the Container idea sound the best way at he min but if it does take of well hen yu can build a shed just for wood that you cut, as for putting the log on if you use the backo have it the Width of the backo bucket, unsure what to say about the sawdust , sounds good about the mandel being moved back, just put a box over the long mandel so you can step over it safely, love watching and love from Wales
Good Morning! You and I have the same problems with lumber storage. I have lumber stacked all over the place most of which is going to be used in building an addition to the mill. I have a left hand sawmill which has a twelve foot shaft. What I did was place a bearing in the middle and two on each side of the drive pulley, that takes care of any stress on the shaft. As far as your deck is concerned, I made a three strand deck fourteen feet long and eleven feet wide that way when I saw eight foot long logs they are easier to control and when I saw anything over twelve feet it works the same way. Anyway if you fill that deck up you will have all you can do in a day. I always look forward to your videos, we belong to a certain brotherhood that can't seem to get this hobby out of our blood. Thank you and I hope you get everything done you have planned, it takes a lot of patience. Dale.
Thank you Dale for ur suggestion and u are very right it does seem to be a brotherhood of young and old when u get it u just get it sawing on an old mill or any mill really is something I never imagined I'd love doing as much as I do. Thanks again for you support!
the Container idea sound the best way at he min but if it does take of well hen yu can build a shed just for wood that you cut, as for putting the log on if you use the backo have it the Width of the backo bucket, unsure what to say about the sawdust , sounds good about the mandel being moved back, just put a box over the long mandel so you can step over it safely, love watching and love from Wales
Thank you
Good Morning! You and I have the same problems with lumber storage. I have lumber stacked all over the place most of which is going to be used in building an addition to the mill. I have a left hand sawmill which has a twelve foot shaft. What I did was place a bearing in the middle and two on each side of the drive pulley, that takes care of any stress on the shaft. As far as your deck is concerned, I made a three strand deck fourteen feet long and eleven feet wide that way when I saw eight foot long logs they are easier to control and when I saw anything over twelve feet it works the same way. Anyway if you fill that deck up you will have all you can do in a day. I always look forward to your videos, we belong to a certain brotherhood that can't seem to get this hobby out of our blood. Thank you and I hope you get everything done you have planned, it takes a lot of patience. Dale.
Thank you Dale for ur suggestion and u are very right it does seem to be a brotherhood of young and old when u get it u just get it sawing on an old mill or any mill really is something I never imagined I'd love doing as much as I do. Thanks again for you support!