Repeating myself for that sweet sweet content engagement, mandatory apps are an instant no-buy. I want a game that I can play off the grid, because we eat 4+ hour outages at least once a year, but also because I find it unacceptable for a non-electronic product to be at risk of getting bricked in five years. See also, smart kitchen appliances. Similar but different issue.
Same, I am a long time computer game fan but modern games take so much control away from you with network dependencies, and old games are hard to run anymore. Board games are something I can actually own. In practice, most of them I won't want to be playing 20 years from now and it doesn't really matter if their technology is obsolete. But I want to know the ones I do want to play will still be there for me.
I'm deliberating over Oathsworn. My problem is whenever I try to watch long gameplay videos (for anything) I end up falling asleep partway through. Then I have no idea what's going on at the end. 🤪
Dear Michael, I want to add two things about Portland Occupied Zone. Thanks again for covering the misfortune that happened at Gamefound last month: Firstly, John Chambers made a huge shout out to IncelRiot in his 18th update of his Lady's Choice campaign. He talks about the cencorship of both the Kickstarter and the Gamefound campaign and encourages people to stop making things harder for IncelRiot. I recently discovered that the game had a ingiegogo campaign in November 2021 with 181 Backers. Secondly the game can be preordered in the IncelRiot online shop for $98 at the moment, so everyone who was interested in the game/Gamefound campaign can get it there. Sincerly Yours jankenmaster
So spirit Island just updated with more add-ons, so you basically mix and match what you want. The reason they state in the update why they wanted limited add-ons was because of supply chains, specifically in European, Australian,and New Zealand regions. They go on to say that those areas will get those add-on with their pledge they picked. Everyone else gets them when they become available. I am getting all of it, but that being said, while they go into detail about the new expansion, they don't go into anything else about the base game or anything else specifically. So if I never played Spirit Island before, I wouldn't even know what I was getting if I got just the core box. Personally I played the game and its fantastic, but I don't have a copy myself, so I want to get all of it. Also backer kit just sucks as a crowdfunding site right now, its like their experimenting with new stuff, but updates coming based on the backer count makes no sense. Their site looks like a newbie software developer made it from scratch, and screwed it up.
I just snap to "nope" when I see something has a required app. I don't mind paying for a companion app to improve my immersion or lower my workload, but I don't want to be forced to use an app to have the game function at its most basic level. And what if said game is a collection keeper? Will that app be around in 25 years when I want to feel the glory of my youth again??
Thanks for the shout out on Drill Bit Dwarfs KOA! Anything you need just let us know. We can send you some copies to review and for a giveaway to your gorgeous subscribers!
Warcrow is working in solo, the dev just replied they did not talk about 1 to 4 players as solo mode is just a one play plays 4 characters against the app. Instead of a 2 to 4 character difficulty
Also, was very surprised to see the Oathsworn pledges were so reasonably priced. I expected them to jump up by at least $100 more. Btw, sorry for the out of order comments. I usually watch your entire video in one go, but I jump around sometimes haha
On Gamefound, you just need to click on the item in the add-ons part of the page to bring up a description and photos. The exact same way the stretch goals section works.
Ah good point! Yeah *all* info shouldn't be hidden there. I actually saw people ask about it in the comments which made me go look as I didn't know either so seems a group of customers at the very least are missing out on that info.
What?! 6 days til DMD? Can't wait! I missed the first campaign and often debated with myself and my partner if the stretch goal box was worth $300, so I'm hoping they include past content too (as some rumors have said they would). Here's to hoping 🥂 Thanks for the awesome news as always, King. :)
Hey. I wasn't sure which video to put this on, but I just received the Fantasy Series 1 miniatures from Blacklist Games via QML's additional fee to get paid up. I know you have a few videos about Blacklist Games. I haven't seen one about their latest Gamefound campaign for Lasting Tales. Unfortunately, I wasn't keeping up with the news and backed that one last January 2022. What are your thoughts on Lasting Tales actually being fulfilled? Comments are turned off on GF but there is an update from 12/26/22 that says they are still working on it and it's not a scam....I'm not holding my breath, though, since I never saw the PDFs for it either. And the update says "The PDF was released to backers who were to receive the digital copy for free in their pledges, but the physical book has not been printed." I never got it. Also. "I haven't received the PDF of Lasting Tales for some reason. Ok, so this is a tough one. I was not the one who uploaded it to DriveThru RPG or did any of the backend to it, but I will figure it out. By the next update (sometime in January), I should have this sorted out and will get back to those who still need it."
There are pictures of the painted miniatures, they are hidden well behind the „Core Miniatures“ and „Deathclaw… Miniatures“ Banners you scrolled past. They look quite nice painted. But right now there is not enough KS exclusive contend to justify spending 44€ on shipping and waiting 1,5 years.
For Escape from New York it's a Gamefound thing I believe. I have seen other publishers do similar because Gamefound allows you to outline the details of expansions more when you click on an add-on or pledge level. So the details about those are included their. My hope would be they put the details in an update. We are currently backing but want to see more gameplay.
I was suuuuuper reluctant to the mandatory app of Warcrow until I played the demo and the Corvus staff (in fact, one of the guys taking care of the AI) explained to me what the reasons and possibilities of the app were. Now I’m hyped to see what they come up with the app. The map has been a high criticism point and they’ve said in the comments that they are considering reworking it after feedback.
Yep anytime their is a required app I never back. Like I am even going through Oathsworne right now and haven't used the Story app, Ive been reading just from the book. Something about the apps just takes me out of the Board game experience and puts me into a vid game experience, and if I wanted to be playing a vid game I would be.
Gotta say pagination is a lot better then kickstarter load more, get a new url to reference, works with back button, won't lose place. That load more button loads the same comments multiple times if you're not careful and takes forever to get them all loaded.
That's true you do get those things. But end of the day hard page loads like that aren't ideal (not on KS load more either). Infinite scroll has been around for well over a decade now.
@@TheKingofAverage If it is designed as a full page load when you click the enumeration and not cached in the browser and loaded through AJAX I suppose I agree. I despise infinite and dynamic scroll for anything but casual browsing. Content should be easily found and referenced, not be pseudo random based on the day. Static content on infinite scroll is fine.
Warcrow the Boardgame, I thought initially, was supposed to be out before the Skirmish game, as sort of an intro. Now, it'll be out long after the skirmish, so it's sort of odd. Then they have the App, which is a turn off. But, the other thing is the usual "it's going to retail, so do I pay Retail+ Shipping to get KS exclusives, or do I just wait and buy the retail one at a discount with free shipping". The dwarf is a woman, so she has no beard. :) The mini's are representative of the various factions in skirmish, so they may not line up with archetypes as much as normal. The elf isn't just "elven ranger", it's representative of the elven nation. Same with ork and dwarf and stuff. Blue race is from Ork land I think, but not sure. There's been a ton of video's giving background but I didn't watch all of them because I was waiting for the campaign.
Im hyped with the new magicians added to the kickstart! the one with the bird ❤️ and the other , the super powered kid who has to deal with his fears (ishmail)
More RPG’s! They’ve gone crazy huge now. Kids on Bikes 2nd edition is a big one also on the KickStarter right now. And just after hits with Old Gods of Appalachia, Household (now without CMON), Mothership, Bladerunner, Avatar, Hyperborea. The Hasbro retail bundle from Renegade is also a sign. Power Rangers, GIJoe, Transformers and My Little Pony. There’s so much I think I’m just collecting my favourite worlds. There’s no way to campaign them all! I’ll be looking out for a Macross, and Ghost in the Shell rpg now. While I’m here, I wouldn’t mind seeing a SpongeBob, Adventure time, Fraggle Rock, Lego, Steven Universe and Masters of the Universe RPG’s!
Looking forward to our own launch of the Hidden Leaders expansion next week. Fingers crossed. Also need to take a lool at Genpai, it looks awesome. Apart from that my budget is gone since I pledged for Oathsworn xD
oooh nice! What'd you get for Oathsworn. It's nice that it's a "safe back" in that it's an already well reviewed and established product. IMO it makes spending the money a bit easier.
Hi King, regarding Oatsworn. It looks like it is a straight reprint from the original campaign with no gameplay addition. I was under the impression kickstarter rules required gameplay addition for iterative campaigns. You probably know more about this.
Yeah I actually had a chat about that very thing! Turns out we've been right for years: Kickstarter selectively enforces rules based on what you're doing. All Oathsworn is doing is making KS more money so they don't mind. If some small time creator or new creator or creator with a bad history tried then they'd apply the rule. That is, the rule is used as needed, more than enforced universally. Also of note, KS is under new leadership with a new CEO and we've yet to see the full extent of what that means.
Have you checked out the Hassan campaign for the return of heroscape I would be very interested in your feelings on this campaign and the game in general
Glad QML is stepping up to make fulfillment of FS1 possible, but still waiting anxiously to see exactly how much BLGs complete mismanagement of this project is going to cost us.
You thought the price didn't go up as much? The core game with miniatures went from €180 to €280 for us in Europe. Excluding shipping of course. Cheaper to make, 60% price increase, no 1st ks secret box, no stretch goals. SUUUUUURE "didn't increase as much as I thought". They went batshit greedy.
I assume you're including VAT and such? Prices went up ~$25 for standee and ~$50 for miniatures. Considering Oathsworn is often hailed as 'the last great deal on KS' thanks to it's insane original pricing this was actually not as big of a jump as I thought we'd see. As for stretch goals, you're getting a whole KS worth of stretch goals, they just aren't adding more on top of those already included now. Oathsworn 1 was hit by the VAT changes same as most back then that took a while to deliver and it almost closed their entire business. I can understand why they'd not want to deal with that again.
Have you been keeping up with the Jurassic World Miniatures game? They've been doing really weird things like sending fake updates about shipping several months ago, actually sent one prototype by mistake then just disappeared with everyone's money and won't respond to any backers. At least Blacklist are being honest about it.
I certainly understand the benefits of an app based game, but those benefits are handled 1000% better by just playing a video game. I play board games for the social aspect, which means streamlined rules (instead of the things that need to be micro managed by an app) and no hunching over a single screen. I not against app based games I just haven't found an interesting enough reason to ever engage with one or an enjoyable way to do so yet. For one thing the industry as a whole needs to find a better way to interact with an app, if nothing else my entire group should be able to connect from their own devices rather than having to crowd in front of or pass around someone's tablet.
Yep, rest of the world get screwed up... When they do ship to Brazil, not only it's very expansive, as it will probably be charged 60% of import tax, that is calculated with the price of the goods PLUS shipping... It becomes very, very expansive for us. Neverthelees, that's the way it goes. Shpping down here is expansive and not that reliable and then taxes, all of it are outside the publisher's responsability or even outside their autonomy to make changes. For instance, I was really interested in Oathsworn and many other crowdfunding games lately, but they will not ship it to Brazil.
Spirit Island is my favorite game, ans I was excited for the expansion, but the handling of the campaign has someone dampened my enthusiasm. They have fixed some of my apprehension over the campaign by offering add-ons to countries that have trouble getting certain products for a reasonable price, which is really nice of them to address, and while Backerkit is nice in that it is more navigable than other crowdfunders, but it still has a lot of teething problems. The pages look like dull newsletters, and the community page is clunky to use, and the whole achievement system is just awful. I miss the old daily updates giving us a bit of content details every day like they did with Jagged Earth. It was much, much better at sustaining hype than a clunky, overly artificial, sliding achievement system that can mean going days without any info about what we are buying because we fell just shy of an arbitrary goal. Backerkit apparently wanted Nature Incarnate to be the guinea pig for this system and so far it is really a weight around the campaign's neck, so I hope GTG got something good in return for being a test subject.
Your criticism of BackerKit looking like an old website is so spot on! It's so meh. The Spirit Island campaign is also kind of meh. Seeing the list of Spirtis - TO BE ANNOUNCED is lame.
BackerKit website design is horrid. Functionality isn't much better. The Spirit Island campaign is a horrible value. Pretty much all that matters will be at retail and for cheaper.
Not only is Oathsworn reasonably priced, the shipping is extremely fair as well. Spirit Island campaign is so sloppy. What is going ON with these lately. CMON doing the bare minimum. GTG has run 3 crowdfunding campaigns now for Spirit Island. They should know better. And speaking of that campaign, it seems more and more companies seek this interest free loan for a print run that will in return provide a product that will be more expensive to their backers. Not sure how anyone can back that and not feel like it’s a slap to the face. There’s no incentive to back that thing, other than earlier delivery.
Agreed! It's just funding more retail for them. They can't even be bothered to put in an "$xx off MSRP" sign which says A LOT about what kind of savings is actually there.
It's interesting how much physical parts you get still with the app. Seems they just include the rules in the app instead of printing them out more than actually digitize components.
2-player Spirit Island is a blast for me to play, great game IMO…but I find it ugly AF (art, graphic design, components, symbols…), not only ugly but visually laking cohession. In fact I think it hits table less often because it’s not visually appealing. Enough to make me consider making a whole re-skin of the whole game myself.
Warcrow I was interested in until I watched the gameplay and heard the storytelling. Storytelling seemed seriously amateur writing. Art I liked some of but the start white borders looked terrible. Nothing about it seemed grimdark. I went with Oathsworn. Every part of it looked better.
Love Corvus Belli's miniatures and Dungeon Crawls but as soon as they say 'app-driven' I am out! I refuse to buy any game that require an app, no matter how much it interests me.
Re: Spirit Island, why TF would i need to know the designers' pronouns? have people been mis-gendering THEM in the comment section? a little full of themselves. i guess they have been successful doing what they're doing though
@@timraley8299 it doesn't humanize them it distances them from those that don't want to be a part of their groupthink. are you sure it's ok to call them "themselves?"
@@SexyGandalf89 because it's my language and i have 3 kids growing up getting their gender and sexuality questioned in grade school. i don't like to support woke companies. why do you care enough to complain about me?
the dorklord have won a free copy of boglins !!! yes got the perfect answer on guessing game... wwhhatt I'm that old .. age don't count when you're immortal !!!! mouhahaha
Yeah didn’t care about Oathsworn first time round so no thx. From what I remember it was a bunch of choose your own adventure txt then have a boss fight, meh!
Deep Madness expansion campaign is ongoing right now. Worth a mention.
Repeating myself for that sweet sweet content engagement, mandatory apps are an instant no-buy. I want a game that I can play off the grid, because we eat 4+ hour outages at least once a year, but also because I find it unacceptable for a non-electronic product to be at risk of getting bricked in five years. See also, smart kitchen appliances. Similar but different issue.
Why do you have outages? I got up to a cabin once a year so need to be able to unplug from that so those are no goes there for instance.
Same, I am a long time computer game fan but modern games take so much control away from you with network dependencies, and old games are hard to run anymore. Board games are something I can actually own. In practice, most of them I won't want to be playing 20 years from now and it doesn't really matter if their technology is obsolete. But I want to know the ones I do want to play will still be there for me.
I'm deliberating over Oathsworn. My problem is whenever I try to watch long gameplay videos (for anything) I end up falling asleep partway through. Then I have no idea what's going on at the end. 🤪
Dear Michael,
I want to add two things about Portland Occupied Zone. Thanks again for covering the misfortune that happened at Gamefound last month:
Firstly, John Chambers made a huge shout out to IncelRiot in his 18th update of his Lady's Choice campaign. He talks about the cencorship of both the Kickstarter and the Gamefound campaign and encourages people to stop making things harder for IncelRiot. I recently discovered that the game had a ingiegogo campaign in November 2021 with 181 Backers.
Secondly the game can be preordered in the IncelRiot online shop for $98 at the moment, so everyone who was interested in the game/Gamefound campaign can get it there.
Sincerly Yours
So spirit Island just updated with more add-ons, so you basically mix and match what you want. The reason they state in the update why they wanted limited add-ons was because of supply chains, specifically in European, Australian,and New Zealand regions. They go on to say that those areas will get those add-on with their pledge they picked. Everyone else gets them when they become available.
I am getting all of it, but that being said, while they go into detail about the new expansion, they don't go into anything else about the base game or anything else specifically. So if I never played Spirit Island before, I wouldn't even know what I was getting if I got just the core box. Personally I played the game and its fantastic, but I don't have a copy myself, so I want to get all of it.
Also backer kit just sucks as a crowdfunding site right now, its like their experimenting with new stuff, but updates coming based on the backer count makes no sense. Their site looks like a newbie software developer made it from scratch, and screwed it up.
hah quite true! :D
I just snap to "nope" when I see something has a required app. I don't mind paying for a companion app to improve my immersion or lower my workload, but I don't want to be forced to use an app to have the game function at its most basic level. And what if said game is a collection keeper? Will that app be around in 25 years when I want to feel the glory of my youth again??
Thanks for the shout out on Drill Bit Dwarfs KOA! Anything you need just let us know. We can send you some copies to review and for a giveaway to your gorgeous subscribers!
Indeed I am one of those that dismissed Warcrow because of the App requirement. I just prefer not to have phones/Apps at the gaming table at all.
Warcrow is working in solo, the dev just replied they did not talk about 1 to 4 players as solo mode is just a one play plays 4 characters against the app. Instead of a 2 to 4 character difficulty
Also, was very surprised to see the Oathsworn pledges were so reasonably priced. I expected them to jump up by at least $100 more.
Btw, sorry for the out of order comments. I usually watch your entire video in one go, but I jump around sometimes haha
Thanks for the shout out on Deep Shelf! If anyone has questions about the game, I would be happy to answer them!
On Gamefound, you just need to click on the item in the add-ons part of the page to bring up a description and photos.
The exact same way the stretch goals section works.
Ah good point! Yeah *all* info shouldn't be hidden there. I actually saw people ask about it in the comments which made me go look as I didn't know either so seems a group of customers at the very least are missing out on that info.
What?! 6 days til DMD? Can't wait! I missed the first campaign and often debated with myself and my partner if the stretch goal box was worth $300, so I'm hoping they include past content too (as some rumors have said they would). Here's to hoping 🥂
Thanks for the awesome news as always, King. :)
It is not worth $300, not even $100 for the actual content it has. If you have the retail stuff, then it is a complete game.
WarCrow! 🔥🔥🔥 All in!!
Hey. I wasn't sure which video to put this on, but I just received the Fantasy Series 1 miniatures from Blacklist Games via QML's additional fee to get paid up. I know you have a few videos about Blacklist Games. I haven't seen one about their latest Gamefound campaign for Lasting Tales. Unfortunately, I wasn't keeping up with the news and backed that one last January 2022. What are your thoughts on Lasting Tales actually being fulfilled? Comments are turned off on GF but there is an update from 12/26/22 that says they are still working on it and it's not a scam....I'm not holding my breath, though, since I never saw the PDFs for it either. And the update says "The PDF was released to backers who were to receive the digital copy for free in their pledges, but the physical book has not been printed." I never got it.
Also. "I haven't received the PDF of Lasting Tales for some reason.
Ok, so this is a tough one. I was not the one who uploaded it to DriveThru RPG or did any of the backend to it, but I will figure it out. By the next update (sometime in January), I should have this sorted out and will get back to those who still need it."
There are pictures of the painted miniatures, they are hidden well behind the „Core Miniatures“ and „Deathclaw… Miniatures“ Banners you scrolled past. They look quite nice painted. But right now there is not enough KS exclusive contend to justify spending 44€ on shipping and waiting 1,5 years.
Just to let you know The Thinning Veil launches in just less than a week. Hope you join us on the journey.
For Escape from New York it's a Gamefound thing I believe. I have seen other publishers do similar because Gamefound allows you to outline the details of expansions more when you click on an add-on or pledge level. So the details about those are included their. My hope would be they put the details in an update. We are currently backing but want to see more gameplay.
oooh good idea!
I was suuuuuper reluctant to the mandatory app of Warcrow until I played the demo and the Corvus staff (in fact, one of the guys taking care of the AI) explained to me what the reasons and possibilities of the app were. Now I’m hyped to see what they come up with the app.
The map has been a high criticism point and they’ve said in the comments that they are considering reworking it after feedback.
You're talking about Blacklist miniatures, any update about Streetmasters? Will it ever be delivered do you think?
Have you heard anything new from Mythic, its seems to have been pretty much radio silence for the past 3 or 4 months.
Yep anytime their is a required app I never back. Like I am even going through Oathsworne right now and haven't used the Story app, Ive been reading just from the book. Something about the apps just takes me out of the Board game experience and puts me into a vid game experience, and if I wanted to be playing a vid game I would be.
For Warcrow: the Dwarf is a female and the female in armor is a cleric.
Man you can never tell these days hardly.
Gotta say pagination is a lot better then kickstarter load more, get a new url to reference, works with back button, won't lose place. That load more button loads the same comments multiple times if you're not careful and takes forever to get them all loaded.
That's true you do get those things. But end of the day hard page loads like that aren't ideal (not on KS load more either). Infinite scroll has been around for well over a decade now.
@@TheKingofAverage If it is designed as a full page load when you click the enumeration and not cached in the browser and loaded through AJAX I suppose I agree. I despise infinite and dynamic scroll for anything but casual browsing. Content should be easily found and referenced, not be pseudo random based on the day.
Static content on infinite scroll is fine.
Warcrow the Boardgame, I thought initially, was supposed to be out before the Skirmish game, as sort of an intro. Now, it'll be out long after the skirmish, so it's sort of odd. Then they have the App, which is a turn off.
But, the other thing is the usual "it's going to retail, so do I pay Retail+ Shipping to get KS exclusives, or do I just wait and buy the retail one at a discount with free shipping".
The dwarf is a woman, so she has no beard. :)
The mini's are representative of the various factions in skirmish, so they may not line up with archetypes as much as normal. The elf isn't just "elven ranger", it's representative of the elven nation. Same with ork and dwarf and stuff. Blue race is from Ork land I think, but not sure. There's been a ton of video's giving background but I didn't watch all of them because I was waiting for the campaign.
Im hyped with the new magicians added to the kickstart! the one with the bird ❤️ and the other , the super powered kid who has to deal with his fears (ishmail)
More RPG’s! They’ve gone crazy huge now. Kids on Bikes 2nd edition is a big one also on the KickStarter right now.
And just after hits with Old Gods of Appalachia, Household (now without CMON), Mothership, Bladerunner, Avatar, Hyperborea.
The Hasbro retail bundle from Renegade is also a sign. Power Rangers, GIJoe, Transformers and My Little Pony.
There’s so much I think I’m just collecting my favourite worlds. There’s no way to campaign them all! I’ll be looking out for a Macross, and Ghost in the Shell rpg now.
While I’m here, I wouldn’t mind seeing a SpongeBob, Adventure time, Fraggle Rock, Lego, Steven Universe and Masters of the Universe RPG’s!
I don't even play RPG's, but really enjoy the books as neat/interesting items to read.
Looking forward to our own launch of the Hidden Leaders expansion next week. Fingers crossed. Also need to take a lool at Genpai, it looks awesome. Apart from that my budget is gone since I pledged for Oathsworn xD
oooh nice! What'd you get for Oathsworn. It's nice that it's a "safe back" in that it's an already well reviewed and established product. IMO it makes spending the money a bit easier.
@@TheKingofAverage for now I pledged for the standee version. Will have a debate with my playgroup later what we actually want/need :-D
Boglins?!?! I was thinking C:DMD would be it for me (and maybe the Thinning Veil), but Boglins may need some consideration too lol
haha it's adorable that they are back :D
Hi King, regarding Oatsworn. It looks like it is a straight reprint from the original campaign with no gameplay addition. I was under the impression kickstarter rules required gameplay addition for iterative campaigns. You probably know more about this.
Yeah I actually had a chat about that very thing!
Turns out we've been right for years: Kickstarter selectively enforces rules based on what you're doing.
All Oathsworn is doing is making KS more money so they don't mind. If some small time creator or new creator or creator with a bad history tried then they'd apply the rule.
That is, the rule is used as needed, more than enforced universally.
Also of note, KS is under new leadership with a new CEO and we've yet to see the full extent of what that means.
Have you checked out the Hassan campaign for the return of heroscape I would be very interested in your feelings on this campaign and the game in general
Glad QML is stepping up to make fulfillment of FS1 possible, but still waiting anxiously to see exactly how much BLGs complete mismanagement of this project is going to cost us.
Man what did you back recently? I was doing great, like 2 games in a month, but in September i back 4 games... Ouch
I cannot understand how an appdriven game like Warcrow doesn't have a solo mode. Is it going to be a starter set for the skirmish game?
Right? Just AI the other people or something :)
You thought the price didn't go up as much? The core game with miniatures went from €180 to €280 for us in Europe. Excluding shipping of course.
Cheaper to make, 60% price increase, no 1st ks secret box, no stretch goals. SUUUUUURE "didn't increase as much as I thought". They went batshit greedy.
I assume you're including VAT and such? Prices went up ~$25 for standee and ~$50 for miniatures. Considering Oathsworn is often hailed as 'the last great deal on KS' thanks to it's insane original pricing this was actually not as big of a jump as I thought we'd see.
As for stretch goals, you're getting a whole KS worth of stretch goals, they just aren't adding more on top of those already included now.
Oathsworn 1 was hit by the VAT changes same as most back then that took a while to deliver and it almost closed their entire business. I can understand why they'd not want to deal with that again.
Instant out when there's a required app
The Monty Python is a pretty good price. the dice come with it. look closely at the dice. there are d18, d16, d14, d30 as well as the normal ones.
Yeah good point, the dice aren't too much if you price the book same as Cowboy Bebop for instance.
Have you been keeping up with the Jurassic World Miniatures game? They've been doing really weird things like sending fake updates about shipping several months ago, actually sent one prototype by mistake then just disappeared with everyone's money and won't respond to any backers. At least Blacklist are being honest about it.
I certainly understand the benefits of an app based game, but those benefits are handled 1000% better by just playing a video game. I play board games for the social aspect, which means streamlined rules (instead of the things that need to be micro managed by an app) and no hunching over a single screen.
I not against app based games I just haven't found an interesting enough reason to ever engage with one or an enjoyable way to do so yet. For one thing the industry as a whole needs to find a better way to interact with an app, if nothing else my entire group should be able to connect from their own devices rather than having to crowd in front of or pass around someone's tablet.
Yep, rest of the world get screwed up... When they do ship to Brazil, not only it's very expansive, as it will probably be charged 60% of import tax, that is calculated with the price of the goods PLUS shipping... It becomes very, very expansive for us.
Neverthelees, that's the way it goes. Shpping down here is expansive and not that reliable and then taxes, all of it are outside the publisher's responsability or even outside their autonomy to make changes.
For instance, I was really interested in Oathsworn and many other crowdfunding games lately, but they will not ship it to Brazil.
I was looking at warcrow. Then I saw the price of whats included and instantly stepped away...
Having an app is fine, until it doesn't get updated and stops working or gets shut down.
Spirit Island is my favorite game, ans I was excited for the expansion, but the handling of the campaign has someone dampened my enthusiasm. They have fixed some of my apprehension over the campaign by offering add-ons to countries that have trouble getting certain products for a reasonable price, which is really nice of them to address, and while Backerkit is nice in that it is more navigable than other crowdfunders, but it still has a lot of teething problems. The pages look like dull newsletters, and the community page is clunky to use, and the whole achievement system is just awful.
I miss the old daily updates giving us a bit of content details every day like they did with Jagged Earth. It was much, much better at sustaining hype than a clunky, overly artificial, sliding achievement system that can mean going days without any info about what we are buying because we fell just shy of an arbitrary goal. Backerkit apparently wanted Nature Incarnate to be the guinea pig for this system and so far it is really a weight around the campaign's neck, so I hope GTG got something good in return for being a test subject.
I'm not running some random app on my phone.
Your criticism of BackerKit looking like an old website is so spot on! It's so meh. The Spirit Island campaign is also kind of meh. Seeing the list of Spirtis - TO BE ANNOUNCED is lame.
Right? That doesn't bring much excitement to see...well nothing really as they won't tell you yet. :(
BackerKit website design is horrid. Functionality isn't much better.
The Spirit Island campaign is a horrible value. Pretty much all that matters will be at retail and for cheaper.
14:39 The dwarf is clean shaven because it's a woman ;-).
If you say so :P
Gimli says all dwarves have beards, even the women ;)
Not only is Oathsworn reasonably priced, the shipping is extremely fair as well.
Spirit Island campaign is so sloppy. What is going ON with these lately. CMON doing the bare minimum. GTG has run 3 crowdfunding campaigns now for Spirit Island. They should know better.
And speaking of that campaign, it seems more and more companies seek this interest free loan for a print run that will in return provide a product that will be more expensive to their backers. Not sure how anyone can back that and not feel like it’s a slap to the face. There’s no incentive to back that thing, other than earlier delivery.
Agreed! It's just funding more retail for them. They can't even be bothered to put in an "$xx off MSRP" sign which says A LOT about what kind of savings is actually there.
App required? No thanks. App enhanced options, sure.
It's interesting how much physical parts you get still with the app. Seems they just include the rules in the app instead of printing them out more than actually digitize components.
@@TheKingofAverage I get it. For me, less face time in an app is better. And hugely, being able to play without an electronic device. Just in case.
2-player Spirit Island is a blast for me to play, great game IMO…but I find it ugly AF (art, graphic design, components, symbols…), not only ugly but visually laking cohession. In fact I think it hits table less often because it’s not visually appealing. Enough to make me consider making a whole re-skin of the whole game myself.
Warcrow I was interested in until I watched the gameplay and heard the storytelling. Storytelling seemed seriously amateur writing.
Art I liked some of but the start white borders looked terrible. Nothing about it seemed grimdark.
I went with Oathsworn. Every part of it looked better.
Corvish should be able to do better art than that. Plus the required app is a turn off.
Love Corvus Belli's miniatures and Dungeon Crawls but as soon as they say 'app-driven' I am out!
I refuse to buy any game that require an app, no matter how much it interests me.
You certainly aren't alone there.
Re: Spirit Island, why TF would i need to know the designers' pronouns? have people been mis-gendering THEM in the comment section? a little full of themselves. i guess they have been successful doing what they're doing though
It's getting much more common for crowdfunding campaigns to list developer pronouns, for better or for worse. Probably to humanize themselves more.
@@timraley8299 it doesn't humanize them it distances them from those that don't want to be a part of their groupthink. are you sure it's ok to call them "themselves?"
And wtf is a xer/xer!?
Why not?
Why do you care enough to complain about it? 😄
I look at the game, that's important to me.
@@SexyGandalf89 because it's my language and i have 3 kids growing up getting their gender and sexuality questioned in grade school. i don't like to support woke companies. why do you care enough to complain about me?
the dorklord have won a free copy of boglins !!! yes got the perfect answer on guessing game... wwhhatt I'm that old .. age don't count when you're immortal !!!! mouhahaha
haha I figured many would like the boglins :D
Yeah didn’t care about Oathsworn first time round so no thx.
From what I remember it was a bunch of choose your own adventure txt then have a boss fight, meh!
yep that's pretty much it :)