Wow kiber le Geta yehun Enede pawelosi ayenete wendimochen Geta hoy abezalen☝️️ Geta yebarek yebezalek ayewesedbek wendeme tebarek kiya sho Geta yebarekachu🙌
One day I remember one of the most popular person in social media I saw some wrong video she did downloaded then I sent to her by her own inbox message my comment .She accept my opinion then she did deleted for TH-cam and FB her wall but she didn't say anything me Guess what ??? Immediately she did block me from FB . I'm shocked I did expect even God bless you as a Pastor ....She's not happy this is a big big problem not only church pastor even have a problem around the singers they are always write don't touch me don't said me otherwise don't know what happen ..Anyway God bless you Abiye keep it up this issue also May God bless you Pole I love his idea stay blessed guys 🙌🏼
Geta lijoch alut kibir le Geta yihun wendima pawlos zemenih yibarek Geta bedemu yishefinih .Aby zemenih yibarek wendima wendimochin ena ehitochin eyaberetatah neh Geta bedemu yishefinih.
በጣም የምወድህ አገልጋይ ነህ እነሱ ካለም ናቸው በአለም ያለውን ይናገራሉ አለሙም ይሰማቸዋል እኛ ግን ከእግዛብሄር ነን የእግዛብሄርን ነገር እንናገራለን እግዛብሔርን የሚያውቅ ይሰማነል፡፡ተባረክ
ወጳውሎስ ጌታ ይባርክህ ያብዛልህ በእውነት እንደዚህ ያሉ አስተማሪዎችን እግዚአብሔር ስለሰጠን መተራረም መልካም ነው
እስከ አሁን ስሰማቸው ከሚያስተምሩኝ ወንድሞች አንዱ ጳውሎስ ነው። ተባረኩ በብዙ። keep it up Kiya talk show. God bless you
Wow kiber le Geta yehun Enede pawelosi ayenete wendimochen Geta hoy abezalen☝️️ Geta yebarek yebezalek ayewesedbek wendeme tebarek kiya sho Geta yebarekachu🙌
Thanks you bro Abiy......Tebarek Pol zeneh ,agelgeloteh,tedareh yebarek.
tebarek aby gata zrmenachun yebarek astemari ena tekami weyeyet neber
GBU EGIZABHER Yibarkachehu wendemoche pawlos & kiya
እንዴት እንደምወድክ ወንድሜ ጳውሎስ ትምህርትህ እንዴት እንደምማር ጌታ ይባርክ ወንድሜ ታዴ ስላቀርብክልን ተባርክልኝ የአባቴ ብሩካን እድሜናጤና ይስጥልኝ
ፖዬ የተወደድህ ወንድም ❤ ፀጋ ይብዛልህ ።
Tebareku Betam Asetemari yehone meleket new
kaytalkshow Thank you and May GOD bless you.
ጳውሎስ ጌታ ዘመንህ ይባርክ እውነት የሆነውን ነገር በመናገርህ ሁሉም አይቀበልህም ቢሆንም እውነትን የምትጋፈጥ እራስህን አሳልፈክ የሰጠክ ጀግና ነክ ያብዛልክ ጌታ ይባርክህ። ሌላው ክርስቶስ ሰዎችን ሁሉ ስለወደደ ያሉበትን ህይወት ይኮንን ነበር ለምን ሰው ከስተቱ እንዲማር ስተቱን አውቆ ከጥፋት መንገድ እንዲመለስ ስህተቱን የሚናገር ጌታ ነበር። እውነትን የሚናገሩ ይብዙልን የጌታ እውነተኛ ደቀ መዝሙር የልጅ አባት ነክ ጳውሎስ!
Poye dink sew tebareklin
Endiyawum beand agatami Paulos man mehonun siteyikew yemeleselign betam asgeremegn. Ye pente Alqaeda new alegna asdenegetegn.
One day I remember one of the most popular person in social media I saw some wrong video she did downloaded then I sent to her by her own inbox message my comment .She accept my opinion then she did deleted for TH-cam and FB her wall but she didn't say anything me Guess what ??? Immediately she did block me from FB . I'm shocked I did expect even God bless you as a Pastor ....She's not happy this is a big big problem not only church pastor even have a problem around the singers they are always write don't touch me don't said me otherwise don't know what happen ..Anyway God bless you Abiye keep it up this issue also May God bless you Pole I love his idea stay blessed guys 🙌🏼
God bless you more dears.Good lessons
God bless you brother
God bless you bro
ተባርክ ወንድሜ!
Geta lijoch alut kibir le Geta yihun wendima pawlos zemenih yibarek Geta bedemu yishefinih .Aby zemenih yibarek wendima wendimochin ena ehitochin eyaberetatah neh Geta bedemu yishefinih.
ጳውሎስ የ ዘመንህ ይባረክህ
Thank you and pls upload the second part
remain blessed!!
ጳውሎስ ተባረክ ሚዛናዊ ነህ
you're untouchable, Paulos
Geta hoy enede kaleh menor yibezaalen amennn
Solomon Bahertas
ጳውሎስ ጎበዝ መልካም ብለሀል።
pawelos gena GETAN EYESUSEN sagen gemero betam new mewdeke GETA EYESUS. agelgeloteken batesebeken heweteken yebarelew
Gata zemenachu yebarke!!!
where is the second part?
kefikir new alk Kiya ? Yepaulos tegbar yemiwed aydelem befitsum.
Minewu Geta yanten ayinet sewoch le hagerachin asir (10) sewoch biseten !!!!!!!! ere minim altechankim , qetil ebakih tebarek wondme Powulos.
Paulos batwedegn yishalegnal badebabay kemitbetatisegn.
ሰውዬ ፍቅር ውስጥ ግዴታ የለም
Lerasehina letemihertu teTeneqeqe
Ene yemawkew sewun adebabay lay yerasun wondimoch sigoda new yemawkew. I agree to disagree with him.
በጣምምምምምም ጉረኛ ሰው ነው ይሄ ሰው