Heyy Keith!! I just want to thank you sooo much. I applied for an internship which required for me to submit an assignment on data classification and your SKLearn video helped me soo much with the task! I really am so grateful to you! Your tutorials are the best!
Not sure if you saw, but there is a small section on regular expressions in this video (look at the video timeline to find it). I definitely would like to make a more comprehensive video on regular expressions at some point. I find them super fun! haha
Hey bro, I really likes your tutorial. I wonder just by following your videos tutorial (like 95% of your tutorials videos) will ever get me a job in data science field without degree?
Hi Keith. Thanks for your tutorial, having a blast following along and learning! I've run into an issue, though. At time of writing (March 2024) spaCy seems to be on V3, and as a consequence to import BERT in we use spacy.load("en_core_web_trf") and NOT "en_trf_bertbaseuncased_lg", which does not work anymore. However, after doing so, it seems I'm running into an error regarding array sizes when fitting the SVC with my training vectors and train_y? Upon printing out train_x_vectors it displays empty arrays! That's probably why the fit isn't working. I'm not sure what's happening there (why are they empty??), could you help me out? Love from India.
I've just decided to change my carreer path at my age 35. I have some basic knowledges about coding languages(C, Python, HTML,CSS, JS). But I still couldn't decide which area to choose. Normally I enjoy dealing with algorithms using python, but I am curious about job opportunities (especially for a starter after age 35).
I am new to ML and want to move forward wiith NLP. Really appreciate this. Can you also combine this with big data as in my project i was not able to use ngrams due to excessive column numbers. I used Yelp data. I also want to know about transformers and NLP with DL. Oh man there is a lot to cover!
Hey Keith!!! I really like your approach to teaching, make things simpler and approachable. I need to create a chat GPT kind of functionality for my project, need your input on that and how to approach it as it's very new to me. Looking forward to hearing from you!!!
hi, i tried your tutorial, but at the Word Vector section, after importing spacy, using the en_core_web_md im still getting BOOKS as clothing...i cant find out whats wrong... :(
I find the words "Cheque" and "Check" are incorrectly used in the NLP examples. 39:52 "I went to the bank and wrote a check" is an incorrect English sentence. It should have been "I went to the bank and wrote a cheque" 1:54:41 "Write me a check" is an incorrect English sentence. It should have been "Write me a cheque".
When using trasformer architecture it gives me value error for using clf_svm.fit(train_x_vectors, train_y) and I dont know is this is because of 'en_core_web_trf' instead of 'en_trf_bertbaseuncased_lg' because of it was outdated in version3. can you clarify that why this give me value error?
hi, @keithGalli, i need some help, can you please help me.. please answer my ques: i have 5 pdf's invoice with different format's i need to extract data from it but the position of data is all different from each other, i need to extract data from them i need to write python script so Machine learning authomatically extract data from it put into json format. do it possible with spacy? how i can do thta what technologies i will use to do it?
When I recorded this I was using a program called Snagit. I more recently started using Bandicam. Note I record my screen and face separately and edit the two together after I'm done recording
At the beginning, i really thought i would get a lot out of your vid. Here at the end, i'm not that satisfied, even having a quiet clearly understood some stuffs.
Wait but what is language if not natural?? I’m pretty sure my dog can understand me, but he’s also an idiot. So what does that say about language?? Plz help Also I’m getting an error when I try to import beautifulsoup. It’s really harshing my mellow
That's an easy question, Mr. Sherwood. To find unnatural language all you have to do is watch me try to talk to girls at the bar. Hope this helps. Xoxo.
I created a second channel where I post more Python content, check it out! 😊
can you teach knowledge graphs for beginners asap lol!
At 10:02 The get_feature_names() is now get_feature_names_out()
we need more people like u who is always willing
to help
I got a job because of your tutorials!! Thanks Keith🤩
Love to hear that!! You're very welcome :)
Could you explain some more detail please?
What kind of job did you get? What schooling did you have in advance? I'm considering creating projects like this for a portfolio
+1 what Jenna asked. Please share Lakshya
Bookmarking this and will watch it in the morning.
It will be here in the morning waiting for you!
@@АзаматИльясов-м6ф haha, literally watched it that morning.
Heyy Keith!! I just want to thank you sooo much. I applied for an internship which required for me to submit an assignment on data classification and your SKLearn video helped me soo much with the task! I really am so grateful to you! Your tutorials are the best!
Glad you like the videos and happy that specific one helped you with the task! Hope you land the internship!
This is a great introductory tutorial on NLP. Perfect for a newbie
You are probably one of the smartest guy on youtube. Keep making your videos. You are doing God's work!!!
Great to see you back Keith. Wishing you all the best in your recovery.
1:18:19 / 1:37:45
Transformer architectures (attention is all you need)
AS of now.
Finally, you came back. I liked your explanation.
Glad to have you back and making awesome tutorials. Have learnt alot from you.
Damn, I am very happy you are back bro. 😀
great tutorial, thanks so much for putting this out there. It's pretty crazy how easy it is to learn stuff if you're willing to search youtube
Glad you are back Keith!!!!
Thank you for the great overview of NLP!
Good to see you back with bang!!
😂 it is too late to comment but seems like someone is playing with the uppercase letters 😂
Thank you, Keith. Your session helped me a lot.
Good to see you. Bookmarking this
Glad to See this Mr. Keith. Always impressive and fun. Thank you very much. But am your big fun as well
I don’t usually comment on the video but when I do it, means that I really loved the content❤ thanks for helping me to learn some new stuffs
I've been following your tutorials, but I've been busy with object detection lately, so I'll be watching this nlp video of yours later
Hey Keith would you be doing a tutorial on regular expressions?
Not sure if you saw, but there is a small section on regular expressions in this video (look at the video timeline to find it).
I definitely would like to make a more comprehensive video on regular expressions at some point. I find them super fun! haha
Amazing tutorial Mr.Keith, I just wanted to have a know how of NLP and this tutorial was perfect for it.
It would be super nice if you would make a text generation video. As always loved the vid keith
Glad you are back, Keith bro... all the best and love from India
great tutorial brother. Highly appreciated
Keep this coming.
I would like to see more such video - this is great.
Multi language models and different pytorch eco system transformers
keith could you make a in-detail time series forecasting vid. It would be amazing
Awesome video, thanks!
Hey bro, I really likes your tutorial. I wonder just by following your videos tutorial (like 95% of your tutorials videos) will ever get me a job in data science field without degree?
Hi Keith. Thanks for your tutorial, having a blast following along and learning! I've run into an issue, though. At time of writing (March 2024) spaCy seems to be on V3, and as a consequence to import BERT in we use spacy.load("en_core_web_trf") and NOT "en_trf_bertbaseuncased_lg", which does not work anymore. However, after doing so, it seems I'm running into an error regarding array sizes when fitting the SVC with my training vectors and train_y? Upon printing out train_x_vectors it displays empty arrays! That's probably why the fit isn't working. I'm not sure what's happening there (why are they empty??), could you help me out? Love from India.
Up to this, I am encountering the same error.
Thank you for this guide!
hi Keith, great video. You provide an one-stop service, hhh. Great!
Legit learned more from this video than my masters programme
I got to know about, use and love pandas from your tutorials.
You are the best my bro
15:01 If anyone else is getting "CLOTHING" here, try creating your vectorizer like this:
vectorizer = CountVectorizer(stop_words=["the"])
I've just decided to change my carreer path at my age 35. I have some basic knowledges about coding languages(C, Python, HTML,CSS, JS). But I still couldn't decide which area to choose. Normally I enjoy dealing with algorithms using python, but I am curious about job opportunities (especially for a starter after age 35).
exact same here. Struggled along the way but we only live once, so, do what we want to do!
Did you changed your career if yes how
@@amitkumarsingh-cl3dk I am still in construction sector..
Please use List Comprehensions in Python in the future.
Watching from Romblon Philippines.
I am new to ML and want to move forward wiith NLP. Really appreciate this. Can you also combine this with big data as in my project i was not able to use ngrams due to excessive column numbers. I used Yelp data. I also want to know about transformers and NLP with DL. Oh man there is a lot to cover!
Thank you!
My pleasure! Hope it's helpful
love the video, thanks
learning alottt :) must watch
SOTA learning
Hey Keith!!! I really like your approach to teaching, make things simpler and approachable. I need to create a chat GPT kind of functionality for my project, need your input on that and how to approach it as it's very new to me. Looking forward to hearing from you!!!
Damn I'm thinking of doing something NLP related for my thesis I guess this is the sign that I should do it 😅
I did it 😂
@@vanhouminwhat kind of project did you do for your thesis?
Hey Keith, Can you please mention some resources to learn nlp? TIA.
What exactly does the Bert Model do? Because you still feed the Bert Model output into an SVM to classify your text. Thanks for your explanation?
This guy deserves to be next to God !
11:57 keith enum 😂👌
hey like should i watch this video after getting familiar with deep learning ?
Thank you for this. Please make text bigger.
Are check and cheque meant to be similar?
my man
"n_trf_bertbaseuncased_lg" seems to be renamed to "en_core_web_trf"
hi, i tried your tutorial, but at the Word Vector section, after importing spacy, using the en_core_web_md im still getting BOOKS as clothing...i cant find out whats wrong... :(
You're welcome!
Im still getting Books as clothing..after using word vectors, ive imported spacy......i cant figure out why...help...😢
hi keith /thanks.
Please create project "terms and conditions techniques" in NLP.
Hmm I don't know what you mean by this, can you please clarify
What happened to "Neuro Linguistic Programming"?
Also did he put two finger's up to everyone at the start?
These libraries are English-centric!
What if I need to process a language that is non-English?
I find the words "Cheque" and "Check" are incorrectly used in the NLP examples.
"I went to the bank and wrote a check" is an incorrect English sentence.
It should have been "I went to the bank and wrote a cheque"
"Write me a check" is an incorrect English sentence.
It should have been "Write me a cheque".
In USA, we use "check" in this context. This may be untrue in other English speaking countries though.
When using trasformer architecture it gives me value error for using clf_svm.fit(train_x_vectors, train_y)
and I dont know is this is because of 'en_core_web_trf' instead of 'en_trf_bertbaseuncased_lg' because of it was outdated in version3. can you clarify that why this give me value error?
same case happened to me, were you able to solve this issue? if yes, can you please guide me?
hi, @keithGalli, i need some help, can you please help me.. please answer my ques: i have 5 pdf's invoice with different format's i need to extract data from it but the position of data is all different from each other, i need to extract data from them i need to write python script so Machine learning authomatically extract data from it put into json format. do it possible with spacy? how i can do thta what technologies i will use to do it?
What Software You Use For Screen Recording?
When I recorded this I was using a program called Snagit. I more recently started using Bandicam.
Note I record my screen and face separately and edit the two together after I'm done recording
@@KeithGalli Thanks 😊
At the beginning, i really thought i would get a lot out of your vid.
Here at the end, i'm not that satisfied, even having a quiet clearly understood some stuffs.
Wait but what is language if not natural?? I’m pretty sure my dog can understand me, but he’s also an idiot. So what does that say about language?? Plz help
Also I’m getting an error when I try to import beautifulsoup. It’s really harshing my mellow
That's an easy question, Mr. Sherwood. To find unnatural language all you have to do is watch me try to talk to girls at the bar. Hope this helps. Xoxo.
I can always go to bed early tomorrow right? 👀
Haha I give you permission to get your sleep, the video will be here in the morning :)
after trying out and nothing happened the way I want it to work. I quitted
I love this guy in a non- homosexual way
NooMAREickle, not NOOmerical >)
You sound like mordecai
Honored to learn nlp from elon musk himself
Taylor Dorothy Anderson Shirley Jackson Donna
Waste of time