Low voltage code because of a dead battery. I had a dead battery almost a year ago. Resting voltage when I tried to start it up to go to work was at 8.8 volts jump started it got to work and check engine light came on. Scanned it and got U01B0, U1345 (Both were a different issue), P16DC, U0420, P0700 (and a transmission code for low voltage), U0100 (and ECM code for low voltage), Fuel pump control module low voltage code, ABS low voltage code and 15+ other codes due to dead battery.
So a guy that I checked his Malibu says control module for the P1101 and idk if it’s just because the scanner I used isn’t the expensive type. I haven’t seen his motor to know if it’s NA or turbo but his is a 2017 Malibu LT so I was just going to clean his maf and the throttle body to see if it will clear the code.
I literally have this same problem on my 2019 Chevrolet Malibu . I’ve replaced the throttle body , pcv hose, air filter, and the sensor now 9 months later same code is popping up 🤦🏾♀️ I’m in central florida ! What should I do next ? I don’t have another 2500$ to fix the same problem . Chevy wants me to pay another 200$ for a diagnostic plus my computer scene is glitching and sometimes my reverse camera has a need service message .
@@Barrie562 😓 the parts were but the Chevy dealership in Orlando wouldn’t help because I lost my receipt from last year & apparently they don’t have any way to track my purchase of the parts from Gm even though my bank verified the dates I had the work done and parts purchased . I ended up having to pay again 🥶 I took a picture of my receipt this time 💅🏿 fool me once won’t fool me twice !!
Hello i have 2016 chevy Malibu 1.5 turbo... i got code p0299 and have changed a few things and cant fix it. I dont see anything out the ordinary... please i need your help. Thank you in advance.
great video very thorough
Low voltage code because of a dead battery. I had a dead battery almost a year ago. Resting voltage when I tried to start it up to go to work was at 8.8 volts jump started it got to work and check engine light came on. Scanned it and got U01B0, U1345 (Both were a different issue), P16DC, U0420, P0700 (and a transmission code for low voltage), U0100 (and ECM code for low voltage), Fuel pump control module low voltage code, ABS low voltage code and 15+ other codes due to dead battery.
Big buzz video 👍🏾🇯🇲
Did u have to relearn the vehicle after throttle body job
You give good information
Great Video Bredren !!
My 2018 Chevy Malibu is doin this
Do you ever get this fixed? Or figure out what was causing the code?
So a guy that I checked his Malibu says control module for the P1101 and idk if it’s just because the scanner I used isn’t the expensive type. I haven’t seen his motor to know if it’s NA or turbo but his is a 2017 Malibu LT so I was just going to clean his maf and the throttle body to see if it will clear the code.
What tube or hose is that
Hey do I connect the fuel rail and line before tighting my fuel ejectors.because it leaking from fuel ejectors
Does anyone know where the oil pressure sensor is located on 2019 Chevy Malibu
If you have to ask, don’t work on it
Hire someone else
You have any vids ecm for Malibu
I know about ecm once ecm gone won’t start
@@jackhunter1256 i got rid of it. It was causing more & and more problems. With them discontinuing it. I just got rid off it.
I literally have this same problem on my 2019 Chevrolet Malibu . I’ve replaced the throttle body , pcv hose, air filter, and the sensor now 9 months later same code is popping up 🤦🏾♀️ I’m in central florida ! What should I do next ? I don’t have another 2500$ to fix the same problem . Chevy wants me to pay another 200$ for a diagnostic plus my computer scene is glitching and sometimes my reverse camera has a need service message .
Can't you make a warranty claim to cover the cost?
@@Barrie562 😓 the parts were but the Chevy dealership in Orlando wouldn’t help because I lost my receipt from last year & apparently they don’t have any way to track my purchase of the parts from Gm even though my bank verified the dates I had the work done and parts purchased . I ended up having to pay again 🥶 I took a picture of my receipt this time 💅🏿 fool me once won’t fool me twice !!
Might need a cvt
Or replace your cars ecm or try a captive discharge. (You tube it).....lol
How many milles does you car Gad if you don’t mind the question
Hello i have 2016 chevy Malibu 1.5 turbo... i got code p0299 and have changed a few things and cant fix it. I dont see anything out the ordinary... please i need your help. Thank you in advance.
I wish you can fix mine 😢
Whats is the code U1510 PLEASE HELP
Appreciate you I got it
I have a car like that and want to get a couple work done!
Yooo I have a question
I have a question where is your shop located??
Fort Lauderdale
About the cv axle
p1101 was just a dirty imf for me
Intake manifold
That body shop need a name on it so I know not to go
Someone had a coupon to MAACO!!
all they did was shoot a base coat and that was it
It looks like the bodywork was someone's attempt to repair at home. I hope that a body shop wouldn't do that kind of work.
For real that was one of the worst job i seen