notice in the video that your car most likely to land on the left side from your car prospective , might want to check your slam if is one sided too much :D
Dari video tadi saya liat saat pakai ban super hard mobilnya pas mendarat habis loncat jarang kena dinding / mendarat miring. Jangan disensor dong mobilnya wkwkwk....
Keunggulan Ban Small dibanding Ban Medium apa Kak ?
Yes super hard tires land more smoothly in this experiment
Sir Roscoe thankyou! This helps a lot! :) im the one who msg you on your Instagram! Thanks a lot!
All right👌
The best💯
notice in the video that your car most likely to land on the left side from your car prospective , might want to check your slam if is one sided too much :D
Yup. That arm was damaged on one side. Need to change the eyelet or probably need to throw away the whole set off 😭
Om klo ukuran ban depan blakang lbih bagus ukuran'a sma atau berbeda yah scara fungsi, trs lbih bagus di ofset atau ngga?
Hehe maklum newbie
Masing-masing ada plus minus menurut saya. Tergantung targetnya apa dari penggunaan ban offset dan perbedaan ukuran. Semuanya bagus-bagus aja sih om.
what is your favorite color?
My favorite is black super hard tires 😁
@@roscoechannel Me too!
Compare juga dunk antara super hard dgn maroon
Wah, ga punya ban maroon. Ban sultan itu. 😄
Ini chanel sama yah dgn chanel rosso ?
Bisa kasi tau, ban bubutn y beli dmn gan ?
Coba cek di toko online: ban bubut tamiya
mobilnya di sensor buat race besok ya gan
Jadi keuntungan pake super hard itu biar kehilangan grip pas nanjak yah, selama ini saya pikir biar pas mendarat gak terlalu bouncing
Salah satunya itu om. Jadi gak terlalu "nendang" di slope.
seharusnya jangan pake mass damper supaya lebih keliatan efek bouncingnya
Dari video tadi saya liat saat pakai ban super hard mobilnya pas mendarat habis loncat jarang kena dinding / mendarat miring. Jangan disensor dong mobilnya wkwkwk....