Astrology May 7-13 2024 - Taurus New Moon - Sun conj Uranus - Venus sextile Saturn

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 6 พ.ค. 2024
  • This week in Astrology we start a new lunar cycle with the moon conjunct the sun for the Taurus new moon ruled by Venus. Venus is happy and at home in her home sign of Taurus acting as the host so to speak for the moon, the sun, Uranus and Jupiter. This could be one of the best lunar cycles of the year, with Venus in charge and in a easy connection with Saturn, This cycle is all about the earthly side of life - grounded, practical, stable and reliable. This cycle offers more pleasure, peace and comfort. The energics want to slow down a bit, relax and indulge rather than create conflict or assert extra energy. However, conflict will still be on the outer edges in the background with Mars, Chiron, the North Node and Mercury still in Aries, but the counterbalance of a Taurus stellium will diminish that a lot.
    Uranus and Jupiter are placing demands on Venus for their personal agenda and Venus could be willing to accommodate as long as it's not too extreme. Uranus wants change and innovation, and Jupiter wants more resources. Perhaps a lot of people want change for the better in their life but could also feel resistance to taking that action out of fear of losing the stability and comforts that they already have, fearing the new and the unknown. Of course, a lot of people want more resources but that also requires changing with new activity; new patterns and habits.
    This cycle is showing people have a greater potential for recognizing new values and better ways to work with and manage money and resources that could create better abundance, but being creative and innovative is necessary for the best results. Taurus does not like change, nor do any of the fixed signs. Therefore, all this Taurus squaring Leo and Aquarius, opposing Scorpio could add a lot of tension and pressure to those signs within this cycle. This cycle will be a lot easier for Virgo, Capricorn, Cancer and Pisces. Libra, Gemini and Sagittarius will feel more irritation and be required to make adjustments during this cycle.
    This is a great cycle for getting more of what you want and need for the physical and material levels of life but fear, stubbornness and laziness has the potential of stifling that progress.
    This week the moon will be waxing through Taurus, Gemini, Cancer and Leo. Next Monday the sun is conjunct Uranus showing a strong focus on change and innovation while Venus is sextile Saturn showing a preference for stability, reliability, maturity and a good connection to authority. If you need something from authority - bank loans, approval of applications, Govt processes, etc then this could be a great time for getting what you want (in general).
    If you want a personalized report from me about your year ahead follow the link below:
    Aspect list and timestamps:
    Tues May 7 12:05
    Moon conj Venus 7:04 am PDT
    Moon inconj South Node 3:56 pm PDT
    Moon sextile Saturn 7:01 pm PDT
    Moon conj sun (new moon) 8:21 pm PDT
    Wed May 8 16:48
    Moon conj Uranus 4:18 am PDT
    Moon conj Jupiter 9:30 am PDT
    Moon sextile Neptune 2:55 pm PDT
    Moon ingress Gemini 4:20 pm PDT
    Moon trine Pluto 7:52 pm PDT
    Thurs May 9 20:01
    Moon sextile Mars 3:47 am PDT
    Moon trine SN sextile NN 6:15 pm PDT
    Moon square Saturn 10:02 pm PDT
    Fri May 10 22:55
    Moon sextile Chiron 4:42 am PDT
    Moon sextile Mercury 10:12 am PDT
    Moon square Neptune 6:48 pm PDT
    Moon ingress Cancer 8:12 pm PDT
    Moon inconj Pluto 11:56 pm PDT
    Sat May 11 29:33
    Venus inconj South Node 9:49 am PDT
    Moon square Mars 11:36 am PDT
    Moon T-square Nodes of Fate 11:25 pm PDT
    Sun May 12 34:49
    Moon sextile Venus 12:57 am PDT
    Moon trine Saturn 4:10 am PDT
    Moon square Chiron 11:12 am PDT
    Moon sextile Sun 1:34 pm PDT
    Moon sextile Uranus 2:28 pm PDT
    Moon sextile Jupiter 9:52 pm PDT
    Moon square Mercury 9:56 pm PDT
    Mon May 13 38:41
    Moon trine Neptune 2:12 am PDT
    Sun conj Uranus 2:13 am PDT
    Moon ingress Leo 3:35 am PDT
    Moon opp Pluto 7:34 am PDT
    Venus sextile Saturn 12:44 pm PDT
    Moon trine Mars 11:48 pm PDT
    Thanks for watching!
    #astrology #newmoon

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