Nice video, I thought I would point something you might have wanted to mention while you were talking about having to zoom in to the time line to play areas of MD times that are very tight placed together. In your Video if you look at your SmartPSS on the Right you can see a arrow going to the left with what would open up the tab. That tab that you have there is a Time stamped area for all your footage. So lets say that you are only needing 1 area of record that you have in your time line with that open you can not only choose what time you want to view but you can choose to DL just that clip if you so wanted.. Another good thing about that list is it can help you with pin pointing a time that lets say you have as you do more then 1 recorder or Device, you seen something on your other device at say 4pm and went off screen at 402 and that time was in your other area you know by looking at that time bar it could be hard to try and point to 402 really fast clicking that area might get you 356 and then you try to forward to 402 but over shoot to 404 by expanding the list on the right you can get right to the MD area or IVS area you wanted to view really fast and less time bar clicking
Sorry also forgot to point out, IF you have your system setup on some cameras to record full time and motion and IVS, etc, Don't search for MD only and record (Download) an area like 15 to an hour without having the full time recording going as well (For sure if camera has Audio) because you will miss things that was recorded between the times that might be important for your Saving Records.. Keep all recorded records for search and when you save your footage you will get everything. Audio at times can pick up things that can't be seen in motion detection events only...
Nice video, I thought I would point something you might have wanted to mention while you were talking about having to zoom in to the time line to play areas of MD times that are very tight placed together. In your Video if you look at your SmartPSS on the Right you can see a arrow going to the left with what would open up the tab. That tab that you have there is a Time stamped area for all your footage. So lets say that you are only needing 1 area of record that you have in your time line with that open you can not only choose what time you want to view but you can choose to DL just that clip if you so wanted.. Another good thing about that list is it can help you with pin pointing a time that lets say you have as you do more then 1 recorder or Device, you seen something on your other device at say 4pm and went off screen at 402 and that time was in your other area you know by looking at that time bar it could be hard to try and point to 402 really fast clicking that area might get you 356 and then you try to forward to 402 but over shoot to 404 by expanding the list on the right you can get right to the MD area or IVS area you wanted to view really fast and less time bar clicking
Sorry also forgot to point out, IF you have your system setup on some cameras to record full time and motion and IVS, etc, Don't search for MD only and record (Download) an area like 15 to an hour without having the full time recording going as well (For sure if camera has Audio) because you will miss things that was recorded between the times that might be important for your Saving Records.. Keep all recorded records for search and when you save your footage you will get everything. Audio at times can pick up things that can't be seen in motion detection events only...