Remember folks. If you aren't worth her time, then she isn't worth yours either. Also remember that is a true statement for both genders, don't waste your time on someone who doesn't care.
You'll hurt so much with this entitled strategy. The most valuable people (men or women) will always have many options and would be actually stupid to nail themselves to one person before they've decided to commit fully. That would be reducing your entire understanding/idea of masculinity or femininity to one person - talk about a recipe for disaster! People need to meet and study many people to start understanding humans and the disfunctions of some of them - you need to calibrate yourself! It only matters who they choose in the end. I hope you're young. It's unforgivable to still be at this mindset if you're after 30.
See other women and her if you want. Don’t get hung up on anyone that isn’t that into you. Occasionally hook up, but don’t get emotionally attached. If you can’t do that, then walk away.
I'm a mature mid 40's guy. This is crazyness. If a girl is seeing other guys, do not give her the time of day. Long distance or not. 2nd if she is seeing other guys she's not a keeper because she needs the attention of other guys. 3rd if she says she's seeing other guys to determine who to keep, even more reason to vanish. Don't waste your time, energy and especially money on this type of woman / girl. RUN!
You leave her alone and concentrate on your grind....simple as that! Besides if you let her back you have no respect for yourself so let her go period!
Focus on yourself: yes, absolutely! If you messed you, letting her back gives you a chance to redeem yourself, but yeah, if she was a piece of work and not worth it, you'll likely go through the same cycle again.
Like so many things in life, the answer is "it depends". If you want a monogamous relationship then yes, indicate you want commitment. If you don't want a monogamous relationship, then you should encourage her ever time she mentions she is free spirited, adventurous and open to casual sex.
I always liked and respected more the woman that had respect for herself and left a man right after noticing he has something on the side. It showed a lot of confidence.
When I was young and single I was amazed that the women who came on to me the strongest were always the married ones. They knew their husbands work schedule to the minute. They were such sneaky decievers. They would casually tell you where he was so they had this much time. Some would always get dressed at the same time the bars closed so they could claim they were just at the bar. Never trust a woman.
Visit an officers' club on any U.S. Navy base. You'll be beating them off with a stick. Hubby's at sea for six months and the little woman starts dating again.
Not every woman is like that. But then again not every guy puts effort in the relationship like they should to keep a woman happy. It takes two to tango. Just working hard at your job is not "doing your part" in the relationship. Women are emotional and you need to keep them engaged. Just because you are married doesn't mean you stop flirting with her. Make love to her mind so she makes love to your body. Learn the differences in needs that men have versus women. Women are easy to please and keep loyal if you learn the way they think.
She's seeing other guys and telling you about it? You're in the friend zone. Quit wasting your time and find someone who gets excited to see you. That's real confidence. Not the fake kind she's suggesting.
Agree completely with the part of meeting someone in person as soon as possible. I remember texting with a girl for weeks and not feeling any chemistry when we finally met in person...
@@krislo4788 It turned out tore a strange experience. After all of the courting etc. and finally meeting we decided to play out the charade (sex and all) but at the end of it I left empty and regret playing out what we had started.
What To Do If She's Seeing Other Guys + Dating Advice for Long Distance Relationships The answer may seem counter intuitive, but it's the only way you'll get her to come back to you *without her wondering about all the other "orbiters"* Fast track to get *and keep* a girlfriend with my WakeUP2Luv video program:
I was once engaged to be married a couple of years ago back in 2009 and I was 22 at the time and the girl who later became my fiancèe at the time was 29. I met her in early 2009. I met her in my city (Miami) at the job I had at the time and she was visiting from Italy to see family. She was a Russian born woman living in Italy at the time I met her. Our relationship started off as LD for a couple of months and she would come to visit me whenever possible and I went to Italy with her for vacation. Later on, I helped her bring her belongings from Italy to Miami so she can be closer to family. We were together for almost 2 years but the relationship was great and I had a great experience with her in my life. LDR can work if both people make it work in my opinion.
@@YourWingmam From what happened in our relationship was that I got her pregnant and about a month and a half into the pregnancy, she chose to do an abortion without consulting with me since she thought I would've got mad to hear the fact she's pregnant. This happened in early 2010. In reality, I would've never got mad, I would've supported her. After that happened, she started acting distant and I made numerous attempts to try to make the relationship better and it didn't get me far. The only choice to do was to break it off after a couple of months of the because at that time I felt single and it didn't feel like a relationship anymore. I did everything I can to make it work and as mentioned it didn't get me far so I let it go. It was a hard choice to do but it was the right choice. It was unfortunate that it didn't work out but I take it as an experience to live and learn.
That sucks but you’re right, you can only do what you can do. Perhaps in the bigger picture she wasn’t the right one. Having a child together far from guarantees long term compatibility. In a way, you’re lucky it happened relatively early in the relationship. Thanks for sharing your story, John 🙏
That is what women think they deserve. Keeping three or four guys on the line besides the husband. From experience, this is the way women act now. Trust is dead as Caesar.
Yup, woman I dated for 4 months all of a sudden showed me a text of a guy she was texting that she met in a bar. Showed me another text from same guy 2 months later at that point I suggested that our relationship can be friends, casual, or permanent. We are both adults and as a man of high self esteem I told her to figure herself out. She then asked me what she should text this other guy lmao! Guys be careful dont commit too quick and make them invest in you
If you’re dating a girl who can’t remember where and when you went on your previous dates (because she’s dating so many guys that she gets confused), then dump her ASAP. But if she can demonstrate total recall of every date you’ve had, even though you know she’s been dating around, then her interest in you is genuine and she might be worth pursuing.
"It's very difficult for women to be logical. It's just not our nature." ...... Straight form the horse's mouth guys! This one sentence has saved me years of future frustration and heartache! Thank you so much Anna!
You'll hurt yourself so much with this entitled strategy. The most valuable people (men or women) will always have many options and would be actually stupid to nail themselves to one person before they've decided to commit fully. That would be reducing your entire understanding of the masculinity or femininity to one person - talk about a recipe for disaster! People need to meet and study many people to start understanding humans and the disfunctions of some of them - you need to calibrate yourself! It only matters who they choose in the end. I hope you're young. It's unforgivable to still be at this mindset if you're after 30.
@@prometheus9443 it's our birthright to deserve the best. There's nothing wrong with walking away from someone who is not willing to make us a priority. It's also their right to 'study' multiple person at once but they got to understand that theres always consequences behind their decisions they chose.
Honesty, Integrity, Courage, and Honor...Wow...makes me wonder how different it all could be, not only in relationships but in society at large. Anyways awesome vid, don't edit it...every second on it quite valuable in insight.
Thanks again, Slimm :) Yes, the world could be a much better place. We can be the ripple in our own ponds! (I feel sad for the young generation that hasn't been taught shit about honesty, integrity, courage and honor, but perhaps some renegades will evolve from their masses and show lost ones the way.)
@@simmsation21 Shit, bro, it's like me not feeding my own kids properly and expecting them to love me as they grow up, lmao. It's abuse. I couldn't do that to my dog, fam. The way I see it, you do well by the dog and make sure it knows you're the alpha, it will do well by you and love you, respect you, and protect you. Family always look out for one another. Dogs are considered family
I have a long distance relationship. We have been together since 2018. Distance has not helped the relationship, so I made the effort and booked a flight to go see her in March. We had it all planned out, but I called here a few days before the flight and she told me she had been offered a job and was moving to another state. She did not mention anything about getting together until I asked about it. She said, "oh, I don't know." I had to cancel my trip. Not sure if she is worth the effort anymore.
After my best friend rejected me , being shy and lonely, I fell into the trap of many bad decisions and wasted my life on wrong types of guys. I became the type of gal men would never want, and commited to wrong types, so now I'm never going to have a life mate. I have lots of animals to care for now, but I can say that I accept the consequences of my own bad decisions. Hopefully, some of those women will wake up and take responsibility for their bad decisions in time.
That is right, honesty is the best way to live. First time I watched your video here, and I like your attitude. If every women are like you. Then human will be so chill and peacefully and specially divorce wont exist.
Long distance doesnt work unless someone makes a move..dont waste your time...I made a deal with my long distance relationship that if either of us gets serious with someone to let other know....well she didnt and played me for 2 years...Not good cause I was getting deeper with her family and no one mentioned it...I read the signs.. found out she started another long distance relationship that she said finally she wanted exclusively with my time was wasted...Dont get to involved with long distance relationship s...have fun that's all....I knew she was a player *
sounds like what I went thourgh for 2 years. it was LDR and basically geting her feet back on the ground from her last marriage. she was married twice and on meds and at times I believe she was a bog risk taker sexually.the last 10 months my intuition was telling me something was wrong.i belive she was seeing someone else and lots of red flags I seen from with holding intimacy to being malipative and so on.
I think this is great advice tbh, i dont think most people are truly understanding what it means to have a marriage mindset. Also Anna, i dont think it was a waste! Experiences have their value :)
If she's honest about it and said you both should be seeing others while set in long distance start looking around for someone to spend time with. But don't dump her. If she's that honest, she's a keeper. BUT, if she's seeing someone else on the sly and trying to keep you hooked? Change your passwords, slowly start calling/interacting less but definitely don't go back or start pursuing her again. If you do it slick enough she won't even notice you're gone until she looks around and sees she is all alone.
Dont flirt with the gift that keeps on giving. Protecting your health comes from wise decisions before hand. Think about not doing things that can give you something you dont need a doctor for.
If she is seeing other guys, it would depend on how far along you two are as well as how serious you want to be with her. If you are really interested and she is seeing other guys as a general rule it is not good news. If she continues to see other guys and you continue to go along, wish her well and move on. As for long distance, not worth it unless one person wants to move. Generally, they don’t want to move and generally long distance does not work out.
yup just went thourgh this,was with her for 2 years and she was on dating sites as well when I first met her she did not tell me she was seeing someone else while I was sleeping with her as about no integrity,respect or being honest with with me and the other guy plus respect for her self.she had a lot of red flags I should have run far away.
It would be, bye bye time for her! If she thrives off that much attention and variety, she's much more likely to not be faithful. If you couple that with an already hypergamous nature, it's really not worth.
That's why I'm making my lunches see how long she lasts with me she wants to go out to eat everyday not a millionaire and she lives with her boyfriend she claimed she didn't love him she just needs a couch to sleep on she can't move with me I live with my dad in a complex can't have more people living with me I have a lease there's rules she's 37 he's 68 and I am 38 she's sticking him abusing her
Hello! Just talked to a girl I’ve been having a thing with for awhile, today she wanted to have the “talk” and explained how so doesn’t know how she feels about me, she says she doesn’t see us dating, then she asked me if we would still gonna talk and stay as friends? I told her honestly and said no and gave her reasons, after the call I told her that I care about her but told her not talking to her would be best since I don’t want to prolong this emotion... is this right? We did have sexual intimate before... I still like her, love her personality, but don’t want to be just friends...
Hi, thanks for the question! In one sense you did the right thing by setting boundaries on what you are not interested in, friend zone, and won’t settle for. On the other hand, depending on how that was presented and how emotional you were when expressing your undying love and devotion, you may have shown unintended weakness. The best thing to do is state (with self assurance and confidence that you will be OK no matter what she decides) that you would preferred to be in an intimate relationship with her but that you want what’s best for both of you, so you will respect her needs and move on and if she changes her mind *and you’re still available* she’s welcome to come back if she changes her mind but you won’t wait for her. If she’s having second thoughts about being with you it’s likely because you’ve shown neediness or clinginess and have essentially lost your alpha masculinity and mysteriousness. A woman must always feel like she’s the lucky one to be with you otherwise she takes you for granted and gets turned off. Don’t initiate contact again, I don’t over share what’s happening in your life, don’t wait for her, don’t be rude, moody or pouty if she does contact you, basically get back to being an exciting person who she wants to discover more about and make it welcoming for her to come back without making it feel needy. Make sense? Let me know how it goes!
@@YourWingmam Weakness like vulnerability? Isn't that what relationships are all about? I think you're thinking about business deals and not relationships. Btw, how'd that advice work out for this guy? You get the girl??
@@PEYPLACE I’ve done this approach before, doesn’t work. Being vulnerable is what creates lasting relationships. Acting like this or that, never truly gets what you want
If you have it bad for her, its how you spend time with her that matters and it doesn't matter how many guys she is seeing. You don't talk about them, you should be concerned with how you are treating her to make her special and forget about everyone else. She is a grown woman and if she likes someone, she will tell them when she is ready.
"Always leave them wanting more" Brilliant!!!! Anna! P L E A S E !!!!!! Do a video on leaving them wanting more!!!! For us limerant fools too gripped by our brain chemicals run wild to be creative on our own. Love your chanel! You have already shown me a number of ways that I am going in the wrong direction. Many heartfelt thanks from the desperate corner of the friend zone.
Hi I've been seeing and dating this woman for a longtime, she always saying that she loves me but she allows her exes and other men contacting/ seeing and visiting her and she says to trust her they are just friends " YEAH RIGHT" 🤔
Women with bpd try to be sneeky about talking to other guys or think it's Innocent. She also stated she was faithful and loyal. I grew up with the mentality of, "don't talk about it, be about it". Overtime, what was done in the dark came to light.
Twice a girl cost me a chance with another woman and possibly a better relationship, by stringing me along and talking to other guys. I have this thing where I hate just leaving because I always think "How would I know if we would've had something good?"
Don’t be any woman’s consolation prize. I don’t care who it is. If they play games, then drop that chick. These are women that want or need drama in their lives. Trust me, you don’t need that. A lot of women cannot be alone and you don’t need that needy girl either.
I have recently just broken up with a woman who was 30 and I was 50 we meet online and she lives in another state from me in my country of Australia, I tried to get to know this woman by asking questions but she never answered or when I asked when I would be able to come and visit her she keeps saying that due to covid lockdowns I was unable to visit, but I discovered that I could have visited her because what she was telling me was all lies, I always answered her questions but she never answered mine, I was always honest with her when she asked if I was seeing other women, I told her I would be dedicated to her but when I asked her the same question she again never answered so I started thinking she was all wrong for me but the thing is I still love her but I feel very distressed and devastated we had been chatting online for 9 months.
Listening to these video dating sites makes me aware of how many mind games women play!! I’m an older man and really don’t have time for all this silliness!!
It's a tough one, but Anna is right to say that a woman is likely to be seeing more than one guy unless she is in a committed relationship. Online dating and social media makes this so - it presents an almost endless carousel of choices. We just need to develop strategies to cope with this. I learned this the hard way.
Do your best you possibly can, and if you keep her wanting more of you, slowly but surely the other guys will slowly get removed from her mind. Make it to the point she gets annoyed when getting a text from any other guy that isn't you, hoping the texts came from you. Most importantly, don't try to force yourself onto her mind as that would backfire. I highly suggest letting her come to the conclusion herself and letting her the choice and breathing room to form that conclusion herself. Patience is your greatest weapon when dealing with women or people or even circumstances in almost all cases. Again, best of luck to whoever is going through whatever stages of experience you are having. And remember, always give yourself the permission to have fun no matter the outcome and stop waiting for anybody to give you that permission.
Great information. Would be great to see more videos on this subject. Yesterday I had a really nice time with someone I met on dating website. No doubt she’s seeing multiple guys.
There are so many variables to this issue there are no hard and fast answers. Except one. If you are being intimate, then it should be an exclusive relationship. If not, it's a gray area but what's good for the goose is always good for the gander and vice versa. Personally, I prefer to date one woman at a time because the logistics get difficult (when people work, there's only one weekend a week) and there's a huge potential for unintended consequences. I have circumstantially dated more than one woman at a time but the downside far out ways the upside IMO.
Date a young woman who has girlfriends you are attracted to, as well. Why?, because women talk. The more time you spend with her, the more she will talk about you OR her girlfriends may ask about you. If everything goes south, then you may have someone else to date. Sometimes, it's the girlfriend's who cause the break-up. (nods) Just relax and be confident in yourself, and always have in the back of your mind, since we are talking about relationships, that the one you most want may not be compatible long-term.
True. And when women are younger they're less loyal to their girlfriends in general, when women get older they're selectively less loyal lol (in other words, they've really got to think there's something there with the other woman's man to risk the friendship). Not saying cheating is ok, just saying it's a fact of life. Also, in the younger generation nowadays, because so many girls are "modern feminists" many are seeing multiple people so losing one guy ain't as big a deal. And you're absolutely right, chemistry doesn't equal compatibility! Maybe someone else is a better fit ;) and to me that means a win-win-win because that means the original lady can be free to find her better fit. Note: I was not this emotionally mature when I was young!! I was just as insecure and out of touch as anyone. Live and learn and *apply said knowledge!*
@@YourWingmam I caution any guy from asking a young woman about any man/men she's around for a host of reasons. Mainly, because she knows the reason why you are asking, even if you think you've fooled her. Also, your imagination will take hold, and you will drive yourself crazy thinking about what may be going on. She will enjoy this more than your company, and it will be the only reason why you are in her social circle. Just live in your own space.
Best compromise, assume she’s seeing other guys but don’t stress about it, you’re the best choice she has. Date other women until she brings it up and rallies for monogamy. (Nods)
I can't believe all the convoluted tap dancing around asking about other guys, not asking about other guys, how often to ask about other guys... If you're serious, there should be no other guys! It's pretty simple: 1. Do you think she could be "the one" (meaning someone who at your age, you'd want to have kids with)... If no, move on or tell her you're good with FWB, you need to be honest with her that you're not willing to compromise on the long distance! 2. If your answer is yes, there needs to be a conversation about exclusivity!!!! That is first, can you and she agree to be exclusive? In this case, you'll also need to address how you're going to deal with the distance... Can you move? Can she move? Will you? If moving is out, the relationship is done! I'll give you two examples... I know a girl (and all her friends) in Newport Beach. When they meet a guy they like, they make him wait several weeks to have sex so he'll know they're into him and want it to be serious. But, they're sleeping with lots of other guys in the mean time because, "Well, I'm not going to go without sex while I'm making him wait!" These women see sex as a transaction and don't let the million dollar house, $5K purse and $150K Mercedes fool you, they're low value. If they weren't, they would be paying the same price to be with you they expect for you to be with them. Example 2: In my last LTR, I know she was seeing other guys a little but not having sex with them. We also lived 50 miles apart, not far but far enough in SoCal! After 2 months, she sat me down to have a conversation about where I see this going, are we working to make something long term or just fooling around? We agreed we would work on a LTR and we did for several years. In the end, it didn't work out but we definitely got started on the right foot and it was a touchstone in our relationship. And yes, distance was one of the issues. She didn't want to leave her friends in LA, I have a well established business in Newport Beach and can't leave my clients!
Hi I’m sort of in the same situation, but I’ve chosen not to see other girls, there is no one better she is a match and a bag of chips. I hope love is going to find itself. We have been on four dates already I usually close on second date the deal but with her it’s different.
Hi Anna. Thank you for all the advice and observations in your videos-I really enjoy them AND wish I had seen them earlier in life (but hard as some are what only 5 months old) as I big older than I would like to be with a younger mindset. Anyway, I wish you all success including finding better relationships. Cheers BK
I'm 53 many long and short term dating relationships. Even married twice. Great advice but it can be summed UP...If she lives within 300miles of you and you aren't seeing each other in person at least every 2-3 weeks....Um yeah...She's seeing other guys.
If ive said it before I will say it again thanks for the diligence, hard work & effervescence you put in to your videos on this channel YT best kept secret as I write this I am so proud to say that you are just 5 subs away from hitting 2k! Little by little senorita you are burgeoning.
In most of the cases, you will never know even if she sees other guys until if anything big happens..... Other wise most of the girls are so so talented to maintain so well and they know how to handle too many options at once.... If you know her movements well in advance then you are so lucky to move on without wasting much time of yours.... Other wise she must have used you so much by then... Heck that's how it is... So keep your eyes wide open when you are dating any girl..... Doesn't mean that you should behave creepy and become a watchdog.... You also need to act so cool and calm but you always have an eye 😉
Dr.Genset can make your ex come back to you for a second chance. He was the one who helped me restore back my broken relationship of 3 years by bringing back my ex Also Dr.Genset always keep up with his words I strongly Advise you to seek help from him
I am 59 my friend is 52. Recently she went on a 10 day camping trip in an RV with her last live in boyfriend. It bothered me me immensely. Not even a text during her trip telling me she was there, safe, and having a good time. So I said this to her and she got defensive saying he is just a friend and does not want to deal with the jealousy. She did not want to throw it in my face. Not to mention her ghosting me on the weekend when I am not with her. This guy was homeless and recently came in to soime money so now he blows it taking her on a 10 day camping trip. I found it odd as she does not mention to taking time off from work to spend with me.
If you continue to even engage a woman who is seeing other guys than I really question your own self-esteem and manhood. Yeah, people date several people before settling on a committed relationship, but one at a time. This standard goes back to middle school.
These videos are cool and helpful. The dating scene sucks these days. By the time you get to 100 body counts it will be very hard to stay faithful and loyal to one person for a lifetime. The elastic ability to bond with one person forever will be gone forever. I know this might be the religious me kicking in but been .... Finding a good woman with standards seems to be rare. It’s either shit test or games non stop, except she picks you for a lifetime partner.
Is it me or is it that if you don't see a person in person you aren't really with them. Like wingmam said you don't know how it is when you're together. I was with someone and things were great on the phone and in text. But when we were face to face it was a slow train wreck. We didn't gel together at all. I just wasted four years off and on. All I can say is get together ASAP. Or realize you are only getting a maybe hookup in another city or town. Same goes for if you were in a relationship with someone in town and one of you moved away. The longer you wait the worse things will be. She's going to need to be with someone and if you're not there it's going to be someone else.
was planning to meet her in person, but never got around too it she flaked on me. I really like this girl we talk a lot. but it hurt me recently to find out she could have hanged out with me but she decided to meet this other dude. and well she told me she's seeing him and, welp I have never explained my feelings for her. I feel like I waited too long, but again my whole plan was to meet in person.
Big hug, that sucks! But it does sound like you need to increase your confidence. Hesitation and lack of confidence is a turnoff, unfortunately. Consider watching some of my videos in this confidence playlist:
I must say ,I really enjoy your persona and methodology as well as how you share experiences with your audience. You are respectful and make us guys laugh with the savvy wit and great silly humor..... So with that being said Thank you so very much for your help with the male species that sometimes thinks they have a clue on what woman need or want... From a man, its clear most of us are still sleepless in Seattle.. I am going to try to go through your website to understand more about what you provide. This way I can look at self and assess my needs to education and be a good Stewart and truly provide the quality of being a better man and life-mate. Warm Regards my best always, Ted Kollmar Thank you
Her dating other guys is nothing. You're not going to be in a monogamous 'relationship' at the beginning or even after the first few dates. Relax. You should be dating other women. If you are worried about her dating or talking to other guys then your head is in the wrong place. Just have fun, have sex, have a blast and don't worry about the silly relationship. She'll handle that part when she's ready. If you create the fun adventure, she'll begin asking about the relationship. :-) Guaranteed.
I have known this very attractive high salaried lady very large ego left hubby had numerous guys on the sideline she enjoyed the fun while it lasted now she is on her own the genuine guys copped on
Question, when did dating become a game, who or what decided to make dating a game or a sport or a past time. Picture the scenario, on your resume, hobbies and interests, I enjoy dating, I'm actually a very good player at it, hoping to become proffessional😂😂
And to think I did it the old fashioned way... like Abraham's servant seeking a wife for Isaac. Then 6 years later she was still available so I made my move... never asked her to marry me nor her me, and yet were married 8 months later.
DO NOT text for months before meeting. What is said in this video is true and can save you so much wasted time. The girl I done this with seemed great until we started hooking up and we didn't click. (it was the start of lockdown)
Don't you think time matters? If you are on a 2nd date with a woman and you happen to discover that she's got date(s) planned, so what!!! If you have been dating the same lady for 6 months and she's still dating others, still don't be angry, just stop thinking of her as a potential partner and proceed however from there. I personally don't worry about exclusivity until things feel more intimate, I absolutely don't like having multiple sexual partners.
Remember folks. If you aren't worth her time, then she isn't worth yours either. Also remember that is a true statement for both genders, don't waste your time on someone who doesn't care.
@@freddiestranger9783 I would not waste my time on Jesus, he don't care for me.
If she's seeing other guys, move on. Not worth the effort.
Kurt robinson well said
Shes the looser , youre the winner cause youre not wastin your time.
Thats good-- consider your self a lucky man.
You'll hurt so much with this entitled strategy.
The most valuable people (men or women) will always have many options and would be actually stupid to nail themselves to one person before they've decided to commit fully. That would be reducing your entire understanding/idea of masculinity or femininity to one person - talk about a recipe for disaster!
People need to meet and study many people to start understanding humans and the disfunctions of some of them - you need to calibrate yourself!
It only matters who they choose in the end.
I hope you're young. It's unforgivable to still be at this mindset if you're after 30.
@wnc817 Any lower standard is selling your soul to the Devil for too high a price.
@wnc817 😄😁in that case nobody would be married..
If "she's seeing other guys" just dump her/ghost her immediately. Life is too short for these games, there are plenty of other girls out there.
Itamar Eshet this is the common sense answer. Honestly, I was disappointed with the advice in this video.
@@Krwler Asking a woman for a dating advise, is like asking a deer for a hunting advise...
@@itamareshet4484 100%
@@itamareshet4484 yessss😄😁
U guys are so oblivious, 9 out of 10 chicks are like this
See other women and her if you want. Don’t get hung up on anyone that isn’t that into you. Occasionally hook up, but don’t get emotionally attached. If you can’t do that, then walk away.
That's the worst advice. If you're into hook up culture you're not capable of having a relationship in the first place.
@@Kreuzrippengewoelbe psst. Whisper… the preface was that she is already seeing other guys.
I'm a mature mid 40's guy. This is crazyness. If a girl is seeing other guys, do not give her the time of day. Long distance or not. 2nd if she is seeing other guys she's not a keeper because she needs the attention of other guys. 3rd if she says she's seeing other guys to determine who to keep, even more reason to vanish. Don't waste your time, energy and especially money on this type of woman / girl. RUN!
I agree...Worst bullshit advice i've ever heard and a great way to get strung along like a total simp.
You leave her alone and concentrate on your grind....simple as that! Besides if you let her back you have no respect for yourself so let her go period!
Focus on yourself: yes, absolutely! If you messed you, letting her back gives you a chance to redeem yourself, but yeah, if she was a piece of work and not worth it, you'll likely go through the same cycle again.
Like so many things in life, the answer is "it depends". If you want a monogamous relationship then yes, indicate you want commitment. If you don't want a monogamous relationship, then you should encourage her ever time she mentions she is free spirited, adventurous and open to casual sex.
Love the channel .
I always liked and respected more the woman that had respect for herself and left a man right after noticing he has something on the side. It showed a lot of confidence.
She can see her way to the door!
Jealousy will eat you alive . not worth the effort . dump her without gifts
It will save the psychology
When I was young and single I was amazed that the women who came on to me the strongest were always the married ones. They knew their husbands work schedule to the minute.
They were such sneaky decievers. They would casually tell you where he was so they had this much time. Some would always get dressed at the same time the bars closed so they could claim they were just at the bar. Never trust a woman.
Visit an officers' club on any U.S. Navy base. You'll be beating them off with a stick. Hubby's at sea for six months and the little woman starts dating again.
Not every woman is like that. But then again not every guy puts effort in the relationship like they should to keep a woman happy. It takes two to tango. Just working hard at your job is not "doing your part" in the relationship. Women are emotional and you need to keep them engaged. Just because you are married doesn't mean you stop flirting with her. Make love to her mind so she makes love to your body. Learn the differences in needs that men have versus women. Women are easy to please and keep loyal if you learn the way they think.
She's seeing other guys and telling you about it? You're in the friend zone. Quit wasting your time and find someone who gets excited to see you.
That's real confidence. Not the fake kind she's suggesting.
Thank you for sharing, I appreciate that ❤️
Agree completely with the part of meeting someone in person as soon as possible. I remember texting with a girl for weeks and not feeling any chemistry when we finally met in person...
Long distance dating. Ended up flying to the U.K. to meet her. What a disaster!!! no chemistry. Never again lol
Her name wasn't Wendy, was it?
Wow...i thought i was the only Naive one on this planet.Atleast i flew across my own country! results were same!!
@@krislo4788 It turned out tore a strange experience. After all of the courting etc. and finally meeting we decided to play out the charade (sex and all) but at the end of it I left empty and regret playing out what we had started.
Was her name Laura?
What To Do If She's Seeing Other Guys + Dating Advice for Long Distance Relationships
The answer may seem counter intuitive, but it's the only way you'll get her to come back to you *without her wondering about all the other "orbiters"* Fast track to get *and keep* a girlfriend with my WakeUP2Luv video program:
I was once engaged to be married a couple of years ago back in 2009 and I was 22 at the time and the girl who later became my fiancèe at the time was 29. I met her in early 2009. I met her in my city (Miami) at the job I had at the time and she was visiting from Italy to see family. She was a Russian born woman living in Italy at the time I met her. Our relationship started off as LD for a couple of months and she would come to visit me whenever possible and I went to Italy with her for vacation. Later on, I helped her bring her belongings from Italy to Miami so she can be closer to family. We were together for almost 2 years but the relationship was great and I had a great experience with her in my life. LDR can work if both people make it work in my opinion.
Interesting, what ended up happening to end the relationship? (If you feel like sharing.)
@@YourWingmam From what happened in our relationship was that I got her pregnant and about a month and a half into the pregnancy, she chose to do an abortion without consulting with me since she thought I would've got mad to hear the fact she's pregnant. This happened in early 2010. In reality, I would've never got mad, I would've supported her. After that happened, she started acting distant and I made numerous attempts to try to make the relationship better and it didn't get me far. The only choice to do was to break it off after a couple of months of the because at that time I felt single and it didn't feel like a relationship anymore. I did everything I can to make it work and as mentioned it didn't get me far so I let it go. It was a hard choice to do but it was the right choice. It was unfortunate that it didn't work out but I take it as an experience to live and learn.
That sucks but you’re right, you can only do what you can do.
Perhaps in the bigger picture she wasn’t the right one. Having a child together far from guarantees long term compatibility.
In a way, you’re lucky it happened relatively early in the relationship. Thanks for sharing your story, John 🙏
@@YourWingmam Thanks for reading and commenting Anna 🙏🏻
That is what women think they deserve. Keeping three or four guys on the line besides the husband. From experience, this is the way women act now. Trust is dead as Caesar.
Many of them now seem to behave like glorified escort girls.
Exactly. This is the new normal. You have to live with that.
Yet they overreact when they see one txt from a girl you know...double standards
True experienced it
Yup, woman I dated for 4 months all of a sudden showed me a text of a guy she was texting that she met in a bar. Showed me another text from same guy 2 months later at that point I suggested that our relationship can be friends, casual, or permanent. We are both adults and as a man of high self esteem I told her to figure herself out. She then asked me what she should text this other guy lmao! Guys be careful dont commit too quick and make them invest in you
Thank you for sharing your experience! Hopefully, it will help others learn from it. I appreciate that ❤️
If you’re dating a girl who can’t remember where and when you went on your previous dates (because she’s dating so many guys that she gets confused), then dump her ASAP. But if she can demonstrate total recall of every date you’ve had, even though you know she’s been dating around, then her interest in you is genuine and she might be worth pursuing.
"It's very difficult for women to be logical. It's just not our nature." ...... Straight form the horse's mouth guys!
This one sentence has saved me years of future frustration and heartache! Thank you so much Anna!
They are ALL seeing other guys. Don't run away, just tell her to be open about it. And tell her that it's bugging you.
"What To Do If She's Seeing Other Guys"
Uhh run the eff away...
Move on
You'll hurt yourself so much with this entitled strategy.
The most valuable people (men or women) will always have many options and would be actually stupid to nail themselves to one person before they've decided to commit fully. That would be reducing your entire understanding of the masculinity or femininity to one person - talk about a recipe for disaster!
People need to meet and study many people to start understanding humans and the disfunctions of some of them - you need to calibrate yourself!
It only matters who they choose in the end.
I hope you're young. It's unforgivable to still be at this mindset if you're after 30.
Bang her buddies to have a stalker😄😁
Gets a butthole as soon as you can then discard her like a piece of trash
@@prometheus9443 it's our birthright to deserve the best. There's nothing wrong with walking away from someone who is not willing to make us a priority. It's also their right to 'study' multiple person at once but they got to understand that theres always consequences behind their decisions they chose.
Honesty, Integrity, Courage, and Honor...Wow...makes me wonder how different it all could be, not only in relationships but in society at large. Anyways awesome vid, don't edit it...every second on it quite valuable in insight.
Thanks again, Slimm :) Yes, the world could be a much better place. We can be the ripple in our own ponds! (I feel sad for the young generation that hasn't been taught shit about honesty, integrity, courage and honor, but perhaps some renegades will evolve from their masses and show lost ones the way.)
@@YourWingmam 2 years late but a 17 year old here, I live by those four words plus loyalty
forget this bs and get a good dog or cat maybe one of both. The best loyal friends you will ever have in your life period.
Best advice ever
Only because you feed them, stop feeding them, the dog will attack and the cat will leave.
SimmSational C
You're supposed to feed a damn dog tf😂😂. Idc bout cats tho
@@spambamkeija634 test how loyal they will be if you don't.
@@simmsation21 Shit, bro, it's like me not feeding my own kids properly and expecting them to love me as they grow up, lmao. It's abuse. I couldn't do that to my dog, fam. The way I see it, you do well by the dog and make sure it knows you're the alpha, it will do well by you and love you, respect you, and protect you. Family always look out for one another. Dogs are considered family
I have a long distance relationship. We have been together since 2018. Distance has not helped the relationship, so I made the effort and booked a flight to go see her in March. We had it all planned out, but I called here a few days before the flight and she told me she had been offered a job and was moving to another state. She did not mention anything about getting together until I asked about it. She said, "oh, I don't know." I had to cancel my trip. Not sure if she is worth the effort anymore.
@port nut u ain't have to say husband 😅
she isn't
Move on with no drama... plenty of fish in the sea!
The only logical response
The thing is I want that one fish only, because it's the best fish I have ever caught, and there is no other fish like this one.
time to move on
You will find yourself in the sea fishing, alone Im affraid
Real talk women stupid decisions will catch up with them eventually 💯 🤷
That explains a lot.
You’re one of my favorite Self help Gurus. Your work is very consistent and helpful. Much appreciated.
Thank you very much I'm happy to hear that 🙌
After my best friend rejected me , being shy and lonely, I fell into the trap of many bad decisions and wasted my life on wrong types of guys. I became the type of gal men would never want, and commited to wrong types, so now I'm never going to have a life mate. I have lots of animals to care for now, but I can say that I accept the consequences of my own bad decisions. Hopefully, some of those women will wake up and take responsibility for their bad decisions in time.
That is right, honesty is the best way to live. First time I watched your video here, and I like your attitude. If every women are like you. Then human will be so chill and peacefully and specially divorce wont exist.
Thank you, Philip! :-)
Long distance doesnt work unless someone makes a move..dont waste your time...I made a deal with my long distance relationship that if either of us gets serious with someone to let other know....well she didnt and played me for 2 years...Not good cause I was getting deeper with her family and no one mentioned it...I read the signs.. found out she started another long distance relationship that she said finally she wanted exclusively with my time was wasted...Dont get to involved with long distance relationship s...have fun that's all....I knew she was a player *
sounds like what I went thourgh for 2 years.
it was LDR and basically geting her feet back on the ground from her last marriage.
she was married twice and on meds and at times I believe she was a bog risk taker sexually.the last 10 months my intuition was telling me something was wrong.i belive she was seeing someone else and lots of red flags I seen from with holding intimacy to being malipative and so on.
I think this is great advice tbh, i dont think most people are truly understanding what it means to have a marriage mindset. Also Anna, i dont think it was a waste! Experiences have their value :)
If she's honest about it and said you both should be seeing others while set in long distance start looking around for someone to spend time with. But don't dump her. If she's that honest, she's a keeper.
BUT, if she's seeing someone else on the sly and trying to keep you hooked? Change your passwords, slowly start calling/interacting less but definitely don't go back or start pursuing her again. If you do it slick enough she won't even notice you're gone until she looks around and sees she is all alone.
Smooth operator
Dont flirt with the gift that keeps on giving. Protecting your health comes from wise decisions before hand. Think about not doing things that can give you something you dont need a doctor for.
If she is seeing other guys, it would depend on how far along you two are as well as how serious you want to be with her. If you are really interested and she is seeing other guys as a general rule it is not good news. If she continues to see other guys and you continue to go along, wish her well and move on. As for long distance, not worth it unless one person wants to move. Generally, they don’t want to move and generally long distance does not work out.
yup just went thourgh this,was with her for 2 years and she was on dating sites as well when I first met her she did not tell me she was seeing someone else while I was sleeping with her as about no integrity,respect or being honest with with me and the other guy plus respect for her self.she had a lot of red flags I should have run far away.
It would be, bye bye time for her! If she thrives off that much attention and variety, she's much more likely to not be faithful. If you couple that with an already hypergamous nature, it's really not worth.
If she wants to see another guy, cool...more money in my pocket for me to do what I want to do.
Christopher Leal
You should be doing that anyway!!
That's why I'm making my lunches see how long she lasts with me she wants to go out to eat everyday not a millionaire and she lives with her boyfriend she claimed she didn't love him she just needs a couch to sleep on she can't move with me I live with my dad in a complex can't have more people living with me I have a lease there's rules she's 37 he's 68 and I am 38 she's sticking him abusing her
More money means more gifts for yourself
See her sister
Hello! Just talked to a girl I’ve been having a thing with for awhile, today she wanted to have the “talk” and explained how so doesn’t know how she feels about me, she says she doesn’t see us dating, then she asked me if we would still gonna talk and stay as friends? I told her honestly and said no and gave her reasons, after the call I told her that I care about her but told her not talking to her would be best since I don’t want to prolong this emotion... is this right? We did have sexual intimate before... I still like her, love her personality, but don’t want to be just friends...
Hi, thanks for the question! In one sense you did the right thing by setting boundaries on what you are not interested in, friend zone, and won’t settle for.
On the other hand, depending on how that was presented and how emotional you were when expressing your undying love and devotion, you may have shown unintended weakness.
The best thing to do is state (with self assurance and confidence that you will be OK no matter what she decides) that you would preferred to be in an intimate relationship with her but that you want what’s best for both of you, so you will respect her needs and move on and if she changes her mind *and you’re still available* she’s welcome to come back if she changes her mind but you won’t wait for her.
If she’s having second thoughts about being with you it’s likely because you’ve shown neediness or clinginess and have essentially lost your alpha masculinity and mysteriousness. A woman must always feel like she’s the lucky one to be with you otherwise she takes you for granted and gets turned off.
Don’t initiate contact again, I don’t over share what’s happening in your life, don’t wait for her, don’t be rude, moody or pouty if she does contact you, basically get back to being an exciting person who she wants to discover more about and make it welcoming for her to come back without making it feel needy. Make sense? Let me know how it goes!
WingmamTV Will do! I will! And thanks
@@YourWingmam are you a superhero?
@@YourWingmam Weakness like vulnerability? Isn't that what relationships are all about?
I think you're thinking about business deals and not relationships.
Btw, how'd that advice work out for this guy? You get the girl??
@@PEYPLACE I’ve done this approach before, doesn’t work. Being vulnerable is what creates lasting relationships. Acting like this or that, never truly gets what you want
I just want to say, you'll never have to worry about me having a crush on anyone anymore. I'm chilling. Going to the Walmart to get me a fishing pole.
If you have it bad for her, its how you spend time with her that matters and it doesn't matter how many guys she is seeing. You don't talk about them, you should be concerned with how you are treating her to make her special and forget about everyone else. She is a grown woman and if she likes someone, she will tell them when she is ready.
Or she'll string you along and play you like a bitch...Treat a woman only as good as she is treating you.
Compromise,communication,and cunnilingus is paramount to a foundation
"Always leave them wanting more"
P L E A S E !!!!!!
Do a video on leaving them wanting more!!!!
For us limerant fools too gripped by our brain chemicals run wild to be creative on our own.
Love your chanel!
You have already shown me a number of ways that I am going in the wrong direction.
Many heartfelt thanks from the desperate corner of the friend zone.
Hi I've been seeing and dating this woman for a longtime, she always saying that she loves me but she allows her exes and other men contacting/ seeing and visiting her and she says to trust her they are just friends " YEAH RIGHT" 🤔
I'm happy this has been helpful to you and I pray that you heal all you have been through 🙏
Hi Anna,
Love your humor in emotional content and a very honest expressed face that tells me allot of your character...and your politeness!
Women with bpd try to be sneeky about talking to other guys or think it's Innocent. She also stated she was faithful and loyal. I grew up with the mentality of, "don't talk about it, be about it". Overtime, what was done in the dark came to light.
Twice a girl cost me a chance with another woman and possibly a better relationship, by stringing me along and talking to other guys. I have this thing where I hate just leaving because I always think "How would I know if we would've had something good?"
Don’t be any woman’s consolation prize. I don’t care who it is. If they play games, then drop that chick. These are women that want or need drama in their lives. Trust me, you don’t need that. A lot of women cannot be alone and you don’t need that needy girl either.
I have recently just broken up with a woman who was 30 and I was 50 we meet online and she lives in another state from me in my country of Australia, I tried to get to know this woman by asking questions but she never answered or when I asked when I would be able to come and visit her she keeps saying that due to covid lockdowns I was unable to visit, but I discovered that I could have visited her because what she was telling me was all lies, I always answered her questions but she never answered mine, I was always honest with her when she asked if I was seeing other women, I told her I would be dedicated to her but when I asked her the same question she again never answered so I started thinking she was all wrong for me but the thing is I still love her but I feel very distressed and devastated we had been chatting online for 9 months.
I'm sorry to hear about that, I pray that you heal from all that you have been through, and be able to keep moving in faith 🙏 ❤️
Listening to these video dating sites makes me aware of how many mind games women play!! I’m an older man and really don’t have time for all this silliness!!
It's a tough one, but Anna is right to say that a woman is likely to be seeing more than one guy unless she is in a committed relationship.
Online dating and social media makes this so - it presents an almost endless carousel of choices.
We just need to develop strategies to cope with this.
I learned this the hard way.
Do your best you possibly can, and if you keep her wanting more of you, slowly but surely the other guys will slowly get removed from her mind. Make it to the point she gets annoyed when getting a text from any other guy that isn't you, hoping the texts came from you. Most importantly, don't try to force yourself onto her mind as that would backfire. I highly suggest letting her come to the conclusion herself and letting her the choice and breathing room to form that conclusion herself. Patience is your greatest weapon when dealing with women or people or even circumstances in almost all cases. Again, best of luck to whoever is going through whatever stages of experience you are having. And remember, always give yourself the permission to have fun no matter the outcome and stop waiting for anybody to give you that permission.
Thank you for sharing, I appreciate your feedback.
Great information. Would be great to see more videos on this subject. Yesterday I had a really nice time with someone I met on dating website. No doubt she’s seeing multiple guys.
other guys ,,,, dont walk RUN away quick ,,, its not worth it
I've watched like 5 of these today. You are so helpful! Nice to look at too.
I'm not trying to be in a hole... but is there any happily couple that ever took your advice?? I'm just curious 🤔
I finally figured it out. You remind me so much of Sally Fields.
There are so many variables to this issue there are no hard and fast answers. Except one. If you are being intimate, then it should be an exclusive relationship. If not, it's a gray area but what's good for the goose is always good for the gander and vice versa. Personally, I prefer to date one woman at a time because the logistics get difficult (when people work, there's only one weekend a week) and there's a huge potential for unintended consequences. I have circumstantially dated more than one woman at a time but the downside far out ways the upside IMO.
Of course she's seeing other guys; they all are.
Date a young woman who has girlfriends you are attracted to, as well. Why?, because women talk. The more time you spend with her, the more she will talk about you OR her girlfriends may ask about you. If everything goes south, then you may have someone else to date. Sometimes, it's the girlfriend's who cause the break-up. (nods) Just relax and be confident in yourself, and always have in the back of your mind, since we are talking about relationships, that the one you most want may not be compatible long-term.
True. And when women are younger they're less loyal to their girlfriends in general, when women get older they're selectively less loyal lol (in other words, they've really got to think there's something there with the other woman's man to risk the friendship). Not saying cheating is ok, just saying it's a fact of life.
Also, in the younger generation nowadays, because so many girls are "modern feminists" many are seeing multiple people so losing one guy ain't as big a deal.
And you're absolutely right, chemistry doesn't equal compatibility! Maybe someone else is a better fit ;) and to me that means a win-win-win because that means the original lady can be free to find her better fit.
Note: I was not this emotionally mature when I was young!! I was just as insecure and out of touch as anyone. Live and learn and *apply said knowledge!*
@@YourWingmam I caution any guy from asking a young woman about any man/men she's around for a host of reasons. Mainly, because she knows the reason why you are asking, even if you think you've fooled her. Also, your imagination will take hold, and you will drive yourself crazy thinking about what may be going on. She will enjoy this more than your company, and it will be the only reason why you are in her social circle. Just live in your own space.
Best compromise, assume she’s seeing other guys but don’t stress about it, you’re the best choice she has. Date other women until she brings it up and rallies for monogamy. (Nods)
Thank you Anna.
May it be a good day
❤ 🙏
What a great video I’m gonna have to watch it again because there’s so much knowledge being dropped
Glad to hear that, thank you for your response!
I can't believe all the convoluted tap dancing around asking about other guys, not asking about other guys, how often to ask about other guys... If you're serious, there should be no other guys!
It's pretty simple:
1. Do you think she could be "the one" (meaning someone who at your age, you'd want to have kids with)...
If no, move on or tell her you're good with FWB, you need to be honest with her that you're not willing to compromise on the long distance!
2. If your answer is yes, there needs to be a conversation about exclusivity!!!! That is first, can you and she agree to be exclusive?
In this case, you'll also need to address how you're going to deal with the distance... Can you move? Can she move? Will you?
If moving is out, the relationship is done!
I'll give you two examples... I know a girl (and all her friends) in Newport Beach. When they meet a guy they like, they make him wait several weeks to have sex so he'll know they're into him and want it to be serious. But, they're sleeping with lots of other guys in the mean time because, "Well, I'm not going to go without sex while I'm making him wait!" These women see sex as a transaction and don't let the million dollar house, $5K purse and $150K Mercedes fool you, they're low value. If they weren't, they would be paying the same price to be with you they expect for you to be with them.
Example 2: In my last LTR, I know she was seeing other guys a little but not having sex with them. We also lived 50 miles apart, not far but far enough in SoCal! After 2 months, she sat me down to have a conversation about where I see this going, are we working to make something long term or just fooling around? We agreed we would work on a LTR and we did for several years. In the end, it didn't work out but we definitely got started on the right foot and it was a touchstone in our relationship. And yes, distance was one of the issues. She didn't want to leave her friends in LA, I have a well established business in Newport Beach and can't leave my clients!
if you both have not agreed to be in an exclusive relationship, she can see whomever she wants.... as do you
I agree with your statement but at times you gotta fight for the right reasons for a woman.
Good morning Anna, great video and this is very useful to keep in mind. Looking beautiful ❤
Thanks again, John! Enjoy your day! :)
@@YourWingmam 😘😘😘😘
@@johngonzalez4298 sexvideos
I just want to say thank you! Your videos are great, I’m still working up to asking my question(s).
I'm happy this has been helpful to you 🙏
This really helped me, thank you for this video.
Your video's have helped me understand tremendously what i am and have just went thru. Happy i found you!! Very pretty lady! Thank you!
always assume she is, be ok with it, and do the same. and maybe let her know you're ready to be exclusive when she is.
Thank you for sharing, I appreciate that ❤️
Hi I’m sort of in the same situation, but I’ve chosen not to see other girls, there is no one better she is a match and a bag of chips. I hope love is going to find itself. We have been on four dates already I usually close on second date the deal but with her it’s different.
Thank you for sharing, I appreciate your feedback.
Hi Anna. Thank you for all the advice and observations in your videos-I really enjoy them AND wish I had seen them earlier in life (but hard as some are what only 5 months old) as I big older than I would like to be with a younger mindset. Anyway, I wish you all success including finding better relationships. Cheers BK
Have self-respect and walk away
When you’re talking about testing different ice cream flavors I had to go get some ice cream for myself thank you for reminding me I love her
You are so welcome!
I'm 53 many long and short term dating relationships. Even married twice. Great advice but it can be summed UP...If she lives within 300miles of you and you aren't seeing each other in person at least every 2-3 weeks....Um yeah...She's seeing other guys.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts I appreciate your feedback!
If ive said it before I will say it again thanks for the diligence, hard work & effervescence you put in to your videos on this channel YT best kept secret as I write this I am so proud to say that you are just 5 subs away from hitting 2k! Little by little senorita you are burgeoning.
*Thank you, Jarod!!* I’m excited and happy to be reaching more people and just hope my videos will help them get what they want and be happy❣️🙏😊
Just be sure you are happy & you are also getting what you want eventually
In most of the cases, you will never know even if she sees other guys until if anything big happens..... Other wise most of the girls are so so talented to maintain so well and they know how to handle too many options at once.... If you know her movements well in advance then you are so lucky to move on without wasting much time of yours.... Other wise she must have used you so much by then... Heck that's how it is... So keep your eyes wide open when you are dating any girl..... Doesn't mean that you should behave creepy and become a watchdog.... You also need to act so cool and calm but you always have an eye 😉
Dr.Genset can make your ex come back to you for a second chance. He was the one who helped me restore back my broken relationship of 3 years by bringing back my ex Also Dr.Genset always keep up with his words I strongly Advise you to seek help from him
Thank you for sharing your thoughts I appreciate your feedback!
I am 59 my friend is 52. Recently she went on a 10 day camping trip in an RV with her last live in boyfriend. It bothered me me immensely. Not even a text during her trip telling me she was there, safe, and having a good time. So I said this to her and she got defensive saying he is just a friend and does not want to deal with the jealousy. She did not want to throw it in my face. Not to mention her ghosting me on the weekend when I am not with her. This guy was homeless and recently came in to soime money so now he blows it taking her on a 10 day camping trip. I found it odd as she does not mention to taking time off from work to spend with me.
If you continue to even engage a woman who is seeing other guys than I really question your own self-esteem and manhood. Yeah, people date several people before settling on a committed relationship, but one at a time. This standard goes back to middle school.
These videos are cool and helpful. The dating scene sucks these days. By the time you get to 100 body counts it will be very hard to stay faithful and loyal to one person for a lifetime. The elastic ability to bond with one person forever will be gone forever. I know this might be the religious me kicking in but been .... Finding a good woman with standards seems to be rare. It’s either shit test or games non stop, except she picks you for a lifetime partner.
A high body count will help you discern when the real right one shows up. Don’t lose faith!
Is it me or is it that if you don't see a person in person you aren't really with them.
Like wingmam said you don't know how it is when you're together.
I was with someone and things were great on the phone and in text. But when we were face to face it was a slow train wreck.
We didn't gel together at all.
I just wasted four years off and on.
All I can say is get together ASAP.
Or realize you are only getting a maybe hookup in another city or town.
Same goes for if you were in a relationship with someone in town and one of you moved away. The longer you wait the worse things will be. She's going to need to be with someone and if you're not there it's going to be someone else.
Truth :)
Principles never change...honesty, no airs, etc. Principles don't change.
was planning to meet her in person, but never got around too it she flaked on me. I really like this girl we talk a lot. but it hurt me recently to find out she could have hanged out with me but she decided to meet this other dude. and well she told me she's seeing him and, welp I have never explained my feelings for her. I feel like I waited too long, but again my whole plan was to meet in person.
Big hug, that sucks! But it does sound like you need to increase your confidence. Hesitation and lack of confidence is a turnoff, unfortunately. Consider watching some of my videos in this confidence playlist:
They are always talking to other guys, unless she’s plain and shy.
Assume she’s seeing them, especially if she makes a request and you say “no”.
Question: I'm married. How do I get her to see other guys?
Drop her off at the local bar . she'll find her way home maybe not yours
Wow I really appreciate your insights. Thank you!
I must say ,I really enjoy your persona and methodology as well as how you share experiences with your audience. You are respectful and make us guys laugh with the savvy wit and great silly
humor..... So with that being said Thank you so very much for your help with the male species that sometimes thinks they have a clue on what woman need or want... From a man, its clear most of us are still sleepless in Seattle..
I am going to try to go through your website to understand more about what you provide. This way I can look at self and assess my needs to education and be a good Stewart and truly provide the quality of being a better man and life-mate.
Warm Regards my best always,
Ted Kollmar
Thank you
If she’s seeing other guys, then it’s a pass for you to see other women. Not that difficult, unless you’re looking to be her future ex husband.
I love your videos, a Big Like
Thank you for the info! Very helpful...
We used to talk and text all the time every for the past two weeks she gets mad when i ask her is anything wrong..
Her dating other guys is nothing. You're not going to be in a monogamous 'relationship' at the beginning or even after the first few dates. Relax. You should be dating other women. If you are worried about her dating or talking to other guys then your head is in the wrong place. Just have fun, have sex, have a blast and don't worry about the silly relationship. She'll handle that part when she's ready. If you create the fun adventure, she'll begin asking about the relationship. :-) Guaranteed.
Thanks for this 💯
Your a trip. In a good way.Thanks for the info. It answers a lot of my questions.
I have known this very attractive high salaried lady very large ego left hubby had numerous guys on the sideline she enjoyed the fun while it lasted now she is on her own the genuine guys copped on
Thank you for sharing, I appreciate your feedback.
Love the hair this way!
Question, when did dating become a game, who or what decided to make dating a game or a sport or a past time. Picture the scenario, on your resume, hobbies and interests, I enjoy dating, I'm actually a very good player at it, hoping to become proffessional😂😂
If she is seeing someone for your life...
Thank you for your video.
Personal ei. was powerful.
What are the proper age difference?
Hope you have a good week
And to think I did it the old fashioned way... like Abraham's servant seeking a wife for Isaac.
Then 6 years later she was still available so I made my move... never asked her to marry me nor her me, and yet were married 8 months later.
DO NOT text for months before meeting. What is said in this video is true and can save you so much wasted time.
The girl I done this with seemed great until we started hooking up and we didn't click.
(it was the start of lockdown)
Thank you for sharing, I appreciate your feedback.
“How many other orbiters do you have?” The Orbiter asked the girl seeing other guys.
King Kong of orbiters
Orbiters lol goof term
@@fleadoggreen9062 I take it you're an orbiter , then?
@@Krwler yes , you should see her tho
Where's the link to the 5 questions video?
If she's seeing other guys, kick the wench to the curb, she's not worth your time.
Don't you think time matters? If you are on a 2nd date with a woman and you happen to discover that she's got date(s) planned, so what!!! If you have been dating the same lady for 6 months and she's still dating others, still don't be angry, just stop thinking of her as a potential partner and proceed however from there. I personally don't worry about exclusivity until things feel more intimate, I absolutely don't like having multiple sexual partners.