Has anyone else noticed yet that our Moon is rising and setting SIDEWAYS? Our planet is tilted on its axis. It isn't just the Moon. The constellations also appear as though they are "tilted" at abnormal angles now. My neighbor was a tenured Professor of astronomy for 25+ years at University who has explained this and has shown myself and a number of our neighbors via his backyard telescopes as well as the high powered huge University telescopes that not only does our Moon appear to be "tilted", but so do all of our constellations. And from rise until they set, when viewing both the sunspots on the Sun as well as the craters on the Moon, they ALL are appearing to "rotate" around their surfaces when they are supposed to stay fixed in their orientations. My neighbor actually left his career after bringing this information to his superiors and being told to keep quiet about it and having his funding sharply cut. We are in a poleshift.
I noticed this too and researched what was happening. The poles flip every 11 years! The reversal happens when the Sun's polar magnetic fields are weakened and replaced with a new field of the opposite polarity (e.g. going from positive to negative). The reversal is driven by sunspots, the magnetically-complex structures that create active regions where flares and other solar events originate. We are now in Solar Cycle 25 with peak sunspot activity expected in 2025, the panel said. Solar Cycle 24 was average in length, at 11 years, and had the 4th-smallest intensity since regular record keeping began with Solar Cycle 1 in 1755. It was also the weakest cycle in 100 years. Will there be a solar storm in 2025? "A powerful solar storm that would cost $600 billion in damages could hit Earth in 2025. As the sun reaches the climax of its 11 year cycle, solar activity increases and it could be hazardous to our planet. Now, scientists are warning that the worst geomagnetic storm in 165 years could be upon us"
I have noticed a change in the position of the sun for a few years. Especially in the summer. At night I told my sister it feels like I'm in a plastic bubble. Its weird.
Studied this pole shift 35 yrs ago college. Been going on - does no good to publicize - cause world wide hysteria- let nature take its course.. Nothing new under the sun…
That video could have been made 5 yrs ago - it's been known by scientist that the harsh reality of the 25th solar cycle would start showing its self now - scientist saw what would happen now 6 months ago with these winter storms - while the main weather channels were reporting we would have a warmer than normal winter including Noah - Scientist said the opposite - look at my other comments on this channel and look up old interviews with Casey and other scientest - Were in that 30 yr cycle spoken of by Casey and others now - in the deep south Louisiana the home built before 1900 or so had roofs that could easily handle 6 ft ice and snow loads - It was passed on in my family that we did often have heavy snow build ups in the south 200 + yrs ago and that was the reason for reinforced roofs on old homes built up till 1930s - Now it's evident we're back into 30 yr cold period were it will once again snow in South Florida - This is a normal earth cycle - I insulated all my water pipes and heat striped them just as when I worked in northern mountain oil fields - I also set up for very long power outages - I live in the rural South - so power lines are often knocked down after any storm - There were recommendations that the south prepare for long power outages and gas pipe line brakes 10 yrs ago due to heavy ice rain times - those recommendations were largely ignored - Now mega weather changes are on us - due to to the sun's weak magnetic field, magnetic north has migrates from 6° to 40° it's causing the earth to wobble - That creates serious land shifts - there now more mag 5 earth quakes going off in a week then in a yr - there so many that the USGS no longer will list those land shifts - At some point volcanos like Mount Tambora will blow as it did in 1815 - that will blanket the atmosphere with ash and we will have winter days in the summer down in the south as there were in 1815 down here in the south - the ash in the atmosphere blocked the sun light so summers were like winter that yr world wide - In 2019 at the start of this 30 yr sun cycle we had a 19 billion bushels grain short fall in the US and 20 trillion grain bushel short fall world wide - it has driven food prices higher : For those who are ready this 30 yrs will be another day - but for those who are not ready it will be a continues disasters - I've rode out 20 hurricanes in my life time and some ice storms down here along with blizzards in mountain oil fields were it was minus 60 degrees F nightly - You have to look back in the history of were you live and see how the weather was in late 1700s and early 1800s to understand what your up against - What happened in NC is a normal occurrence every 205 yrs - my dad published trade magazines for industry on agriculture for decades - My dad was born in 1912 so he saw a lot of the past - he also researched history - Yellow stone blows every 1000 yrs and the land shifts are powerful - from what geologist say the ground around the grate lakes creates channels that travel to the Mississippi River and the grate lakes empty into the Mississippi River - carrying down trillions of tons of ash blown over the area from yellow stone as it eruption occured - The Indians spoke of those tails - I'm 100 miles from the Mississippi River - 200 ft under my place was once swamp - some how this land has layers of silt known as bentonite clay from yellow stone - The land has been built up 88 ft above sea level with the ash of Yellowstone - it was the result of the grate lakes emptying into the Mississippi and carrying the ash down stream from up north that built this land up over a 4000 yr period - We might see this occurrence during this solar cycle - . Also learn about the New Madrid fault line - it went off last in December 1810 and shook the ground along the grate lakes, east coast, and the deep south - learn about it - with the necessary knowledge you can fare out better than others -
If you are a Christian you know that " While the earth remains, Seedtime and harvest, Cold and heat, Winter and summer, And day and night Shall not cease.”
"Such a powerful reminder of life’s rhythms! 🌍🌱 Whether it’s sowing seeds or braving the seasons, this verse speaks volumes about faith and resilience. What’s your favorite way to stay grounded in these timeless truths? Let’s discuss! 🙏✨"
The solar eclipse of May 2024 changed our weather!!! Autumn came in in August:got early October weather in August here in New England!! Indian Summer in October into November,then cold!! Sun angle has been WEIRD since May 2024!!
@taritabonita22 and that has what todo with the warmer winter temps in Arizona i have a house in the gilbert which has been in the 80's this week the 80's in winter.. I also have my house in lakeside arizona and which hasn't seen hardly any snow this year not to mention the limited slopes open at sunrise that are usually all open this time of year are very limited as in most of sunrise is closed for skiing when they're usually open.. I'm a very active person that spends my time outdoors and I simply stating what I've experienced which isn't much this winter for a normal winter season.. so no under rock or basement dweller here
Thank you for your FYI I recommend people be more prepared in their mind and their own ability to overcome such Petty freezes to continue on with the regular normal lives as if it's just another day
It appears that the new incoming administration hasn't gotten the memo to end this manipulation. Give them a few days and when it ends they will claim credit for it.
If this is cold, then what was the state records for Montana and Alaska? -70 degrees below zero actual temperature and -82 degrees below zero actual temperature respectively for those states. Then there was the -40 degrees below zero actual temperature at Minot AFB, North Dakota. That's normal for that state, however when this happened way back in the early 1970's there was 70 MPH WINDS BLOWING TOO!!! Why wasn't that woman wearing a hat at 5:52 of this video? Same old same old, you can't fix stupid.
This happens every winter at some point. Here in Kansas the coldest air on the planet is plunging down on us. Only 57 days till saint Patrick day, the Irish god of spring
Is there any way to tell besides the calendar, when the polar vortex will lift, or stop, or whatever it does? -10F without windchill is ridiculously cold and not the norm where I live. It's usually around 35-40. I've tried to research it, but I'm not finding anything other than radar images showing extreme cold.
every year is the new hottest on record...&yet the north central US (&now even the south central US) seems to be plunging into a new ice age...&if the upper midwest freezes over the world loses %60 of its food supply...meanwhile the other major agricultural center on the west coast is on fire...do the math...
I was born in 1952, and every year, our climate has been changing. Especially in the last three decades. Summers are hotter, winters colder. Snow falling in the deap south. Drought and less rain and increased heat in areas that used to be more temperate. I grew up in SoCal in the 50's and 60's, moved to the western Rockies. Seasonal temps were about average, but it could snow in July. I remember the year the emergency spillways were overflowing about 20 feet at Hoover Dam, that was the same year Utah had record snow. You literally could spend the morning at many resorts in the mountains and snow ski, then drive down the mountain and water ski the afternoon away on July that year. The last ten years the States have experienced increase drought, or flooding, depending where you lived. Increased heat waves that cause deaths that are heat related, and not just human. Severe disasters are in the increase. Hurricanes in Southwestern Appalachian Mountains with severe flooding, and still struggling at this time to find places to live as now the Temps have gotten into the sub-zero area with life threatening cold and wind chill factors. Then on the west coast, devistating wildfires causing thousands of homes and businesses to be destroyed and loss of life. Now its snowing in Florida today, and even in Houston. New Orleans is in grid lock because of snow and behind this storm is coming more freezing 🥶 cold. And its not just happening in the USofA. Spain, in Valencia are still trying to restore their area after the floods a few month's back. There has even been snow in Saudi and floods in the middle east. Every Nation needs to do their part to help curb this climate change.
@@lindabriggs5118 I'm completely stoked about all of your comments. I am grateful for everyone of you enlightening me about this whole Earth tilt, and the mystical polar shift we seem to truly be witnessing. I am a Prayer Warrior as I am as it is written in 2nd Timothy 2:3 a soldier of the Lord Jesus Christ. We must be prepared. For scripture tells us none knows the hour or the day of His return. Jesus Loves You and I do too. The Word of God tells us to be watchful of the signs of the end time's. Heaven and Hell are real. The choice of where you want to live eternity is yours. I pray for your Soul and the faith in your life to be True. God Bless Everyone of you in these years comments.
We seem to be in biblical times - it also seems like of the 7:trumpets spoken of 5 have been fulfilled - in Isaiah 25 it's says in that day the earth would rock back and forth as a drunkard - as magnetic north has migrates from its normal position of 6° to 40 ° southerly NASA and other space agency's say that's why the earth is rocking badly and is the cause of massive weather changes - It's happened before during a 30 yrs cold sun time as in the days of Isaiah but there was no mention of a 6th trumpet war that kills 1/3 of man kind - there others things also Daniel speaks of nations by there figure head, long before some nations existed - It says the hole world would speak the language of the lion - England represents itself as the lion and they speak English and the world international language is also English - it speaks of the eagle that stands as a man - the US figure head is a eagle that's standing up - it speaks of the woman with 12 stars above her head that's Israeli emblem today - it speaks of the bear that's Russia - it speaks of the fowl with four wings - that's Frances emblem - the leopard is Germany - the eagle is again the US - it says that France and Germany would be allies they are now allies - it says the US and Israel would be allies in this day were allies - There comments about the figure head the grate Sooth Sayer the word Vatican is the latin word for the English word Sooth Sayer - There are 1000s of words that describe these times we live in - in Mathew 25 it says about the same thing as said in Isaiah 25 - In Zachariah it says that as a man was standing up his eyes and tongue would melt - when the bombs were dropped on Japan in one case 29 school girls in a school yard were looking at the parachutes dropping weather instruments out planes - The 29 girls were far from the blast - but the light energy melted there eyes and tungs out there mouth - It says that it was as if a mountain was set on fire - Japanese pilots that saw the flames stated it looked like a burning mountain after the bombs were dropped - .for 2000 yrs Israel was not a nation some how the Jews stayed together - in the end just as it was said they would come back together as a nation in this day and would be worriers any one who attacked her would regret it they would be skilled worriers in this day - We see that now - these weather patterns happen to be in that mix of things - were in interesting times I think -
WOW. It is January 21st and the cold weather is already here and the scientist figured out it's going to be cold? I am dumbfounded. How can these people go to school long enough to learn this stuff.
It has been colder here in New Mexico, than in Alaska, at dawn, I have observed, many days. It appears the warm Pacific Ocean water is evaporating, forming low pressure systems, and blowing into and over Alaska, and into the North Pole, and that is pushing the cold air out, and down into Canada and the US. The air here in NM has been very dry and very cold. It is 3 degrees this morning in southern NM! The country is very dry! I have been clearing dry plants grass and leaves, away from my house. The forests are also very dry, like in California. It hasn't rained in months!
“It will get colder just you watch” November 17, 2018, during a visit by then-President Donald Trump to California. The context of this meeting was primarily focused on the devastating wildfires that had impacted the state, including the Camp Fire, which had become one of the deadliest and most destructive fires in California's history. The meeting was held at the Westside Warehouse in Paradise, California, which had been significantly affected by the fires. In attendance were California Governor Jerry Brown, then-California Secretary of Natural Resources Wade Crowfoot, and various local officials and representatives. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss federal assistance for recovery efforts and to address the underlying issues related to forest management and climate change that many believed contributed to the severity of the fires. During the meeting, Governor Brown and Crowfoot expressed concerns about climate change, arguing that it had a direct impact on wildfires and that increased temperatures and drought conditions were exacerbating the situation. They discussed the importance of acknowledging the role of climate change in the increasing intensity of wildfires and the need for policies aimed at addressing environmental issues. In response, President Trump made several controversial remarks. At one point, he stated, "It'll get cooler. You just watch," dismissing the scientific consensus on climate change and its effects on the environment. This comment was met with confusion and disbelief from California representatives who were advocating for more immediate and serious action to mitigate the impacts of climate change. The meeting highlighted the deep political divide regarding climate policy, as well as the clashes between local leaders and federal authorities over appropriate responses to climate-related disasters. Trump's remarks were indicative of his broader approach to climate issues, which often favored deregulation and skepticism about the role of human activity in climate change. This event underscored the ongoing challenges faced by California, a state particularly vulnerable to wildfires due to climate conditions, and the complexities of federal-state relations in the context of environmental policy and disaster management.
if you do not have to go outside an have such conditions, please stay inside!!! We have created a whole Podcast on how to survive this conditions. Feel free to look into...
Horrible prep,wrapping papaya trees avocado trees star fruit mango on sheets comforters cardboard, wearing it, heat lamps on bases of trees and feral cat boxes for warmth, heating hen house terrified power off. $2000 in fire wood not enough in 2021. Used Terra cotta pots inside, barrels in yard for trees. Exhausting work before and during. Texas stste farm refused pipe breaking interior flooding damage wiped out seniors retirement, car frozen damage, no hotels anywhere.
After I repaired damage from Hurricane Harvey 🌀 Came the polar vortex I was in one of the 6 most affected areas It destroyed my house 🏠 permanently 20 years of hard work was destroyed I have not been able to recover financially from it all
my previous comment is having trouble going through and has been shortened terribly, so it is true facts that i have said that the ppl putting this out are not liking it is is about the volcanos on the equator area that are causing the problems with the jet stream and they are making the jet streams all over the world to go into the different streams that effect you and me. more to come each time ViewCation comes out with things that are not true "Polar Vortex" is just the newer generation putting new words for what their for fathers said to begin with. ====just to figure things out - the guy narrating this is not much older then me and to figure more he is suppose to have more and better schooling then me but i am the under dog and can see more about what he didn't figure into the equation. == the volcano in Africa is causing a change in the weather = there is a volcano at Tinaluka Volcano in the Solomon Islands there is a volcano in Indonesia that is causing trouble with the juet stream - then u have the volcano in the Philippines - and then the volcano in Hawaii that are disrupting the world weather this guy is talking about and calling it a Polar Vortex == the tectonic plates are shifting faster because the volcano's - earthquakes and many more problem that man is doing is making the world shift faster == the fires in moving faster because of the wind turbines going up which in creasing the speed of the fires this fellow that has this ViewCation is only guessing at the weather == he is not paying attention to the volcanoes, what the volcanoes are putting into the air to compensate for all the garbage we are putting into the air ViewCation see this part though. there is more that he need to research and it is causing more damage the longer he feeds u more bullshit. == the space just that we have in the air is going and is coming down: the space just that came down so far has made the new at taking out a village in Kenya i think it was and them another piece of space just took out and killed accouple of ppl as well. == what we put in the air the volcanoes are only compensating for by the gases and many more things
@@BrunoFabrich thank u = volcano's effect climate alot and they are being overlooked each time the news comes out. volcano's control all the continents and it is the water and earthquakes that help shift each of them
@ I have no idea what news of surreal truth means, I just observed that the moon didn’t go away during the day time here for over a week. I wondered aloud, why? I haven’t looked for several days. Just figured it must be OK…
Oh shit… not the evil polar vortex again . Thank god our ancestors that came west in the 1880s just had to deal with winters and not the POLAR VORTEX 😂
Utube earthquakes dutchsinse Pay attention he's accurate! Carryon for pets,kids,you in car, at front door, get a storage unit away from where disaster would be, fill with suitcases (thrift store) of essential items, water , power bars, protein drinks electrolytes drinks, weather comfort, extra identification, pet foods, address book. It's not "if" it is when ...soon. Core of earth leaking magnetic field split, axis wobbling,moon axis wobbling to, ocean current slowing, volcano 52 leaking now... Watch dutchsinse he's accurate! Watch movie 2012 with a note pad, lots of lessons. Get a plan or move.
This would have been news if this had been reported January 1st. We have had ONE day above freezing here in NW PA. Sorry, but you guys are a little late to the party. Sincerely, -7F cold dude.
90.Just one thing came to my mind why wasting cold energy can u use cold to give birth to energy warm so can be done .this way no loose energy to science u can do it time i see 25 years from now Learn Cold Hot or Hot cold. It takes some condition hot gives cold .idea to start. Learn how to trans.form energy and save Agriculture and rest .u can leave same way u need progress to be on the Top still Winter supposed to be Winter Summer was Hot i hope less problems just invest to cut off worst .Santa is in his own juice. Good luck Future does not go Appear just not yet but will go and go to that point No time set up it is Free no time known So be ready just like u wake up for your breakfast .Good luck .Hope Santa gives Joy ... The one ....
We are having a winter, one like we used to have back on the 60's, 70's and 80's. But, it's just Winter, don't get it twisted!! Heard all i want to hear from these "Scientists", ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!
I live in Mesquite Texas. Everything is fine here. 🙏 It's a little cooler than normal but not anything to really notice this time of year. People are still wearing shorts and sandals. 🙏🤣
We will have to blame the Sun for controlling the weather and climate, not us. I am sick of copping the blame. It is mid-Summer here in Australia and we have experienced some really cold days where I live in northern NSW.
That it’s part of the natural cycle and that even the earth has its cycles like the sun? It’s been going on since the birth of this planet. Nothing to really fear. Just have to find innovative solutions and adapt. I mean look at the animals that survived through the ages.
This is when those terracotta heaters, wood burning fireplace, and a generator will be the saving Grace is. Prayers and blessings sent to everyone. 😢🙏
Has anyone else noticed yet that our Moon is rising and setting SIDEWAYS? Our planet is tilted on its axis. It isn't just the Moon. The constellations also appear as though they are "tilted" at abnormal angles now. My neighbor was a tenured Professor of astronomy for 25+ years at University who has explained this and has shown myself and a number of our neighbors via his backyard telescopes as well as the high powered huge University telescopes that not only does our Moon appear to be "tilted", but so do all of our constellations. And from rise until they set, when viewing both the sunspots on the Sun as well as the craters on the Moon, they ALL are appearing to "rotate" around their surfaces when they are supposed to stay fixed in their orientations. My neighbor actually left his career after bringing this information to his superiors and being told to keep quiet about it and having his funding sharply cut. We are in a poleshift.
LOL. I hate science turds
I noticed this too and researched what was happening. The poles flip every 11 years!
The reversal happens when the Sun's polar magnetic fields are weakened and replaced with a new field of the opposite polarity (e.g. going from positive to negative). The reversal is driven by sunspots, the magnetically-complex structures that create active regions where flares and other solar events originate. We are now in Solar Cycle 25 with peak sunspot activity expected in 2025, the panel said. Solar Cycle 24 was average in length, at 11 years, and had the 4th-smallest intensity since regular record keeping began with Solar Cycle 1 in 1755. It was also the weakest cycle in 100 years.
Will there be a solar storm in 2025?
"A powerful solar storm that would cost $600 billion in damages could hit Earth in 2025. As the sun reaches the climax of its 11 year cycle, solar activity increases and it could be hazardous to our planet. Now, scientists are warning that the worst geomagnetic storm in 165 years could be upon us"
I have noticed a change in the position of the sun for a few years. Especially in the summer. At night I told my sister it feels like I'm in a plastic bubble. Its weird.
@ Could you please share where that quote came from? Thanks.
Studied this pole shift 35 yrs ago college. Been going on - does no good to publicize - cause world wide hysteria- let nature take its course.. Nothing new under the sun…
Its here!
Please answer these two questions. 1) What caused the last Ice Age ? 2) What caused the last Ice Age to end ?
We are still in the last ice age. This is just a small 100,000 year reprieve.
The economic impact 💥
Florida will lose 50% of their crops need I say more Texas?!
Why is a new video from 1 hour ago stating upcoming polar vortexes starting 12 days ago?
Thank you. An upload that was forgotten until today?
My thoughts exactly.
It's good timing lol
That video could have been made 5 yrs ago - it's been known by scientist that the harsh reality of the 25th solar cycle would start showing its self now - scientist saw what would happen now 6 months ago with these winter storms - while the main weather channels were reporting we would have a warmer than normal winter including Noah -
Scientist said the opposite - look at my other comments on this channel and look up old interviews with Casey and other scientest -
Were in that 30 yr cycle spoken of by Casey and others now - in the deep south Louisiana the home built before 1900 or so had roofs that could easily handle 6 ft ice and snow loads -
It was passed on in my family that we did often have heavy snow build ups in the south 200 + yrs ago and that was the reason for reinforced roofs on old homes built up till 1930s -
Now it's evident we're back into 30 yr cold period were it will once again snow in South Florida -
This is a normal earth cycle - I insulated all my water pipes and heat striped them just as when I worked in northern mountain oil fields -
I also set up for very long power outages - I live in the rural South - so power lines are often knocked down after any storm -
There were recommendations that the south prepare for long power outages and gas pipe line brakes 10 yrs ago due to heavy ice rain times - those recommendations were largely ignored -
Now mega weather changes are on us - due to to the sun's weak magnetic field, magnetic north has migrates from 6° to 40° it's causing the earth to wobble -
That creates serious land shifts - there now more mag 5 earth quakes going off in a week then in a yr - there so many that the USGS no longer will list those land shifts -
At some point volcanos like Mount Tambora will blow as it did in 1815 - that will blanket the atmosphere with ash and we will have winter days in the summer down in the south as there were in 1815 down here in the south - the ash in the atmosphere blocked the sun light so summers were like winter that yr world wide -
In 2019 at the start of this 30 yr sun cycle we had a 19 billion bushels grain short fall in the US and 20 trillion grain bushel short fall world wide - it has driven food prices higher :
For those who are ready this 30 yrs will be another day - but for those who are not ready it will be a continues disasters -
I've rode out 20 hurricanes in my life time and some ice storms down here along with blizzards in mountain oil fields were it was minus 60 degrees F nightly -
You have to look back in the history of were you live and see how the weather was in late 1700s and early 1800s to understand what your up against -
What happened in NC is a normal occurrence every 205 yrs - my dad published trade magazines for industry on agriculture for decades -
My dad was born in 1912 so he saw a lot of the past - he also researched history -
Yellow stone blows every 1000 yrs and the land shifts are powerful - from what geologist say the ground around the grate lakes creates channels that travel to the Mississippi River and the grate lakes empty into the Mississippi River - carrying down trillions of tons of ash blown over the area from yellow stone as it eruption occured -
The Indians spoke of those tails - I'm 100 miles from the Mississippi River - 200 ft under my place was once swamp - some how this land has layers of silt known as bentonite clay from yellow stone -
The land has been built up 88 ft above sea level with the ash of Yellowstone - it was the result of the grate lakes emptying into the Mississippi and carrying the ash down stream from up north that built this land up over a 4000 yr period -
We might see this occurrence during this solar cycle - .
Also learn about the New Madrid fault line - it went off last in December 1810 and shook the ground along the grate lakes, east coast, and the deep south - learn about it - with the necessary knowledge you can fare out better than others -
If you are a Christian you know that " While the earth remains, Seedtime and harvest, Cold and heat, Winter and summer, And day and night Shall not cease.”
"Such a powerful reminder of life’s rhythms! 🌍🌱 Whether it’s sowing seeds or braving the seasons, this verse speaks volumes about faith and resilience. What’s your favorite way to stay grounded in these timeless truths? Let’s discuss! 🙏✨"
Is to be prepared in all moments because it's going to be a changing on the planets
Now I wish Id known about this before.
The solar eclipse of May 2024 changed our weather!!! Autumn came in in August:got early October weather in August here in New England!! Indian Summer in October into November,then cold!! Sun angle has been WEIRD since May 2024!!
Machines changed the weather and been like that for a while
No. This had nothing to do with the eclipse. Where do you get your science info from, Joe Rogan? 😅
@@showmestatefinest5412oh shut up
Also maybe you should go back to school to learn about how the earth revolves around the sun. The sun doesn't have an "angle" 😅😅😅😅
You think AI is worried about the weather? It should be...
It's really cold in Arizona!
where are you at in Arizona? because our winter has been a pretty weak and warm winter so far
@@mikemccabe7124 are you really that ignorant? It’s not just the rock you live under. It’s the whole planet.
@taritabonita22 and that has what todo with the warmer winter temps in Arizona i have a house in the gilbert which has been in the 80's this week the 80's in winter.. I also have my house in lakeside arizona and which hasn't seen hardly any snow this year not to mention the limited slopes open at sunrise that are usually all open this time of year are very limited as in most of sunrise is closed for skiing when they're usually open.. I'm a very active person that spends my time outdoors and I simply stating what I've experienced which isn't much this winter for a normal winter season.. so no under rock or basement dweller here
We must be repaired in every moment to live comfortable in this life especially to have heat and light
@@BarbaraBoix-id5zfright. I think k they mean prepared but how do u mess that up
Thank you for your FYI I recommend people be more prepared in their mind and their own ability to overcome such Petty freezes to continue on with the regular normal lives as if it's just another day
Is the polar vortex also dipping down over other countries, or is this only happening in the U.S.?
2021 went onto mexico 🇲🇽
YES it is happening elsewhere. Japan just got hit with a huge snowstorm.
@@yellowbird5411 Worldwide
It's weather manipulation. Tell the government to stop!
It appears that the new incoming administration hasn't gotten the memo to end this manipulation. Give them a few days and when it ends they will claim credit for it.
You're catching on
It was created to coincide with Trumps's inauguration to convince us all that Global warming is a hoax. Drill baby Drill!
Actually, it's from the sun.
YT search for Ben Davidson at Space Weather News
I'm 44, i know for a fact that summers are getting hotter and winters colder. climate change is reality, whether man-made or not.
Take into consideration that the North Pole is no longer over Canada so of course weather will change in different places!
If this is cold, then what was the state records for Montana and Alaska? -70 degrees below zero actual temperature and -82 degrees below zero actual temperature respectively for those states. Then there was the -40 degrees below zero actual temperature at Minot AFB, North Dakota. That's normal for that state, however when this happened way back in the early 1970's there was 70 MPH WINDS BLOWING TOO!!! Why wasn't that woman wearing a hat at 5:52 of this video? Same old same old, you can't fix stupid.
This happens every winter at some point. Here in Kansas the coldest air on the planet is plunging down on us. Only 57 days till saint Patrick day, the Irish god of spring
My $100 dollar car started when it was -35 degrees, ( my childhood memories) upper michigan.
I’m here in Pittsburgh PA at 6 o’clock this morning it was -9°
Is there any way to tell besides the calendar, when the polar vortex will lift, or stop, or whatever it does? -10F without windchill is ridiculously cold and not the norm where I live. It's usually around 35-40. I've tried to research it, but I'm not finding anything other than radar images showing extreme cold.
every year is the new hottest on record...&yet the north central US (&now even the south central US) seems to be plunging into a new ice age...&if the upper midwest freezes over the world loses %60 of its food supply...meanwhile the other major agricultural center on the west coast is on fire...do the math...
The upper Midwest regularly freezes. It lasts from October to May.
I was born in 1952, and every year, our climate has been changing. Especially in the last three decades. Summers are hotter, winters colder. Snow falling in the deap south. Drought and less rain and increased heat in areas that used to be more temperate. I grew up in SoCal in the 50's and 60's, moved to the western Rockies. Seasonal temps were about average, but it could snow in July. I remember the year the emergency spillways were overflowing about 20 feet at Hoover Dam, that was the same year Utah had record snow. You literally could spend the morning at many resorts in the mountains and snow ski, then drive down the mountain and water ski the afternoon away on July that year. The last ten years the States have experienced increase drought, or flooding, depending where you lived. Increased heat waves that cause deaths that are heat related, and not just human. Severe disasters are in the increase. Hurricanes in Southwestern Appalachian Mountains with severe flooding, and still struggling at this time to find places to live as now the Temps have gotten into the sub-zero area with life threatening cold and wind chill factors. Then on the west coast, devistating wildfires causing thousands of homes and businesses to be destroyed and loss of life. Now its snowing in Florida today, and even in Houston. New Orleans is in grid lock because of snow and behind this storm is coming more freezing 🥶 cold. And its not just happening in the USofA. Spain, in Valencia are still trying to restore their area after the floods a few month's back. There has even been snow in Saudi and floods in the middle east. Every Nation needs to do their part to help curb this climate change.
@@lindabriggs5118 I'm completely stoked about all of your comments. I am grateful for everyone of you enlightening me about this whole Earth tilt, and the mystical polar shift we seem to truly be witnessing. I am a Prayer Warrior as I am as it is written in 2nd Timothy 2:3 a soldier of the Lord Jesus Christ. We must be prepared. For scripture tells us none knows the hour or the day of His return. Jesus Loves You and I do too. The Word of God tells us to be watchful of the signs of the end time's. Heaven and Hell are real. The choice of where you want to live eternity is yours. I pray for your Soul and the faith in your life to be True. God Bless Everyone of you in these years comments.
We seem to be in biblical times - it also seems like of the 7:trumpets spoken of 5 have been fulfilled - in Isaiah 25 it's says in that day the earth would rock back and forth as a drunkard - as magnetic north has migrates from its normal position of 6° to 40 ° southerly NASA and other space agency's say that's why the earth is rocking badly and is the cause of massive weather changes -
It's happened before during a 30 yrs cold sun time as in the days of Isaiah but there was no mention of a 6th trumpet war that kills 1/3 of man kind - there others things also Daniel speaks of nations by there figure head, long before some nations existed -
It says the hole world would speak the language of the lion - England represents itself as the lion and they speak English and the world international language is also English - it speaks of the eagle that stands as a man - the US figure head is a eagle that's standing up - it speaks of the woman with 12 stars above her head that's Israeli emblem today - it speaks of the bear that's Russia - it speaks of the fowl with four wings - that's Frances emblem - the leopard is Germany - the eagle is again the US - it says that France and Germany would be allies they are now allies - it says the US and Israel would be allies in this day were allies -
There comments about the figure head the grate Sooth Sayer the word Vatican is the latin word for the English word Sooth Sayer -
There are 1000s of words that describe these times we live in - in Mathew 25 it says about the same thing as said in Isaiah 25 -
In Zachariah it says that as a man was standing up his eyes and tongue would melt - when the bombs were dropped on Japan in one case 29 school girls in a school yard were looking at the parachutes dropping weather instruments out planes -
The 29 girls were far from the blast - but the light energy melted there eyes and tungs out there mouth -
It says that it was as if a mountain was set on fire - Japanese pilots that saw the flames stated it looked like a burning mountain after the bombs were dropped -
.for 2000 yrs Israel was not a nation some how the Jews stayed together - in the end just as it was said they would come back together as a nation in this day and would be worriers any one who attacked her would regret it they would be skilled worriers in this day -
We see that now - these weather patterns happen to be in that mix of things - were in interesting times I think -
WOW. It is January 21st and the cold weather is already here and the scientist figured out it's going to be cold? I am dumbfounded. How can these people go to school long enough to learn this stuff.
God isn't happy
Not at all. I hope he sends his son soon.
Too much sin in the world
What is the forecast for February? Thank you
It has been colder here in New Mexico, than in Alaska, at dawn, I have observed, many days. It appears the warm Pacific Ocean water is evaporating, forming low pressure systems, and blowing into and over Alaska, and into the North Pole, and that is pushing the cold air out, and down into Canada and the US. The air here in NM has been very dry and very cold. It is 3 degrees this morning in southern NM! The country is very dry! I have been clearing dry plants grass and leaves, away from my house. The forests are also very dry, like in California. It hasn't rained in months!
“It will get colder just you watch”
November 17, 2018, during a visit by then-President Donald Trump to California. The context of this meeting was primarily focused on the devastating wildfires that had impacted the state, including the Camp Fire, which had become one of the deadliest and most destructive fires in California's history.
The meeting was held at the Westside Warehouse in Paradise, California, which had been significantly affected by the fires. In attendance were California Governor Jerry Brown, then-California Secretary of Natural Resources Wade Crowfoot, and various local officials and representatives. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss federal assistance for recovery efforts and to address the underlying issues related to forest management and climate change that many believed contributed to the severity of the fires.
During the meeting, Governor Brown and Crowfoot expressed concerns about climate change, arguing that it had a direct impact on wildfires and that increased temperatures and drought conditions were exacerbating the situation. They discussed the importance of acknowledging the role of climate change in the increasing intensity of wildfires and the need for policies aimed at addressing environmental issues.
In response, President Trump made several controversial remarks. At one point, he stated, "It'll get cooler. You just watch," dismissing the scientific consensus on climate change and its effects on the environment. This comment was met with confusion and disbelief from California representatives who were advocating for more immediate and serious action to mitigate the impacts of climate change.
The meeting highlighted the deep political divide regarding climate policy, as well as the clashes between local leaders and federal authorities over appropriate responses to climate-related disasters. Trump's remarks were indicative of his broader approach to climate issues, which often favored deregulation and skepticism about the role of human activity in climate change.
This event underscored the ongoing challenges faced by California, a state particularly vulnerable to wildfires due to climate conditions, and the complexities of federal-state relations in the context of environmental policy and disaster management.
I'm in South Texas and there's icecicles on my RV.
So, the US is frozen.
Albany Louisiana pray for us
🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏is the Blizzard warning over yet @SavannahLopinto-c5b
Really? 2 days ago the Northern arctic oscillation (polar vortex) just happened to oscillate southwards. The definition of this is called "winter."
Not in Arizona
if you do not have to go outside an have such conditions, please stay inside!!! We have created a whole Podcast on how to survive this conditions. Feel free to look into...
We just have 5-7 years left!!!
Are you insane?
No one knows when Jesus will return.
Horrible prep,wrapping papaya trees avocado trees star fruit mango on sheets comforters cardboard, wearing it, heat lamps on bases of trees and feral cat boxes for warmth, heating hen house terrified power off. $2000 in fire wood not enough in 2021. Used Terra cotta pots inside, barrels in yard for trees. Exhausting work before and during. Texas stste farm refused pipe breaking interior flooding damage wiped out seniors retirement, car frozen damage, no hotels anywhere.
After I repaired damage from Hurricane Harvey 🌀
Came the polar vortex
I was in one of the 6 most affected areas
It destroyed my house 🏠 permanently
20 years of hard work was destroyed
I have not been able to recover financially from it all
my previous comment is having trouble going through and has been shortened terribly, so it is true facts that i have said that the ppl putting this out are not liking it
is is about the volcanos on the equator area that are causing the problems with the jet stream and they are making the jet streams all over the world to go into the different streams that effect you and me. more to come each time ViewCation comes out with things that are not true "Polar Vortex" is just the newer generation putting new words for what their for fathers said to begin with.
====just to figure things out - the guy narrating this is not much older then me and to figure more he is suppose to have more and better schooling then me but i am the under dog and can see more about what he didn't figure into the equation.
== the volcano in Africa is causing a change in the weather = there is a volcano at Tinaluka Volcano in the Solomon Islands there is a volcano in Indonesia that is causing trouble with the juet stream - then u have the volcano in the Philippines - and then the volcano in Hawaii that are disrupting the world weather this guy is talking about and calling it a Polar Vortex
== the tectonic plates are shifting faster because the volcano's - earthquakes and many more problem that man is doing is making the world shift faster
== the fires in moving faster because of the wind turbines going up which in creasing the speed of the fires
this fellow that has this ViewCation is only guessing at the weather
== he is not paying attention to the volcanoes, what the volcanoes are putting into the air to compensate for all the garbage we are putting into the air ViewCation see this part though. there is more that he need to research and it is causing more damage the longer he feeds u more bullshit.
== the space just that we have in the air is going and is coming down: the space just that came down so far has made the new at taking out a village in Kenya i think it was and them another piece of space just took out and killed accouple of ppl as well.
== what we put in the air the volcanoes are only compensating for by the gases and many more things
Yeah my husband is really into volcanoes and how the affect climate.
@@BrunoFabrich thank u = volcano's effect climate alot and they are being overlooked each time the news comes out. volcano's control all the continents and it is the water and earthquakes that help shift each of them
The record low for Dayton Ohio was -25 to 30 below 0 in 1978 . So if this year beats that then I will believe you.
I am in Yuma Az and the moon never sets ( isn’t visible) I mention it to others and they don’t care!
@@GodsGotMe What's your news of surreal truth ? I want to know ? The moon is my glory.
@ I have no idea what news of surreal truth means, I just observed that the moon didn’t go away during the day time here for over a week. I wondered aloud, why? I haven’t looked for several days. Just figured it must be OK…
Is there ozone hole over Arctic ?
It's been uncharacteristically WARM in the Northwestern part of Oregon. 😢
That's why powerlines need to be underground, like in Europe and Scandinavia.
Is this voice AI?
@ursulasmith6402 Some voices make me feel nervous even if I can't tell you why. Usually it is because it is an AI voice even if it sounds realistic.
Guess these people have never lived in the northern states.
15 below wind chill the last 2 days alone and that's not cold. Sometimes these videos are just for views
Oh shit… not the evil polar vortex again . Thank god our ancestors that came west in the 1880s just had to deal with winters and not the POLAR VORTEX 😂
Entir us except hawaii. Though it’s kinda cold today. Nothing like snow though
I'm glad I live in western Oregon-----until the Big One hits...............
Utube earthquakes dutchsinse
Pay attention he's accurate!
Carryon for pets,kids,you in car, at front door, get a storage unit away from where disaster would be, fill with suitcases (thrift store) of essential items, water , power bars, protein drinks electrolytes drinks, weather comfort, extra identification, pet foods, address book. It's not "if" it is when ...soon.
Core of earth leaking magnetic field split, axis wobbling,moon axis wobbling to, ocean current slowing, volcano 52 leaking now...
Watch dutchsinse he's accurate!
Watch movie 2012 with a note pad, lots of lessons. Get a plan or move.
Kali maa 🎉
God said to have no fear. Amen❤❤❤
Winter is coming
Every 10,20,30, 50, 100 years weather repeats lol this is all normal
where i live coldest day jan 1912 -- 43 degrees.
God work for the good in all things.
Well, its on us
Is this still called the Greenhouse Effect or Climate Change ??? This happens in all seasons
Duh,it does this every year! It's called a cycle! Winter/spring/summer/fall - that's how it usually works!
Polar bear 🐻❄️
Big deal....it's winter. Grow up.
I know that's right!😭😭😭☠️
Climate change is real! This is just the beginning! Have you not been paying attention?
Wait until your pipes start bursting! Wait until food crops are destroyed. You won’t be laughing then!
You obviously weren't paying attention to what they were saying, quick to listen and slow to speak, will help you become a better adult.
Oh its SHOCKING......its freakin cold in January......save front page space on your newspapers boys ........
This would have been news if this had been reported January 1st. We have had ONE day above freezing here in NW PA. Sorry, but you guys are a little late to the party. Sincerely, -7F cold dude.
I’m here in Pittsburgh PA in at 6 AM it was -9° when I left work.
Well I for one, thank God every day for global warming.
Well,they were off by a week,but good prediction otherwise
Guess the electric company is now controlling the weather
We are in the last days duh 🙄
90.Just one thing came to my mind why wasting cold energy can u use cold to give birth to energy warm so can be done .this way no loose energy to science u can do it time i see 25 years from now Learn
Cold Hot or Hot cold. It takes some condition hot gives cold .idea to start.
Learn how to trans.form energy and save Agriculture and rest .u can leave same way u need progress to be on the Top still Winter supposed to be Winter Summer was Hot i hope less problems just invest to cut off worst .Santa is in his own juice.
Good luck Future does not go Appear just not yet but will go and go to that point
No time set up it is Free no time known
So be ready just like u wake up for your breakfast .Good luck .Hope Santa gives Joy ...
The one ....
Petroleum haulers dream
Out of date.
Oh noooooo. And i thought we were in global warming. Oh darn.
Blame this on global warming
AI, need anyone say more?
What happened to “GLOBAL WARMING” and Liberal Left BS about “CLIMATE CHANGE” ???
Do you ACTUALLY think a low polar vortex is proof of no climate change? I'm not surprised. You put a convicted felon and grapist into the white house
It is not only global warming, it is climate change, weather events becoming more extreme. Summers are hotter and winters are colder
Climate change or weather manipulation?
@, the earth goes through cycles for thousands of years, nothing new, it not “Climate Change”, it’s just normal weather.
HOT AND COLD are both CLIMATE elements maga genius! Duh.
I think it's the big one martha
WHAT?????? What happened to climate warming?
along with the many animals affected, bugs they eat, and vegetation, and sadly citrus fruits.... its a bad thought
I already know this
Or maybe it's geo engineering?? This sounds like a video from 1984.....creepy
Humans act like this has never happened before !!! They release this video after it’s bn happening ! lol 😂
you aretoo late
We are having a winter, one like we used to have back on the 60's, 70's and 80's. But, it's just Winter, don't get it twisted!! Heard all i want to hear from these "Scientists", ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!
God's in charge
Then God is doing a lousy job!
This is written in the Tora modern Babylon is fallin expect this
Global warming. Lol
lol must be all that global warming 😂
Oh B.S! 😂
I live in Mesquite Texas. Everything is fine here. 🙏 It's a little cooler than normal but not anything to really notice this time of year. People are still wearing shorts and sandals. 🙏🤣
Pathetic , this is not AntArtica Alaska.
So the global alarmists must be going in the other direction with their fearmongering? Its now snowing in the Gulf Coast!
Anyone want to comment 🙂
On the upcoming
We will have to blame the Sun for controlling the weather and climate, not us. I am sick of copping the blame. It is mid-Summer here in Australia and we have experienced some really cold days where I live in northern NSW.
That it’s part of the natural cycle and that even the earth has its cycles like the sun? It’s been going on since the birth of this planet. Nothing to really fear. Just have to find innovative solutions and adapt. I mean look at the animals that survived through the ages.
hotter hotter. colder colder is global climate change
Satan's winning
This video is called monetizing crap