On the pressure to drink thing I would say that yes, people at uni are (hopefully) more mature and there isn’t pressure in the same way that there is in certain social groups amongst younger teens, but in a lot of situations at uni, not drinking at all is something people really react to. And not in a “you have to drink!” way but more in a “why aren’t drinking?” and “don’t be a bore!” kind of way, which a lot people would feel is pressure. There’s a kind of attitude that fun involves alcohol, and that not drinking makes you stuck up or childish or just boring. If anyone reading this comment has had an issue with that, then please don’t let it get to you. You can have just as fun without alcohol, and as a bonus you’ll save a lot of money and remember everything much more clearly. If you want to drink, that’s completely fine, but if you don’t then that’s is equally fine. Alcohol is not a necessary part of an amazing uni experience.
It's so reassuring to have someone explain this in such a concise way, this was a worry of mine, especially amongst my future flat mates, , like what if they all drink, and I end up being isolated for not drinking.
Chloe McBride I was in this situation in my first year. The people I lived with honestly didn’t care that I didn’t like to drink a lot, sometimes they’d get a bit stupid because they were curious as to what I’d be like drunk but there was never pressure. One of my most treasured memories from freshers week was playing a drinking game with a glass of apple squash 😂 Please don’t worry, if they’re worth being around they won’t care or pressure you xx
*i hope you realise that Durham is no 1 in terms of English degrees, so it’s nice to know that Cambridge isn’t no 1 as it is so overrated, anyone looking for a degree should know that Cambridge and Oxford aren’t always the best*
This is true. However, Cambridge has a massive name attached to it, applying for jobs abroad with a Cambridge degree puts you at a massive advantage over places like Durham. However, I really believe in going for the course and location over rankings. For this reason I may reject Cambridge for Southampton, or possibly still miss my offer.
@@khairah4eva cambridge compared to durham is not a huuuuuge difference they are one of the smaller gaps and eployers statistically viee Durham as extremely good. Agree on everything wise though for example imperial, loughborough and Bristol are excellent for engineering etc... Statistically speaking not a huge difference except intenationally
@@eliselol85 I mean Durham is an amazing university and the best in the UK for English. Oxbridge is more of a golden brand and networking opportunity than anywhere else, but of course anyone who goes there just for those reasons is probably a prick haha. I'm so torn myself on whether or not to firm, these decisions have soo many factors you need to consider!
simplykhairah as someone who's well not from UK(lol), I'd definitely say that Oxbridge does look good on applications. HOWEVER, they also look into what department you were in & your job interviewers will most probably know that Durham has an amazing literature department. İt isn't just about Oxbridge; it also depends on the institution
i’m glad you addressed the Russell group thing; as an arts student the top universities for my course often aren’t actually in the Russell group, and teachers/friends who aren’t ‘into’ arts hadn’t heard of my university back when i was applying. but it’s a brilliant place to study film!
Hi Jack! Your personality is lovely, you seem like a genuinely kind, caring and intelligent individual, with a side of pun-based humour. I've been watching your videos and researching Durham university since I went on an open day and fell in love with it. Your vlogs and chatty videos inspire me more and more to go there, and your revision videos are so helpful (especially the English Lit one, saved me lots of stress). I've received an offer to study Psychology at Durham next year, and I'm so happy! Keep doing what you're doing, it's really making a difference.
I learnt a lot about what the Russell group actually is etc whilst making it!!! Just proves how confusing it all is if even uni students don’t know haha
I was desperate for an en-suite bathroom. DESPERATE. But the only accommodation available to me was shared bathroom. I was not looking forward to it at all but honestly it’s fine. My accommodation is a house structure. So we have 3 floors with 2 bedrooms on each floor. And the 2 bathrooms happen to be on my floor. So it’s ideal. Also like jack said, you’re almost never waiting for someone in the bathroom. And something you won’t get if you have an en-suite, is a cleaner. We have a cleaner who does the bathrooms every week. Whereas if you have an en-suite, you obviously have to clean that yourself.
One of the things I'm most grateful for in my time at uni is that I was lucky enough to find some really good friends right away. Two of the girls I met in the very first week and immediately clicked with are still my best friends over two years later, and while the group around us has changed a little and gotten bigger, the core of our trio hasn't changed and I'm so so grateful for that because I struggle with making friends. We also have a slightly less concrete fourth member but she's my cousin so I didn't meet her at uni or anything - she's also only close with the three of us and has her own larger group we don't interact with same as she doesn't really interact with our larger group.
I LOVE uni so much. I’m so excited to go back 🤩 both oh my god,,, Student finance is such a sad scam :( there’s people I know that get max loan & spend it all on shite - takeaways every couple of days and misc crap for their room they don’t actually need. Oh and like £40 a week food shops (what a life x) Then there’s some people (quite a lot of people actually) ... (myself included) get minimum loan, can barely afford rent, never mind food on top of that 🤠 (I live off about £10 to £12 ish a week on shopping, thank u aldi) my parents don’t have the money to support me constantly, which I completely understand. Student finance genuinely sucks so bad,,, every student should get the same amount of loan, equality is equality and it shouldn’t be based on your family’s income. thank u for coming to my ted talk. X x
Just want to point out that in Wales, student maintenance works a bit differently! Everyone gets 9k in maintenance but the more money your parents make the more of that 9k has to be paid back as a loan, and the less they make the more of the 9k is a grant which is not paid back. The balance of loan and grant is means tested!
might see you around Durham next year jack! Got my offer to do English lit there this week! Watching your videos has made me realise Oxbridge really isn't the be all and end all (as a fellow reject). Your videos have made me really excited to hopefully join Durham next year! Best of luck with your exams :)
I am starting University in London in September 2019, and I am so excited. The only concern that I have is that I will be 26, when I start my bachelor's degree in September, and I know that most people who start University in England in general is between 18-20 years old. I am worried that the age difference will be too much for some people to handle, but I hope that everything will work out in the end :-)
Hi! Don't worry that you'll be 26 years old when starting your undergraduate :) I have never experienced a more open enviroment to all kinds of people as university friends groups, literally nobody cares as long as you rock the same wave. I'm 20 myself and my friends are any age between 18 and 29. Some people might not be able to handle age differences very well, others will, but you don't need to hang out with the people who cannot handle it :) All the best for your studies and how cool is that you're starting uni in London?! x
When applying to uni's did you have any other degree options you were thinking of? And fundamentally what made your final decision to do lit over any other routes?
what he said about the insurance offer is such sound advice. I put my absolute favourite uni as my firm (Kent!) but when looking at unis, I actually didn't have any offers lower than my firm (because I realised Kent was my favourite very late). As a result, my insurance offer is higher than my firm (my head of year told me it was okay when I applied), but I very much regret it. Sitting my A-Levels right now, I have an extra pressure that none of my friends have- literally no safety net. Fingers crossed I've done enough to get my firm grades. 🤞🏻 It's not worth it. It stresses me to no end. Pick a sensible, realistic insurance offer.
@@user-rz3cp8wf3x I did ! I'm moving there this Saturday (sorry for the late response. hope you see this...!). I'm going to be studying Biomedical Science, what are you doing? x
My advice would be try your best to befriend some international students ur never going to get a better chance to meet so many people from so many different countries and cultures
Speaking as an international student (at Durham) myself, it's so hard to properly get to know British people at uni. I have met a lot of wonderful people, of course, but in the end most of my closer friends are other Europeans since they're just much easier to make friends with tbh.
@@poeticwhale Agree. As an international student at the Uni of Sussex, we had "meet a Brit days" as few of us had closer contact. Only the few living with British flatmates had closer British friends.
Your courses sound really interesting! I'm a Belgian interior architecture student, but I've always loved history, languages and writing too. I would love to do something like art history or journalism afterwards...
The only thing I would add to this is check with the specific university first for how much each year contributes towards your chosen degree because my university (Queen Mary's) split it differently (10%, 30%, 60%). I know it's only a little difference but the best piece of advice I got before uni was to check the course out thoroughly before you applied. Edit: Students studying sciences seem so overworked. In the second year of my history degree I had lectures for a module every week in the Engineering Building because it had huge rooms. The class in their before us were doing chemistry (I think) and they kept asking for like 5 more minutes so they could pack up bearing in mind they should already be at their next lecture/tutorial by then.
When I go to Uni (Sept 2019! I replied to my offers this morning!) I'll essentially be doing a degree in a year and a half because of placements - I'll be doing Adult Nursing at Coventry (hopefully!). Adult Nursing courses now are 50% theory, 50% placement because of the 2300, if I remember rightly, hours of placement and then another 2300 hours of theory I'll have to do to qualify and register with the Nursing and Midwifery Council! Haha RIP social life
I would very much disagree that first year is less stressful than a levels.. it was so so difficult!!! I guess it depends on which subject you do, but for natural sciences and doing 3 subjects, it was bloody hard. And similarly with the exams - in first year sciences/maths you don’t get any choice lol.
I agree! I do maths. A levels were a breeze for me. University was much harder in the first year and still is in the 2nd year, also with the added stress of having crappy housemates and no friends etc
I majorly agree! I found A Levels kind of tricky (mainly Further Maths) but University is so much harder! I’ve been struggling just trying to keep up let alone actually do well. The dread for my January exams is absolutely ridiculous because I don’t really know anything! PS: I firmed Durham for NatSci but narrowly missed the grades, we could have been course mates though!
it's definitely down to personal experience and i found first year of uni super super tough but i personally had a looooot more content to study in my a levels as i did politics, history, and english! it definitely seems to differ between humanities and sciences :)
you might not know for certain yet, but what career do you plan on going into after uni? i’m thinking of doing an english degree as well and i’m just worried that there won’t be a solid enough job at the end of it. loved the video by the way!!
i feel like it gives you a lot of transferable skills, and sometimes just having a degree is something employers look for, no matter what it's in. i'd love to go into broadcast journalism and eventually write my own books :)
Although I'm American and my university days are in the past, I loved the video. I will slightly disagree about working, however. I wish I hadn't, there's plenty of time in life for work. Enjoy university 100% while you're there.
have an offer for durham for japanese and will be firming it if i don’t get into cambridge!! so looking likely loooool thanks for all these durham-centric videos they really help x
I going to uni this September and I honestly so happy I choose to stay at home rather than moving away. It not the home sickness, it just the cost of living that I was worried about it.
my top choice programme currently is a four year degree in which the first two years are formative and don't count towards the final degree classification so that's nice too
I’m in my first bachelor biomedical sciences (in Belgium). I wish that my first year was formative because I have exams next month and FREAKING OUT because everything is so new, this so much harder than high school (do love it though, would never want to go back to high school) and it it counts for a third of my degree!! (Well the entire year does, so these exams together count for 17,5%)
Hi Jack! I just had a question about the student finance. Where did you get the information first? Did the school give you an introduction to it or did you have to find the information and set everything up yourself?
Unfortunately, EU students (and Irish students, though that may change) generally don't qualify for maintenance loans, just tuition loans, from what I've seen. :( What's it like studying English? I've applied to study it at Oxford and I'm waiting on the results now. :)
Even though I'm already at uni this was still v helpful! Just finished my first term and it was.... wild 😂 Btw that fluffy jacket is awesome where did you get it :o
Your lectures aren’t recorded 😭 i wouldn’t be able to cope with that. I rarely attend lectures and just watch them online as it gives me the ability to pause and take notes when necessary
loved the video. i did however spend the whole 17 minutes wondering if you were sat on the floor, kneeling or sat on a very smol stool
@@EveCornwellChannel lol eve
now that's all I can think about
@@EveCornwellChannel you'll be pleased to know that i am sitting on a cushion on the floor xx
I literally can't rn 😂😂😂😂
I've never seen someone so excited to talk about uni. He literally smiled throughout the whole video ( ps. I love this)
I'm honestly still so buzzing to even be there, that's why I love talking about it so much!!! Aaaaalways smiling :)
hahahahaha I HATE IT
@@jack_edwards no, British accent is classy!
@@maumontagne there are different types of british accent, some are well not so classy
s.coups d’etat so true
On the pressure to drink thing I would say that yes, people at uni are (hopefully) more mature and there isn’t pressure in the same way that there is in certain social groups amongst younger teens, but in a lot of situations at uni, not drinking at all is something people really react to. And not in a “you have to drink!” way but more in a “why aren’t drinking?” and “don’t be a bore!” kind of way, which a lot people would feel is pressure. There’s a kind of attitude that fun involves alcohol, and that not drinking makes you stuck up or childish or just boring. If anyone reading this comment has had an issue with that, then please don’t let it get to you. You can have just as fun without alcohol, and as a bonus you’ll save a lot of money and remember everything much more clearly. If you want to drink, that’s completely fine, but if you don’t then that’s is equally fine. Alcohol is not a necessary part of an amazing uni experience.
thirdoctoberchild thank you xx
agree 10000% - thank you for this!
Jack Edwards I’m really glad you agree :). Happy Christmas!
It's so reassuring to have someone explain this in such a concise way, this was a worry of mine, especially amongst my future flat mates, , like what if they all drink, and I end up being isolated for not drinking.
Chloe McBride I was in this situation in my first year. The people I lived with honestly didn’t care that I didn’t like to drink a lot, sometimes they’d get a bit stupid because they were curious as to what I’d be like drunk but there was never pressure. One of my most treasured memories from freshers week was playing a drinking game with a glass of apple squash 😂
Please don’t worry, if they’re worth being around they won’t care or pressure you xx
*i hope you realise that Durham is no 1 in terms of English degrees, so it’s nice to know that Cambridge isn’t no 1 as it is so overrated, anyone looking for a degree should know that Cambridge and Oxford aren’t always the best*
This is true. However, Cambridge has a massive name attached to it, applying for jobs abroad with a Cambridge degree puts you at a massive advantage over places like Durham. However, I really believe in going for the course and location over rankings. For this reason I may reject Cambridge for Southampton, or possibly still miss my offer.
@@khairah4eva cambridge compared to durham is not a huuuuuge difference they are one of the smaller gaps and eployers statistically viee Durham as extremely good. Agree on everything wise though for example imperial, loughborough and Bristol are excellent for engineering etc...
Statistically speaking not a huge difference except intenationally
@@eliselol85 I mean Durham is an amazing university and the best in the UK for English. Oxbridge is more of a golden brand and networking opportunity than anywhere else, but of course anyone who goes there just for those reasons is probably a prick haha. I'm so torn myself on whether or not to firm, these decisions have soo many factors you need to consider!
simplykhairah as someone who's well not from UK(lol), I'd definitely say that Oxbridge does look good on applications. HOWEVER, they also look into what department you were in & your job interviewers will most probably know that Durham has an amazing literature department. İt isn't just about Oxbridge; it also depends on the institution
He is so well spoken.
N same
;3 right?!?!
i’m glad you addressed the Russell group thing; as an arts student the top universities for my course often aren’t actually in the Russell group, and teachers/friends who aren’t ‘into’ arts hadn’t heard of my university back when i was applying. but it’s a brilliant place to study film!
izxy where do you go? I’m in year 12 and I’m starting looking at universities to study film at
Some not particularly stellar places are in the Russell Group, some very good places aren’t. It seems a bit of a dated club to me.
Katie Dawkins i go to UCA (university for the creative arts) and i study Film & Digital Art - there is also a very popular Film Production course!
i think it's such a huuuuuuge misconception!
izxy yeah you’re right I haven’t heard of it but if you say it’s good it must be
Greetings from a time-traveller - I was at Cuths in 1956. It is still the best few years of my life (well among them). Best wishes, John
I love your accent. As an English student, definitely goals.
hahahahaha i've always hated it, but thank you so much!
Hi Jack! Your personality is lovely, you seem like a genuinely kind, caring and intelligent individual, with a side of pun-based humour. I've been watching your videos and researching Durham university since I went on an open day and fell in love with it. Your vlogs and chatty videos inspire me more and more to go there, and your revision videos are so helpful (especially the English Lit one, saved me lots of stress). I've received an offer to study Psychology at Durham next year, and I'm so happy! Keep doing what you're doing, it's really making a difference.
Thank you so so so so much for this, it made my day! Plus, a huuuge CONGRATS on your offer - you've smashed it :)
@@jack_edwards Thank you for the reply! Hope to see you there next year :)
I think this is one of the most informative and helpful videos I have ever watched. I am in awe of this absolute unit.
hahahaha not sure about 'absolute unit' but i'm glad it was useful - thank you for watching!!
“2nd year of A levels is the most stressful year of your life”
Class of 2020 can’t relate
I don't know the run up to results day is turning out to be pretty stressful for me 😂
Ellena haha yeah but i feel a bit better knowing that whatever happens it won’t be my fault lmao
I'm class of 2021 and this year has been difficult.
i go to university and ngl this was still helpful
I learnt a lot about what the Russell group actually is etc whilst making it!!! Just proves how confusing it all is if even uni students don’t know haha
Jack Edwards!! You are so cheerful (along with Ruby and Jade) inspirations indeed :)
aw i love 'em
count how many times jack says he is doing an English degree
laura butler take away the “does”
Rising Stars oof
hahahahaa it's just because a lot of my answers are specific to my degree and i assume not everyone who watches will know!
You'd be pissed if you took a shot every time he said he's doing an English Degree...
I was desperate for an en-suite bathroom. DESPERATE.
But the only accommodation available to me was shared bathroom. I was not looking forward to it at all but honestly it’s fine.
My accommodation is a house structure. So we have 3 floors with 2 bedrooms on each floor. And the 2 bathrooms happen to be on my floor. So it’s ideal.
Also like jack said, you’re almost never waiting for someone in the bathroom. And something you won’t get if you have an en-suite, is a cleaner. We have a cleaner who does the bathrooms every week. Whereas if you have an en-suite, you obviously have to clean that yourself.
thank you so much for sharing this!!
Jack Edwards no worries. You made a fair point so had to back it up haha
hope thanks I’m dreading it less since everyone’s saying it’s not hat bad
One of the things I'm most grateful for in my time at uni is that I was lucky enough to find some really good friends right away. Two of the girls I met in the very first week and immediately clicked with are still my best friends over two years later, and while the group around us has changed a little and gotten bigger, the core of our trio hasn't changed and I'm so so grateful for that because I struggle with making friends.
We also have a slightly less concrete fourth member but she's my cousin so I didn't meet her at uni or anything - she's also only close with the three of us and has her own larger group we don't interact with same as she doesn't really interact with our larger group.
Yes! My question has finally made it to a Q+A, I feel as if achieved a lot in life now.
Ishrath Chowdhury which question
hahahaha i'm glad i answered it!
i love that there's another person on earth who's excited about school and studying
I LOVE uni so much. I’m so excited to go back 🤩 both oh my god,,, Student finance is such a sad scam :( there’s people I know that get max loan & spend it all on shite - takeaways every couple of days and misc crap for their room they don’t actually need. Oh and like £40 a week food shops (what a life x)
Then there’s some people (quite a lot of people actually) ... (myself included) get minimum loan, can barely afford rent, never mind food on top of that 🤠 (I live off about £10 to £12 ish a week on shopping, thank u aldi) my parents don’t have the money to support me constantly, which I completely understand. Student finance genuinely sucks so bad,,, every student should get the same amount of loan, equality is equality and it shouldn’t be based on your family’s income. thank u for coming to my ted talk. X x
Just want to point out that in Wales, student maintenance works a bit differently! Everyone gets 9k in maintenance but the more money your parents make the more of that 9k has to be paid back as a loan, and the less they make the more of the 9k is a grant which is not paid back. The balance of loan and grant is means tested!
this was very helpful for next year😂 the jacket looks so comfy!!
can confirm: comfiest jacket EVER
You should get someone on who does a STEM degree and talk about differences
That's right
Wow I started watching your videos in high school, whilst doing my a levels. Now I've plodded through my 1st semester of uni!
THIS IS SO COOL OMG thank you so much for sticking with me!
might see you around Durham next year jack! Got my offer to do English lit there this week! Watching your videos has made me realise Oxbridge really isn't the be all and end all (as a fellow reject). Your videos have made me really excited to hopefully join Durham next year! Best of luck with your exams :)
Ahhhh love this comment! See you there next year mate!
I am starting University in London in September 2019, and I am so excited. The only concern that I have is that I will be 26, when I start my bachelor's degree in September, and I know that most people who start University in England in general is between 18-20 years old. I am worried that the age difference will be too much for some people to handle, but I hope that everything will work out in the end :-)
Hi! Don't worry that you'll be 26 years old when starting your undergraduate :) I have never experienced a more open enviroment to all kinds of people as university friends groups, literally nobody cares as long as you rock the same wave. I'm 20 myself and my friends are any age between 18 and 29. Some people might not be able to handle age differences very well, others will, but you don't need to hang out with the people who cannot handle it :) All the best for your studies and how cool is that you're starting uni in London?! x
I just received an offer from Durham for English Lit💪🏻💪🏻 thank you for your videos, they are a huge help to so many people!!!!
Every couple of weeks he does an Aldi shop, but throughout the week he does Lidl shops :-D!
What a fantastic video jack!! It was so useful!
ahhhh i'm glad - thank you for watching!!
14:26 please tell me someone else gets this Mean Girls reference 😂🌟
i'm glad someone did hahahaha
When applying to uni's did you have any other degree options you were thinking of? And fundamentally what made your final decision to do lit over any other routes?
Man, this channel makes Uni look so easy.
what he said about the insurance offer is such sound advice.
I put my absolute favourite uni as my firm (Kent!) but when looking at unis, I actually didn't have any offers lower than my firm (because I realised Kent was my favourite very late).
As a result, my insurance offer is higher than my firm (my head of year told me it was okay when I applied), but I very much regret it. Sitting my A-Levels right now, I have an extra pressure that none of my friends have- literally no safety net. Fingers crossed I've done enough to get my firm grades. 🤞🏻
It's not worth it. It stresses me to no end.
Pick a sensible, realistic insurance offer.
emily bm hey did you get into kent? i'm going there this year :)
@@user-rz3cp8wf3x I did ! I'm moving there this Saturday (sorry for the late response. hope you see this...!). I'm going to be studying Biomedical Science, what are you doing? x
emily bm i'm moving there saturday as well! i'm doing economics + japanese :)
@@user-rz3cp8wf3x oh wow that sounds so cool! good luck with move-in, and shoot me a reply here if you want to meet up in freshers week, haha. ^v^
Jack is so fucking attractive on so many levels. He's so clever, attractive, funny , caring, well spoken... the list goes on.
This is such a good video for people that are thinking of going to uni or are in uni.
aw thank you so much!
Just started watching your videos. Loving them. They make one a lot more comfortable!
My advice would be try your best to befriend some international students ur never going to get a better chance to meet so many people from so many different countries and cultures
I have been disappointed in terms of meeting international students. I met the most at sixth form and going travelling.
Speaking as an international student (at Durham) myself, it's so hard to properly get to know British people at uni. I have met a lot of wonderful people, of course, but in the end most of my closer friends are other Europeans since they're just much easier to make friends with tbh.
@@poeticwhale Agree. As an international student at the Uni of Sussex, we had "meet a Brit days" as few of us had closer contact. Only the few living with British flatmates had closer British friends.
Your courses sound really interesting! I'm a Belgian interior architecture student, but I've always loved history, languages and writing too. I would love to do something like art history or journalism afterwards...
Thanks so much for this, you really alleviated some if my worries about uni❤ Now I can't wait till next year
aw that makes me very happy - i'm glad :)
Hope you have a good Christmas Jack! Thanks for this - my UCAS got sent on last Sunday and I have 4 offers already. Not coming to Durham though :(
Katie Hazel woah congratz what and where did you apply for??
@@Theline-u3d edge hill, Sheffield Hallam, central Lancashire, Leeds Beckett and Huddersfield
@@Theline-u3d and ICT
Katie Hazel c to
have a lovely christmas too and congrats on your fantastic offers! x
This is so useful!! So much of this information just isn't available anywhere and it's so infuriating, so thank you for filling the missing niche☺️
no worries at all - had exactly the same issue when i was applying!
Loved this video Jack! So many great answers! Really helpful x
Thank you so much mate! :)
merry christmas and a happy new year Jack!
You too! Hope you have a good'un!
I'm Egyptian, and really you helped me so much ❤❤ thank you!
The only thing I would add to this is check with the specific university first for how much each year contributes towards your chosen degree because my university (Queen Mary's) split it differently (10%, 30%, 60%). I know it's only a little difference but the best piece of advice I got before uni was to check the course out thoroughly before you applied.
Edit: Students studying sciences seem so overworked. In the second year of my history degree I had lectures for a module every week in the Engineering Building because it had huge rooms. The class in their before us were doing chemistry (I think) and they kept asking for like 5 more minutes so they could pack up bearing in mind they should already be at their next lecture/tutorial by then.
where is your fleece from👀
Urban Outfitters:)
Jack Edwards thank you!!! I’ve been looking for something like that for ages you’re a star✨
You are saving my life with this
Thanks so much for the student finance bit!
no worries - they do such a bad job of explaining it but it's actually surprisingly simple!
You answered my question Jack about staying on track with deadlines! Thank you!
you're welcome! i hope it kind of helped :)
Jack I applied to Durham bc of you!
This makes me so so so happy!!! See ya there soon!!
@@jack_edwards must make us rly happy lol
@@devineyre5545 of course ! Can't be sad w jack !
I have applied to anglia ruskin!!! ...... (silence and cricket noises) 😝
@@vladdoesvlogging5601 G'WON VLAD! WOO
When I go to Uni (Sept 2019! I replied to my offers this morning!) I'll essentially be doing a degree in a year and a half because of placements - I'll be doing Adult Nursing at Coventry (hopefully!). Adult Nursing courses now are 50% theory, 50% placement because of the 2300, if I remember rightly, hours of placement and then another 2300 hours of theory I'll have to do to qualify and register with the Nursing and Midwifery Council! Haha RIP social life
I'm a final year student adult nurse! Good luck to you!!! x
@@joannawalker7685 thank you! And good luck for your final year!
Good luck
I saw the ‘& J’ in the background and thought OH MY GOD JACK HAS A SIGNIFICANT OTHER, HENCE THE & PILLOW! Then I realised it’s a single bed...
Jack and Jade (unjaded jade) 👀maYbe
@@user-cv9cp2ns1l thats what i thought
I would very much disagree that first year is less stressful than a levels.. it was so so difficult!!! I guess it depends on which subject you do, but for natural sciences and doing 3 subjects, it was bloody hard. And similarly with the exams - in first year sciences/maths you don’t get any choice lol.
I agree! I do maths. A levels were a breeze for me. University was much harder in the first year and still is in the 2nd year, also with the added stress of having crappy housemates and no friends etc
I majorly agree! I found A Levels kind of tricky (mainly Further Maths) but University is so much harder! I’ve been struggling just trying to keep up let alone actually do well. The dread for my January exams is absolutely ridiculous because I don’t really know anything!
PS: I firmed Durham for NatSci but narrowly missed the grades, we could have been course mates though!
it's definitely down to personal experience and i found first year of uni super super tough but i personally had a looooot more content to study in my a levels as i did politics, history, and english! it definitely seems to differ between humanities and sciences :)
Laura what a levels did you do? What did you get for first year?
I’m a first year student at uni and this video was very useful! Thanks!!🤗🤗
aw i'm so glad, thank you for watching!
you might not know for certain yet, but what career do you plan on going into after uni? i’m thinking of doing an english degree as well and i’m just worried that there won’t be a solid enough job at the end of it. loved the video by the way!!
i feel like it gives you a lot of transferable skills, and sometimes just having a degree is something employers look for, no matter what it's in. i'd love to go into broadcast journalism and eventually write my own books :)
This whole thing was super helpful THANK YOU. Never knew the origins of the russel group.
Applied to university this year for Maths with 4 offers (including Durham!) and this video was so interesting and helpful!
pastel chibis how did you get on during results day?
"With great difficulty". That was me the entirity of my last semester 😂😭
Although I'm American and my university days are in the past, I loved the video. I will slightly disagree about working, however. I wish I hadn't, there's plenty of time in life for work. Enjoy university 100% while you're there.
Wait what i asked the very first question (getting over homesickness) and you chose it omgg I'm shook
waheeeeey thanks for getting involved!
“no tears left to cry” joke of the year 😂
That mean girls referenceeeee👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
Jack Edwards I LOVE how you approach vids. Love youuuuur persona and your service, good Englishman!🙃🌸💖
Such good vibes and insights, can't wait to start uni in UK myself 🙏🏽
It took me until half way through this video to realise that noise is your neighbour cutting down their tree 😂
oh god i'm so sorry - it's so irritating
have an offer for durham for japanese and will be firming it if i don’t get into cambridge!! so looking likely loooool thanks for all these durham-centric videos they really help x
my pleasure, hope they help! best of luck with cambridge too, fingers crossed :)
This is exactly the video I needed thank you so much.
you'remore than welcome!!!
I going to uni this September and I honestly so happy I choose to stay at home rather than moving away. It not the home sickness, it just the cost of living that I was worried about it.
it's 3am and i've done nothing this evening but binge watch your videos
This video is a life saver I’ve been so worried about uni 😂
I think all of your videos are amazing.
you're too kind! thank you :))
my top choice programme currently is a four year degree in which the first two years are formative and don't count towards the final degree classification so that's nice too
I was an Erasmus student in Durham two years ago, wish you were there, I would have loved you!
ahhhh gutted i missed you!
I’m too studying English Literature for my degree. Thank you ver much Jack!! this was really helpful. ❤️🙏
‘Once every two weeks I do a big shop, I get the bus to Aldi... if I do need Lidl things..’ ahahahahh
Thanks for you tips.. never stop it.. hehehe.. It is my motivation to go futher...
My pleasure!
Great video jack :)
thank you!!!!
this helped so much 😭👏🏻
glad to hear it!
Your amazing at explaining things
Thanks for this, it’s super helpful. I am hopefully starting uni in September 😬 xx
I’m in my first bachelor biomedical sciences (in Belgium). I wish that my first year was formative because I have exams next month and FREAKING OUT because everything is so new, this so much harder than high school (do love it though, would never want to go back to high school) and it it counts for a third of my degree!! (Well the entire year does, so these exams together count for 17,5%)
I love how u described it as an extended tax, so many people present the debt in a way that makes people think university as inaccessible 😁😁
You made me apply to university
This makes me v v v happy - I hope you love it!!!
i just realised we have the same black lamp omg
Hi Jack! I just had a question about the student finance. Where did you get the information first? Did the school give you an introduction to it or did you have to find the information and set everything up yourself?
I got all five of my offers back, so now its all down to getting the a levels I need!!
waheeeeeey congratulations!!!
Saw this link on twitter so over to watch 🤠
thank you for following!!!
yes king!! i stan
Loved this video, i am going to uni studying English Literature and Philosophy so thank you for the advice!
Loved this video , so usefull!! xx
I loved this video!
thank you so much for watching!!
definitely think this will help so much
this video was really helpful, thanks!
So useful!! Tysm x 🙌🏻
my pleasure - thank you for watching!!
Unfortunately, EU students (and Irish students, though that may change) generally don't qualify for maintenance loans, just tuition loans, from what I've seen. :(
What's it like studying English? I've applied to study it at Oxford and I'm waiting on the results now. :)
Ailbhe Noonan can’t you take one out through the government in your home country? Or maybe look to the universities for overseas scholarships?
Even though I'm already at uni this was still v helpful! Just finished my first term and it was.... wild 😂 Btw that fluffy jacket is awesome where did you get it :o
fluffy jacket is from urban outfitters! :)
Your lectures aren’t recorded 😭 i wouldn’t be able to cope with that. I rarely attend lectures and just watch them online as it gives me the ability to pause and take notes when necessary
so so so so annoying haha
Really helpful, thank you!😊
Jack, can u please do a video on how to motivate urself for a levels with all the stress and exhaustionn
When you're early but don't have a good comment 😕
Can relate
this was impressive enough 🙌🏼