as a one trick GM urgot, Starting W is almost as bad as starting Q. in few lanes you want to start anything other than E. Urgot level 1 is execpional strong if you land your E, which does around 100, instant pasive proc and more important, a 110 MASSIVE shield that mitatgates up to 2 AA or must of the wave damage + 1 AA. You will burn their flash away and you will probably kill them if you run PTA. The guide is ok, but 6 is not when you come online, is 9 in almost every MU. With few exceptions when you can be more aggro or other cases like Darius that you need to wait until lvl 13 to start 1v1ing freely.
@@baqua8749 your W has 0 CD, 0 mana cost, and becomes a toogle skill. Also level 13 is the other important level, in which your passive really pop's off. Every leg has 2.5s CD. In some Match ups you want to wait until 13 to start fighting, like Darius which can destroy every little mistake you make in lane.
I play urgot since early s9 and i have 700K points and this video was good but you need to start with e then w and on lvl2 you can burn enemies flash or can get a first blood. at lvl6 you can easly beat nearly anyone with ult if you are not far behind. At lvl9 you have a maxed w and can start 1v1ing. at lvl13 you have your maxed e too with a good shield. You can 1v2 with Black Cleaver and Death Dance. A tip when your team fights you ulted a enemy then go right in the middle of the fight because when you delete an enemy you fear the enemies for nearly 2 seconds and its a fair enoght time to win the fight. You can build lethality too in late game for third item when the enemies are paper. In early you need to get a kill at lvl6 to get the lead. E flash R Q W. Its a absolute amount of damage. Power farm until lvl9 then go help teammates. If you read this have a great day. 😁
Theres a few things im noticing that dont think are completely true. Like starting W. Pretty sure at lvl 1-2 autoattacking is comparable damage. Also "no early kill pressure". If you start E you have one of the most disgusting all-ins in the game at 2.
You can pressure other laners on lv 1 with E + press the attack. Few champions have better lv 1. You can decide the game with this trick. Dont go all in lv 1 against Darius, Riven, Aatrox!
It really is matchup dependent, but I do agree at level 2 E + W can be devastating into some matchups. The thing about starting W is that it can help secure CS which is important and if you need to push in order to hit level 2, keep the wave frozen, whatever you might need that it is definitely better to start W. The problem is that those matchups arent really all that common? And even then most of the time you wait for level 2 anyways so starting W isnt an issue. The issue with making guides like this is that sometimes nuance can be lost, but thats why we have our website ;) Really though I am glad you guys point these things out because even though I try to make things clear and give reasoning, there is always another side of things that can and SHOULD be considered. To give a quick reference for champions that are level 1-able with E, you can say maybe Chogath, Garen, Irelia (wave dependent), Maokai, while I wont go through every champ but you can see the list is kinda dry... and even then many have a way to sustain back whatever damage you manage to deal or even potentially contest you.
0:36 literally turned it off after "this guide tells you to take w first". Any good urgot player will tell you that you take e first. I have legit won many laning phases because of urgots insane lvl 1 and the enemy mis-positioning themselves. They have to back and you freeze the wave under tower. There level 1 while your level 3, and you punish them when they step up. Also make it easy for your jg to snow ball your lane. I usually like a lot of these guides, but this one is very poor.
1. u almost always start e 2. hitting w 3 times and then auto attacking in between is very important to maximise your damage and it wasnt even mentioned. 3. mallet isnt really that great, if you really need slow, just go zekes as it is waaay cheaper
You forgot to talk about using the W as an auto reset at lvl 9+. By doing that lil trick you can shut down towers, nashors, drakes, etc. at 2/5 of the time you would normally need and in some fights you can use it too so you deal more dps = more people dying + more healing from DD.
@@DemoniumSama I think that the choice between coup/last stand is much more complicated and comes down to your role in your team based on the team comps as a whole AND the lane you are up against. Coup comes in handy more often than last stand does, but when last stand is better it is WAYYYYYYYY better. As for the W auto reset thing, I know it is a thing but that is pretty limited in use, potentially difficult to understand, definitely difficult to do consistently/practice, and also a very small (even if important) tip. This guide very much focuses on the fundamentals and tries to get across as much important and necessary info as possible. Something that niche is the type of thing we can teach on our website where we can cover all the juicy, smaller stuff that really breaks you past a champions mechanical barriers.
@@AceWindstorm The W is a MASSIVE dmg increase. Mathematically, 50% from your non passive dmg, and that's huge. Shredding towers with it is super easy, 1v1 is advanced mehOnix, teamfighting with that is stupid hard, the only dude I know about who can pull it of is Kamon...
@@Mr0supra0 OK so you agree with me then? Thats not the type of thing you can teach well by smashing it into a relatively fast paced and long guide like this one. If I talk about it, the importance gets undermined and even more so for people who are just starting out on Urgot as it is WAY too much to worry about.
peter jakoncic Urgot is definitely a scary champion to lane against, even as a Darius main myself I have to really calculate his damage to force all-ins lol
Don't be afraid to fight Illaoi early on, as soon as she uses her Q, all in her, if she Q minions to wave clear, even better, that's is literally a free E if you are in range. When she does hit 6, back out till you get a Black Cleaver, Deaths dance and Executioners under your belt. If you are both equal in terms of gold/items/level, she has no chance to beat you no matter what.
to be honest MAN this is what i like about a guide video you go true tips and tricks byilds and other stuff its so well done and clean like for real you got my sub
So wht do other urgot mains using ghost instead of flash? i find it helpful to both engage and disengage plus on takedown the duration is increased. would love to hear your thoughts.
Flash is used on urgot because of its synergy with his both e and r. You can flash mid e to dramatically increase the distance he can flip someone and you can reposition your fear with flash to maximize its effects. I dont really see how ghost can give more benefits than what I listed up there. If its engage you want, buy righteous glory 3rd item especially when your team barely has engage. The bad part of buying this is that it falls of late game cause the moment you run in, the enemy team can cc you to oblivion.
@@Guitar_hero yeah I do use it for his e and that makes sense with his r. With ghost duration increase on takedown you become a speedy crab able to run anybody down or get out from a gank using e and q on anyone who gets close. Personally Urgots speed is his biggest weak point. I don't like RG for the fact the duration doesn't last as long and like you mentioned it falls off late game. So I see ghost as a great disengage or engage tool. It's unpopular so maybe that is another benefit cause no one is expecting Urgot to be fast. And since ghost also scales with lvl you get more out of it in the late game.
Yeah I do see the potential it has with his general playstyle. Using ghost to stick to the enemy when 1v1ing and even using the new ghost to keep on killing them in a team fight once the fiesta starts. Maybe it's for a more aggressive playstyle, suprising your enemy top laners with e + ghost lv 1(tho flash can basically do the same) and snowballing from there. But yeah I didnt think about the part where ghost can be used in team fights where you snowballing will make you have a permanent speed boost the entire team fight. Could also be used to gank mid if you dare or help your jungler in scuttle fights now that you are fast boy. I'll try this later and see how well my theory holds up.
the guide is pretty shit. Here is a good comment -> 1. u almost always start e 2. hitting w 3 times and then auto attacking in between is very important to maximise your damage and it wasnt even mentioned. 3. mallet isnt really that great, if you really need slow, just go zekes as it is waaay cheaper
Kinda sounds like a troll cause he really depends on conq to sustain him. And of you are brave enough to use pta then I dont think the idea of using glacial would be an option. If you are looking for slows/engage, buy righteous.
Coup the grace isn't really worth it imo since it does nothing in the 1v1 since your ult executes already and only really does something teamfights where you can only execute one. Also mallet is honestly a greed buy if you're not against Darius who's just really strong and you need the HP for the true damage. The slow isn't really worth it imo. Righteous is also pretty situational, a kind of last resort if your team doesn't have any engage at all. A visage, GA or mortal reminder I think have much more value in most games
Is it possible to win against rammus as urgot? I picked urgot and the opponent counter picked me by picking rammus. I thought he was trolling but when he built thornmail i couldn't win trades with him at all. My w became completely useless since he didn't even need to attack me but he won trades. Do i troll build and build on-hit or smthing like that or do i just pick another champion/dodge
You need to be a bit innovative in such match ups. You can go into Cleaver + Whisper first two items, you can even go Wit's End + Maw, BORK, Adaptive Helmet etc. Haven't played vs Rammus yet, but I believe you do beat him with correct itemization, since Rammus has no sustain or shields, so maybe even building an early Vampiric Sceptre should be auto win.
aight so frozen mallet is a big nono imo, if you watn a slowing item with tankyness you have rigtheous glory , or even zeke (yes im serious ) if u have a fed adc in the team : go in, ult , laugh and shred slowed ennemies while helping the adc deal damage
@@ub8dullr676 the zekes part yeah , the mallet , i figured it out myself , you re already bulky with a "classic" build , no need for a mallet , especially vs a lot of botrks in the meta , and RG has always been a staple when you re the only frontlaner as urgot
Yeah, Mallet is very niche item. Only good if you really need extra HP and there are lots of melees that you need to REALLY kite off your team, and even then, I rarely pick it up. Maybe once every 30 games.
Dont forget that U can do a ton of dmg at lv9 because of ur 0cd w. you can do 3 procs of w and then auto and repeat. Ur w is not an auto attack so it doesnt count towards the auto attack timer. its basically 66.6% more dmg that u can do.
Rush Tabis, don't take stupid trades because he will outsustain you, if he all ins you, Q after his spin and walk away. Even if he slows you, he can't catch up to you effectively because of the Q slow. When he does, E away...when I face trynda, I full on bully him lvl 1 E+passive, and don't give him any breathing room, slow pushing and zoning him out to prevent him from getting his fury up. By the time he hits 6, I already have my Tabis. By the time he can duel me, Thornmail or randuins are already under my belt. Oh, I also forgot, when he all ins you, you can use your ult to slow him down for 4 seconds and just walk away completely. Just wait for him to use his spin.
It's one of the hardest match ups. After 6, you do not really beat him since he just stands still and bashes your head in and you cannot really do much. In my games, I ban Jax and if I see Trynd picked, I just dodge.
Fiora is a grid lock match up. If you use your E 1st and she blocks it, you loose. If she wastes her block you can all on her and beat it. From my experience, Fioras will hold on to their parry/block and never use it to prevent you from going all with your E. Fiora match up is either a farm fest, or decided by the jungle presence.
Tricky matchup, you hard lose early on. You want to use your E after she uses her W OR use it for the shield (do not fall on her). If you go even, you generally outscale her at 2 items. Get either Bramble Vest or Executioner's as early as possible, with Ninja Tabi. Also, make sure to hug walls so she cannot fully proc her ulti. It's mostly a skill match up, even decided by rune choice sometimes. I usually go Transcendence + Gathering Storm and wait till level 10. Till then, I just play safely. You can beat her by manipulating the waves. If she doesn't go Tiamat early, you get free wave control and beat her like that. If she does get Tiamat, she has lower combat stats and you should look for small trades. Match up needs experience though. Sometimes you might wanna look for Teleport plays with your R to get a slight lead to beat her. You definitely outscale her though after 2 items (level 13). Not sure how it is at max items but you should beat her hard enough until that point that the game should be over. Also, itemization matters a lot. Seeing how Fiora will probably look to splitpush all game long, you should itemize specifically for the 1v1, thus getting Bloodthirster and maybe even BORK.
nah he gets his shield on the throw and people i've taken on even when they have the vest just get melted like everyone else. urgot taking most damage like that is negligible and not going to stop him from grinding you to pieces.
any guide for urgot vs fiora? its a very dumb matchup for urgot. fiora just outheal every time and get better trade and urgot e long ass casting time make even a silver fiora can use w to react to that.
You could purposefully aim the e to the side of her, and just use it to reposition for your legs, and for the shield. If her healing is a problem Urgot can comfortably run both bramblevest or executioners culling.
@@Freekymoho what he said. Fiora killls you in lane only if she can turn your E dash into a stun with her W. Use your dash to either run away from her or dash to her side, or wait till she uses her W(to slow you down, survive burst dmg or riposte jungler gank cc) and then dash into her for a free kill.
I answered this same question earlier here : It really is matchup dependent, but I do agree at level 2 E + W can be devastating into some matchups. The thing about starting W is that it can help secure CS which is important and if you need to push in order to hit level 2, keep the wave frozen, whatever you might need that it is definitely better to start W. The problem is that those matchups arent really all that common? And even then most of the time you wait for level 2 anyways so starting W isnt an issue. The issue with making guides like this is that sometimes nuance can be lost, but thats why we have our website ;) Really though I am glad you guys point these things out because even though I try to make things clear and give reasoning, there is always another side of things that can and SHOULD be considered. To give a quick reference for champions that are level 1-able with E, you can say maybe Chogath, Garen, Irelia (wave dependent), Maokai, while I wont go through every champ but you can see the list is kinda dry... and even then many have a way to sustain back whatever damage you manage to deal or even potentially contest you.
My junglers NEVER show up at all in my games in gold. I ask for a gank, ping it, nothing. I get camped and tower dived with a rift herald and end up losing most of my top lane games because of this. It just feels like jungle pressure always wins top lanes.
So many things in this video are wrong. Just goes to show how they will just pump out content because he has a high wr this patch even they they know nothing about the champ.
Going to be tackling a jungle champion next, and I will rotate top->jg->mid->adc->supp for each one as we go along. No promises on viktor but we will see :)
"you get w and then e" why would you? e is probably your strongest ability before maxed w, take that first if you are stronger lvl 1 than the opponent and demolish them
Its actually a good item, if you feel like Righteous Glory doesnt really fit because you dont need armor it basically fills the same role but also helps your entire team.
he is the number 1 broken champ and perma ban at top lane for me. Ofc we have viego this time and waiting to see his balance. Right now i have 4 champs i consider them broken and this stupid guys is the top(Viego is not included cause he is new right now).Urgot Can come bakc from 100000000 miles away in farm or kills. As you said just with 1-2 items he is just like full build against opposite top (especially with the new mythic he gets). He SOOOO unbalanced to me this time.Perma ban urgot for ever
In my experience ranged poke and kiting are effective ways of stopping urgot, same as any juggernaut. More specifically though; look to trade after he blows a few important front legs, but always watch for the E. If the E is down it's go time. This is even more important after 6, where there might be no getting away if he catches you with the e. His passive also insures he auto pushes at all times, so he's frequently vulnrable to early ganks
I mentioned that he has a pretty weak earlygame and is vulnerable to abuse early on. Most of the time his goal should be to farm so lane bullies like Renekton or even someone like Poppy who deals great damage and can counter his dash are excellent against him. Pressuring him early on and making sure he does not scale as well or as fast is a top priority. Even when playing fighters into him many have a good chance, you just have to make sure you avoid that e flash rqw combo at 6 and at every point before that you have the ability to fight him. It just differs from champion to champion, but to give an example Jax can walk up to him and start trading, pop E when urgot uses W, and win basically any trade thanks to blocking auto attacks and preventing kneeshots from going off.
@@desconocido151 Yeah, each of these champions have a way to shut down Urgot, although it is still possible to lose on them - the difference isnt that huge
Honestly, when I see Urgot picked on the enemy team, I just go Maokai / Sion or maybe Fiora / Jax. Tanks get Bramble Vest + Tabis and easily beat him. Jax naturally beats him and Fiora also has the tools to outplay him.
Maybe you should upload your videos on, before uploading it on TH-cam. I think it is a bit strange that you post your content on TH-cam, free, while it is not on your own website yet.
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as a one trick GM urgot, Starting W is almost as bad as starting Q. in few lanes you want to start anything other than E. Urgot level 1 is execpional strong if you land your E, which does around 100, instant pasive proc and more important, a 110 MASSIVE shield that mitatgates up to 2 AA or must of the wave damage + 1 AA. You will burn their flash away and you will probably kill them if you run PTA.
The guide is ok, but 6 is not when you come online, is 9 in almost every MU. With few exceptions when you can be more aggro or other cases like Darius that you need to wait until lvl 13 to start 1v1ing freely.
I started urgot yesterday but why is his main level spike is at lvl 9,what happens there?
@@baqua8749 your W has 0 CD, 0 mana cost, and becomes a toogle skill. Also level 13 is the other important level, in which your passive really pop's off. Every leg has 2.5s CD. In some Match ups you want to wait until 13 to start fighting, like Darius which can destroy every little mistake you make in lane.
@Leglock can u coach me?
and for god sake, like the vid said, never, EVER build Mallet, is jsut a BAD item no matter what.
Why is frozen mallet bad?
I play urgot since early s9 and i have 700K points and this video was good but you need to start with e then w and on lvl2 you can burn enemies flash or can get a first blood. at lvl6 you can easly beat nearly anyone with ult if you are not far behind. At lvl9 you have a maxed w and can start 1v1ing. at lvl13 you have your maxed e too with a good shield. You can 1v2 with Black Cleaver and Death Dance. A tip when your team fights you ulted a enemy then go right in the middle of the fight because when you delete an enemy you fear the enemies for nearly 2 seconds and its a fair enoght time to win the fight. You can build lethality too in late game for third item when the enemies are paper. In early you need to get a kill at lvl6 to get the lead. E flash R Q W. Its a absolute amount of damage. Power farm until lvl9 then go help teammates. If you read this have a great day. 😁
Thank you man i want to start playing urgot to get to gold (i know) and ur comment will i hope help me
haha r button goes brr
Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr PENTA KILL
Mundo passive😘
Theres a few things im noticing that dont think are completely true. Like starting W. Pretty sure at lvl 1-2 autoattacking is comparable damage. Also "no early kill pressure". If you start E you have one of the most disgusting all-ins in the game at 2.
totally agree, Urgot lvl1 is NO JOKE, if you land E, it's either a kill or a flash, sometimes both.
@@leglockcontrol Lvl 2 is the better one
IMO the lvl 1 skill can be both W and E. It just depends on the game plan, matchups and other variables.
You can pressure other laners on lv 1 with E + press the attack. Few champions have better lv 1. You can decide the game with this trick.
Dont go all in lv 1 against Darius, Riven, Aatrox!
It really is matchup dependent, but I do agree at level 2 E + W can be devastating into some matchups. The thing about starting W is that it can help secure CS which is important and if you need to push in order to hit level 2, keep the wave frozen, whatever you might need that it is definitely better to start W. The problem is that those matchups arent really all that common? And even then most of the time you wait for level 2 anyways so starting W isnt an issue.
The issue with making guides like this is that sometimes nuance can be lost, but thats why we have our website ;)
Really though I am glad you guys point these things out because even though I try to make things clear and give reasoning, there is always another side of things that can and SHOULD be considered.
To give a quick reference for champions that are level 1-able with E, you can say maybe Chogath, Garen, Irelia (wave dependent), Maokai, while I wont go through every champ but you can see the list is kinda dry... and even then many have a way to sustain back whatever damage you manage to deal or even potentially contest you.
Wow this worked so well i lost 6 games in a row thanks
Hups. I'm sorry, that you lost.
LoL community in it's finestXD
Thanks for the laugh mate.
This video was to long. Here is the real guide!
First, Purchase StarGuardianUrgotSkin!
Second, Victory Screen.
Third, Play again!
Lmao I got it by luck and now I get compliments
0:36 literally turned it off after "this guide tells you to take w first". Any good urgot player will tell you that you take e first. I have legit won many laning phases because of urgots insane lvl 1 and the enemy mis-positioning themselves. They have to back and you freeze the wave under tower. There level 1 while your level 3, and you punish them when they step up. Also make it easy for your jg to snow ball your lane. I usually like a lot of these guides, but this one is very poor.
1. u almost always start e 2. hitting w 3 times and then auto attacking in between is very important to maximise your damage and it wasnt even mentioned. 3. mallet isnt really that great, if you really need slow, just go zekes as it is waaay cheaper
Why are you encouraging people to play this, not looking forward to more Urgots in top lane
dnt play then yo
Play rene
I went around watching a bunch of Urgot guides, but this was absolutely the best one. Thank you!
You forgot to talk about using the W as an auto reset at lvl 9+.
By doing that lil trick you can shut down towers, nashors, drakes, etc. at 2/5 of the time you would normally need and in some fights you can use it too so you deal more dps = more people dying + more healing from DD.
Also you recommend coup de grace in runes, but IMO its way better with juggernauts to go with last stand.
@@DemoniumSama I think that the choice between coup/last stand is much more complicated and comes down to your role in your team based on the team comps as a whole AND the lane you are up against. Coup comes in handy more often than last stand does, but when last stand is better it is WAYYYYYYYY better.
As for the W auto reset thing, I know it is a thing but that is pretty limited in use, potentially difficult to understand, definitely difficult to do consistently/practice, and also a very small (even if important) tip. This guide very much focuses on the fundamentals and tries to get across as much important and necessary info as possible.
Something that niche is the type of thing we can teach on our website where we can cover all the juicy, smaller stuff that really breaks you past a champions mechanical barriers.
@@AceWindstorm The W is a MASSIVE dmg increase. Mathematically, 50% from your non passive dmg, and that's huge. Shredding towers with it is super easy, 1v1 is advanced mehOnix, teamfighting with that is stupid hard, the only dude I know about who can pull it of is Kamon...
@@Mr0supra0 OK so you agree with me then? Thats not the type of thing you can teach well by smashing it into a relatively fast paced and long guide like this one. If I talk about it, the importance gets undermined and even more so for people who are just starting out on Urgot as it is WAY too much to worry about.
I love your guides but as someone who plays urgot alot, I hate the fact you brought so much attention to him. ♡
Man i can beat pretty much every champ on urgot except illiaoi. Sometimes i have trouble with teemo but other than that hes a beast
peter jakoncic Urgot is definitely a scary champion to lane against, even as a Darius main myself I have to really calculate his damage to force all-ins lol
Don't be afraid to fight Illaoi early on, as soon as she uses her Q, all in her, if she Q minions to wave clear, even better, that's is literally a free E if you are in range. When she does hit 6, back out till you get a Black Cleaver, Deaths dance and Executioners under your belt. If you are both equal in terms of gold/items/level, she has no chance to beat you no matter what.
I'm M7 210000 points and Illinois and darius always a problem
I have 144k points on urgot and until today I had no idea you could use his e buffer to dodge hooks 🙃
Thanks for the guide haha
Same :x
U must check out his e mechanic with thresh hook
to be honest MAN this is what i like about a guide video you go true tips and tricks byilds and other stuff its so well done and clean like for real you got my sub
5:03 Hit them with an unmissable combo, proceeds to miss the combo
So wht do other urgot mains using ghost instead of flash? i find it helpful to both engage and disengage plus on takedown the duration is increased. would love to hear your thoughts.
Flash is used on urgot because of its synergy with his both e and r. You can flash mid e to dramatically increase the distance he can flip someone and you can reposition your fear with flash to maximize its effects. I dont really see how ghost can give more benefits than what I listed up there. If its engage you want, buy righteous glory 3rd item especially when your team barely has engage. The bad part of buying this is that it falls of late game cause the moment you run in, the enemy team can cc you to oblivion.
@@Guitar_hero yeah I do use it for his e and that makes sense with his r. With ghost duration increase on takedown you become a speedy crab able to run anybody down or get out from a gank using e and q on anyone who gets close. Personally Urgots speed is his biggest weak point. I don't like RG for the fact the duration doesn't last as long and like you mentioned it falls off late game. So I see ghost as a great disengage or engage tool. It's unpopular so maybe that is another benefit cause no one is expecting Urgot to be fast. And since ghost also scales with lvl you get more out of it in the late game.
Yeah I do see the potential it has with his general playstyle. Using ghost to stick to the enemy when 1v1ing and even using the new ghost to keep on killing them in a team fight once the fiesta starts. Maybe it's for a more aggressive playstyle, suprising your enemy top laners with e + ghost lv 1(tho flash can basically do the same) and snowballing from there. But yeah I didnt think about the part where ghost can be used in team fights where you snowballing will make you have a permanent speed boost the entire team fight. Could also be used to gank mid if you dare or help your jungler in scuttle fights now that you are fast boy. I'll try this later and see how well my theory holds up.
I've been meaning to pick up Urgot top as my new main, this is perfect. Thanks!
the guide is pretty shit. Here is a good comment -> 1. u almost always start e 2. hitting w 3 times and then auto attacking in between is very important to maximise your damage and it wasnt even mentioned. 3. mallet isnt really that great, if you really need slow, just go zekes as it is waaay cheaper
Is there an updated version?? Feel like urgot got lost in the update. Still strong af, just no particular build paths
I like the Persona music at around 5:30
What about glacial augment on urgot? Would that be terrible or terrific?
Kinda sounds like a troll cause he really depends on conq to sustain him. And of you are brave enough to use pta then I dont think the idea of using glacial would be an option. If you are looking for slows/engage, buy righteous.
Coup the grace isn't really worth it imo since it does nothing in the 1v1 since your ult executes already and only really does something teamfights where you can only execute one. Also mallet is honestly a greed buy if you're not against Darius who's just really strong and you need the HP for the true damage. The slow isn't really worth it imo. Righteous is also pretty situational, a kind of last resort if your team doesn't have any engage at all. A visage, GA or mortal reminder I think have much more value in most games
Is it possible to win against rammus as urgot? I picked urgot and the opponent counter picked me by picking rammus. I thought he was trolling but when he built thornmail i couldn't win trades with him at all. My w became completely useless since he didn't even need to attack me but he won trades. Do i troll build and build on-hit or smthing like that or do i just pick another champion/dodge
Black claver rush
You need to be a bit innovative in such match ups. You can go into Cleaver + Whisper first two items, you can even go Wit's End + Maw, BORK, Adaptive Helmet etc. Haven't played vs Rammus yet, but I believe you do beat him with correct itemization, since Rammus has no sustain or shields, so maybe even building an early Vampiric Sceptre should be auto win.
Bramble + rammus sucks ngl. Tye best you cant do is call for jungler and supp him by using your ult as a slow.
Seeing the small amount of views and comments means that there are only a few Urgot mains left
He's a top tier top laner
Which is a good thing. I don't want him to turn into a pick/ban champ.
@@venkteshprasadmayarao7265 100% agree.I have 500k points
aight so frozen mallet is a big nono imo, if you watn a slowing item with tankyness you have rigtheous glory , or even zeke (yes im serious ) if u have a fed adc in the team : go in, ult , laugh and shred slowed ennemies while helping the adc deal damage
Fresh from dong huap...
@@ub8dullr676 the zekes part yeah , the mallet , i figured it out myself , you re already bulky with a "classic" build , no need for a mallet , especially vs a lot of botrks in the meta , and RG has always been a staple when you re the only frontlaner as urgot
Yeah, Mallet is very niche item. Only good if you really need extra HP and there are lots of melees that you need to REALLY kite off your team, and even then, I rarely pick it up. Maybe once every 30 games.
does this still work for 2021???
How to hook him??When i use my R i just deals 100dmg and dont suppressed him to 9999+
When u Ult ur enemy must be low health to finish him with ur R
Dont forget that U can do a ton of dmg at lv9 because of ur 0cd w. you can do 3 procs of w and then auto and repeat. Ur w is not an auto attack so it doesnt count towards the auto attack timer. its basically 66.6% more dmg that u can do.
So i cant do that level 2-8? Bc it will waste my w/not out dps untill i do that comboe twice (or maybe 3 times)?
That coupe de grass though 😂
Bone Apple Tea
W is the worst thing you can get at lv1 because unless there are no minions, your w will ALWAYS hit the minions and not the champ
How do I deal with a lethal tempo ignite tryndamere who all-ins at lvl 6?
Try alt f4
you don't. I win lane very early with quite an innovative trick.
I ban him
Rush Tabis, don't take stupid trades because he will outsustain you, if he all ins you, Q after his spin and walk away. Even if he slows you, he can't catch up to you effectively because of the Q slow. When he does, E away...when I face trynda, I full on bully him lvl 1 E+passive, and don't give him any breathing room, slow pushing and zoning him out to prevent him from getting his fury up. By the time he hits 6, I already have my Tabis. By the time he can duel me, Thornmail or randuins are already under my belt. Oh, I also forgot, when he all ins you, you can use your ult to slow him down for 4 seconds and just walk away completely. Just wait for him to use his spin.
@@gabrielmalmqvist9061 I ban Jax as I find him the hardest to beat. Basically you do not beat Jax and Trynd is also hard.
It's one of the hardest match ups. After 6, you do not really beat him since he just stands still and bashes your head in and you cannot really do much. In my games, I ban Jax and if I see Trynd picked, I just dodge.
persona music in the background, nice
How do i counter fiora with urgot? I always have a hardtime dealing with her 2nd
Fiora is a grid lock match up. If you use your E 1st and she blocks it, you loose. If she wastes her block you can all on her and beat it. From my experience, Fioras will hold on to their parry/block and never use it to prevent you from going all with your E. Fiora match up is either a farm fest, or decided by the jungle presence.
Don't use your E if Fiora has parry, farm and use your range
Tricky matchup, you hard lose early on. You want to use your E after she uses her W OR use it for the shield (do not fall on her). If you go even, you generally outscale her at 2 items. Get either Bramble Vest or Executioner's as early as possible, with Ninja Tabi. Also, make sure to hug walls so she cannot fully proc her ulti.
It's mostly a skill match up, even decided by rune choice sometimes. I usually go Transcendence + Gathering Storm and wait till level 10. Till then, I just play safely. You can beat her by manipulating the waves. If she doesn't go Tiamat early, you get free wave control and beat her like that. If she does get Tiamat, she has lower combat stats and you should look for small trades. Match up needs experience though. Sometimes you might wanna look for Teleport plays with your R to get a slight lead to beat her.
You definitely outscale her though after 2 items (level 13). Not sure how it is at max items but you should beat her hard enough until that point that the game should be over. Also, itemization matters a lot. Seeing how Fiora will probably look to splitpush all game long, you should itemize specifically for the 1v1, thus getting Bloodthirster and maybe even BORK.
avoid her block, then E and W while you run away, half her health is gone. do this twice
urgot: I am the weapon!
bramble vest: im about to end this mans whole career
nah he gets his shield on the throw and people i've taken on even when they have the vest just get melted like everyone else. urgot taking most damage like that is negligible and not going to stop him from grinding you to pieces.
Imo bramble is such a big counter to urgot. It just kills your dmg on them (especially if you run conq) and it dmgs you, making you more vulnerable.
any guide for urgot vs fiora? its a very dumb matchup for urgot. fiora just outheal every time and get better trade and urgot e long ass casting time make even a silver fiora can use w to react to that.
You could purposefully aim the e to the side of her, and just use it to reposition for your legs, and for the shield. If her healing is a problem Urgot can comfortably run both bramblevest or executioners culling.
@@Freekymoho what he said. Fiora killls you in lane only if she can turn your E dash into a stun with her W. Use your dash to either run away from her or dash to her side, or wait till she uses her W(to slow you down, survive burst dmg or riposte jungler gank cc) and then dash into her for a free kill.
Start with a long sword then buy executioners then start on black cleaver
Or you could buy bramble first item and pray that she wont ask for dives on you weak state
I agree with the don't spam q's but you should start your E in some matches (weak lvl 1s)
Most matchups honestly. It provides significantly more flexibility and power than w
I answered this same question earlier here :
It really is matchup dependent, but I do agree at level 2 E + W can be devastating into some matchups. The thing about starting W is that it can help secure CS which is important and if you need to push in order to hit level 2, keep the wave frozen, whatever you might need that it is definitely better to start W. The problem is that those matchups arent really all that common? And even then most of the time you wait for level 2 anyways so starting W isnt an issue.
The issue with making guides like this is that sometimes nuance can be lost, but thats why we have our website ;)
Really though I am glad you guys point these things out because even though I try to make things clear and give reasoning, there is always another side of things that can and SHOULD be considered.
To give a quick reference for champions that are level 1-able with E, you can say maybe Chogath, Garen, Irelia (wave dependent), Maokai, while I wont go through every champ but you can see the list is kinda dry... and even then many have a way to sustain back whatever damage you manage to deal or even potentially contest you.
My junglers NEVER show up at all in my games in gold. I ask for a gank, ping it, nothing. I get camped and tower dived with a rift herald and end up losing most of my top lane games because of this. It just feels like jungle pressure always wins top lanes.
So many things in this video are wrong. Just goes to show how they will just pump out content because he has a high wr this patch even they they know nothing about the champ.
Can we appreciate the Persona 5 soundtrack
can u make a viktor guide next?
Going to be tackling a jungle champion next, and I will rotate top->jg->mid->adc->supp for each one as we go along. No promises on viktor but we will see :)
TheSlimyNoodle ye im almost guaranteed to get first blood with e+w+PTA+ignite in every game
"you get w and then e" why would you? e is probably your strongest ability before maxed w, take that first if you are stronger lvl 1 than the opponent and demolish them
gp and strong in late... not really anymore.. he used to but these times are over....
Good video, but really outdated on the items and runes. Need to update for mythic
Was that shurelya's?
Its actually a good item, if you feel like Righteous Glory doesnt really fit because you dont need armor it basically fills the same role but also helps your entire team.
If u start with q you can last hit the first 3 minions at the same time
if you start E you can do the same, AND have a 300g + a flash and TP.
Am i the only one who notices the minecraft music in the background...
Teemo is so annoying when he blinds you so you can’t carry in teamfight
so is it flash e or e flash.....?!?!?!?!
E then flash while Urgot charges his dash.
Started playing him yesterday and been struggling, this is such good timing :)
You normally start W? Wut? E is way, waaaaaaaaay better on level one.
5:05 challenger guide decides to show how to waste ultimate on kled for absolutely no reason
i miss twisted tredline ugot op 3v3
am I hearing Persona 5 music in the background or am I just stupid
Lmao 2 urgot guides, this and donghuaps within 2 days. Good time to learn urgot.
he is the number 1 broken champ and perma ban at top lane for me. Ofc we have viego this time and waiting to see his balance. Right now i have 4 champs i consider them broken and this stupid guys is the top(Viego is not included cause he is new right now).Urgot Can come bakc from 100000000 miles away in farm or kills. As you said just with 1-2 items he is just like full build against opposite top (especially with the new mythic he gets). He SOOOO unbalanced to me this time.Perma ban urgot for ever
What about beating Urgot?
In my experience ranged poke and kiting are effective ways of stopping urgot, same as any juggernaut.
More specifically though; look to trade after he blows a few important front legs, but always watch for the E. If the E is down it's go time. This is even more important after 6, where there might be no getting away if he catches you with the e. His passive also insures he auto pushes at all times, so he's frequently vulnrable to early ganks
I mentioned that he has a pretty weak earlygame and is vulnerable to abuse early on. Most of the time his goal should be to farm so lane bullies like Renekton or even someone like Poppy who deals great damage and can counter his dash are excellent against him. Pressuring him early on and making sure he does not scale as well or as fast is a top priority. Even when playing fighters into him many have a good chance, you just have to make sure you avoid that e flash rqw combo at 6 and at every point before that you have the ability to fight him. It just differs from champion to champion, but to give an example Jax can walk up to him and start trading, pop E when urgot uses W, and win basically any trade thanks to blocking auto attacks and preventing kneeshots from going off.
Fiora, Jax, Olaf and Poppy win hard against him
@@desconocido151 Yeah, each of these champions have a way to shut down Urgot, although it is still possible to lose on them - the difference isnt that huge
Honestly, when I see Urgot picked on the enemy team, I just go Maokai / Sion or maybe Fiora / Jax. Tanks get Bramble Vest + Tabis and easily beat him. Jax naturally beats him and Fiora also has the tools to outplay him.
100k+ Urgot Mains Confirmed
Jungler is the cause of world hunger i've heard once
lvl 9 conqueror Urgot is a monster you just press your W and walk xD I literally did that and got an unoficial penta
Singed pls!
begin with e and win every 1 v 1 level 1 fight.
Good guide except for starting w on urgot. There is absolutely no reason to start w.
why dont have vietsub
Minecraft theme as background music
I got a Penta first timing him
Idk how can people play this boring champ. Just E, W , then wait and get a kill. So dumb
Fr huh
Bad guide
Maybe you should upload your videos on, before uploading it on TH-cam.
I think it is a bit strange that you post your content on TH-cam, free, while it is not on your own website yet.