Why Would My Sex Hormone Binding Globulin Be High?

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 7 ก.ย. 2024
  • Why would my sex hormone-binding globulin be high? not mine but maybe you're asking a question why is your sex hormone-binding globulin elevated what you can do about it. What are some of the driving forces behind that elevated section 1 binding? it might be a male with this or a female with this, in any case I'm going to discuss some of the driving factors behind sex hormone binding globulin secretion and production in your body. If this is something that interests you keep watching we're gonna get into the details so why would my sex when I'm buying a globulin be high if you're asking this question we're going to get into it in a second but first I wanted to explain just briefly about sex moment binding globulin so this is a protein that is produced in the liver and has different signals from the body that will make you produce more or less of this hormone its main function is to carry other hormones to make your body produce this protein but its main function of this protein as to carry different hormones throughout your body so that they don't immediately bind to receptors it can be more evenly distributed throughout your body so mainly the sex hormone binding globulin binds things like estrogens and testosterones there's various types of estrogen there's a e1 e2 e3 and there's different metabolites of those as well that probably does carry and same thing with testosterone there's dihydrotestosterone and other metabolites of testosterone that the sex hormone binding globulin probably does control some of that so that it's not binding to the receptors in the case that it would stimulate the receptors so basically so what are the things that can increase sex hormone binding globulin so there's a few the most notably and most commonly referenced is estrogen so we know this because females have more sex hormone binding globulin than males and we also know that birth control can be used to to raise sex hormone binding globulin so within women with PCOS for instance will sometimes get put on birth control and that will raise their sectional binding globulin it's not an absolute answer but it can help in the interim we also know when you're on birth control your testosterone females will have a lower free testosterone and sometimes that will because it lowers the raises a section on binding globulin it lowers the free testosterone and basically for for males and females you have total testosterone antal estrogen but we'll just use stas drone because it's a little simpler to think about it so yup total testosterone which includes the amount that's bound actually them out that's unbound or free and then the rest of it is is bound up so you have a small part of your total testosterone that is free and available or bioavailable and a big chunk of that is being bound up by the sex hormone binding globulin so when you have an issue with low testosterone symptoms part of the issue is instead of having your small fraction you may have much smaller fraction that is free or bioavailable so one of the things so estrogen comes in a lot of different forms and the abnormalities of this for males can happen when you have more fat mass than you do muscle mass that causes the adipocytes are where that's what the cells of the fat tissue are called and they tend to have more of these aromatisse enzymes and aroma or excuse me aroma taste enzymes basically take the testosterone and turn it into estrogen as a result that gets circulated back up to the liver causes the liver to make more of this sex hormone binding globulin there's also the issue with xenoestrogens or environmental estrogens things like plastics are most commonly referenced but there's other chemicals that are known as xenoestrogens and basically they can stimulate estrogen receptors in a similar way as the actual estrogens do and as a result is the theoretical I don't have any research on this so I'll just say it's theoretical at this point that those can also stimulate the receptors in the liver to produce more of this sexual and binding globulin things like soy products or soy isoflavones are also weak estrogen we kept estrogenic effects and potentially these could also bind to the same sites in the liver and produce so more this section one binding module think the salt soy thing with estrogen can be overblown but you know if you have this problem it may be something to consider. functional medicine practitioner

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