وانت ياخي لقد بعت نفسك لصهاينة كان الاسلام قوي ولم يكن هناك حثالة مثلك مويد اليهود وانشاء الله سيصبح الاسلام قوي hhhh i am a muslim love respect for morsi the presedent of egypty
shucayb abdul calling me scum wont change my opinion. I haven't sold nothing to no one. While you on the other hand have sold your brain to the media and not any media, but to your local Egyptian media wich is run by your corrupted government. Not so long ago in the middle east Muslims co-existed with Jewish and Christian people. They married from one another and lived peacefully. I against what is happening in Palestine with all the war crimes that is happening and I've found that John relatively have the same view. He is an honest man and honest men are few when the corrupt are in power.
المخرج الامريكي روبرت زيميكس تعريفة بمحلات النقاد المصرية من طارق الشناوي أو نقاد مجلة العربي الكويتية أنه المخرج الوحيد الذي لم يكرر فكرة فيا لفلام الخيال العلمي رغم صعوبتها ....بدا ب التوجيه المعنوي لحرب بيرل فارس فانتازي ولسبيلبيرح الحاجة في شكره كونه الفلم الوحيد الكوميدي للاخير مع أول انفصال عن سبيلبيرج قدم أسطورته الملونة العودة الي المستقبل مع الكندي فوكس ولم تبارح الثمانينات قدم هو والشاه قوط الامريكية فلمه الدرامي الموت يليق بها لا الاسود يليق بك .ثم قدم سبيلبيرج ديناصوراته فلحقه ب فوريست جامب اليوم وسبيلبيرج يقدم ينتمي لنوعية فلم هيوستن بلانت اوف ايبس . يعود لنا الحبيب ...مش بورقيبة انا مش من صناع الحياة .الزيمكيسي بفلم لن يقل ايراداه عن مصروفات سبيلبيرح في ريل بلاير وان مهما كان فالامريكي اليهودي صانع البهجة في اول فلم اميريك من نوعية 13 عشر رجلا غاضبا (الاختصار الكبير ) أدني وظائف الحكومة الاميريكية اسمها الاشورتينج وهو ترميز خاص لأقوال المحكمة التي يمنهع فيها امثال سبيلبيرج وزيميكس من الولج بيج شورت يقدم فيه هذا المتوسط المجتمع ستيف كارل ما نسميه نحن سينما امريكية ز يعود كارل محملا بخيبة امل عمر الشريف نفسه حيث لن يتقبله احد خصوصا من ذاق مرارة الخساؤرة وحلاوة المكسب وايلامه يجدر بنا ان نسميه اليهودي العبيط .هذا االعبيط سيقدم من خلال مزاراتنا لكل انواع الكارفرز والمولات من اول العامل للاباء للامهات لمن يستطيع شراء قطار عمو عزيز او ترام كمال الشناوي وزبيدة ثروت وغصن الزيتون اوكيكه عالعالي كما فيب فلم صلاح ذو الفقار شروق وغروب لنقل ان ريميبرس اوف الاخوان الالمان الذين تخيلوا طريقة تصوير الحيوانات المنقرضة فالفلم مبني علي رجل أو أب يقضي ليلة كاطفال أو عزاب يتخيلون هل ينبغي ان ناكل البيضة ام الفرخة طبخ طاخ طبخ طاخ تاكلوا مربي ولا فراخ ..... الوحيد الذي يمكنه فعل هذه الطبخ طاخ مع الامراء العرب بدعا من ولي عهد تفهنا العزب بلد جوز خالتي وحتي جيجي شامر بلد جوز خالتك هو زيميكس الرهان هنا وانا اتمني لو بقي معي نص فرنك ان يحيلنا زيميكسمن عالم انج ليي الروائي الممل وعالم جيمس كاميرون الاشبه بعالم احواض الزينة وعالم شركات الاحتكار مثل تشانجل بوك الي عالم افضل الصورة المبدئية التي لا يمكن ان تكون ذات بعد ثالث جميلة خصوصا انه كروائي افضل من سبيلبير ج وبالتوليف يستخدم كابة كاريل مع الاعراس وصمت الاعراس ومع فرحة كاريل ان شاء الله سيعيد التاريخ كتابة اسم زيميكس جنبا الي جنب مع اسمي في حائط فيتنام وادبحلك جوزين حمام نام نام واج
As an American, I can honestly say that one of the best things about Jon's show is how many other shows like it have appeared around the world. Hats off to all the comedians who do this important work!
unemployment at 13% what a joke! its literary impossible number before or after corona its much much higher than that, you have whole sectors gone down 13 maybe 30 or 40
"Democracy isn't democracy if it only lasts until someone makes fun of your hat" ...or your tiny hands, to choose a completely arbitrary and random example....
agogobell28 Me too. CC/Viacom won't put DVD sets out there for sale - even though the damned sponsors have been paid decades ago. So where do you go for a decent DS fix? U know where. We all know. The people who forward scary notices to your home about pirating sends you into an uncomfortable place... Oh - 'I have a bridge to sell you'. - It's called the VPN Bridge. Great.
AtOutoftheBlue Trevor is alright at best.. j Stewart was one of the best to do it .. Big shoes to fill in I suppose.. we need a j Stewart more than ever before to expose hypocrisy on both sides
The truth, and the tooth fairy too!! Maybe the Easter bunny will come and make your dumb ass life whole, along with your bye, bye dumb ass comments. GROW UP.
As a Muslim myself, I agree to what John Stewart said. Even Prophet Mohammad (peace be upon him) would smile back at people that would insult him or Islam.
Its doesn't work like this in middle east, Even Bassem Yousuf's show is now banned because he mocked Egyptian government. Morsi was liberal so Jon was able to mock him , I would like to see if Jon can mock Sisi.
***** My kind? That's racist. Just because someone does not want to embrace your Belgian way of life, are you going to insult such people? What if someone said the same thing to you, if you lived in a Muslim country?
***** Maybe you don't understand Islam well enough and base what you see on the news to what Islam is. People wish to live the way they desire, not by the laws of other people. Muslims already abide by the laws of your country, in my opinion that is enough to live there, but to tell them to embrace your way of life is wrong, because many people wish to live the way they want to live and if you force them to embrace your way of life, then how is that fair? Suppose someone forces you to embrace a different lifestyle, would you do it? I have lived in Holland for about 11 years and I really liked it there and I have been to Belgium as well, but only on vacation. I am a Muslim, but I wear clothing just like any other European person and I have never done anything to break the laws of the country I live in. I am a guy by the way. If a Muslim woman wants to cover her private parts for example and not show too much skin, then what's the problem? If you are Christian, doesn't the Churches have nuns who are completely covered? Wasn't Mother Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ (peace be upon him) covered up like a Muslim woman? I don't know exactly what your problem is, but to tell other people to embrace your lifestyle, is like telling someone to dance to your tune and we all know that no human likes to do that. My apologies if I offended you. Please keep in mind that there are a lot of good Muslims in the world, the Radicals and extremists are merely 0.0001% of the entire Islamic global population. I hate such people more than you, because they humiliate my religion, due to lack of knowledge about Islam.
Abu Huraira reported it was said to Allah's Messenger (ﷺ): Invoke curse upon the polytheists who are fighting us ,whereupon he said: I have not been sent as the invoker of curse, but" I have been sent as mercy." Reference : Sahih Muslim 2599 In-book reference : Book 45, Hadith 111 USC-MSA web (English) reference : Book 32, Hadith 6284 (deprecated numbering scheme)
The fact remains: Egyptians merely attempted to ape Tunisia, without giving as much consideration and commitment to the process as them. _Ergo.._ The results are for every well-informed critical-thinker to see. Too bad that at least the heartland, which didn't spark the OG revolution but at least turned-out to be the most-mature one to be dignified towards the electoral-process, even if that might be because their favoured candidate was in office - couldn't get to reap the fruits of its patience and to the tragic, unmentionable-brutality of the hegemonic-junta: Paid the price of losing several hundreds of their own as a retribution for peaceful-demonstrations.
i think we need to clarify something here , when we (Muslims/ Arabs)speak about Zionists we mean the unfair practices made by Israel against the unarmed Palestinians, the original owners of the land , we have no problem with Jews or Semitics or ANY race or religion ,we have concerns with the practices made by Israeli and their supporters
however, some Arabs say we are against Jews which is inaccurate and leads to this misunderstanding , because not all Jews are supporting Israel practices
I agree. But let's not lie to ourselves, anti-semitism does exist and is very entrenched in muslim countries. In my home country, there are even idioms and expressions which associate jewish people with bad things, and my country is probably one of the most tolerant ones (we have a big jewish community, etc). A lot of muslims hide behind the Israel-Palestine conflict to justify their intolerance and I find it incredibly annoying because they're using the suffering of people. Of couse, I'm not saying all muslims are like that, but it does exist. I think it's also partly because when they learn someone is jewish, they automatically assume they're going to be zionists. One last thing is that you can be against Israel's policies (which have been horrendous and tyrannic against the Palestinian people for decades) without being anti-zionist. Anti-zionists think Israel shouldn't even exist, which is a really complex issue and at this point is completely useless because they do exist, they are very developed and they are not going anywhere, realistically. The focus should be shifted towards working for a two-state solution.
Bassem Youssef was not harm by Morsi and he continued to have his show but when Sisi took over he was silenced forever and the only thing he does now is blog. lol
I guess I know what Trevor Noah can't replace him. Stewart is very visual. Rubber face, scratchy voice - he has a much broader repertoire in mimics and voices. The jokes aren't worse now, he's just funnier with his face.
Trine Langohr The daily show is been on a long time. So people feel in love with it with jon in it. I dont think there is anyone who can replace that person. I started to watch it with Trevor and i love it. I think if you like a host and he is been with you for so long no one can really replace him/her
Trine Langohr I think Trevor is definitely growing as a host, though. I bet his facial and other physics expressions are really going to improve with time! He's already getting funnier and funnier as time goes on
I think Trevor Noah is doing a very good job and brings a very interesting perspective. In my case it's just personal preference that I like Jon Stewart better.
Seeing and listening to him again really brought back some good memories.. You shaped the political ideology of an entire generation and we thank you for that
I will say, Egypt is in infancy of democracy, the French Revolution had similar problems, and fear, every revolution that overthrew its own government had a course of great troubles, the only reason America is an exception is because we were highly self-governed, because out overseeing government was a full ocean away, and as such we were already self sufficient. However since this is youtube, i recognize comments of intelligence are often ridiculed so... Penis.
How and why was the US an exception? The American revolution was instigated by the local elites who realized they'd be better off if they themselves ruled the lands rather than the British. And as far as Egypt goes, the democracy is not in infancy, the baby was aborted when the coup happened. There have been gains I believe, but with the new military strongman there is not much hope for real democracy. Why would the army wilingly cede their exorbitant privileges, when all it has to do is point to the imaginary evils of the hoards of Islamists to get Western support or blame any attack (real or staged; the college semester has been shortened in Egypt based on all the bombs etc. and no student believes the bombs are real, they're staged by the army) on the MB to villify the only organized alternative to the old regime/army?
***** Yep..you have all Americans pegged lol....We all are about guns, big cars and houses. None of us here care about world matters or the governing of our country. BTW....how is that US aid package we send working out? Everyone hates America till that check arrives.....and to echo the person above....vagina
David Eyde The aid to Egypt, second only to Israel, has two functions: the first is geostrategic, Egypt has been to a large degree an American client since Sadat. The second one is that it's a subsidy to domestic high-tech military industry- Egypt is obliged to buy American-produced weaponry etc. with a certain amount of the 'aid'. The aid is not humanitarian in nature, the US gives notoriously small amounts in international aid per capita compared to other rich countries.
America was not an exception because America never had a true revolution. Our ruling class (the founding fathers) were for the most part wealthy, slave owning, landed elites from backgrounds of relative privilege who did nothing to relieve the suffering of the farmers, the laborers, the blacks, women, or native Americans. It’s like saying that Athens and Greece had the first democracy when the only people that could vote were land owning wealthy men.
lina adam Ok let me rephrase this: All people i know wo claim to be anti-zionists are in fact anti-semits. Jews who i know just criticise the government of israel - they don't use the term anti-something at all.
lina adam Yeah but thats stupid. For example critisising the US government is not anti-americanism. If someone states that he is anti-america, than his feelings go deeper than just critisism. I have made the same experience with anti-zionists. Maybe you are different. But people who consider themself anti-something usually feel irrational hate against this something.
Haha! True THAT, Mr @@justinhamilton8647. But for whatever it's worth: At least unlike the good ol' sanctimonious commenters found at every nook-&-corner at every waking-moment, at least their display-name is well-suited. 👌🏾👌🏾👌🏾
I'm Jewish and I'm pretty dismayed at the rift that politics has created between our two (Semitic) peoples. When I see messages like this of solidarity between Jews and Arabs, it really gives me hope. Thank you.
I was in a Jordan police-cell with 16 Egyptians who worked illigally in Jordan for 3 months (tourist visa), send the money to egypt, get themselves arrested and driven back to egypt. Nice people overall. =)
+107490099452231741802 he would never do that ... Of course only god judges people but i would never let any one mock christans or jews there should be red lines we should respect beliefs :)
_i would never let any one mock christans or jews there should be red lines we should respect beliefs_ Ah huh. Freedom of speech isn't a big thing where you are, huh?
L1ttleT3d no i meant say offensif things and hurt people's feeling ... Of course every one has the right to say what he thinks but don't hurt people ...
He’s getting an hour long current topic show on Apple TV!! I’ll be pirating since Apple TV isn’t available where I’m now residing, but I’m looking forward to finally seeing the man I grew up with from 2001-2015 :)
This is one of his best segments of his later years. So many great lines. I don't know how much of it was Stewart and how much of it was the writing team, but he was just ON.
The often borderline irrational hatred (or fear) of the Muslim Brotherhood, which seems to me to be a conservative democratic party committed to nonviolence and parliamentary means, seems also very strong in Egyptian society amongst the secularists and liberals. A large part of it has to be that it was vilified and outlawed for a long time and also possibly it has been very successful with running programs for the poor etc. But is there any evidence it is not democratic, even just in rhetoric?
TheSpiritOfTheTimes They didn't address the country's problems and just went ahead with their pet project of reforming thing along religious grounds. This on the one hand included moves to boost Islam in institutions such as the law and on the other to marginalise non Muslims such as the Coptic Christians... This doesn't validate a coup but they were leading the country down a dark road.
TheSpiritOfTheTimes There is not single example that MB is not democratic, they are in so many countries, they are all democratic, Its only propaganda that they are not democratic.
I respect your way of speaking honest and straight forward. Also do I agree in most of the points you are making. Some of it I may have another viewpoint on, but your arguments of these things are valid as well. I thank you for your answer and hope and pray for a better future in Egypt and the whole Middle East. I wish the majority were like you in that zone (Middle East) Peace out
I look up to John Stewart since I was a teenager, he have influenced most of my views. I was sad when he quit the show but Travis is carrying his legacy property. Its still my favorite show. Thank you for fighting so hard behalf of honesty.
Jon Stewart has been a great human being before anything else. for the justice and enlightenment he possesses within himself he will always be loved for his work during the previous 16 years at the Daily Show.
People have to know that morsi came in very hard time when there were chaos, turbulence, big debts and conflict between the sects, actually, I think morsi should have been tougher to run this country. But I want ask the world what about Elsisi, Is Egypt is better place now🙂? What Jon and Bassem did not understand is no fascist contry can be totally democratic so fast, baby steps is what we needed not comedy.
A recent report commissioned by the Human Rights Watch (HRW) has exposed the extremities of working conditions, described as something similar to labour camp conditions. In its report findings, construction workers were regularly exposed to long hours of work (up to 12 hours per day with one day’s holiday per week) during times of extreme heat and with very few breaks to compensate.
+Rascal Of Joy Have you visited the Pergamon Museum in Berlin? the Ishtar Gate is one of the most fascinating and impressiv pieces of antic architecture.
MrThelaxsoc no actually Egypt was but the reason why people don’t know that is because Egypt had 2 civilizations that were at war then combined and became Egypt
First principles: follow the conflict to its root cause. The US is involved in the Middle East for two reasons:1. Oil 2. The Jewry of Israel. The US took over the role of power broker in the mid-east from the French and British after WW2 and has dictated the power structure of many countries through political, economic and military manipulation. I come from a country that was conquered and exploited by the British through division for circa 800 years, while my people died and were imprisoned for daring to revolt. I say pull out and let the whole region burn. Let the chips fall as they may. US citizens, do not let your gov send your sons and daughters to die in an effort to conquer oil and land/influence for Jews. Your kins blood is fertilising enough deserts already.
Zionism is just a Jewish version of the Islamic and Christian equivalent. Why it should get no flack or should be put on a pedestal before others is baffling to me :\
It tickles me that despite all of the problems these countries are facing their leaders find it more important to go after opposition. How's this gonna work?
Jon Stewart is incorrect on one count: Morsi never had the army. Neither did he have the police, the entrenched Mubarak-era elites, and especially the judiciary. But since he and the Muslim Brotherhood thought it most prudent not to engage in a confrontation with the army, he lost the support of the revolutionaries. The Muslim Brotherhood didn't even have adequate control of its own supporters- some were part of a more progressive wing, while the Brotherhood was mostly headed by religious conservatives. The brotherhood attempted to maintain cohesion, at the expense of political alliances either with the reactionary Salafis (whose more extreme Islamist stances rivaled the Brotherhood) or the more secular parties. Essentially, for all the accusations and boogeyman labels on the MB and its FJP, they never really stood a chance, despite significant - and even dominant- election results in 2005 and 2012 (parliamentary, later annulled arbitrarily by the judiciary, plus presidential)
Bassem didn't go to jail even for a day when morsi was there .. still you hear nothing from him about what sisi doing .. i think bassem wasnt the sound of truth afterall !!
@@ahmedhady6093 what bad he was at was he bad when he made cooperative studyed plan with Japan to improve the railway system and then it was rejected after the coup or when he saved the women and children of Gaza and stopped the zionist aggression in 7 days yeah tell me what the fcck he was bad at
"We should know, we still have the receipts!"
Great line, Jon!!
sunnykaykay Great line, Bill Hicks, you mean?
it;s a Bill Hicks joke
I am a Muslim and I respect and love John I wish we had this level of honesty and entertainment in our countries.
+Nasser Harbi I think all countries, including the US now, could use more like Jon Stewart. We should start a cloning program.
Neenjah Rammus lol.
Adam Sawiris Give at least one reason. Or is it because you feel so?
وانت ياخي لقد بعت نفسك لصهاينة كان الاسلام قوي ولم يكن هناك حثالة مثلك مويد اليهود وانشاء الله سيصبح الاسلام قوي hhhh i am a muslim love respect for morsi the presedent of egypty
shucayb abdul calling me scum wont change my opinion. I haven't sold nothing to no one. While you on the other hand have sold your brain to the media and not any media, but to your local Egyptian media wich is run by your corrupted government. Not so long ago in the middle east Muslims co-existed with Jewish and Christian people. They married from one another and lived peacefully. I against what is happening in Palestine with all the war crimes that is happening and I've found that John relatively have the same view. He is an honest man and honest men are few when the corrupt are in power.
A government that can be shaken by laughter is a very weak government.
المخرج الامريكي روبرت زيميكس تعريفة بمحلات النقاد المصرية من طارق الشناوي أو نقاد مجلة العربي الكويتية أنه المخرج الوحيد الذي لم يكرر فكرة فيا لفلام الخيال العلمي رغم صعوبتها ....بدا ب التوجيه المعنوي لحرب بيرل فارس فانتازي ولسبيلبيرح الحاجة في شكره كونه الفلم الوحيد الكوميدي للاخير مع أول انفصال عن سبيلبيرج قدم أسطورته الملونة العودة الي المستقبل مع الكندي فوكس ولم تبارح الثمانينات قدم هو والشاه قوط الامريكية فلمه الدرامي الموت يليق بها لا الاسود يليق بك .ثم قدم سبيلبيرج ديناصوراته فلحقه ب فوريست جامب اليوم وسبيلبيرج يقدم ينتمي لنوعية فلم هيوستن بلانت اوف ايبس . يعود لنا الحبيب ...مش بورقيبة انا مش من صناع الحياة .الزيمكيسي بفلم لن يقل ايراداه عن مصروفات سبيلبيرح في ريل بلاير وان مهما كان فالامريكي اليهودي صانع البهجة في اول فلم اميريك من نوعية 13 عشر رجلا غاضبا (الاختصار الكبير ) أدني وظائف الحكومة الاميريكية اسمها الاشورتينج وهو ترميز خاص لأقوال المحكمة التي يمنهع فيها امثال سبيلبيرج وزيميكس من الولج بيج شورت يقدم فيه هذا المتوسط المجتمع ستيف كارل ما نسميه نحن سينما امريكية ز يعود كارل محملا بخيبة امل عمر الشريف نفسه حيث لن يتقبله احد خصوصا من ذاق مرارة الخساؤرة وحلاوة المكسب وايلامه يجدر بنا ان نسميه اليهودي العبيط .هذا االعبيط سيقدم من خلال مزاراتنا لكل انواع الكارفرز والمولات من اول العامل للاباء للامهات لمن يستطيع شراء قطار عمو عزيز او ترام كمال الشناوي وزبيدة ثروت وغصن الزيتون اوكيكه عالعالي كما فيب فلم صلاح ذو الفقار شروق وغروب لنقل ان ريميبرس اوف الاخوان الالمان الذين تخيلوا طريقة تصوير الحيوانات المنقرضة فالفلم مبني علي رجل أو أب يقضي ليلة كاطفال أو عزاب يتخيلون هل ينبغي ان ناكل البيضة ام الفرخة
طبخ طاخ
طبخ طاخ تاكلوا مربي ولا فراخ .....
الوحيد الذي يمكنه فعل هذه الطبخ طاخ مع الامراء العرب بدعا من ولي عهد تفهنا العزب بلد جوز خالتي وحتي جيجي شامر بلد جوز خالتك هو زيميكس الرهان هنا وانا اتمني لو بقي معي نص فرنك ان يحيلنا زيميكسمن عالم انج ليي الروائي الممل وعالم جيمس كاميرون الاشبه بعالم احواض الزينة وعالم شركات الاحتكار مثل تشانجل بوك الي عالم افضل الصورة المبدئية التي لا يمكن ان تكون ذات بعد ثالث جميلة خصوصا انه كروائي افضل من سبيلبير ج وبالتوليف يستخدم كابة كاريل مع الاعراس وصمت الاعراس ومع فرحة كاريل ان شاء الله سيعيد التاريخ كتابة اسم زيميكس جنبا الي جنب مع اسمي في حائط فيتنام وادبحلك جوزين حمام نام نام واج
A people that can laugh are a strong people.
Fox news go bye bye.
Indeed. #example #Trump #Erdogan #BerndsAFD #I‘mrlytooldtoknowhowhashtagswork
@@salahrapie2848 That didn't make any sense, but that's probably an idiomatic failing in the translation
First time I’ve heard that intro in a really long time. Makes me feel all sorts of nostalgia. Such simpler times.
nothing changed really.
As an American, I can honestly say that one of the best things about Jon's show is how many other shows like it have appeared around the world. Hats off to all the comedians who do this important work!
"Egypt what a mess, unemployment at 13%" wow, and in June 2020 we're seeing 13% unemployment as a GOOD thing
Cause that's after corona dumbass.
@@eyadahmed6578 And? You still pad yourself on the back for that number. Or at least your President does if one believes his tweets
@andrew miller Yeah? Well in Egypt there was a revolution so his comparaison is valid.
unemployment at 13% what a joke! its literary impossible number before or after corona its much much higher than that, you have whole sectors gone down 13 maybe 30 or 40
Actully 7.5% now
"Democracy isn't democracy if it only lasts until someone makes fun of your hat" ...or your tiny hands, to choose a completely arbitrary and random example....
And guess what, no matter how much you hate Trump, the wheels on the democracy train are still rolling three years later 🤷🏼♂️
@@danielmoore9000 Just a lot slower than they used to, to the point where it can feel like someone is throwing sticks and stones in their path.
@@danielmoore9000 lmao this comment didn't really age well did it?
@@danielmoore9000 your friends tried to overthrow democracy in your own capitol.
No matter where I am on the internet, I'll always end up watching Jon in the end.
The "Mocking President's hat and less than fluent English" link to Bush was genius!
Fuck, I miss Jon.
hell yes
but though
trevor is delivering it
+skepticalguy i agree
Me too.
CC/Viacom won't put DVD sets out there for sale - even though the damned sponsors have been paid decades ago.
So where do you go for a decent DS fix? U know where. We all know.
The people who forward scary notices to your home about pirating sends you into an uncomfortable place...
Oh - 'I have a bridge to sell you'. - It's called the VPN Bridge.
agogobell28 Trevor Noah isn't that bad.
AtOutoftheBlue Trevor is alright at best.. j Stewart was one of the best to do it .. Big shoes to fill in I suppose.. we need a j Stewart more than ever before to expose hypocrisy on both sides
Who knew after 10 years, bassem will destroy P Morgan on television.
We all miss Bassem .. The guy who made the smile on each face of every Egyptian .. Bassem is The leader of smile
I wish fox news would go bye bye
You're defending the news network that got Politifact's lie of the year twice?
The truth, and the tooth fairy too!! Maybe the Easter bunny will come and make your dumb ass life whole, along with your bye, bye dumb ass comments. GROW UP.
that's my dream
Yeah they are liars. But you do not understand freedom of speech at all.
Don't we all
As a Muslim myself, I agree to what John Stewart said. Even Prophet Mohammad (peace be upon him) would smile back at people that would insult him or Islam.
Its doesn't work like this in middle east, Even Bassem Yousuf's show is now banned because he mocked Egyptian government. Morsi was liberal so Jon was able to mock him , I would like to see if Jon can mock Sisi.
ghoi bsg lol
***** My kind? That's racist. Just because someone does not want to embrace your Belgian way of life, are you going to insult such people? What if someone said the same thing to you, if you lived in a Muslim country?
***** Maybe you don't understand Islam well enough and base what you see on the news to what Islam is. People wish to live the way they desire, not by the laws of other people. Muslims already abide by the laws of your country, in my opinion that is enough to live there, but to tell them to embrace your way of life is wrong, because many people wish to live the way they want to live and if you force them to embrace your way of life, then how is that fair? Suppose someone forces you to embrace a different lifestyle, would you do it?
I have lived in Holland for about 11 years and I really liked it there and I have been to Belgium as well, but only on vacation. I am a Muslim, but I wear clothing just like any other European person and I have never done anything to break the laws of the country I live in. I am a guy by the way.
If a Muslim woman wants to cover her private parts for example and not show too much skin, then what's the problem? If you are Christian, doesn't the Churches have nuns who are completely covered? Wasn't Mother Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ (peace be upon him) covered up like a Muslim woman?
I don't know exactly what your problem is, but to tell other people to embrace your lifestyle, is like telling someone to dance to your tune and we all know that no human likes to do that. My apologies if I offended you. Please keep in mind that there are a lot of good Muslims in the world, the Radicals and extremists are merely 0.0001% of the entire Islamic global population. I hate such people more than you, because they humiliate my religion, due to lack of knowledge about Islam.
Abu Huraira reported it was said to Allah's Messenger (ﷺ):
Invoke curse upon the polytheists who are fighting us ,whereupon he said: I have not been sent as the invoker of curse, but" I have been sent as mercy."
Reference : Sahih Muslim 2599
In-book reference : Book 45, Hadith 111
USC-MSA web (English) reference : Book 32, Hadith 6284
(deprecated numbering scheme)
John Stewart is tooo good for this world
Watching this 10 years later.. everything still applies 😅😂
Bassem Youssef and Jon Stewart would make one hell of a tag team dou. Bassem is a genius and Jon is hilarious.
the best ever..john stewart..we miss u plz come back
Oh my...wow...
Ah, the Arab Spring, a time of hope - quickly followed by a summer of discontent, and a flood season of outright batshit revolution.
Noneofyourbusiness Same funded by the west
For what proposes, yet-another "sage" in "@@MESSI-fx1ob"???
The fact remains: Egyptians merely attempted to ape Tunisia, without giving as much consideration and commitment to the process as them.
The results are for every well-informed critical-thinker to see.
Too bad that at least the heartland, which didn't spark the OG revolution but at least turned-out to be the most-mature one to be dignified towards the electoral-process, even if that might be because their favoured candidate was in office - couldn't get to reap the fruits of its patience and to the tragic, unmentionable-brutality of the hegemonic-junta: Paid the price of losing several hundreds of their own as a retribution for peaceful-demonstrations.
i think we need to clarify something here , when we (Muslims/ Arabs)speak about Zionists we mean the unfair practices made by Israel against the unarmed Palestinians, the original owners of the land , we have no problem with Jews or Semitics or ANY race or religion ,we have concerns with the practices made by Israeli and their supporters
however, some Arabs say we are against Jews which is inaccurate and leads to this misunderstanding , because not all Jews are supporting Israel practices
This is exactly right. People just don't understand or refuses to.
I agree. But let's not lie to ourselves, anti-semitism does exist and is very entrenched in muslim countries. In my home country, there are even idioms and expressions which associate jewish people with bad things, and my country is probably one of the most tolerant ones (we have a big jewish community, etc). A lot of muslims hide behind the Israel-Palestine conflict to justify their intolerance and I find it incredibly annoying because they're using the suffering of people. Of couse, I'm not saying all muslims are like that, but it does exist. I think it's also partly because when they learn someone is jewish, they automatically assume they're going to be zionists.
One last thing is that you can be against Israel's policies (which have been horrendous and tyrannic against the Palestinian people for decades) without being anti-zionist. Anti-zionists think Israel shouldn't even exist, which is a really complex issue and at this point is completely useless because they do exist, they are very developed and they are not going anywhere, realistically. The focus should be shifted towards working for a two-state solution.
Sarah El-Mahdy well said
1 question, when did the Palestinians own the land exactly
Did anyone get the conan joke ?
When did it come up.
The NBC one?
I thought it was it but wasn't sure.
Bassem Youssef was not harm by Morsi and he continued to have his show but when Sisi took over he was silenced forever and the only thing he does now is blog. lol
abs bensurah during Morsi’s tenure his show was shut down many times though.
no not because morsi but the actuall stopping of elbernamg was because elsisi
abs bensurah unfortunately true
@@morfisiuslizerro6400 Friend? You misspelled slave.
Bassem Youssef on Mark Twain Prize ceremony to honor Jon brought me here.
Me too
I miss you so much Jon. Thanks for all the work and legacy humorists.
I guess I know what Trevor Noah can't replace him. Stewart is very visual. Rubber face, scratchy voice - he has a much broader repertoire in mimics and voices. The jokes aren't worse now, he's just funnier with his face.
Well, maybe the jokes are _a little_ worse now but that is actually a really valid point (well demonstrated by 1:21).
Trine Langohr The daily show is been on a long time. So people feel in love with it with jon in it. I dont think there is anyone who can replace that person. I started to watch it with Trevor and i love it. I think if you like a host and he is been with you for so long no one can really replace him/her
Trine Langohr
I think Trevor is definitely growing as a host, though. I bet his facial and other physics expressions are really going to improve with time! He's already getting funnier and funnier as time goes on
I think Trevor Noah is doing a very good job and brings a very interesting perspective. In my case it's just personal preference that I like Jon Stewart better.
As an Egyptian myself... I find this very funny! I love Jon Stewart
As bad as Morsi was, he was Mahatma fucking Gandhi compared to General Sisi.
Yes finally
at least Morsi didn't shoot protestors, or hand out mass death sentences, or overthrow a Democratic government...
Mo Lester My point exactly. Egypt needs another revolution.
+Mo Lester I agree
Didn't Sisi kill Youssef's show anyway?
Oh god, that demure grin just kills me every time!
These clips are so funny, even years later. Keep the humor rolling.
This segment is one of the all time great pieces of American satire. Perfection from start to finish.
Thank you Jon Stewart for supporting us and letting the world know what's actually happening in Egypt.
This should be mandatory viewing for those that have been complaining about John's comments of late. He's always gone after both sides.
Seeing and listening to him again really brought back some good memories.. You shaped the political ideology of an entire generation and we thank you for that
I will say, Egypt is in infancy of democracy, the French Revolution had similar problems, and fear, every revolution that overthrew its own government had a course of great troubles, the only reason America is an exception is because we were highly self-governed, because out overseeing government was a full ocean away, and as such we were already self sufficient.
However since this is youtube, i recognize comments of intelligence are often ridiculed so...
How and why was the US an exception? The American revolution was instigated by the local elites who realized they'd be better off if they themselves ruled the lands rather than the British. And as far as Egypt goes, the democracy is not in infancy, the baby was aborted when the coup happened. There have been gains I believe, but with the new military strongman there is not much hope for real democracy. Why would the army wilingly cede their exorbitant privileges, when all it has to do is point to the imaginary evils of the hoards of Islamists to get Western support or blame any attack (real or staged; the college semester has been shortened in Egypt based on all the bombs etc. and no student believes the bombs are real, they're staged by the army) on the MB to villify the only organized alternative to the old regime/army?
***** Yep..you have all Americans pegged lol....We all are about guns, big cars and houses. None of us here care about world matters or the governing of our country. BTW....how is that US aid package we send working out? Everyone hates America till that check arrives.....and to echo the person above....vagina
David Eyde The aid to Egypt, second only to Israel, has two functions: the first is geostrategic, Egypt has been to a large degree an American client since Sadat. The second one is that it's a subsidy to domestic high-tech military industry- Egypt is obliged to buy American-produced weaponry etc. with a certain amount of the 'aid'. The aid is not humanitarian in nature, the US gives notoriously small amounts in international aid per capita compared to other rich countries.
I think I just found the most intelligent reply thread in existence.
America was not an exception because America never had a true revolution. Our ruling class (the founding fathers) were for the most part wealthy, slave owning, landed elites from backgrounds of relative privilege who did nothing to relieve the suffering of the farmers, the laborers, the blacks, women, or native Americans. It’s like saying that Athens and Greece had the first democracy when the only people that could vote were land owning wealthy men.
hmm... he shouldn't have mixed zionists with jews ...not all jews are zionists
+lina adam But all anti-zionists are in fact anti-semits.
i don't really think so ....there are many jews who are anti-zionists ..
lina adam
Ok let me rephrase this: All people i know wo claim to be anti-zionists are in fact anti-semits. Jews who i know just criticise the government of israel - they don't use the term anti-something at all.
well am not an anti-semite but am anti-zionist ..criticising the government of israel is in fact anti-zionism ....
lina adam
Yeah but thats stupid. For example critisising the US government is not anti-americanism. If someone states that he is anti-america, than his feelings go deeper than just critisism. I have made the same experience with anti-zionists. Maybe you are different. But people who consider themself anti-something usually feel irrational hate against this something.
Just so you know, the police arrested him without an Order from the President ...
Still miss jon Stewart. December 2020
OMG! The comparison between Bassem's insults to President Morsi to Stewart's insutis on Bush was priceless.
Bassem's probably making everyone in prison laugh.
+rey skywaka cool.
He’s been living in the US since 2014 lmao, you tried to go off and landed on your face
True THAT, Mr @@justinhamilton8647.
But for whatever it's worth: At least unlike the good ol' sanctimonious commenters found at every nook-&-corner at every waking-moment, at least their display-name is well-suited. 👌🏾👌🏾👌🏾
Atleast his show was running on Morsi's Era, now its shut. yea thats true. :D
What a SHOCKER..
Every word that Morsi said about Zionists was true.. It's not anti-semitism, sometimes truth is bitter
He said Jews. He said they were bloodsuckers and descended from pigs. That is anti semitic
Morsi is super cereal about ManApePig.
GdoubleWB Yeah, he's just one big cornflake.
Hell muslims hate him equally
mohamed taymour
“super cereal” wut, now???
I'm Jewish and I'm pretty dismayed at the rift that politics has created between our two (Semitic) peoples. When I see messages like this of solidarity between Jews and Arabs, it really gives me hope. Thank you.
I am as someone who has a hat, and who knows Bassem, forever grateful.
lmfaooo the way he said “al bernameg” 😂😂😂
Bassem the Egyptian Revolution Hero 🔥🔥🔥🔥
I was in a Jordan police-cell with 16 Egyptians who worked illigally in Jordan for 3 months (tourist visa), send the money to egypt, get themselves arrested and driven back to egypt.
Nice people overall. =)
I'm from Egypt and respect to Bassem Youssef and John Stewart
I think yousef doesnt mock Islam he mocks The brother which these are two diff things .
Nada Healer And if he did? Would punishment be justified?
+107490099452231741802 he would never do that ... Of course only god judges people but i would never let any one mock christans or jews there should be red lines we should respect beliefs :)
_i would never let any one mock christans or jews there should be red lines we should respect beliefs_
Ah huh. Freedom of speech isn't a big thing where you are, huh?
L1ttleT3d no i meant say offensif things and hurt people's feeling ... Of course every one has the right to say what he thinks but don't hurt people ...
Jon please come back, love from Pakistan :*
Can’t believe it’s been 8 years since this.
Yea. I feel ancient..
"This is the daily show with Jon Stewart".... I really miss hearing those words on weeknights!
He’s getting an hour long current topic show on Apple TV!! I’ll be pirating since Apple TV isn’t available where I’m now residing, but I’m looking forward to finally seeing the man I grew up with from 2001-2015 :)
The funny thing is, Mohamed Morsi is now in prison, and has been sentenced to death for some crimes and 20 years for others.
Yeah but he didn't actually commit a crime tho..
+Julie Kassas actually he did
Player Ghost don't get fooled by what the media says.. he didn't.
+Julie K
Who cares? He's a bigot hating, incompetent, racist, pile of vomit. He couldn't even take care of his country. He deserves life in prison.
Trinexx360 u have a wrong idea about the whole thing, I wouldn't wanna go into details with u unless u want to. He doesn't.
a regime that is ruined by words of comedians , is not even a regime !!!
it is a chaos !!
good job Bassem !!!!
love you Jon !!
*youtubes algorithm is reaching levels of store that should not he possible for an A.I.*
What a great summary at the end. THIS is why Jon Stewart and the Daily Show won awards and got attention. Clarity.
This is one of his best segments of his later years. So many great lines. I don't know how much of it was Stewart and how much of it was the writing team, but he was just ON.
THANK YOU JON! The Egyptians were great 👍🏼👏🏻
Three cheers for Jon!
Amazing show, Thank you for uploading it.
The irony is Bassem Yousef advocated for the coup and the junta, then they fucked him and canceled his show, he is missing Morsi's days
The often borderline irrational hatred (or fear) of the Muslim Brotherhood, which seems to me to be a conservative democratic party committed to nonviolence and parliamentary means, seems also very strong in Egyptian society amongst the secularists and liberals. A large part of it has to be that it was vilified and outlawed for a long time and also possibly it has been very successful with running programs for the poor etc. But is there any evidence it is not democratic, even just in rhetoric?
So you can't agree on some facts with the army and disagree on other points?
TheSpiritOfTheTimes They didn't address the country's problems and just went ahead with their pet project of reforming thing along religious grounds. This on the one hand included moves to boost Islam in institutions such as the law and on the other to marginalise non Muslims such as the Coptic Christians... This doesn't validate a coup but they were leading the country down a dark road.
There is not single example that MB is not democratic, they are in so many countries, they are all democratic, Its only propaganda that they are not democratic.
I miss Jon on the daily show so much 😭
just imagine my feeling as an Egyptian watching this in August 2017.
I respect your way of speaking honest and straight forward. Also do I agree in most of the points you are making. Some of it I may have another viewpoint on, but your arguments of these things are valid as well. I thank you for your answer and hope and pray for a better future in Egypt and the whole Middle East. I wish the majority were like you in that zone (Middle East)
Peace out
As an egyptian i'm so ashamed by the fact that we once had a president like morsy
as an egyptian too i'm ashamed that we still have stupid ppl like you
يلا متزعلش دلوقتي جالنا السيسي .
Who else is watching this in preparation for Jon's new show?
guess what.... egypt is a disaster now XD..... we are back to the freakin army .... and our leader's name is General Sissy ..... (im not kidding btw)
Fly you fool!
Rhino ZR true but better than morsi who was terrorists
Careful man
Look at what islam made of them... So sad.
@@supermojo9672 not islam, you dumbass. It is authoritarianism and extremism (in Morsi's case)
Best intro of all time!
I forgot how devilishly handsome Bassem is
Oh that opening is so nostalgic
XD Jon Stewart is freakin GENIUS ^_^
I look up to John Stewart since I was a teenager, he have influenced most of my views. I was sad when he quit the show but Travis is carrying his legacy property. Its still my favorite show. Thank you for fighting so hard behalf of honesty.
Very simple...Religious Doctrine = Control. Control = Power. Power = MONEY!!!!
Jon Stewart has been a great human being before anything else. for the justice and enlightenment he possesses within himself he will always be loved for his work during the previous 16 years at the Daily Show.
bassem never insulted islam neveeeeeeeeer
2:31 is that illegal? bye bye fox. I am dying ✋🤣
i miss Yousssef's show :(
Thanks so much, Jon Stewart, for being wonderful as usual!
:0 "there's two things he likes, no three things, no four things..."
Lifted straight outta Monty Python.
fantastic segment, as always.
Damn. I miss you Stewart.
Very well presented! *standing ovation*
People have to know that morsi came in very hard time when there were chaos, turbulence, big debts and conflict between the sects, actually, I think morsi should have been tougher to run this country.
But I want ask the world what about Elsisi, Is Egypt is better place now🙂?
What Jon and Bassem did not understand is no fascist contry can be totally democratic so fast, baby steps is what we needed not comedy.
A recent report commissioned by the Human Rights Watch (HRW) has exposed the
extremities of working conditions, described as something similar to labour camp
conditions. In its report findings, construction workers were regularly exposed to long
hours of work (up to 12 hours per day with one day’s holiday per week) during times
of extreme heat and with very few breaks to compensate.
.... anceint Mesopatamia was the first civilization that would make Iraq the inventer of civilization not egypt just sayin
+MrThelaxsoc Not really... Egypt's culture is still the most advanced of the time and to this day the world is still fascinated by it.
+MrThelaxsoc either way, they were one of the first which matters.
+Rascal Of Joy Have you visited the Pergamon Museum in Berlin? the Ishtar Gate is one of the most fascinating and impressiv pieces of antic architecture.
MrThelaxsoc no actually Egypt was but the reason why people don’t know that is because Egypt had 2 civilizations that were at war then combined and became Egypt
That South Park reference had me going though 5:41, i have fallen in love with this show.
First principles: follow the conflict to its root cause. The US is involved in the Middle East for two reasons:1. Oil 2. The Jewry of Israel. The US took over the role of power broker in the mid-east from the French and British after WW2 and has dictated the power structure of many countries through political, economic and military manipulation. I come from a country that was conquered and exploited by the British through division for circa 800 years, while my people died and were imprisoned for daring to revolt. I say pull out and let the whole region burn. Let the chips fall as they may. US citizens, do not let your gov send your sons and daughters to die in an effort to conquer oil and land/influence for Jews. Your kins blood is fertilising enough deserts already.
Zionism is just a Jewish version of the Islamic and Christian equivalent. Why it should get no flack or should be put on a pedestal before others is baffling to me :\
Really love the show, but hope there are subtitles for this
"Nobody want's egypt to slide into darkness!"
Well, that didn't go as planned, did it?
Cruel as it is true....
As far as I am concerned, it's doing better than the last 7-8 decades.
@@adhammazen2547 it's an up n down wave but yeah we can say that 😃😃
was 7:14 a norm macdonald reference? were any other comedians fired in a similar way
This was so good, he stood up for his friend by directly addressing the president
will the president did not do any harm to his friend, the military which Bassem advocated canceled his show
Am I the only one who noticed the Morrissey "viva hate" joke?
6:30 Jewish slaves didn't build the pyramids. The builders were paid laborers. Cleopatra wasn't black either lol
It tickles me that despite all of the problems these countries are facing their leaders find it more important to go after opposition. How's this gonna work?
Jon Stewart is incorrect on one count: Morsi never had the army. Neither did he have the police, the entrenched Mubarak-era elites, and especially the judiciary. But since he and the Muslim Brotherhood thought it most prudent not to engage in a confrontation with the army, he lost the support of the revolutionaries. The Muslim Brotherhood didn't even have adequate control of its own supporters- some were part of a more progressive wing, while the Brotherhood was mostly headed by religious conservatives. The brotherhood attempted to maintain cohesion, at the expense of political alliances either with the reactionary Salafis (whose more extreme Islamist stances rivaled the Brotherhood) or the more secular parties.
Essentially, for all the accusations and boogeyman labels on the MB and its FJP, they never really stood a chance, despite significant - and even dominant- election results in 2005 and 2012 (parliamentary, later annulled arbitrarily by the judiciary, plus presidential)
For me, this is (was) a signature Jon Stewart "think piece."
It made me think: "He hates these cans!" :-)
Bassem didn't go to jail even for a day when morsi was there .. still you hear nothing from him about what sisi doing .. i think bassem wasnt the sound of truth afterall !!
Jon: 8:03
What are you worried about Mr. President (audio cut) of Egypt. (Audio restored)
Can anyone dare to talk about the Egyptian president now!?
What does this have to do with the Islamist movement Morsi ibn el mtnaka that was about to make Egypt another Afghanistan?
@@da7war655 طب والسيسي مش ابن وسخة برضو ولا ايه!؟ انت مش شايف البلد عمالة تنزل وتغرق بسببه؟
@@da7war655 Please don't Insult he was bad but insulting his mother only makes him Better
@@ahmedhady6093 what bad he was at
was he bad when he made cooperative studyed plan with Japan to improve the railway system and then it was rejected after the coup
or when he saved the women and children of Gaza and stopped the zionist aggression in 7 days
yeah tell me what the fcck he was bad at
Miss you Sir! 🌹