I always think about him. I am glad to know when and why he died. He was intelligent, smart and reach to the public verry systematcally, was very wise in answeing questions without offending. He had sense of humour , a joker, a good author , very kind and patriotic! When I recall him he reminds of my Mom. She used to appreciate his style of writing.
እግዚአብሔር አብዝቶ ይባርክህ በጣም ቆንጆ ቅንብር
የሼህ አላሙዲን ውለታ ግን ስለ ሰዎች ታሪክ ሲነሳ አብሮ ብቅ ይላል ይገርማል ግን ለምንድነው ለዚህ ሁሉ ሰው ይህን ውለታ የዋሉ ፣የተከበሩ፣ ደግ ፣ርህሩህ ሰው ስለመሆናቸው ሰዎች አድንቀውም አመስግነውም ስማቸው ብዙ አያነስዋቸውም ይገርማል ?
ጳዉሎስማ የኞኞ ልጅማ አይረሳም!
I always think about him. I am glad to know when and why he died. He was intelligent, smart and reach to the public verry systematcally, was very wise in answeing questions without offending. He had sense of humour , a joker, a good author , very kind and patriotic! When I recall him he reminds of my Mom. She used to appreciate his style of writing.
ዘመን እማይሽርህ እንደ ባንዲራ ከፍ ተደርገ ይተሰቀልክ ምርት የጥበብ ሰው
now really respect Alah mudee cos he help Pawelos 1884 really he was some quality
What a beautiful memory!
Thank you for the effort that you are making to bring back memories and beneficial historical lessons.
Rest in peace paulos Gnogno
He is the pride of Ethiopia❤❤
He is very unique person...
We miss u ✌
እሪ በከንቱ iiuj
Nbeseh bgan adan tehun amen
Ohhh I remember him. RIP!
ቀኑ ግራጫ ወር ነበር ከጠዎት አንስቶ ያካፋል .እኔ አንድ ትልቅ ሾላ የአድባር ዛፍ ስር ተቀምጩ ማዶ የቦሌን ሜዳ እመለከታለሁ .አንድ ቅጠል ከ ዛፍ ላይ ወድቆ አጠገቤ ረገፈ በቀስታ አንስቼ ተመለከትሁት. በቅጠሉ ውስጥ ያሉት ቀጫጭን ስሮቹ ይታዩኛል ልክ የሰው ልጅ ደም ስር ይመስላሉ.በዚሕ ስር ውስጥ ስንት የፀሐይ ብርኃን እና ውኃ አልፎ ተጉዞበታል ይህ ዛፍ ከተፈጠረ ጀምሮ ስንት ቅጠል አብቅሎ ነበረ .ብዙ ቅጠሎች ረግፈዋል እያንዳንዱ ቅጠል የራሱ ታሪክ ነበረው. በብዙ የብርኃን እና ጭለማ ውስጥ አልፏል ዛሬም ይሄው ይሄ አጠገቤ የዎደቀው ቅጠል ተግባሩም ሙሉ በሙሉ ፈፅሞ ዎደቋል አሁን ዎደ ሌላ ነገርነት ተቀይሯል ራቅ ብሎ አንድ አዝማሪ ዘለሰኛ ሲያዜም ሰማሁ ,ሐምሌ ስም ህ እንዴት ደስ ይላል.
Very brilliant. Rip.
በጣም ነው ያሳቀኝ
ነፍሶ ይማር
የልጅነት ትዝታዬ አንድ ጥያቄ አለኝ, የጋሽ ጳውሎስ አምድ ጥበብ,ሳቅና ጫዋታ አስተማሪነበረች።
Muluembet Gorfu oh
Never heard of him.
ጋሽዬ nebes yemar
ye ine Mirxe sw
wow paoulos was this much boring and shallow? I didn't know
now really respect Alah mudee cos he help Pawelos 1884 really he was some quality
now really respect Alah mudee cos he help Pawelos 1884 really he was some quality
now really respect Alah mudee cos he help Pawelos 1884 really he was some quality
now really respect Alah mudee cos he help Pawelos 1884 really he was some quality
Open mind