These security agencies are so foolish. You cannot have potential in born and you want to insist on importing. Its ridiculously insane to say making certain things is a preserve to security agencies. This spokesperson should be number one in knowing that not all the people who work for security agencies is a a police officer or army officer. You want doctors to first work in gov't hospitals for two years, what is the reason? have the answer. Take this student and empower him more before other countries make good of him.
The gorvement should help this smart guy to develope ... Kyakola kyamagezi nyo bamuyambe akyongele mumaaso 👍🏽💯🎖
These security agencies are so foolish. You cannot have potential in born and you want to insist on importing. Its ridiculously insane to say making certain things is a preserve to security agencies. This spokesperson should be number one in knowing that not all the people who work for security agencies is a a police officer or army officer. You want doctors to first work in gov't hospitals for two years, what is the reason? have the answer. Take this student and empower him more before other countries make good of him.