Delta CEO Ed Bastian on Leading an Airline Through Two Years of Pandemic Disruptions

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 7 ก.ค. 2024
  • Ed Bastian, CEO of Delta Air Lines, leads a company that has been on the front lines of pandemic challenges. The majority of Delta’s workforce doesn’t have the option of working from home. Over the past two years, Delta has won widespread praise for its handling of the complexities resulting from Covid, and Bastian has developed ideas and strategies for how a company can not only survive during crisis, but thrive.
    This interview part of a series called “The New World of Work,” which explores how top-tier executives see the future and how their companies are trying to set themselves up for success. Each week, Adi will interview a leader on LinkedIn Live - and then share an inside look at those conversations and solicit questions for future discussions in a newsletter just for HBR subscribers. If you’re a subscriber, you can sign up for the newsletter here:
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ความคิดเห็น • 14

  • @SafiullahWasiullah
    @SafiullahWasiullah 2 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    One more valuable episode. Great work by HBR.

  • @emmanuelmatuco6248
    @emmanuelmatuco6248 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Tears rolled down slowly.
    the door creaks... closes... slowly
    the sound of grief.

    • @emmanuelmatuco6248
      @emmanuelmatuco6248 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Tigom Hall
      9th Moon, Valorant Planetary System
      Proxima Centauri
      “Hurry GG. You are late again.”
      Their flexen sandals (hybrid titanium and soft rubber) echoed in the cavernous Hall. The great gathering had already started. Various delegations from this part of the inter-galactic system started arriving. Some as far as 10,000 centauris away.
      “What’s the update?” The senior Sentinel asked.
      GG: (hesitant) “Uhhh…. there are serious concerns.
      “What concerns?”
      Though they were still 1 rin away (distance equal to 3km), the solemn chanting from those who arrived earlier that day is already audible this far. 30,000 million nayutas of delegates are expected to arrive in the stopover planet. The mass departure will commence once all are accounted for.
      GG: “The marshmallow tests…. Uhhhh….
      “Common, out with it. We don’t have time. The 7 calamities are already in progress. Their magnitude will only increase unless….”
      GG: (he interrupted) “The marshmallow tests did not go well. We need more time.”
      (Aghast) “I said we don’t have time. Did you give an outline of the journey?”
      GG: (he cleared his throat) “uuuhh, yes of course. Need, Struggle, Conviction, Growth was shared before the diagnostics. They were aware, and still, …choose that path.”
      “You’ve made a mistake then.”
      (GG stopped in his tracks). The Senior Sentinel looked back at him. GG: “Please explain.”
      “You were sharing in accordance with their comfort zones. Now you have no choice. You must share in accordance with yours. The only path left. The marshmallow results strongly suggested that.”
      GG: “But isn’t that disrespectful? Isn’t that presumptuous?”
      Senior Sentinel “That may well be true. But this is your journey, as much as theirs. They must know their remote past birthright. Only that can unleash their true potential to face the 7 calamities. That is the mission.”
      The final batch of Vemani vehicles arrived. Massive as a small moon, each found their designated slot above the sky of Tigom. Like a trillion stars, they lit up the night sky. These Vemani will be parked here until their return. Faster than the speed of light, the delegates got themselves directly to the Hall. The air was already intoxicatingly filled with their happiness upon seeing each other again. Hugs, clasping of hands, some unashamedly shedding tears of joy at their reunion, thinking they will never meet again. And then the unexpected occurred. The Great Summoning. Even Tigom is just a transit point. Everyone was thrilled.
      A large segment of the delegates that arrived before the final batch was already chanting a particular phrase. They are storing this stopover gathering in the amala consciousness. A sort of portal to a state that borders the physical and the non-physical. (The closest approximation in present digital terms is the “Cloud”) The amala is a dynamic eternal storehouse. Its functions are akin to an active bank account. All the visits, gatherings, friends, families, wives, husbands, children, relatives, etc. All the memories, learnings, innovations, etc. All actions and consequences accumulated in one’s past and present lifetimes are perfectly stored in this eternal bank vault. From the beginningless time up to the present. The final layer before the alaya consciousness.
      After nayutas of immeasurable time, the Great Summoning of the People of the Ten Directions (eight hundred thousand million nayutas strong) was initiated again. Their final destination, 10,000 trillion rin away. The sky above a tiny planet, above a mountain, named after a majestic bird of that planetary system. An Eagle. emmanuel.matuco@linkedin

  • @luiscastillo2699
    @luiscastillo2699 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Veyry good interview

  • @drewkatonak287
    @drewkatonak287 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    I agreed with Ed running a airline is hard you havel look at that

  • @emmanuelmatuco6248
    @emmanuelmatuco6248 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    There is a serious flaw in the security settings of Windows 11. Whenever I try to open to Windows Firewall, it directs me to, of all places, a Microsoft Store. The recommended fixes are gibberish to me as it seems intended for geeks only. Not a step by step for amateurs like me. Will try to revert to Windows 10, if it is still possible. But we had a good run nonetheless.

  • @marieazrak1951
    @marieazrak1951 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Do you allow your employees to have any breaks for meals and use bathroom if they needed to?

  • @marieazrak1951
    @marieazrak1951 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Would he make accommodations for people with disabilities like myself

  • @emmanuelmatuco6248
    @emmanuelmatuco6248 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Finally, my last of the Mohicans. Quotes from a poem by Shakespeare (Macbeth)
    There would have been a time for such a word.
    Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow,
    Creeps in this petty pace from day to day
    To the last syllable of recorded time,
    And all our yesterdays have lighted fools
    The way to dusty death. Out, out, brief candle!
    Life’s but a walking shadow, a poor player
    That struts and frets his hour upon the stage
    And then is heard no more: it is a tale
    Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
    Signifying nothing.
    I too wrote a poem. Same theme. Purpose-filled Life and Time.
    Backroads of Time
    10Sept2019 (Tagum to Sto.Tomas)
    The breeze was insistent in tussling my hair
    off-white like low grade salt
    laced with greyish pepper
    it tingles as it gets tussled.
    Ahead… gently…. gently
    the curve of the road sweeps over to the left.
    Like a loving arm gradually showing
    the immense expanse
    of the golden rice fields of Sto. Tomas.
    Brown, green, brown, green
    Golden, golden, gold!
    All swaying with the breeze.
    The line of trees,
    these madre de cacao’s
    acting like well-wishers, waving joyously.
    And I and the car responding courteously
    as we swiftly, happily cruised past them.
    So many scenes needing to be seen.
    So many memories needing to be revisited.
    So many moments needing to be tasted.
    They lined along the white concreted road.
    Piercing a path straight as an arrow
    towards the hazy bluish mountains of Talaingod.
    How many times
    have you wondered
    if you’ll ever get to see and explore
    all the backroads of your country?
    The dirt roads that may lead
    To meaningful nowheres,
    Or insignificant somewheres?
    How many times
    have all those green hills,
    those beckoning barrios in the distance
    their creeks and rivers, gurgling and sparkling
    made you ask
    Were their children’s peals of laughter
    as unbounded as yours when you were their age?
    Were their old folks frank banter,
    the sweet crinkle in their faces lit up by a joke
    speaks of the openness and simplicity you seek?
    Were the praises and glories you’ve earned
    worth all the refreshing solitude
    those few precious moments with your family offered?
    Were those years you’ve spent
    In enumerable fights and struggles
    of whatever noble causes, too many to recall
    worth it all?
    The friends you’ve lost… all
    all…. the scenery you’ve missed?
    How many times have those unexplored backroads
    acutely reminded you
    of the swiftness of time?
    Is it about time, or…
    is it about, or
    is it about gathering meaningful memories.
    Oh how nurturing these ocean
    Of green and gold dancing before me.
    Buy it! Buy it! Buy more of it while you still can!
    Emmanuel Matuco

  • @marieazrak1951
    @marieazrak1951 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Would you be willing to make accommodations for a person like me who has disabilities if I were to work as when the ticket agents for Delta airline? Also what would you do if I experienced my coworkers and bosses calling me bad names and my coworkers trying to get physical with me or try to touch me inappropriately and I came to my management about it and they were to do nothing about it and they blame me instead when I was just trying to follow orders or ask questions on how to do something or make sure it's part of my job description so I don't mess up how would you handle that?

  • @jrochavez
    @jrochavez 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    The real boss of CDC.

  • @number4cat1
    @number4cat1 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    We would all benefit from Ed Bastian being put on a "STFU" list.

  • @user-zn9er8jg5b
    @user-zn9er8jg5b 2 ปีที่แล้ว
