Bitter Comments save the world????? You've got to be kidding...... He was an asshole.....He destroyers the natural ecosystems all over they world.......moron!!!!!
How many people would die without him? You ever thought about that? Do you know how it feels to starve, probably not since you have people who put food down on your table everyday.
His achievement should be worldwide and the world should be thankful of his Creation. The world should also learn his creation and pursue! Great man! Thanks Norman!
+avarmauk I hold a great respect and appreciation for Norman Borlaug for he is a great man indeed. But I have to say that the greatest human who has ever lived is the prophet Muhammad peace be upon him.
@@gozalikahonad3819 did you know Mohammed was a Namboodari Brahmin(Indian). His uncle was the priest of Kaaba Temple(Shiva)Mecxa. It is called Kaabaleeshwaran. Simplified ver. Namboodari carried the Vedas (Danava civilization of India predated Vedic civilization). Only the yelder Namboodari (Kerala)could marry and take 4 wives. That means only he has right on the precious agricultural land. They were from Kerala and the land was limited- defragmentation would have killed agriculture. Mecxa was always getting flooded and when it did, Mohammed uprooted the Shivalingam (Bahubali film style) and placed it horizontal SW direction. He then declared all Brothers can marry and take 4 wives. All the Hindus jumped into it. More
I'm from literally the city in sonora where he started the green revolution. One of our most known boulevards it's under his name. It's a very well known name between old school farmers. He could have give up bit he didnt he's a hero.
Me too I knew him personally! Good friend of my family! Once in the summer of 1968, in my late teen years, I received an invitation to eat lunch at the "costa de oro" motel (where he used to stay every season) and talk, he wanted to Try to talk me into full immersion in agriculture snd do actual farm work personally with him out in the field during wheat season! Outstanding human being, great sense of humor! Went home for supper and brought his team ( charbroiled filete de carne asada) many many times in the 60's, 70's , early 80's! His legacy is well planted in the Yaqui Valley in Ciudad Obregón! He always said you that you needed to go out in the farm and dig your hands in the soil and get dirty! Humanity needs more of Borlaug's vision to alleviate human hunger! Not through with wars!and bad politics! But science!
THESE are the kinds of people we needs monuments of. True history seems to have been buried, drowned out by the noise of war tributes and politics, away from people who have saved millions and altered world history for the better. Tempting and seductive to only celebrate war.
I Googled DR. Norman Borlaug because I am from Iowa and saw his statue in the Capitol Bldg in DC. On the side of the statue, it said that he saved over a billion lives. I am glad that I looked him up. He only died in 21009, so e had him in our lifetime.
NORMAN BORLAUG IS NOT THE BIGGEST SAVER OF LIVES IN HISTORY-BUT THE GREATEST AND MOST EVIL KILLER IN History. Norman Borlaug's HIGH YIELDING seeds demand expensive fertilisers, they needed more water and were TERMINATOR / STERILE/ SUICIDE SEEDS .BOTH NORMAN BORLAUG AND MS SWAMINATHAN LAUCHED GM CROPS VIDE THE GREEN REVOLUTION IN INDIA . . THESE TWO STOOGES OF THE NEW WORLD ORDER DECIMATED THE HOLY TOP SOIL OF INDIA . . THESE TWO STOOGES OF THE NEW WORLD ORDER DECIMATED THE HOLY TOP SOIL OF INDIA . . FARMERs SUICIDES DUE TO LACK OF WATER IN FIELDS IS DUE THIS THIS EVIL DUO . .Nitro fertilizers have decimated Indian bountiful lakes.Nitro fertilisers are the reason for NITROUS OXIDE GLOBAL WARMING . In Ayurveda FOOD was the PREVENTIVE Medicine. Now food of GM crops are lacking in life sustaining vitamins and minerals. Veggies and fruits lack protein, calcium, phosphorus, iron, riboflavin (vitamin B2) , vitamin C, magnesium, zinc , vitamins B-6 and E etc. THIS LOSS OF PROTEIN HAS NOW DRIVEN VEGANS TO EAT Beef. Reliable statistics of western agencies on nutrient data agree that that average calcium levels in 13 fresh vegetables dropped 32 %; iron levels by 41%; vitamin A levels 23 %,, vitamin C levels 33% , potassium by 18% etc . This is very very shocking-yet kept as a secret by the GM lobby.Today we have to eat 9 GM oranges to derive the same amount of Vitamin A as our grandparents would have gotten from one single orange.
In India, the states which gained most from green revolution are now suffering the highest rates of Cancer. Ex : Punjab, Haryana. Those same states are suffering from high farmer debts & suicides. Ex : Punjab, Haryana, Maharashtra. A train has informally been named CANCER TRAIN, bcoz more than 50% passengers are cancer patients travelling from Punjab to Rajasthan.
Hyv seeds are more responsive to chemical fertilizers. So farmers use more chemical fertilizers to increase yield. This might have led to cancer cases. Again, it's chemical fertilizers not green revolution that has caused cancer increase in that region
Thanks for the enlightening video. Please when you add text captions in your video, put them in a better order and without any angles. They're hard to keep track of.
this video is focused on Dr. Borlaug's achievements from cross breeding of wheat strains, and not the amount of fossil fuels needed to maintain this practice. so this video is hardly biased. its an homage to his work..
Metaphorically speaking, comparing modern civilization to wheat bread as a mono crop can be an interesting analogy. Wheat, and by extension wheat bread, is a staple food in many cultures and plays a significant role in providing essential nutrients. Similarly, modern civilization often relies on common foundations, technologies, and cultural elements. However, it's crucial to recognize that this analogy simplifies the complexity of modern civilization, which encompasses diverse aspects such as technology, governance, cultural diversity, and more. The metaphor captures a basic idea but may not fully capture the richness and intricacies of our complex global society. ChatGPT
NORMAN BORLAUG IS NOT THE BIGGEST SAVER OF LIVES IN HISTORY-BUT THE GREATEST AND MOST EVIL KILLER IN History. Norman Borlaug's HIGH YIELDING seeds demand expensive fertilisers, they needed more water and were TERMINATOR / STERILE/ SUICIDE SEEDS .BOTH NORMAN BORLAUG AND MS SWAMINATHAN LAUCHED GM CROPS VIDE THE GREEN REVOLUTION IN INDIA . . THESE TWO STOOGES OF THE NEW WORLD ORDER DECIMATED THE HOLY TOP SOIL OF INDIA . . THESE TWO STOOGES OF THE NEW WORLD ORDER DECIMATED THE HOLY TOP SOIL OF INDIA . . FARMERs SUICIDES DUE TO LACK OF WATER IN FIELDS IS DUE THIS THIS EVIL DUO . .Nitro fertilizers have decimated Indian bountiful lakes.Nitro fertilisers are the reason for NITROUS OXIDE GLOBAL WARMING . In Ayurveda FOOD was the PREVENTIVE Medicine. Now food of GM crops are lacking in life sustaining vitamins and minerals. Veggies and fruits lack protein, calcium, phosphorus, iron, riboflavin (vitamin B2) , vitamin C, magnesium, zinc , vitamins B-6 and E etc. THIS LOSS OF PROTEIN HAS NOW DRIVEN VEGANS TO EAT Beef. Reliable statistics of western agencies on nutrient data agree that that average calcium levels in 13 fresh vegetables dropped 32 %; iron levels by 41%; vitamin A levels 23 %,, vitamin C levels 33% , potassium by 18% etc . This is very very shocking-yet kept as a secret by the GM lobby.Today we have to eat 9 GM oranges to derive the same amount of Vitamin A as our grandparents would have gotten from one single orange.
Great video! Now discuss the consequences of aquifer overdraft (to water these thirsty crops) and the impacts of nitrogen and phosphorus mining to get a more nuanced understanding of the impacts of the hybridization of wheat and rice.
I imagine Mr. Borlaug had great intentions with his innovations, but when you see the results in present day (the erosion of top soil, the reliance on chemicals, the dismissal of native crops for US introduced plants) the results of his contribution to agriculture are not all they are cracked up to be.
Almost certainly, however, the first essential component of social justice is adequate food for all mankind. Without food, man can live at most but a few weeks; without it, all other components of social justice are meaningless. Civilization as it is known today could not have evolved, nor can it survive, without an adequate food supply. Man seems to insist on ignoring the lessons available from history. Yet food is something that is taken for granted by most world leaders despite the fact that more than half of the population of the world is hungry. Some of the environmental lobbyists of the western nations are the salt of the earth, but many of them are elitists. They have never experienced the physical sensation of hunger. They do their lobbying from comfortable office suites in Washington or Brussels. If they lived just one month amid the misery of the developing world, as I have for fifty years, they would be crying out for tractors, and fertilizer, and irrigation canals, and be outraged that fashionable elitists back home were trying to deny them these things. You can't build a peaceful world on empty stomachs and human misery. ~Norman Borlaug
I don’t think you understand. Think about how many people still don’t have enough food today. Without this, that number would be unimaginably higher. Top soil erosion can be fixed by using Norman’s exact thinking. Once we have either breeded are genetically modified crops to be resistant to pests themselves, then we get rid of the need for pesticides. We just have to work harder and smarter to get to that point. Also crop rotation helps
I have read (through various online articles and youtube videos on the man. I am somewhat ashamed I have not formally researched the man myself) that Norman himself stated his work was only the first step, as it took something like 40 years of his life just to breed the wheat. By the end of it all, he was an old man with only one lifetime to give. But there is something else. Norman set up the World Food Prize, something like the Nobel prize except only for people who furthered the availability and, most importantly, quality of food for people around the world. He did so hoping it would inspire other people to follow in his footsteps and to finish the work he started all those decades ago. It's very likely none of us here will see that day either, but as long as we can get more people like Norman trying, the day where everyone will have enough good food to eat and not damage the environment at all will be here.
Don't know about actual borlaug thought be it for positive or negative . But, green revolution in actual sense has just encouraged synthetics use in agriculture , completely degraded the biodiversity of the agricultural field, degraded soil quality and replenishing ability... made farming more labour intensive, water consuming , input based (in expensive fertilizers ,pesticides and patented hybrid seeds!) and changed agriculture from production of rich diverse nutritional medicine called food to just important 8 food commodities now farmed rich in harmful pesticides !
That's a fact! Also, the Green Revolution may have increased production (at great cost) but has done nothing for distribution, paving the way for a world where a third of food is wasted and billions go hungry
What is my story?... For four year me and my cofounder have discovered a solution who makes it easier to extract genetic information from plants. Cost effective genetic extraction and analysing tools will soon contribute to the second green revolution
It's weird that they just mention an increase of grain production in India and Pakistan but don't talk about the natural growth of wheat yields in either countries or the shifting government incentives for local farmers at the time... Did he really have a statistically significant impact in Asia, all things considered?
Sophia Dossin great question. I’m researching this very topic now. I was surprised to learn that the yield achieved prior to the GR in Indian Punjab was similar to the post GR period. Sounds like you already know much about the subject, the best book I have come across during lit review is ‘the violence of the green revolution’ by Vandana Shiva.
This is such a bias video! Do you see no harm in these fossil fuel-intensive innovations? Can they last forever? Those fertilizers they mention are a product of natural gas, do we have enough of it?
Almost certainly, however, the first essential component of social justice is adequate food for all mankind. Without food, man can live at most but a few weeks; without it, all other components of social justice are meaningless. Civilization as it is known today could not have evolved, nor can it survive, without an adequate food supply. Man seems to insist on ignoring the lessons available from history. Yet food is something that is taken for granted by most world leaders despite the fact that more than half of the population of the world is hungry. Some of the environmental lobbyists of the western nations are the salt of the earth, but many of them are elitists. They have never experienced the physical sensation of hunger. They do their lobbying from comfortable office suites in Washington or Brussels. If they lived just one month amid the misery of the developing world, as I have for fifty years, they would be crying out for tractors, and fertilizer, and irrigation canals, and be outraged that fashionable elitists back home were trying to deny them these things. You can't build a peaceful world on empty stomachs and human misery. ~Norman Borlaug
It's Shame human cannot digest most of tis peptide due to the grass related one to the cows ability.... hence forward gluten intolerance now days....I'm sure he meant well...
your one of the reasons racism still exist.. why isn't he simply someone who wanted to help people!? he literally dedicated his life to try and fix world hunger, but because he is a white male that means he is this white savior complex.. smh instead of focusing on someone's skin color or ethnicity, try looking at them as a person and judge them for there actions not the color of there skin.
Stop praising this man, he fed the world GMO wheat, this is why everybody in the 21st century is suddenly “gluten intolerant”. This is not the same wheat our grandparents are growing up
I'm sure he felt he was helping at the time and it seemed he did for a while bc people have to eat .. but this was one of the 1st GMOd crops that has caused an explosion of Celiac Disease and gluten intolerance today ... the wheat of this world is not good for our bodies bc man altered it !
Very few people are actually allergic to gluten. It’s a trend that has gotten out of hand because if you don’t have something for a long time and then consume it again, then of course your body won’t be prepared for it. People that aren’t actually gluten intolerant need to stop going gluten free because it can only harm them
NORMAN BORLAUG IS NOT THE BIGGEST SAVER OF LIVES IN HISTORY-BUT THE GREATEST AND MOST EVIL KILLER IN History. Norman Borlaug's HIGH YIELDING seeds demand expensive fertilisers, they needed more water and were TERMINATOR / STERILE/ SUICIDE SEEDS .BOTH NORMAN BORLAUG AND MS SWAMINATHAN LAUCHED GM CROPS VIDE THE GREEN REVOLUTION IN INDIA . . THESE TWO STOOGES OF THE NEW WORLD ORDER DECIMATED THE HOLY TOP SOIL OF INDIA . . THESE TWO STOOGES OF THE NEW WORLD ORDER DECIMATED THE HOLY TOP SOIL OF INDIA . . FARMERs SUICIDES DUE TO LACK OF WATER IN FIELDS IS DUE THIS THIS EVIL DUO . .Nitro fertilizers have decimated Indian bountiful lakes.Nitro fertilisers are the reason for NITROUS OXIDE GLOBAL WARMING . In Ayurveda FOOD was the PREVENTIVE Medicine. Now food of GM crops are lacking in life sustaining vitamins and minerals. Veggies and fruits lack protein, calcium, phosphorus, iron, riboflavin (vitamin B2) , vitamin C, magnesium, zinc , vitamins B-6 and E etc. THIS LOSS OF PROTEIN HAS NOW DRIVEN VEGANS TO EAT Beef. Reliable statistics of western agencies on nutrient data agree that that average calcium levels in 13 fresh vegetables dropped 32 %; iron levels by 41%; vitamin A levels 23 %,, vitamin C levels 33% , potassium by 18% etc . This is very very shocking-yet kept as a secret by the GM lobby.Today we have to eat 9 GM oranges to derive the same amount of Vitamin A as our grandparents would have gotten from one single orange.
This dude literally saved the world. How the hell do people not know about him?
Bitter Comments save the world????? You've got to be kidding...... He was an asshole.....He destroyers the natural ecosystems all over they world.......moron!!!!!
such as...
How many people would die without him? You ever thought about that? Do you know how it feels to starve, probably not since you have people who put food down on your table everyday.
Juan Casas how cares about the ecosystem more then people's lives? You're a sick individual
how do most people not know about amerrigo vespuci. America was nomed after him!
This is so sad, I've never even heard of him before. People get famous for their looks while he saved lifes. This world is such a messed up place.
His achievement should be worldwide and the world should be thankful of his Creation. The world should also learn his creation and pursue! Great man! Thanks Norman!
I am from iowa, and I go to norman borlaug school!!!
+Isabel Dilly Really? That's cool they at least named a school after him.
+Isabel Dilly Very cool. Know this. I think this man is perhaps the greatest human that has ever lived.
+avarmauk I hold a great respect and appreciation for Norman Borlaug for he is a great man indeed. But I have to say that the greatest human who has ever lived is the prophet Muhammad peace be upon him.
I dunno, did Muhammad save a billion lives?
@@gozalikahonad3819 did you know Mohammed was a Namboodari Brahmin(Indian). His uncle was the priest of Kaaba Temple(Shiva)Mecxa. It is called Kaabaleeshwaran. Simplified ver. Namboodari carried the Vedas (Danava civilization of India predated Vedic civilization). Only the yelder Namboodari (Kerala)could marry and take 4 wives. That means only he has right on the precious agricultural land. They were from Kerala and the land was limited- defragmentation would have killed agriculture. Mecxa was always getting flooded and when it did, Mohammed uprooted the Shivalingam (Bahubali film style) and placed it horizontal SW direction. He then declared all Brothers can marry and take 4 wives. All the Hindus jumped into it. More
That's so great to hear! From our interviews with various plant breeders, it's clear that he's inspired many people around the world like yourself.
This man deserves the highest respect from everyone!
I'm from literally the city in sonora where he started the green revolution. One of our most known boulevards it's under his name. It's a very well known name between old school farmers. He could have give up bit he didnt he's a hero.
Me too
I knew him personally!
Good friend of my family!
Once in the summer of 1968, in my late teen years, I received an invitation to eat lunch at the "costa de oro" motel (where he used to stay every season) and talk, he wanted to Try to talk me into full immersion in agriculture snd do actual farm work personally with him out in the field during wheat season!
Outstanding human being, great sense of humor!
Went home for supper and brought his team ( charbroiled filete de carne asada) many many times in the 60's, 70's , early 80's!
His legacy is well planted in the Yaqui Valley in Ciudad Obregón!
He always said you that you needed to go out in the farm and dig your hands in the soil and get dirty! Humanity needs more of Borlaug's vision to alleviate human hunger!
Not through with wars!and bad politics!
But science!
Borlaug is arguably the greatest human being that ever lived. He saved the lives of billions.
OhLive AnGuess All the human lives are more important, literally everything has caused bad effects
@@ambergirl986 but I thought humans were the ones destroying the planet and causing mass extinctions?
why are human lives more important?
Well he didnt realy save lives, everybody dies anyway. He did cause overpopulation which again leads to hunger and on a much larger scale.
Paul world watch institute was wrong. Ernest Borland was right saving 1 billion from starvation.
@@tohellwithhandles He did save lives though. He saved over a billion people from death of starvation.
Norman Borlaug is one of the figures that has inspired me in my career.
Norman Borlaug is our Economist of the Day today. Excellent example of increases in Production Possibilities derived from technological innovation.
What an amazing human! A real life super hero
THESE are the kinds of people we needs monuments of. True history seems
to have been buried, drowned out by the noise of war tributes and
politics, away from people who have saved millions and altered world
history for the better. Tempting and seductive to only celebrate war.
I Googled DR. Norman Borlaug because I am from Iowa and saw his statue in the Capitol Bldg in DC. On the side of the statue, it said that he saved over a billion lives. I am glad that I looked him up. He only died in 21009, so e had him in our lifetime.
Really ????? You don't have the any idea how he destroyed the natural ecosystems all over the world......fobo!!!!!
@@juancasas4053 yeah, Norman actually doomed us all. I know he had the best of intentions but...
Although it was not Norman’s intention... his “high yielding varieties” have destroyed genetic diversity of our eco systems. Disaster.
FARMERs SUICIDES DUE TO LACK OF WATER IN FIELDS IS DUE THIS THIS EVIL DUO . .Nitro fertilizers have decimated Indian bountiful lakes.Nitro fertilisers are the reason for NITROUS OXIDE GLOBAL WARMING .
In Ayurveda FOOD was the PREVENTIVE Medicine. Now food of GM crops are lacking in life sustaining vitamins and minerals. Veggies and fruits lack protein, calcium, phosphorus, iron, riboflavin (vitamin B2) , vitamin C, magnesium, zinc , vitamins B-6 and E etc. THIS LOSS OF PROTEIN HAS NOW DRIVEN VEGANS TO EAT Beef. Reliable statistics of western agencies on nutrient data agree that that average calcium levels in 13 fresh vegetables dropped 32 %; iron levels by 41%; vitamin A levels 23 %,, vitamin C levels 33% , potassium by 18% etc . This is very very shocking-yet kept as a secret by the GM lobby.Today we have to eat 9 GM oranges to derive the same amount of Vitamin A as our grandparents would have gotten from one single orange.
Respect from Pakistan!
The government was a cause of the food shortages during the 1930's. They added price controls, and burned wheat to drive up the prices.
Greatest human being of all time.
In India, the states which gained most from green revolution are now suffering the highest rates of Cancer.
Ex : Punjab, Haryana.
Those same states are suffering from high farmer debts & suicides.
Ex : Punjab, Haryana, Maharashtra.
A train has informally been named CANCER TRAIN, bcoz more than 50% passengers are cancer patients travelling from Punjab to Rajasthan.
Hyv seeds are more responsive to chemical fertilizers. So farmers use more chemical fertilizers to increase yield.
This might have led to cancer cases.
Again, it's chemical fertilizers not green revolution that has caused cancer increase in that region
when your teacher is testing you on this material so you have to watch it and memorize everything
Thanks for the enlightening video.
Please when you add text captions in your video, put them in a better order and without any angles. They're hard to keep track of.
What an amazing man he was, a true hero.
what a great man... :)
It just goes to show how a little nudge can have an immense impact
Is was born and raised in Ciudad Obregón where Norman Borlou established the “CIANO” Institute. ❤
this video is focused on Dr. Borlaug's achievements from cross breeding of wheat strains, and not the amount of fossil fuels needed to maintain this practice. so this video is hardly biased. its an homage to his work..
And who stood on the stage with this great man. CFR, RIIA, and lets not forget Tri-Lateral Commison. Are you known by the company you keep.
Metaphorically speaking, comparing modern civilization to wheat bread as a mono crop can be an interesting analogy. Wheat, and by extension wheat bread, is a staple food in many cultures and plays a significant role in providing essential nutrients. Similarly, modern civilization often relies on common foundations, technologies, and cultural elements.
However, it's crucial to recognize that this analogy simplifies the complexity of modern civilization, which encompasses diverse aspects such as technology, governance, cultural diversity, and more. The metaphor captures a basic idea but may not fully capture the richness and intricacies of our complex global society.
This man changed the world
I just heard about this guy through my dependence upon the environment course.
I love this video!
FARMERs SUICIDES DUE TO LACK OF WATER IN FIELDS IS DUE THIS THIS EVIL DUO . .Nitro fertilizers have decimated Indian bountiful lakes.Nitro fertilisers are the reason for NITROUS OXIDE GLOBAL WARMING .
In Ayurveda FOOD was the PREVENTIVE Medicine. Now food of GM crops are lacking in life sustaining vitamins and minerals. Veggies and fruits lack protein, calcium, phosphorus, iron, riboflavin (vitamin B2) , vitamin C, magnesium, zinc , vitamins B-6 and E etc. THIS LOSS OF PROTEIN HAS NOW DRIVEN VEGANS TO EAT Beef. Reliable statistics of western agencies on nutrient data agree that that average calcium levels in 13 fresh vegetables dropped 32 %; iron levels by 41%; vitamin A levels 23 %,, vitamin C levels 33% , potassium by 18% etc . This is very very shocking-yet kept as a secret by the GM lobby.Today we have to eat 9 GM oranges to derive the same amount of Vitamin A as our grandparents would have gotten from one single orange.
Norman got the job done saving 1billiion people from starvation. I cannot compete with that.
The West Wing season 2 ep 4 brought me here. I didn’t learn about him in school because ppl who save a billion lives don’t get remembered.
who else here for there assignment💀
Keep doing your assignments please
I thought BSC agriculture was useless until I saw this video.
I need a summary of this video for world geo😭
Did you get that summary done yet cause I need one too for world geo
Mari Wilkinson No you’re Mari not Ty Ty. You’re a fake. A fraud.
So nice video
God bells everyone working the good.
so it were the japanese to whom we owe the biggest bulk of the green revolution
No... Lol
He "saved" the world from hunger, which lead to overpopulation, which again leads to hunger.
And can we get it without spoiling resources and the most natural spaces on the earth?
I always knew that he had my same birthday but I never actually knew about of what he had done
And Punjab is now facing ruin due to the Green Revolution project.
Right.. now we need blue revolution as soon as possible... Crop diversification is MUST!! in punjab now..
Thanks mam
scarcity and hunger is created by the dominant culture, it's intentional.
Great video! Now discuss the consequences of aquifer overdraft (to water these thirsty crops) and the impacts of nitrogen and phosphorus mining to get a more nuanced understanding of the impacts of the hybridization of wheat and rice.
I imagine Mr. Borlaug had great intentions with his innovations, but when you see the results in present day (the erosion of top soil, the reliance on chemicals, the dismissal of native crops for US introduced plants) the results of his contribution to agriculture are not all they are cracked up to be.
Almost certainly, however, the first essential component of social justice is adequate food for all mankind.
Without food, man can live at most but a few weeks; without it, all other components of social justice are meaningless.
Civilization as it is known today could not have evolved, nor can it survive, without an adequate food supply.
Man seems to insist on ignoring the lessons available from history.
Yet food is something that is taken for granted by most world leaders despite the fact that more than half of the population of the world is hungry.
Some of the environmental lobbyists of the western nations are the salt of the earth, but many of them are elitists. They have never experienced the physical sensation of hunger. They do their lobbying from comfortable office suites in Washington or Brussels. If they lived just one month amid the misery of the developing world, as I have for fifty years, they would be crying out for tractors, and fertilizer, and irrigation canals, and be outraged that fashionable elitists back home were trying to deny them these things.
You can't build a peaceful world on empty stomachs and human misery. ~Norman Borlaug
I don’t think you understand. Think about how many people still don’t have enough food today. Without this, that number would be unimaginably higher. Top soil erosion can be fixed by using Norman’s exact thinking. Once we have either breeded are genetically modified crops to be resistant to pests themselves, then we get rid of the need for pesticides. We just have to work harder and smarter to get to that point. Also crop rotation helps
I have read (through various online articles and youtube videos on the man. I am somewhat ashamed I have not formally researched the man myself) that Norman himself stated his work was only the first step, as it took something like 40 years of his life just to breed the wheat. By the end of it all, he was an old man with only one lifetime to give.
But there is something else. Norman set up the World Food Prize, something like the Nobel prize except only for people who furthered the availability and, most importantly, quality of food for people around the world. He did so hoping it would inspire other people to follow in his footsteps and to finish the work he started all those decades ago. It's very likely none of us here will see that day either, but as long as we can get more people like Norman trying, the day where everyone will have enough good food to eat and not damage the environment at all will be here.
but you forget who created the conditions for his work : DuPont !
The estimates of the lives this man saved from starvation range up to a billion... what a criminally underrated story!
Man who save Billions
Don't know about actual borlaug thought be it for positive or negative . But, green revolution in actual sense has just encouraged synthetics use in agriculture , completely degraded the biodiversity of the agricultural field, degraded soil quality and replenishing ability... made farming more labour intensive, water consuming , input based (in expensive fertilizers ,pesticides and patented hybrid seeds!) and changed agriculture from production of rich diverse nutritional medicine called food to just important 8 food commodities now farmed rich in harmful pesticides !
That's a fact! Also, the Green Revolution may have increased production (at great cost) but has done nothing for distribution, paving the way for a world where a third of food is wasted and billions go hungry
@@dwalford331 exactly right... Now humans need blue revolution.. we need to save our most precious resource 'WATER'..
What is my story?...
For four year me and my cofounder have discovered a solution who makes it easier to extract genetic information from plants. Cost effective genetic extraction and analysing tools will soon contribute to the second green revolution
And then half of the world become alergic to it as I am and can have that wheat anymore because i become celiac
How can it be, be considered a hero, damage or wheat, so or gluten causes problems!!! Bandit!!!
First disease resistance then semi dwarf wheat
It's weird that they just mention an increase of grain production in India and Pakistan but don't talk about the natural growth of wheat yields in either countries or the shifting government incentives for local farmers at the time... Did he really have a statistically significant impact in Asia, all things considered?
Sophia Dossin great question. I’m researching this very topic now. I was surprised to learn that the yield achieved prior to the GR in Indian Punjab was similar to the post GR period. Sounds like you already know much about the subject, the best book I have come across during lit review is ‘the violence of the green revolution’ by Vandana Shiva.
aaaannnnnnd then the world went and made 7 billion people
Ekonomika agrara, Ekonomski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu
semi dwarf wheat grew with stronger, shorter stalks that could support the weight of the grain ur welcome for poeple who are in science rn
heyyyyyyyyy whos watching this for online shooooooooool
stop using your mom's account
He far greater than Bill Gates
Shuttle breading
My name is Aleksander borlaug
maybe you're related
Couldn’t you just sit behind pay load and not get destroyed
This is such a bias video! Do you see no harm in these fossil fuel-intensive innovations? Can they last forever?
Those fertilizers they mention are a product of natural gas, do we have enough of it?
Almost certainly, however, the first essential component of social justice is adequate food for all mankind.
Without food, man can live at most but a few weeks; without it, all other components of social justice are meaningless.
Civilization as it is known today could not have evolved, nor can it survive, without an adequate food supply.
Man seems to insist on ignoring the lessons available from history.
Yet food is something that is taken for granted by most world leaders despite the fact that more than half of the population of the world is hungry.
Some of the environmental lobbyists of the western nations are the salt of the earth, but many of them are elitists. They have never experienced the physical sensation of hunger. They do their lobbying from comfortable office suites in Washington or Brussels. If they lived just one month amid the misery of the developing world, as I have for fifty years, they would be crying out for tractors, and fertilizer, and irrigation canals, and be outraged that fashionable elitists back home were trying to deny them these things.
You can't build a peaceful world on empty stomachs and human misery. ~Norman Borlaug
He is just one man, he did his part. Go and help the world instead of coming to youtube to search for flaws in great men works.
It's Shame human cannot digest most of tis peptide due to the grass related one to the cows ability.... hence forward gluten intolerance now days....I'm sure he meant well...
the white saviour complex in this is too much to handle
your one of the reasons racism still exist.. why isn't he simply someone who wanted to help people!? he literally dedicated his life to try and fix world hunger, but because he is a white male that means he is this white savior complex.. smh instead of focusing on someone's skin color or ethnicity, try looking at them as a person and judge them for there actions not the color of there skin.
@@haydenharrison8556 check out @nowhitesaviors on instagram
Semi dwarf wheat
Stop praising this man, he fed the world GMO wheat, this is why everybody in the 21st century is suddenly “gluten intolerant”. This is not the same wheat our grandparents are growing up
v buck bad
I'm sure he felt he was helping at the time and it seemed he did for a while bc people have to eat .. but this was one of the 1st GMOd crops that has caused an explosion of Celiac Disease and gluten intolerance today ... the wheat of this world is not good for our bodies bc man altered it !
citation required.
Very few people are actually allergic to gluten. It’s a trend that has gotten out of hand because if you don’t have something for a long time and then consume it again, then of course your body won’t be prepared for it. People that aren’t actually gluten intolerant need to stop going gluten free because it can only harm them
You have this guy and still you see people wearing Che Guevara shirts...
FARMERs SUICIDES DUE TO LACK OF WATER IN FIELDS IS DUE THIS THIS EVIL DUO . .Nitro fertilizers have decimated Indian bountiful lakes.Nitro fertilisers are the reason for NITROUS OXIDE GLOBAL WARMING .
In Ayurveda FOOD was the PREVENTIVE Medicine. Now food of GM crops are lacking in life sustaining vitamins and minerals. Veggies and fruits lack protein, calcium, phosphorus, iron, riboflavin (vitamin B2) , vitamin C, magnesium, zinc , vitamins B-6 and E etc. THIS LOSS OF PROTEIN HAS NOW DRIVEN VEGANS TO EAT Beef. Reliable statistics of western agencies on nutrient data agree that that average calcium levels in 13 fresh vegetables dropped 32 %; iron levels by 41%; vitamin A levels 23 %,, vitamin C levels 33% , potassium by 18% etc . This is very very shocking-yet kept as a secret by the GM lobby.Today we have to eat 9 GM oranges to derive the same amount of Vitamin A as our grandparents would have gotten from one single orange.