korean here💖💖💖
My dad is german and my mom is shepherd.
aesth eyy memas
aesth it wouldve been better if you said "my mom is german and my dad is a shepard
that's actually pretty disgusting to be honest but in a sense freaking funny
i‘m leaving
because german shepherd is a dog breed
혼혈들 모두 예쁘고 잘생겼었어요 한국에서 꼭 성공하길 바랄게요
갑자기 사라진 미국혼혈인분 분량... 아쉽네요 ㅠㅠ
i'm half too, my mom is Canadian and my dad was Korean (he died shortly after i was born). People call me mixed and stare at me a lot and they ask me if i wear contact lenses because my eye color is grey/blue but my eye shape and my other features are asian. Soon i'm planning on going to Korea and learning the language and culture because i want to live there one day
잘봤습니당 ♥♥♥ 혼혈인분들 예쁘고귀여워서 쳐다보는걸꺼에요...
존예존멋입니다 화이팅!!!
와 .. 그저 신기해요.. 5개국어씩하는 분들보다 2개국어를 완전 마스터하듯이 저리 현지인처럼 발음하는게 힘들텐데.. 부러워요..
미국 혼혈 자연광 비춰서 완젼 분위기 있고 고져쓰해..ㅇㅁㅇ
여기는 다 한국말 잘하는 사람만 골라놨네.
Heechul is so good with different languages
희철리즘님 진짜 획기적인동영상에 감탄하고갑니다!!
미국 혼혈분 ㄹㅇ 개이쁘다
서양이라 가능했다
근데 화장도 큰 역할을 한듯 뭔가 미국스러움
@@미제드론 화장 안해도 이쁨
안녕하세요.10살 수원에 사는
이탈리아 혼혈입니다.저는 의외로
정말 잘지냅니다.학교생활도 정말
즐겁고 특히 국어시간이 재밌습니다.
학교에 저보다 다양한 혼혈친구들이
있고 거부감이 없는?편안한 학교
생활이 되고있습니다. 아버지도
한국말을 정말 잘하시고 어머니는
이탈리아어를 잘하십니다.하지만
가끔어르신분들이 잡종똥개같은
놈 그런말을 하실때 마음이 아파요
전 피가 섞었지만 엄연한 한국인이고
된장찌게 간장게장 입맛도 한국인입니
다.여러분 제발 그런눈으로 봐주시지
말아주세요.저희도 애국심이 넘쳐나는
대한민국인 입니다.
곰PD 님. 일부 나이드신 분들은 혼혈인들뿐만 아니라 모든 사람에게 대 놓고 막말하고 그래요. 그러니 그런 소리 들어도 너무 마음에 두지 마세요. 그냥 무례한 사람이구나 라고 생각하세요. 그리고 그런 무례한 사람은. 세상 어디에나 다 있습니다
요즘은 혼혈이 최고입니다. 두가지 언어를 어려서부터 네이티브에게 직접 배울수 있는 특권, 각 유전자의 장점만을 섞어놓은 하이브리드, 세상에 대한 시야도 넓히기 쉽고 얼마나 축복받은건데. 잡종 ㅇㅈㄹ하는 노인들은 어차피 상관 안해도 됨
@@sosososososo4148 앗 감사합니다
요즘 아버지 언어에 조금관심이 생겨
서 배워보러고요.
@@user-bc5js9jp3u 근데 아버지께서 여태껏 이태리어 안가르켜 주신건가요? 만약 그렇다면 지금이라도 열심히 배워요~
멋진 인터뷰.. 정말 좋아요
why japaneses don't take care of their teeth at all even though they're from advance country? like in Vietnam, we are so much poorer but still I see many kids wearing braces. what point of take care of your skin and wearing makeup if your teeth look like that?
I'm not Japanese but I hear that it's part of the culture there. Having crooked teeth is seen as cute and young.
ㅇㅈ 왜 일본놈은 교정을 안하냐 ㄹㅇ 이빨이 심각한데
남자16 한국 sorry I don't speak Korean
JtheKproduction do they actually think the teeth like the girl in video is cute?
Yes they do!
ㅋㅋ세이카 너무 귀엽네!ㅋㅋ
This video got me stunned.. I have never seen a video as cool as this one. All the interviewees don't look like Korean at all but speak Korean so fluently like real Koreans and YES they are real Korean. I've just never met one like any of them in my daily life. Thanks a lot for making this video! it's hard to believe judging from how they look lol! The "don't judge a book by its cover" is directly proven here!!! Awesome!
I'm Korean, quarter Chinese and also my great-grandmother was Polish Jew.
I live in Russia, my parents and grandparents used to live in Soviet Union ( Kazakhstan).
What a global person you are!
+romanticscent89 unfortunately I don't speak Korean and Chinese 🙁
great history of your family bruh. fuck a lot, have many kids to spread ur family's awesome gene
im also half blood ~ 한국 항상 응원합니다!
시연이, 시내 자매들 저런 생각들을 갖고 있군요 ㅎㅎ 좋네요^^
희철이 갈수록 까부네 ㅎㅎ
+Solfa 호호호 끼고싶지 ㅎㅎ
워메 이분을 여기서보네 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 돌직구보소 ㅋㅋㅋ 너무 직선구라서 그냥 웃기네 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
솔파를 여기서 보다니 ㅋㅋ
두 채널 모두 구독 중 !
저도 반 한국에요 내 엄마 한국 사람 근데 내 아빠 아랍 사람에요 .. 근데 나 아직도 한국 많이 모르겠어요
많이 알아가세요 화이팅!
몇살이에요? 한국서 살면서 친구들이랑 많이 어울리면 알수있을거에요
+송호근 제가 17살 (한국 살) 근데 나 한국 살고 아니요 나 지금은 카타르 살아요
김유라 직접 와서 살아봐야 이해할거에요^^ 종교적인거나 다른문제가 있을수있지만 역시 직접와서 겪는거말고 이해하기쉽지않은 부분도 많아요!
+김유라 우와 한국말잘하시네요!
업로드해 주셔서 너무 감사합니다! 한국혼혈로서 이 동영상 보는게 재밌었어요!! ㅋㅋ
I disagree, in France, being mixed gives inconveniences. I'm half French and half Taiwanese and I suffered a lot of racism. Moreover, people make jokes of your origins, ask you if you're adopted etc... Therefore, being a mixed-person isn't always a good luck...
oh...That's too bad!
Ah bon ? Je savais pas du tout enfin dans mon Lycee on a des personnes mixer et personne critique ;)
Dès qu'on a des traits asiatiques dans certains endroits en France (où il y a des groupes de jeunes mecs qui traînent aux arrêts de bus etc.), on peut même pas passer des gens sans qu'ils doivent dire des conneries. "Eh, chinoise! Chinoise! Ni hao!" et des trucs plus vulgaires. C'est super énervant.
When you said that you suffered of racism, do you mean at school or in your everyday life ? Cause if that was at school, yeah I can imagine you being insulted of "chiness" and stupid shit like that --"
I'm not even mixed race, just mixed ethnicity (Greek and Swedish) and I face so much xenophobia in Sweden because I look just like my father who is very tan with black hair and brown eyes. It's messed up.
The half white American/ Korean hapa looks mature for her age because she's white. In my eyes, the half Japanese/Korean is the prettiest.
the half french and korean ones look mighty cute to me xD
but with half japanese you get the fucked up teeth.
the makeup styles were really different (if the half japanese/half korean girl was even wearing makeup) so i think that made the korean-american girl look older, probably. they were both very pretty but the half japanese/korean girl was beautiful in a really unique way, in my opinion ^^
300ml LMAO
300ml LMAO.. It's true tbh
But it doesn't mean that they are ugly :)
구독하겠어요 ㅎㅎ
신은 공평하게 만들었습니다.
우리나라뿐만 아니라 전세계적으로 차별 하면 안 된다.