@@efrainchavez1374Fun fact: The guy who played Zero in this game, David Cross hates that mission as well. You know how terrible a mission is when even someone like David Cross even detests a mission?
0:45 Smoke: Two number 45s, one with cheese,and a large soda. Ryder: I'm dead? Smoke: SOS! *The car explodes* 3:29 CJ: Hold up. Let's creep in,grab the guns, and bounce out Ryder:Yeah,yeah, I got in-ninja style! Right... But CJ please be quiet so as not to wake up that grandfather! CJ: Ok! Meanwhile... СJ: Ryder, where the hell you at,man? Ryder: Ninja-style! *2 stars police* 4:05 CJ: Aw, I ain't risih' to your shit, man. *DEAD* 6:22 8:41 How to do the perfect motorcycle stunt 9:32 CJ: SHIT! Why were you unlucky?
I want to request about busted complication gta sa ik you would get mad but you probably gotta read this, can you also add "busted with car fell on water or whateverelse" and some dialouges from CJ like "come on officer i aint no gangster" and etc. Btw, your videos are always nice :)
3:45 this is my favorite Mission Failed
1:59 "Why your shoes lean to the side man."
- seville member after killing cj
Ryder - Well dont go rolling the car over and blow us up in flames then
CJ: *does exactly what rider said not to do*
15:55 Super interesting mission fail text.
"That's just great! We should have distracted the guard before taking any photographs!"
Becausd the cover was blown up?
0:37 CJ: you think your tou- *DEAD*
@@ryanpascual9598*honk* ... *honk* honk*.
Pizza guy: YES I AM!
Ryder: damn, man move! MOVE!. Man what'd i---
*cars explodes*
10:36 Curse you, Berkley, CURSE YOOUUU!!
0:44 one with cheese sus car exploded
His car had enough of Big Smoke’s fatass order
Ah sh** you got ketchup all over the seat 0:49
Love the use of Banjo-Kazooie music dude. That and San Andreas were my childhood
10:51 When you’re on the Supply Lines mission in GTA SA
Supply Lines sucks!
@@efrainchavez1374Fun fact: The guy who played Zero in this game, David Cross hates that mission as well. You know how terrible a mission is when even someone like David Cross even detests a mission?
@@MediaGuy-2005 David Suckss
0:37 Cj got his ass blown away Lol😂😂
0:46 Best wasted of history.
3:30 CJ: IM
13:42 Huh I never actually saw that fail cutscene before
it's rare
@@harrygaming-y9wFail stoaway
0:45 one with cheese, sommas…….BOOM😂 RIP
0:45 Smoke: Two number 45s, one with cheese,and a large soda.
Ryder: I'm dead?
Smoke: SOS!
*The car explodes*
3:29 CJ: Hold up. Let's creep in,grab the guns, and bounce out
Ryder:Yeah,yeah, I got in-ninja style! Right... But CJ please be quiet so as not to wake up that grandfather!
CJ: Ok!
СJ: Ryder, where the hell you at,man?
Ryder: Ninja-style!
*2 stars police*
4:05 CJ: Aw, I ain't risih' to your shit, man. *DEAD*
8:41 How to do the perfect motorcycle stunt
9:32 CJ: SHIT! Why were you unlucky?
7:19 i don't love you no more! I cannot love a stupid man!
13:32 this is my most favorite Mission Failed
In GTA 5 They put Mission Failed without an Exclamation Mark
nahaha It's Yours!
With what u did at the bottom of it
GTA 4 also doesn’t have one
Meanwhile gta4, the whole text "mission passed" doesn't come lol
4:30 why ryder sound like that😂😂😂😂😂😂
4:28 made me laugh
10:36 Zero: Curse you, Berkley! Curse you!
17:37 it same happens at just business and reuniting the families
5:31 aka 5:36 the favorite mission failed moment
2:50 Real Fire
6:05 “you wrecked the party!” Is that not what you end up doing if you pass the mission 😂
6:55 one soft punch from the cops , instantly wasted haha lol 😆😆
The health was low
15:56 I like this type of Mission Failed
“What do I look like I’m made of? Pudding?” LOL
CJ: Lets madd dogg die
Also CJ: Ahh U so kind
9:54 mission failed Caesar is history 😂
1:49 damn man move MOVE😂😂😂😂
Man what I BANG!
@@CurtisLittlechild92 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
8:20 “The car got sinking”
I love the spooky music that plays whenever there is an old fashioned car nearby.
3:39 what is Ahndrea Davenport doing on the screen?
2:53 CJ's Screams is Hysterical😂😂😂
9:15 I remember I usually did the same thing as BLG did on the cars but then this happens 9:34 (The Definitive Edition)
This is why San Andreas is the best game ever. The fact Rockstar planned for this is hilarious - 13:39
9:29 where's the car? It went to the water by CJ 😂😅😅😅😅😅😅
10:15 in your life, i never seen this mission failed
Vídeo sensacional, parabéns.😂😂😂
0:44 one wih cheese Sauce🎉
3:30 that one is my favorite😂😂😂😅😂😂
7:19: 😂
10:51: 🤣
I'm hungry lkkk
One with cheeeeese SUS
13:38 😍😍😍🤣🤣🤣🤣 XD
How though wtf 😂😂 5:50
Music In San Andreas 5:57
1:00 those 2 idiots didn't event fight back 🤣
15:39 (CJ THE iPhone Not off 💀)
0:06 OH MY PC
3:37 the Picture Frame 🤨
cj: ohhhh berkley
zero: yes
cj: who that fuck is berkley
CJ too late to attend a event to pickup Madd Dogg's manager at 10PM
5:14 to 5:15
5:15 "all we had to do was follow damn train CJ"
0:43 😂😂😂
"Get me close CJ! All we had to do, was to follow the damn train, CJ!"
Mission Passed Compilation
BLG, What was the name of music in the lowriders section?
Johnny Harris-Oddesy
3:40 Andrea davenport what are you doing there 😂😂😂
6:31 At least I'm not the only one who does that hahaha
Mission Failed always makes me feel laughable 😂😂😂
5:16 and 5:37 😂😂
I want to request about busted complication gta sa ik you would get mad but you probably gotta read this, can you also add "busted with car fell on water or whateverelse" and some dialouges from CJ like "come on officer i aint no gangster" and etc.
Btw, your videos are always nice :)
5:36 😂😂😂😂😂 follow that train 🚆🚂
5:50 again 5:57 again 6:08 6:29
5:38 My Favorite Mission failed mobile version of GTA: SA i had attempt 1000 times and 3hrs 😂😂😂
11:51 Easy, just go to the Flint County and grab a Monster Truck
15:56 i thought the mission is passed😅
@12:38 & @12:46 hilarious explosions mire than once 😂epic fail
1:52 Man what'd i, BOOM
All we had to do was to follow the damn train CJ 😅
11:07 This mission on android is pretty difficult.
8:17 c,mon Carl get the fuck in!
I like how he only has 2 death poses.
I like how cj said pudding
0:41 lol i was watching this at 3 am with headphones and i thougth it was gosth
0:23 KO😵🤣
All you had to do was the pass the damn mission, CJ!
All we had to do was follow the damn train Cj
1:09 😂
1:27 Smoke died…Isn’t that the goal lol😂
10:52 Crying sound 😂
0:06 scared me a little
8:20 “The car got sinking
4:00 4:05 😂 6:22
Very good
3:31 3:37 😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣
4:06 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
6:19 = Will Smith of The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air? This Costumer... I view in TV.
blg behind midnight club 3 gameplay