What Is Woke?

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 28 ก.ย. 2024

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  • @fredbarron8582
    @fredbarron8582 ปีที่แล้ว +2052

    I think the problem for me is that it becomes a distraction, because I'm constantly noticing deliberate choices made by directors & producers to include agendas, I lose any form of suspension of disbelief and that effects my enjoyment of whatever I'm watching because instead of just engaging with the narrative my brain reacts to things which are obvious and often out of place, it constantly pulls me out of the story so I have to think about some random thing I've just seen before I can get back into just watching and enjoying the narrative.

    • @skeith1543
      @skeith1543 ปีที่แล้ว +199

      For me, It's started tainting older works. I'll look at a show that's focused towards woman or girls and every time they make fun of the Males in the cast, i'll immediately start thinking it's more woke, when in reality, they make fun of the female characters just as often or more so cause they're present far more often.
      Or for older shows focused on Boys or men, i end up judging the sole female character on the team when she outdoes her team mates at something, thinking they've just cranked up her competence to stick it to the males. When in reality everyone gets their time in the spot light.
      It's rather annoying to me how badly the 'Woke' has tainted my ability to enjoy things, now it seems like i'm seeing constant jabs at men all over the place even when such things didn't exist. It's especially damaged my ability to enjoy female action characters.

    • @InfernosReaper
      @InfernosReaper ปีที่แล้ว +137

      What, you didn't think that girls of Marvel assemble scene in Endgame wasn't cinematic gold?!
      That makes at least 2 of us. I've never been so jarringly pulled from a viewing experience than that moment.

    • @johnnyskinwalker4095
      @johnnyskinwalker4095 ปีที่แล้ว +42

      @@skeith1543 ah ha so true. I often wonder when I watch older stuff if it's me or if it's cause woke was there further back than I thought?

    • @nelisezpasce
      @nelisezpasce ปีที่แล้ว +41

      Dimitri Monroe talked about that in his latest vid
      "You can accept dragons, elves and talking trees, but you can't accept a 2021 BMW 5 Series 530i?"

    • @InfernosReaper
      @InfernosReaper ปีที่แล้ว +43

      @@johnnyskinwalker4095 There is a line between "progressive" and "woke" with woke basically being what happens when those jokes about liberals became the norm instead of satire.

  • @Jay-ru3hx
    @Jay-ru3hx ปีที่แล้ว +520

    I've never been racist or sexist. I have always been interested in other cultures. It's one reason why I traveled and immersed myself in languages other than English.
    Now, after decades of apparent dark ages in higher education, skulls full of mush with blue hair on top presume to lecture me in every venue. They go so far as to imply that, really I've been a racist, sexist bigot all along and I've just never realized it. On the news, I see groups of POC taking to the streets and demanding that white people prostrate before them and atone for sins they did not commit.
    I've spent my life traveling, meeting many different people, reading and studying deeply only to be surrounded now with superficial shallow thinking that serves as some cheap, Sam's Choice brand laminate over the truth of the world we all face as just yet another means of pitting groups of people against each other. At it's worst, it's despicable. At it's best, it's simply incredibly boring.
    This has happened all throughout history. Religions pitted against one another. Tribes, racial groups, economic divisions, and innumerable other characteristics and beliefs. As long enough people willing or capable of being manipulated exist on earth, there will be others to take advantage, identifying you as part of some group that is victimized by another. Don't worry though, as long as you keep giving them power, they'll fix it again -- as far as you know or care -- like they have throughout history.
    The shame is that I used to talk to certain people with characteristics ranging from different ethnic backgrounds to sexual orientation, and all people have something interesting about them that is ALMOST NEVER that characteristic. But now, people are convinced that those are the things that define who they are. You IDENTIFY as something. Your skin color, gender, or sexual orientation are what DEFINE you. Those things don't define you any more than a birthmark or an allergy define you. I'd go further to say that when I meet you, those are the LEAST INTERESTING things about you. Honestly, I'd find the food allergy more interesting than sexual orientation.
    I dream of a day where people can stop being so easily manipulated...... Perhaps just like I myself listened to this and was compelled to write this overly long wall of words that literally no one will read except maybe a platform moderator trying to determine if my words are harmful to some indeterminate person...... Enough.

    • @701Builder
      @701Builder ปีที่แล้ว +71

      I read the whooooole thing!

    • @Neonradss
      @Neonradss ปีที่แล้ว +55

      "Those things don't define you any more than a birthmark or an allergy define you." Yep, its a shame more of the 'tolerant' people don't have this mindset.

    • @thetechnocrat4979
      @thetechnocrat4979 ปีที่แล้ว +50

      I read the whole thing and I agree with what you have written. We are not simply shades of colour nor are we defined by whom we want to bang.
      I am not White myself but I am feeling scared of this current atmosphere of hatred against them, especially in so called ' centres of learning '. Eerily reminiscent of how some other groups were talked about previously in such centres.
      I am pretty much like you. I have always been interested in other cultures, languages and their historical evolution, alongside my own. My instigator for learning so much of the world has been my love of world railways.

    • @MW-dd8vk
      @MW-dd8vk ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Well Said!!! 💪🧠

    • @kartoffelman111
      @kartoffelman111 ปีที่แล้ว +37

      Agree wholeheartedly. I have studied humanities for seven years and, oh my god, these woke topics absolutely dominate the curriculum.
      In my English literature MA, 7 out of 10 classes were in some way tied to gender, race and/or sexuality. Of course not all classes were bad, since some lecturers are more than intelligent enough to tackle the interesting parts of those topics without delving into wokeism, and I know it was good for me to discuss things like feminism with academics in a serious and honest context. While I always considered myself in favour of treating others with respect, regardless of - as you rightly put it - their boring characteristics - I learned a lot by reading feminist literature from the late 18th and early 19th centuries.
      However, some classes, some lecturers, and countless fellow students were completely lost in a woke ideology, and they came across as very paranoid.
      It was scary how they made no effort to hide that they held any cis white heterosexual men (such as myself) in contempt unless they repeatedly professed how woke they are. I sometimes felt like it was expected that I apologise for my body, sexuality and race, which was really weird.
      It was even weirder when we talked about the topics for our MA theses. I remember one student claiming she "wants to empower women of colour" by writing an MA thesis about heavy-set black women's role in film and tv. Maybe an original topic and all, but how in the world does a random white student's bloody MA thesis, which they have to write to get THEIR OWN degree, "empower" any other person, let alone a vast group like ALL black women on this planet?
      The confusion that wokeism on universities has implanted into many young adults' heads is as baffling as it is deplorable, and I worry about these people. Lest they should become the aggressive extremists they despise.

  • @s3studios597
    @s3studios597 ปีที่แล้ว +438

    Ahhh nuance. That magical little word that's almost non-existent on the internet.

    • @benjaminperez7328
      @benjaminperez7328 ปีที่แล้ว +8


    • @hih2023
      @hih2023 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Is that like a new kind of animal or sonething?

    • @jeremyusreevu237
      @jeremyusreevu237 ปีที่แล้ว +31

      Exactly. People just call people like Critical Drinker and Mauler grifters without actually looking at what they have to say.

    • @jameydunne3920
      @jameydunne3920 ปีที่แล้ว +21

      @@hih2023 Exactly. It hangs out with Bigfoot and Nessie and Bob the unicorn. I think they're all on the same bowling team. They play on Thursdays.

    • @flameshana9
      @flameshana9 ปีที่แล้ว +13

      White bad black good isn't very nuanced though. It's literally black and white.

  • @bethcoddington2150
    @bethcoddington2150 ปีที่แล้ว +292

    I agree with the your analysis of this. There were just as many stereotypes in past cinema as there are currently. The difference was, they WERE primarily subtle and nuanced with well crafted, clever plots. Sure, there were annoying, even insulting stereotypes. But the ratio was much lower. The thoughtful, entertaining, organic storylines and characters rarely exist in today's entertainment. I go for entertainment, not a lecture. I used to live in Florida where I worked with a very diverse number of individuals. It was a wonderful experience. I worked with a disabled man married to a Philippine woman, a white, very far right conservative male, a liberal {so was I at the time} black man, and a lesbian in a relationship. That was just my small area. There was no systematic racism. People were paid according to their merit reviews, and I was not making more or less money because I am white woman. We are now creating oppression and victimhood for the sake of divisiveness. And it is done with a nauseating level of moral superiority and contempt for those who do not fall at the feet of their ideology.

    • @sleepykittyMMD
      @sleepykittyMMD ปีที่แล้ว +11

      I agree, I watch stuff to entertain me and stiumulate my brain. lecture type shows that get borderline preechy are not my thing. I'd prefer the plotline to do the talking, and if its a good one you'll have to and want to watch it again and again to see all the stuff you missed the first time

    • @thesouloftheinternet4829
      @thesouloftheinternet4829 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      only thing i say beth is people need ot realize that africans have lost all of our historical stories, about real life people through this method as well.

    • @bethcoddington2150
      @bethcoddington2150 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@thesouloftheinternet4829 That may be true. It has been no secret since I went to school back in the 60s and 70s that there was much injustice done. I would, however, recommend Thomas Sowell, Walter Williams, and Larry Elder to get some perspective on what is true and what has been modified in modern times. If you have Prime Video there is an excellent documentary called Uncle Tom, and another on Epoch TV called Uncle Tom II. Both give a very different account of the situation of black people in the first few decades of the 20th century, up until welfare and the Civil Rights movement. It is very educational.

    • @ROVA00
      @ROVA00 ปีที่แล้ว

      “There was no systemic racism” , says the white lady..
      As long as racism and sexism exists, there will be racism and sexism in the system. I work outside sales in rural texas and I am exposed to blatant racism every single week.

    • @carlpolen7437
      @carlpolen7437 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@thesouloftheinternet4829Umm. No you haven’t lost all your stories. This is a myth repeated ad nauseum by black Americans. There’s a ton of African history.. from the Ivory Coast to Angola and beyond. All you have to do is look it up. Sure it’s all oral tradition mythology because Africans never indigenously developed reading or writing and so there simply isn’t thousands of years of written records like there are in Europe and Asia, but that’s not other peoples fault. You still have a rich oral tradition to fall back on. One of my biggest gripes is that black people complain in America about there being no shows about black people… but even black panther had to be written by white writers/directed by a white director. Here’s a thought, instead of continuously complaining about how much of a victim you are, go out and work for what you want. Do you want black written, directed content? Then WRITE IT! Direct it! Show us how strong black peoples are! Tyler Perry has been doing well for decades… but then there are black people like you who never actually bother to research your rich history, just complain.

  • @Anxomaxo
    @Anxomaxo ปีที่แล้ว +635

    Honestly, this video should be uploaded to your main channel. The more people watch it, the better. I think you hit the nail in the head.

    • @jacobmatthews7524
      @jacobmatthews7524 ปีที่แล้ว +47

      it also functions as a rebuttal to people who think Drinker is racist/sexist/homophobic. should definitely be on the main channel, even though it would piss off half of his viewers and subscribers

    • @Harpoenter
      @Harpoenter ปีที่แล้ว +10

      Watch his "The Myth of the Modern Audience". Absolute killer.

    • @randysavage1
      @randysavage1 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      First time I heard woke was in the song Redbone by childish Gambino who is also a comedian and actor...who woulda guessed....btw the show he stars in ATL. Is actually pretty good

    • @jacobmatthews7524
      @jacobmatthews7524 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      @@Agisek i remember that time Gary went off for a few minutes about gay people in kids movies, calling the people who make them groomers and pedos and things like that. it's something Az often does as well. If you have ever seen their show Real BBC with Mauler, you'll see that sometimes they'll launch into that, and whenever they do, mauler will go dead silent the whole time.
      I'm taking a social psychology class about group dynamics and intergroup relations, and it explains all of this behaviour. for most people, you're basically on one side or the other. it takes awareness and resistance to avoid falling into the polarized groups. people exalt their in-group and denigrate their out-group. if you hate what the side that controls the media is doing, you are likely to fall into the opposite side, instead of remaining nuanced

    • @rockstar450
      @rockstar450 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      I've seen the toxic wokedom who call us biggots all label Drinker as a phobe. PLEASE upload to main channel!

  • @alexandrasimon7191
    @alexandrasimon7191 ปีที่แล้ว +235

    Émile Durkheim, founder of sociology had the theory that crime can and will never be eliminated from human societies, since the moment we become sensitive and considerate enough to avoid committing crimes out of fear of hurting others, we will be also sensitive and considerate enough to perceive formerly harmless acts as so offensive that they will qualify as crimes. I feel like this is what's been happening for a while now.

    • @_XR40_
      @_XR40_ ปีที่แล้ว +1

      "Progress" has no endgame....Progressives must always push farther or cease to be _progressive..._

    • @alexandrasimon7191
      @alexandrasimon7191 ปีที่แล้ว +9

      @@_XR40_ wow I haven't thought about it before. But it's very true.
      Though it seems every single generation before us felt the resentment and fear towards younger people changing the "order of things" and it seems to be part of human nature to forever long for an idealized version of the past. Seems like we can't escape this either

    • @mgshock
      @mgshock ปีที่แล้ว +9

      @@alexandrasimon7191 Human nature never changes. The ride never stops. Just mind the sharp turns.

    • @Nikua13
      @Nikua13 ปีที่แล้ว +9

      it is perfectly correct. If we got rid of all evil and only had good left, then we humans would say that the less good is the new evil, even if it is not, because you have to have something to judge. With out evil how you know what good is. The current issue we face is that written in the Bible, but please dont take it as a religious only statement: "When black is white and white is black, when good is bad and bad is good." The current culture of changing the meaning of words to keep the brain confused. The Stunning and Brave that is nothing more than an afront to all that is normal, sane, and biologically correct. Thank you for posting this thought.

    • @frostyblade8842
      @frostyblade8842 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @The Program This is the single greatest comment I have ever read, ever. Thank you so much for writing it. It's truly insightful

  • @anotherhuman8173
    @anotherhuman8173 ปีที่แล้ว +4132

    My only criticism is: _Why isn't this on the main channel?_ It's got to be one of the most thoughtful, relevant, and well-balanced videos you've ever made, and more people should see it!

    • @hypocriticalgrammarnazi
      @hypocriticalgrammarnazi ปีที่แล้ว +131

      I think his main channel is mostly for new media reviews and news.
      Edit: Okay guys you can shut up now, this video should be on the main channel. I was just trying to answer the rhetorical question.

    • @processing4426
      @processing4426 ปีที่แล้ว +57

      @@hypocriticalgrammarnazi What about his "Why modern movies suck" series?

    • @lftr_react
      @lftr_react ปีที่แล้ว +33

      @@hypocriticalgrammarnazi Perhaps, but sometimes you lay down a message that is poignant enough to transcend the genre of the channel. Besides, this video is discussing an aspect that heavily affects the content he reviews so, it's not as though it would be completely out of place.

    • @captbuckyohare5585
      @captbuckyohare5585 ปีที่แล้ว +68

      Drinker has the subscribers he has because as per his own advice regarding growing a youtube presence, the second your main short form content gets two political or partisan, you alienate half your audience. He literally does what Hollywood dont.
      So for a video like this, looking specifically at wokeness, it makes sense to put it on the 2nd channel just in case his thoughts or delivery dont land the way they were intended.

    • @apricanephoto
      @apricanephoto ปีที่แล้ว +63

      Entirely agree with this, I like how the Drinker is clearly and unambiguously aligning himself as someone who cares about good entertainment and who genuinely cares about social norms such as inclusiveness and diversity.

  • @kilgortrout3432
    @kilgortrout3432 ปีที่แล้ว +25

    One of the best descriptions of why I can find such little joy in TV and movies these days.

    • @atreidesN
      @atreidesN ปีที่แล้ว

      Is it possible you’re the pendulum swinging too far the other way?

    • @ethanwright752
      @ethanwright752 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@atreidesN No. Woke propagandists are the instigators and are 100% at fault. The pendulum needs to swing so far back that leftist delusion is broken into unrecognizable shards.

  • @preparetoholdyourcolour7080
    @preparetoholdyourcolour7080 ปีที่แล้ว +560

    I never realised how depressing the decline and negative portrayals of heterosexual relationships in stuff today really is 🙁 as usual everything you've said is spot on

    • @lynco3296
      @lynco3296 ปีที่แล้ว +52

      Its honestly sad how easy it is to criticize the state of modern pop culture. its not that the Drinker isn't smart and insightful, he obviously is, its just that the fruit is so low hanging these days.

    • @nenmaster5218
      @nenmaster5218 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      @@lynco3296 ...WELL; this video was a bit short, wasnt it? I invite everyone to also realize how many Politicans and Looneys use the Word Woke. Lets lit all Sides of this and also consider
      'Who is Ron DeSantis anyway?' by Renegade Cut + 'Is the Republican Party Okay?' by
      Some More News.

    • @daryltor7608
      @daryltor7608 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      There isn’t really a decline, given it’s been the norm for decades. That’s doesn’t excuse the writing of the relationships. There’s just slightly more ‘diverse’ relationships now.

    • @tyr3759
      @tyr3759 ปีที่แล้ว +46

      You just have to find entertainment elsewhere, like Israeli shows, or Asian. Just not American: they live in another world all together than me.

    • @RabbitShirak
      @RabbitShirak ปีที่แล้ว +11

      Wanna see a good heterosexual relationship in fiction? Babylon 5.

  • @jamestkirkcameron9189
    @jamestkirkcameron9189 ปีที่แล้ว +146

    Great monologue about the state of wokeness and what it really is. Whenever I use the term, I feel like it’s because I can’t think of any other word to describe what I’m seeing without going into a long tirade. I’m really glad the drinker has blown up like he has. I remember him first coming on the scene about 4-5 years ago with his epic GOT final season reviews and the Star Wars new trilogy criticisms. A great movie reviewer indeed. I miss the days of old movie critics who were honest and weren’t afraid of sharing their opinions on popular movies, no matter what the backlash was waiting for them. Cheers to you Drinker!

    • @jacobmatthews7524
      @jacobmatthews7524 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      ironically these critics have The Last Jedi to thank for their success. their criticism of that film is what made the first of them blow up, and others followed to the new space that they created

    • @jamestkirkcameron9189
      @jamestkirkcameron9189 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      @@jacobmatthews7524 so true! That movie really changed entertainment culture. It was a prophetic movie in showing us what mainstream entertainment would be like from now on. And they did it with such a grandiose IP that everyone knew and loved. All by a company most people also knew and loved. It was a real eye opener to there true motives and agendas!

    • @T1tusCr0w
      @T1tusCr0w ปีที่แล้ว

      He should be on the damn BBC on their film program instead of Lamar. who is quite good but way to safe with an eye always to being right ( and by this I mean right on! ) rather than truthful and nuanced and speaking with his own authentic voice.
      I wish some producers were brave enough to do it.

    • @denkerbosu3551
      @denkerbosu3551 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      "Woke" is what these started calling tehmselves, and it wasn't until others started using their term, and criticise what it carries with it, that they started going "STOP CALLING EVERYTHING WOKE, YOU TRIGGERED?!"
      I think the very etrm "Social Justice Warriors" started like that, with them calling themselves that.
      In the end is all just their deranged idology where reality isn't a thing, it's whatever makes them feel good and morally righteous at the moment.

  • @sheridantony
    @sheridantony ปีที่แล้ว +20

    Have shared this as it's one of the best explanations of what is and isn't 'Woke', and how it's affecting the entertainment industry, I've heard to date.

  • @GoodTimeBikes
    @GoodTimeBikes ปีที่แล้ว +200

    After what Hollywood has done to me I feel like a severely abused child who’s been whipped too hard too many times. I have zero tolerance for my abusers.

    • @wambokodavid7109
      @wambokodavid7109 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      What has Hollywood done to "you"?

    • @elcidS15
      @elcidS15 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@wambokodavid7109 Hollywood massively effects culture. It’s done a lot of things to all of us.

    • @yasharthpandey6317
      @yasharthpandey6317 ปีที่แล้ว +67

      @@wambokodavid7109 Ruined modern entertainment. It isn't really personal or anything; but I don't think we should be worried about going too hard against wokeness until it is drastically reduced.
      Hollywood lectures us about issues, calls us racist, sexist etc. on a dime whenever their new pet project gets backlash. After enough of this, I think a little melodrama is justified.

    • @christophertaylor9100
      @christophertaylor9100 ปีที่แล้ว +29

      Yeah, even stuff I would have shrugged at twenty years ago I find annoying now because they keep pushing it and keep beating us over the head with it

    • @bearistotle2820
      @bearistotle2820 ปีที่แล้ว +21

      @Yasharth Pandey The stories we tell each other are incredibly important. They shape the framework by which we view the world. So, I don't think this is melodrama, I think the OP is underselling how damaging Hollywood has been for decades at this point.

  • @harleymitchelly5542
    @harleymitchelly5542 ปีที่แล้ว +34

    As I've seen it explained in a TH-cam comment that has always stuck with me...
    "Giving your character a set of politics gives them depth. Giving your politics a character robs them of it."

  • @tomzablee
    @tomzablee ปีที่แล้ว +234

    I've always just understood 'woke' as a synonym for identity politics.

    • @EnsignRedshirtRicky
      @EnsignRedshirtRicky ปีที่แล้ว +76

      Not just that but also the attack on societal norms, and the emasculation of males in their own shows/movies.

    • @Kyle-sr6jm
      @Kyle-sr6jm ปีที่แล้ว

      Identity politics is part of the Woke ideology.

    • @GoldsteinShekelbergSwartz
      @GoldsteinShekelbergSwartz ปีที่แล้ว

      So Hitler was woke? America was woke since only free white men could gain citizenship? Is Russia woke? Is Iran woke? Is China woke? All those countries practice Identity politics.
      Your gay liberalism is woke!

    • @archstanton9073
      @archstanton9073 ปีที่แล้ว +62

      It's just another word for Cultural Marxism.

    • @CharlieD.706
      @CharlieD.706 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      I think they’ve probed the drinker. 😂

  • @Kernwadi
    @Kernwadi ปีที่แล้ว +10

    "Nostalgia is stored in the testicles."
    -Bilbo Baggins

  • @auroraSLAP
    @auroraSLAP ปีที่แล้ว +30

    You can really tell who doesn’t watch Critical Drinker because so many just say he’s a shallow nobody who cries “woke” at everything when that couldn’t be further from the truth. He just likes good stories. Honestly I wonder why this isn’t on the main channel.

    • @ItsaKindOfMagic86
      @ItsaKindOfMagic86 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      good stories are in short supply
      so short that people lower their standards
      in doing that is why the push back will fizzle out because people will take subpar trash because it is easier than pushing back

    • @captbuckyohare5585
      @captbuckyohare5585 ปีที่แล้ว +9

      Agree, he's got as much patience as anyone and was among the first defenders of Andor and Last of Us when the reactionary first past the post opinions of his contemporaries were "These are both shit."
      He actually had to stand his ground pretty firmly on Andor, could acknowledge the show's weaknesses, but didn't throw it under the bus when the easy thing to do would have been to jump on the hate wagon. Now, amongst those same contemporaries, the group opinion is "Ok. It WAS good. But too little too late."
      Yeah, when he does a short form video that's taking a shot at something, he ramps it up in the DRINKER PERSONA, but normally he's quite a thoughtful and fair critic.
      Also: it's not on the main channel because he fucked up and uploaded here by accident. He said so earlier this week.

  • @Klee99zeno
    @Klee99zeno ปีที่แล้ว +63

    The problem is how creators prioritize the issues like diversity and representation. They tend to think that the MOST IMPORTANT feature of your creative project is that it is diverse and representative of all groups. This means that in their minds, a film or series cannot possibly be good unless it contains the woke messages. This is why the Oscars have made the new rules about requiring all potential nominees to meet certain quotas.

    • @EyesWillRule
      @EyesWillRule ปีที่แล้ว +5

      The Oscars made those new rtsules to pass the onus from them onto the studios. For years the Academy Awards was decried as being racist for not nominating so-and-so or some movie not winning anything, so this is their way of stopping all those accusations. From now on, everything entered will pass the diversity test and thus bypass the complain.
      It's actually not going to stop the accusations when the movies that are voted the winners are the least diverse. It will never be enough.

    • @westtownshend5661
      @westtownshend5661 ปีที่แล้ว

      The Oscars had a serious issue in that the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences membership was almost entirely old white males a few years ago. Fair enough. But applying diversity rules to movies simply reduces the value of the award.

    • @OvalRock
      @OvalRock ปีที่แล้ว +1

      If it has not happened yet, there is a real danger the best motion picture of the year will not win the Best Motion Picture award if its director is a straight white man.

    • @JohnSmith-yd5wq
      @JohnSmith-yd5wq ปีที่แล้ว


    • @nikkiXx19
      @nikkiXx19 ปีที่แล้ว

      ​@@OvalRock LMAOO literally look at all past best director awards and see how it is basically all white males... you white people wanna feel oppressed so bad.

  • @09spidy
    @09spidy ปีที่แล้ว +5

    This video needs to be shared far and wide across the internet, people need to hear this.

  • @toybarons
    @toybarons ปีที่แล้ว +82

    I feel this is one of the best explanation of what WOKE is. CD thank you.

  • @nabrzhunter
    @nabrzhunter ปีที่แล้ว +128

    Possibly the best video of the year so far. Well said, bravo!
    Show recommend - “For All Mankind” is perhaps the best demonstrations of objective storytelling I have ever seen. My ‘woke alarm’ has been triggered several times, only to find I was being overly sensitive - burned too many times, I guess. It’s such a relief.

    • @bentolinmaddox9806
      @bentolinmaddox9806 ปีที่แล้ว +20

      I thought the same thing when I got into the gay episode of Last of Us. I started by thinking “oh shit here we go!” But then it turned out to be a very well done episode, with likable characters, good arcs,
      and a story that made you feel invested, anxious, happy, and sad.

    • @seamonlark9282
      @seamonlark9282 ปีที่แล้ว +10

      @@bentolinmaddox9806 Well.. that episode kinda is in the realm of perfect gay relationship tho. It's really the classic trope of a woman changing a rough weirdo into a caring and loving man. Just with gays. :D Don't get me wrong the episode is quite good a bit too sweet, not very original, but fine. I just felt, it kinda wasted momentum and didn't bring much to the story in the big picture. They could have included some more info about the world - like some news heard on radio, etc. For example they could have heard about the Kansas city revolt in radio and give some remarks about it..

    • @Benji-jj2bg
      @Benji-jj2bg ปีที่แล้ว

      @@seamonlark9282 they showed them fighting to as well so it wasnt all perfect. Obviously the episode wasnt long enough to show much more so they just stuck to a few different scenes from their entire 2 decade lives. The Bill and Frank story did the same thing for the plot in the show as it did the game. Except in the game it was shown in a different light, where Bill is what joel could turn into if he doesnt change. While in the show he shows what joel what he needs to be. If anything, it built the show up and brought a huge more people to watching it the next week.

    • @johnnyskinwalker4095
      @johnnyskinwalker4095 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Yea we're all like this, it's like we have become extra paranoid. Then again Hollywood has lost the benefit of the doubt a long time ago. Look at Velma.

    • @johnnyskinwalker4095
      @johnnyskinwalker4095 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      @@seamonlark9282 Not to mention, if it was a man and a woman, would we have had an entire episode decicated to these two random people?

  • @nicholasvinen
    @nicholasvinen ปีที่แล้ว +28

    I really have to question the need to "raise awareness" of issues that have been constantly shoved down our throats for the past 20 years.

    • @thebarbaryghostsf
      @thebarbaryghostsf 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

      When those issues continue to be massive social problems, it's important to continue raising awareness of them.

    • @KneGros-nc1ss
      @KneGros-nc1ss 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Complete horseshit. Raise awareness when everyone knows? What are you on meth or something? The less people talk about gay shit and push it around, making people feel sexually uncomfortable, the more theres going to be a pushback, the more you blow this shit in others face the more they're going to dropkick you down to stop that shit.
      I myself am bisexual, its not who I am, only a part of me. Can we stop this obsession with tokenising your friends to be different colourful/queer pokemon?

    • @ethanwright752
      @ethanwright752 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @fgjsdfgjkl It affects us because you want to achieve your imaginary delusional social and economic parity at the expense of other people (me) you falsely believe are the source of your invented misfortune.

    • @ethanwright752
      @ethanwright752 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@thebarbaryghostsf Pro tip: they aren't problems, you are just an arrogant, ignorant malcontent.

    • @conormccue2871
      @conormccue2871 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      "Raising Awareness" is code for "I'm a useless piece of shit who won't DO anything about them, but I want to feel self righteous and like I'm doing great deeds in the world, so I run my mouth to other people in order to pretend I'm doing something for a cause."
      There's no finer a place to look at this than slavery. There is absolutely modern day slavery, primarily to be found in Africa and Asia. From sweatshop labor in China, to forced sweatshop labor in Malaysia, to straight up open air slavery in Libya where 12 year old boys have price tags for earrings and are sold for the price of a used Playstation 4.
      A person who really cares about the issue would not simply run their mouths about them existing. They would specifically curtail their purchases of items to avoid giving money to sweatshop style factories and then take the money they save to buy freedom for some of those children. Do they do that? No. They never will and even suggesting as much to them will usually end up with them acting anything from derisive to outright appalled.
      In short, the only people who want to "raise awareness" are individuals who wish they could kiss their own ass and tell the world how great it tastes afterwards.

  • @JIreland1992
    @JIreland1992 ปีที่แล้ว +47

    This is why I like you Drinker. Your one of the few media critics that actually understands nuance and won’t just get mad because “hurt sure wokeness”

  • @CHIEF__
    @CHIEF__ ปีที่แล้ว +97

    I've followed you for a long time but tbh didn't expect such a nuanced, well articulated take, you're one of the best, Drinker

    • @rclaws3230
      @rclaws3230 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      He's a published author on top of being a drunken critic, so he does have something of the gift of gab.

  • @g3ar75
    @g3ar75 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    THANK YOU! I'm gonna be honest I never expected you to make a video on this. But you just earned my respect. I fear that a lot of us who have been pushing back against woke (rightfully so) have pushed too far and are now on the complete opposite side, becoming the enemy they once swore to destroy. I love nuanced takes
    Edit: Holy shit I didn’t realise this video was over a year old

  • @watchparty1
    @watchparty1 ปีที่แล้ว +48

    Drinker is worried we may "Swing back too far in the other direction." Except there is no swing back. Nothing has changed. All that has happened is some TH-camrs (Drinker most of all) have risen to prominence criticizing the "Woke" product. I think it's only going to get worse.

    • @patbastardandthespurious5822
      @patbastardandthespurious5822 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I'm still waiting on the famous pendulum to swing back to the days of feudal monarchy, but it hasn't happened yet. Almost as if there is no pendulum and Cthulhu always swims left.

    • @raskolnikov6443
      @raskolnikov6443 ปีที่แล้ว +13

      Agreed. Really weird to worry about something that is not on the horizon at all. It also shows that it’s not the socially leftist values that bother him but the writing and it being too blatant with its propaganda instead of subtle.

    • @brendofire2084
      @brendofire2084 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      I mean there have been some examples of people going so far to criticize wokeness that they start seeing it where it isn't, such as Synthetic Man with GoW: Ragnorok, but yeah, it will be some time before people really start going too far

  • @_Imperium_7
    @_Imperium_7 ปีที่แล้ว +255

    There is a very informative political channel, which has made good critiques of ‘Wokeism’, called MentisWave on TH-cam. He points out that the problem with this form of progressive politics is it often relies heavily on the equity fallacy, which is a type of fallacy that believes that just because there are unequal outcomes, it must always be the result of some form of systemic discrimination in society. This is without taking into consideration other factors like geography and culture that can also create these unequal outcomes.

    • @Monty2289
      @Monty2289 ปีที่แล้ว +17

      Congrats thats 'progressive' marxism

    • @46sn29
      @46sn29 ปีที่แล้ว +48

      I always use the 1998 film Blade as an example when explaining to people what makes something woke. The movie has a black lead with a black female co-lead and a white villain. Despite this, absolutely nothing about the movie is woke. It's just an awesome film with a black superhero. Now take the exact same movie and make the white villain a "vampire supremacist" who wants to make vampires great again. Make Blade constantly have to fight the cops just as much as vampires because they are always trying to shoot him for simply being black. Have Blade go on random tangents about systemic racism and have the female blood doctor magically be a secret martial arts master who can hold her own even better than Blade. Now the film is woke.

    • @kalash_nikov
      @kalash_nikov ปีที่แล้ว

      Not all reasonable progressives blame *only* systemic discrimination. Sure, some loud and angry twitter dwellers do believe that, but if you listen to someone progressive with a bit if brain and emotional maturity, they will tell point also to culture, geography, genetics, etc. as other factors that make things unequal for humans.

    • @dallin4992
      @dallin4992 ปีที่แล้ว +32

      I'm gonna blow all your minds. Ready?
      *Life isn't fair*
      Get over it.

    • @toms7114
      @toms7114 ปีที่แล้ว +12

      @@kalash_nikov What does that smart and emotionally mature progressive suggest as a way to solve those non-systemic issues? And are those solutions viable, or even wanted by those who "suffer" from a poor culture, geography, or genetics?

  • @lobalee1873
    @lobalee1873 ปีที่แล้ว +212

    Thank you Drinker for explaining the real problem with wokeness in a simple and objective way. Hats off to you, sir!

    • @sneedmando186
      @sneedmando186 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      Agreed, I came in as a cautious watcher, but he hit the nail on the head

    • @raskolnikov6443
      @raskolnikov6443 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      Progressive propaganda but in good seems to be his position.

    • @Hastur876
      @Hastur876 ปีที่แล้ว +16

      I'm thinking he felt he had to do this video because so many angry right-wing fruits are watching his videos just for the "hurr durr own the libby libs" lulz, and don't have the subtlety to realize he's critiquing poor writing - not critiquing having e.g. a strong female character in a movie when it's realistic and it works.
      Certainly I've had to deal with the problem where if I watch one of his videos on TH-cam, and then a video with someone like Bari Weiss or shoe0nhead, I suddenly get 100 recommends for right-wing garbage like Ben Shapiro, and that's likely because the Shapiro stans are all flooding into the Critical Drinker channel and watching his videos going "hurr durr own the libby libs".

    • @nenmaster5218
      @nenmaster5218 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      @@Hastur876 10:08: I fear the Backlash Drinker mentioned already exists.
      And in Drinkers friendgroup, nonetheless. Let's face it, Drinker associates with some
      who uncritically believe and repeat //facebookscience or debunked myths,
      and will be schooled by any basic tutorial.
      Lets face it, we all need better Media-Literacy
      and Darkmatter25 got us covered on this, but this aint Normal.

    • @fredmercury1314
      @fredmercury1314 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@Hastur876 You don't even know what right-wing is. You sound like a fool who just repeats every left-wing talking point. Ben Shapiro is a liberal centrist. Just because he's not a foaming-at-the-mouth commie, doesn't make him right-wing.

  • @bingobongo9521
    @bingobongo9521 ปีที่แล้ว +11

    You have the talent to put complex facts into words. That's pretty much how I see it, but I couldn't express it very well. I love my job, although i’m working in a pretty „woke“ environment. Main criticism I have is, that woke people tend to not put things in perspective. I call it „Twitter-Thinking“: Just jumping on buzz-words, not considering the broader picture, beating on people who criticize them for that. It‘s a higher-morale-ground kind of thinking.

  • @adamnoseworthy6524
    @adamnoseworthy6524 ปีที่แล้ว +21

    I agree with everything said here, but as an average viewer, I've been burned too many times. Going into a movie in good faith and getting slapped with " the message " leaves me nihilistic to even try movies if it has a touch of woke potential.

  • @meckscustoms9980
    @meckscustoms9980 ปีที่แล้ว +101

    This is probably the most important video you've ever made. This is exactly what I try to explain to people and you did it in such an incredibly intelligent manor that I never could. Thank you.

    • @Fee_V
      @Fee_V ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Agreed 👍

    • @adrianwiles1
      @adrianwiles1 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Manner is the word. A manor is Batmans house

    • @thatnobodyguy1535
      @thatnobodyguy1535 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@adrianwiles1 I was just about to say this, but you got it covered.

    • @nelisezpasce
      @nelisezpasce ปีที่แล้ว

      For those who know no explanation is needed
      For those who don't no explanation is possible

    • @a_loyal_kiwi88
      @a_loyal_kiwi88 ปีที่แล้ว

      There are so few manners left these days, that they can't even spell it correctly anymore.

  • @thundercron77
    @thundercron77 ปีที่แล้ว +193

    I just want to take a moment to appreciate how the Drinker's editing skills have improved over the years. Not only do we see fewer loops of the same scenes over and over again, but he's much better at matching the clips to what he's actually saying at the moment.

    • @aranisles8292
      @aranisles8292 ปีที่แล้ว +12

      I like his content, but I wish he would continue in that direction, and stop with the loops and clips altogether. Less is definitely more in well crafted communications, in other words, more is less.

    • @westtownshend5661
      @westtownshend5661 ปีที่แล้ว +13

      Remember, he is hamstrung due to copyright limitations. There's only so much that's publicly available.

    • @loturzelrestaurant
      @loturzelrestaurant ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@westtownshend5661 I JUST found a video about Nuance+Wokeness and came instantly back here to tell Drinker-Fans to look-up ' Let's talk about Twain and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory' by
      "Beau of the Fifth Column".

    • @Dragonage2ftw
      @Dragonage2ftw ปีที่แล้ว

      His editing is schizophrenic.

    • @DeepEye1994
      @DeepEye1994 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I would've loved it if Drinker suddenly sneaked in a clip from "The Cat in the Hat", "Freddy Got Fingered", "The Room" or baby Schwarzenegger from "Junior" or some other cursed movie to see if people will notice them meaning they watched the video lol

  • @Jewpinator
    @Jewpinator ปีที่แล้ว +159

    This is actually what I appreciate about your content because you generally do your best to review things on the merits and not just setting yourself up as "I'm just gonna be the opposite view of that other thing." Basically, your stuff is smart and composed from the standpoint of what is legitimate art.

    • @babayega5496
      @babayega5496 ปีที่แล้ว +11

      Liars he has his own agenda sometimes in his videos if you've haven't noticed.

    • @beingsshepherd
      @beingsshepherd ปีที่แล้ว

      @@babayega5496 Repeatedly implying a cover-up of China having supposedly created COVID-19?

    • @dimwitsixtytwelve
      @dimwitsixtytwelve ปีที่แล้ว

      @@babayega5496 it's called an opinion. they are like butt holes. we all have one.

    • @danteshollowedgrounds
      @danteshollowedgrounds ปีที่แล้ว

      I mean fair but also agree to disagree.

    • @Jabrownie23
      @Jabrownie23 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@babayega5496 His agenda is reaching a true balance on both political standpoints, so we can all enjoy various forms of entertainment that stays coherent.
      Sadly there's moronic extremists on both sides that'll let the lesson of this video swoop over their heads and keep pushing their view until every major character is either a straight white guy or vice versa.
      So many people don't understand the concept of balance and compromise if it slapped them across the head, which a lot of people clearly need.

  • @centerfield6339
    @centerfield6339 ปีที่แล้ว +24

    If I ever think that overly sexualised women is an outdated stereotype, I quickly remember that OnlyFans exists.

    • @wambokodavid7109
      @wambokodavid7109 ปีที่แล้ว


    • @jag764
      @jag764 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Who decides what '' overly sexualized '' is?
      To some people a woman wearing a skirt is '' oversexualized ''...
      I also think men in movies are way more sexualized than women nowadays but no one complains about that..
      I don't think it's an '' outdated stereotype '', I think people who say that are just trying to control others and shame people for liking content that they might not.
      It's basically just dumb shaming tactics to try and shame people into submission.
      The movie and game industry are also enormous, there should be content for everyone.
      It's stupid to think that some games or movies shouldn't be allowed or should be shamed, people can just watch or play something else.
      If someone wants to make a game that revolves around male models running around in speedos with close-ups on their bulge or butts who the fuck cares?
      I think that game has a right to exist too, and I don't think there's anything wrong or '' outdated '' with having fun with sexuality.
      The same goes with a similar game but with female characters, if every game was like that then it'd be a problem but I also think there is a problem when no game is like that.
      Diversity to me means that everyone is included and that everyone has games to play ( unless it's extremely illegal shit ).
      The industries are big enough to have things for everyone to enjoy.

    • @megkrish7568
      @megkrish7568 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I actually like hyper sexualized female characters, but like when they own their sexuality and use it to their advantage. Not just for fanservice if you know what I mean

    • @elcidS15
      @elcidS15 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@jag764 Your idea of diversity is not the wokies’ idea of diversity. So it doesn’t matter.

  • @bukhariapdelahi7072
    @bukhariapdelahi7072 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    the terms "woke" and "redpilled" originally had the exact same meaning (being aware of the inconvenient truth about society), but depending on who adopted the terms their meanings changed into mocking insults

    • @MarvinHartmann452
      @MarvinHartmann452 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      These ideologies were both pushed to their extreme (with the help of social media) and became caricatures.

  • @Asmallcorneroftheinternet
    @Asmallcorneroftheinternet ปีที่แล้ว +134

    Finally! Someone who summed up modern-day problems. Without needlessly shouting, diverging into long rants, or starting to bring up their own extreme values. It's almost like humanity is mostly neutral and just wants what's best for us all.

    • @mkultra2456
      @mkultra2456 ปีที่แล้ว +15

      “So great is the wickedness of some men and the stupid servility of others, that one would almost be inclined to conclude that communities cannot be free. The few haughty families think they must govern. The body of the people tamely consent and submit to be their slaves. This unravels the mystery of millions being enslaved by the few.” - Sam Adams

    • @jonbaxter2254
      @jonbaxter2254 ปีที่แล้ว +11

      I just want good stuff to watch man. I work, I don't have lots of free time.

    • @Madonnalitta1
      @Madonnalitta1 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      @@mkultra2456 You should read: The Discourse of Voluntary Servitude by Ètienne de la Boètie. Written in 1552-53.
      It's essentially your quote but written as a short paper.

    • @zionleach3001
      @zionleach3001 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Yeah I just want to watch Reacher, Torchwood, and Arcane. Without hearing people whine about a millennial culture war.

    • @mkultra2456
      @mkultra2456 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@Madonnalitta1 lol I think I already have. Worth a reread though.

  • @grandmufftwerkin9037
    @grandmufftwerkin9037 ปีที่แล้ว +53

    What is woke?
    Brought to you by Woke-a Cola.

    • @kyvian251
      @kyvian251 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Be-less-white-cola I still haven’t forgotten

    • @MegamanXfan21xx
      @MegamanXfan21xx ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Woke-a Cola contains real woke-caine.

    • @utrock5067
      @utrock5067 ปีที่แล้ว

      Not to mention Old-Spice commercials.

    • @NewCanada
      @NewCanada ปีที่แล้ว

      @@utrock5067 I miss the older ones with Terry and the guy who rode the horse backwards.

  • @vanessalore9942
    @vanessalore9942 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I just discovered this. Drinker, this is absolutely the best analysis of this issue I’ve ever heard. You are an effin genius

  • @darrengaroutte7744
    @darrengaroutte7744 ปีที่แล้ว +108

    To me my biggest issue is when a relationship is tacked onto a character when nothing is gained by that character having a relationship, mostly thinking about side characters in novels or video games.

    • @Jack-gv3mk
      @Jack-gv3mk ปีที่แล้ว +7

      Its like they have to do it even if when it's completely redundant. It's just un creative people writing scripts, novels and games.

    • @theceltbard
      @theceltbard ปีที่แล้ว

      Probably the best example of that in the last couple of years was taking time out of a James Bond movie to make sure everyone knew Q was having a date with his boyfriend or husband, can't remember which. And, of course, it was neatly encapsulated in the overall plot so that it could be excised when it came time to pass the censor boards in places like China. Nobody gives a sh*t where Q sticks his wang or if someone else sticks his wang in him. They care about the cool sh*t he comes up with to help 007. It was merely pandering of the worst kind.

    • @benmiles00
      @benmiles00 ปีที่แล้ว +9

      I'm pretty sure it is now a default requirement on vision boards (or whatever they are called) when creating a show.
      - Diversity
      - Gay/LGBTQ.. couple
      - Romance
      - Script? Naaah. It'll be fine.

    • @lynco3296
      @lynco3296 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Videogames are designed to be relatively open ended and not painfully linear. What may seem like an unimportant side character to you might be someone another player cares about. Mass Effect was filled with interesting characters, and some of them could be thought of as "side" characters, and they were all necessary to make the game work imo.

    • @james3876
      @james3876 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@lynco3296 some video games are designed that way.
      There's a difference between having interesting side characters and having side characters that are there to preach at you.
      Imagine if you booted up a videogame about killing space aliens and certain characters you were forced to interact with started explaining in a calm parent-child voice how gayness was a sin and people can choose not to be gay. Imagine if through the course of a game various critical characters designed to be likable just randomly made matter of fact comments about how useless and inferior women were.
      Games that preach at us aren't interesting, unless it's someone we get to kill later doing it.

  • @VinceLyle2161
    @VinceLyle2161 ปีที่แล้ว +15

    I'll absolutely take your advice, the moment the entertainment industry comes up with something well-written, with engaging characters who face interesting challenges and conflicts in the context of a smart, compelling plot, and where said characters have an arc that develops organically through the movie or show.
    Until then, there's always the past.

  • @scot60
    @scot60 ปีที่แล้ว +162

    At this point I’m so disgusted by “the message” being shoved in my face 24/7 that I’ve walked away from the entertainment industry. I mean having Anne Boleyn portrayed by a black actress? What?!? Also as a redhead I’m furious that ALL the characters that have been historically redheads have been changed to black. Red heads are a minority and an oppressed one. I haven’t been to the movies in 8 years and I don’t miss them.

    • @nate5995
      @nate5995 ปีที่แล้ว

      Same! I don't even care if they start making things that aren't garbage anymore. I AM DONE! Bollywood, old movies, and Anime it is for me! Hollywood can go die in a desert...

    • @bosshog8844
      @bosshog8844 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      It's always in the anti-white direction. Always coming from a certain big nose, little hat tribe that runs hollywood.

    • @Octovisuals
      @Octovisuals ปีที่แล้ว +7


    • @thedarkapex5327
      @thedarkapex5327 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Don't watch Godzilla whatever you do then
      Full of MESSAGES about humanity being flawed
      "The message" as you call it has been in everything for a very long time
      Nothing new, yet y'all act like it is

    • @stanislavkimov2779
      @stanislavkimov2779 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      I just watch anime now.

  • @chazm9458
    @chazm9458 ปีที่แล้ว +98

    Wow! This was perfectly said. A thoughtful and well conceived breakdown of what is and what isn't and how it can be applied is something that everybody needs to hear when crafting a story or casting a movie.

    • @AndrewThoesen
      @AndrewThoesen ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Me: There’s no such thing as modern political compromise or balance
      Drinker: hold my scotch

    • @nenmaster5218
      @nenmaster5218 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      WELP; this video was a bit short, wasnt it? I invite everyone to also realize how many Politicans and Hatemongerers
      use the Word Woke. Lets lit all Sides of this and also consider 'Who is Ron DeSantis anyway?' by Renegade Cut + 'Is the Republican Party Okay?' by
      Some More News.

    • @dogg-paws
      @dogg-paws ปีที่แล้ว

      @@nenmaster5218 The current woke movement is sinister in its motive. It should not have a place in society.

  • @reviewaccount469
    @reviewaccount469 ปีที่แล้ว +11

    "I'm the only person available to me talking about this right now." I love this quote. All hail the Drinker!

  • @squirrelthegamer8483
    @squirrelthegamer8483 ปีที่แล้ว +47

    I made a rant video about a year ago talking about progressive media is making people regressive. Where since almost every female/black/gay lead movie of recent years have been shit because they’re pushing an agenda, it’s making people have a reflexive knee-jerk reaction to assume it’ll just be another woke product. I talked about how I hated seeing myself react such ways to just looking at a poster because I know aside from the cast, I know nothing else to judge it on. I talked about how shoving this stuff down our throats have been making us more bigoted than before and how this whole push has been backfiring. Drinker’s right that we shouldn’t group all diverse stuff with the woke crap and I’m glad someone with a much bigger following than I explained it in such an understandable way.

    • @piyapolphetmunee3879
      @piyapolphetmunee3879 ปีที่แล้ว +8

      The pattern of shit woke movie is there for a reason. It is because they are trying to shove a message into everyone's brain. Unless the pattern breaks, it is safe to assume that any attempt to add woke messaging to any property is going to sour it. Woke ideology is inherently divisive and the marxists undertones only appeal to the already Woke.
      I find myself straying away from US TV shows and movies nowadays because of the amount of woke propaganda there are. Almost every show tries to push a message at the cost of being entertaining or engaging. It wasnt so long ago when HBO and Netflix produced top tier content. Now they are just mostly garbage.
      The best example of how woke messaging ruins a TV show is the US Good Doctor vs the original Korean Good Doctor. The engaging and emotional storyline in the Korean Good Doctor is replaced by "Message of the Week" formula in the US version.

    • @Hastur876
      @Hastur876 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      "Woke" as defined in this video isn't progressive, it's Pol Pot style totalitarian social engineering.

    • @fredmercury1314
      @fredmercury1314 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      If it's diverse, it is woke, and it is crap.
      You used to be able to just have a movie, and cast actors in it, and it was a movie.

    • @rexrexley
      @rexrexley ปีที่แล้ว

      You sound like an angry little man you should get help what a trivial thing to rant about

    • @jackdeniston59
      @jackdeniston59 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      You are right. That may be so, but it is a pattern with reliability.

  • @bobitussinX
    @bobitussinX ปีที่แล้ว +45

    My dad, now 79 years old, was always afraid of gay people and hated everything about them. But one night he was curious And watched an episode of TNG with me and it just happened to be the episode where Riker falls in love with the androgynous woman from the race of people that akest 3 people to make a baby. That episode portrayed people with different sexualities as people no different than anyone else. I remember him getting quiet and thoughtful about the subject. It was his first exposure to a different perspective. And his first step to doing a complete 180⁰ on his opinions on gay marriage etc. Done right, it can make you change your perspective

    • @jamescarr1265
      @jamescarr1265 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      The next generation is a classic and it captures my kids imagination

  • @kaw8473
    @kaw8473 ปีที่แล้ว +53

    My husband didn't understand what the word meant and I described it to him as "shoehorned inclusivity where it doesn't need to be." He watched Strange World and he told me he then understood what my definition meant.

    • @ThatNorwegianGuy-
      @ThatNorwegianGuy- ปีที่แล้ว +20

      Just tell him it's neo-Marxism w/ destructive obsession of race, gender, sexuality.
      If he wants a deep dive understanding then he should listen to James Lindsay's lectures

    • @clogs4956
      @clogs4956 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      My husband has never quite grasped the point of, to put it in one word, Woke. Unfortunately, if I asked him to watch 'Strange World', he'd tell me it's a children's film. This is a man who, when I rejected Amazon's Rings of Power, couldn't understand why a fan of Tolkien's work wouldn't love the series.

    • @yewtewbstew547
      @yewtewbstew547 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@ThatNorwegianGuy- That's getting more into the underlying schools of thought that result in wokeness, rather than what wokeness is in action. But I agree that understanding that stuff is important, at least on a basic enough level to where you're able to identify its influence in people's motivations. "Intersectionality" is basically what you're describing there, I think.

    • @ThatNorwegianGuy-
      @ThatNorwegianGuy- ปีที่แล้ว +20

      @@yewtewbstew547 Both the terms "woke" and "intersectionality" are derived from the same schools of thought, leading back to Marxist doctrine. And in today's age they can in many instances mean one and the same thing tbh.. But "wokeness" specifically came out of the black american Marxists interpretation of Marx. It was never an idea of "standing up for real injustice ect" as Drinker and many others in the comment section have suggested. That "it started out good.." Uhm no.. It was always based on a complete historical fallacy.
      People need to watch Lindsay's lectures on this to get a broader understanding, I can't do his research any justice..

    • @gershman23
      @gershman23 ปีที่แล้ว

      @The Last King Of Norway
      I agree with a lot of yours(and Lindsay's) words, but I would say that the neo-marxism that originated with the black panthers and such, has yielded a phenomenon called cultural Marxism, which perverted many if not most of the western institutions of the last 2 decades...perhaps more. Not my original idea, but I completely agree with it.

  • @jonbaxter2254
    @jonbaxter2254 ปีที่แล้ว +61

    Honestly, it's just a good, clear word to condense down all their faults. It is a stiffling thing to be, and arguements seems to be their main mode of communication, but dammit we weren't always like this. I remember people could agree to disagree, and I'm only 30...

    • @thursoberwick1948
      @thursoberwick1948 ปีที่แล้ว +11

      Yes, exactly. The alternatives are polysyllabic. The doctrine also keeps changing its name.

    • @user-ko3tv7jl2r
      @user-ko3tv7jl2r ปีที่แล้ว

      There's no negotiating with these people, they want your children to be a despised minority in their homelands and they think it's funny.

  • @sarakajira
    @sarakajira ปีที่แล้ว +12

    I think this is my favorite video you've ever done. Well done Drinker! Indeed, nuance and context are everything!

  • @JohnScott-JacobiteBee
    @JohnScott-JacobiteBee ปีที่แล้ว +52

    When a film critic has to rise to the challenge of a philosophical and ethical conversation, it only shows how effed up we all are.
    Good points here.

  • @misterelom
    @misterelom ปีที่แล้ว +84

    Absolutely nailed it! Please upload this to the main channel as well. The more people that see it, the better.

    • @pete3011
      @pete3011 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      He didn't nail it, though. Hes laying back on his fainting couch saying "Oh, no, what if we criticize them a little too much!!". When we get a majority of shows made to entertain and not preach then maybe we should look at those things, but, to quote a great movie whose recent "sequel" was the epitome of the worst of the woke, "that day is not today".

    • @scottessery100
      @scottessery100 ปีที่แล้ว

      He did mail it. Critical evaluation at its best

    • @dearthofdoohickeys4703
      @dearthofdoohickeys4703 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      @@pete3011 people HAVE criticized too much. Too prematurely. Hating _anything_ with LGTBQ, hating _anything_ with strong women. That’s as bad to storytelling as *the message* , and eliminating it was never the goal. The goal was getting good stories back. And yet there are good stories out there being shat on simply because they have LGTBQ and strong women, even thought it’s well integrated and make sense with the setting. That’s a red flag.
      And you’ll find the quote is “it is not this day”

    • @pete3011
      @pete3011 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      @@dearthofdoohickeys4703 First, thanks for googling that quote, I was worried.
      Second, they haven't even come close to hating enough. The current entertainment industry is a bunch of religious ideologues trying to force their religion down peoples throats, have acted as such, and they're going to keep acting as such till they learn. In the unlikely event some movie or show was unfairly maligned, too bad, so sad. They did it to themselves, and those are the very rare exception. It needs to be driven home that people aren't going to tolerate it anymore.
      Third, "good story telling"=no more propaganda. I watch shows from all over the world, where people are normal and happy, and western media are the only ones that have this pathetic groveling in them. If I'm expected to pay for entertainment its simply my job to be entertained and not to put up with anything I don't want to put up with. Thats done all around the world except the west, and it was done here up until 10 years ago. If they cant adapt to that, oh well. Someone else will come along that will. I'll be happy to read subtitles up till then.

  • @stellasvartur4547
    @stellasvartur4547 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    Just last night i watched 'Knife in the Water', Polanski's first feature film from 1962 and I was intrigued by how competent and self assured the female lead comes across. We had it all, it was all there and yet they tried to tell us, things have to change to represent the world we live in today.

    • @jantonisito
      @jantonisito ปีที่แล้ว

      That movie was made in Communist Poland where in general theee was quite a lot of realism in depicting female characters in movies, TV in theaters. And yes the times were different - think eg about how amazing Katherine Hepburn was in Lion in the Winter.

    • @AtticusKarpenter
      @AtticusKarpenter ปีที่แล้ว

      @@jantonisito Also in the USSR, full voting rights for women were the first in the world to be adopted. And in Soviet culture with gender equality everything was fine. I wonder why modern sjw sometimes call themselves socialists and marxists, but are ready to borrow only the worst from real socialists lol

  • @douglaspianta4187
    @douglaspianta4187 ปีที่แล้ว +19

    Very good breakdown. Shows that you can have some of these things, and it is fine so long as you do it in a realistic way and don't shove it down the audience's throat as you preach to them.

  • @Nautinthislifetime
    @Nautinthislifetime ปีที่แล้ว +255

    I actually had a chat with my friend about LGBT characters in media the other day. Based on video games. We have noticed a growing trend of LGBT characters either being a total cliche trope or they are perfect, with no problems and life is absolute amazing with no issues.....it isn't realistic to not have problems. And I am not talking about, the, gay trope of having the family that doesnt accept them but everyday problems. And every other character blows smoke up their backside saying how amazing they are....like Sirona in Hogwarts Legacy....she is seen as amazing, perfect, such a good person.....not any issues to be had....because if she had issues, radical leftists would cry phobe or ism.

    • @frenchfrey65
      @frenchfrey65 ปีที่แล้ว +39

      There's a video game that came out in 2018 called Dragon Quest 11, one of the characters that joins your party of adventurers is a flamboyant jester with clearly homosexual overtones, but never outright stated. At no point in the game is his homosexuality a part of the story, let alone nobody cares that he would've been, and funny enough, he does have a family problem and it's with his father. The problem with him and his dad isn't that the character is gay, it's that he abandoned being a knight in order to become an entertainer, cuz he wanted the world to become a happier place. This caused a riff between him and his father because his father wanted him to be a knight out of tradition. This gets patched up with the fact that the father not only accepted that his son will never be a knight, but made his son promise through knightly traditions to never give up his goal on making the world happy. In a hilarious bit of irony, the dad likes to entertain too.
      It's my favorite example of how characters of any lifestyle/personality could be made without identity politics getting in the way. We can totally tell the character is gay, but nobody cares and it's never his focal point of his story let alone he doesn't make his identity his personality.
      Even though I'm a straight white man who's voted republican since 2016 and is increasingly becoming the thing the media accuses me of day by day, this character in DQ11 was my favorite in the game. He's funny, happy, a motivator, and most importantly, a good friend.

    • @paradoxinteractiveprisoner4244
      @paradoxinteractiveprisoner4244 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      ​@frenchfrey65 I'm bi, have a boyfriend, and hate it too. Give us the messy, the abusive, the good, the average. We aren't a lifestyle Hollywood, we're real people with real fuckin issues dammit, we can be just as good and just as bad as straight folk like you.

    • @ammoniumammonide
      @ammoniumammonide ปีที่แล้ว +16

      This is why I don't get when people say that horizon forbidden west is woke. They have plenty of LGBT characters but none of it is relevant to the plot and one of the main villains is also LGBT. Tbh it's one of the best games in terms of handling diversity well

    • @Bill-Watterson
      @Bill-Watterson ปีที่แล้ว

      Do you understand where Hogwarts Legacy’s funds are going to? Leftists hate Hogwarts Legacy and Sirona Ryan and even right wingers believe that Sirona Ryan was just an attempt to get leftists off the games back. The character was never made to represent or to have an arc, it existed to compensate.

    • @mkv2718
      @mkv2718 ปีที่แล้ว +21

      oh, and if there is a gay character. ANY storyline involving that character will HAVE to be about that person being gay/ his or her love life, usually about how he/she was mistreated because of it. at the very least, it will be a “tragic” story.
      gay people as characters can never just exist without being utterly predictable.

  • @at1965
    @at1965 ปีที่แล้ว +11

    You should have uploaded this video in your main channel. It discusses a very important topic which deserves to get more exposure.

  • @onemisterfranko
    @onemisterfranko ปีที่แล้ว +4

    I'd say your right on the money, good stories should be able to have various elements, but the delivery is key and being fair to both sides of the coin is important.

  • @TheCrimsonS4ge
    @TheCrimsonS4ge ปีที่แล้ว +10

    What a wonderful take. Fair, balanced and logical. Laying everything out as it is without bias.

  • @tomoflathead
    @tomoflathead ปีที่แล้ว +18

    Credit to Drinker, he's one of the few that has maintained high level criticism without dumbing down for the audience like many of his peers (you already know who) do by preaching against this so called "wokeness". Maybe they should take some notes from this vid....keep at it Drinker!

  • @albertokiosukebonocore9810
    @albertokiosukebonocore9810 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    This is a nice view if you want to approach the problem from a neutral prospective, but it's also denying the lingering problem at the core of this mess: Woke is the negation of objective reality in favor of the subjective one.

  • @talynstarburst2l2l2l
    @talynstarburst2l2l2l ปีที่แล้ว +8

    Bravo! This is so well said in details that I will share a link to this video with everyone who asks to define woke..
    of course I doubt a majority of those who asks will be interested in the truth, but at least this is here. 👏

  • @CarbonatedGravy
    @CarbonatedGravy ปีที่แล้ว +49

    You’ve really got a talent for articulation man, very hard to talk about this topic without coming across as ideologically driven hair splitting especially to people that either don’t notice or don’t think it’s a big deal

    • @StreetPreacherr
      @StreetPreacherr ปีที่แล้ว +1

      And great clip selection as well.
      I'd nearly forgotten how HOT Nicole Kidman looked in Eyes Wide Shut! I know what movie I'm re-watching next. ;)

    • @unlimitedrabbit
      @unlimitedrabbit ปีที่แล้ว

      Articulation Man is my favorite superhero.

    • @cheeseburger12
      @cheeseburger12 ปีที่แล้ว

      Probably because he is also a great writer. Seriously, I read his first book and it's create with complex characters and even a "strong female character " but being good and not crap.

  • @scottyb2846
    @scottyb2846 ปีที่แล้ว +112

    One of your best, most thoughtful pieces, Drinker. Thank you.

    • @theminister1154
      @theminister1154 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      There's only one problem: _his definition is wrong._
      "Woke" actually means *"blaming every societal difference on oppression as modulated by an interlocking matrix of sexual orientation, gender. weight. beauty, race, et al ad etermam.*
      That is THE correct definition of woke. I love Drinker, but he's way off here.
      Hypocritical even. My definition of woke is the real thing, and I'm far from the only one to define it thus. Almost every authority on the subject does. My definition is merely an elegant one.

    • @smithsmith6402
      @smithsmith6402 ปีที่แล้ว

      Indeed. If there's one aspect I'd say is missing, it's this: 'Once bitten, twice shy.' When you've had a bad experience with something, you're going to be more prone to seeing it than you were before, whether it's there or not. People victimized by bigots see bigots everywhere, and people victimized by woke zealots see wokeness everywhere. It's a feedback loop that really only gets interrupted by a reality check from people you trust, and even then only if they bring it up in a nuanced way without triggering one's paranoia. All the more reason this is a great video, as Drinker is a trusted reviewer among many from either side of the conflict.

    • @protalghulnist4126
      @protalghulnist4126 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@theminister1154 "Your opinion is wrong my opinion is right and everywhen who agrees with me is right." Now look who you're starting to sound like

    • @TherebehoesinAlaska
      @TherebehoesinAlaska ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@theminister1154 I’m just gonna say this - you can define ‘woke’ however you want, you’re still a goofy at the end of the day for typing this.

    • @TherebehoesinAlaska
      @TherebehoesinAlaska ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@theminister1154 you are the correct definition of cringe

  • @laurelhill3505
    @laurelhill3505 ปีที่แล้ว +32

    Thank you, Drinker. Pendulum swings are inevitable, but damn, I hate them. Don't become the monster you are fighting. Tell a good story, and let the story flow naturally.

    • @sparhawk1228
      @sparhawk1228 ปีที่แล้ว

      Why not. They have shown with freedom they would not be tolerant. F ck them.

    • @bosshog8844
      @bosshog8844 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Sorry, what monster is that?

    • @themanwithnothingtolose
      @themanwithnothingtolose ปีที่แล้ว +4

      @@bosshog8844 the people who are offended by everything

  • @Aquagirl-in6wr
    @Aquagirl-in6wr ปีที่แล้ว +6

    As a black woman, it doesn't make sense to see black, Asians, etc in period movies or shows. These producers are taking the audience and masses for fools. There's nothing worse than watching a show that lacks authenticity and feel like you're being pandered to. I hope they're listening and will make changes because it's certainly put me off from watching Netflix and any new shows.

  • @Bear-cm1vl
    @Bear-cm1vl ปีที่แล้ว +8

    Brother, that was the most balanced view of "woke" as it has entered the modern entertainment industry I can remember, even from a drunken Scot! Combine your comentary with an excellent group of visual clips, spanning decades of the filmmakers craft, which obviously took someone a great deal of time and effort to assemble and I judge this as the best 12 minutes I have spent in quite a time. Bravo, sir!

  • @corydrichmond
    @corydrichmond ปีที่แล้ว +8

    The Last of Us episode 3 is the prime example of putting the message before the story. That episode had nothing to with the over arching story or anything to do with the apocalypse at all. It was all about a gay love story that wasn't in the game.

  • @mp-kq3vc
    @mp-kq3vc ปีที่แล้ว +7

    I'm in my 40's. For as long as I can remember there has always been subtly gay characters, or characters that played up flamboyance, or cross-dressing, or whatever. It was all fine. No one cared. It was just part of a story. But now I see every darn show or movie have something like this... Character one, "I'm actually gay." Character two, "I'm SO PROUD of you! " What is the reason for writers and producers pushing this so hard? Live and let live. "Raising awareness" seems to be the new thing. As if prior generations just wandered around stupidly.

    • @YouSuprised
      @YouSuprised ปีที่แล้ว

      Social engineering and the conditioning of the younger audiences in order to normalize what in the Bible is described as: the return of Sodom and Gomorrah near the end of the world.
      It sometimes really feels like it, doesn't it?

    • @MarvinHartmann452
      @MarvinHartmann452 ปีที่แล้ว

      I imagine someone saying "I'm so proud of you" to Xena, the warrior princess, and being slaughtered immediately..

  • @FrankR_23
    @FrankR_23 ปีที่แล้ว +20

    Great breakdown of the word and meanings from both sides, and you’re 100% right on nuance being needed in these situations. I’m surprised you put this video on this channel and not your main one, hopefully it goes viral on this channel

    • @acutelilmint8035
      @acutelilmint8035 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      these are videos we need. no more war and division.. we need to promote thr middle and balance. that's where majority of people are- caught in this war between left n roght

  • @iainodlin
    @iainodlin ปีที่แล้ว +6

    But weirdly, no-one making movies is cramming Kenya (or Wakanda) full of out-of-place representative Asian, Mexican and White people. And somehow this is fine.

    • @makaveliThadon100
      @makaveliThadon100 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      According to the Critical Grifter, you are just putting yourself on the other side of the extreme when you point things like this out

  • @eldestgruff
    @eldestgruff ปีที่แล้ว +29

    Definitions matter. Knowing the correct terms and having a true understanding of what you are talking about, being able to explain these concepts to others and have them accurately understand you is important if you want gain any ground and keep it. There are too many people that are ok with half measures if it has the desired short term result even if it means certain long term failure. Alot of people running around throwing out terms on a multitude of subjects with no idea what they are talking about. They just heard a word and they want to use it to sound smart on a given subject. Well said.

    • @mister-pinkman
      @mister-pinkman ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Yes you hit the nail on the head

    • @flameshana9
      @flameshana9 ปีที่แล้ว

      Do you really believe anyone who watches this will realize their folly and gain a new understanding about modern social issues? No. They're stubborn and immature, hence why they created this view in the first place. They don't stop and think, they only tell _others_ what to think.
      Definitions don't mean squat to the average Twitter user. They're happy to parrot someone else's grandious speech since it means they're a part of something and get to look good. That's their goal, to look good in front of others. Nothing else. It wasn't and will never be about helping the less fortunate.

  • @FaithfulOfBrigantia
    @FaithfulOfBrigantia ปีที่แล้ว +57

    "But 90% it's literally just him looking at stuff he doesn't like and saying woke, and then money falling into his lap"
    The Drinker really took the jab to heart and decided to bite back.

    • @ThatNorwegianGuy-
      @ThatNorwegianGuy- ปีที่แล้ว +26

      People who say things like that are too dumb to comprehend what's going on in the world..

    • @anayos6726
      @anayos6726 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@ThatNorwegianGuy- And in some cases, agree with the destruction of Western culture. There is no coexistence with commies, even liberals know you can’t live with incompatible cultures.

    • @cheeseburger12
      @cheeseburger12 ปีที่แล้ว +15

      How did Top Gun Maverick make over one billion dollars again? Oh yeah, remembering half the country also likes to see movies too.

    • @nich0la5
      @nich0la5 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      @@ThatNorwegianGuy- ...and it's easy to dismiss an argument with a shitty riposte especially when your tribe is being rightly called out.

    • @ascendingarscente
      @ascendingarscente ปีที่แล้ว +1


  • @MetalCooking666
    @MetalCooking666 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    My favourite portrayal of LGBT characters is in Modern Family. The gay couple are just portrayed as a normal couple with normal couple problems.

    • @jamescarr1265
      @jamescarr1265 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      They’re so funny and campy as well. And there’s no heavy handed homophobic moments - in fact the couple are very non politically correct which is a good subversion

  • @2Ten1Ryu
    @2Ten1Ryu ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I completely agree with you. To me it was always about how they do it, not that they do it at all.
    I hope there will be some improvement in the future.

  • @scottgaylon1196
    @scottgaylon1196 ปีที่แล้ว +17

    I totally agree with this definition of the word and concept.
    The issue I have, is that we live in a period of time when the meaning of words is routinely changed...or the word is delibrately misused to elicit a reaction. You can't have rational discussion with someone if you're not even speaking the same language.

    • @jimmyhuang7512
      @jimmyhuang7512 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Remind me of the story of babel tower

    • @RabbitShirak
      @RabbitShirak ปีที่แล้ว

      Makes me think of Fritz Lang's movie Metropolis. …..that also depicted the tower of Babel.

  • @johnhill8246
    @johnhill8246 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Okay okay... I actually liked this video. My only compliant is that we still are not shedding light on what "Woke" originally meant in this context. The direction this video going is on course, but still has some more digging to do.

  • @montyburnham7704
    @montyburnham7704 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    I would like to point out that literally everyone looks and thinks different from each other, and judging someone on those things is done by all, whether you think you're doing it or not. Ultimately, this can be a good thing if positive and helpful ideas are the cream on top with the most power.

  • @kmsrode
    @kmsrode ปีที่แล้ว +25

    I love your insights on the state of entertainment today (esp movies). I also like how you have entered the realm of authorship as well (love your books and waiting with excitment on your upcoming film!). It is refreshing to see someone not only preaching on how to make entertainment better but also practicing what you are preaching. Thanks!

    • @GreyhawkTheAngry
      @GreyhawkTheAngry ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Well, he was an author years _before_ he was the Critical Drinker.

  • @mh6790
    @mh6790 ปีที่แล้ว +12

    Sorry, but you are wrong. The pendulum could swing completely out of woke territory for the next 20 years without and still not balance the scales. As things are right now, woke (leftism) has almost destroyed movie and TV entertainment.

  • @alexdeghost2729
    @alexdeghost2729 ปีที่แล้ว +28

    Arcane is the perfect example of a storytelling masterpiece that implements the intentions of "woke" while putting quality writing over "the message".

  • @ruaidhri8064
    @ruaidhri8064 ปีที่แล้ว +33

    This is such a fair and balanced take on the term woke, I really wish videos like these would get out to as many people as possible. Thanks again Drinker!

    • @imperius88
      @imperius88 ปีที่แล้ว +13

      It's so "fair" that it shows he doesn't genuinely understand the underlying forces that produce woke content. Even a great story told with all of the messages of radical leftist ideology would be considered woke. Drinker only seems to have noticed it now that the stories are shit. This didn't happen overnight, Hollywood was always woke.

    • @bacht4799
      @bacht4799 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@imperius88exactly.. and as said he is very fair here.. just putting out what the problem is and such..

    • @Polychi1998
      @Polychi1998 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@imperius88 “Your favorite media was always woke” and, there it is…

    • @wobblywally-0
      @wobblywally-0 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      @@imperius88 or some people have such an issue it's more of a "chip on ya shoulder" drinker is spot on here. If you spend days trying to justify your bullshit eventually it'll smell like roses and you'll miss all the "nuance"

  • @eljefe8149
    @eljefe8149 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    If you don't want conservative viewpoints pushed in movies, you should be able to understand not wanting woke viewpoints pushed in movies.

    • @PatrickOMulligan
      @PatrickOMulligan ปีที่แล้ว

      It's best to care about a good story over what viewpoints are being pressed.

    • @eljefe8149
      @eljefe8149 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@PatrickOMulligan i agree. But it's also annoying when they push things. I have no problem seeing gay, trans, black, or whatever but when it's so blatant and superficial, it feels like they are forcing stuff on you.
      It also makes me mad when they throw out harmful, untrue ideas and act like they are true. It makes the story less enjoyable.

  • @captbuckyohare5585
    @captbuckyohare5585 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    What is Woke:
    The practice of hateful, absolutist, and controlling behaviour against others, including the policing of speech, thought, and attitudes regarding issues of inequality and identity, the deconstruction of traditional values, and placing value in one set of voices over another.
    The practice often masquerades as "kindness" and "progressiveness" but uses coercive logical fallacies, hyperbole, and even threats of ostracization to manipulate others into agreement, compliance, or silence, especially in relation to complex, fluid, and sensitive subjects.
    Often, woke practitioners will use cultural platforms, popular media, and fictional formats to spread the broad basics of their ideology, often hijacking properties or platforms that once unified different peoples under a common, universal message or a well told story that helped folks from different walks of life to find common ground, and using it to pontificate, divide, and spread hate for the perceived enemies of the woke movement instead.
    Often, a woke practitioner demonstrates a wildly inconsistent application of their ideology, sometimes drifting into outright hypocrisy, favouristism, and tribalism all in the name of force-feeding the "correct" worldview upon others, often at any cost. When in a group, and especially in a social media environment, woke practitioners suffer from reactionary herd mentalities and an inability to detach their emotional response from nuanced issues - issues which often require patience, investigation, and uncomfortable examination to fully understand. A woke practitioner will be incapable of accomplishing this sort of examination of difficult subjects, and will instead opt for basic, lowest denominator answers and opinions to avoid the negative emotion associated with nuanced opinions. They are often the victims of arrested development, child-like thought processes, and are particularly lacking or unable when it comes to defending their ideas from scrutiny or criticism.
    A woke person may enjoy signalling their virtue and perceived "correct thinking", often preaching compassion, empathy, and goodwill to all in the hope of appearing enlightened. However, in reality, many of those who practice this ideology exhibit incredibly cruel behaviour towards anyone they perceive as "other", including self-righteous and punitive bigotry, the un-personing and dehumanizing their opponents, and general intolerance to anything counter to their own worldview.
    A woke person may also possess a repulsion to diversity of thought and suffer from extremely myopic and static views of the world and how it works, confusing untested, emotionally affirming hypothesises with objective truth and fact. They are also more likely and ready to perceive any testing or opposition toward "woke" ideas as hate-speech.

  • @hopefulpellinore5490
    @hopefulpellinore5490 ปีที่แล้ว +13

    Well said, Drinker! I think the common element here is that, for whatever multitude of reasons, people are so bloody extreme/concluded about everything. The past few years I've had less and less balanced discussions with friends, family, and acquaintances. People are so concluded on even the most mundane things, such as gaming or other forms of entertainment, not to mention the larger issues in life. I find I can't even get beyond these barricades to even begin to have fertile discussions and to be honest it's made me recoil from a lot of social interaction.
    Life happens on the scale of the individual, but there is a disturbing reductionist trend to only engage with people as "groups" which is damaging to real people and good stories. I think you often identify the inauthentic and I appreciate it. Thank you!

    • @AndrewManook
      @AndrewManook ปีที่แล้ว +3

      It's a fundamental issue with american culture, where everyone only thinks in absolutes, as such the pendulum swings back and forth.
      Then there is the other issue of words having no meaning in america, but let's leave that for another day.

    • @ItsaKindOfMagic86
      @ItsaKindOfMagic86 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      people push back hard because this invasive and devisive dogma has seeped into everything imaginable and has warped a good amount of people in all walks of life, frome friends, family to co workers, teachers and government
      but go on ahead and try playing fair and nuanced to ideologues that want to overthrow the entire system and all rationality

  • @eirrenia
    @eirrenia 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    My personal definition of ‘woke’ has come to mean ‘anything that claims to fight against a particular societal ill, but does so through replication of that ill upon a different group.’ Fighting racism against minorities…by encouraging racism against the majority. Fighting for tolerance and acceptance…by canceling or jailing anyone who disagrees with you. Fighting for the human rights of the vulnerable in society…by granting a mother unilateral right to kill her baby. Etc.

  • @candoentertainment9118
    @candoentertainment9118 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    Star Trek DS9 was how you have a diverse cast and tell good stories. No agenda.

    • @neutchain7838
      @neutchain7838 ปีที่แล้ว

      As long as the story takes the front seat, most people couldnt care less about the diversity of the cast. Same with characters, as long as they have depth and motivations that make sense nobody cares about their gender or their sexuality. Honestly nobody cares who they prefer to fuck with as long as they are well integrated into the world and their sexuality isnt their definitive character trait and everything else ( if they bothered to write other traits for the person ) revolves around that.

  • @lemond2007
    @lemond2007 ปีที่แล้ว +32

    We're going to push back on wokeness as hard as possible. We'll worry about "overcompensating" when the virus shows signs of clearing. Until then, don't ever show them mercy.

    • @nelisezpasce
      @nelisezpasce ปีที่แล้ว +7

      That sort of stance takes true courage! Do not compromise like cowards do!
      Let media "circumvent inoculation", away from the venom that kills art!

  • @Other8arry
    @Other8arry ปีที่แล้ว +10

    I’m really glad you made the comment about not swinging back in the other direction. That’s a worry I’ve had as well now that it seems the woke BS has gotten more tiresome for society as a whole; I don’t want to have to be fighting against “my side” again 3 years from now. Balance, just give me balance and focus on the story and character development, leave the real world out of my escapism please.

  • @Draven_X_23
    @Draven_X_23 ปีที่แล้ว +40

    Captain Holt: I must say, this is going considerably better than when I came out to my colleagues. They were not, as the kids say, awake.
    Jake: Do you mean woke?
    Captain Holt: I did mean woke. But it's grammatically incoherent.

    • @ulaznar
      @ulaznar ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Fun character until it spouts something about "old white men"

    • @themarsman5155
      @themarsman5155 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@ulaznar He doesn't say anything against old white men

    • @johnnyboy2537
      @johnnyboy2537 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      @@themarsman5155 Yes he does. When he's running for a position against the girl from Fargo.

    • @jacobmatthews7524
      @jacobmatthews7524 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      @Jimbo Bimbo it doesnt justify racism and sexism. he can criticize those particular ones, but he's being too general

    • @ben_1
      @ben_1 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Incidentally, Holt is a perfect example of a good gay character. As in a character that is gay, not a *_gay_* character.

  • @nickster_xd8937
    @nickster_xd8937 ปีที่แล้ว +20

    I believe this video will help both sides of the political spectrum truly help and understand one another. Thank you, Drinker!

    • @chasehedges6775
      @chasehedges6775 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      The drinker is the best

    • @angrytoybox2033
      @angrytoybox2033 ปีที่แล้ว +11

      It won’t, everyone has chosen a side. They woke will not compromise a inch. They have to go if there is a chance for normalcy

    • @himynameis3664
      @himynameis3664 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      @@angrytoybox2033 Yup. To be honest I can't see anybody that considers themselves woke even seeing this video. If that's what they're into then the algorithm won't even toss it their way

  • @RobbWolfVideos
    @RobbWolfVideos ปีที่แล้ว +1

    This is outstanding. It’s fascinating that folks who manly focus on pop culture: movies, comics, TV…produce some of the best, most balanced, insightful and compelling social commentary anywhere.

    • @nenmaster5218
      @nenmaster5218 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Woke is used all the time
      by Looneys, soooooo

  • @bigorange2082
    @bigorange2082 ปีที่แล้ว +33

    I’m 47. I was in college in the mid 90’s. That’s when it started being trendy for everyone to say they were gay. So many girls were bragging how they were suddenly lesbians. Holding hands and letting everyone know how gay they were. I’m sorry but that’s what the transgender movement feels like now. It’s trendy. It gives people who felt out of place or ignored a reason to shout to the heavens how important now they are. Of course there are people struggling with their identities who simply want to live in peace the way they want but it’s overshadowed by the “activists” calling all the rest of us every kind of “phobe” they can.

    • @nenmaster5218
      @nenmaster5218 ปีที่แล้ว

      10:08: I fear the Backlash Drinker mentioned already exists

    • @fredmercury1314
      @fredmercury1314 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      It's not just trendy, they're actively marketing it to ever younger children, in order to manufacture a trend.

    • @soopahsoopah
      @soopahsoopah ปีที่แล้ว

      Both groups you describe are/were embracing a bit freedom they didn't have in the past, I think you conflating that with them flaunting it. It only feels trendy because you remember when they didn't have the freedom to be more or less out without being immediately shunned.

  • @LimeymanZero
    @LimeymanZero ปีที่แล้ว +17

    Really great take on this, going too far either way is just stupid, more balanced and nuanced relationships and characters is the future of entertainment, anything else will be the death of it!

    • @ANonymous-mo6xp
      @ANonymous-mo6xp ปีที่แล้ว

      The woke have decided that they have us now because so many on our side have come to the belief that the indoctrination of kids into transgenderism must be stopped. They are ruining kids lives, and we want to stop them and they are hellbent not to stop. This will escalate to actual civil war.

    • @acutelilmint8035
      @acutelilmint8035 ปีที่แล้ว

      it's time to stop letting them divide. live and let live. middl3 is the only right answer

  • @ascended1924
    @ascended1924 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    I feel like this video should have ended up on your main channel so that more people can see this. This video is really very well put together explains the problems with modern media really well. I wish everyone sees this.

  • @johnedgar7956
    @johnedgar7956 ปีที่แล้ว +17

    All true, but I'm also guilty of this. After being burned so hard, so many times, as I watch my favorite IPs crash and burn by the ideologically-driven buffoons in Hollywood, I'm admittedly hyper-sensitive to it now. I see one HINT of woke-age in a movie or TV show, neither of which I watch much of anymore, and I groan in pain ("sigh, here we go again") and switch it off. The damage has been done, now.

    • @ItsaKindOfMagic86
      @ItsaKindOfMagic86 ปีที่แล้ว +8

      the timing of this video because he likes TLOU tv show lol
      that show is woke, objectively, but because he finds it midly entertaining he has to lecture people to not "abuse" the term woke
      even tho it correctly applies to TLOU

    • @holysecret2
      @holysecret2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Repeating something I said on another comment, I think it's time for us to unlearn some of those anti-woke sensibilities, just as we are asking "the other side" will unlearn some of their sensibilities as well, and maybe we can meet at a place of rationality. Even if the far extremes of each side won't ever see eye to eye, which is unfortunately likely, the vast majority should be able to agree with each other. That's not the case though when the extreme or radical elements of either side aren't fought or opposed from within, and instead are speaking on behalf of the rest. We need to keep each other honest, and on the straight and narrow. And if we expect our opponents to be fair and intellectually honest, we should be that as well.

    • @ninjasr
      @ninjasr ปีที่แล้ว +6

      @@holysecret2 I don't necessarily disagree with the sentiment here, but I'd just like to point out a few things. The anti-woke 'side' is less a cohesive unit and more a collection of various different groups all united in their dislike of the 'woke'. This can be proven as those who oppose it vary from classical liberals to conservatives to traditionalists to christians to muslims and basically everyone else. They aren't really two sides, more like one side against many. The anti-woke 'side' is more than likely to fracture the second the 'woke' is 'defeated'. The 'woke' side is also far more insane than most people seem to realize, whilst the opposition is filled with more reasonable views. It's not uncommon for someone who generally agrees with the 'woke' to suddenly start opposing them due to the 'woke' being so uncompromising.

  • @zkeus
    @zkeus ปีที่แล้ว +8

    While I agree with most of what you're saying, I think that implementing stereotypes isn't inherently a bad thing. I think tropes still have a place in some entertainment, and aren't necessarily harmful at all (they could be comedic, for example).
    I'm not sure I understand the representation claim fully, either. I don't think you *have* to represent NY city as NY city is. It depends on a lot of things, and I think the goal of attaining perfect representation is actually a potentially damaging thing.

    • @PerkulatorBenny
      @PerkulatorBenny ปีที่แล้ว

      He didn't say that you have to do it, just that it makes more sense to depict a modern major city, with the ease of global travel we have today, as populated by a diverse mix of people compared to e.g. depicting a 9th century backwater English village as equally mixed, when most people there would barely even know that other countries exist. (In the sense that, sure, they know there's obviously something out there, but 9th century farmer Bob isn't going to know where, or even what, China or Ethiopa are. You're probably lucky if he can even tell you anything about other European countries.)
      Obviously it goes both ways. Modern day NY isn't as homogenous as that 9th century village either and trying to superimpose one over the other for reasons of representation, whichever way you're going about it, will just makes the whole thing look silly.
      Also, tropes aren't the same thing as stereotypes. A trope is a theme or idea that is used (or just occurs) over and over in different places, while a stereotype is more of a widespread and very simplified view of something. As an example, it's like the difference between someone having a kind and caring parent vs thinking that the kind and caring parent is obviously the mother, and the father is more distant.
      So yeah, you can still implement either one in useful ways, but the terms are not interchangeable.

  • @PattisKarriereKarten
    @PattisKarriereKarten ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Funny you mention Next Generation, I‘m a huge fan and watching it today made me realize how many „woke“ topics it handled. Hell Riker fell in love with a person from a culture that people would call „non-binary“ today. That culture in the series (forgot the name) was LITERALLY sexless and harrassed anyone who thought in the „usual“ categories of male and female or attraction to the opposite sex because everyone was meant to be sexless.
    When that episode came out there wasn’t even a discussion about those topics in society.
    As to your video here: I had my doubts about some other videos from you and statements, but this is indeed very insightful and balanced. Think that should be your channel trailer.

  • @DustinBarlow8P
    @DustinBarlow8P ปีที่แล้ว +6

    I don't think the idea of "A warrior male, quests to save the kidnapped female" is a bad story thread. Men like to feel heroic in fighting to save the woman. Women like the idea of a warrior fighting to come and save them. Or maybe I am outdated.... I don't know.

    • @spinlok3943
      @spinlok3943 ปีที่แล้ว

      Its not inherently bad, it just got overused and was overdone for a while.

  • @LornaYShaw
    @LornaYShaw ปีที่แล้ว +8

    Much respect Drinker. Definitely one of your more nuanced reflections. The only TH-camr worth listening to. Keep up the great work 👍🏾

  • @christianellegaard7120
    @christianellegaard7120 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    Very well put. It is difficult to define the problem with woke. I think you did a good job of it.

  • @dueydeebs5848
    @dueydeebs5848 ปีที่แล้ว +30

    I'm glad you decided to explain this to people. Not enough of them understand. I've educated a few of my friends on these exact facts and they see it now. All I had to do was show them Cowboy Beebop, Halo, She Hulk and Velma.
    Now it'll be easier and I can just share your video.

    • @richtes
      @richtes ปีที่แล้ว +12

      I’m not sure I’d want to be friends with someone who made me watch She Hulk or Velma. Did you have to strap them down like in Clockwork Orange?
      Hopefully was only for a few seconds to demonstrate the point

  • @ven1568
    @ven1568 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Might be one of your most thoughtful videos, Drinker. Should go on your main channel. It’d be hard for anyone to argue against this explanation. Cheers

  • @GilbertGTV
    @GilbertGTV 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    With respect, your attempt to define “WOKE” was problematic. You highlighted “progressives” by name and then proceeded to give an actual definition of the term the way progressives see it. Then you simply said “someone on the opposite side” instead of people who do not identify as “Left” which would include Moderates (like me) and Conservatives (unlike me), you gave examples (of descriptions or feelings they may use on certain movies/music/media) and NOT an actually definition. Clearly all commentators are biased, but at least acknowledge your bias. I would say a closer definition of “WOKE” for someone not on the Left is: an ideology that centers around the idea that minorities must be presented in a way that replace a person or group usually seen as a majority with the frontal theme of “oppressed” vs “oppressors” usually circulated around a theme of “victimhood” and attempting to gain recognition as virtuous for doing so, often resorting to falsifying information and content in order to support the intended narrative.”
    Exposing Epstien’s Island fits *YOUR* definition of WOKE, yet individuals not on the Left supported that because it’s actual justice. Calling out the underlying racism subtly (and not so subtly) growing in our culture against heterosexual people, straight people, and biological men would also fall under your definition of “WOKE” and yet that is also supported by those that aren’t on the Left side of politics. WOKE is more specific to the intention (perceived empowerment through victimhood/perceived reparations) and the motive more than it what it is actually drawing attention to.